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COMFORT INN Reviews (479)

FCSI received the account for collection on or about 8-29-17 for a Uverse account number [redacted] in the amount of $184.65 for services that were installed on 7-20-15 and disconnected on 9-15-2016. FCSI reached out to the original creditor and inmformed them of the consumers concerns. The...

original creditor, AT&T, stated that the balance is correct that the original balance due was $343.65 and the consumer was given a credit of $159.00 leaving the remaining balance due of $184.65. Copies of the final bllls have been obtained and just mailed to the consumer for their review. Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for sending this to us.  We are aware of the issue with this guest.  We have tried to resolve this with the guest both during their stay and afterwards.  
Our policy is to investigate any report of items missing...

from our guest rooms and I can assure you, like we tried to assure this guest, that our investigation was thorough.  We advised the guest to call the local athorities and that we would comply with anything that the authorities needed while investigating this.
There is nothing further we can do at this point in time.  We apologize for this inconvenience that the guest has had.  
Our Housekeeping department did as they were trained, and that is when a guest leaves personal items on the bed, they are to leave a note, stating that they saw the items on the bed and to protect the guests items, they did not disturb them and left the bed as it was.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly.
[redacted] Area Manager

I reflect that we received the account for collection for [redacted] on 11-19-2012 and sent several letters as well as made several calls with either no answer, no return call or being hung up on after identifying ourself. When we spoke to the consumer on 9-8-2015, a payment was taken over the phone for...

the balance of the account and after the payment was posted there was a request sent to the credit reporting agencies to have this deleted. We have absolutely no control over the Credit Reporting Agencies updating their files and doing their job. We only give an estimated time of removal based on the credit reporting agencies history of completion, not on when FCS requests it to be removed. We had already requested it to be deleted and with a conversation with the consumer yesterday another request was sent for deletion and again I say we have absolutely no control over the credit reporting agencies updating their files. Thank you.

FCSI received the account for collection on or about 2-7-2017, a letter was mailed and it was not returned by the USPO, as the consumer stated it was forwarded to her, therefore she did receive the notification that the debt was referred to FCSI for collection. The debt is for the original creditor...

[redacted] in the amount of $318.52 for service for [redacted] that was installed on 8-2004 and disconnected on 07-31-2016. Each time the consumer requested validation of the debt, it has been sent. The last one being 4-24-2017. Today I have requested final bills to be sent again to the consumer for their review. Thank you.

The original creditor can not investigate a dispute if they are not told what the dispute is. As stated previously, itemized statements have been mailed. FCSI mailed the consumer a copy of the itemized statements/ final bills for the consumers review. In order for the original creditor to investigate the consumers complaint that she does not owe it, we will need a detailed description of the dispute. Please have the consumer send in an explanation of their dispute so the original creditor can properly investigate their concerns and resolve any issues they may have. Thank you.

As of today the account has been paid in full and reflects a zero balance. The account was never reported to the credit reporting agencies. Thank you.

FCSI is collecting on behalf of AT&T for Uverse services for the consumer that remain unpaid since 2-10-2016 in the amount of $278.23. The Uverse service was connected in the consumers name on 12-2014 until disconnected on 2-10-2016. An itemization of the final bills are being mailed to the...

consumer for their review.  Thank you.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. Thank you for all you do to help consumers like me.
There was no offer. 
I reiterate that [redacted] took my [redacted] card at check-in and typed in the number but did not apply the rate. She then told me at check-out that there was no [redacted] rate for that weekend. So again I ask why did she take my [redacted] card at check in? Normally I book it myself online via [redacted] website but this particular hotel has no elevator and we have a wheelchair so we have to call directly to get a first floor room. At this point I am not looking for the discount. However, the complaint still stands and I will be forwarding it to [redacted] as well as [redacted]. It is unethical to take a [redacted] card at check-in and then not apply the discount and then lie and say there isn't one. That would be the same as having a buy one get one free coupon and being charged for both items and then bringing it to the clerk's attention and having the clerk say, "oh well you have paid it now!"
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. 

I have looked into Mr [redacted]s concerns by reaching out to the original creditor, our client. They inform us they have spoken to Mr [redacted] and informed him that insurances were filed and the original debt was well into the six figures. They stated they informed him that Medicare paid their...

portion and the first [redacted] policy paid their portion but the 2nd [redacted] came back with a response of COB (coordination of benefits) problem meaning they need more information from the patient in order to process this final claim amount. The patient will need to reach out to the one [redacted] policy provider and find out why they havent paid as of yet. And to addres his accusations of scamming people, I can tell you that FCSI has been in business for over 36 years and we are in no way scamming anyone. We are a debt collection agency that collects debt for our clients that have attempted to collect the debt themseves and the consumer failed to pay or correct issues leading to an outstanding balance. Thank you

FCSI received the account from the original creditor on or about 4-25-16, mail was sent with none returned by the post office and calls made with no response. We reached out to the original creditor and they provided a log of statements they sent to the debtor prior to referring the account to FCSI...

for non payment. Statements sent from the original creditor are 12-4-15, 1-6-16,2-5-16 and 3-4-16. Since FCSI has had the account at least 3 letters were sent and again with no mail returned from the post office and no response from the debtor. There has been no violations. Copies of the itemized statement and a signed agreement by the debtor from the original creditor will be sent to the debtor for their review. Thank you.

We have marked all accounts as cease and dsist in respect to communication as requested. Two accounts are within the statutes according to our records, they are accounts [redacted] and [redacted]and we have requested deletion of the third account [redacted]. Thank you.

As stated, notification was sent the same method in which you received the last one. Having sent all notifications and verifying that the debt is valid and due, we have marked the credit reporting agencies as disputed but there is no cause to delete the entry. Thank you.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: the supervisory personnel at the business still have refused to discuss this matter, or return my attempts to contact them. The original handling personnel treated me as a liar, and with less than the respect due to a convicted criminal. After extensive communication with Jason, he began to treat me with some empathy and maybe even a little respect. My complaint is still that a 4 day notice prior to destroying a person's credit report, and refusal to discuss it with the person is inappropriate. I simply desire to have dialogue with the persons responsible for directing this action.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:  I have not received any correspondence about this alleged bill until I reviewed my credit report this year.  Also, I have no contract with this 3rd party agency. In regards to this alleged debt I request validation and not verification or proof or my mailing address.

A settlement was taken on the account, a letter was requested to be sent but due to the original creditor not having processed the settlement at the time the letter was requested there is a balance remaining, although it is not due, it prevented the letter from being sent. I have requested...

the letter be hand mailed instead of through the system to ensure the consumer receives it. The account is considered settled and no balance is due from the consumer. Thank you

I have listened to the call the Ms. [redacted] references and have sent that information and this complaint to the agent's supervisor and the collection manager. The number she requested to be removed was removed immediately and I apologize that the agent did not convey that to Ms. [redacted]. Thank...

you for taking the time to let us know how you feel and I apologize if you were treated in any way other than respectful and professional. Thank you.

We are unable to find an account matching the information given. FCSI will need more identifying information to find the correct [redacted], like a social security number or case or account number. The phone number nor the address listed is in our database. There are over 100 [redacted]...

[redacted]'s in the system, none of which match the address or phone number given. Please provide more identifying information so we may locate the account and resolve any issues. Thank you.

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Description: HOTELS

Address: 2200 Highway 12 E, Willmar, Minnesota, United States, 56201-5820


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