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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Company's service is non-functional and they do not respond to any customer service requests. 4 or more of my e-mails have not been responded to.

On Fri, Mar 8, 10:24 PM I attempted to use the service to buy a ticket to Captain Marvel and received an ERROR with no information. I contacted support by e-mail and still have received no response. I was forced to pay for the ticket out-of-pocket despite having this service to do that.

On Mar 31, 2019, 4:02 PM I attempted to use the service again to buy a ticket for US and got the same error.

I wrote customer service again and received no response.

I am paying for a service that is not being delivered.

This company is a scam that lies about the service they provide and refuses to engage with ANY customer service.

Desired Outcome

I want the last two months of my service refunded and an explanation from the company. I want to know why they think it's okay not to respond to customer service requests.

Sinemia movie service is consistently bad. They will charge you misuse fees when they shouldn't or their system has not let me book a movie at all.
This is my second complain against Sinemia. My first complaint was that they charged me a misuse fee when their app caused the error. My new complaint is now I ***'t even book a movie. Their service allows three movies a month. Last month March '19 I was only able to book one movie. I was locked out from booking the additional two movies for the month. The lost movie credits did not rollover. Essentially Sinemia is not providing the service I have paid for. I have checked the app everyday for the past two weeks with no luck. I have sent an email everyday after checking the app. I got one human response that said it would be working in a couple of hours. Its has been two weeks. I have only gotten a canned response all my other emails.

Desired Outcome

I paid for a year. My service ends on 8-26-19. I feel a full refund is desrved because how poorly this company is run and how much of my time they have wasted dealing with them. Also for the misue fees I paid just to get their servie working aggain because their customer service is the worst. Their policy is no refunds. If you use thier service you'll understandy why. I am willing to accept a partial refund of $100 just so I never have to deal with Sinemia again.

App not working from 3 weeks. Need my money back.
I paid for a year of service and for the last three weeks, the app won't let me watch any more movies. I sent several emails but there is no response from Sinemia. I want my full money back.

Desired Outcome

Full refund.

Issues with app preventing credit usage. Company failed to fix problems and ignored majority (greater than 90%) of service requests.
Complaints (chronological):

September 18th, 2018-Email requesting assistance with error in app preventing booking and asking for clarification about a discrepancy with cycle dates on website and in app (cycle renewal listed as two days later in app). No reply from company, but cycle discrepancy was fixed the next week. Error in app caused unused credit for cycle.

October 25th, 2018-Email requesting clarification of fees. Response from company did not answer question. Email re-forwarded to company November 22nd, 2018 with no reply.

December 19th, 2018-Email requesting assistance due to rejected payment details by third party booking site ( provided by company. Screenshots of payment information and third party website ( were included in email. No response from company. Email send a second time on December 21st, 2018 with no response from company. Invalid payment details from company and no resolution resulted in unused cycle.

December 29th, 2018-Email requesting assistance with problem checking-in on app. Screenshots of "Error!" page on company app provided in email. Email sent to company shortly after film ended. No direct response from company except for automated warning email regarding not checking-in.

January 27th, 2019-Customer used app to check-in via green check-in popup. Customer then restarted phone and re-launched company app to attempt a second check in. Customer had conversation with others before movie about requirement to check-in on app. Check-in button was not present in app following re-launch of app, suggesting the check-in was successful. Immediately after film (while still in theater), customer again re-launched company app and saw that the check-in box appeared again, however check-ins were not allowed after the film. Customer immediately sent email to company explaining the problem with checking-in. Response from company did not address issue. Customer responded to email to re-iterate that he did not "forget" to check in. No response from company.

January 28th, 2019-Automated email sent by company informing customer that account had been locked. Prior emails mentioned this was manually initiated by "the team". Consequently, the company acted in bad faith by ignoring two service emails and still locking account. Customer replied to email one hour after initial email sent by company saying he specifically opened the app in the theater multiple times and sent email requests immediately when the app did not register the check in. This third email from customer was also ignored by company.

March 2019-Issue using ticketing feature (which had been blocked with no follow up from company). Support email (4th) sent from within the app, which was subsequently ignored by company.

