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Target Corporation

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Reviews Department Stores Target Corporation

Target Corporation Reviews (2711)

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. We’re sorry for any confusion our guest experienced with our lost, stolen, or damaged gift card replacement terms and conditions. We do call out, both online and on the back of each gift card, that we can replace the remaining...

value on a lost, stolen, or damaged gift card. Unfortunately, her gift card no longer had value when she reported it lost and that’s why we couldn’t offer a replacement. Additionally, we’ve investigated the both redemptions on the gift card she reported. In reviewing the stores video tape it appears she was present during both of the transactions that depleted the gift card. As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.   Sincerely,   GiftCard Operations Case [redacted]

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].  We appreciate the time she has taken to share her most recent UPS delivery experiences. Our intentions weren’t to cause [redacted] any unnecessary time or disappointment. Basically, there are a lot of factors involved...

in how items are set up for shipping, and which carrier is chosen. This is an automated process, and we’re unable to modify carriers for select orders. We do our best to select the best option for our guests to get their orders quickly and in great condition. It’s understandable that she has decided to take an alternate route, which could reduce the amount of UPS deliveries to her home. Even though, I’m unable to change the carrier on her personal orders, I’ve issued a $3.17 refund for the Lysol Sparkle Cleaner that was damaged from the UPS tracking # [redacted]. Her refund will post to her American Express within 3-5 business days, and we’re not requiring her to return the damaged item.As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.Sincerely, Executive

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   Please accept my sincere apologies with the store experience you have received. I have forwarded feedback to the Queens Place Target store to ensure this doesn’t happen again. I have issued a refund for the Men’s...

Moccasins. A refund of $21.99 will be received back to their American Express within the next 5-7 days. At this time, since the guest received the Women’s Moccasins we are unable to issue a refund. I have sent a $5 eGiftCard for the experience. They should receive that in their inbox within the next 4-24 hours.   As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Executive Offices

Dear [redacted], Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. Upon receipt of your contact, we reached our guest to address their concerns. We called [redacted] and offered him a comparable substitution.  As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our...

guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Target at ###-###-#### and reference case number [redacted]. Sincerely, AmyTarget

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   I apologize for any confusion with the previous message. An online indication of the instore price does not qualify as a digital ad. An ad needs to be the weekly ad that the competitor sends out. If the item is printed in the store’s ad we are able to price match it. Walmart online has the item for $39.99, which we are willing to price match; if the website shows the instore price, that is not considered an online price and is excluded from the policy.   As it turns out we aren't able to offer any other options for this situation. Target considers this matter closed. As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.   Sincerely,   Morgan Executive Offices

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   I’m sorry to hear that when they attempt to use some of their digital eBay gift cards they had been used without their permission. This is certainly concerning so I appreciate that they contacted us with their concerns.  ...

When an order is placed for a digital gift card, the information is sent securely to the purchasers email. I was able to confirm that all of the digital gift cards were opened and as a result ineligible to be returned or refunded.   I’ve spoken with eBay and wasn’t able to get the information I needed. As a result I’ve issued a refund of $95.00 for order [redacted] in the form of a Target eGiftCard as [redacted] paid with a Target GiftCard. A refund of $47.50 has also been issued for order [redacted], in the form of a Target eGiftCard since they again used a Target GiftCard as payment. They should receive the eGiftCards within 4-24 hours which can be used on or simply print it to use in stores.   Target has since removed eBay gift cards from our site and they can no longer be purchased. So if [redacted] would still like to purchase eBay gift cards they’re certainly welcome to shop in our store for physical cards.   As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   I’m sorry to hear that [redacted] received a different color 3-Seater Swing than what she had ordered. I show that the item is no longer available on our website, so we’re not able to send a replacement for the correct color 3-Seater...

Swing to her. I’ve processed a discount of $60 off as requested for her to keep the swing she received.   As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.

I am rejecting this response because it has wrong information. Target is so obsessed and scared about price matches that they copy and paste replies like that even without reading and understanding the original issue. How frustrating it is to deal with such service.I never asked for a price match, and my issue has nothing to do with a price match. Do not use that as an excuse to not follow the law. Target's policy does not replace state's law.The item has an advertised price of $22.48 for that particular store in the Target App. It's an advertisement for that particular store, not for another Target store or another retailer. Therefore there is no price match. I'm simply requesting to purchase for the price advertised in that store (Edgewater).Not only it's not a price match, it's illegal to charge more than the price advertised.To help Target understand that, please refer to the official NJ Buyer's rights at the official NJ website: 7 is clear stating that you cannot charge a price different than the advertised price.Also, attached is the ad for the product, and it shows the price of $22.48 for this specific store (Edgewater).Please review, and note that I'm giving you an opportunity to have it fixed before I have to file a claim against Target and that store. Please note I WILL NOT accept a simple refund if I have this extra work, and this case documents that. The opportunity for that is now.I'll send this case to the media as well so they have an opportunity to write how Target is charging more at the store, and how useful it is the Target App that shows a price that the store refuses to accept even though it's an ad.Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  Target has sent me a separate mail and they have accepted to issue a refund. Thanks for helping me in resolving this issue with Target. Thanks,[redacted]

