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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

This company is a complete scam and ripoff. You pay a yearly or monthly membership fee to see a certain number of movies per month. The app and payment system is set up to basically roadblock you from actually using the service. Most of the time I was not able to buy a ticket due to payment information issues or application errors. Then Sinemia requested government photo ID and a photo of myself. This company is going to sell your personal data and government ID to the highest bidder.

Stay far away and buy your movie tickets from a more reputable source that won't scam you!

The service is unreliable. I have had several dates ruined, the app showed movies available, bought tickets, when trying to use physical card it was declined. this has happened multiple times

Have done nothing but comply with the terms of their agreement. Just had my account terminated on the grounds I violated their user agreement, however they refuse to give any other explanation aside from their system automatically noted it. It seems there's a large wave of people for whom this is happening as of late. So either there's a problem with their system that they refuse to look into, or they are trying to get rid of users and using this as an excuse. Either way, completely unethical and this company deserves to go down the way of MoviePass.

Similar to many people, my account was terminated suddenly and without substantiation. I paid for an annual subscription in July of 2018 and have scrupulously followed all the rule of my plan. Then all of a sudden, my account was terminated for suspected fraudulent activity, however they refuse to provide details or open a case to look into it, and their "refund" is based on full price tickets used versus the fact that I prepaid for a full year and only was able to use 7 months, meaning no refund at all. Based on other, similar customer experiences, it seem like Sinemia is terminating customers if they are actually using their plan and therefore costing the company money. We are being unfairly cheated out of money because they didn't think through their business plan. Stay away from this unethical company.

I leave these liars and thief's zero stars because 1 star is way too many.

- cheat you with hidden fees that increase and change every few weeks
- close down accounts when you actually use it claiming "fraud" but not willing to describe issue
- zero, non existent customer service. They might get back to you a few months after you write in, email or Twitter, same story.

I was just terminated for violation of the user agreement, when in fact I did nothing our of the terms, and they gave no explanation.
I got a message upon logging into my account that it had been terminated for violating terms of service. I never once came even close to violating their service terms. I requested additional information via their customer support email (the ONLY way to contact them...they don't even have a phone number!) This was the stock response I received: 'We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically. Unfortunately we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information.' I replied contesting that I did anything wrong and requested they reinstate me as their must be an error in their system, but their response back was more of the same: they can't give me any further information, and my account is terminated. So they take my money as I prepaid for a year, and then they kick me off with zero information as to why. I have seen on various social media platforms that I am not alone here and apparently this is happening to a lot of people right now. So they take our money, since you prepay for their service, then they just cancel you with no just cause.

Desired Outcome

I want to be reinstated to my account AND get an explanation of what their system found that I did that allegedly violated my user agreement. They claim it was an automatic trigger from their system and therefore they can't get me any further details. Their system is either faulty or they are trying to get rid of their customers and hiding behind that fake explanation. I am not the only person this is happening to, we deserve to be reinstated to the service we paid for and get an explanation as to what happened!

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 08, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is the same stock answer they are giving everyone who is complaining about their unfair practices. It doesn't even address the concerns or the real issue which is that they are offering absolutely no explanation. They think saying to refer to the email or their member services sounds like there is more information to give to us, but everything they direct us towards is just as vague as this response. SCAM of a company with a clown CEO

I am requesting a full refund on my Sinemia annual plan since they have violated their ToS by terminating my account with vague reasoning
I got an annual plan with Sinemia on 11/3/2019 paying $108. The plan guaranteed 3 movies a month for 12 months in addition to charging $1.8 per movie as an online booking fee (which was not explicitly mentioned while signing up). I have only booked 8 movies so far using this plan. After wrongfully terminating my account, they claim I am not eligible for any refund because the cost of the movie tickets exceeded the cost of the plan. This is absolutely ridiculous as it violates the services promised. According to the plan, I should be able to see another 28 movies

Desired Outcome

There are 2 things that I am requesting - The first thing you could do is reinstate the plan and let me continue watching the movies as advertised by your annual plan by making the appropriate adjustments (I lost nearly a month already of not watching movies as a part of the plan) - Provide a full refund. If Sinemia can send me a list of movies watched as part of the subscription plan to justify no refunds, I have movies that I paid for myself because the subscription was suspended at the time (I have watched 4 movies at the time. I can provide booking confirmations for the same)

