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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Sinemia suspended my account for no reason. I have followed all of the terms and conditions and my account was closed with no explanation. I've tried to contact Sinemia and the company has not responded. Stay far away from this company.

Multiple problems, no customer service (in 6 attempted contacts not one email or web request was ever followed up), changed the terms of service several times after signing up for a one year pre-paid account - increasing costs and then adding a VERY sketchy ID verification requirement that they rejected me on AFTER I uploaded a copy of my government ID. I don't trust them at all and will not be renewing.

One of the many people who's account was fraudently terminated. I doubt that I'll get a refund or have my account reinstated. Better off using AMC's service or something like it instead.

This company engages in fraudulent practices. I purchased a 2-year plan in November 2017. I loved the service and was very happy with Sinemia. I recommended it to many friends and family members. Unfortunately, things began to go downhill as they introduced numerous additional fees and charges suddenly, without warning, and applied them not just to new accounts, but to existing ones. However, I still liked the service and continued to use it.

Then on March, they began purging older accounts who had gotten in at a lower price point. This included my account, since I purchased the plan back when it was less expensive. They did this under the false premise that I had engaged in some kind of fraudulent practice (of course, without specifying what they were talking about, since I never engaged in any fraud). They then DENIED me any refund, despite only providing 15 of my 24 months of service. In other words, they stole over $150 from me (I paid $407 in Nov. 2017 for 2 years of service).

I would urge others not to deal with this company. They constantly change terms and introduce sneaky additional fees that undercut the value. Their communication went downhill as more customers signed on to their service. And the nail in the coffin is purging accounts under false premises. If you do sign up with them, DO NOT PREPAY since they *** terminate your account at any time for no reason, and will say its because YOU are engaging in fraud when in reality, it is Sinemia engaging in fraud.

Sinemia initially worked well and I had been happy to use them after the MoviePass *** even with the cardless fees and the fee for the physical card. However, my account was wrongfully terminated recently. I am a high volume user, but have followed all of the rules as set out by Sinemia. Their response to inquiries is frustratingly slow. I received an email today with their proposed refund. However, upon review of the charges, I am being held responsible for all of the extra charges they imparted on me and it would have been cheaper for me to just go to the movies normally, without the Sinemia membership. It is simply false advertisement and incredibly frustrating. I am only 4 months into my year-long membership. So incredibly disappointed.

People should be warned of Sinemia's beyond questionable business practices. Sinemia is a company looking for ways to get more money from its subscribers and when they no longer ***'t, Sinemia will terminate their account and will not provide a prorated refund for the full annual subscription fee they have paid even after only a few months of having their accounts open.
Companies such as Sinemia should not be allowed to do business. I would rate them zero, if not a negative amount of stars.

If I could give them 0 stars, I would. Attempted to order tickets to see Capt Marvel yesterday and I received the 'Termination' notice due to violation of the ToS. Funny because they never actually show proof of the violation, they just say that you did. Well telling someone something and actually showing proof of it are 2 different things. They are no different from MoviePass *** my book. Just another company that realized they overstepped their bounds by offering a service at such a low price and now they are using any and all means to get out of it. I'm not going for it. My plan is to pursue legal action, I'm even considering joining the class action lawsuit that is already in progress. Companies need to know that if they expect loyalty then they must reciprocate it as well. They also need to learn that a contract is a legally binding document and you ***'t just wiggle your way out of it because you realized that you got the short end of the stick!!! They called me a fraud when the only fraud here is them!!!

My account was terminated 4 months into my annual membership. I followed all the rules. It seems like they terminated me because I was watching my 3 movies a month and costing them money after 4 months. This is a scam company, total fraud.

This company is a scam. I paid for a full year subscription upfront and had my account terminated for no reason WITHOUT A REFUND.

My account was terminated by the system automatically.
I had a yearly plan with sinemia starting November 2018. My account was terminated by the system automatically. When I contacted them via email they say "Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service."
I have only booked tickets for myself, always checked in followed all of the conditions. There has never been a fraud from my end. They do not even provide a refund . It has been only 4 months. This is highly unprofessional way. On top of all this I did not receive any notice, it is only when I decided to book a movie today and I could not I figured this out. What kind of customer service is this?

Desired Outcome

I paid in advance for an yearly service and would like to have my service resumed asap or I want all my money back with a detailed reason why they terminated my account and an apology for inconvinience.

Sinemia Response • Apr 02, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 02, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Please provide details on what fraud was detected. I have checked in every time, did not book tickets for anybody else other than myself. Please provide details and validate termination.

There service doesn't work sometimes and they don't respond to any customer inquiries. I have sent around 10-20 messages and I have heard nothing back
I have been very patient with Sinemia's service. Recently I bought a gift card to be able to use for fees and that doesn't even work. They never respond to messages. I purchased the gift card on Tuesday March 12th. I paid $40 for a $50 gift card. I paid for the gift card with a credit card.

Desired Outcome

I would like to be refunded and I will be canceling my membership.

