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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

They are claiming we and thousands of others have committed fraud and refuse to talk to us about it. There is no customer service.B
We signed up with Sinemia in November 2018 to see three movies a month for approximately nine dollars a month. We don't think that we have done anything wrong, we have certainly not seen more than three movies a month. We do not know how to get in touch with the customer service department . There is no phone number on their website given to talk to anybody, and they will not return of the email and explain anything . We were told that somehow we committed some type of fraudulent activity but we do not know what it is . That is why they say they are terminating us as customers . We just want to know specifically what we did wrong. From what we understand set of Mia has done this to thousands of other customers .

Desired Outcome

Just want an apology and want to continue with the contract we paid for

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I don't believe I committed fraud and would like my wife ***) and I to be reinstated.

My account was terminated by Sinemia automatically. When asked about why I was removed the support team said - the system automatically removed me.
Sinemia system terminated my account automatically for violating the terms of service. I reviewed my usage/transactions history and I think I never misused any terms and conditions. I just wanted to know why I was removed by the system when I didn't do any mistake. It's just frustrating. I tried to reach the support team and I they closed my ticket completely pointing the reason to the system.

Sinemia email address - ***
Plan purchase date - 11/27/2018

Desired Outcome

I need a specific reason by the company, why my account is terminated at the first place? If there is a fraud that I've committed, I need to know about it and I will accept my mistake. If not I need the company to reactivate my account and repay for the inconvenience it caused me.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Unless Sinemia provides information about the fraud transaction with me, I'm not accepting any response from the business. They cannot classify my account as fraud without proving it to me. I cross verified my transactions, I really don't think I did any fraud transaction. If Sinemia is able to provide proof I'll accept my mistake and accept the response if not I need Sinemia to pay for all the time I've invested in this.

My account has been suspended since December 2018 and still didn't get any refund for it or it hasn't been reactivated.
I subscribed for Annual Sinemia membership on August 2018 and after a couple weeks I subscribed they changed the terms and started charging me $1.80 extra transaction fee every time I used the service. I disputed this amount through my credit card company and then they suspended my account on December 2018. I haven't been able to use my account since then, which I already paid $179.88 for. I tried to reach them multiple times via e-mail to get this issue clarified but every time they say that the service is non refundable and stop responding after. Right now I'm pretty much stuck with the payment I made with not being able to use the service at all.

Desired Outcome

I would like to get a refund since my account has been suspended and I haven't been able to use my account since December 2018. I want the prorated amount of my initial payment to be refunded back to me, which is around $120.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Purchased a 1 year subscription. Service was terminated after 2 months without any explanation. Company does not have a customer service number
Purchased a 1 year subscription. Service was terminated after 2 months without any explanation. Company does not have a customer service number. Company does not return any emails.

Desired Outcome

Refund and apology from business

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This was an auto generated response. No such fraud was committed on my account. I have receipts that *** clearly demonstrate might usage. I also have history of my purchases through Atom tickets. Only issue I had was a "failure to check in" which I paid for said ticket via my credit card. Unacceptable response

Account termination without informing proper reason and many hidden fees implemented after the purchase of yearly subscription service.
I purchased a yearly subscription in August 2018 for 2 movies a month, and have adhered to their terms and conditions. Since the purchase, Sinemia has added on two hidden fees (processing and convenience fees), a dubious requirement for an ID and a selfie photo with said ID card, and an opaque ticket purchase process. On March 15, 2019, I was informed that my account was terminated "for fraudulent activity" when I was trying to book my tickets through the app, after about 6 months of a subscription of what was supposed to be a year. I contacted the company and all I got was an automated response, with no specific detail on what the supposed "fraudulent activity" even was. I have adhered to their T&Cs and have not engaged in fraudulent activities as they stated. I specifically: did not let another user use my account, did not "spoof" my location using GPS, and I made sure to check in as they requested with every movie ticket purchase. I have only received half of the time subscription which I paid for, and I see no valid reason for this termination. I am looking to at least get a refund for the 6 months unpaid - I will not offer their form a refund which calculates how much money was spent on tickets using their card. I paid for 12 months of service with 2 movies per month, and I have received only 6 months' worth, and this amount (~50% of the $120 paid) is what I expect to get as a refund.