Sinemia Response • Apr 06, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I understand that an account *** get terminated if it detects fraud. My point is that I have not received an explanation on why my account is terminated. I am sure terminating accounts without a valid explanation counts as unfair. I raised this complaint with after Sinemia said I was not eligible for any refund (for which the reasoning is pretty ridiculous). All I am asking is that Sinemia reinstate my plan with the appropriate adjustment or provide me a full refund because you do not have a valid reason to terminate my account.
I am not sure if I did not get a notification on the updated ToS because my account was terminated or if Sinemia did not bother sending a mail to customers stating that it has been updated which is pretty shady in my opinion if it was the latter

Sinemia Inc. cheated with my money. They take your money but don't give the service they promised
I purchased the movie online service with Sinemia. I suppose to watch 3 movies of my choice of movie or theatre in 30 days. Once I paid for services I found out that they charge convince fee and card processing fee whenever you use your 3 movie passes each time. It was never discussed at the time of payment. 2nd issue with their App. on IOS is so complicated that you will be sitting on it for 30 minutes t figure it out how it works and when you figure it out its already late to watch anything- They made it intentionally so people don't see what they paid for,
3rd their support is not available through IOS devices - you need to go on regular browser to fie a support file and they will answer you back in few days. another game plan from Sinemia to discourage you.
With all these time waste you don't get to watch all 3 movies.
They steal my money- 6 months of time I watched 4 movies after lot of hassle and complaints. 3 Times their approved payment was declined by theatre. When I confronted from them they said it was computer glitch and now I can't even watch any movie because I filed a complaint and they blocked me .
THEY LEGALLY STEALING PEOPLE MONEY- THEY STOLE MINE. should investigate and have them pay for it

Desired Outcome


Sinemia Response • Apr 06, 2019

Hi. As stated in the terms & conditions, The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets. Also, if you would like to avoid online transaction fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through page. In addition to that, we checked the two times which you couldn't use our service, we see that the movie theatre has charged the Sinemia's virtual card. Therefore, the issue is not Sinemia related. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 10, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This company full of lies,, I am not the only one complaining, everyone has the same issues. You charge us the whole amount and now you telling me that it's not your department. I paid for the year and still can't log in my account and when I had your membership you department approved payment and then when I go buy ticket. You payment declined payments. I have all proofs and emails and screen shoots.
You can lie as much you can but look at your rating not the whole world is lying.
Only solution is that refund my money all of it , charge me for 3 movies I watched after so much hassel, that might make you happy. Your company should shut down. You steeling people Hard work money.

I pre-paid for a year of service and account has been disabled before term is up
I bought my partner and I an annual membership to Sinemia. I prepaid for the entire year. Sinemia keeps changing the rules and recently asked us to upload pictures of ourselves and our IDs or they'd disable our accounts. They accepted my documentation but didn't accept his. We have emailed them many times and haven't received a response. They've also never given him a permanent digital card after many unanswered requests to do so. By their actions, they've essentially disabled both of our accounts because he can't use his, I can't use mine. I bought the plans so we could go to the movies together.

Desired Outcome

I want a full refund of both of our annual plans. $216 in total ($108 for each account).

Customer Response • Apr 03, 2019

I never heard back from Sinemia about this issue but contacted them over Twitter about another issue to which they responded, fixing both issues in the process. You can resolve this case. Thank you very much for your assistance.

No customer service, only computer generated
emails, that did not address complaints. Did not keep
consumer informed of changes. Request refund.
Purchased movie plan for 2 people for 1 year at a cost of
$251.88. Was not able to use movie plan because their
mileage info was wrong for my locations. Only saw movies
we paid for out of our pocket. Changed mileage for our
local theater after I sent info showing mileage to our theater. All other movie theaters mileage is still wrong, so we could't
movies in any other locations, to far away to check in.
This info was changed without any notification from Sinemia.
When to 1 movie, but would not let me checkin inside the
theater, thought I was too far away. Their app sent me a
email that I failed to check in. Responded to their email telling
them their app would not let me checkin. Only response was
an automated email telling me how to check in, did not
address my complaint. Also received the same email response for other complaints. Several emails were sent,
but their was never a personal response for any of the
emails. Once mileage was fixed and we were going to
the movie, there was another change. Went in to purchase
tickets, but then they wanted ID verfication and the account was locked, only discovered when I went to buy tickets.We went to see movie again at our cost,not through Sinemia.
ID verfication wants a picture of your drivers license, along
with a picture of you holding your drivers license- thenSinemia
will decide whether to verify your information. If not then
they will cancel your membership. The account is locked now
and can not purchase tickets. Emails were sent notifying of
problems, but never received personal answers from Sinemia,
Only response was automated emails from ***, all emails
were the same answer. Paid by Visa *** Oct 2019,
service start date Nov 3, 2019 . All contact with then has been thru email Sinemia Support

Desired Outcome

This is a service that can not be used because I will not do ID verfication to be able to see movies. I believe in protecting my identity. Their app does not work like it should. Their is no real customer service. Sinemia has been nothing but problems. Would like a refund issused for 9 months. Total cost for 12 months $251.88

Sinemia Response • Apr 06, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. Moreover, after the approval of your identity, the documents you shared will be removed from our servers immediately.

