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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

APP does not work for advance ticket reservation
I tried to use the Sinemia app on Tuesday 03/26/19 to reserve an advance tickets for that same day. the app did not load after I clicked the movie. I sent an email to customer service but no response. Today 03/27/2019 I checked the app again and it is still not letting me reserving tickets. My membership I still active and I have 2 movies left for this month. I had to purchase 2 movie tickets on my own to watch the movie

Desired Outcome

I would like to get an answer from the business. I have a one year membership but I can't use it

Since last week not able to use the service. Customer service is non responsive.
I took full year premium subscription from Sinemia official website. I was asked to upload state id which was verified by them. I saw 3 movies last month and 1 this month it worked fine. However this month when I tried to book one of the remaining 2 tickets I was unable to. I contacted the customer care repeatedly and they have not responded me since last on week.

Desired Outcome

I am really fed up of this service. I do not want to be paying for the things I do not use and moreover the company doesn't allow me to book tickers for no reason.

The Sinemia App has not been working. Error Message of Unknown origin prevents booking any movie? I have attempted numerous emails ***
Current Plan 3 Movie Tickets per Month Classic
Plan Started 02/06/2019 Yearly Plan
Unable to book a movie all this past week. I have email *** and they have not responded with a solution.

Desired Outcome

Fix the App and credit me 3 additional movies or refund the total for the Month of March.

Unfair Termination Coincided w/ Captain Marvel Weekend Release
Like many other reviews, my account was one of many that were unfairly terminated. When questioned, the response was a blanked response for TOS infractions without any definitive answer as to why the account was terminated. Again, like many mentioned, I was given a "refund" option that was the actual cost of the movie ticket - the balance of the prorated annual membership "worth."

This is an egregious policy on the part of Sinemia as hundreds, if not thousands, have been impacted by these shady business practices. Many people, like myself, have paid additional fees for the physical card which has been rendered useless after the account was terminated. Moreover, these terminations coincided with the weekend of the Captain Marvel release. This coincidence parallels similar circumstances when Moviepass *** ticketing during the release of last year's Mission Impossible movie. Clearly, this is an effort to minimize cashburn. I expect similar actions to take place next month when Avengers: End Game is released.

These actions are unacceptable for the consumer and, frankly, should be investigated into more. These 1 star overall rating and the countless complaints should sum up the status of the company and the service. Simply do a Google search on "Sinemia" and the first page news results will speak for themselves. Massive changes will need to be done to legitimize this company.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Absolutely ridiculous customer service! I have been waiting for 4 weeks and I still haven't received help! at this point I want a refund... but oh wait! I ***'t even get ahold of them! I would avoid this company at all costs! It's a joke and an embarrassment!

My account for using the service was terminated without cause or Reason. I never broke the terms of conditions as they have claimed.
I signed up for the service on September 9th 2018 for a annual subscription with the end date of September 3rd 2019 and I paid in full for the whole year. The plan allowed me to watch three movies monthly for two people. Sometime in January, I even paid extra to receive the physical card allowing me to purchase tickets at movie theaters. I have always followed the rules and never violated their terms of conditions. When I tried to use the service on March 24th 2019, I received a message that my account was terminated for violations of the terms of conditions but was not given an exact reason for what I did wrong. I have never violated their terms of conditions or committed fraudulent activity as they have falsely claimed. I paid over $200 for the entire year and they want to cancel and take away my money by not allowing me to use the subscription for the remaining six months I paid for.

Desired Outcome

I would like to receive a full refund for the remaining six months of my subscription and not be forced to retroactively pay for the movie tickets that I used.

Fraudulent and not working service
This company charges a year long fee for 3 movies a month and then doesn't let you buy tickets. The app is currently glitching and not letting anyone get past the main screen in order to purchase one. I've contacted support several times since buying the service and they've never responded. They're not responding now. I still have several months left on my subscription.

Desired Outcome

I would like them to repair the app, and if they can't, they should issue a partial refund for the remaining apps.

I paid for annual subscription in August 2018 for two movie tickets per month for two people. My account has been terminated without any good excuse.
I bought Sinemia's annual subscription in August 2018 for two movie tickets per month for two people. I paid full amount in advance. My account was in good standing until first week of March 2019. Two weeks ago (Mid-March) when I tried booking the tickets, my account was terminated without any good excuse. I have tried contacting them several times but haven't received any sensible reply. I have been reading about this issue on internet and they have done the same to many other subscribers. They have taken the money for full year and now have refused to provide service for the remaining 5 months.

