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COMFORT INN Reviews (479)

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Tommorow I am going a lawsuit against this company I want them to answer the following questions to use in my lawsuit I want them to prove they sent me mail Did they send it certified? If not how do I know they really sent it? Can they called provide me a copy of an audio voice mail they my phone Do they have this? Do they a copy of their phone records from there phone company that shows they actually called me? Do they have a contract with me that bears my original signature? Do they have a contract with the company that they are trying to collect for that bears my original signature? The answer to these questions are no This is how they broke the law They put something on my credit report without my knowledge or notifying that there was an issue Further more I want it to be known that from now on, I only want to have communication with this company by certified mail only Any other communication will be seen as harassment and wil be reportedly the proper agency and authority This includes law enforcement
*** ***

To Whom It May Concern:
We are very sorry that we could not refund the
no show amountOur hotel clearly states a
hour cancellation policyWe had mentioned to
our guest that we would consider his situation
but that we were sold outWhen our guests
use a
Method of Guarantee we guarantee their
room until 7am the next morningWe had to
turn away business so we were unable to
refund his money
*** *** ***

FCSI sent all information received from this complaint to the original creditor, AT&T, to investigate Mr***'s concernsAT&T replied to FCSI that this debt is a valid and due debt and a copy of the final bill will be sent to Mr***, on it reflects among the charges a non
returned Gateway Per our client, AT&T, the Uverse account # *** is valid and due in the amount of $Thank you

Complaint: 1***
I am rejecting this response because: I have not received anything from the companyNothingIn addition they continue to make illegal mark on my credit report, without making any attempt to contact meThe latest was 4-after I filed the complaintI can only assume it is their way of retaliation for filing the complaintI do not have *** for any service
*** ***

Update to about complaint ID 12567213 I took the time to speak Directly with Mr*** *** concerning his recent stay at the Comfort Inn ***. I gave him an opportunity to explain his dissatisfaction about our hotel and I thanked him for the opportunity to
resolve the issues. I explained that I would speak to the staff about these problems. I agreed that I would discount his daily room rate by $and make an adjustment to his *** *** in the amount of $666.00. Please consider this complaint resolved. If you have any questions please call me. Frank Frank G***General ManagerComfort Inn at the PARK - ***, PAMae StHummelstown, PA 17036***

The collection manager has spoken to the consumer and all issues she had concerns with have been resolved to the satisfaction of the consumerThank you

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I called *** *** *** all of my account are in good standingWho is the original creditor of this account?
*** ***

As stated in the previous response, copies of the final bills were mailed to the consumer and FCSI has no control over how long it may take the post office to deliver itThank you

Comfort Inn Hotel in Layton Utah has strict policy on smoking, pet, and damages to hotel and its patronsA guest registered under *** *** in Room *** checked in on 3/31/and checked on 4/3/They stayed in non pet friendly two queen bed on third floorUpon check in, they initialed on
our registration card (attached) stating our policies including the pet policyThere is guest directory in each room stating those policies as well the pet charge and that pets are only allowed in pet friendly roomThe registered guest paid with cash upon arrival and according to company policy we require $cash depositEach guest that is paying with cash fills out letter of agreement (attached) and under (Security/Emergencies) it states: "We have the right to enter the room at any time to inspect..." After receiving complain from another guest who saw pets entering a room on the 3rd floor and staff monitored the 3rd floor through cameras and identified the roomStaff reminded the guest of this policyThe staff continued to monitor the 3rd floor and later that day went to the room again to check if the dogs were removedTo complete the full inspection, staff entered the room and noticed dog kennel and other pet items in the room which confirmed they were not removed and were in the room upon arrivalAt that time staff escalated situation and based upon discovered evidence manager accessed the cash deposit for pet charges and cleaning fees

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: They have stated that they are sending me a itemized billI have never done business with this companyA bill from a random place for no service does not validate the debtI am simply asking for something in writing signed by me saying I accept terms of a contract or bill, or anything that shows I have ever done business with them! I have never done business with them and that is the reason they can not provide thisIf they do not remove this from my credit bureau the FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) states that I should file a small claims suit against them for $and to have the item removedI intend on doing exactly that if this is not immediately removed
*** ***

I did speak with *** *** and issued a full refund for the room and apologized for his experience during his stay with us.
*** ***
General Manager
Comfort Inn & Suites
*** *** ***
Christiansburg, Virginia ***

From: john s*** Date: Fri, Aug 19, at 2:PMSubject: Re: ID ***To: *** *** ***
I have scheduled a service appointment with the customer for this Thursday the 26th

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: It has not been validated and still reporting erroneously on my creditI will escalate my complaint if they continue to do this bluff.
*** ***

