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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Incorrectly suspended my account and changed me fees for movie tickets never purchased
On Mar 2nd. I tried to use my Sinemia virtual card to purchase tickets, however, the card was not accepted by Fangando. I submitted my complaint via email on Mar 2nd and followed up on Mar 7th as their was no response.

Sinemia has suspended my account for not checking into the movie as per their guidelines...which wasn't possible as I was never able to purchase the tickets. Additionally, they charged me processing fees inaccurately and deducted tickets from my plan.

Desired Outcome

I am looking for the following: 1) Unsuspend my account 2) Reinstate movie to my account 3) Return the processing fees If this is not possible...please pro-rate my account and refund the balance on my 12 month membership. Thanks

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

The company terminated my one year contract and refuses to provide explanation or issue a pro-rated refund for the remaining 6 months.
I signed up for Sinemia, a movie subscription service allowing me to see 2 movies a month for the agreed upon price. I paid $95.88 for a year long membership on 8/30/2018. On 3/16/19, I attempted to see another movie and found that my account had been terminated for an alleged violation of terms. I have reached out to Sinemia for explanation, denied violating terms, and asked for more information regarding my terminated contract. They refuse to provide a specific reason. Additionally, when I asked for a refund they were only willing to provide an "adjusted refund based on usage history." This means they are going through and looking at how much they have paid for my two movies a month and subtracting it from what I paid for the service. My payment of $95.88 was paid in consideration of the service for the contracted 1 year period. I did not get the benefit of my bargain, and my money should be refunded at a prorated amount based on months of service provided (6 months) not what the company spent on my movie purchases. Especially considering they are seemingly not able to produce any evidence or explanation of my term violation(s). Emails and social media messages have only produced the same generic response citing they cannot provide specific reasoning as a system identified this potential term violation.

Desired Outcome

Unless the company can provide specific explanation or evidence as to how I have violated the terms of service, I am owed $47.94 for the 6 months of service they have cut off. This or they should restore my account to good standing. I am confident that I did not break any terms of service.

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The message does not indicate what fraud I am being accused of. I did not commit fraud and sinemia cannot seemingly prove that I did either. As a result, I am not due an "adjusted" refund. I only got half of the service I paid for and am owed the other half as Sinemia is breaking the contract without providing any reasoning.

The continually change their rules and practices making it difficult to use their service.
First, when I signed up they promised a physical credit card to purchase movies and it never came. Shortly after sign up the stopped using a physical card. That meant that a virtual card had to be used online which forced us to pay service fees and surcharges. Then months later they started using a physical card again but it required an additional $30 to receive one. Additionally, when ever I try to use the service there is always something new that prevents me from being able to use the service without having to go through their support. Their support is only available through social media and it *** take hours to days to receive a response. This forces me to pay out of pocket for a movie that they should have paid as part of my membership. Finally, they now require, after 7 months of membership, that I verify my ID. I've submitted the requested documents and now I'm waiting indefinitely for them to verify it. In the mean time I ***'t use my membership.

Desired Outcome

I want a prorated refund for my membership and my wife's membership based on 6 months since that is what I have left and I have been unable to use it due to their poor service and increasing difficulty of use.

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. Sinemia is a cardless service by default. If you would like to avoid online transaction fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through page. Also, ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Moreover, once you upload the documents, you will be able to use your membership.

Sinemia has changed the terms of their services and has been charging additional fees in order to get more money outside of the contract.
In the advertised prices, sinemia charges a certain amount for a subscription to see a limited amount of movies. However, they do not note the convenience and processing fee. These charges are only made known when you try to buy tickets in advance as you have to with this product. How the process worked: You would go to a ticketing service such as fandango, amc stubs, ticketmaster, atom, etc and find a time and seat to watch a movie. Sinemia would give you a stated credit card number, etc to pay that ticketing service to book the ticket.

When starting, it seemed negligible as it would amount to less than 4 dollars per ticket booked.

