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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Account terminated and not refunding the remaining balance
They have canceled my subscription stating that there were fraudulent transactions on my account. How come I can have a fraudulent transaction with their online subscription model. To use their service, they generate a one time CC number which does not allow you to book the ticked approved by them only. there is no scope for anyone to have any fraudulent activities using their system unless someone is a hacker in an IT world. If some hacker would like to do that, then why they would risk their career for such a small amount of money. they would rather do it for a bug fraud.
It is not the customers, this company is fraud, who keeps on canceling the membership just because people have watched the movies worth equal to the membership fees and now they don't want you to watch the movie, that's why they canceled the subscription.
Story does not stop here, The fraud here is that now they calculate the total amount of the movies you watched with the actual price of the movies (which is about $18 in NYC) plus few additional fees and reject the refund stating that the total amount of usage is more than the membership fees and no refund is applicable.
It was a subscription model, where I was allowed to watch 3 movies per month, then why they are charging the actual amount of the movie. They should calculate the number of months and refund the amount of the remaining months on pro-rata basis.
This is a clear indication that they had the wrong intention. They cancel the subscription the moment you watch the movies equal to the amount of the actual price of the movie.

Not only that, this company bribe people to provide good feedback ("Better Stars") for the company. Is there any legal system where I can make a legal complaint about with the proof that they tried to bribe me to give their good feedback?

Desired Outcome

I want my money back for the remaining period of my subscription. I have used the service only for 3 months. My account was deactivated for almost 2 months earlier from Dec - Feb. I want the payment to be adjusted on the prorate bases on the number of remaining months not on the full payment of the number of movies i watched

They claim to sell you a movie pass for 2 people for 3 times a month. Your prepay for the year $360. It has stopped completely. Can not use it!
They claim to sell you a movie pass for 2 people for 3 times a month. You prepay $360 for the year. I used it for 3 or 4 months and it stopped working completely. The yare a FRAUD. I have emailed them through their website each month at least 5 times and informed them I am getting an error everytime. A response comes back to check their FAQ's. The problem does not allow you to use their service and their is no customer service person to call.

Desired Outcome

Refund of my subscription

I paid for a year of service and was only able to use it for 4 months before the account got locked out.

Signed up on 10/15/19 and paid $120 in advance for a year membership for cheaper monthly value. The membership promised three movie tickets for $10/month. After signing up was immediately blindsided with a $10 fee to use the service immediately, otherwise had to wait 2 weeks before use (for unknown reasons). After paying that then was blindsided again with convenience fees from theater and Sinemia which adds up to about $3 per ticket, again this was not mentioned before payment was accepted.

After a little over three months of use and purchased around $120 worth of movie tickets (the value of the membership) account was locked due to supposed fraudulent activity. After numerous emails with customer service they said my account will be locked until I provide a copy of my Driver's License. After my bank refused chargeback because the transaction occured over 90 days ago, I provided an edited version of my driver's license out of fear of identity theft. They accepted, but then my iPhone app, the only way to make purchases, continued to freeze before the payment page. I have not been able to use the service since 1/31/19.

Desired Outcome

I would like a prorated refund of $90 for the months of service that was denied to me.

I paid a fee in order to be able to purchase movie tickets through their app. I am unable to do this and I have been getting an error message.
I paid a fee in order to be able to purchase movie tickets through their app. I am unable to do this and I have been getting an error message. I have contacted them several times and all I get is an email which states that they have received my complaint and will look into it. The monthly fee I prepaid allows me to purchase 2 movie tickets each month through their app. For the last 2 months I have been unable to do this.

Desired Outcome

I they can get their app working properly I would like to get credit for the months I was unable to purchase my tickets.

Fraudulent sales practice. Every month there is a new requirement to use the service they provide. I paid all extra hiden fees without complaints. The
Fraudulent sales practice. Every month there is a new requirement to use the service they provide. I paid all extra hiden fees without complaints. Now they decided to cancel my service after meeting all the requirements. I have paid every month on my credit card the extra fees associated. sinemia would not contact back or reply to my inquiries. This business is out to scam hard working people for their money.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund.