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   I apologize for any frustration and confusion this may have caused our guest.   [redacted] placed an order# [redacted] on 8/5/16.  After shipping discounts for express delivery her order totaled $70.42. [redacted] paid for her...

order with Target Giftcards: [redacted], and [redacted].     With the remaining balances for GiftCards [redacted] a purchase was made for $28.89 and GiftCard for [redacted], purchases were made for $14.08, 15.95 at our Anaheim, California Store#2421, on 8/9/16.   Based on my research, a refund is not owed to her account.   As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted] regarding her refund request. I’m sorry to hear that [redacted] received the wrong color twice for the Metal Marquee Large Solid Heart Brass she ordered. I understand her disappointment when our team members weren’t able to process a...

return and refund for the items that had been returned back to our store. I’ve processed a refund for all of the Metal Marquees that were returned to the store. Because [redacted] used both Target GiftCard and her Visa Card to pay for her order, she’ll be receiving a refund of $4.02 in a form of a Target eGiftCard at her email address on the order within 4-24 hours and $34.14 should post back to her Visa Card account within 7-10 business days. When we created a return to process a replacement for [redacted], she should’ve received a confirmation email for her return and there should be a link within the email to click to retrieve the return label. Also, once a replacement has been created both the original and the replacement need to be returned back to for a refund. I’m sorry if this information was never provided to her. As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. It’s very dishearten to hear about the poor and unprofessional conversations our guest experienced with several of our team members. The treatment Ms. [redacted] described is not a part of our guest philosophy,...

and I cannot apologize enough for the disappointment this has caused. Our team members are empowered to assist our guests to the best of their ability and it saddens me to hear that wasn’t her case. I’m more than happy to assist our guest with a refund, but I noticed her online order number wasn’t provided in her complaint. I’ve contacted Ms. [redacted] via email to ask for her order information, however as of 09/09/2017, I haven’t received a response. Once I hear back from our guest I’ll be more than happy to research her refund concerns. As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####. Sincerely, Shanetra Guest Services

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   I’m very sorry to hear that his order for the PS4 Nathan Drake Collection Bundle was cancelled. It’s certainly upsetting that he drove to the store only to be told the order was cancelled due to a pricing error.   Target...

makes a conscientious effort to describe and display its products and services accurately on the Site. Despite these efforts, a small number of items on the Site may be mispriced, described inaccurately, or unavailable, and we may experience delays in updating information on the Site and in our advertising on other sites. As a result, we cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any information, including prices, product images, specifications, availability, and services. Target reserves the right to change or update information and to correct errors, inaccuracies, or omissions at any time without prior notice. To view Target’s Teams & Conditions details, click here. When order is placed on an authorization hold is placed on the guest’s payment method. Target doesn’t apply the charge until the order has shipped or in this case picked up from the store. Since [redacted]’s order was cancelled, Target removed the hold on the funds and his financial institution will return the funds to his account according to the institution’s guidelines.    Currently the PS4 Bundle is available for purchase on and the price is $349.99. As the previous team members mentioned, Target won’t be honoring the incorrect price of $49.99 for the bundle.   While I’m not able to provide the resolution that [redacted] is looking for, I appreciate that he took the time to bring this to our attention. I’ll certainly share this experience with our leadership team and ensure that we learn from this to prevent further instances from happening.   As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.

Hello [redacted],   Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted].   Upon receipt of your contact, we reached our guest to address their concerns. This promotion as listed on the box was an offer of “Gift with Purchase Get 4K Ultra HD Movies from Sony Pictures, choose from...

over 15 titles” with the offer valid date of 6/30/17 printed under the promotion. For any questions about the promotion or redemption details Mr. [redacted] will need to work with Sony. Their contact information is listed on the box as well.   As always, we appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Target at ###-###-#### and reference case number [redacted].   Sincerely,   Nancy The Target Team

I am rejecting this response because:
I filed this claim back in 2016 but no confirmation was sent to my email. I spoke with the rep and she informed me that there was an issue with the system which caused some individuals to not receive a confirmation email. I submitted this claim and now no one can find my information. It is Target's responsibility to keep accurate records for issues like this.