Desired Outcome

As described in the complaint in detail. I bought the subscription as described, 12 months of 2 movies per month subscription. The amount of money "saved" according to them is irrelevant in this purchase and should not have any role in their issuing of a refund. Again, the least they should refund is 50% (6 months' worth) of the initial amount paid (~$120).

Sinemia Response • Apr 02, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 02, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Again, this response is auto-generated and I have seen it before. It does not say anything in how I violated their supposed terms and services, and I insist that I have not breached any T&Cs - I bought tickets only for myself, checked in at theaters when they requested it, and even tolerated their shady fees and the ID verification when they implemented it. This is totally unacceptable and a unilateral termination of service that I paid for, for the full duration of a year. The refund process is also not based on duration of service but profit made by the company, which is questionable and I will not be accepting any refund calculated in such a way.

They've broken a pre-paid annual contract 7 months into our agreement with no explanation and no refund.
In August I pre-paid approximately $200 for an annual subscription to Sinemia that was to guarantee 2 pairs of movie tickets per month, fees included. Later they began charging purchase fees every time I would redeem my pairs of tickets, but at the time I did not complain. Then 7 months into our 12 month agreement they cancelled my subscription with no explanation. They provided a list of possible issues with my account that could have resulted in cancellation, but did not specify which applied to my case, and in any case I have not used my subscription fraudulently. They informed me I was not eligible for a partial refund because the services I'd enjoyed so far were worth more than the fee I paid. But that wasn't our agreement. Our agreement was $200 for 2 pairs of tickets for 12 months, and they have not delivered on it.

Desired Outcome

I either want to be reinstated for the remainder of my 12 month agreement, or to receive an amount commensurate with the services they have failed to deliver AND I want them to stop making fraudulent claims about the services they provide.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia will not provide refunds when the app is unable to render services. They also charge a number of hidden fees.
I went to Regal Opry Mills in *** to buy a ticket in person for the film "Fighting with my Family" on 2/23/2019.

Upon arrival to the box office, I discovered my membership has been temporarily deactivated due to their new government ID Verification. It said I needed to provide my ID in order to return my service. I was never informed of this by the way. But I stepped out of line to complete this process.

My movie started in about 15 minutes so I was up against the clock for this. Upon visiting the website I discovered that the section that I was supposed to visit in order to complete this process was not working. I received a page not found error.

Because it was so late, I went ahead and bought my own ticket, and would seek a refund later.

After contacting Sinemia, I was told Sinemia does not give refunds. I already knew this would be the response as just a month earlier I was charged a misuse fee by Sinemia when the app didn't allow me to check in. I had to threaten to report them to the just to get that fee waived. So this set a precedent that Sinemia does not refund even when their app fails to provide the service your paying for.

But for this instance in particular, I was told they would not provide a refund, but would add an extra movie day to my subscription. My membership is $8 a month for 3 movies. Thats roughly 2.50 a movie. The ticket I had to pay for that day, was $14.52. So 2.50 vs $14.52 is not a fair trade in my estimation. Especially since I would be paying to have an extra movie day that I didn't need. So I would like a refund for this purchase, and to somehow institute some protections for the customer in the event that this happens again.

I've been a member since August of last year. I've had 4 instances where I had to pay out of pocket for a ticket because the app failed. Every time I have contacted customer support and have been given the run around. This was the first time where I was actually told that they do not give refunds. I think this is unacceptable business practice, and they need to be investigated.

They charge a number of hidden fees to use their service. They charge you extra to start the service early. Which seems to be a ploy to get you to pay extra rather than wait for the obscenely long month for your membership to start. They also charge extra to receive a physical debit card. Something that no other business does. They charge you $2.80 every time you buy a ticket in advance. They charge you $15 for failing to check in, even when the app won't allow you to.

