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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Just like others, one star is too many for this company. Just like all the others. I signed up. Starting using for only 3 months. Then they made me send picture with DL for verification. Then all of a sudden cancelled my account for abuse. Not 1 time did I abuse my account. They are calling me a fraud now when they are the fraud. They make it hard to see a movie so you accidentally screw up. They NEVER answer emails. Hopefully a class action lawsuit comes about.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 18, 2019

I read all your membership information, and there were no fraud activity on my part. Please explain when/what was fraud activity you are talking about.

Company terminated my account unfairly
I have been a Sinemia Customer since October; unfortunately, I accidentally purchased a year membership due to unclear check out procedures. I appealed a refund and was denied, which is fine, as we continued to use the service we paid for. I have had to pay extra fees and promised a card option which then I was told did not exist. When they finally rolled out the card feature I was told I had to pay 30 dollars to order the card. I opted not to purchase one. Since the first month, I experienced app issues, which keep me from appropriately following their required check in procedure. Each time I had an issue, I contacted them to let me know I had an issue. I believe this happened 3, maybe 4 times. The last time it happened, Sinemia threatened to charge me for the full price of the tickets, as I had "failed" to check in. I let them know I was not at fault and provided screen shots to them. Today, I attemped to use the service and found my account had been terminated and had to go online to find the following message:

Dear Sinemia member,

This is an important notice that requires your attention.

Our top priority is to provide our members with the best movie-going experience possible in the most affordable way. In order to achieve this goal, it is very important for our members to comply with the membership rules and abide by the terms of service.

Sinemia has put several systems and measures in place in order to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia's membership sustainable and affordable.

Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons:

Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases
You may review the usage terms of your account on our website if you would like to seek further information. Given the circumstances, please note that you will not be able to create further accounts with Sinemia.

Best regards,


Sinemia issues a full refund for the difference between a user's membership payment & fees and ticket purchases to the user`s payment card. Please fill in the form to get detailed usage history and request refund.

I have requested information and a refund, but would still like to make a complaint, as this company has proved time and time again to have terrible business practices which, in my opinion, border on fraudulent (which is ironic, as they are canceling member accounts accusing them of fraud.)

Desired Outcome

I have followed their procedure and have requested a refund for the balance of my year membership, and would like to include march, as we have not used any ticket purchases. The company states they will refund, however, as the company has given me reason to doubt their honesty and integrity, i have decided to enter a complaint through your organization

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Arbitrarily declined to provide service I had paid for.
I joined Sinemia in early December 2018. I paid for a year membership. It worked online for two or three times, but then I paid an extra $15 for the physical card that you can use to get a cinema ticket at the theatre in person.

That worked once. The next time I tried it, it did not. It would not be accepted online or in person. I was in extensive contact with Sinemia. They eventually resolved it in March and I saw a film. That is 4 films in 3 months, and I had signed up for 3 movies a month.

The next time I used it, I made a mistake and forgot to check in. I acknowledged it, and even though I had missed seeing 5 movies I was entitled to see, they did not waive the $11.50 misuse fee that they charged (i.e. the cost of the actual ticket to see the movie in Walla Walla, WA). So I paid it.

Then a week later I was in Olympia, WA, and tried to see a movie, and instead of working they sent an error message that my account was terminated for

"Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons"

Then there a list of things, none of which I did. I tried to use my card legitimately in 4 different towns, only two of which worked. I do have all the email and DMs on Twitter to back this up.

When I contacted their customer service after receiving the message today when I tried to see a movie in Olympia (I had a symposium here), they just said that it was automatic and that there was nothing that they could do.

It really feels like they automatically cancel anyone who appears to want to use the card in the way that they say it can be used, that is at any cinema for any movie. I did not get to use the card fully, but even those failed movies, when the card I paid for did not work, I did not get a movie credited to my account.

It seems like a really shady business practice.

Desired Outcome

I would just like to be able to use my account that I paid for.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia did not provide any more than a generic list of possible reasons for why my account was terminated. This response is exactly the same response they have given to everyone.

I asked them to provide the specific reason that they terminated my account, and they were unable to do so.

I categorically deny that I behaved fraudulently, and they are unable to provide any evidence to the contrary.

This was an arbitrary decision, that only happened because I actually used their service, and there are many, many, many reports of customers having their service terminated simply because they tried to use the service that they had been promised.