Desired Outcome

I want my account to be reactivated and I want Sinemia to full their promise i.e. provide me two movie tickets per month for two people for remaining 5 months.

My app has stopped working suddenly. When I contacted Support, I did not get a response. I have paid for this service thru December, and if it does not work, I demand a refund.

Sinemia Response • Apr 23, 2019

Hi. Our support has contacted you through e-mail to provide support and a solution. We hope the outcome is satisfactory.

Everything that has been said is true. I too wish I could give them one star. They are constantly adding fees and requirements. Their service rarely works. They're constantly trying to tell you you did something wrong when you did not, or its their own fault, and they don't deliver on what they promise. Occasionally they even try to charge MORE for services you already paid for. It really is one of the worst companies, and worst consumer experiences I have ever had.

As if anything could make it worse, their customer service is nonexistent, it is a complete scam.

Sinemia Response • Apr 23, 2019

Hi. Our support has reached you through e-mail and provided a solution. We hope the outcome is satisfactory.

Customer Response • Apr 23, 2019

Sinemia's response via email and "solution" was merely to note that they received my email and acknowledged that I was having a problem. They in no way "provided a solution" nor did they even bother to discuss the issues I am having, or address the fact that their service did not function for over a month of the Years Subscription I paid for. No honest company would ignore the fact that they only provided 90% of what their customer ALREADY paid for, and not address the fact that they have not provided what they charged for.

Absolutely terrible.

App has been disabled for the past 5 days now. Emailed/messaged on every platformand to every email and not a single response.

Will probably magically start working when the month is done and I've lost 2 movies that I still have available this month.

Sinemia Response • Apr 23, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you used both of your movie days in the previous period. Also, in the current period, you still have one more movie day to use. It *** be used until 04.28.2019.

I signed up for the one year prepaid plan in May of 2018 for $168. I waited for my physical card, which never came. They eventually moved to an online-only model of ticket reservation, likely due to their inability to keep up with the demand for physical cards. When they moved to the online model, they required me to pay the fees charged by Fandango (or whoever the ticket was booked through). Fine. Then, they started racking on their own fees. That sucked, but nothing I could do about it, good luck contacting anyone at Sinemia. Then, the app stated mysteriously not working on the weekends. Then, they started asking for money in "Tips" through the app, forcing you to choose whether to pay them $1, $2, or $3 extra, apparently for the great service we were receiving. Then, they started canceling accounts for "violating terms." Check out r/sinemia for details. I never received a cancellation email, but the app has not worked despite being updated three times in the last month. It just hangs when you try to buy a ticket. Sinemia is straight fraud, and won't be long until some government agency steps in. This thing is going the way of Moviepass. Don't give them a penny, you'll never get the promised service.

Totally fraudulent company! Never received the physical card and ***'t plan the advanced ticket these days. When I tried to select movie after choosing the cinema, only annoying endless loading and ***'t process further??? Very shocking when I google it and found so many people having same problem as me: termination account without any notice in advance. I have to say it has no ethics and a complete ripoff!! Won't recommend to friends anymore.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Completely horrid and shady company. My wife and I paid for a full year subscription at $9.99 per month for 3 movies. We were aware of the added fees that had recently been started. This was new to many people and we should have been warned to stay far away.

All started OK, it took a lot of patience to actually see a movie but we saw 6 over the first 2 months with no real problems, grudgingly paid the 1.80 Sinemia fee on top of the 1.5 that Atom charges.

Then over the past few weeks the app suddenly stops working, well it works but wont let you pick a movie. Started just before Captain Marvel weekend, what a coincidence! So we couldn't see it on opening weekend but it worked on Monday, fine we go to see it.

Now the same games except it has been about a week and the app still wont let you pick a movie. The majority of Sinemia subs cannot use the app to pick a movie. I have prepaid for a service that I cannot use. There is nothing wrong with the app, the are purposely not allowing you to see movies so they *** save money. Their support is absolutely horrible and only reply if you direct message on Twitter and even then its a canned repsonse on how they are working on it. Lies, lies, lies.

Stay very far from this company, my guess is that they will be bankrupt soon, I will soon have to file a chargeback with my bank which I will surely get.

My account was wrongfully terminated.
I just found out that my account was terminated. They gave me a list of reason why my account might have been terminated but I did not break any of these terms below.

-Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
-The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
-Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
-Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
-Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases

The only issues I had were the "check in" feature. I was unaware of the "check in" feature and sometimes it did not work. I filed a complaint and got that resolved. After those complaints, the app improved and even sent notifications reminding me to "check in" in which I always checked in. I had no more complaints or issues with Sinemia after getting that resolved.