March 15th, 2019-Customer charged $11.89 to unblock ticketing feature (misuse fee). This option was not available for previous cycle, so there was an unusable credit from February, 2018.

March 20th, 2019-Customer sent 21-page PDF document with screenshots of issues (chronological) and graphics and text boxes explaining issues in detail. Company did not respond to email. 2nd follow-up email sent by customer was also ignored by company.

March 30th, 2019-Customer emailed company because ticketing feature was broken again. Customer included three screenshots of an error popup on three different pages in the app. Customer explained that he would yet again be unable to use his credit. Company did not respond.

Desired Outcome

On October 9th, 2018 ***, hereafter "customer", purchased a one year (twelve movie cycle) membership for $3.99/month billed yearly as $47.88 from Sinemia, inc., hereafter "company". The "plan" page on the company's website mentions benefits such as no blackout dates and card-free purchasing options. There was no mention of additional fees at the time of purchase (there is still no mention of fees on the "plan" page as of March 30th, 2019). The company sent a confirmation email on October 9th, 2018, which mentioned it could take 1-2 weeks for plan activation. Plan activation commenced August 23rd, 2018. Despite promoting itself as a no frills, low cost movie subscription service, the company added the following sentence to its terms of use on April 4th, 2018: "For US memberships, the advance ticket online convenience fee is not covered by Sinemia." As such, while the terms of service do mention an online convenience fee, the company materially misrepresented its service by intentionally hiding information about recurring fees that represent a significant cost as compared to the total cost of the plan. Furthermore, without notice, the company began charging processing fees, which were assessed in addition to convenience fees. To this end, the company also changed the way it charged convenience fees, billing the fees in multiple transactions and making them more difficult to track. For example, on August 23rd, 2018 the company charged one $1 convenience fee (described as "CONV FEE"). On October 22nd, 2018 the company charged two $0.50 convenience fees (described as "CONV FEE 2/2 and CONV FEE 1/2) as well as one $1.80 processing fee (described as "PROC FEE"). While the customer was inconvenienced by being unable to redeem tickets per the terms and conditions, the company does advertise a "Rollover Feature" whereby one unused credit can be used in a future billing cycle and does not expire. This was never added to the customer's account, representing negligence and a breach of service. In lieu of formal legal action the customer requests a refund of $71.97, which represents a full refund. The overt negligence of this company extends beyond simple unauthorized charges and flagrant incompliance with its own Terms of Service. While the customer feels he is entitled to more compensation, especially considering damages stemming from wasted time, wasted gas, wasted billing cycles where he was forced to purchased full price tickets, etc. we feel this is the minimum extent of liability Sinemia, Inc. should be required to compensate notwithstanding formal legal action. Customer retains extensive evidence supporting the claims made above (including copies of emails, app screenshots, historical webpages (including TOS), and a complete billing history)

Paid for a whole year subscription and after putting up with paying for a physical card, ID verification, online ticketing fees and misuse fees they terminated my account with no explanation other than read the terms of service. When trying to contact customer service I received no response for a month, until I wrote them on their Twitter and demanded a refund for the nine remaining months of my subscription. Their response was they "do not have access" to that information and I *** get a refund that's the difference between what I already spent and what Sinemia covered which came out to a grand total of 0.63.

I was a member of MoviePass *** had similar issues with them, but I at least got a whole year of what they guaranteed before they ran out of money. I have researched and found that hundreds of people have gotten their accounts terminated for seemingly no reason other than they see a lot of movies, which is the whole point of this service. I plan on talking to my bank to see if I *** salvage any of my money that I wasted on this service but take the warning from me and do not sign up with this company, they wreak of fraud and dishonesty and provide virtually no type of customer service.

After cancelling my subscription and being issued a refund from my bank, this company put through an unauthorized charge without my knowledge or conse
On Sept 21, 2018 I purchased a movie plan that did not disclose that there were additional charges. I asked for a refund. it was denied. I contacted my bank and was able to get my money back .HOWEVER, THIS COMPANY PUT THROUGH AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE WITHOUT MY KNOWLEDGE OR CONSENT THROUGH THEIR ISTANBUL OFFICES. I have contacted them repeatedly and they will not tell me how or why they did this. The amount was $359.88 They put this charge through on 9/22 and will not tell me why or even how. My credit card company has tried to get them to refund but they won't .

