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COMFORT INN Reviews (479)

To whom it may concern,Guest stayed with us on April 22, 2016 for 2 nights. Shortly after check in guest advised us that the bathtub was clogged. We had our maintenance man fix the problem. Later that night guest called to let us know that the toilet was clogged. The front desk staff explained to...

guest that our maintenance department was gone for the night and will return the next day at 8am. He offered the guest to change rooms but guest states he didn't want a room on the third floor. Our maintenance man fixed the issue the next morning. I spoke with the guest the afternoon of April 23 and I apologized for the issues that occurred. I offered one complimentary night back in points and asked if he was going to depart after one might or if he decided to stay for the second night. He decided to stay and I asked if all issues were taken care of, he stated yes. One complimentary night was returned in points.Thank you,

Upon review of this account we do show where the settled in full receipt was mailed as well as faxed to the consumer on 1-16-2016 and 1-27-2016. The mailing address matches the one in this correspondence and the email address given and emailed to [redacted] . Thank you.

FCSI received the account for collection from the original creditor AT&T on or about 11-22-16 in the name of [redacted]. The account is a Uverse account # [redacted] and was installed on 10-20-15 and disconnected on 11-13-15 with a balance of $29.17 at the same address on this correspondence....

The original creditor informed FCSI that this is a valid and due debt and a copy of the final bill will be forwarded to the consumer. Thank you.
At this time, I have not been contacted by Comfort Inn regarding complaint ID 10305159.

The account in question was requested by the original creditor and removed from the consumers credit in 2016. FCSI has no control over the credit reporting agencies doing their job in removing that information. FCSI again requested them to be removed from the consumers credit. Thank you.

FCSI received the account for collection on or about 7-26-16, payment was not made on the account until 10-19-16 therefore it was reported correctly on the credit bureaus as paid in full. The debtor stated at one point it was still reflecting a balance although FCSI reported to the credit reporting...

agencies as a paid in full debt and FCSI has no control over the CRA's updating their files. We have since requested it to be deleted although that is outside our normal protocol. The debt was valid and due and was paid outside the allotted time frame allowed before it is reported to the CRA's. Given all that information, the account has been requested to be deleted from the CRA's. Thank you.

I've dealt with AT&T. Per them they stated that Franklin has not reported anything to the credit bureaus which is not true. My credit has been effected with this negative record. I am waiting for them to remove it.
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:

Well the house is nice and cool 75 degrees. Which is what we set it on. Thank you so much to Childers HVAC Systems. They not only replaced my old unit and piping etc.. They returned my call within 10 mins. of me leaving a message then came as soon as we hung up. After it was determined that it would cost more to try to fix than replace. They helped with financing. They told me what to do to pull cool air from the basement to help until the new unit went in. Which cooled the house 2 degrees. They came today and put the new unit in.They arrived a few min. before they said they would 8:20 am first thing this morning was here 2 1/2 hrs.. Answered all my questions and yes I had a lot of them! They found another issue with pipes that didn't pertain to the system but told me the simple fix to correct the problem myself. And they cleaned up before leaving everything in better shape than they arrived. They also made suggestions on how to help the unit be more efficient. IF you need air repair or replaced these are the guys to call. They even followed up with a phone call at 4:00 to make sure everything was cooling ok. They are friendly too. To me these are things that are really important. — feeling cool.
I have reviewed the response submitted by the business and have determined that the response does not satisfy or resolve my issues and/or concerns in reference to complaint # [redacted]. Please add your rejection comments below. 
[If you are rejecting the business's response please enter your rejection comments here.]

This was also sent to the CFPB and the answer was as follows... FCSI received the account for collection on or about 11-7-2016 for [redacted] services acct # [redacted] in the amount of $140.01 with a connect date of 3-20-13 and disconnect date of 10-20-2015. FCSI is mailing the consumer a copy of...

the itemized statements/ final bills for the consumers review. In order for the original creditor to investigate the consumers complaint that she does not owe it, we will need a detailed discription of the dispute. Please have the consumer send in an explanation of their dispute so the original creditor can properly investigate their concerns and resolve any issues they may have. Thank you.

The false representation made by this company is that they contacted me before August call. When I spoke to them and they informed me (for the first time) that there was a dispute with [redacted], I was confused as to why I would not know this from [redacted] and why they wouldn't contact me before hitting my credit report as they said they did. They had my number and they called it after hitting my credit report. If they called it before, they never left a message telling me who they are, what they are calling for or to call them back. First contact I had with this company is after they hit my credit report. This is illegal as they are supposed to provide me an opportunity to verify the debt and who j contact for this purpose. When they called in August, they didn't even tell me how to verify with [redacted]. They just stated they have been trying to get. Hold of me since March (which if it's true, they made no effort to reach me other than call from a number without leaving a message.  This is company lies to their clients (if indeed they told [redacted] they made any effort to contact me before hitting my credit report), and breaks fair credit laws by not giving me any information about debt held, who holds debt, how j can verify or how j can discharge. They should be investigated for the illegal activity they engage in!! resolution: undo any credit reporting done at any time (including past) as they dinged my credit illegallyshame on [redacted] for using this company. I was a very good customer for [redacted] and they should know their vendors like franklin break laws.  
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:

Emails were sent to [redacted] as well as [redacted], if there is yet a third email address or if either of these email addresses are not correct please correct. I can assure you that we have no reason to say we are doing something and not do it. Thank you.