Sinemia Response • Apr 02, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that during your membership you created five advance tickets and all of these tickets were successfully purchased. Also, since you disabled the auto-renewal feature of your account, your plan has not been renewed. Therefore, you do not own an active Sinemia plan to refund. Thanks.

Customer Response • Apr 02, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
What about my gift card? I can't use it now and it feels unfair that I wasn't notified ahead of time by email that the plan pricing was going up.

Sinemia is fraud company. If you took annual subscription, they will just cancel your service without any authentic reasons.
I bought Sinemia annual subscription in April 2018. They took 2 months to activate my service and then finally activate my account after 2 months. They dont have a good customer service. Last month, the terminated my account giving me literally no explanation or any specific reason why they did it. I emailed them and they dont reply to any emails. I have tried to reach out to them on phone and they also dont reply. The organization does not have service representative. It is one big scam and they make people believe that you they provide great service.

Desired Outcome

I would want a refund for the service that i did not receive for.

Sinemia Response • Apr 02, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia is terminating pre-paid annual membership with no warning or clear explanation and offering a refund of only some or none of the pre-paid fee
I would like to report consumer fraud being committed by the company, which purports to provide the opportunity for paid subscribers to use their proprietary app to buy movie tickets at what amounts to a discounted rate. Sinemia offers both month-to-month or annual subscriptions (the company encourages its "discounted" annual plans.)

At the end of January, I prepaid for an annual subscription starting Feb 1 that allowed me to purchase up to 30 movies per month. I had spent the previous 2 months as a month-to-month member at $8.99 per month. Although there some glitches when using their app, it worked basically as intended and I bought 6 movie tickets in February. I was also asked by Sinemia in early February to submit proof of identity a photo of my a government ID (I use Driver License) and a photo of myself holding my ID which I did and which Sinemia accepted.

In March, during my first attempt to buy a ticket that month, the app wouldn't allow my purchase to go through, so I contacted their customer support via Twitter direct message, the only way to contact them (they have a customer support email but I had limited success getting a response that way. They have no phone number available for customer service). Sinemia informed me in their response that my account had been "terminated" and advised me to log into my account on the website for more information. When I logged in there, I saw the message copied at the end of this email (I had logged in earlier that day and had seen no message on my account page).

I committed no fraud and did not violate their terms of service. I followed the rules of Sinemia. They refuse to tell me what the fraud I allegedly committed is, when it occurred, or when they discovered it. The refund they offer is unacceptable and may amount to nothing: It allegedly is the annual fee I paid (I paid $168, which was $240 for the annual price at the time, less a 30% discount they were offering then if you purchased and used a gift card, which I did) MINUS the face value of the tickets I purchased. I purchased 6 tickets under my annual plan (face value roughly $90 face value, and I also purchased 4 tickets when I was on a month-to-month plan). Depending on how they calculate my "usage," I will likely end up with little to no refund although I paid for 12 months of service and received just one month (I did not pay for a specific number of tickets; I could purchase anywhere from 0 to 30 per month for the same fee).

This company is scamming customers via this "termination" of annual accounts citing undefined "violations." These unjustified mass terminations are being discussed actively on social media (see, for example, https://www***/) and have been covered by the mainstream press (see https://www.*** and ***).

Please advise on how to proceed. This company alleges it's based in Turkey, but is aggressively recruiting members in the U.S. and other countries.

Thank you for your attention,

Here is the note they left on my account page:
"Dear Sinemia member,

This is an important notice that requires your attention.

Our top priority is to provide our members with the best movie-going experience possible in the most affordable way. In order to achieve this goal, it is very important for our members to comply with the membership rules and abide by the terms of service.

Sinemia has put several systems and measures in place in order to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia's membership sustainable and affordable.

Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not

Desired Outcome

Full refund of annual fee paid, minus on the one month I was provided service

Sinemia Response • Apr 02, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

I fully paid for my Annual Movie subscription and Sinemia Cancelled my Annual subscription which is originally active till Sep 15th2019 without reason
I fully paid for my Annual Movie subscription and Sinemia Cancelled my Annual subscription which is originally active till Sep 15th2019 without proper reason and simply saying I violated their Terms & Conditions, But they are not giving any details for violation and not refunding my Balance for the remaining membership period

Desired Outcome

Refund my Membership fee for the Incompetent service and Customer dissatisfaction and many dazzles they caused

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There is no fraud activity from my side, I asked them about the fraud activity details they are saying about he reason to cancel my account. But they are not giving the exact fraud activity details and simply saying our system detected a fraud activity ! That's not true and the reason they are mentioning is not true at all. !

Company unilaterally terminated my account (1 year subscription) citing unspecified violation of ToS without providing proof/details or appeals opp.
Company unilaterally terminated my account (1 year subscription) citing unspecified violation of ToS without providing proof/details or appeals opp. This is after I used my account to its full potential (3 movies a month) in my fourth month of service. There were no issues they identified during my first three months where I used 1-2 of my three movies. However, after my 3rd movie in month 4, I was asked if I wanted to pay an extra gratuity to cover their costs. I declined. The next time I tried to use the service, it was indicated that my account had been cancelled.