Desired Outcome

I would like this company to refund the $359.88 they charged to my account without my permission.

This complaint is regarding services I have paid for but am unable to use. This company is a Movie ticket subscription service.
Sinemia is an movie subscription plan. I have been using and up until recently, it has been working for me.

In March I renewed my membership for $72.00 for the year. When I went to use the first time after the renewal to buy an advanced ticket on Friday March 29th, I was unable to buy it from their App. I went to the website and was still unsuccessful. I then bought my own ticket and decided to cancel my subscription.

I sent several emails to Sinemia to verify that it was cancelled and to request a refund. Finally I received a response stating that they received my cancellation and it will not be renewed but I could still use the service until the renewal period is over. I preferred a refund but I'm sure it was written in their fine print that that's not how it works.

I then went on the app on Sunday and again I was not able to order a ticket. I again emailed them and have sent several emails since them with no response. I would like to be refunded for my subscription fee or at the very least, I would like to be able to use the service.

Desired Outcome

I would like to be refunded for my subscription fee or at the very least, I would like to be able to use the service as it was intended

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

Sinemia finally corrected my issue with the app however it took a negative review to do so

Paid for the annual service. App has not been working for over a month. Emailed customer service multiple times and no response.
I purchased the Annual Pass for Sinemia earlier this year and it was working fine for the first two months. I tried to purchase a movie ticket in March and it was not working. I assumed the server was down since it was a popular release movie week. I've been trying for over a month to use the App to purchase a ticket, but the App is still not working. I have emailed their customer service team but have not received a response.

Desired Outcome

I am asking for a refund of the annual cost for the past. I've also purchased a few gift cards for my friends to sign up and would like to have those to be refunded as well.

Membership involves hidden fees. Sinemia doesn't disclose such fees to the customers during enrollment.
I used the "advance ticket" feature of Sinemia App to purchase 2 movie tickets for "Dumbo" at 7:55pm on Apr 2, Century at Tanforan, *** The confirmation number of Century was XXXXXXXXXXXXX. Along with the purchase process, it told me to check-in for the movie. Unfortunately, I forgot to check-in, but was still able to use the advance tickets. On Apr 3, I received email from Sinamie, saying that because I didn't check-in, I was entitled with a misuse fee of $27.4. Meanwhile, my membership has been suspended and I couldn't purchase advance ticket until I pay the misuse fee. However, such penalty of misuse was not disclosed by Sinemia when I enrolled the membership. It was not disclosed by Sinemia App either when I purchased the tickets. This is a totally fraud of Sinemia business.

Desired Outcome

Remove the misuse fee from my membership. Fully restore my membership benefits.

They cancelled my account without merit, and offered minimal explanation. They are not offering a partial refund of unused services.
I bought a year long subscription from Sinemia for $120 that was supposed to allow me to see 2 movies a month. The plan was supposed to expire in June. When I went to book a movie to watch in March, I received an error message and was told to go to the website. On the home page there is a letter that says my account has been canceled and provided a non-exhaustive list of reasons why they would cancel account but made no mention of what I did to warrant this. I am quite certain I did not do any of the items they did list, however. I emailed the company requesting justification for the closing of my account, but was never given an explanation. I did get an email that compared the cost of the movies I did use versus the amount I paid for the subscription and they claimed they spent more than I paid and therefore I am not entitled to any refund. I believe I am entitled to be compensated for services not delivered and not penalized for using the service as it was intended. This feels like a scheme, where they get you to sign up and as soon as you are in a position to not get a refund by their standards, they shut down the account. I am sure I am not the first nor will I be the last they will do this to, and I think an investigation should be done.

Desired Outcome

I paid for 12 months of service and only received 8. I think I am entitled to 1/4 of my annual subscription.

Sinemia account removed after paying $350 for a full year. They offered me a refund but no where near where it should be
The deleted my account because they said I committed fraud In March 2019 which is and out right lie on their part. I paid $350 for this account near the end of December 2018 which was a gift from my parents for Christmas and it allowed me to see 1 movie a day.