App has failed to work on several occasions. Also, their customer service is COMPLETELY unresponsive making resolution of any issue impossible.
Sinemia's app has not worked on several occasions. When trying to check in for a movie (which I'd reserved ahead of time), the app kept saying there was a connection error. I had full service on my phone and was using other applications without any issues. I was even prompted to update my Sinemia app when I was at the theater which I was able to do without any issues but as soon as I tried checking in with the app so I could get my ticket, I received connection error after connection error.

This is the second time this has happened within the past month. Both times I was with a group of friends, and both times, I ended up spending full price ($18) for my ticket. My Sinemia package is $7.95 for three movies a month. The amount of money I've spent on tickets due to Sinemia's app not working essentially equates to four months of using their service, or twelve movies.

Worse of all, their customer service department seems to be nonexistent. I've emailed them repeatedly regarding both my issues, with screenshots and detailed explanations of what had happened. The first time this error occurred I was angry, but I was more interested in asking them what had happened so I could make sure it never happened again.

The only email I did receive from Sinemia was from somebody named *** he informed me I could potentially be penalized for the app because I never "checked- in". The whole reason I initially emailed them was for that very issue the app did not let me check in. No not only did Sinemia never address my initial email asking how I can avoid this issue in the future, they also emailed me saying if it happens again, there could be ramifications. I emailed them three more times begging to speak with someone so that I could avoid this issue again no one ever got back to me.

I was hoping this was nothing more than a completely isolated incident and I did not want to waste any more time on the matter, but last week, 3/22, the same exact issue occurred. I was with a large group of friends and did not want to miss anymore of the movie I already had so I ended up buying my ticket at full price not using the app. I missed the first 10 minutes of the movie trying to get the app to work, but like before, I received connection error after connection error.

When I got home, I sent another email like I had before, asking what had happened and how can I fix it. Again, I received o reply to my query. The only email I did receive was again from "***" informing me that I had not "checked-in" and failure to do so may result in some type of financial penalty.

It's one thing for an app to have issues, but completely turn a blind eye toward customer service is unacceptable especially when they charge a $30 imitation fee. I also chose a option that required my entire year membership to be paid up front. I know feel like they know they have my money and couldn't care less about me as a customer since they have never replied to any of my emails.

I purchased my membership for convenience and the app has caused nothing but aggravation and led me to spent money I otherwise wouldn't, which has been extremely annoying.

Please let me know what I can do to resolve this matter.

Desired Outcome

Assuming the app works moving forward, I would simply like a refund for the amount of the two tickets I had to pay out of pocket ($36), as well as my initiation fee ($29.95) and the price of my physical card ($14.95). If those costs are refunded, I will consider this issue resolve again, assuming the app works correctly moving forward. I would also like to know who at the company is responsible for the customer service department and who can be contacted if there are future issues. As of now, there seems to be absolutely zero recourse for resolving any issues from a customer service perspective. I'm sure the company is busy, but customer service is key, and my first issue dates back to the middle of February. I think six weeks is MORE than enough time to expect a response, especially when the issue is costing me money and the company is threatening me with potential penalties for the very issue I'm try to get them to help me resolve.

I am unable to book tickets on Sinemia app.
Sinemia is waste of money. They charge me every month. I am having issues since the date I signed up with them. I am unable to book tickets. Filed complaints and there is no response. Very bad experience. I want to cancel this membership and want refund of whatever I paid them.

Desired Outcome

They should refund entire amount that I have paid them including initial membership fees.