It was made known that you can bypass the convenience fee through certain ticket booking services. However, Sinemia required that the customer pay at least 90 cents for convenience fees.

When contacted, Sinemia did not respond in a timely manner unless legal action was noted in the email. Still then, they said they would pass the message to management but no response was given to follow up. As a result, Sinemia got rid of the option to indicate varying convenience fees and required you to pay over a dollar in convenience fees.

And this is in spite of the fact that the ticketing service (Fandango, etc) did NOT have a convenience fee. When contacted again, they said they would pass it to management again. No response after a week, a month, etc.

Where did the convenience fee amount go to? To amc stubs when they did not ask for a convenience fee? I don't believe so. There is no phone number to talk to a representative and it is a pain-staking frustrating process. I switched from MoviePass to Sinemia in hopes that they would provide a better service, but they have scammed me and others I know with the service to pay them more money.

Furthermore, after complaining, it was shown on my app that I missed the opportunity to renew my subscription plan and my plan was cancelled. Unless I paid $17.99 for a new subscription plan, I could not use their services. There was no other option or explanation of why my plan was cancelled. There also was no reminder to renew the subscription plan when I was actually subscribed to it for several months.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund of all the convenience fees, processing fees and the most recent charge of $17.99.

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets. If you would like to avoid online transaction fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through www.*** page. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I'm not asking you to cover the processing fee or the convenience fee. I'm saying Sinemia scammed me out of money even when the convenience fee from the ticketing service was eliminated. You charged me money for convenience fees that I was exempt from. So I do not accept this response of yours because it doesn't even address the issue.

I am able to get tickets withOUT a convenience fee. Yet, Sinemia still charged me with a convenience fee. I want a refund or compensation

Services are not working and customer service is unresponsive.
I have been trying to use the Sinemia app for the month of March, however cannot continue beyond the step of choosing a movie. I have reached out to customer support several times and they have chosen to not respond to me. My membership cycle is due to renew next week and I have not been able to use any of Sinemia's services due to their app not working.

Desired Outcome

I would like to be refunded for the month of March as well as have all unused films carried over into the next month. This includes the 1 that I was unable to use at the end of my last cycle due to their app for a total of 5 rolled over films for the month of April. I would like for them to fix the issue immediately as I have not encountered issues with them in the past and am disappointed at their lack of customer service skills.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that, although you are in the middle of your monthly plan, there isn't any usage. Therefore, our support has updated your plan's beginning date. In addition to that, our support has reached you through e-mail and provided assistance. Thank you.

Sinemia's app is not allowing for the advanced purchase of movie tickets.
I was charged a monthly service fee of $12.99 on February 19, 2019, to enable me to use Sinemia's app to purchase 2 tickets to the movie theater during the time frame of February 19th through March 20th, 2019. In order to do this, I would need to use Sinemia's app. When I would try to use the app to select the ticket, the advanced purchase functionality of the app was not working. The screen used to select the movie theater, and the movie, would not process and therefore I was unable to use the service to go see the movies.

Desired Outcome

I would like Sinemia to refund me for the month that I was unable to use their services due to their app not functioning. Furthermore, I would like Sinemia to fix their app to allow for appropriate services to be rendered as they advertise.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. When we check your account, we see that on your latest month you used one of your movie days on 02.23.2019. Since the second one had not been used, it rolled over to the next period. However, since you requested a chargeback, your account's auto-renewal feature got disabled automatically. In order for our support to re-activate your membership, we need you to send us either the letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter which provided by your bank. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
My credit card company issued me a credit for Sinemia's inadequate service. At no point have I received an apology from Sinemia, and at no point has Sinemia admitted a credit/refund is due. I would like confirmation that Sinemia issued the credit/refund to my credit card company.

This company is a completely fraudulent and nothing but a scam. I purchased a yearly pass *** over $250 and they canceled it after three months and after I only watched six movies. They tried to say that it was canceled because of fraudulent activity but nearly everyone with a annual membership is being canceled. Just look at all the other reviews on the internet about them. The only positive ones are written by them. Stay away from this company!!!