I took no part in any of the reason for being terminated and it is extremely unfair considering I had referred a good amount of people to Sinemia and never even got the $20 referral credit that was supposed to be given to me. But I didn't care for the $20 referrals credits and never filed a complaint because I also want Sinemia to succeed and not end up like MoviePass. I also have purchased a gift card for Sinemia to use for the $1.80 processing fees and now I'm stuck with it. It makes no sense to why Sinemia wants to terminate my account. I just want my account to be reinstated because I have done nothing wrong and is a customer who supports and cares about the success of this company.

Desired Outcome

I just want my account to be reinstated.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There has been no fraudulent activity and you guys have failed to even show proof of why my account detected fraud. Like I said, the only times I had issues with your service is when I was charged a misuse fee for not "checking in" because I was unaware of this feature and there was one other time where your app wasn't allowing me to check in. Besides those two incidents, I have checked in for every single movie.

Also, the biggest issue is how you guys "adjusted" my refund. You subtracted the full cost of the movie with the total amount I paid for a year. My membership was paid in advance for a full 12 months and I was allowed 3 movies per month. You cancelled my membership on this so called "fraudulent activity" after less than 5 months of use and adjusted my refund so I get not refund at all. The refund should be adjusted according to the the months and not the number of movies I've watched. If that was the case then everyone should be alerted to only pay per month and not prepay for the year. This is extremely unfair business practice. And I see that this has happened to many people, I fear a lawsuit definitely coming your way.

Sinemia unfairly and unjustly terminated my account without any reason or advance warning, leaving me to pay for a ticket at the theater out of pocket
Aside from atrocious customer service, and rampant service issues, Sinemia decided to unjustly terminate my account. They did not alert me via email, but I found out while waiting to get a ticket at the movie theaterthe app said "there is important information regarding your account. Please visit the website." I check my phone and they said they had terminated my account. This is what they wrote:

"Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons:

Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases"

I have never done any of these things, and the vagueness of "reasonable suspicion of fraud," without giving me a chance to respond, means something fishy is going on. Just the previous week they asked for a verified ID check, requiring I send in a copy of my photo ID. I should have trusted my better instinct, but did it anyway.

I checked online, and it looks like this has happened to a lot of people in the past week (both on twitter and reddit, https://www.***). It seems that they've violating the terms of their contract and systematically booting users of their service who paid for a yearly plan instead of a monthly plan.

I've reached out to them a number of times and have not been able to get a reply. I seriously believe this business is engaging in some unethical practices.

Desired Outcome

At most I'd like the service reinstated. At the very least I'd like a full reimbursement for breach of contract. They just ran away with my money and terminated my account for no plausible reason. And they're unavailable for contact.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Losing on my subscription due to continuous errors while using Sinemia's app and not receiving any response to all support requests from the company.
Account Name: ***
Account Email: ***

Joining Date: September 25th 2017
Subscription type:
- Monthly of 1 (4D Movie) and 2 (2D Movie) allotments per month.
- Mailed and used physical debit card to buy tickets and avoid fees.

Membership Extension Date: September 1st 2018.
Subscription type:
- 1 Year of Classic Membership - 3 movie days/per month (Classic).
- Informed to continue using the physical card I had as it's valid thru 2022.

Issues since extension:

On October 30th 2018:
- Sinemia cards were depreciated and members will now have to use their cardless reservation system.
- I was informed that, as a former physical card user, I will not pay any convenience fees or processing fees.

On February 10th 2018:
- I was locked out of using my Sinemia account. The membership page required me to upload US government issued ID with visible identifying numbers and a face picture before being able to use Sinemia again.
- I decided to delay as much as I can uploading any info until I fully study the legal and financial risks of this bizarre request.

On March 3rd, 2019:
- Last day of the "Sinemia month." 2 movie allotments were left.
- I uploaded my ID and picture to Sinemia to unlock my account. The account was unlocked.
- Immediately after and throughout the day, I kept encountering an app error that prevented me from using the service.

On March 4th, 2019:
- Only 1 allotment from the 2 previous unused Sinemia month allotments were rolled over to this month.
- I tried to use the service and successfully was able to buy a ticket.

On March 5th, 2019:
- Sinemia emailed me that I have not completed the check-in process and so I was locked-out of the account again until I pay a miss-use fee.