Please investigate this company, and protect the customers who feel like they have to prove they are innocent before Sinemia will even respond to their complaint.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for failure to provide services. While there are many instances of the app failing and having to purchase tickets with my own money, I only have physical proof of one of those occurrences. So I would like $15 to make up for the ticket I had to buy myself.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 02.02.2019. However, as a gesture of goodwill, the fee you were charged has been waived. Moreover, Sinemia does not refund out of pocket purchases. However, as a managerial exception, your current plan has been extended for another 30 days. That way, you will not be missing out your movie days. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Sinemia has shown an unwillingness to compensate it's customers for repeat failed services. So rather than continue to go back and forth with them over this, I'd rather just be done with it so I can move on.

They cancelled several members membership for no unclear reasir. They said I committed fraud which violated the contract and cancelled my account . I
I paid $275 for membership for 12 months. I only used membership for 5 months. I'm owed 7 months @ $2 =154 they want to give me $11 only total refund. I want to get a full refund because my menmembers was cancelled with no reasonable doubt. They cannot prove to me where I committed fraud. Which I did not , I payed for all the transaction I used .

Desired Outcome


Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I purchased the membership for a year with a cost of $275. if you break it down its approx. $23 per month. I only used it for approx. 5months. I want 7 months @ $23 per month totaling = $161 refunded since my membership was canceled without a reasonable doubt. I emailed several times sinemia to let me know the cause I was terminated, they do not give me an answer. they only respond that they cannot discuss this termination with me. no where on their website specifies what I did. I did not commit fraud and I feel offended by this accusation.
Also their math calculations do not make sense. I was charged $175 for a 12 month period. they want to give me $11 dollars and I still had 7 months left. their calculations is to their advantage stating that they paid the theaters certain amount and I only have $11 left on the account.

Signed up with Sinemia for a 12 months membership (3 movies/month) and after 4.5 months my account was terminated without cause and no refund provided
On 10/31/18 I purchased online from Sinemia (; "the company") a 12 months membership (paid $107.88) which allows the user to acquire 3 tickets per month for free (as advertised by the company, which later I found out it was misrepresented, as I also had to pay convenience fees) to watch 3 movies per month (2D format).
Upon payment, I received the following email (the same day) stating the following: "We have received your payment. We are now taking the necessary steps to activate Sinemia Cardless for your account and this could take 1-2 weeks. You may choose Accelerated Cardless Activation on your membership page here and start using your plan instantly." I chose to follow the link and paid $9.99 to instantly activate my account.

Upon account activation, through the Android app, Sinemia allowed me to use their service and provided a card number to be used to buy my tickets in advance (due to the lack of a physical card, tickets could not be bought in the cinema). Not only I was responsible for the convenience fees associated with buying advance tickets online (which were charged to the credit card I provided when I signed up for the service; $1,80 for each occurrence), but Sinemia also charged me a $1,50 processing fee for each occurrence.

On 12/17/18 I also paid a $14.99 fee to receive a physical card from Sinemia which in turn would allow me to buy tickets in the theater w/o any additional fees, rather than buying them online and paying a convenience and processing fee each time.

At some point after creating the membership, the company introduced a check-in requirement while at the theater within their phone app, stating that if not done within a certain period of time, a missuse fee will be charged. Unfortunately, one time (on 2/9/19) I forgot to check-in and a missuse fee was charged to my account and was paid immediately; the fee amounted to the full price of the movie ticket ($12.05).

Early March, when I attempted to use the company's app to reserve a movie ticket, I was prompted with a message notifying me that in order to prevent fraud, I had to submit a copy of a picture ID and a photo of myself holding said ID next to my face for identity verification. I complied with this requirement and on 3/11/19 I received the following email from Sinemia: "Following our earlier identity verification request, you did upload a scanned copy of your government issued ID and/or ID verification photo as required. We thank you for your efforts. Fortunately, we were able to verify your identity based on the documents you have provided and your account is now ID verified. We do not require any further action at this point. We hope you enjoy the movies with Sinemia... Regards, Your friends at Sinemia"

Lastly, on 3/15/19, when I attempted to use the company's app to reserve a movie ticket, I was prompted with a message notifying me that I cannot do so and that I have to visit the membership page. Upon logging into my online account, a message notified me that "Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated." No further explanation was given to me.