Desired Outcome

I would like my account reinstated or a full refund.

Pre-Paid for Movie Subscription Service for 1 year. Sinemia has locked my account twice since Dec. 2018. Tried to resolve issue multiple times.
Pre-Paid for Annual Subscription Service. Sinemia had blocked my account once. Then, unlocked my account. Now, my account is blocked once again. This is twice since Dec. 2018. I sent the company multiple emails to please unblock my account. As of today, April 3, 2019. The company has not. The company wants my private informtion uploaded from a government ID. I uploaded partial information which the company unlocked my account once. However, now the account is locked again. I communicated with the company via email again and was told that it may take 1-2 weeks for unlocking. I told Sinemia that I am losing money because I can not use the service and any movie credits that are not used over a one month period of time are forfeited. I will have lost 4 movie tickets by April 6, 2019 because of Sinemia's negligence. I also request a full refund for the annual subscription but the company never obliged.

Please help me resolve this matter.

Thank you.

Desired Outcome

Full refund of subscription service since the company has locked my account twice and if unlocked, they may lock it a third time.

The 'service' is completely unusable. Every time I try to buy a ticket I get an unknown error. The advance ticket option does not work so I cannot use my membership at all. This is a continuing problem that many people are having. This is a HUGE scam.

Sinemia is a massive scam. I bought a year's subscription, barely used it, and then had it cancelled, after about five months, due to "fraud," citing one of four BS reasons. Right now, I have lost about $150 to Sinemia. They "claim" that they will issue me a refund for the difference, but so far, I haven't received it. It is impossible to communicate with them. There is no telephone number to call, and they never return any emails or social media messages. They will also try to charge you as many fees as possible. For instance, when see a movie, you are required to check-in to the app. It is designed so that you forget, and when you do, they charge a misuse fee, which is the entire cost of the tickets! Also, when you purchase a ticket through the app online, you are required to pay a processing fee of $1.30 per ticket, which is in addition to the processing fees charged by the ticketing service, such as fandango, or atom, so each time I went to the theater, I ended up spending an extra $7 on fees. Those quickly add up after a few movies. Supposedly, you *** avoid these fees by purchasing a Sinemia card, but they cost an outrageous $15 per card. Sinemia makes Moviepass *** like a saint. It is a fraudulent company based in Turkey, who will take your money and then cancel your account. Oh, and they also require ID verification, in which they ask you to send a copy of your Government issue ID. Your GOVERNMENT ID. Obviously, this is to steal your information and sell it online. Sinemia needs to be shutdown. I'm filing complaints with the, and then requesting a chargeback through my bank. STAY AWAY FROM SINEMIA. THEY WILL STEAL YOUR MONEY.

I was charged for a "misuse fee" and not allowed to use my account until it was paid. I did not misuse the account and followed the checkin process.
I was charged for a "misuse fee" and not allowed to use my account until it was paid. I did not misuse the account and followed the checkin process.I am a new customer and followed the following procedure:
- locate a film using an online vendor (Regal movies in this case)
- enter film information into Sinemia.
- purchase tickets to film
- check in at theater just prior to film screening.

I did ALL of these but was still charged the misuse fee.

Desired Outcome

I wish to get a refund for the misuse fee I paid to keep my account active. An apology would also be helpful.

Unable to use service from what I've read it's been issue for 2 weeks and no replies
II tried to use service Thursday night and mondMo night 3/31 and 3/28 I ppaid via debit for annual service

Desired Outcome

Credit back door the month or add another free month since we couldn't use service that we prepaid for

The app has not been working for 2 weeks now and I cannot use it. I paid for a service I am unable to use. company refuses to refund or cancel.
problem started 3/15/19 unable to purchase tickets and still not working today 4/2/19

Desired Outcome

to cancel my membership and refund me for the service not working

Company offered 2 movies per month for a year after paying the upfront cost. App no longer works even after reinstalling, making it impossible to use
I signed up for Sinemia last year on a plan that should provide two free movies a month for 12 months after I paid the upfront charge around ~$100..