Their app rarely works & I keep get fees charged for services not rendered. I've asked for refunds, but they don't answer, or refund the fees.
Sinemia is an app based movie ticket subscription service. Recently their service has been unusable. Either the app doesn't work, or, when it does, they charge me the subscription fee, and multiple service charges, but the movie tickets are not provided. I have tried to contact them via email (they have no phone number) more than seven times about this, but they rarely respond, and when they do, they say they will look into it. But then nothing happens. I have cancelled my account, but don't want to pay for this last month of my subscription, as their service has been unusable. In addition to the $31.88 I want refunded, they have also charged me multiple smaller service fees (today there was 25 $1.00 fees charged, and $5 $1.60 fees charged ... and I received nothing from them). I also have contacted my bank to dispute the charges, but I have no outcome yet, as the ball has just begun rolling there. This company is based in Istanbul, but their "corporate office" is in CA. I have quotes around corporate office, because when I look up the address, it is just a shared "co-working" space that anyone *** rent. This company should not be allowed to be in business in the US. I am attaching one of the email exchanges. They stopped responding, and have also not responded to many emails I have sent since then.

Desired Outcome

Since I have not been able to use their service this month (I have cancelled, but have paid for this month in the subscription already), and also have been charged fees for ticket purchases that did not go through on their end, I want a full refund. I want a refund of $65.88 ($31.88 monthly subscription for unusable final month + 25 $1 service fees (tickets not provided but fees charged) + 5 $1.80 (tickets not provided but fees charged).

My account was canceled due to the company's faulty app and they refuse to reinstate my account or provide me with an actual refund.
My Sinemia account was canceled without my knowledge. I had two failed check ins during my time using the app due to issues with the app not connecting to the internet and freezing. Immediately both times I reached out to the company and didn't hear back from a representative. After the second failed check in the company requested I pay I $12 to continue using the app (even though I paid $120 for a yearly subscription). I paid the $12 and continued using the app, seeing 3 more movies. When I attempted to use the app after seeing 3 movies I received a message saying my account had been canceled. But no specifics were given as to why. I believe the company realized they were losing money since I had upped my usage and used my failed check ins due to a faulty app as an excuse to cancel my account.

Desired Outcome

I would like a proper refund or my account to be reinstated for the year. I paid $120 for the year starting in November and the company is now offering me only a $13 refund.

sinemia is not allowing me to book movie tickets. I paid an annual subscription fee. however, they are not providing service since 02/2019
sinemia is not allowing me to book movie tickets. I paid an annual subscription fee of $200. however, they are not providing service since 02/2019. Multiple attempts were made to reach them over email. However, they never responded.

Desired Outcome

Regular service. (I should be able to book movie tickets as advertised "3-Movies per month for a family of 2)

Have not been able to use the Sinemia app to select a movie for over 3 weeks now.
The issue started at the beginning of March. I have been unable to select a movie in the Sinemia app and therefore not able to watch any movies that I have paid a one-year membership for. I have reached out multiple times through Sinemia's premium support email contact and have not heard anything back. I've searched online and have seen that other users are also experiencing this issue, along with their accounts being terminated with no explanation.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for the yearly membership I paid for.

The customer service has been completely unresponsive. My membership was cancelled with no explanation and no refund. I would like my money back.
On February 10th, 2019, my membership was cancelled without explanation. I tried multiple times to contact their team including replying to their emails, contacting their help email, and even submitting a form directly through their website. The only response I received was a single automated one explaining that they'd respond as soon as they could and referred me to their FAQ section in the meantime. That was on February 12th and it is now March 27. They will not let me log back in to figure out what's going on and I have not be able to see movies with the service since this happened. Thus I've had to pay full price for two movie tickets and missed out on several films I would have otherwise seen. I am registered under this email, with the name ***. My account number I believe was XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund on my previous charges I was billed for using the service as well as reimbursement for the $17.50 I spent twice on movie tickets. I would also like to have my account reinstated and some sort of recognition of the issue if possible.

I paid in full for an Annual Membership for 3 movies per month. After 6 months of service, they canceled my membership, stating fraudulent use.
I paid in full for an Annual Membership for 3 movies per month. After 6 months of service, they canceled my membership, stating fraudulent use. I have never misused my membership. They even required me to provide a picture of my DL and of me holding my DL, which I did, for identify verification. I have repeatedly emailed customer service demanding to reinstate my service, and they cannot tell me why it was canceled and only state that they system did it and that they cannot do anything about it. They point me to a link that would refund the balance of what I paid, and the actual RETAIL cost of the movies I've already seen, but I purchased this annual membership for discounted ticket pricing, not for the full retail price! This is a common problem that MANY are having with this company. If you use their services as they promised (seeing all three movies per month), they cancel you because you are not profitable to them! I WANT the services they promised when I paid in full for my annual membership.

