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Target Corporation

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Reviews Department Stores Target Corporation

Target Corporation Reviews (2711)

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. It's disappointing to reading the difficult time our guest endured because her items wasn’t shipped correctly. Shopping during the holidays can be a busy and somewhat stressful process, but I cannot apologize enough for...

the service we’ve provided. I understand she's been patiently waiting on her replacement, especially, since the items were paid for. After partner with FedEx, I confirmed the shipment was delivered on 12/11 opposed to 12/08. Even though, I’m unable to take back what she’s already encountered I'm sending [redacted] a $20 eGiftCard to invite her back for a better experience. I hope she can accept the gesture of good faith and give us another chance to provide the service and expects and deserves. As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Shanetra Guest Services

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].  We reached our guest to address their concerns and requested a replacement Target GiftCard be mailed to her mother for $42.53. The GiftCard will be shipped today and should arrive within 7-10 business days via US Mail. ...

 As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Target GiftCards at ###-###-#### and reference case number [redacted].Sincerely, JackieGiftCard Operations

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   I’m sorry to hear that Mr. [redacted] has had such difficulties with his recent orders on Mr. [redacted]’s account information was flagged in our verification systems, which caused his orders to automatically...

cancel. I’m happy to say that this flag has been identified and removed. Mr. [redacted] should now be able to place orders without any further issues.   Because Target doesn’t charge for orders until the items have shipped, Mr. [redacted] was never charged for any of the cancelled orders. This means that the GiftCard he purchased has retained all available funds and I see that he was able to place a new order today using the GiftCard as payment.   I apologize for any frustration we’ve caused him, but I’m pleased to say that Mr. [redacted]’s issue has been fully resolved. I look forward to his future orders with us!   As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####. Sincerely,   Rachel Executive Offices

Final Consumer Response /* (2000, 9, 2015/07/20) */
On July 17th at around 8pm - I received my patio furniture. The box is damaged and taped several times to cover holes (and was marked "return to LA") - but it finally came. I havent been able to inspect the items - but I am satisfied at this point...

that I at least have my ordered merchandise.

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. I realize that this experience has been very frustrating for [redacted] and I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience or disappointment he’s experienced.Authorization hold guidelines, renewal time and expression are all determined by...

the card issuer, not Target, and vary from bank to bank. For certain card types, card issuers may express approved reauthorizations as multiple simultaneous holds rather than as a single hold with updated content. Target automatically requests hold renewals based on the expiration dates set by the card issuer. If any attempt to renew an authorization fails, the associated pre-order will automatically be cancelled.Authorization holds are temporary and only remain in effect until they expire, the card issuer removes the hold, or the authorization is settled. If [redacted] is still seeing authorization holds for his cancelled order, he will need to contact his card issuing bank to request further assistance. Although there is no further action that can be taken for his order at this time, we do offer guests the option to sign up on for email updates on the Xbox One X. I’m happy to say that this gaming system is currently expected to be available during the 2017 holidays, and [redacted] should see another opportunity to purchase the Xbox One X in the upcoming months!I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.Sincerely, Executive

Hello [redacted],   Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. Upon receipt of your contact, we reached our guest to address their concerns. We have reviewed the experience and updated information with team members. Our Mobile team has sent a good will gesture GiftCard....

  As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Target at ###-###-#### and reference case number [redacted].   Sincerely,   Nancy The Target Team

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. I realize the frustration our guest must have felt once she didn’t receive the delivered shipment. After looking into her order details, I confirmed a refund was already provided for the Nina Perfume. Since the order was...

fully refunded a replacement can no longer be sent. We also provided the guest with an eGiftCard for the inconvenience.I appreciate the time our guest has taken to share her feedback and concerns. I hope she’s willing to give us another chance to provide the great service you come to expect from us. As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Shanetra Guest Services
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11413817, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

I apologize for the confusion but his order total at no point was $21.72 after discounts and applying his $10 Target GiftCard.   Since our system can charge separately for items, not all orders will bill in one charge. His order balance after using his own Target GiftCard as a payment method was $31.72 and our system split the remaining amount with two charges; $21.72 and $10. Regardless of how the system broke down his charges, if you add the charges up, they equal his agreed order total:   $10 Target GiftCard $21.72 Target DebitCard $10 Target DebitCard   A total of $41.72 which is what his order total was after his team member discount and RedCard discount was applied.    [redacted] was not overcharged and his Target store will process his refund once he returns the Jacket.   As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####. Executive

I am rejecting this response because:
So basically, no new information. A Target gift card evidently REQUIRES a little piece of paper otherwise it's useless plastic and Target keeps the $25. Nice.Here's what the Target rep had to say:1. The gift card was sold by a 3rd party which, according to what the rep was suggesting, implies that Target is 100% unaccountable (for a product intended for use at one of its own stores). The rep went further, even suggesting that Target sees no profits/benefits from gift cards sold at unaffiliated retailers. What nonsense.2. The gift card was "deactivated" which, the rep explained to me in about the first minute of the call, suggests that the card was stolen or ill-gotten. Yes, you read that correctly. So let's understand this logic, shall we? A customer goes out of his way to report a problem with a gift card to Target--and, in so doing, IDENTIFYING HIMSELF--then takes the time to file complaints on two separate services to seek a resolution. And all that to get a free $25? Are you kidding me? It's the PRINCIPLE of the matter, which is that outfits like Target sell things they won't honor by using ridiculous policies that put the burden on customers. When you put policy ahead of basic customer care, you will lose.Not only is the rep's insinuation insulting--that I stole this card--but it was uncalled for. So every customer calling in with a problem gift card is presumed to be a thief? Come again?For your information, this card was purchased in Arizona by a 78-year-old family friend who sends us a gift card each year for Christmas. She pays cash because she doesn't own credit cards or pay by check. Imagine that. Now she's out $25 for a gift we can't use and Target is lecturing me about policy.Guess which gift card she won't send for Christmas anymore.

