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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

the service I paid for is not working
I sent a support request on February 23, 2019. No response. I sent another one yesterday March 23, 2019. No response either. The app is broken. None of the steps below work:

Path 1:
"Planning" > "Advanced Ticket" > "Regal Meridian 16" > "Captain Marvel"

Path 2:
"Watch" > "Online" > "Regal Meridian 16"

Path 3:
"Explore" > In Theaters "Captain Marvel" > "Watch" > "Online"
> "Regal Meridian 16"

A loading spinner appears, stays on the screen around 5 seconds and disappears.

I now believe it is intentional: Collect membership fee, but do not provide the service you are supposed to provide.

Desired Outcome

1. provide me the service through customer service so that I *** purchase a ticket and see the movie, 2. fix the app so that all customers *** buy ticket 3. provide store credit for missed movie viewing opportunities that wasted my credit, forced me to change my weekend plans. if company cannot satisfy the above requests, cancel my yearly membership and refund me.

Sinemia Response • Apr 20, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that four days after you wrote this complaint, you used our service. However, since you did not check-in, you have been charged a misuse fee. You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. However, as a gesture of goodwill, the fee has been removed from your account and your ticketing feature got re-enabled. Thank you.

Selling a false product
Selling a false product that isn't working as advertised and charging hiden fees, not support and app / websites do not work

Desired Outcome

I want a full refund

Sinemia Response • Apr 20, 2019

Hi. When we check your account, we see that you used all of your monthly movie days. Also, The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets. If you would like to avoid online transaction fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through www.*** page. Thank you.

Misuse charge for not checking into a movie when I DID check in. No useful response from costumer support despite multiple attempt at contact.
I am a Sinema subscriber. On 2/7/19 I attended a film. I bought the ticket using the app system, and checked in at the movie when I got there, on the app. However, later I got a notification saying I did not sign in, and a $18.69 membership misuse fee.

I have tried multiple times to contact customer support about this. Each time I have gotten a form response explaining how the system works, and no further response when I tried to follow up.

Desired Outcome

Ideally, I would like to cancel my year long subscription, because if this is how you treat customers, I am really not interested. However, if you refuse to do that, I would at least like the fee waived, my access to my account restored, and a reimbursement for the last month when I have not been able to use the app because of the fee and your non-response.

Sinemia Response • Apr 20, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you were charged a misuse fee on 02.07.2019. However, the fee has been waived by our support and your plan got extended for another month. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
You have taken so long to get back to me, I have lost several months worth of movies. I would like at least a month's refund on top of the extension you've already given me, if you're not willing to simply cancel the memebership and refund me.

I personally think it is new kind of fraud service where they bait you in and then keep adding hidden charges and new policies and make it hard for you to use the service.
end of the day they will make it so difficult that you will forget your money and stop using the service as well.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that since 12.01.2018, you have not created an advance ticket. Therefore did not book a ticket by using our service. Also, when we check your membership page, we did not see an issue which keeps you from using it. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 18, 2019

I have contacted sinemia more thrn 10 times within last couple months. Even today I have recieced email back from sinemia support team
Stating they are trying to fix the issue which is preventing me to book any ticket. I have asked for refund earlier and in response to that they state non refundable policy.
If I ***'t book ticket why am I not giving refund back. This is fraud service.

I purchased an advanced ticket and my a few days later my phone broke. Right as that happened I DM'd them WITH proof that my phone was broken and said that I won't be able to check answer. On the day of the film, I wasn't able to check in. A few hours later they still hit me with a misuse fee. Okay, whatever so I dm them to explain what happened and they said that they terminated my account. So my account was terminated because my phone broke and I wasn't able to check in. Their customer support is awful. I pressed them to ask why and they kept copying and pasting the same answers over and over again.They then flat out ignored me. They are offering me a refund, but it won't be what I paid so I'm losing money. No recourse, no solution, they are robbing people and they don't even care. I'm so hurt. I'm on the verge of tears because I'm a high school student, my mom bought this for my birthday and now I won't be able to enjoy the thing I love most anymore...going to the cinema.

Sinemia Response • Apr 18, 2019

Hi, we are sorry about the issue you had. Upon reviewing our system, we see that our support has reached you and provided a solution. The misuse fee you were charged got cancelled and your ticketing feature re-enabled. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 18, 2019

Yeah, but I still ***'t buy any tickets.

First, it was due to maintenance and then now I get this "error" message. Complete scam.