This Guest called the Hotel and booked her own
reservation as well as another room for a second guest traveling with her for arriving that same night, they put the call on speaker phone and each spoke with the Front Desk Agent.
Upon them booking their
reservations they were both informed
there reservations were final no cancelation or changes were permitted. They were also offered email confirmation
letters; however, they declined them as they stated they would be arriving
Upon their arrival there seemed to be some
confusion on the rateOur rooms were going for $plus tax per room that night and they
were informed of this upon booking. During the summer time our area tends to fill up and the rates do go up during the Summer season. Our rates were in line with the other Hotels in our area. At no point did our front desk Agent state
the rate was $125, we don’t even have even rates that low let alone even rates, all of our rates end in .99. It was apparent the women weren't listening while they had the hotel on speaker phone and only heard the rate and assumed that was for rooms that's why they themselves divided it in half. For this very reason we offer all of our guests, as all Hotels do, an email confirmation letter to avoid any misunderstandings, but as mentioned this was declined in this case because they were
arriving shortly.
To clarify a few mis-notions made by this guest:A) At NO Point did our Front Desk Agent EVER admit he misquoted the price. We have camera's throughout our hotel and when played back the Front Desk Agent very clearly stated he did not admit he misquoted them, he actually spoke up very respectfully and professionally and restated he was 'very clear what the price was but you had so many people on the speaker phone it may have been something you did not hear.' B) Her Credit Card was NEVER Charged till after 7am the NEXT DAY. We do, as ALL Hotels do, put a hold for one nights room and tax once we are past our cancelation deadline as was the case at the time this guest booked. This is a practice done as a result in case a guest does not show up the Hotel has a way to get compensated for holding a room, but her card was NOT charged. C ) The Hotel tried it's best to work with these guests and as a gesture of good faith the Hotel offered to waive the fee on one room and they could share the otherWe are a very busy area and the Summer season is a
very busy time in the New York area, as a result the rates reflect this. However, with that said, I did try my best to
work with this guest and the other party and offered to cancel one of the rooms
with no penalty and they could share the second room that was more than
adequate to accommodate up to guests, and as a result it would cost them just
what they thought it would when broken down between the parties. I even offered to waive the extra fees for
having more than guests in a room but they still insisted on not wanting the
room. I informed them I felt my offer to
work with them half way was more than reasonable since when they booked they
were informed the reservation was final and I also informed them if they opted
not to stay they would still be charged for the one room. They still chose not to stay and were well
aware of the charge, and even though the offer to waive one fee was based on them staying for the second room, I still kept my word and waived the fee for the second room even though they didn't stayI tried my best to work with a difficult situation but there's only so much we can do.
This guest has in fact been contacted by me as well as Choice Hotels, so it's unfortunate she's chosen not to relay all the facts. This guest originally sent me a letter and I would like to say it was a rather threatening letter that if I don't give her what she want's she's going to attack me in every way possible. This is a very poor and distasteful way to do things and is rather unfortunate that someone chooses not to take responsibility for their error in addition not appreciate that the Hotel did in fact help them out. They got the very price they wanted but still chose not to stay and the mere fact is they just had a change of heart and decided they wanted to drive further and now didn't want to get stuck paying for rooms, which is very unfortunate. As this guest has stated she is still working with the Credit Card Company and that's because they too sided with the Hotel and felt that we were more than accommodating in this matter as did Choice Hotels. I feel this guest is purposely going out of her way just to bully me to get her way and I don't think that's right and we stand behind our decision and feel we tried our best to work with this guest and were more than fair to waive one of the fees. It's unfortunate this guest feels the need to keep slandering our Hotel and me but I just won't give into anyone Bullying me or my staff, especially when we didn't do anything wrong and even then tried to work with this guest. We are not at all unprofessional nor dishonest (As stated above, I even kept my word and waived the fee for the second room EVEN THOUGH THE OFFER WAS BASED ON THEM STAYING IN THE ONE ROOM WHICH THEY DIDN'T DO BUT I STILL WAIVED THE FEE...DOES THIS SOUND LIKE SOMEONE THAT IS DISHONEST OR UNPROFFESTIONAL?)
Best Regards,
Rashi ***
General Manager / Comfort Inn Batavia

After reviewing the call it was determined that Mr *** was told that we could not delete this item from his credit bureau but we could report it as paid in full, also in the conversation he was told by the representative that he could dispute this to the credit reporting agencies and possibly
have it deletedThat was misinformation on the representatives part, although that could be true, we do not control what action the credit reporting agencies take and when we are presented to answer the dispute, we will answer it truthfully as being a paid in full valid debt not to be removedDue to the misinformation provided to Mr***, I am requesting this be deleted from his credit and we have corrected the representative with further training on this matterThank you
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.
*** ***
My VISA has been creditedI want to thank you for resolving this matter for me. Much appreciated

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because of several thingsThe last documentation provided by the hotel for cleaning my room was clearly noted as 9/27/& throughout the entire letter to capital one he clearly implied he directly spoke with meThere are a number of uncharacteristic issues with this issue that are highly suspiciousHad I truly stayed at the hotel through 9/28/the hotel would have provided documentation dated 9/29/showing they cleaned the room after I left but none was providedThe last day my room was cleaned was 9/27/If there wasn't an African American employees at the hotel then why was there one behind the counter when my son & I went down Saturday, 9/26/to let them know I was checking out in Sunday who clearly told me my account had a hold on it for the full amount & there was nothing she could doIf she wasn't suppose to be there, then where was the regular clerk? The African American clerk was speaking to an African American guy who clearly said "I meet you later"This whole ordeal is highly suspiciousA GOOD MANAGER should also find this unregulated to business conduct & research further with his staff to find out who is not following procedureI did not get a receipt of any kind & was clearly told I could not due to the hold on my credit cardFurthermore, why would a hotel place a hold on my card prior to me checking out? Other hotels do not do thisConsidering the rating if this hotel along with poor staffing & management direction, the business is clearly trying to keep their integrity instead of dealing with customer satisfactionDo you think I'd be fighting this hard to get the one night stay credited back on my card if I hadn't been treated with disrespect & dishonesty? Obviously the answer would be no. Sincerely,*** ***

I've spoken to *** on several occasions disputing this issue, since last April On multiple occasions their response was that a "supervisor would call me" and on multiple occasions no one has contacted me I've spoken once to the company sending me letters of debt, informing them of my dispute with *** I've been speaking with *** for almost a year now regarding this I will continue to dispute this

From: john s*** Date: Wed, Sep 28, at 8:PMSubject: Re: ID ***To: *** *** We took care of the service call monday and believe the customer is now happy..thanks

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Description: HOTELS

Address: 2200 Highway 12 E, Willmar, Minnesota, United States, 56201-5820


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