I wish there was a lower rating than one star. I'm trying to prortedt my fellow consumers by posting this honest review. This company has used so many ploys to get their customers to cancel their subscriptions so they *** recoup their costs.

1. Started charging for credit card processing fees two months into the program. I thought fine it's still a good deal but honestly that's sneaky!
2. Started stating that I need to check into movies with their app. Which sometimes took forever to work so I'd be fiddling with my phone inside the movie house. It's app is horrendous half the time hanging and crashing.
3. Asked for picture of yourself and photo Id. I complied as I have nothing to hide. I'm not a scammer.
4. App just stops working . I contact customer service and they just say they're working on it.
5. Finally accuse you of fradulent activity? Like really? I did everything you asked for ! I emailed them and they just state sorry they ***'t tell me why I got terminated as they don't have that information. I looked at all the reasons to be terminated I didn't violate a single thing! Customer service is like a stone wall won't explain why or investigate. Why would a fraud call customer service! And send their id??

Stay away. This isn't worth your time and stress.

Pathetic. Sinemia terminated my account saying I violated terms and conditions. I have never changed a device or used in multiple devices. Saw only 8 movies in 5 months despite paying $360 for an annual subscription. It's clear, they bleeding money and terminating user accounts to stop. Pathetic and dishonest business practices.

I signed up for a year of membership, when they went cardless I couldn't use my membership for months until they brought the exact same cards back. They didn't ship me a new card but they did post on their website my current card couldn't be used because their new cards are more secure (it's the same card). I had to read in the news that I could get a new card by requesting it on a membership sub menu, it takes them two more weeks to send it. Keep in mind they don't reply to any of my customer service emails since they don't have a phone number to call, but I still had to pay for those several months I couldn't use them.

The last month I had them I forgot to check in for a movie, so they immediately froze my account until I paid the full amount of the ticket, which I paid that same day. They wouldn't unfreeze my account for a week even though I still had more movie days. I finally see (since I have to log in each day to see if it's useable) that it's unfrozen but they ask me for a tip to thank them for the privilege of the membership I paid for. I didn't tip them, so they cancelled my account for fraud.

The problem is I had just paid for another year thinking it couldn't get worse ($191.88). Now I ***'t access my account and they have agreed to refund only $120 of the new membership. They charged me full price for every movie I have seen with their membership since I signed up with them. They waited till I renewed to cancel my membership so they could take more money from me. Horrible company and I hope they go out of business for doing this to thousands of their customers.

Nothing they do is ethical. They are always looking for that chance to squeeze another dollar out of you. They will change their terms and condition and require new things. Even asked for tips in their app (??!?!). It is obvious they are scrapping for every penny to stay afloat. Do not commit to an year long subscription with these jokers. Chances are, you won't get to use it much and they will not give you your money back.

I would rate then nothing if I could!
Today they terminated my account calming I violated their terms of service.
I did no such a thing. They won't provide me with the exact reason. they have my credit card and ID information and now I am worried that they might be a scam company who stole my personal data.

I was gifted Sinemia a year ago as a birthday present from a friend, now my credit card has been charged without my permission as an autorenewal.
I was gifted Sinemia a year ago from a friend. When the gift was given my account was set up and I was able to begin using the app. The purchase was made on the friend's credit card. I was never presented with terms of service or made aware that the service would automatically renew a year later.

I added my own credit card to the Sinemia account to pay for convenience fees which are charged to the customer when a movie ticket website charges a small convenience fee. I never authorized my card to be charged for an autorenewal.

I was very upset to discover on 3-19-19 that my card had been charged $209.53 without my permission or consent. I did not purchase Sinemia for myself, it was gifted to me. I was never presented with terms of service or notified that the service would be autorenewed.