It's been like this since last month btw

NO STAR. My experience is the same as all the others. Yes, it's stings to be scammed but even more concerning, as several people have mentioned, they require you, a month or so after you have paid, to take a photo of your face holding a Government ID. They now have thousands of IDs in addition to all the fraudulent charges.

The app regularly fails, making it impossible to get the movies you've paid for. If you email support, they make up a bunch of silly reasons and you have to threaten them or they won't waive bogus fees. Once they fix whatever the issue is, some other problem occurs the following week. They are clearly disabling the backend system when too many tickets are being ordered. The app worked flawlessly a year ago, now it constantly fails. Not only that, I signed up for a specific movie plan, and despite having evidence as such, they write back saying I didn't sign up for it. I literally provided them a screenshot. Seems like their cs is based out of Europe and don't understand English very well.

I purchased the 3 movie premium service in September, but didn't get things working until the middle of December because they couldn't get their app to recognize that my Discover card wasn't a debit card. I got them to reset the activation date on my account to the middle of December and give me a free movie credit. I bought the physical card and started using the service I paid for. I saw 7 standard format movies and 2 IMAX movies between 12/26/18 and 2/24/19. (Their rolling 30 day policy on premium format movies was one of the many things not properly described before purchasing the service.). Then I try to purchase an IMAX ticket for Captain Marvel on 2/17/19, after confirming all was well before going to the theater, and suddenly I'm terminated for fraud/abuse. The only thing I've done wrong was missing a checkin for one of the first 2 movies I went to and that was by 3 minutes! If/when there a class action suit being started against them for what they're doing, I want in!

Total Scam. Purchased a 12-Month subscription and they canceled it without explanation after 6 months. Requested a refund of the 6 months they did not provide and their "customer service" stopped responding to my emails.

Emailed them asking for an explanation why I was terminated, and they stated that "they don't have access to that information" and nothing could be done.

Totally fraudulent company.

My account was closed and I have no idea why. Went to buy some movie tickets and was told the account was closed. Okay...why?? I never broke any rules. I see the movies myself, I check in and now I'll out over $200 a year for a family plan. Will be filing a complaint if my latest email is not answered. Stay away!

This company started out as a promising service, and the physical cards used to work (most of the time). Then they forced us to use virtual payments, which were extremely confusing and unreliable. Customer service is generally unhelpful, if they respond at all. You have to post publicly on Twitter to shame them into responding. Occasionally, the service works and you get to use one of your tickets, but then the next one fails and you are frustrated again. This time, the app stopped allowing me to choose a movie without any explanation provided. Finally, I got a response that my account was temporary disabled today due to too many people purchasing movies, In fact, it hasn't worked all week, and there was no warning. My suspicion is that they are trying to get people to pay for the service and keep paying until they give up in frustration and cancel. Extremely disappointing.

Service is full of hidden fees. They lie about where the fees go. They sign you up under one contract and add service fees and change the agreement later. Customer service is non-responsive or ignores your actual request.

Wrongfully terminated account, and didn't provide a refund. Scamming people to sign up to keep membership fees without providing the service. Not a trustworthy company, beware.

Terminated my membership contract without reasonable grounds.
Sinemia terminated my membership contract with them, because they've said that I violated one of the terms of their privacy policy. I looked over these terms, and I most certainly did not violate any of these whatsoever. Instead of being able to contact them regarding this falsehood, they're demanding that my contract be terminated, and that I'm issues a refund for the rest of the credit remaining.

Desired Outcome

I would like my membership contract reinstated, and to be able to use their services until that membership expires. Preferably, I'd like to renew my membership after the original contract expires as well.

Sinemia Response • Apr 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Cancelled without warning or reason
We purchased a one year prepaid plan for 3 movies a month for 2 people in November 2018. We also paid for their physical card. In total we gave them $221.76. We've been to 7 movies together since December 14th. The last movie we went to on March 8th we got a strange message stating that we didn't use the ticket we checked in for (even though we did). Tonight we try to go to a movie and it won't let us use the app. We signed into our account and we were told we've been terminated for misuse. We've done absolutely nothing wrong and they didn't email me a single time about this. They email users about once a month with deals to give them more money but they can't bother emailing a loyal customer about cancelling their account for no reason? I'm furious.

Desired Outcome

Prorated refund based on months of service, not cost of movies attended. We were only able to use the service from December 2018-part of March 2019 when we paid for a full year in advance. A 50% refund of the total price paid would be fair.

