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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Purchased an annual plan with Sinemia.Was only able to use successfully twice. Has not worked for the last month or more.
I paid up front for a Sinemia annual plan. Was able to use the service successfully through their iPhone app twice. However, since then for the last month have not been able to use the service. The app will not work. I have submitted help requests to their customer service website multiple times and no response. There is no phone number to call for support. I have been taken for money and not given anywhere near the services that were promised and no means to resolve with the company.

Desired Outcome

I paid $107.88 for an annual membership on February 19, 2019. I was promised 3 movies per month (36 for a year). I have only had success seeing 2 movies, which is less than 6%. I also paid an extra $9.99 to have accelerated cardless service. Given that I am unable to use the service and the amount of time I have spent trying to resolve this with the company, I seek a full refund immediately of $117.87.

The service never works when you're trying to check-in!!!!
When I try to check-in the location function on the app gives me an error that I'm not close enough even though I'm in the theatre. I submitted a ticket on 12/21/2018, 1/4/2019, and 3/11/2019 about the issue. I've sent proof of me being at the theatre and still the "company" charges me for these nonexistent infractions. Every time I submitted a ticket I received the same generic response signed by the same person:


You should check in at the theater for your advance ticket between 30 mins before into the movie. If you were unable to check in eg. just forgot, we'll let the team know to see if anything can be done.

In most cases if this was your first missed check in, you'll just receive a warning email reminding you of the check in rules however please note that it is up to the team to take action or not.

Please make sure to check in at the theater for your advance ticket to avoid cost of the tickets being charged on your credit card.

Also, please always keep Sinemia app up-to-date for the best experience possible.

Best regards

Desired Outcome

I'm requesting a refund of my entire membership and a refund of the payments I've made because of the app not working. I'm not trying to cancel my service at this time but paying for a product that I ***'t use and paying extra for that products error is no way to do business.

The Sinemia service has been unsable and requests for a refund have been denied.
On 11/10/18 I paid $119.88 for 12 months of their service, giving me 2 movie tickets per month. I also paid an extra $9.99 to be able to use the service immediately. I used my movie credits in November. I was unable in December due to the service's technical problemscustomer service replied to my complaint on Twitter but did not reply with any resolution and ignored my request to have that lost month credited back. I was able to use the service once in January, and once in February. Since then there have been various server outages, and app problems. No resolutions are ever offered, and the most recent app problem that prevents you from purchasing movie tickets has been occurring for two weeks for me. Twitter has many more complaints shown each month. I'm going to lose another movie credit this month, so I'll have wasted $19.98 without being able to actually use the service, and no end in sight to the problems the company is facing. I'd like to see a refund on the rest of the original paymentI've been able to use the service to see only three movies, leaving nine left, and a refund of $89.91, and I'll obviously agree to have my account closed.

Desired Outcome

I'd like to see a refund on the rest of the original payment--I've been able to use the service to see only three movies, leaving nine left, and a refund of $89.91, and I'll obviously agree to have my account closed.

Do not waste you money on this! It is tempting with the good deals on movies but you won't be able to get the app to work most of time to be able to buy tickets. There is basically no customer service.

They offer and service but to not deliver. The service is provided through an app but it has not worked for several weeks.
They offer and service - - reduced cost for movie tickets - - but do not deliver. The service is provided through an app but it has not worked for several weeks.

Desired Outcome

My first choice would be a working service, as promised. I paid up-front for one year of service. If they can't provide the service I would like to be reimbursed.

Services paid for are never available, but company will not give me a refund also.
I purchased a yearly membership with this app for about 250 dollars. When I try to use the app, however, I'm not able to use the service because the app will fail to load when a movie is selected. I'm not able to complete the transaction on the app, hence not able to use the service at all. They do not have a phone, but I emailed them multiple times, and I have received 0 response. Last time I tried to see a movie, same thing happened, and they did respond and refused to give me a refund. Bottom line, they offer a service that they are not fulfilling, took my money, won't return it, and now won't respond to their support

Desired Outcome

I want a refund and I want someone to call me and apologize.