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].I realize the outcome of reordering the Buffets didn't go according to plan, especially, since the items arrived damaged for the second time. Mr. [redacted] and I was able to speak over the phone on 02/07/2017 and came up with a more suitable resolution. After locating the exact item at one of our local Target stores, [redacted] was able to exchange the damaged Buffets for new ones. As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.Sincerely, Guest Services

Hello [redacted], Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. Upon receipt of your contact, we reached our guest to address their concerns. We reimbursed Ms. [redacted] with a Target GiftCard and we have sent an apology letter for the experience. Ms. [redacted]’s comments were shared...

with the Springdale Leadership team for further review and follow up with coaching. As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Target at ###-###-#### and reference case number [redacted]. Sincerely, NancyThe Target

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. It’s disappointing to hear that her refund concern hasn’t been resolved, especially after patiently waiting for a replacement television that never arrived. Our REDcard team confirmed that $402.29 was credited to her...

account on 03/02/2018 and the $40.00 handling fee was credited on 12/14/2017. This information can be found on her billing statement. Since her credit card is completely separate from I’m unable to waive any fees that may have occurred during this process. If [redacted] still have additional concerns regarding the refunds or fees, I’m advising her to contact Target REDcard for further assistance. As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####. Shanetra Guest Services

Dear [redacted], Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. Included you will find our response to Ms. [redacted]. As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Target at ###-###-#### and reference case number [redacted]. Sincerely, AmyTarget  Dear [redacted], Thanks for contacting Target through the with your concerns about your Fieldcrest Egyptian Cotton sheets claim. Please accept my sincere apology for any frustration. Upon receipt of your contact we reviewed our Electronic Journal system using the last four digits of the credit card information you provided. We reviewed several weeks’ worth of purchases at the Conyers GA Target store and were unable to locate any purchases for Fieldcrest sheets made with that payment method.  As previously requested, please provide information we can use to verify your purchase and we would be happy to submit an additional claim on your behalf. This can include a receipt ID number, item number, description of the sheets including size, color and style, the purchase price, a picture of the sheets or the VN number. When you submitted your original claim you would have received a reference number. If you could locate that number we could also use that information to look up your original claim.  Again thank you for contacting Target. We look forward to working with you.  Sincerely, AmyTarget Corporation

I am rejecting this response because:Target states: "I’ve issued a refund in the amount of $11.80. Since the order was paid with PayPal the refund will be issued in a form of an eGiftCard. Due to the fact that our guest haven’t received her shipment I’m requesting that the refund is issued back to PayPal and we’ll closed the eGiftCard."That is outrageous! I received the email gift card for $11.80 with the message: "For your understanding" which makes it sound like a goodwill gesture for the trouble, and a separate email stating that I would receive a refund. Now they are saying in the message that they are cancelling the gift card and I will receive a refund via PayPal. There is way too much doublespeak and it's unprofessional to issue a gift card and then take it back! I will never order online from them again.

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. Upon receipt of your contact, we reached our guest to address their concerns. Order number [redacted] has been cancelled and order number [redacted] has been refunded so if the guest still wants the shaver and trimmer he’ll need to place a new order. The guest’s pickup order was cancelled in the Target store he selected by the store manager because of the pricing error on The Philips Norelco Shaver is listed on for $99.99 but the pricing error had it listed at $10.00. The manager that assisted the guest made the final decision not to honor the sale and cancelled the order prior to pickup. doesn’t charge for an order until it ships or it’s picked up. Since the order was cancelled he wasn’t charged. I resent the eGiftCard the guest was promised. There is no further resolution for this issue and Target considers the matter closed. As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   I understand [redacted] has been looking forward to shopping with us online and I sincerely apologize for any frustration he’s experienced. I’m happy to say that this issue has been resolved with our teams and [redacted] has been...

able to successfully place an order with us as recently as 2/1/18. We look forward to his future orders! As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Rachel Executive Offices

Hello,   Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   I’m so sorry to hear that they are no longer satisfied with the quilt they purchased from Target in January. I do see that [redacted] contacted us on 4/22/2018 and was advised the quilt is outside of the return period...

and we’re no longer able to assist with a return. We certainly wanted to help though, so as an exception, our team member issued [redacted] a 50% refund in the form of a $35.00 GiftCard. While we’re unable to offer the resolution [redacted] was looking for, I hope they’ll use their GiftCard to purchase a new quilt.   As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.   Sincerely,   Amy Executive Offices

I’m very aware of the issue that the guest is enduring. The notes in the order state that the guest indicated that she had two boxes. When I look up the order that she received instead of her own, it shows that it included 5 boxes. Since there has been miscommunication, I again, need the following information from the guest: Confirm the number of boxes that were receivedDimensions of each boxBrief description of what is stated outside of the box. I need this information in order to have the shipping carrier pick up the order that the guest received. As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####. Executive
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID 11439085, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

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Description: Discount Stores, Department Stores

Address: 4616 Highway 280, Birmingham, Alabama, United States, 35242-5028


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