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COMFORT INN Reviews (479)

Comfort Inn Glasgow has refunded the monies that were due, nearly thirty days and three letters later.Thanks for your help.[redacted]

RE: Complaint; ID: [redacted] Guest checked in to hotel 9/16/2015. A few days later the guest came to the front desk stating she had bug bites. The guest was moved to another room. The guest has also been given a 100% refund for the stay.

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because there was no acknowledgement of the manager's lack of returning phone calls, his lack of kindness or apology for the eviction mistake and no acknowledgement of the fact that the manager hung up on me when I asked Comfort Inn to refund the breakfast that we had to buy because we were moved out of our room halfway during our stay and breakfast was part of our package!  The manager should be sending an apology for not responding to my calls for a week when the front desk acknowledged that he was there, for being curt with me right off the bat in saying he had been on vacation and that I had already been refunded the money for one night!  Both of these things were false.  After insisting, he acknowledged that I wasn't who he thought he was talking to who had reserved through a different website.  He never once apologized for the hotel's mistake or for the fact that they made no effort to find a room for us for the night so we had to sleep on the floor in my brother's apartment!  He only responded, "that's not my problem!"  I mentioned that I couldn't understand how a customer service manager could be so rude to a guest after their error and he responded, "I don't really care!"  I wish now that I had recorded the phone call but it never crossed my mind that a manager would respond in this way.  Finally, I asked them to refund the breakfast we also had to buy and he said again that it wasn't his problem and HUNG UP ON ME!  I have four witnesses who will attest to the fact that I did not raise my voice and that I was mid-sentence when he hung up.  This I do have proof of.  
The manager was given 72 hours to respond when the corporate office contacted him, which he did not do.  It has now been a month of just trying to get the two nights and breakfast refunded -many hours on the phone, in letters, emails, and lots of frustration.  Last week I finally told the corporate office that there should be some additional compensation by them at their discretion to somehow try to make up for all of this hassle, time, and stress.  Antonio G[redacted] should most definitely not be in customer service as his manner and lack of regard for his guests is appalling.  There are too many people needing jobs for him to be holding one he shouldn't have.  In almost fifty years of staying in hotels, this is the first time I have ever had to go to a manager or corporate office about a situation.  The money is absolutely an issue but more importantly, is the front desk's handling of the situation as well as the manager's lack of response, remorse, and respect.

Dear Mrs. [redacted],We do apologize and deeply regret your stay at the Comfort Inn in Hillsboro did not meet yourexpectations. We further would like to apologize for the error we made regarding yourreservation and the inconvenience this caused...

you.We at Comfort Inn strive to exceed guest expectations and satisfaction. We would like youknow that the funds paid for a two night stay in the amount of $407.74 have been returned infull to your Visa card ending in [redacted]. This amount includes all charges associated with thereservation.We sincerely hope that you will consider staying with us in the future giving us the opportunityto show our dedication to you and your satisfaction. We would like to offer you a 50% discounton your future first night stay with us.
Sincerely,Susan B[redacted]

Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because: Yes I did speak to someone and inquired about the original creditor. She told me she could only give the name, the name of the company that I've called on numerous occasions and I still get the same answer. My accounts are in good standing and they don't use this company. I was told she could not give me ANY information other than the name because the original creditor was no longer handling this account and they didn't have any information for them yet you tell me YOU'VE contacted the original creditor and they need my insurance adjuster's name. Now by FEDERAL LAW I have the right to know any information about someone who claims I owe them money am I right? But, this company refused to give me a phone number or address for this company claiming they didn't have it, but you had it to contact them? Hmm. I am DONE and since this company blatantly disregards the Federal Law and have violated my rights numerous times I'll follow up with my local/federal agencies. Furthermore, I seen the 'peek/soft pull' you did on my credit report to get an address you LIED and said you obtained from the original creditor. HAHA! 