Sinemia Response • Apr 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Terminated my account. No valid reason. Only an automated "will get back to you" response. Very bad history reported by hundreds on
Well documented on the SINEMIA forum on

I have been on subscription for six out of twelve months that I pre-paid.

I simply tried to go to a movie tonight which Sinemia would purchase the ticket for - was told there was an ERROR by their App, which directs me to their website, where I am told I am terminated for misuse. There was no misuse, *ever*.

The only option is to "request a transaction history AND a refund", but Sinemia inappropriately refunds an amount equal to what the user PAID versus what Sinemia had to pay for MOVIE TICKETS. It is a SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE and they would need to refund the UNUSED MONTHS (which is exactly half of my paid subscription, 6 of 12 months), and the cost of a "physical card" which I only got to use for one month.

HOWEVER, A REFUND is not desired; a reinstatement of my Account since nothing was done wrong is in order, PLUS the number of days I will have been without service on my Subscription to be added to the end of my annual paid amount.

Ticket# in their system for my attempt to rectify this is XXXXXX.

REQUESTED RESOLUTION: Reinstatement of my account - their "support personnel" will not even let a user know HOW the system was (supposedly) misused because they "do not have access to the data", which is ludicrous. If they are unwilling to reinstate me, then a refund of SIX MONTHS of unused service and of the PHYSICAL CARD cost which was only cost-effective if used for many months - I have only had it one month so it is a large loss for me to have bought it if I am now terminated.

Desired Outcome

REQUESTED RESOLUTION: Reinstatement of my account - their "support personnel" will not even let a user know HOW the system was (supposedly) misused because they "do not have access to the data", which is ludicrous. IF they are unwilling to reinstate me, then a refund of SIX MONTHS of unused service and of the PHYSICAL CARD cost which was only cost-effective if used for many months - I have only had it one month so it is a large loss for me to have bought it if I am now terminated.

Sinemia Response • Apr 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is a canned response that they give to people. There has been no investigation done because nothing has been done fraudulently on my end. If I request they're long as they ask, it also involves agreeing to their terms of refund, which is an inappropriate refund of how much I paid for the subscription versus how much they paid for tickets. They do not refund how much a person paid for the subscription, versus how many months were left in the subscription when they terminated the person. It's another part of the fraudulent activity on their side. I still await a proper resolution.

They terminated my account without reason or warning violating our contract
As mentioned above they decided to violate my account for no reason.

Desired Outcome

I want my account back

Sinemia Response • Apr 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

It is my opinion that Sinemia, Inc. has targeted me for complaints that I have made in the past for breach of contract and the service they provide.
In June of 2018 I started a membership with this company. They charged me upfront for a 12 month membership which allowed me to get 2 movie tickets a month for up to 2 people. When I joined I was promised that I would receive a credit card which allowed me to purchase the tickets at the box office so I would not incur online reservation charges. When they didn't keep that promised and changed the terms of the contract, I complained several times including to the Eventually in December of 2018 they decided to reinstate the credit card option and at a ridiculous additional cost of 30.00 they provided customers with the opportunity to get a credit card. Sadly I decided that (even though I didn't agree with the extra fee) I would get the card from them and hoped to save the online fees. BTW, I understand that there's a law suit for this - probably because many people felt cheated that the company were charging them a convenience fee to reserve seats online in addition to the membership. To make things worse, I never got the chance to use the credit card, because shortly after that I was accused of breaking their policies - or whatever they want to call it and my membership was terminated. As per my initial complaint to the in November of last year - this company has from the start provided atrocious service. They take people's money upfront and free themselves from any liability by forcing people to obey ridiculous rules hiding behind the claim that they have to act that way to protect themselves from fraud. They provide little if no support - you cannot contact them on the phone when there's a problem, they do not reply to emails for weeks at a time sometimes, their form of payment has failed in the past at Atom Tickets, Fandango stopped doing business with them a while back. I believe they are barely existing as opposed to just plain committing fraud, but I'm sure that time and law suits will proof that this company was defrauding their customers. I November of last year I complaint about these many things - saying that the company was not providing the service they promised me when I was not able to reserve tickets online because their payments were not being accepted. I have also complained to them on many occasions on their lack of support and their unacceptable requirements and lack of options to resolve issues in a timely manner when they arise. I would have canceled my membership a long time ago if it wasn't because they had taken my money upfront which I feel is by design in order to prevent cancellations when they provide inappropriate support and service. Although there are countless of people complaining (complaints on the web) of Sinemia latest tactics which is to terminate people's membership and accuse them of fraud or braking the terms of the agreement - I feel that I've been targeted because of my complaints in the past. I have tried to reach out and asked for proof that I have broken the rules - knowing full well that they cannot because I have not and I do not get a comprehensible response as usual. I have demanded that they reinstate my membership for the remainder of my contract and they refuse to do so based on those "terms of agreement" that in my opinion they have made up to cheat people out of their money. I may not know the rules that a business like that are required to follow by law, but compared to my experience it is easy for me to determine that this company is not complying and they should not be allowed to continue to take advantage of people. I will filing a complaint with the California state attorney's office as well.