I paid for a service that doesn't work, didn't get any refund or help.
A few months ago, I purchased a year subscription to Sinemia on their 3-movies per month plan ($15 a month). The plan began September 16th. However, in the month the Sinemia app has not been working, meaning I can't use the service to redeem any of my 3 movies per month. Because of this, I have had to pay for a number of movies out of pocket. I have tried to contact Sinemia numerous times through their support twitter account. I got a few responses in the beginning but then they started ignoring me. I haven't heard anything from them in the past two weeks even though I have been messaging them almost every day. My iPhone is up to date on software and I have the latest version of the app. My friend has an android and has also been unable to use the app, so it's not an issue on my end.

I want a refund for the last two months. The fact that they aren't providing the service I paid for at all and are refusing to talk to me about it or do anything to fix it makes Sinemia a total scam.

Desired Outcome

A full refund for the previous two months of my subscription. I would also like to cancel my subscription if I can get a refund for all remaining months. If I can't get a refund for the remaining months, I want them to fix the app or make some alternative method of using the service available.

App stopped working, and customer service does not respond. I prepaid for an annual subscription that does not function. It's a scam.
App stopped working, and customer service does not respond. I prepaid for an annual subscription that does not function. It's a scam.

Desired Outcome

I would like my annual subscription fee of $83.88 refunded

This company isn't providing the services they promising and stealing money while they are at it.
I joined sinemia in septSepte for 29.99 a month. At the time there were no fees but a month later they started charging for each movie. I put up with it because it wasn't that much and the service worked. Come January though they start having app issues where you can't buy a ticket at all and there is no customer service to help you. In march I decided to extend my membership one more month hoping they can get their act together and instead of charging me 2ó.99 like normal they charged me over 300 dollars and shoved me in for a whole year. I have emailed customer services 3 weeks ago cancelled my account and not heard a peep from sinemia. Hopefully my bank can do a chargeback.

Desired Outcome

I want them to give me back the money they stole and issue a formal apology for the shady business practices

Sinemia Service has stopped allowing me to book advanced movie tickets as promised
Sinemia Service has stopped allowing me to book advanced movie tickets as promised from 03/23/2019.

Now as per the service says - they said that I can book advanced tickets but so far as I use the service to book advanced tickets are disabled for me. If I try to hit the ticket selling channel I see the error message saying - "An unknown error has occurred. please try again later."

I even complained it to customer support but they are not comprehending back on this issue.

I would like to get refund of the subscription amount which I paid for annual subscription as the issue persists.

Desired Outcome

I would like to get refund of the subscription amount which I paid for annual subscription as the issue persists.

My service was wrongfully terminated. The company has not responded to my inquiries to explain why my account was terminated or how to restore it.
My account was wrongfully terminated because Sinemia claimed they could not prove my identity with the documentation I provided. I find this difficult to believe because I sent a picture of myself and my currently active drivers license as proof to match the information on my payment information, which I paid upfront for an annual service contract.

After multiple attempts to ask why my account has been terminated and how to restore it, Sinemia has refused to response and is extremely difficult to contact. Only one support email account is provided as an option, no phone number or personal response has been given.

As a result, I feel like I have been scammed out of the nearly $100 I paid to receive service from Sinemia from December 2018 to December 2019, a one year subscription to their movie service.

Desired Outcome

I have lost all confidence in Sinemia to provide quality service and ensure the needs of their customers are being met, and as such I request a refund of my upfront payment for the annual subscription.

Canceled services with limited reason. I request refund they calculated that no refund was due because of the cost they incurred.
Paid for program for one year in advance. After 6months they cancelled my membership. I paid a fee for twelve months. I requested a refund. They responded that since they paid more than the cost of the tickets we used there was no refund due. Since I paid for twelve months I would expect that I would be owed 6 months of the pre-membership fee.