Sinemia charged me for the full year (12X months) of service, and then canceled after three months but refuse to refund.
I subscribed Sinemia service in Dec 2018 and paid for the full-year subscription. I have been using it normally. In March 2019, Sinemia decided to cancel my subscription and not offer a refund, claiming the full price movie tickets they've provided is higher than the dollar amount of my full-year subscription. Also they claim my account was fraudulent but can't provide proof. I requested refund with their customer support, but can't get a response. I then decide to dispute credit card and notified Sinemia.

Desired Outcome

Refund the full cost of my annual subscription of $200+ plus activation fee of $9.99

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did what the merchant recommend as "If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.***". They determined that the refund should be 0 even though I only used the service for 3 months and paid for the full year. Request full refund, and already disputed credit card. One thing merchant can do is to not reply to my credit card dispute, in which way I will get full refund

Invalid cancellation of annual membership after 6 months by

I have registered for premium membership plan with for a plan of 3 movies a month and paid annual membership payment to them. Under this plan I can book 3 movie tickets per month using sinemia app by paying just processing fees & convenience fees(if applies). Today when I tried to book ticket using their app I have got notification that their is an important notice for me and I need to visit website. When I visited website and did login, I got to know that my account has been terminated, few days back I have already provided them my passport copy along with my picture holding my passport , "Identification review has been completed successfully and no issue have been found in this process, also I can use sinemia service". After my account has been terminated I tried to connect with Sinemia support, after many messages and emails they replied to my query mentioning since the account identification review is dealt by another team they cannot provide reason why my account has been terminated, I kept asking them to provide details of that other team and they never provided me any further details. In the end they just said that they can only provide me details of my account previous usage and will accordingly charge me full fees(removing any benefits under this membership plan of sinemia) for all the tickets I have booked and if anything remains then I will get return. I have just used 6 months of their service for 8 movies I have watched and they have completely fooled me. I need your help for re-activation of my membership plan or refund full membership payment fees I have made for this plan.

Desired Outcome

Invalid cancellation of annual membership after 6 months by I want full refund of membership money or re-activation of my membership.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia has not provided any detail in their website as well. When I requested sinemia to provide details why my yearly subscription have been stopped they are just saying that their system has terminated the account due to fraud detection but no one else has used my account, I have already provided all the required documents as well to them for the account verification to which they have emailed me saying the account verification has completed successfully and then after few days I see my subscription has been stopped. They are not giving any detail. I don't understand under which law they can do this to their customers. Please help me here.

Business charged me for 12 months, but canceled my subscription after 7 months. They are not refunding the 5 months unused.
The business canceled my account arbitrarily. I used their service only as directed.

Desired Outcome

I'm seeking a refund for 5 months of service. I paid for 12 and only used 7 before they arbitrarily (through no fault of my own) canceled my account. I paid $179.88 for 12 months. I am asking for a refund of $74.95.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The "adjusted refund" is not based on a refund for the months services have not been provided. A lawsuit has been filed.

My account was closed for no reason, and I followed all their terms and conditions.
Spoke to Sinemia on Twitter @*** on 3/23 and gave me a scripted reply.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking a REFUND for both of my sinemia account and my girlfriends which i paid for.

Sinemia Response • Apr 16, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I was given the same generic answer, this is not a solution, I'm looking for a refund FAIRLY, if I paid 100 then it's 100/12 and however many months I used. You're trying to give me nothing as a refund. I want to know why I was banned in the first place. I did not violate your terms, so no I don't accept your method of refund because it's not a fair refund. I still had many months for my membership.

1. Asked for legal ID verification for movie ticket service.
2. 1-year subscription (fully paid) cancelled 7 mo.s early
3. improper refund offer
Sinemia is a movie ticketing service. In late October 2018 I signed up for a 1-year plan (20.99 per month, all paid upfront), which allowed buying one or two tickets to a movie, 3 days each month. To use these tickets, one must utilize a mobile phone app to do various purchase, check-in and verification processes. There were some fees charged, such about 2.60 per ticket. Further, the app uses a GPS check-in to be sure that the user is in fact at the movie they made the company buy full price tickets for. They reserve the right to terminate or penalize for any misuse of the service.