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because: I feel my pet is older and was never unattended in the room. I did see the damage when I arrived however I was told the room was pet friendly so I figured that was there reason for putting me in that room. My wife also notice the damage when she arrive. I would gladdly pay for something I cause but I did not cause this.Sincerely,[redacted]

Re: Complaint ID # [redacted]This is in response to your letter received to us on July 29, 2016 regarding the above referencedcomplaint. In our letter dated July 20, 2016, we had provided our detailed response andrelevant documents.
It appears that complainant has changed her position and not accepted our response. As Istated above we have provided our response to her initial complaint and submitted all relevantdocuments. If she changes her statement, we cannot fabricate our response as we follow allapplicable policies and procedures. As far as we are concerned on 06/12/2016 we received herreservation through the Central Reservation System (CRS} of the Choice Hotels International for06/12/2016. We did receive a call from the Complainant, on 06/18/2016 to make a reservationfor two nights, arriving on 06/24/2016. The Complainant did mention to our agent at the FrontDesk (FD) about the error she had made for her June 12th reservation. The FD Agent did expressthat she was sorry to hear that and she would pass it on to her manager. However, there wasno mention from the Complainant, as claimed in her last comments, of her ''adding a night toher reservation". While making a reservation on line, it is the responsibility of the personmaking reservation to make sure that reservation was as one intended. In case of an error, onemust call the CRS or the property immediately and request changes accordingly.
Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions.Sincerely,Syed .A P[redacted]General Manager

To Whom It May Concern:
This in response to your letter received on July 11, 2016 regarding the above referencecomplaint. We have reviewed our records and our findings are as follows:
1. The guest made a reservation on-line on 6/12/2016 at 9:53 pm for a deluxewhirlpool suite for the same night....

The reservation was processed by the CentralReservation System (CRS) of Choice Hotels International of which we are aFranchisee. A confirmation number [redacted] was issued to the guest (seeAttachment A);Since the reservation was made after the cancellation time of 4:00 pm on the day ofarrival, it cannot be cancelled. Alerts to this effect are under the conditions ofreservation for the person to read while making a reservation and must be acceptedto get confirmation of the reservation;2. Attachment B, Change Activity List shows that Room 203 was assigned to the guest.It also shows that it became a No Show and that No Show charges were posted on6/17 /2016 (see Attachment C - invoice/receipt). According to policy andprocedures, a reserved room has to be kept available until 7:00 am the followingmorning (6/13/2016);3. The guest called hotel on 6/18/2016 at 06:06 pm to make a reservation for two (2)nights stay in a deluxe whirlpool suite for the nights of 6/24/16 and 6/25/16. Thereservation was made and a reservation confirmation number [redacted] was givento the guest along with a statement of our cancellation policy. Since an e-mailaddress was provided, a reservation confirmation letter was sent to her e-mail by
the agent. A copy of that standard letter Is attached as Attachment D. The letterexplains the cancellation policy and that in case of No Show; the guest will becharged one (1) night stay plus applicable taxes. (please note that the date on theletter is 7/20/16, which is the date this letter was printed to send as anattachment ..... the confirmation sent to the guest would display the date it was sentby clicking on the e-mail right after the reservation was made. We have no controlover the system to make any changes);When the guest called to make reservation on 6/18/2016, she mentioned to theFront Desk Agent about the error she made for the reservation of 6/12/2016 andwas told that the Agent would relay It to the manager.4. The guest stayed two nights and her credit card was charged for the stays (seeAttachment E)On the basis of our investigations and the records, we believe that the policies and procedures ·for the No Show charges were properly followed. We believe the guest just clicked on Acceptwithout reading the terms and condition of the reservation made on-line by the guest on6/12/2016, a common error some people generally make. We wish she had called the CRS thevery· next day about the error she had made and us prior to 6/17 /2016 when the No showcharges were posted. The room rate for 6/12/2016 was $149 plus tax totaling to $165.39 andwe fail to understand why the guest is asking a refund of $169?Please do not hesitate call us if any questions.
Sincerely,(Syed *. P[redacted])General ManagerComfort Inn - Kelso, WA

Complaint: [redacted]I am rejecting this response because:
It is correct that I did make a reservation on the hotel's website on June 12th, however, it was not for the same night.  I booked the reservation for a date later in June.  When I went to confirm my reservation the hotel's automated website changed the date on it's own (website error).  I never intended to stay at the hotel the same night as I made the reservation.  When I called the hotel on June 18th to add a night to my reservation I was informed of what had happened and the clerk let me know that several guests had experienced the sam website error and that I would be given a refund upon cheek in later in the month.  
When I did check in I was  told I would need manager approval for the refund but that it would be no problem.  I had to call the hotel twice to follow up and was finally told that I would have to call the website administrator and mate they would give me a refund.  Given that it was a malfunction of the hotel's website I will not pay for the night that was booked in error due to the website malfunction.Sincerely,[redacted]