Desired Outcome

Refund of 1/2 of the prepaid membership fee.

Sinemia App not working for me and customer service not responding for my emails, messages from 8 days
I purchased Sinemia Movie subscription service, was able to book one movie, From last 8 days, whenever I try to book tickets I get error message and customer support not responding to my emails, Twitter posts or Twitter DM's once they replied to email 5 days back saying they forwarding it to other team after that no correspondence, The app offers movie monthly basis, I am unable to use any of the services, for which they have already charged.

I have registed my Sinemia Account with email: ***, I emailed them from same email.

Desired Outcome

As their advanced ticket option is not working and showing error messages whenever i try to book, they should refund my full money ,They ruined my complete weekend , as I made plans to watch movie and go for a shopping, for almost 5 hours I was trying to book ticket over weekend. If they can't refund, let them provide sinemia card through which I can book tickets, since their online service is not reliable and doesn't work from time to time.

Sinemia wrongfully terminated my account with no explaination. I contacted them several time on this and they were unable to provide me justification.
I pre paid for Sinemia Annual subscription of amount $107.88 on November 4th, 2018. In the month of March, my account stopped working where my membership end date was 8 months later. When I checked my online account page, there was a notification saying my account was termnated because system detected volation of terms of use. I have not violated any kind of terms and conditions in it and I have always payed all my processing fees. Once, I have even paid an additional $12 to Sinemia as I forgot to check in. I have all my ticket receipts that I bought from sinemia and also most of the concessions I bought at the theater to prove that I did not violate any kind of terms. Also, when I requested Sinemia for my transaction history, they gave me the list which includes no violation. Also, when I contacted the Sinemia on this wrong termination of my account and asked for the justification, I received the following response from them "Unfortunately, we are not able to provide additional details since this matter concerns account security & compliance. You may fill in the form on your membership page to get detailed usage history and apply for a refund. The refund amount will be based on the difference between your payments to Sinemia and the cost of your ticket purchases. Once calculated, you'll receive a full refund for the remaining amount." and "Unfortunately we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service." So, they did not give me a reason or justification for this termination. Also, they did not provide me with any refund as they listed all the movies I have watched and said the difference is even and there won't be any refund. After this conversation, they stopped replying to my email. I am being scammed here is what I feel by terminating my account for using the service and also for loyally paying all the fees. I have not been given the proof of violation which there is none and neither the refund for my account.

Desired Outcome

I either want my account to be reactivated and let me use as before give my full refund of $107.88 as they failed to deliver the promised services and took my time in dealing with all these hassles and breaking the customer trust.

Bait and switch scam. They changed their terms and conditions after signing up. They now charges fees they never advertised and refuse to refund.
I tried to get a refund the next month because they changed their terms and conditions. They originally said it comes with a debit card to avoid certain fees. They kept a saying it was in the mail and to pay $9.99 extra for immediate access to go see movies. Then 2 months later they said there is no debit card anymore and now it's a $1.60 fee (x2 tickets) every transaction plus whatever the online company charges for the ticket and their fee too (up to $2 per ticket). This is the only way to now use the service because they again refused to refund my $260. Then a class action lawsuit was started because of these fees. Now they brought back the debit card for an additional $30 charge, that said it was included when I signed up. Now the debit card has only worked twice and in the past couple of months we could only see one movie. The other times it was declined. So now they charged my card 17 times in the past 2 days because I again tried to see a movie and their debit card was declined twice but still charged me extra fees. Fees beyond what they would've been for those two movies even if they did clear. They refuse to respond to emails, Twitter and Facebook to refund me the fees and even the service in general. They scammed me out of $260 for a serve ice they lied about and refused to honor the original agreement. I don't what else to do. Just google Sinemia complaints. You'll see it all over. They have no phone number, so you're st their mercy on if they decide to respond to you. Please help.

Desired Outcome

Refund of my initial charge of $260 for the year. The service has only worked 8 times out of the 25 or so we have tried. They didn't honor the original agreement and i refuse to accept nothing less from this fraudulent company.