On March 10th, 2019:
- I emailed Sinemia informing them of the difficulties I faced on March 3rd and that I lost a movie allotment due to no fault of my own. I kindly requested them to waive the miss-use in lieu of that loss.
- I instantly recieved an automated email informing

On March 17th, 2019
- I emailed Sinemia that I haven't at all heared of them and that I'm unable to use the service.

On March 22nd, 2019:
- Not hearing from Sinemia whatsoever still, I decided to pay, under protest, the miss-use fee to be able to use the service.
- After my account was unlocked, I was able to use the app to obtain the payment information to be used for buying a ticket but only using the theater's own site. The payment failed repeatedly at the theater's site.
- Hours after those attempts, I tried to use the app in hope that a new payment information will be given that will work. The app, however, kept showing an error that prevented me from proceeding to obtain payment information. This continued for the rest of the day even after updating the app.

On March 23rd, 2019:
- I kept encountering the same error of last night. I tried then to uninstall the app and installing it again. This resulted in a new "Device Change" error that is now keeping me from logging into the app.
- I emailed Sinemia to inform them of the error since I didn't change the device and to request that they reset my count of device changes as they are supposed to on a yearly basis.

Desired Outcome

Requests: - Resetting my "Device Change" count so I am able to login to the app. - Fixing the recurring app error that prevents users from using the service especially during the weekends. - Posting live service status on a page on their website. - Responding to support requests in 3 business days at most.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you requested a chargeback. Therefore you are unable to log into your account. In order for us to take the necessary actions, we need you to send us either the letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter which provided by your bank. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 24, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Chargeback request was made AFTER being unable to use the service and receiving no response or support from Sinemia until the one given here. I have no intention of withdrawing my chargeback request given Sinemia not responding, acting or pledging to resolve all the issues and meet the requests already detailed in this case.

I prepaid for an annual service, but few months later it stops working. Customer service hasn't responded in over a month
Account user name: ***
Plan valid through 04/07/2019

Desired Outcome

Refund for the months of service not being delivered.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 01.24.2019. You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. However, the fee has been waived by our support as a gesture of goodwill. You may use your Sinemia membership.

Customer Response • Apr 23, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This doesn't address the issue. The app simply doesn't work. Whenever I click on a movie I want to see to purchase tickets nothing is happening. This has been reported by hundreds of users on Twitter and Reddit. It appears to be a technical issue and I've updated the app so it's the latest version.
I believe sinemia has purposefully added this "bug" to prevent users from using the app and utilize the service.
I understand that perhaps their business model is failing and it's unsustainable to allow too many people to buy tickets at face value but it's the risk they took.
They way I see it's a straight up fraud.
My next step is to organize a class action against them. This kind of conduct is unacceptable.

Sinemia wrongly terminated my service for violating their terms of service which I did not do.wont say what terms they claim,bad faith,they are a scam
They offer a service where you get a discount on movie tickets when you pay upfront for the year offer movies a month. They don't disclose fees then charge for a card to avoid fees then when they see you actually use the service you paid for they arbitrarily cancel you. I was cancelled for violating terms of service which I didn't violate. They are a scam. If they see you actually use the service they cancel you so they don't have to live up to the promised service that you paid for. They are a complete scam.

Desired Outcome

I want my account restored and I want the service I paid for

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

I purchased a movie plan for two people for three movies a month. I paid for a year up front. I was cancelled for no reason after the 8th movie.
On December 13th,2018 I purchased a movie plan with Simemia. The plan allowed me to purchase two tickets for 3 movies every month for a year. It cost $215.88. I also purchased a physical card on 12/18/18 for $29.98 so I wouldn't have to purchase on line. My account activated on December 28 and I saw 3 movies in the month of January, 3 movies in the month of February and then I went to see my 3rd movie in March when I was denied saying my account was terminated for violating the terms of service. There was no explanation how I violated probably because I did nothing wrong.

Desired Outcome

Reinstate my plan

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 24, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia is a scam. They claim that I committed fraud is inaccurate and merely an excuse used by them to to close my account so that they no longer have to comply with the original agreement. I purchased from them the right to see three movies a month for two people for a year. This is exactly what I did In January and February and 2 movies in March which is when they terminated me for alleged fraud.
I did everything they asked me to do including submitting a picture of me holding my license and checking in at the theater every time. At no point was any fraud committed by me. They use the term "fraud" without ever explaining what fraud occurred. Bottom line, Sinemia claims fraud in order to terminate a contract. I have noticed from other forums and also from another members of the community that Sinemia terminated their contract as well claiming "fraud" without reason. They claim they will give a refund which is a lie. They take the money you paid minus the full amount of the movies we saw which leaves $0 for a refund.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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