Desired Outcome

Either reinstate my membership or provide a full refund, not a partial refund based on actual retail ticket prices!

Purchased year-long membership, Sinemia suddenly canceled service without warning or reason. Hung out to dry with over $100 in fees.
Complaint 1: Email sent to support @ 9:44am, 10/09/2018
- Unexpected fees. Sinemia's movie subscription service did not apparently include booking costs ($2.70 to $3.00 per ticket) for purchasing tickets online... yet physical debit card required additional $15 purchase. Complained in October, eventually purchased debit card.
Complaint 2: Email sent to support @ 9:41am, 11/06/2018
- Unable to use app to purchase ticket, losing that month's "reserved" movie purchase
Complaint 3: Email sent to support @ 10:30am, 12/09/2018
- Account warning from Sinemia about not checking into service, despite physical purchase of ticket at theater
Complaint 4: Emails sent to support @ 8:57am, 03/11/19 and @ 7:05am, 03/14/19
- Unexpected fees: account suspended until I paid $17.15 for Captain Marvel ticket, despite having used the service as intented
Complaint 5: Email sent to support @ 12:01pm, 3/23/19
- Membership canceled: having paid the $17.15 to get my account re-opened, I go to the theater, only to discover that my membership has been revoked with 5 months worth of movies already paid for

Desired Outcome

I expect to be refunded $143.64 for the following: - $96.00 for annual membership - $17.15 for the Captain Marvel mistaken fee - $15.00 for the specialized Sinemia card - $15.50 for 10 separate unexpected $1, $1.5, and $1.8 charges on my credit card

I pre-paid for the Sinemia service for a year. In March, Sinemia suddenly locked my account from use demanding a government issue ID be uploaded.
I paid for a year of service with Sinemia starting on August 2018 to August 2019. In March, Sinemia suddenly locked my account banning any use unless I uplI paid for a year of service with Sinemia starting on August 2018 to August 2019. In March, Sinemia suddenly locked my account banning any use unless I uploaded a government issued ID. This was never part of the terms of service when I prepaid for a year of service and I feel it's fraudulent and suspicious to be demanding a government issue ID. In declining to provide this as it was never an agreed part of me paying for a year of service, I am not unable to use a service I have paid for. I asked for a refund for the remaining months from March until August and sinemia will not respond or address my concern. oaded a government issued ID. This was never part of the terms of service when I prepaid for a year of service and I feel it's fraudulent and suspicious to be demanding a government issue ID. In declining to provide this as it was never an agreed part of me paying for a year of service, I am not unable to use a service I have paid for. I asked for a refund for the remaining months from March until August and sinemia will not respond or address my concern.

Desired Outcome

I would like to be refunded for the remaining months March to August or granted access to my service without uploading an ID.

Annual prepaid subscription service is unusable due to phone app that is "broken" and does not allow to fulfill its intended function.
purchased an annual subscription in February. The first time using the app was no problem and didn't even incur any type of fee. I was able to indicate that the theatre I was purchasing tickets from didn't charge any online convenience fees.

A couple of weeks later there was no way to bypass the convenience fee even though the theatre I was purchasing tickets from didn't charge any online convenience fee.

For the last two to three weeks the app is broken, I can't use the service whatsoever. It doesn't get past the movie selection screen after I picked a local theatre. When I select a movie all I get is a loading spinning circle but doesn't advance any further.

I reinstalled the app, I power cycled my phone, nothing works.. Although the app seems to get regularly updated for "bug fixes" it is useless.

I have attempted to contact support 4 times with no reply whatsoever in the last two to three weeks.

I prepaid for a service I cannot use and absolutely do not recommend anyone to sign up

Desired Outcome

Restore service or issue refund.