Customer Response • Apr 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
ID verfication was done and approved for my account. App
does not work for movie checkin. Marquee Cinemia was
fixed by support - showed 10.78 on screenshot sent to
support dated 1/20/19, now mileage shows as 5.49 (correct).Twenty theaters show when selecting theaters - only
mileage correct is Marquee Cinemias. App thinks you are
approximately 4 to 47 miles away when you are at theater location.

Support has been sent 2 emails a week ago, has not acknowledged or responded. Asked questions about checkin
for movie and requested a history and usage report. Customer
service has not improved and problem with app.

I am requesting refund of $251.88 minus cost of 1 movie for
1 person. Cost of 1 yr plan was $251.88 for 2 people for 3
movies per month. Almost 5 1/2 months has passed, no
contact with support except customer generated emails,
problems with checkin and problems with cardless. The only complaint addressed by Sinemia was ID verification. I have copies of emails sent to Sinemia and copies of your computer
generated emails.

Sinemia cancelled my account, saying I had violated their terms of service. I did not. Their app is criminally difficult to use.
The Sinemia app is terrible and difficult to use and the company is always throwing up roadblocks to using the app. Then they cancel my subscription and say I violated their TOS, which is not true. They make their product intentionally hard to use then scam people by cancelling their accounts. How is this legal? I asked them to provide proff of the violation and they have not done so.

Desired Outcome

I'd like Sinemia to refund the balance of my account.

Sinemia Response • Apr 06, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 08, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The company emailed me: "We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically. Unfortunately we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information." The website does not provide the information either. I still have no idea how I violated their terms of service. This company is defrauding its customers.

account deactivated without any reason, asked the customer support on twitter why my account was terminated no valid reason told
I signed up for sinemia 2 movies per month annual subscription plan on 9/10/2018 paid them annual fees plus $3.60 service fee for each movies. They cancelled my service without telling me what policy did I violate. They emailed me usage history and told me my plan exceeds what has been paid for and I won't get any refund. It's a total scam and dishonest policy since they promise 2 movies per month for two people. I need full refund from the company since they ***'t tell me what policy did I violate and they didn't fulfill their promise of 2 movies for two people once a month

Desired Outcome

Full Refund since they violated their own promise

Sinemia Response • Apr 06, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Wrongful termination of account without providing a reason
My account was terminated based on some random algorithm claiming that my account violated terms of service.
I asked for the reason multiple times but they did not provide it - merely said it was determined by their automated system.
Their system could just flag all accounts as invalid - they need to either refund the entire money back or reinstate my account.
They collected money up front for an entire year of service.
Now they have come up with a twisted logic to pay partial amount of money which is not even computed fairly.

Desired Outcome

I want either a refund calculated on a pro rated monthly basis or the entire money. Their unfair way of calculating refund is not acceptable for me. Either that or they need to reinstate my service for the entire year.

Sinemia Response • Apr 06, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 08, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is not an acceptable response since the company is just claiming fraudulent activity without even giving a reason for it.
Also the refund is being calculated in an arbitrary and an unfair manner.

I paid for the service upfront for a year. I can not use the app to get my services and have sent multiple emails for months now.
purchased for service annually. about $120. Used service for a month or two then the app would not let me login. I attempted to contact Cinema for the past 4 months with no response. I purchased the higher tier of support but still nothing. I am unable to use the service and unable to get a response.

Desired Outcome

I only want a full refund for my membership as for the service was deceptive and literely unusable. I only request a refund because I feel partially at fault because I commited to a full year. shame on me for trusting a company.