Desired Outcome

I want full delivery of the service I paid for or a FULL refund of the fees I paid. I paid for upto 3 movies a month for 12 months and got terminated in month 4 with the only option to get part of what I paid back (subtraction of the full cost of the approximately 6 movies I saw using this service in four months)

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 06, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Company does not provide any detail of how I violated ToS with any evidence. There a thousands of similar complaints about this company all over the Internet. Given they will "deduct" the full retail price of any movies I've seen using their service, I will get next to no refund for them for cancelling my account after only 3 months (of a 12 month membership).

The company statet my account has committed fraudulent activity and terminated my account without explanation. I have not done in any capacity.
I purchased my Sinemia account in late November 2018 without issue. Despite constant changes to the terms of service and instituting new "processing fees", I continued to use the service without incident.

All of a sudden on March 14th I found out while at the movies trying to check-in and purchase my ticket that my account had been terminated, though no reason why was provided that explained what exactly my account did that was fraudulent. Short of reaching out to Sinemia Customer Service at times when the service was not working properly, I have not even had interaction with customer service, yet suddenly my account is being terminated.

This was not only unscrupulous, but upsetting as now I will not receive my full refund amount based on the number of months I will no longer be able to use on the Annual Plan that I purchased in Nov. 2018. They are trying to return the difference between what I have spent on tickets through their service and the annual amount I paid. This is method of refunding makes no sense and if would simply like to have my account restored without these allegations of fraudulent activity. If not, the full, proper amount refunded for the remaining 8 months worth service I have remaining.

Desired Outcome

I would like for my Sinemia account to be restored and if not possible. I would like my full refund back for the remaining 8 months of my service and the $15 fee charged to get a debit card for ticket purchases since I can no longer use that either.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 02, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There has been no clear reasoning and rationale for why my account was terminated. I will continue to actively discourage others from using or considering Sinemia.

Sinemia wrongfully terminated my year subscription (and a quick Google shows that this is happening to others) and have been unresponsive.
Sinemia wrongfully cancelled my account with no notice. They claim fraudulent activity but have no details into why. To further the sketchiness of this situation a slew of other customers have had the same issue and they offered a refund that doesn't make any sense. We all paid for a yearly subscription, which means that we should be paid back prorated for the rest of that subscription cost. Not a calculation of the actual movie cost. That's shady and defeats the purpose of a movie pass.

To add insult to injury, the company has been unresponsive. I have not heard a single thing from support over the course of a week. Looking at various customers who have posted online, I will probably receiving a vague response saying that they can't tell any information if they do respond. That's shady and screams that they created a business model that they can't handle and are taking it out on loyal customers that are actually using the plan that they purchased.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund based on my prorated yearly subscription. cost. What they offered of cost of the movies minus what Ipaid for the yearly makes no sense, as I had to pay Sinemia processing costs for each ticket that I purchased, that if combined with the full cost of the ticket was more than I would've paid if I had just gone and purchased directly from the theater.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Could not use my account due to holds claiming abuse. I didn't abuse it. Told my account cancelled and refunded, no accounting of refund given.
I subscribed to Sinemia about a year ago. I used the program, and had NUMEROUS issues with the website not providing the service I paid for. I expected to get a credit card to use for purchases, but, was never sent one. Now, they will "sell you one". They added fees to use online purchasing but, were never told in advance of those fees and was not provided a way to avoid the fees.

Went to use my account again, and it was suspended due to "suspicious activity". Filled out the "form" to resolve the issue, there is joy form and no option to contact them in any meaningful way.

The legacy of problems with this company is too long to mention further. I'll sum up. It did not work as promised. They added fees that were not disclosed when I signed up. They do not answer emails or any contact. They accused me of fraud and misuse with no ability to dispute, they cancelled my account and gave no reckoning of the refund given.

Desired Outcome

Accounting of refund including gift card I purchased and applied to the account. Refund of any and all charges recently incurred. Accounting of fraud and misuse claim. Complete refund of unused portion including portions I could not use due to services failures. Actual contact from a human being. Availability for future customer to speak with a human being to resolve future issues.

Sinemia Response • Apr 02, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 02, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Fraud? There has been no circumstances of fraud and I ask them to provide proof of fraud. That's a serious accusation.
Funny how they accuse me of "fraud" and terminate my account after I had just extended it.

I had forgotten to check in for a movie, and I paid the "misuse fee" accordingly. However, suspending my account happened only AFTER I paid the fee and extended my account.

This is not about fraud as it is cancelling out customers who use the service consistently.

I wish to be refunded.
I wish to have my account canceled and refunded the remainder of my membership.

Desired Outcome

I wished to cancel my membership months ago and have not been refunded.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms & Conditions. Also, upon reviewing our system, we see that you reached our support team and they provided a solution about the misuse fee charge on your account.

Just like all the others. I signed up. Starting using. Then they made me send picture with DL for verification. Then all of a sudden cancelled my account for abuse. Not 1 time did I abuse my account. They are calling me a fraud now when they are the fraud. They make it hard to see a movie so you accidentally screw up. They NEVER answer emails.

Hopefully a class action lawsuit comes about. But problem is they will take the money and run.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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