Desired Outcome

Sinemia to reinstate my membership immediately until 10/30/19 (end of the prepaid membership period)

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia did not provide a resolution to my complaint, rather they chose to lie again wrongfully claiming fraud associated with my account.

I paid the one year membership and Sinemia terminated my account after 6 months and kept my money.
I paid the one year membership and Sinemia terminated my account after 6 months accusing me of some vague misuse. They later sent me a transaction history in which they charged me FULL PRICE for the movies I used their service to watch. Sinemia now claims that my "plan's spending exceeds what has been paid for the plan." So now they are keeping my money. They do not honor the terms of their agreements and they steal from their customers.

I want a refund (instead of my account reinstated) because I have no confidence that this company intends to honor any agreement it makes.
Sinemia Username:

Desired Outcome

I want a refund (instead of my account reinstated) because this company has shown no evidence that it intends to (or desires to) honor its agreements.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The Sinemia response is to is the same response they gave me before I made this complaint. I have already applied for a refund and requested usage history as Sinemia requested. In response, Sinemia only accuses me of fraud, but does not specify (nor provide any evidence) of the fraud.

They charged me several times the amount I agreed to pay for the movies I used their service to watch and then claim I have no funds left in my account to refund.

Sinemia stole from me and refused to make things right.

Sinemia terminated my account and will not tell me why. I followed their terms of service. When asking Sinemia, they wouldn't tell me why.
I signed up for Sinemia on 11/24/2018. I took advantage of their special: $7.99 a month to see 3 movies. They made me pay the full 95.88 for the year. Since I didn't realize the amount in fees I'd be paying for tickets and the service seemed reliable, I purchased their card for $14.99 on 1/7/19. I received the card on 2/7/19 and used it for 3 movies.

On 3/11/19, I went to ArcLight Cinemas in El Segundo to watch Captain Marvel. I signed into the app and attempted to reserve my ticket, but only got error messages. I searched in my app and found a notice that they had terminated my account and I could request a refund. I was never previously e-mailed there was a problem or that my account had been terminated. The notice didn't give any specifics except to review the terms of service. I reviewed the terms of service and didn't violate any. I only used my account for movies. I checked in each time I went to a movie. There was nothing that made sense.

In reaching out to the company, I received an e-mail on 3/14/19 that said to send in photo verification through their website. I checked on 3/14/19, 3/15/19, and 3/17/19. I was never allowed to upload any verification, so I e-mailed it to them. I received an e-mail back from Luke on 3/17/19 that my account was terminated and all I could do was request a refund. I replied asking why it was terminated and he said it was terminated and I could request a refund. I asked again why I was not told what I had done wrong and he said to review the terms of service and this ticket was now closed.

Sinemia wants to give me a $30.50 refund now. That refund doesn't take into account that I spent $15 for the card I used it three times when expecting to use it for a whole year.

The refund also charges me full price for every ticket, not the $2.66 per movie each month which equals the $7.99 a month for 3 movies which is what I bought. No offense, but I never would've paid $17 to see the Grinch. At $2.66, I felt ok to see the Grinch but would not have at $17. In charging full price for the movies, I would only receive $30.50 back of my $117.82 spent when it should be a minimum of $86.91 or more because they fraudulently cancelled my account.

When I told my fiancé about my issue, it seems that Sinemia falsely cancelled many accounts when users tried to reserve Captain Marvel.

Here's a media article on Sinemia randomly cancelling accounts.

Desired Outcome

My top scenario is I would like them to give me a full refund for my account and card for the headache they have given me and for wrongfully terminating my account. Scenario 2 is they reactivate my account for the rest of the year and then I won't renew it in November.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The message in the member area just was a terms of service message. It didn't give any description of what I had done that was fraud. I didn't violate any of those terms so the description is no help. No one has to this date told me what was wrong.

The "adjusted refund" doesn't properly account for what I signed up for: 3 movies a month at $7.99. They charge me full price for the movies in the "refund". The refund should be $93.85 not $30.50.