Sinemia Response • Apr 06, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you are unable to log into your account due to the dispute you requested. Once you provide the letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter which provided by your bank, our support will be able to take the necessary actions. Thanks

Arbitrary termination of account six month prior to actual term after charging for entire term upfront
Company advertised annual plan to allow customers to watch 3 movies per month after upfront payment of #119.88. I purchased two plans- one for me and another for my wife by paying two payments of $119.88 on 9/3/2018 and my account term should have expired on 3/9/2019 entitling me to watch 36 movies over 12 months. However Sinemia arbitrarily terminated my account in Mar 2019 with 50% of term still left- and refuses to provide any reason for termination. Meanwhile I paid the company $30 for two physical cards and also purchased gift cards which are all worthless now. Essentially the company has defrauded me and hundreds of other customers like me, has no customer service number to answer questions, and does not respond on email either. They still continue to send marketing emails with impunity which may make more gullible US citizens to fall in their fraudulent trap.

Desired Outcome

I want the company to refund me 50% of $239.76 (cost of two subscriptions) as only half the promised term has expired till now. Additionally I want them to refund me amounts of $24.50, $17.50 for two gift cards that I purchased from them as well as $29.98 ( 2 physical cards for $14.99 each). All of this aggregates to $191.86

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Sinemia canceled a yearly subscription I paid in advance for all 12 months without any reason noted. Then offered improper refund.
I did everything appropriately with my Sinemia Movie Account. I also did everything they asked for ID Verification. After having the account from Nov.14, 2018 to March 13, 2019 they canceled my account. I ordered a monthly subscription but I paid 12 months in advance on my mastercard so it would discount it to $9.99 per month (Total I paid was $119.88). Sinemia canceled my subscription after 4 months then offered a refund of $5.90. Instead of refunding my 8 months remaining they calculated the refund by adding up the cost of movies I saw. I am not only upset they canceled my account for no reason but then they tried to cheat me out of 8 months I prepaid for their service. They tried to figure my refund to come to $5.90 which is not correct. If I prepaid for 12 months and I have 8 months left after cancellation then I am owed for those 8 months. I would also like to add their customer service is next to impossible. You cannot reach anyone with the phone number and when you contact customer service via website, most the time it doesn't even go through. If it does then you rarely hear back from anyone. I have read articles that I am definitely not the only one complaining.

Desired Outcome

Sinemia owes me the remaining 8 months that I prepaid. So at $9.99 per month I am due $79.92.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 08, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia's claim of fraud detection with my account is invalid. A company can not just claim this with no proof and keep 8 months of the monthly membership I prepaid. I went by all the rules provided to me by Sinemia. However, after they cancelled my account Sinemia sent me a letter saying I was due approximately $5 after their tricky calculation. Again, the math is very easy, the refund due to me is the 8 months I have left on my prepaid account. This is $79.92. Thank you

Sinemia terminated my prepaid annual membership claiming I had committed "fraudulent activity." They did not respond to my request for an explanation.
On March 16th, 2019 I attempted to see a film in the local cinema using my Sinemia prepaid annual membership. I received an error message and was instructed to login to my account page to see an important "notice." When I did so I learned Sinmeia had terminated my membership citing I had committed "fraudulent activity." I have never done any of the activities their "notice" suggested I may have in order to justify terminating my account. I sent their customer service team a message asking for an explanation as I was totally surprised and dumbfounded. Today is March 18th and still I have not heard a response from Sinemia explaining what activity triggered my membership termination.

I purchased a prepaid annual membership in October 2018, using a credit card for the amount of $119.99. My service plan was for three movies every month.

Initially Sinemia required I use advanced purchase movie ticket websites to procure movie tickets. Due to this they were charging me an undisclosed and unavoidable fees (processing fee of $1.80 and convenience fee of $1.50) per movie. I then purchased their physical card ($14.99) in order to cease accruing their per movie fees.

Desired Outcome

I want Sinemia to explain their reasoning for terminating my account. I did nothing to violate their terms of service and committed none of the fraudulent activity they claimed in their notice. Resolution I am seeking is I want Sinemia to reinstate my account and allow me to finish out the duration of service they charged me for. If they are unwilling to restore my account then I would like a full and complete refund for my annual service charge ($119.99) plus the cost of their physical card ($14.99). A total of $134.98.

Sinemia Response • Apr 07, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 08, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There has still been no explanation as to what activity on my account they are claiming was "fraudulent." The only explanation they continue to send is "the system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically." The message they refer to in the "membership area" with "further information" has no information. It's all vague and unfounded claims.

I asked them to please point out the specific incidence(s) that triggered their automatic fraud detection to terminate my account and they cannot or are unwilling to be more specific. I never misused my account and their termination without explanation (or basis) is simply unacceptable business practice.