Hi, It is a pleasure to introduce myself! My name is [redacted] and I am the General Manager of the Comfort Inn [redacted] Boston. I am reaching out in regard to a complaint that was filed about our business and after explaining the situation to a very helpful representative at the..., they directed me to you. I am providing information regarding a previous guest of ours, [redacted], in efforts to ensure her complaint gets removed from our account (this is my first time dealing with this, so I am not exactly sure how this works). This previous guest claims to have had a terrible experience which made her request her money back for a room that technically she had not actually paid for. To start, after we graciously allowed [redacted] to stay without payment under the agreement she would pay the next morning, [redacted] was very pleased. I believe she was without a “home” for the time being and was more than thankful we were bending our policies to help her. When the afternoon came, and [redacted] could not pay for her room we again tried to work with her and allow her some time to get funds for her previous night and then that night as she wanted to stay over. When [redacted] could not provide payment, she locked herself in the guest room requiring us to get assistance from the local police department. During this guest removal, the police discovered a warrant out for her arrest in which they arrested her. Before leaving, the police, [redacted] and our management team agreed that we would hold her belongings for her and allow her to pick up any time before October 25, 2017. We were asked by the police if we were interested in pressing charges regarding the payment she owed, and I made the decision to simply request her to pay and not move forward with criminal charges. A few days after this guest was removed from our property, we then began to receive multiple harassing and threatening phone calls from this person including that we would be personally sued, we still owed her money, etc. To protect our team and also try to continue to “work” with this person I put a no trespass order in place with her and the local police. This now brings me to you as I was just notified she has put up a complaint about our business. From the attached documents and hopefully this description of what this case is about, you can see this has nothing to do with our business and how we treat our customers. I do not think it is appropriate to allow a customer who stole from your business to then have a complaint professionally published by them, especially when the allegations are not true. If you have any questions or would like any additional information please feel free to contact me anytime or the [redacted] Police Department. I truly appreciate your time to review this case and look forward to your response.Thank you and have a great day,

The price of rooms at hotels can change from time to time. Different room types will have different rates. We always without doubt honor all reservations at the rate that they are booked. There are always times when rooms can be booked at higher or lower rates than the hotel is currently offering....

The benefit of making a reservation ahead of time is that you are always guaranteed to get the room you want at the rate you book.
This guest claims to have seen a rate online and then called to make reservations. The rate booked on the phone was different then the rate seen online. The guest was not able to make reservations online, and that may be because that rate was not available for the dates of booking. A lot of times guests will see rates online for one date, and then when they put in the actual travel dates, the rates may change. This is common, as hotels most always have different rates for different time periods.
We always honor the reservation as made. Weather its a particular rate, or a specific room type. We do not change reservations, nor do we intentionally raise rates higher then those reserved. If this guest had booked online, a paper/email confirmation would have been available, and would have shown the rate and room type. Unfortunately, the guest booked over the phone, and only a voice confirmation is available.
While we regret the guest is upset about the rate and the room type booked, we do not believe that this was an error on the part of the hotel.

[To assist us in bringing this matter to a close, you must give us a reason why you are rejecting the response. If no reason is received your complaint will be closed Administratively Resolved]
 Complaint: [redacted]
I am rejecting this response because:Their website is resetting the dates, the date change does not stand out on the page. This is a flaw that needs to be corrected. I called right away to let them know. Corporate indicated that return of funds was at the manager's discretion. the manager points back to the corporate policy. There is lack of accountability.  I received a response from their help desk indicating that the manager had agreed to refund me 50%, however, after a week I had not received a refund. I called the hotel to ask about it once or twice a day for over a week with no return call. Eventually I saw the credit applied to my credit card and I stopped calling. Horrible customer service.I did receive 50% of my funds back eventually, however I still believe they should provide a full refund. Particularly due to the horrible customer service this manager has shown. As a company, if they know there is a problem with their website, I'm not sure why they wouldn't correct it to ensure that this issue doesn't continue to occur. The fact that they won't fix it, makes it feel like a scam.
I have reviewed the offer and/or response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint.  For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below. 
Nisha is aware that her hotel Comfort Inn forward money to a virtual card ending in [redacted] that is not the prepaid credit I used on November  22, 2016 for 57.50. However, she stated 50.00 was replied back to my card on November 26, 2016 after I checked out on November 25, 2016. [redacted] explain to Nisha that a hold was still place on my card and come December 22, 2016 after 3:00 pm I would have to file out a dispute form and [redacted] will be contacting Nisha about my missing funds. Also, [redacted] customer service [redacted] spoke to Nisha and explain that they didn't ace the money on the right card. [redacted] customer relations states they see the money went back to [redacted]. Nisha employee Pat stated the money went back to card last four ending [redacted] and not my card. Everyone states there is two cards on file and I only have one. The one card I have wasn't refunded back as promise and Nisha refuses to correct it. Everyone states it goes back to the hotel and the hotel is blaming [redacted]. I booked though [redacted] app and they explain to me that they created a virtual card to make the reservation not for anything else with the hotel for security deposit and Nisha needs to own up to what they did. I'm sure if she was entire to a refund she would keep pressing the issue or take it to court. Instead I have to wait 30 days to dispute the moment. It's not [redacted] holding money it's Comfort Inn who explain it to Nisha. I hope this has nothing to do with my kids father working there. If so, this makes it more personal and explains my refund.Regards,[redacted]
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Mr [redacted] made reservation to stay through internetWeb site used is which is managed by Choice Hotels International who owns The brand name Comfort Inn. Web site clearly states all the policy with the dates & cancellation Policy & this was confirmed by Mr [redacted]...