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted]. I can only imagine her disappointment when her patio loveseat wasn’t delivered by the date provided. I understand my apologies won’t even begin to make up for the disappointment, but I’m deeply sorry. I’ve contacted our partners at...

EFW who is our special delivery carrier for large items and they’ve confirmed that the patio loveseat was received late which caused a two day delay; the item is scheduled to be delivered between 8am-6pm on 05/04/16. I’ve closed the eGiftCard a team member previously issued for the handling fee refund of $42.60 and issued the refund directly to her PayPal account. When PayPal is selected as the method of payment, our guests are required to acknowledge the refund policy. This information is listed prior to being directed to the PayPal page to complete the order and I’ve attached a screenshot for our guest’s reference. Keep in mind, there are certain situations where Target is able to make an exception, like if an item was lost or damaged in transit and was undeliverable. Because the patio loveseat is scheduled to be delivered, Target will not be issuing a full refund. I know when she contacted Target and our partners at EFW she expected a quick and fast resolution, and I’m truly sorry it has taken so much of her time and effort to understand where her loveseat is. It’s also certainly frustrating to hear that she was provided with different information from different team members and representatives that she spoke with. I’ll personally reach out to our Retail Leadership team and the leadership team at EFW to ensure they’re addressing how to read the special tracking information on EFW’s website. This will ensure our team members are familiar with the process and will give our guests a consistent experience moving forward. I recognize there are many options on where [redacted] can shop and that’s why I truly appreciate that she chose Target. I’ve sent her a $35 Target eGiftCcard to her email address. I know I’m not able to change what she’s experienced, but I truly hope [redacted] will give us another chance. As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.

Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest [redacted] and his concerns about being able to use the downloaded TurboTax program he purchased from I understand that he called to express his concerns about not being able to open the tax software and to let us know he...

needed help to use the program. I see that our team member reached out to the software company on his behalf and asked them to contact him for software support. I’m unsure why he wasn’t contacted. I’m truly sorry for the frustrations and additional time this purchase has caused him and that he ended up having to purchase the software elsewhere due to the time sensitive nature of filing taxes.I’ve gone ahead and issued a refund back to his Visa in the amount of $91.58; it can take up to 10 days to see this post to his account. For any future purchases, downloadable software is not returnable according to our return policies and he would need to work with the support of the software company to resolve any issues.As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at ###-###-####.Sincerely, Executive

I understand that [redacted] rejected my previous response because she still shows an overcharged amount of $22.54 on her Visa account. As I’ve mentioned in the previous response that the pre-authorization transaction of $77.13 will fall off tonight, 11/09/2016 at midnight. Target only charges when the items are shipped. In her situation, her order were shipped in two separate shipments and only two transactions should be charged on her account.Rest assured, [redacted] has been charged the correct amounts, which are $22.54 on 11/02/2016 and $54.59 on 11/03/2016. I’ve emailed [redacted] the invoices of her order for her reference.As I’ve explained that Target systems will automatically release the hold on the 7th day at midnight, but if certain banks decide to keep the hold longer, that is beyond our control. If [redacted] still sees the original pre-authorization transaction hold of $77.13 by tomorrow, I’d recommend that she reaches out to her bank for further assistance. Target considers this matter closed.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 5, 2015/09/04) */
Thanks for contacting Target on behalf of our guest[redacted]. I've attempted to contact our guest by phone and I am currently waiting for a response. I'll get back to you with a resolution as soon as I receive a response from our guest....

As always, I appreciate the assistance you provide us with our guests. If you have further questions, feel free to contact at (800) [redacted].
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 7, 2015/09/05) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They said that they would issue a refund on my Target Card. I have not received that refund yet. When I receive the refund, I will contact to drop the claim. They said it will take 2 weeks.

Thanks so much for replying back. I created a USPS prepaid return mailing label and had it sent to your email address. You should receive the link shortly that will bring you to the label. Once you get this email, you can forward it to the gift recipient. If this doesn’t work for you, I can recreate the label and have it sent to them by their email address. When the watch is packaged up and has the label on it, they can put it in their mailbox for USPS to pick up and ship to the return center. When the return center receives the watch, they’ll process your refund of $64.65 back to an eGiftCard. Packing slips not being included in packages is not a known issue. I have followed up with the team member that gave you this information and I apologize for the miscommunication and frustration. I can see that the packing slip was created with the correct information and I informed the fulfillment center that the watch shipped from to share your experience with them. Have a great weekend! Executive

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Description: Discount Stores, Department Stores

Address: 4616 Highway 280, Birmingham, Alabama, United States, 35242-5028


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