Sinemia app not working, sent emails everyday but no response. I need total yearly payment refund or App to work
Sinemia app not working, sent emails everyday but no response. I need total yearly payment refund or App to work

Desired Outcome

Need refund or the yearly payment made or app should be fixed to book tickets

I prepaid for a one year membership to their movie program. Their app does not work. I am unable to purchase movie tickets. They do not respond to customer service inquiries. This business is a fraud.

Desired Outcome

Refund A full refund.

Service has been erroneously suspended multiple times due to the company's mismanaged systems
My account has been erroneously suspended 2 times. The first time the company required me to provide a picture ID to continue using the service on 2/21/2019. There was nothing that I'd done to deserve this type of request. I've never improperly used the service. At first I felt uncomfortable providing this personal information, but customer support explained that I could block out certain info. So I sent them the required info. My account was unlocked, and I was able to use the service again. Then on 3/24/2019 while I was at the theater checking in for a movie to purchase my movie ticket, I wasn't able to. Instead the phone app told me I had a message from Sinemia that I needed to look at before proceeding. I checked the message and it stated that my account had been suspended for a list of generic reasons, none of which applied to me. I sent a message to them immediately asking for a prompt reply, so I could use the service I paid for and see the movie. No response. After a few days passed, I sent another message. There was still no response. On 3/31/2019 I posted a comment on their Facebook page. Then I posted a similar comment on their Facebook page today (4/4/2019). I have yet to receive a single response.

Desired Outcome

Since the company can't seem to get their service in order or adequate customer service, I'd like a full refund of my annual membership and the remaining balance left on the Sinemia gift card I purchased for all their extra fees they tack on.

uploaded documents requested, no response on progress cannot use the service
account needed to be verified with a scan of picture id as well as a photo, uploaded both of them nothing has changed. emaild multiple times with no response. Also was supposed to get a card when I first joined but never arrived, now have to pay for a new card? I would like an explination on that as well. I just want to know whats going on so I can use the subscription service that I already paid for in full.

Desired Outcome

to contact me to let me know what is going on.

I purchased an annual plan in Oct 2018. I have tried numerous times to use the service through the app and it has never once worked.
I purchased an annual Sinemia account for $119.88 on 10/28/18 with my Citi Mastercard. By the time my account was ready and I went to use it, it was 1/4/19. I reserved my tickets via the Advance Ticket feature on the app and we went to the movie. While there, whenever I tried to check in, I got the message "An Unknown error occurred. Please try again later!". I was never able to check in, so received an email from Sinemia the next day stating I didn't check in correctly. I sent them the screen shots of the error on my phone. Again on 2/8/19, I reserved movie tickets using the Advance Ticket feature on the app. This time, while trying to check in during the movie, it would just spin say "Processing" after I clicked Complete Check-In and never went through. I sent these screen shots to them on 2/9/19. I received a misuse fee on my account after this, but eventually got it removed after they viewed the screen shots. On 3/9/19, I was trying to reserve tickets, but the app was not working as it would not populate a theater for me to select. I noticed on the app at that time that several people had left similar comments and were very upset. Also around this time I noticed on my account that they said I needed to send in my photo documentation. I followed the instructions and submitted the photos of myself holding my Driver's License. I received an email on 3/24/19 that my ID verification was successfully verified. However, on 4/4/19 I went to reserve tickets via the app and after selecting the theater, movie showtime, and selecting for two people, I get a message that says "Error! Your request cannot be processed!". I sent an email to the support desk regarding this on 4/4/19. At this point, I only have four days left in this month to try to use the service and highly doubt it will be resolved before then. In summary, I paid $120 for a service that has never once worked and has caused a great amount of stress. I am also now concerned about identity theft as they have my credit card information as well as my photo and Driver's License information.

Desired Outcome

I would appreciate a full refund of my account payment of $119.88, as well as a signed letter stating that all of my personal information has been destroyed.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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