Until February, the app worked as I expected. I have use the app according to the rules, but I did once forget to "check-in" for a movie, but I alerted the company via customer support portal and was not penalized. February was when I was prevented from reserving tickets and asked for ID verification. They asked me to send a photograph of my legal drivers license, and a photo of me holding the ID by my face. Foolishly, I did that without redacting any sensitive information or ID numbers, birthdates, etc.

I was alerted via email that ID verification was successful, and that I could continue to use the app. Yesterday, Friday March 22, I was attempting to buy tickets for a movie (US, a popular film) and was redirected to my membership page, which alerted me that my account was terminated automatically because the system detected possible fraud... here are the list of possible reasons offered:

Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases

Again, my account was never misused as stated. Side note: I now have a gift card from them that I cannot usea $75 gift card sold at a 30% discount $52.50.

Below they offer a "full refund for the difference between a user's membership payment & fees and ticket purchases to the user's payment card."

This is not a refund for the seven months of service they are no longer willing to offer. It is a refund of the difference of what I already paid them and the charges they incurred for ticketing. The sustainability of the business model is an internal matter. The refund offered is unacceptable. I messaged their customer support page and on Twitter. On Twitter they confirmed my account termination but said they could not offer more information. They directed me to the membership page, stating "Unfortunately, we are not able to share any further details on this matter." They have not responded to any of my further messages. There are no phone numbers to contact and their social media is deleting critical comments.

I am now very concerned about the fact that this company also has my full legal ID on file. Getting stonewalled on customer service. The failure to deliver on the service is one thingthe alarming business practices are on another level. Very shady, very sketchy, and most certainly a scam. CONSUMER BEWARE.

Desired Outcome

Destruction of account records.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia's response is the typical smoke-screen they give all of their customers, and it is absolutely unacceptable.

For more information on the plainly unethical business practices of Sinemia, read the interview with their CEO Indiewiere here... the incompetence and shady business practices are on full display and he is unable to justify the so-called fraud detection that has booted many rule-following customers from the service: https://www.***

I have reviewed the terms, and one of the provisions - Section 27.13 - states as follows: "Sinemia may suspend the subscription, temporarily deactive, or terminate your account for any reason OR NONE WHATSOEVER..." emphasis mine.

I have already submitted this dispute to my credit card company to refund the months of service owed to me for my prematurely cancelled annual membership. An adjusted refund, in which they give the difference between fees I paid to Sinemia and the cost of tickets they purchased to provide the service I paid Sinemia for, is no consolation whatsoever.

I will never use this service again and will, and already have, spread the word about just how awful my experience has been. A cursory browsing of Sinemia's social media accounts indicates that I am far from the only one.

Account terminated due to violation of terms, with no explanation of violation.
I began my annual Sinemia subscription in November 2018. It worked fine, then in February of 2019 I cannot order movie tickets and I received a message saying my account has been terminated due to a violation of their terms and services. I have no idea why my account, which I thought was in good standing, was suddenly terminated. I tried emailing, and messaging Sinemia on social media. All I have received are automated email replies which explain their reasons for why an account *** be terminated - not WHY MINE WAS. it has been over a month now and the only option on my account was to close and request a refund. I have heard nothing from their customer service and I am guessing I won't be getting my money back. It is horrible to have an account closed when you pay on time and follow the rules, without any explanation or chance to resolve the issue. I paid up front for a year and I have only been able to use the service for 3 months. I want the rest of my money back if they're terminating my account!

Desired Outcome

I want my account restored in full OR a full refund for the unused months of service.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have previously tried to "Request usage history on your membership area at www.***" but I never got a response. I went to my member area online again, just now, and there is no option to cancel or request usage history. If my account is terminated, why is it still online with my credit card info and options to extend or change membership but not to cancel?

They wrongfully terminated my account and not responding to my email.
I purchase Sinemia family plan on November 2018 and my plan started at November 2019. Till now I watched 8 movies and then I got email saying that my account is terminated due to unauthorized used and showing several general reasons. They have not given any particular reason why they terminated my account. All the reasons they shown me is in their terms and condition section. I never used it for any other use. I have not misused it. It seems that as soon as they paid the amount they paid equals to my plan purchased amount they terminated my account.

Desired Outcome

I want to Sinemia to restore my account .