Sinemia wrongfully terminated my account. they claims that they do not owe me any refund based on their arbitrary calculation.
Sinemia has been wrongfully terminating many subscribers' accounts, and mine is one of them. They forcibly ended my subscription without any apparent reasons. Since I have used their service for exactly six months, I demand the refund of $59.94. However, Sinemia wrongfully claims that they do not owe me any refund based on their arbitrary calculation. They say that the actual amounts of money I spent on movie tickets exceed what I paid for the plan. Their service is supposed to be a movie subscription service, a three-movies-a-month subscription in my case, no matter how much I actually pay for the tickets. So I find their calculation to be arbitrary, ridiculous, and just wrong.

Desired Outcome

Since I have used their service for exactly six months, I demand the refund of $59.94, half of the annual plan I paid.

Sinemia Response • Apr 07, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Was charged a misuse fee for app glitch.Haven't been able to use service in a month.Contacted company multiple times.
On Feb 16, 2019 went to see Battle Angel Alita. The first step I took was that I logged into the app. Completed ID verification, chose my movie with the time, and checked in. The app chosed a green check box and said that I was pretty much ready to go. Went and saw the movie. Next thing I know I can't see another movie because of a misuse fee. I emailed customer service on the Feb 17,2019 about the issue. I received an email saying my ticket was received. Didn't receive any further response. I sent two more messages on the March 10 and March 13th. I received one response on March 10th saying someone would get back to me about the misuse fee, that it was a team decision. No response back since.

Desired Outcome

I would like the misuse fee to be removed and I would like to either be granted a free month of service or granted the equivalent number of movies that I lost the chance to see.

Sinemia Response • Apr 07, 2019

Hi. Due to the missed check-in, you have been charged a misuse fee and since the fee is paid, your ticketing feature got re-enabled. However, our support has refunded the paid fee and added another month to your plan. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
They fulfilled my request.

My account has been restricted due to a misuse fee, I had technical issues with their app and was unable to check in, I reached out and no response.
I reached out to Sinemia after my 3/7/19 7pm viewing of Captain Marvel in Suffolk, VA via email.

I am being directed to *** to pay the misuse fee, however there is no option to pay a misuse fee.

There is only a ID verification required - Awaiting documents section that has been added since I started my membership that I never would have agreed to.

I am trying to resolve the issue of my locked out account with them via three separate email messages, with nothing but a standard automated response. Nobody has reached out to resolve my issue.

I've had issues in the past where contacting them via twitter has been successful. However after about 20 or so tweets and direct messages to their Sinemia Twitter account I have received no response as well.

They are a shady business and I want a refund. They have increased substantial fees on each of the movie tickets, and done everything they *** think of to alienate their customer base. What they are doing is illegal and needs to be stopped.

Desired Outcome

I purchased a 12 month subscription up front,and I want a refund for my remaining months. I purchased my subscription 7/25/18 I have not been able to use the 2 tickets for 2 movies a month each month due to their shady practices, changing rules and guidelines and procedures and general shady business practices to the full extent of what they seemed to promise when I enrolled.

Sinemia Response • Apr 07, 2019

Hi. Due to the missed check-in, you have been charged a misuse fee. However, the fee has been waived and your ticketing feature got re-enabled. In addition to that, our support added another thirty days to your account since you were not able to use your membership in the previous period. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 08, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I've reached out to the business on multiple occassionas via email and their twitter support service which is the only responses I've received, and even then they ask for more information, I give it and they do not respond or attempt to resolve my problem. I haven't been able to use their service for months at this point so the extended 30 days to my account still doesn't make up for that. They consistently add random fees and processes to their service trying to ensure their users are unable to go to a movie which is what their service promised in the first place. They require ID verification now, which was not identified when I signed up and wasn't required. I don't trust my information with this business. I purchased a physical card from them for $40 and have been unable to use it, and they refuse to refund me for it, even though it was never specified that the physical card required ID verification to use, and cannot be used for online movie ticket purchases which is what I bought it for to avoid their outrageous convenience and online ticket service fees.

I bought this service to save money on going to the movies and it has done anything but that. It's been nothing but a headache.

Unless my service is restored and I'm able to book online ticket I request a prorated refund from the business for the months I have remaining, as well as full reimbursement for the physical card I was lied to about via their website.

Or just let me use the service as intended when I purchased it. I was promised two tickets to two movies a month, and this company has not delivered on that.

their technical service has been spotty with their app and not allowed me to check in or do what is required. because of their limitations with their app I am being punished as a consumer.

That is unjust and unfair.

I expect action and something to be done about this situation.

Their team has not reached out to resolve ANY of the issues I've reported or tried to get my service working again.

Would not recommend this business to ANYONE.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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