Desired Outcome

I know this is not going to happen, but I feel that Sinemia has NEVER provided me with the service I purchase and I deserve. I follow all their ridiculous rules to the letter and i challenge them to proof that I broke them, committed any fraud. I have complained to them for a long time because I don't feel they provide a good service. I gave them an opportunity to reinstate my membership and they declined. I don't think they should be in business and I would like a full refund for my membership not just for any time they cheated me out of.

Customer Response • Apr 08, 2019

After being contacted by the State Attorney's offices from Pennsylvania and California - Sinemia agreed to reimburse me for the unused portion of the membership they so unfairly terminated.

At this time there are many people who have been wronged by Sinemia and at least one class action suit in 10 states against them.

While my position remains that this company should not be allowed to conduct business because of their atrocious customer service and bait-and-switch like practices, I received the partial refund and look forward to recouping other fees when they loose in court.

Most folks go to the movies as part of their social activities and we're all looking for a way to save a buck when it can cost a couple close to 50 dollars to go to the movies. Sinemia has tapped on that to reel in people and it's sad that they've taken advantage of so many.

In my case, I feel that Sinemia targeted me because I was an early adopter of the service and began complaining soon after I opened the account when problems started. I was obviously not the only person who was wronged by Sinemia and with my account NOW closed and having received the partial refund for time not used (Not counting the many times I was not able to buy a ticket through the service) I want to re-emphasize that I always followed the rules - even when I didn't agree - even when it was difficult to complete the process imposed by the rules - I ALWAYS FOLLOWED AND COMPLETED the checking process, never shared my account with any one, etc. All those ridiculous rules that Sinemia hides behind and uses to blame people for their mishaps.

I fear that anyone who reads this will be as a result of filing a complaint - which means it's too late for them. I hope that soon the State Attorney's consumer protection agencies through out the country put a stop to this company and their unfair and I feel illegal practices. I know friends who cannot buy tickets - all they get is "ERROR" with no explanation, no response from the company, nothing but wasted money on a membership that doesn't work which they were forced to pay for upfront. Criminal!

Bad Customer Service and Non working app

I have taken Sinemia Membership and have Booked my movie tickets. Have gone to theater on time and have tried to do a check-in, But the app does not allow me to do so. For this reason I have immediately mailed them my issue along with sharing my current location. later I have received mail from them mentioning that I have missed my check-in and that I have pay an amount for me to proceed. Again I have mailed them mentioning my problem, haven't received a single reply from them on this and now I am stuck with not able to use my app which does consume time which is my monthly subscription. I want them to sort the issue. and at times that doesn't work at all.

Desired Outcome

I am ok with them sorting my issue and extending my subscription for another month for free, as i have lost one month because of their app issue or a complete refund of my amount.

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. Due to the missed check-in, you have been charged a misuse fee and unable to book tickets. However, our support removed the fee and re-enabled the ticketing feature. Also, since you were not able to use your current period, you plan has been extended another thirty days. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
First Thing I haven't missed my check-in, regarding the same I have mailed their support team mentioning the problem. Don't show it as a mistake from my side. your app is the worst app I have ever used. from the past 10 days it is not working at all and you want me to use it. Better rectify all the technical issues from your side and then start marketing. I need my complete refund. I am ok to submit all the evidence that your app is not working and the mails I have sent. I need my complete refund asap. when I am not able use services what is the use of extending the subscription.

They cancelled my account only because I was using it according to the plan, no other violations.
I joined a movie plan for one year, but because I was using the plan according to the rule, they will
start to lose money at a certain point. So they cancelled my account before they get to that point. Deceptive practice. And they said there is no refund because they charged me for the actual costs of the movies, so no refund remain, half way through the contract.

Desired Outcome

Provide full refund for deceptive practice.

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 29, 2019

Nothing is resolved, this company still owes me a refund.

Please help.

That response they gave is what they gave for everyone.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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