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 24, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The response is not acceptable. I paid for a serviceeither provide the service or give me full refund. The refund policy is also not acceptable. I purchased an annual subscription. The refund should be based on the number of months you allowed me to use the service, not the number of movies I watched. I used the service for less then 4 out of 12 months, your refund policy will give me close to $0 refund. I did not misuse the service. I read a lot about your business practices online after you wrongfully terminated my account. It seems like your "automatic fraud detection" is simply based on the number of movies someone watches. There are countless number of people complaining online that they are facing the same problem. As soon as they watch enough movie that cost close to their subscription cost, the account is wrongfully terminated. Please either give me full refund for the months I have not used and activate my account for the next 8 months that I have paid for.

I have steadily have issues using my subscription service. Customer Service is non-existent.
Multiple occasions of subscription issues have occurred, my most recent being on 3/23/2019. I was trying to purchase an advance ticket for 3/24/2019 but the app I purchase the tickets on was not allowing me to do show. Displaying an unknown error message when I attempted to proceed through the ticket purchasing process. I contacted the company on their social media platforms for support and also sent an email to the support division of the company seeking assistance. However, I know from previous experiences I will not receive a response until days later, if one at all at that.

Desired Outcome

I would like for the company to contact and refund me a percentage of my subscription charge. I pay for a service and I has been several occasions where I am unable to use the service I pay for. It is always a hassle trying to purchase my advanced ticket for movies.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you were able to use your two movie days out of three in the previous period and the unused movie day rolled over to the next month. You may contact our support team if you face an issue in the future. Thank you.

My Sinemia account was terminated without reason on suspicion of fraud when there is no evidence I violated any of the terms I signed up for
I contacted you a few weeks ago after sinemia was forcing users to ' verify accounts' by sending in their government IDs. This issue was resolved and I was able to resume the service. However when I tried to use the service recently I was blocked from doing so and informed that my account was terminated on suspicion of ' fraudulent activities'. I have not engaged in any fraudulent activities and have been complying with all the terms of service including the multiple hidden fees that the company had imposed. I believe that the reason my account was terminated was because I intend to get my money's worth and so I use the maximum amount of movie tickets the service allows me, this seems to have now exceeded the cost I paid for the service ( which was the whole point of buying the service that I could see movies at a lower cost). It seems sinemia is losing money to customers like me and has decided to terminate my account. This has happened to many other individuals primarily those who purchased the annual plans and have exceeded the amount they paid for the service ( again which was the intent in purchasing the service in the first place). There has been multiple class action lawsuits against Sinemia regarding their various deceptive and fraudulent business practices and someone needs to intervene and regulate the actions of this company.

Desired Outcome

I would like for my service to be restored so I can finish my subscription which ends in July. Alternately if they decline to renew my account then I believe that I should receive a credit towards the remaining movie credits I have left on my contract since I could not get a refund because I had already spent more than I paid for the service so I would not receive any refund if I accept my account termination. to clarify: 1. reactivation of my account to finish out my subscription OR 2. monies amounting to the amount I would have used on the tickets for the remainder of my subscription that was unlawfully terminated.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This response does not make much sense because how can you offer a refund if you think there was fraudulent activity going on? If the 'system' automatically terminated my account then there is a flaw in that system and sinemia should resolve the issue. As shown in the documents I uploaded there is no option for a refund since my purchases already exceeded what I I paid for the service, however I paid for 12 months and because of your defective system I am only getting 8 months which is not what I paid for. Therefore either you have to figure out compensation for terminating my account on accident or reinstate my account with the remaining months. I DO NOT ACCEPT THE CURRENT RESPONSE.

They just cancelled my subscription without detailed explanation. I have filed previous complaint with them.
After my previous complaint. They restored my service. Then a month later, they wanted a picture of myself holding my driver license, and also a copy of my driver license. I submitted to them and they approved it. Now they automatically terminate my subscription which I still have until end of June 2019, which includes 8 more movies to watch which amount to about $100.

Their reason for cancellation was my violation of their terms, which I am not sure what. My initial complaint was the same, they don't tell my what I have violated and just stopped my service.

This time around, they just terminated it with "violation of our service" and I have no clue what I did. I followed everything they asked.

Desired Outcome

Full refund of my original subscription fee that I paid back in July 2018 which was about $90.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Hello Sinemia,

There is no fraud what so ever from my part. You have canceled many subscriptions - a Google search will find many complaints.