I emailed Sinemia as soon as I noticed the charge on the morning of 3-20-19. I received a response that as detailed in the terms and conditions, the charge was non-refundable. I replied that I was gifted the service and was never presented with terms of service, to which I received a response that the charge was nonrefundable and additionally that my account had been put on hold because I needed to update my account with a picture of me holding my own photo ID. It seems strange to me that the same day I ask for a refund from Sinemia, they put my account on hold.

I do not believe this charge is fair, ethical, or even legal. My card, which was only added to cover the small convenience fees sometimes charged for tickets, was charged without my consent. I was not even the creator of my Sinemia subscription as it was a gift from a friend. I contacted customer service immediately upon seeing the charge and asked for a refund and the refund was refused.

Furthermore, I sent Sinemia an email on 12-3-18 detailing several issues I had been having with this service and never received a response to this email.

I would like a full refund of the $209.53 that was charged on my card without my permission, and the deletion of all of my credit card data from Sinemia's system as I do not trust them anymore with this information.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund of the $209.53 charged on 3-19-19 for an automatic renewal without my permission, and for Sinemia to delete all of my credit card information in their system.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that since you did not cancel your membership, it got renewed automatically. Also, since you disputed the charge, we are unable to refund the amount and cancel your membership. In order for us to take the necessary steps, we need you to send our support team either the letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter which provided by your bank.

My Account was unjustly terminated without reason. Sinemia is not responding to me regarding the situation.
I originally purchased my Sinemia annual plan on Sept. 3rd 2018, I had mostly been enjoying the service with the occasional app problem, but as of March 17th 2019 they terminated my account without reason. This termination was done by an automated system and gives the same response as it does to every user who has had their account unjustly cancelled. I have tried for the last 48 hours to get someone from Sinemia to respond to either my email to them or my tweet regarding this situation, no response. I believe that Sinemia as a company is doing this fraudulently, but is giving the same basic response to everyone that they are not able to see why my account was terminated.

Desired Outcome

Originally I wanted my account back, but after going through this situation I am just asking to receive a refund of my remaining months of service. And not an adjusted refund based on what Sinemia spent vs what I used that is unfair to anyone who has had to deal with their account being terminated.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Many others have received this very same reply and I will not accept this as a solution. I have roughly five remaining months, I would like to receive a refund of $9.95 a month multiplied by five. This should not be a hard thing for a business to process especially seeing how poor of an experience that I have had with this company. I'm not only continually requesting this for myself but also hoping to show that others feel the same and want their money back. I will not be not be clicking on the refund button on the website because I then am giving up my right to ask for a full refund if I accepted that, so I will be leaving this case open.

This company terminated my account with no explanation and refuses to refund the appropriate amount of the used membership fee.
I like any other customers were deceived into paying for a full year of membership when only wanting to have a month-to-month membership. This company makes it vertically impossible to reverse that charge.

I was stuck with the 17.99 yearly membership started in November 2018. I was informed last week that my account was terminated due to fraud or abuse and this decision was not reversible. In addition, the system will not tell you the evidence or explanation of what happened that caused the discussion. Only explanation you get is the system automatically detected the fraud or abuses but the reason is unknown.

I requested a refund for the unused portion of my account. Monthly membership of 17.99 x 12 = 215.88 paid. I had my account for 4 months so - 71.96 = 143.92. This company claims they only owe me $14.86.

I have tried to resolve this issue with the company. The only answer I received is the system automatically figures out the refund, there is no overriding it. Apparently, they charge you for what they have paid for your used tickets and then subtract that from your refund. This is very deceptive practice. This company should at minimum be required to disclose why the account was terminated and allow that customer to dispute that claim. In addition, you join a company like this to get your allotted monthly movie tickets regardless of how much this company paid for them so you should not be held responsible for their business model. If they terminate your account, they should be required to pay back the unused membership fees.