before it confirms the reservation. As it was passed the cancellation time, we could not cancel the reservation & one nights roomAnd tax were charged to the card provided at the time of making reservation. I can be reached at ###-###-#### for any further questions & concern.Thank youKishor S[redacted], GM

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 7, 2016/01/18) */
The events of Nov.26th are as follows; The desk clerk she is referring to worked the 3-11 shift. So the incident occurred during that time. I will be faxing his statement at the time all this happened. He felt uncomfortable going into the room...

while the guest was not present. When they returned the guest was very threatening to my front desk clerk. "please see fax" I did call the police dept to have them handle this situation because of the amount of people in the room and to ensure of safety of my employee. The following morning I reviewed all the cameras. His statement is correct and the police dept im sure they have a there own report.
I am reluctant to refund this guest because of the disruption that she caused and the foul loud language. All of it is now refunded.
Allegedly, the person that was registered to the room had gave her keys to family members and was unaware of the conflict that occurred between the hotel staff and the family. Because she later came in wanting to get in her room and couldn't. The night auditor informed her of what happened and unfortunately we could not rent to her.
Going forward I hope these people are more civil and go somewhere else when they come to this area.
I am sending the guest folio that shows the refund of all the money & the front desk log for this issue.
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (3000, 10, 2016/01/19) */
(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept her response because she is incorrect in what she has presented to you. When she used the words, "these people" I consider this a very racist statement and her resorting to name calling shows her lack of customer service. She did not refund my money; she actually went back into my account and took the money out of my account after speaking with the I had to get Wells Fargo involved and they canceled my debit card on file so that Comfort Inn employees would not charge any money to my account. I will never go to another Comfort Inn because they employ racist people such as her. She needs to educate herself and her staff on how to treat paying customers. This is 2016 and not the 50' and I actually grew up in Poplar Bluff and graduated from there in 1989; so I come back to the area at least every month.

Initial Business Response /* (1000, 12, 2017/08/21) */
An agreement has been made with the [redacted] to have the tub replaced.

Administrative Coordinator

Bath Fitter(r)
Initial Consumer Rebuttal /* (2000, 14, 2017/08/22) */
(The consumer indicated he/she...

ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
bath fitters has been in contact with the board of the co op and is going to replace the tub liner at a discounted price. I was chatting with [redacted] from the board and he said this was acceptable. thank you for listening.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is...

satisfactory to me.  Spoke to [redacted] this morning from Franklin Collection Services and she agreed that Franklin would remove the item currently on my credit report from all 3 credit bureaus.

We have sent the refund to the credit card on file. Please see attached - Thank you

We do not have double bed Jacuzzi tub rooms
No where on reservation was there said anything about pull out couch
Front desk did not confirm housekeeping took extra keys, It was suggested that might have happened
No conformation on tape that that shoes were stolen Front desk clerk said...

the daughters were arguing if they left the backpack open or not
housekeeping says she never turns heat on in room
I ([redacted]) Gm checked her in and I can definitely say I was not rude to her
We have and always had smoking rooms on the third floor. Guest are not allowed to smoke in the common area
the stairs are marked with exit signs
Front desk clerk that evening did not get belligerent with guest- she was trying to be helpful and the lady started cussing and calling her names.
I believe housekeeping did not take shoes has been here working and never had a complaint before
Have not had any other guest complaints
Also, did not charge for second night even though it was after 8:00 when they checked out.
if they were watching a child before why did they wait til 7-8:oo to come down and complain.

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Description: HOTELS

Address: 2200 Highway 12 E, Willmar, Minnesota, United States, 56201-5820


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