Since then they have hit me with a number of undisclosed fees and now their app doesnt even work. Whenever I try to use the app to buy a ticket it gives me an "unknown error" telling me to try again later. I have tried multiple different days and reinstalled the app multiple times. Their support staff has been unresponsive on this issue. If I can't even get movie tickets through the app, I should be refunded the rest of the money I paid for the subscription.

I am not going to pay another $50 for a physical card as a workaround to THEIR app not working at all.

Desired Outcome

Refund of subscription cost for the annual membership.

I paid for a 12-month movie subscription service, after less than 6 months they wrongfully terminated my account and won't refund the proper amount
On Sept 8 2018 I prepaid for a 12-month movie subscription service through Sinemia where I was allotted 3 movies per month. I used nearly all 3 every month as per the terms of the agreement, and never once used the app in any way that would be considered fraudulent. Firstly, what quickly became apparent was that they charge an extra fee that was not stipulated in the initial contract, and it's charged every time you purchase a movie ticket. They also charge a second processing fee that is supposed to only cover the processing fee of the third-party site needed to purchase tickets through the app (e.g., Fandango, Atom, etc) but it is always more than the the actual fee charged by the third=party ticketing sites. But the most egregious activity they performed was terminating my account for "suspected fraudulent activity." When pressed what kind of fraud I performed to get my account terminated, they will not say. And when I asked for a refund of the remaining 6 months, they said they do not refund. When I pushed further they said they would review my account and decide if I could get any refund back based on their decision to add up all of the movie tickets I purchased through their app and subtract the cost of those tickets from what I paid into the app. My issue with this is that I paid for a service, the terms I agreed to stated that I was allowed up to 3 movies/month for 12 months for the price I paid ($119.88). Therefore, if they decide to terminate my account after a 6-month period (especially for no discernible reason), they need to refund me for 6 months of service, not the little but of money left over from their calculation of ticket cost, since ticket cost was never a part of the terms. It's not my fault they gave me a deal that cost them more than it cost me. I have no doubt you've received hundred of other similar complaints recently as well, so you know that I am not the only one to experience a sudden termination of my Sinemia account. Moreover, their customer service is almost nonexistent and incredibly hard to get a hold of, and their app itself has given me numerous problems over the past 6 months, between glitches that cause the app to continuously refresh to it just straight up not working a couple times. When those things happened, I let them know immediately, and they still tried to charge me a "misuse" fee for one of the times the app glitched and I couldn't check in the movie (even though I already had the ticket, they force you to physically check in at the theater, which I tried to do. I could keep going with other specific examples, and I have a small amount of a paper trail (complaint emails and messages and such) that I started collecting once the issues got worse and more abundant. The main point being, this business is being run fraudulently and it's becoming apparent to many of us as this continues to get worse and from some magazines/online news sources doing some digging of their own that it seems the only accounts being terminated for "fraud" are the accounts of users like me who use the most out of the app. Not in a fraudulent way or even a malicious way. I purchased the subscription because I love movies and wanted to see more of them. All has asked them for was refund of half the amount, not even the full amount, just the 6 months they did not allow me to use. Yet, they refuse to hear my complaints or take serious action to look into my claims or stop this from continuing to happen. Thank You

Desired Outcome

I seek a refund of at least half what I initially paid for the subscription service, but ideally I'd get a full refund. I paid for 12 months at a cost of $119.88, and I was only able to use less than 6 months worth of tickets; thus, $59.94 would be the minimum I believe I am owed by Sinemia. However, between the hidden fees and more expensive fees they have charged for every ticket purchase that wasn't stated clearly on the initial terms, for all the trouble I have gone through to contact them and now you to get a simple refund, and for the distressing, abrupt and quite frankly rude way they terminated my (and numerous others') account, I would prefer to receive a full refund. Thank You.

I have been a member for several months. For the past week when I try and purchase an advance ticket when I get to the purchase screen I get a message that says "An Uknown Error has Occurred. Please try again later!" Look online and its seems for the past month select accounts will be locked from getting tickets. Probably because they ***'t sustain their business model and need to slow down ticket sales. I have left sent in several tickets on their website with no response. Not the way to run a business

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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