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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

I wish I could give it 0 stars. First of all, their customer service is horrible. The only way you *** contact them is through twitter. Also, we paid their heavy registration fee and also on getting their physical cards. And after all that, they increased the price of their monthly subscription plan and we ended up discontinuing. So all the money we had spent on setting up a subscription plan with them was a waste. DO NOT USE THEM!!!

Wrongfully terminated my account claiming fraud and a violation of my user service agreement. Neither of which happened. No response when reached out.
I signed up for an annual movie subscription service paying $119.88 for the right to see three movies per month. In the five months that I had their service I saw 14 of the possible 15 movies available to me. Eventually, they reached out to me asking for a tip to be provided every time that I use their service since they pay full price for the movies that I saw. My account was terminated a week later on grounds of fraud and a violation of the user agreement. Upon a request for refund they reached out and said that in total they spent $50.56 more than I have paid to them therefore I am not eligible for a refund. It seems as if my account was terminated because I used it to the max and cost them more money than they would like.

Desired Outcome

I would assume that since I was only able to use the annual service for five months and that they can not prove fraud or any violation of the user agreement I should be refunded $69.93 for the remaining seven months of the subscription that I am now unable to use.

I purchased annual membership and Sinemia keeps changing their terms of service to include new fees. Also, poor customer service.
I purchased an annual membership, which was supposed to allow me to watch a given number of movies a month at the expense of the company. One month later, they added a service fee. Shortly after that, they added another processing fee.

I have also had multiple issues with the app which didn't allow me to use the service, forcing me to simply forego the use of the app and purchase my own tickets at full price. When I contacted the service about it, they responded saying they would look into the matter. When I asked about the possibility of being refunded for tickets purchased, I received no response.

I asked about canceling and being reimbursed for the remaining duration of my annual membership. I received no response from customer support.

Desired Outcome

I want to be released from my contract and would like to be refunded for the movie ticket that could not be purchased due to the app failing to work.

Unable to get a hold of anyone
Having problems using the service
Unnecessary charges to my credit card
I have had problems with this company before. I have spent NUMEROUS emails to get help on booking movie tickets and only received a response last time after filing a complaint with Now I have tried again but no response AGAIN.
I am unable to book tickets, the app or website will not allow me to. I got charged $19 on my account for not checking in when I actually did check in. I have two tickets a month to book but currently says I have one ticket only for the month of March (I haven't booked any in the month of March).
I emailed multiple times in the past week and have received no response. Now it is the end of the month and I have been unable to use my tickets. The days go by in the month with no response and we are then unable to use the tickets. This is unacceptable customer service.

I do not have time to constantly send emails and wait weeks and weeks for a response, which I only get after I submit a complaint with the

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund of my entire service and the unnecessary fees that were charged to me and I want nothing to do with this company anymore.

Sinemia blocked my online ticket purchasing capability.
I bought sinemia annual subscription. I booked a ticket for movie on march 27 for the show on march 28 for the first time. sinemia app asked me to check in on march 27 in the theater but I could not because the movie is on 28th. sinemia blocked my subscription saying its misuse. iam not aware that tickets cannot be bought for future days. I just asked them to refund the prorated balance deducting ticket fees or unblock my account. they are not willing to do either. this is a totally un acceptable thing as this was done first time with out complete knowledge of the rules.Iam just asking to refund the amount I paid by deducting their costs.

Desired Outcome

I just asked them to refund the prorated balance deducting ticket fees or unblock my account. they are not willing to do either. this is a totally un acceptable thing as this was done first time with out complete knowledge of the rules.Iam just asking to refund the amount i paid by deducting their costs.

Unable to reserve a ticket on the Sinemia App although I have active membership
When I try to reserve an online ticket I can select the theatre, but when I try to select the movie it says "Loading" and can't get beyond this. And as a result I'm unable to use any of the 3 movies per month I'm subscribed for. I've already lost a few movies as a result which I had complaint to Sinemia about but never got any response from. I'm paying for their service when they don't provide any.

Desired Outcome

Either refund me all the movies I have lost till date which is 4 or refund me the amount back and cancel my membership.

Sinemia canceled my account claiming that I violated TOS which I have not. This was after they ID verified my account.
I received message saying that it was suspended. Shortly after I received an email saying that my ID documents have been approved and that I could go back to enjoying Sinemia. However, I still appear to be blocked.