I paid for a full year membership and was terminated after 6 months for fraudulent activity that never happened.
I purchased a one year member in September 2018 and used the service appropriately at all times. In March 2019 I was terminated from the account with no refund for fraudulent activity that never happened. I have tried to contact Sinemia multiple times with no success. I did not file a complaint when they added fees that were not in the original contract or even when they asked for a copy of my passport but this is the last straw.

Desired Outcome

Total payment to Sinemia was $217.08 for one year. Since they cancelled me for no reason after 5 months I would like a prorated refund of $126.63.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 05, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is a canned response that does not substantiate any claims of fraudulent activity on my part at all. I did apply for an adjusted refund and their response was they spent more on tickets than my membership costs. The fact that that is their business model should have no bearing on what I paid and should get back.

They terminated my annual contract 6 months in, without cause. They offered me a refund that was far less than what it should be.
I know there is a pending lawsuit about their convenience fees, so I won't go into that. They suddenly terminated my membership 6 months into a 1 year subscription. I paid $191.88 for this subscription, but they offered me a $2.49 refund. Also, they would rarely respond to my attempts to contact them. They said that I violated their terms of service. The only thing I did was forget to use their 'check-in' button in their app after going to one movie. They then charged me a 'mis-use fee' that was the total price of a movie ticket, and I paid it. A couple weeks after that, I found out I was terminated when I attempted to use their service again.

Desired Outcome

I want a fair refund of $95.45. I don't want to be reinstated after how I've been treated by them. They also asked for a picture of my driver's license with me in the picture, which I believe was a violation of my privacy as ell.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They have not provided any proof that I abused the service, because I didn't. The message in the membership area is a general message that was sent to all those who were terminated.

I bought a Elite Family plan for 239$ where 2 people can watch 2 movies per month. After 6 months, terminated my plan with 5$ refund instead of 120$.
I have purchased a Elite Family plan where me and a family member can watch upto 2 movies including IMAX per month. I have watched till now 7 movies in 6 months and all of a sudden my plan is terminated. I am fine with the termination as long as they refund me back the remaining 6 months money i.e. 120$.

Instead they are refunding me 5$. They said my account is involved in some fraud, but I have used it on Cinemark website, so those transactions can be checked.

Please provide me the locations of where the fraudulent charges are done, otherwise refund my money back.

Desired Outcome

Refund my 120$ for the remaining 6 months.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept the response. If the company is accusing me of fraud activity, prove it to me. I have every email of the ticket I have purchased within your conditions and I can forward and provide you with all of those.

In 6 months time we could have watched 12 movies including IMAX (for a family of 2 elite plan), but we watched only 7. You also charged me the convenience fee for all the tickets I have bought.

I have credit card statement as well as ticket purchase confirmation emails with me and I can provide all of them.

Tell me one reason why your company cannot be sued for duping the customers to increase your company userbase. What is the difference between you and MoviePass?

Provide me with a prorated refund of 120$ or please be prepared for further action.

Company cancelled my annual account under vague and false claims that have been reporting by many others. Also false advertising regarding services
On 8/3/18 I purchased an annual Sinemia plan that was supposed to include a physical credit card that I could use twice a month for discounted movie tickets. Sinemia then changed their business model after my purchase to not include a physical credit card but instead I was supposed to use a virtual credit card to make purchases online which included various additional fees that I did not agree to or have described to me in their advertising in any shape or form at the time of purchase. When I filed a complaint asking for a prorated refund of my upfront payment they refused. Then months later they offered customers the physical credit card after customers complained but it required additional fees to purchase it for $29.99. As unfair as this additional fee was I bought this since I knew it would save me money in the long run since their additional tagged on fees would surpass the $29.99 amount after a few months but issued a complaint regarding the unfair out of pocket expense and how they falsely advertised their services. Their customer service ignored this complaint.

Then several days ago they vaguely and falsely cancelled my annual account due to their claims that I went against their terms of service but did not provide additional details and can speak to this being 100% false. Examples such as mine have been reported in mass and can be seen in the article below.


Sinemia would not offer me a refund after account cancellation since my use of their plan exceeded the amount of my ticket purchases but doesn't take into account the money I was out of pocket for their additional fees that I was not made aware of at time of purchase. A rough estimate of these fees would amount to about $80.00 but would have to run a credit card report on my end to get an exact amount.