Desired Outcome

I would like a real explanation of why my account was terminated not the auto generated "computer did it and we can't tell you why." In addition, I would like the full of 143.92 back which equals the monthly fee that will not be used due to their wrongful termination.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 10, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Referring to the terms of service does me no good if I don't know what terms I supposedly violated. Customers deserve to know what terms were violated and why that deserves an automatic account termination. You wrongly terminated my account and refuse to refund me the difference of the unused months. That is fraud.

I need an explanation on why my account was terminated and a fair refund.

Requesting prorated refund or chargeback for Services Not Provided by Sinemia
Hi, I'd like to issue a chargeback on a charge made by Sinemia on my card back on 12/9/2018.

The issue is that the charge was for a 1-year membership that started on December 2018 but my membership was unexpectedly terminated by Sinemia with no explanation provided to me. After questioning them further, they were unable to provide me with any explanation or reason as to why my membership was terminated.

I believe this is a violation and grounds for Services Not Provided to me after I have paid for said services.

I am not asking for a full refund as I did use it for the past 3 months worth but they have wrongfully terminated my membership for no reason and I have lost money on the remaining 9 months. The membership costs $215.88 for 12 months so that comes out to be $17.99/month. For 3 months worth of service that I have used is $53.97. The remaining balance for the 9 months worth of service is $161.91 that should be prorated back to me by them. I have spoken with them and they said there is nothing that can be done and they won't give me a reason for my termination.

I used my Uber Visa credit card to purchase this membership on 12/9/18. The email associated with the account is ***

There are a lot of other people out there dealing with this same issue and going through the same process with their credit card companies. This story has also been in the news and media as well for the past 3 weeks now.

Please help me in resolving this matter! Thank you!

Desired Outcome

I am not asking for a full refund as I did use it for the past 3 months worth but they have wrongfully terminated my membership for no reason and I have lost money on the remaining 9 months. The membership costs $215.88 for 12 months so that comes out to be $17.99/month. For 3 months worth of service that I have used is $53.97. The remaining balance for the 9 months worth of service is $161.91 that should be prorated back to me by them. I have spoken with them and they said there is nothing that can be done and they won't give me a reason for my termination.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
WHY was my account terminated? A system that terminates accounts automatically should never be allowed in any situation. Someone needs to review why the account was terminated and provide a reason why it was terminated. The system could be flawed using whatever algorithm was programmed into it. It could be terminating accounts erroneously and no one would ever know or be held accountable. How can this be acceptable for a business? How can people continue to pay a company that can terminate their access at ANY time for some ridiculous ambiguous reason such as "The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically".

I want to know WHY my account was terminated. WHAT was the reason?? If it was my fault, I will own up to it and case closed. But a reason MUST be given. Why would you not tell your users what they did wrong?? This just doesn't make any logical common sense.

Terminate a contract for no apparent reason
Contract was terminated for no apparent reason and miscellaneous fees charged wrongly without refunds and no contact from the company ever numerous of times

Desired Outcome


Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

I emailed Sinemia prior to signing up to ask if my theater was within their network. They replied it was available - it is not.
I emailed Sinemia prior to signing up for a plan to ask if my theater was available. They replied stating that it was available. Once signed up, I discovered I could not purchase tickets for my theater. I emailed customer service, who told me "they do not see the problem" and then asked me to wait. I waited, and then I waited again, about 2 weeks in total. I asked for a response and they simply said that they were waiting for a response from their team. This is a complete scam. Email chain is below:

Hi ***,

We are sincerely sorry about the delayed response. We're currently waiting to receive information from our team, and we will update you as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,


Sinemia Support Team
On Wed, Mar 13 at 1:26 AM , *** wrote:

Your system is saying I have not "replied" to your email. Here is my reply. I am still waiting for your response.