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: The response is inaccurate. The company refuses to provide proof of the claimed "first letter" and refuses to provide any information about how it was sent, or by whom. I was permitted 1/10th of the time they state, 4 days to respond to a letter, what was already in arrears long before it was delivered. As for the phone attempts the company claims to have made, I proved to the representative that those calls were never made, because on the dates and times claimed, there are NO INCOMING calls from this company or any number at the phone number they claim to have called. There also is no response regarding the failure of the company supervisors to talk with me regarding the issue, refusing my calls, refusing to return my calls, or cutting off my attempts to leave voice messages. My entire complaint deals with the companies refusal to treat persons with respect, and their response just furthers that complaint.
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I was told by the Manager on Duty twice that the coupon would be applied at check-out, and it was not.  The first time I was told that was when I tried to check in, but my room was not ready.  The second time about one hour later, when the room was finally ready.   She also stapled the coupon to the back of their paperwork.   If they explained to me they could not apply the coupon, why would they have stapled the coupon to their paperwork?   Maybe later they determined it could not be applied, but no one contacted me during my three night stay, or afterwards.  The hotel should stand by the manager on duty's decision when I checked in.  

My husband and I, after complications at our first hotel, booked a room for our week-long vacation in NYC's Long Island City at the 'Comfort Inn'. We used as our booking method, and paid for our stay in full up-front before arriving at the hotel.
Two days into our stay at the Comfort Inn, we began noticing several large-bite marks on our legs, arms, & torso. Neither of us could recall swatting at mosquitoes at all beforehand, so we deduced that the only culprmit could be within our sheets as we slept, ie, the dreaded bedbugs.
We called the front office and alerted them of the problem, letting them know we didn't think that the bites we received came from outdoor mosquitoes, but instead from the bed in our hotel room. They offered to inspect the room and switch us to another(something we were already considering doing due to the jackhammer construction going on directly across from our initial room), and we were placed into another room that day. We also had to spend four hours of our honeymoon in NYC going to convenience stores buying trash bags & detergent for our contaminated clothing, and washing them at a local Laundromat.
We asked to speak to a mgr at the hotel, but the head mgr was gone for the weekend. At no point did any staff member alert the mgr that we had an issue with bedbugs in our room. We found this to be quite unprofessional given the severity of the situation.
After we cleaned all of our clothing, we checked our bank balance to discover a $85 hold/charge from Comfort Inm for our room, something not discussed with us or expected, since we had paid for our room up front. When we asked why we were charged this amount, they told us it was a 'fluke' in their system, but should be returned shortly. This amount has yet to be returned, and has also contributed to a $37 charge in banking overdraft fees. The front desk clerk promised this $85 charge would immediately be removed, but we have yet to see those funds on our statement,
This trip had been made more difficult due to the hygienic & financial issues caused by Comfort Inn. Not only were we extremely disgusted by discovering bedbugs in our bed, but we also had to deal with our funds being affected by mystery charges to our credit card. There was never any pro-active communication from the hotel staff(although staff member 'Andre' was sympathetic), and we were never contacted by the hotel manager offering any apology or their sympathies, leading us to believe that the mgr was never alerted to these issues within the hotel. To add to the list of issues during our stay, the sink & coffee maker in both rooms leaked water onto the floor and table, and there was no microwave or refrigerator in either of our rooms, preventing us from keeping any of food or leftovers. We didn't ask much as newlyweds, just to have a simple NYC getaway. What we got was six days of torture courtesy of Comfort Inn LIC Queens. We will never stay there, we will never recommend the hotel to anyone, and while we hope some form of restitution for all of the bogus charges & bedbug issues, we remain skeptical based upon our experiences from the past few days.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.  Upon recent check of my FICO credit score, all seems to have returned as it should be.  Thank you for helping me achieve a timely resolution to this matter. 

The consumer spoke to an FCSI representative on 4-6-2017 and in that conversation was informed who the original creditor is and not the one she has named here. I am not able to disclose that information in this forum and the consumer will need to call back in and get that information from a representative if she needs it again. Thank you.

Upon investigation of the consumers concerns about his debt being paid in full, Mr. [redacted]'s account was referred to FCSI by the original creditor, [redacted], on 7-19-16 in the amount of $338.59 it is a Uverse account that was installed on 5-20-12 and disconnected on 8-4-15. Attempts were made to contact...

the consumer to pay this debt and no communication was made until yesterday 12-7-16. Mr. [redacted] did not pay the debt in full, he was given an opportunity to settle and only pay a portion of his debt of $271.00, to which he accepted. It is not FCSI's policy to collect a debt at a reduced amount and remove it from the consumer's credit. Although the manager he spoke with has requested that it be removed from the CRA's and FCSI will honor that. Since his payment was received yesterday, it had to post to his account before any action of deletion could be requested and it posted today 12-8-16. FCSI sent a request to all three credit reporting agencies to remove it, FCSI has absolutely no control over how long it will take the CRA's to complete that request. Thank you.

We have reached out to the original creditor with the consumers concerns and they have put a hold on the account for at least 60 days for further investigation. We have reported this to the credit reporting agencies as disputed and will cease collections during the investigation. Thank you.

From: john s[redacted] Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 11:23 AMSubject: Re: FINAL NOTICE TO THE AB - ID [redacted]To: [redacted] <[redacted]>Hello..I talked to [redacted] this morning. He is not available till the 26th. I will call him the 26th. and set a service appointment with him for sometime that week.ThanksJohn

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Description: HOTELS

Address: 2200 Highway 12 E, Willmar, Minnesota, United States, 56201-5820


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