I have contacted the support and was sent auto response claiming I have violated the TOS. This is false and I do no appreciate the accusation.

Desired Outcome

I would like them to reinstate my account.

Unable to use service/book tickets
This is movie ticketing app. It worked well for first two months and later it never allowed me to book tickets. I sent several emails to the customer service but didnt get any proper response nor the issue was resolved.

Even for the first two months, I got tickets where there was no processing fee but sinemia charged my $1.8 for each ticket stating that ticketing site charges them. This is not true.

Account#1: ***

Trans. Date
Description Amount

Acount#2 : ***

Trans. Date
Description Amount

Desired Outcome

I was able to use 2 months of their servie . After that, it never let me use the service. Pl refund 10months of my amount on both accounts ($80 + $80)

They do not respond to customer issues. I have had several. No responses from anyone.
First, I lost my card in the days before caress was a thing. I sent them an email. They did not send me another one and never got a response.

Second, I got hit with a misuse fee. However I DID check in. When I emailed them about that, I never got a response to work out a resolution. I attempted to contact them many times to get their attention.

Third, they requested a scary ID verification. How this is legal is quite unfathomable.

Fourth, they prevent paying long term customers from using the service. All of March the app had a glitch where I couldn't purchase tickets. I'm not the only one. A lot of people are having this problem and supposedly when you complain enough their app magically works again. I don't have social media so I can't make a big fuss. I have sent them an outrageous amount of emails expressing I just want the app fixed.

No responses.

Desired Outcome

I want a response from customer service and a free month of service for what I lost.

Service (access to movie tickets) is not being provided as per service agreement. They will not respond to customer service inquiries.
I purchased a two person Sinemia account for $215.88 on December 24, 2018 that was to provide my husband and I three (3) movie days per month for twelve (12) months. I was able to use the card three times (in January and February) and since then the service has not worked. I have attempted to reach the company via their customer service e-mail and social media. They do not respond and the service continues to not work.

Desired Outcome

I would like my money back (sans the cost of the movie tickets I was able to use).

I have verified my ID three times with no response. No response to my emils.
This service requires you to verify your ID with 1)a picture of gov issued ID 2)a picture of you holding said ID. I have sent my info 3 times with no response. I have emailed 2x and 3x to CEO with no response. In the meantime I am blocked from using the service. There is no contact phone number for this company.

Desired Outcome

I want my ID verified and I want access to the services that I have paid in advance for.

Sinemia cancelled my account and gave no reason
On March 8 I was informed that my Sinemia account has been terminated because I had violated the terms and service. I have never violated the terms and services. I asked for a more detailed explanation and never received one.

Desired Outcome

I would like my Sinemia membership to be reinstated

I have two complaints.
1. Service was not available for extended periods of time.
2. Adding extra fees for a prepaid service.
I prepaid for two movie tickets per month for a year. When I tried to use the service I received an error that I needed to upgrade the app, which was not correct. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app, which made no difference. I made two requests to their support via email and direct message (they have no phone support) and eventually received a reply to keep trying every hour until it works. After a couple of hours, I did receive a new message from the app, but that I will now have to pay an extra $3.60 per use in order to get my tickets. This represents about a 30% increase in the cost of the service that I paid for up front. I wrote two additional messages requesting a refund for the unused portion of my service (I made the purchase on Feb. 14th and used it once. So I've requested 11/12 of the purchase price which results in $120.89 (Canadian dollars). I received a stock reply to my 2nd message suggesting that I ensure the app is up to date. It made no reference to my refund request, nor that someone will be following up.

Desired Outcome

The initial purchase was for $131.88 in Canadian Dollars. I made a purchase the first month of use (with no additional fee). So I'm requesting 11/12 of the purchase price which is $120.89.

The service is not compatible for my region/area, despite Sinemia's web site stating otherwise. They refused to refund me for a service I cannot use.
After I purchased this $1 year/$95.88 subscription service (their shortest membership timeline available) on February 25, 2019, I discovered with my first attempt to use the service on March 16th, 2019 that the service is not compatible for the local theater company in my area, despite Sinemia's web site stating otherwise. Next closest theaters are more than 70 miles away so I cannot practically use the membership service. I wrote their customer service for options that will allow me to use my subscription in my area or provide me with a refund in full as I've not been able to even start using the service. They didn't make a reasonable effort to resolve my issue (only stated that they are passing it along to their tech staff).