On Sun, Mar 10, 2019 at 6:27 AM Sinemia Support wrote:
Hi ***,

We have requested our team to check the status of the theater and we will update you as soon as we receive more information. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,


Sinemia Support Team
On Sat, Mar 9 at 5:46 PM , *** wrote:

The issue is that Showcase De Lux is not available and I cannot purchase tickets for that theater. Unless your app / online service has not been updated, I don't know why this would be the case if you - now, and your support member - then, are saying it is currently available. I'd love to be wrong here, so please correct me and let me know that Cinema de Lux is an option. I recommend you try to find cinema de lux on your app, on your map, or through your online platform. Clearly, the reason I cannot purchase tickets is because cinema de lux is not listed.


On Sat, Mar 9, 2019 at 8:17 AM Sinemia Support wrote:
Hi ***,

Thank you for reaching out. We have viewed the previous conversation you had with one of our team members about 10 months ago, and you were informed that the theater you mentioned, Showcase Cinema De Lux at Patriots Place, was in fact, in our system. We also checked your account and we can see that you haven't used your membership to purchase tickets yet. Unfortunately we are unable to understand the issue here, could you please specify your problems so we can assist you? We would also like to inform you that as stated in our Terms&Conditions, our services are non-refundable.

Best regards,


Sinemia Support Team

Desired Outcome

I am seeking a refund as the company's representatives lied to me regarding the availability of their services in my area. Clearly, I would not have enrolled in Sinemia if my local theater was not available. This is a scam.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi.Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have not used any of your movie days yet. Therefore, as a gesture of goodwill, your plan's beginning date has been updated as 09.04.2019. Also, the mentioned movie theatre is not on our system yet. However, our developers have been informed regarding your request. The theatre may be added to our system in the coming days.

Customer Response • Apr 13, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept this response. Sinemia's support staff replied to my email assuring me that my theater was available BEFORE I subscribed (email included in original complaint). Clearly, as per their response, they are admitting that they lied to me at that time. Further, the "may be added in the coming days," is the exact line I have received from them on two subsequent occasions. This will not happen. I insist that I receive a refund and my account be permanently closed.

Cancelled service without warning. Does not respond to email, the only way to contact the company. No phone number exists.
I started the service in December 2018. I paid $107.88 for a subscription offering 3 movies/month at specific movie theaters for an entire year. I started using the service, surprised that there was an additional $3.55 fee included with each ticket purchase. I reached out regarding the additional fee to the customer service email and received no response. In order to avoid this fee, the company requires you to purchase a credit card for $15. I purchased the credit card. On 3/17/19 my service was cancelled without any explanation. They claimed that my account was fraudulent even though I have followed their guidelines. I have reached out to their customer service email several times since then, without anyone returning my emails. They sent me a transaction history showing how my "total expenses" outweigh my "total payments" and therefore no refund will be issued. Even though I have 8 months left of pre-paid service.

Desired Outcome

I have spent a total of $124.13. I would like the entire amount refunded because this service is a scam. They force you to pay hidden fees at every step of the purchasing process and then once you reach the point where the subscription model is beneficial to the consumer, they cancel the subscription entirely and without any explanation. If I knew this would happen upon signing up for this service three months ago, I would've just paid the movie theaters rather than this middleman liar.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Company froze my account due to not checking at theater but their app doesn't allow for check ins. Forced me to pay an extra $20 to unfreeze account
Their app purposely doesn't properly allow for you to check in so they have an excuse to freeze your account, then upon contacting customer service I received no response for weeks on end which then forced me to pay their $20 fee to unfreeze my account. Also they never refunded me for charges for tickets I never saw after I contacted them showing my receipt of cancellation.

Desired Outcome

a full refund of subscription and all charges incurred during my time as a member and cost of all tickets and their processing fees

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your acount, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 02.13.2019. You should check in at the theater for your advance ticket between 2 hours before and into the movie. Please make sure to check in at the theater for your advance ticket to avoid cost of the tickets being charged on your credit card. However, since the fee payment is completed, your ticketing feature got re-enabled.

Check fields!

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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Shady, yet now dead: once upon a time this website was reported to be associated with Sinemia, but after several inspections we’ve come to the conclusion that this domain is no longer active.


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