If you can provide a proof of my fraud, I will accept it, so prove it, by just saying it doesnt mean anything. But I have not defrauded your company, I was just merely using it per our contract - twice every month.

Unless you reinstate my subscription, plus any missed movie ticket during this cancellation ticket, or refund my full subscription fee that I paid, I will continue to pursue this incident.

IT IS FRAUD on your part, not on mine.


This is a company fraudulently advertising services that don't work as described. No replies from customer service.
I haven't figured out how to go back to previous months to see exact dates. The initiam charge of $95.88 was on Feb 2, 2019 and my subscription finally started on Feb15, 2019. The additional fees were charged on Mar 4 and 18 2019

Desired Outcome

This company forces you to pay for a 12 month period. I would like reimbursement for the remaining 11 months as well as the additional convience fees charged by the company despite tthe third party not charging the fees. Before signing up you are informed of the ways to avoid these such as signing up for theater's reward programs yet still charges you.

Sinemia Response • Apr 20, 2019

Hi. upon reviewing your account, we see that the previous period of your plan has not been used. Therefore, our suuport has extended your plan for another month. Also, the developing team have been informed regarding the mentioned issue and we can confirm that it got resolved. Thank you.

I cannot use the services I paid for.
The website of this movie subscription has been down for a month and I cannot watch a movie. I'm still charged the yearly fee even though I cannot use their services. They constantly change their terms and conditions to rip you off in order for customers not to do charge backs.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have not used your movie day in the previous month. Therefore, our support added another month to your account. Also, our developers have been informed regarding the issue you mentioned and it is confirmed that the issue is resolved.

Sinemia received the money for a year prepaid service. The only provided 8 months of service and fraudulently closed my account.
I prepaid for a year of service around June 18, 2018. In November 2018, they added conditions to my contract stating that you must check in when arriving at the movie theater or be penalized. Several times the app would not allow me to check in to the movie theater stating there were no movie theaters nearby though I was at the theater. I missed my second check-in in February 2019. My account was suspended and charged a misuse fee. After not receiving any responses regarding me notifying them off my inability to check-in via their website, multiple emails and Twitter direct messages, I paid the fee of $29.70 on February 14, 2019. I was then in early March asked to provide a photo of my driver's license to prove my identity. I was notified that it was accepted. On March 23, 2019, I attempted to use my account to purchase movie tickets and was notified that my account was terminated for fraudulent activity.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund of the unused portion of the prepaid amount of the annual fee (not the annual fee minus ticket prices used as quoted by Sinemia's website) plus refund of the misuse fee that i paid to keep my account active. $167.88 (annual fee) x 3/12 + $29.70 (misuse fee) = $71.67.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Your "refund" scam is not acceptable. First of all, the supposed fraud violation that occurred was not my fault. I repeatedly emailed you regarding my inability to check in with no responses. Two, you illegally changed the terms of the contract that I agreed to in June 2018 (that expires one year in June 2019). Three, I was charged a $29.70 "misuse" fee in February 2019. I repeatedly tried contacting you via email, Facebook and Twitter with no replies. I reluctantly paid the fee. After paying the fee (to use the account that I had already paid for), you then cancelled my account anyways.

I paid $167.88 in advance in June 2018 for 12 months of service. I paid for your SERVICE. That service is 2 movies per month. I did not pay for full price movies to be fraudulently cancelled once my credits equaled my payment. You have done this exact same thing to numerous customers and you must be held accountable.

$167.88 ÷ 12 months is $13.99 per month. I only received 9 months of your SERVICE. Therefore, I am requesting that you reimburse me $41.97 for those 3 months I did not receive your SERVICE. Plus, I am requesting a refund of the $29.70 I paid for the "misuse" fee since you immediately cancelled my service after paying the fee that was supposed to be a penally for my supposed fraud violation.

That is a total of $71.67. If you refund this amount in 30 days, I will consider this case satisfied with the and will forego any further action including but not limited to my involvement in the current and any future class action lawsuits.

I paid for a one-year annual membership in October. In February my membership was canceled.
I paid for a one-year annual membership on October 30, 2018, price $107.88. When I joined, I checked the terms of service and saw that there was no mention about having to use your real name, so I used an alias "*** that I always use for online purchases to protect against ID theft.