Desired Outcome

I wish to be refunded in full for all online ticket purchasing fees as well as the fee i paid for their physical credit card.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Businesses' claim of fraudulent account use is falsified and is something that they are doing to customers in mass. Google Newsing "Sinemia Cancellation Policy" as of today pulls up a lot of articles about the cancelations being fraudulent and how Sinemia refuses to provide any further details at this time. Additionally their refund workflow doesn't provide customers with refunds at all. It only shows how their internal costs for movie ticket purchases out weighted the cost of the annual subscription service paid for by the customer which they claim justifies customers not receiving at refund which makes no sense on any level. It basically shows customers that they had a poor business model, shows how they are loosing money on an individual account, and claims that they don't want to give a refund because of it. In my personal experience I calculated that they owe me at the very least $109.93. They technically owe me more but am only fighting for this amount because its very easy to justify. Uploading my email correspondence with *** to attachments along with a letter I wrote my credit card company. Thanks.

Wrongful termination of service with no precise reason of breach of TOS.
Sinemia has terminated my service without a precise reason. Account detail noted that I have breach their term of service, but no precise detail of how. Contact to customer service has fail to receive a respond.

Desired Outcome

Either to return services or refund of months not used for the 12 month of upfront paid service.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have not committed any forms of fraud. The automated fraud detection is faulted. If I did, I would like to know exactly what form of violation I have committed. The form of refund is not acceptable unless its a full or a refund of remaining month since termination.

Service was terminated. I was notified I "violated the terms of service" but no instances were specified. Only offered partial refund.
Sinemia is a service similar to Movie Pass. I paid almost $400 for their premium membership PLUS extra for a physical card to be able to see a 2D movie every day for a year.

When I recently tried to check in, I was told I needed to log in to the website to address an issue. I logged in and received notice that my account was terminated because I violated the terms of service. No specific instances were referenced. I requested a list of my transactions, and all were valid movie tickets purchased. Still, no specific violations were mentioned.

They offer a refund of the $400ish fee I paid minus all movie tickets I have purchased from the service. Essentially, it will be as if I simply purchased all the tickets directly without Sinemia.

This is a sleazy business practice. I did not violate the terms of service, and Sinemia is trying to get all their money back by not providing a full refund and arbitrarily terminating their service if they see an account as being potentially unprofitable!

Desired Outcome

Either reinstatement of the service per the terms that I purchased the membership OR a full refund of the original purchase price PLUS the cost of the physical card. I would rather receive the full refund and not deal with this sleazy business anymore.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The representative is still ignoring the issue and giving a generic answer to an issue that requires specific information.

Their representative is just regurgitating the same automated message, that their system "detects fraud automatically" but will not explain what supposed fraud or improper use of their membership there was.

I'm telling them and have told them before contacting that I DID NOT violate the terms of service and reviewed the charges for my card and the charges were all valid. I am asking for a specific instance of a violation of the terms of service or a specific instance of fraud. They will not give that, and as far as I can tell, they CAN'T give that, because they are being fraudulent and terminating accounts arbitrarily that they feel are unprofitable.

I verified the transaction history and each charge was a legitimate 2D theater ticket charge as per the plan I signed up for.

If I could rate 1/2 a star or zero star I would. Was on my 2nd year of an annual account despite several hiccups. Was cancelled at the beginning of my 3rd month for a vague reason of "fraudulent activity". I'm not the only one who has experience it. Also no longer offered a refund bc they have no record of it. Luckily I have emails and receipt to support my end despite the fact that they do not offer invoices even when requested.

This company is a terrible business. I have had the unfortunate of being taken advantage of all these miscellaneous fees. Seems Everytime other time I go to use my membership, they find a new way to charge me a new fee.

I need to find a way to get them to stop. I'm going to contact the tomorrow and try and join a lawsuit against them. They should never be allowed to get away with this.

Terrible company. They charge fees at every turn. Customer service won't respond to email unless you post on a social media site publicly.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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