After nine days without further response or resolution, I requested in writing a refund because the service is not available to me and has never been used. After several subsequent requests which eventually included specifically cancelling and refunding my account, and confirming that my account will not incur recurring charges next February, they finally responded with a short message to say only that they refuse the refund, citing company "policy" to refuse all refund requests. They have yet to acknowledge that they will/have closed my account or not attempt to charge my card for a recurring payment next year, as I requested in writing. Their customer service isn't responsive. So now they are keeping $95.88 of my money for a service they cannot provide to me, refusing refund, and not confirming that my account is to be closed.

I do not see evidence of an email receipt for my transaction. The transaction was completed on a mobile app. My bank shows that the charge was processed on February 25th and the bank's reference number is *** for "www.***".

Desired Outcome

I am seeking a full refund of the $95.88 charged for a service they cannot provide to me, and written confirmation that they have closed my account and will not attempt to charge my credit card for any future recurring charges.

Inability to respond to customer e-mails, enactment of new customer identification policies, and inability to fulfill the order a customer placed.
I purchased a sinemia year-long elite plan for two on 8/4/19 for $239.88. I paid for a year long membership. I was told that it would take up to 2 months to receive a physical card in the mail to purchase movie tickets in person, but that I could pay an additional fee ($9.99) to activate e-ticketing in the interim. I paid this fee so that I could begin using their services immediately. It is now 3/31/19 and I still have not received a physical card to get movie tickets from Sinemia. I have to pay a convenience fee every time I use e-ticketing (usually ~$3). This was not what I signed up for. I signed up for a plan that would include a physical card mailed to me so that I could bypass these hidden fees. I have contacted customer service about this three times since I obtained membership, most recently on 3/10/19. I have not heard anything back from this company. The website tells me that I can purchase a physical card for $49.98, but these cards were free of charge when I signed up. I mentioned this in my e-mail to the company, but again, no response. They do not have telephone correspondence available.

Furthermore, on 3/9/19, I went to the movies and purchased my tickets through Sinemia. Their app was malfunctioning and would not allow me to check-in. It kept freezing. This is the third time that this has happened. On 3/9/19, I was charged for the cost of the two tickets by Sinemia and they froze my account until I paid them due to noncompliance with their online check in policy. Once again on 3/10/19, I tried to contact customer service to explain why I didn't check in. No response. I paid the misusage fee ($37.54) so that I could continue to use the yearlong services that I paid for in August.

Lastly, Sinemia enacted a new customer identification policy on 3/7/19. They required customers to send in a picture of themselves holding their government issued ID. All accounts were frozen until this action was taken, including customers that paid for an annual membership up front (like I did) prior to this becoming policy. I contacted the company this same day to tell them how uncomfortable this practice made me. I received no response once again and was forced to comply in order for them to unfreeze my account to continue to receive the services that I have already paid for.

All payments to Sinemia were made through a Disocover credit card that they have on file.

Desired Outcome

I want the photograph of me holding my government ID to be permanently deleted from the company's database and for the customer identification policy to be discontinued. I want a physical card to be sent to me immediately free of charge. I want the $37.54 to be reimbursed that I paid as misuse fee on 3/24/19. I would like the business to begin to respond to customer correspondence.

Sinemia phone app doesn't work for most of March but they claimed their services is non-refundable this is after an increase from $7.99 to $17.99 fees
On March 9 Sinemia increased their service fees from $7.99 to $17.99. I tried to use their phone app, which service can be only used through their app, but their app is not working. I sent out an email to Sinemia and they gave me 1 extra ticket as goodwill. They refused to refund the ticket I bought from my own personal account amidst showing proof. As evidence I took a video of their faulty app and a receipt of my movie purchase using my own money.

On March 22 exactly the same thing happened. I emailed and attached a video of their faulty app and a receipt of my ticket I purchased using my own account. But instead of taking an extra ticket I asked that they refund my ticket because even with extra tickets I won't be able to use their app anyway, I cannot use my free 4 tickets let alone another one they give, but They refused to do so in their reply.

O March 27 their app is still not working so I asked them to refund my subscription fees of $17.99 instead. They responded to my email with, I quote: "Unfortunately, our service is non-refundable as it is clearly stated in our terms and conditions. Please visit www.*** for more information."

I don't feel like they have provided any services to which I paid $17.99 as monthly subscription fees and I ask your good office to look into this matter.