In February I received a request to submit a photo of my state ID to verify my identity. I submitted the photo along with an explanation of why I use *** which is not my real name. I also pointed out that the credit card that paid for the membership and the extra fees they constantly add on, is in the name of *** - my real name.

On February 22, 2019 I received an email stating my membership was canceled because they couldn't verify my ID.

I've tried multiple times contact Sinemia but they simply do not respond to emails, and there is no phone number for contact.

When I joined there was nothing mentioned about needing to verify ID or what name you have to use. I just checked today and there is still no mention of it. I'm sure that to cancel someone's contract after making up an arbitrary rule is a violation of the civil consumer laws.

I paid for one year membership and was only able to use it for about 3 months (mid-November to mid-February) before being canceled and I should be refunded the difference.

Thank you for your time.

Desired Outcome

I was able to use my 12 month membership for three months. The membership cost $107.88. I would like a refund for the nine months remaining - $80.91 ($107.88 / 12 = 8.99, 8.99 X 9 = $80.91)

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

I checked today and I received a refund of $71.92 on 4/4.

I'm satisfied with the outcome.

My account was terminated without cause halfway the contracted period and no refund was given.
Last year I purchased a premium plan for two people for my wife and I. We used it every month, at the same two or three local theatres. Only occasionally having some issues with the app or the payment processes, but generally happy with the product.

Then I tried to buy a movie ticket with my Sinemia plan about a week ago and got a notification in the app that my account needed attention (it was in good standing up to this point). I logged in and found out that my account had been "terminated". My yearly contract is about 50-60% finished and sinemia will not refund the remaining the money or unlock my account. Or rather, they have not replied to repeated attempts to contact them.

At this point, my only option left is to charge back the entire cost of the subscription.

I've done nothing but use the service, following it's rules as closely as possible. I haven't lied about my location, or movies, or given my phone to anyone. I use the service to go and see movies with my wife and I love it.

Desired Outcome

Two possible resolutions are fine: - The account is reinstated (and won't be locked again) and extended to account to for the lost month or two of usage. OR - A pro-rated refund for the remainder of the contract, from the month that it was cancelled.

Sinemia Response • Apr 20, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This does not actually address the problem in any way. As a user of your service (and one who was a very happy customer for a long time) I need my account to be reinstated, or to be given a pro-rated refund for the time I lost.

Since I've received no satisfaction here, I'll now begin the process of charging back the cost of the subscription with my CC.

Wrongfully terminating my account with unfounded reasons and without warning.

The company offers movie passes by monthly or yearly subscriptions. I have subscribed to their annual subscription in July 2018. I have used their service since then almost every month following their instructions. First everything was fine and as they described initially. Then they started asking users to check in at the theater. Following that, if you miss your check in window they will ask you to pay a misuse fee. Still understandable. Then they started charging $1.60/ticket without warning Still somewhat acceptable Finally lay month they forced us to send a photo and copies of a government issued ID to "prevent fraud" which I complied Then later this week, they suddenly terminated my account without warning on the basis that there was fraudulent activity in my account history I have done everything however unreasonable as they instructed so far just to be blamed for fraud? That is completely dishonest I'd even go to say it's a fraud on their part There is no way to appeal, there never was any warning or explanation on what exactly happened I have looked through the web for other people who were also wrongfully terminated and they are numerous The only answer the company provides is that it was "an automated fraud detection system" and we can submit a request to "refund" based on how much they have used for ticket price in full versus how much we paid them The common point among all of us who were terminated seem to be that our movie tickets prices exceeded what w paid in annual subscription Therefore their so called "refund" would be 0. If we were to watch movies at full price we wouldn't need to go through such inconvenient ways, and rather buy the tickets directly from the cinemas. The reason we subscribed in the first place was to get better movie ticket prices. Terminating our account because of "fraud" when it clearly happen, is fraudulent and dishonest!