They tell me I somehow violated their terms of service and have cancelled my account but they cannot tell me what I allegedly did.
I received email saying I had violated terms of service so I was being terminated. I contacted them and told them I in fact, did not break any rules. Please reinstate my account. They said it was automatic from their system and they cannot change it. After I purchased their year subscription there were additional fees to reserve a movie or you could spend $30 more and get their card. So I not only paid for the year but also for the card. They say they prorate what I have used and give me back the difference. I still have not seen a refund. I indicated I don't want a refund, I want my account active again. They sent blanket email saying they had no way to tell me what I did wrong. It said issue resolved unless I reply within 48 hours. I asked to be escalated to manager. Must be easy to fix it. Please help. Was this their way to get $30 more out of me?

Desired Outcome

I would like my account reinstated and to be compensated for the movie and time that I could not use the card

Sinemia has now changed their policy to make me verify my ID.

I refuse to send my unfiltered ID to a company that is based in Turkey.
Sinemia has now changed their policy to make me verify my ID.

I refuse to send my unfiltered ID to a company that is based in Turkey.

I refuse to send my unfiltered ID to anyone in any country that isn't the Government.

I am unable to use my Sinemia plan due to this.

After the nonsense of being charged for tickets I ACUTALLY USED AND CHECKED IN FOR, this is the last straw.

I want my account REFUNDED or I will be contacting my Credit Card company for chargeback, along with the local Police for investigation into possible identity theft.

I refuse to use this garbage, constantly changing service terms company any further.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund as I refuse to continue to use this company after all of the stuff I have had to deal with which includes: - Being called A Liar - Being forced to pay for tickets that I checked in for - Being Unlawfully charged a 1.80 fee when the place I buy tickets does not charge any fees - Issues with Processing payments that have taken hours upon hours to resolve via Twitter - And now BEING PREVENTED FROM USING MY ACCOUNT WITHOUT UPLOADING ID WITH THE NUMBER AND ADDRESS /DOB CLEAR, which I REFUSE TO DO!

The Sinemia service has not worked for over a week, I have not been able to go to any movies with my membership. Sinemia claims there are no refunds.
I bought a Sinemia service for one year that will end in August 2019. I also bought a year membership for the year afterwards as well.

The service has been working well for me for many months until this last week. I have contacted customer service many times while my Sinemia app was not working and was taken care of well. But now, the Sinemia app has not allowed me to see movies because of its failure to work. Every time I try to choose a movie on Sinemia's app, it does not work and I am not able to use the service that I paid for. For over a week this service has not been working and I have read many reports that the service is failing for other users too.

Because of recent events, I have decided to end my membership, it does not make sense for me to pay for something I cannot actually use. I have contacted customer about getting a refund for the remaining months on my current plan and a refund for the future service which I have paid for but not technically used yet. Sinemia customer service replied that they do not issue refunds for the service.

I have paid for 2 full years of service and have only used 7 months of it. It seems to me, that a refund for at least the next year that has not even kicked in yet is more than fair.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking a refund for the 5 months of my current Sinemia membership I have not yet used and a full refund of the service which kicks in August 2019 until August 2020. If the app does not work and I am not able to take advantage of the service I paid for, it seems to me that a refund is fair.

My wife and I purchased a 12-month movie subscription service on August 7, 2018 for $119.88 each. They terminated our accounts March 16, 2019.
My wife and I purchased a 12-month movie subscription service on August 7, 2018 through the company Sinemia for $119.88 each. In addition, they required us to purchase a Sinemia debit card in order to use the service on November 29, 2018 for $14.99 each. We paid a total of $269.74 not including all the random fees they continued to charge us for using the service. Under this subscription plan, Sinemia agree to paid for 2 movies per 30-day period for the each of us through August 2019. On March 16, 2019, I found out they terminated both of our movie subscription plans without giving us a refund. They ignore any attempts to contact them to give me a reason why they terminated our accounts.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking membership fees of $269.74 to be refunded.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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