I have saved email exchanges as proof, including videos and receipts should you require them.

Thank you.

Desired Outcome

1. I request a modification of their terms and conditions especially if their fault is their very own. 2. I request that they ceased to engage in their business unless they have fixed their phone application, which is the only means to do business with them. 3. To refund my subscription and my tickets paid.

Sinemia cancelled my yearly membership, claimed I had committed fraud and refused to give me a refund.
On 11/15/18 I bought a 2 person, year long membership from Sinemia online and was charged
$263.88. That's $21.99 a month. It did not go into effect until 1/15/19 after I emailed to complain that they hadn't started my membership. My account was cancelled by Sinemia on 3/3/19. I received no email, this was a message that was displayed on their website when I logged in and tried to purchase tickets through my account. They claimed that I had "committed fraud" and provided a list of possible ways I may have done this without ever specifying what I had done wrong. They have refused to give me a refund for the remaining 10 months of service.

Here is the message from their website.
"We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service.
"You are eligible for an adjusted refund based on the difference between what you've paid to Sinemia and your spending which also includes the cost of the tickets you have received through your Sinemia membership. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on 'Request usage history' on your membership area at www.***
"Once you submit the form, you will receive your payment and spending details as soon as your report is ready. Please note that turnaround time depends on the length of your usage history."

The company has re-billed me for all of the tickets I already purchased through their site as well as charging me again for all of the service fees and have determined that I should get a refund of $24!

Desired Outcome

I want them to refund me for the 10 months of service they have unfairly denied me. That would be $219.90. They have zero proof that I did anything wrong and instead are using a generic reply to me and a large number of other subscribers to unfairly terminate our memberships.

Sinemia is not replying to any emails and keeping misuse fee without any sense
I booked a movie ticket and tried to do check in, sinemia app is not working. As per sinemia policy they need to give warning and put a misuse fee. I have sent screenshot of app and sent to sinemia. Sinemia didn't replied to my email and kept misuse fee for my 2nd movie checkich fail. Sinemia didn't replied to me for the mail I snse on 12/22/2018. I payed misue fee and still app is not working. I wnwa my payed fee back

Desired Outcome

If you are not replying to email how we *** report 2nd issue ? You should reply to customer emails. Why we sgshou use Twitter to report ?

Sinemia shut off my subscription, won't respond to my requests for help, has not refunded unused subscription amount.
My Sinemia user name is *** I signed up for a 1 year subscription/paid in advance in Sept 2018, which started halfway through September. I paid $275.88 for 12 months of movie tickets through Sinemia (movies for 3, 2 times per service month). Sinemia has been continually adding on requirements of use of their service as far as how to use the service and fees. I have been complying with these. The service is hard to use, I have contacted customer service many times, always to resolution although it has always been frustrating to try and use the service and time consuming to get tickets. 6.5 months in, trying to purchase movie tickets, the app made me login and would not let me purchase tickets. I had a note that said they shut off my service due to "misuse" with no description and that they would refund the money, although with many caveats making it sound like they really would not. I have in no way misused the service! I immediately contacted customer service through the website and got a note that said they received my service request. I asked for a call/refund. I indicated I had not misused the service. No response. I sent a reply to the email I sent 3/16 - no response. 3/21 I tried to submit at ticket again through the website - either it did not go through or they did not send me a response this time - I'm not sure which. I have not been able to use 5.5 months of this service. I have not misused the service. It is hard to use, and I am starting to feel like they did that on purpose to make it so they could shut off service and take money without providing the subscription service promised. I do not care about having my service restored/the service is too difficult to use and a frustration. I feel it is quite possible they shutdown my account on purpose because I entered in so many help tickets and complained multiple times - I think they were sick of me. Just because I want what I paid for to work and to get the movie tickets as promised, does not mean they can shutdown my account and take my money without providing their service! I want the $126.45 refunded to me for the unused months of subscription service that I have paid for in advance.

Desired Outcome

I need them to respond to me with a refund for the unused months. At this point I have had so many issues using their service I do not want it back on - it is a hassle and shutting down my account claiming I misused the service and then not responding to my requests for help is the final straw. I need refunded the 5.5 months of service which have not been used, which is $126.45.

Terrible customer service and very suspect business practises. They added extra fees a couple months into a subscription I had already paid for. They have nearly 0 customer service (no response to emails, rare responses on any other platform). They are deceptive with their marketing.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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