Desired Outcome

Reinstate my account to original status or fully refund me for the unused months. At this point, I don't feel I want to continue using their service either way as I don't trust the company will not charge me for more "misuse" fees without a sale reason or forcing me to jump through many hoops in order to use their "service"

Sinemia Response • Apr 20, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Frequently unable to redeem monthly movie passes due to difficult and ever changing redemption process. Now asking for photo of myself holding my ID.
Extremely difficult redemption system. At sign-up failed to mention a $2 per ticket charge, having to manually copy a credit card number they provide when trying to buy a ticket through the theater's website, needing to sign in through the app once arriving at the movie theater AND needing to wait a full 30 days between purchases, even though it's in a separate calendar month. When I signed up they took a full three weeks to activate my account online (though offered to do so immediately for another charge), leaving me only a few days at the end of the month to use the pass. This means that every month I'd only be eligible to use the pass over a few days - if I'm even able to redeem the tickets to begin with. In February they sent a notice saying that they would require me to send in a photo of myself holding a government-issued ID, claiming it was to prevent fraud but I do not feel comfortable sending them a picture of myself holding my ID after already giving them my credit card number and having to put in sensitive information to prove it's really my card. I've tried to contact customer service several times. Sometimes they answer, only once they were able to help with ticket redemption. It's such a terrible system and I feel like there's little to no support when there's inevitably a problem.

Signed up: August 2nd
They activated: Aug 26

This is my latest email to them, sent February 17th 2019 and for which I've received no response:


Another month and another problem trying to buy a ticket through the SiNeMiA app. After trying to purchase a ticket and putting in my credit card information for a ticket I tried to purchase today, I noticed that there was a change to the ticket purchase policy, now requiring me to send in a photo of myself holding a government-issued photo ID.

I do not consent to this and categorically refuse to send you a copy of my ID. The claim that this is to verify my identity when purchasing a ticket is completely invalid and giving a photo of my ID would do nothing to stave off any fraud you claim you'd like to avoid by having anyone share access to the tickets I'd try to purchase. I can assure you, the process is so frustrating, long and pointless, I hate having to go through it every month and would certainly not go through this for someone else to get the ticket. My credit card information should serve as enough confirmation of who I am as you check for the security number on the back of the card, which only I possess.

There is no reason as a company that sells movie tickets should need to have a copy of a government-issued ID. This is just the latest ridiculous stipulation of purchasing a ticket through your site that I just can't keep jumping through hoops just to see a movie.

First it was an additional charge that was added per ticket (in addition to the yearly charge I'd already paid), then came requiring check-in once I've arrived to the theater (after an already lengthy and unnecessarily complicated ticket purchasing process that often didn't work), now this ridiculous and completely unnecessary request for a photo of my face and ID, which only came to light once I tried to buy a ticket. There were no emails and is a very deliberate attempt to further delay anyone's ability to actually redeem a ticket that they are entitled to - and therefore denying access to your service which was paid for.

Added to the fact that there were so many issues that delayed my ability to purchase tickets over several months, it shows a blatant disregard for your customers and resembles fraud more and more as the months go by.

I therefore request that the total purchase price be devided over a 12 month period, subtract the months where I've actually been able to purchase a ticket, and issue a refund for the remaining balance. Trying to use your app has been such a waste of time and money and I no longer want to deal with your fraudulent activities any longer.

Thank you

Desired Outcome

I'd like either a full refund of the original purchase price for a year of service or for the remaining value of the months remaining be credited to my card. I also want a signed assurance that my card will not be charged for another year of service in August.

Sinemia Response • Apr 20, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on.

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Even before this new request from Sinemia I was frequently unable to redeem movie passes. As this new request was not part of the original agreement, I would like to cancel my remaining membership and receive a credit equal to the value of all the months I was unable to redeem a movie pass, both in the past and until the end of my current subscription period. They are not asking simply for proof that it is indeed my credit card (which would be solved by asking for the number on the back of the card.) They've asked for something that is an invasion of privacy and potentially illegal; asking for a photo of me holding my card and ID. It's completely inappropriate and has nothing to do with verifying my identity. If someone wanted to defraud them, they could put anyone in that photo and forge the ID. Their request makes no sense and therefore I have to assume that it is for some nefarious reason. I've been trying to contact them for months without any reply to my email. I want this matter to be behind me once and for all. Additionally, I want sinemia's assurance that the account will be canceled, my information/record completely wiped from their databases or any other place it might've be stored or transferred, both electronically and physically, and that I absolutely do not get automatically renewed. If this matter persists I will bill sinemia for my time, equal to my current salary, which already exceeds the membership price paid. Please let me put this behind me. It was a mistake to trust that your company was operating anything but a scam and I'd like to be done with it once and for all.
Thank you.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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