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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

I paid for one-year membership, but this company suddenly cut off the ability of my account to buy movie tickets. No one replies customer service.
I registered for Sinemia one-year membership on Aug 13 2018. My registered email address is ***, and my account name is *** But from March 2019, their app is not working anymore. And I already paid for the full year's price. I tried to contact them via online forum(which is the only way of customer service), no one replied.

Desired Outcome

I need the refund from March 2019 (time when the app stops working for me) to August 2019 (time when my subscription supposed to last). I paid for one-year and only got 6 months service, so the refund should be half of the price I paid in Aug 2018, which should be the half of 110 dollars, which is 55 dollars.

The Sinemia app displays an error message all the times without providing me any chance to use the service.
I am subscribed to Sinemia Movie plan for 1 Year of duration.
1.)Last month I had an issue while purchasing the ticket. I used the virtual card provided by Sinemia to purchase the movie ticket via Atom and the transaction is always declined and I end up buying the ticket with my card.
2.)Now their app never lets me to purchase a ticket showing the error message "Unknown Error Occurred". This is the situation since last three days

Desired Outcome

I have e-mailed my both the concerns to sinemia and never heard back from them. If this is the situation, I am asking them to refund the subscription amount charged on my card

I want a refund of current value for the Sinemia subscription fee of 191.76 paid on January 25th, 2019. Ticket created on Apr 5th, but no response.
I have bought the Sinemia membership (3 movies for 2 people in month) on January 25th 2019. Able to watch 3 movies with it till now. But for a month or so the app does not work and cannot book advance ticket. Created a ticket with them on April 5th for refund of current value of amount paid. No response received from them. I need refund for the current value of amount paid.

Desired Outcome

I have bought the Sinemia membership (3 movies for 2 people in month) on January 25th 2019. Able to watch 3 movies with it till now. But for a month or so the app does not work and cannot book advance ticket. Created a ticket with them on April 5th for refund of current value of amount paid. No response received from them. I need refund for the current value of amount paid.

I have an unnecessary outstanding misuse fee on my account .
I have send numerous emails confirming that app wasnt working after I purchase the ticket at the box office. I have send screen shots of the error and the actual ticket. The movie was on 4-3-19

Desired Outcome

To. Fix the situation . Eliminate the misused fee.

Since April 2019, the app has stopped working. I paid for their service up front in December 2018, and would like a refund for the remaining time.
The mobile application has stopped working. It will not go beyond a certain point and as a result I am unable to use the service I paid for. There are not any error notices. So I decided to log onto the website and I saw that, after using the service for 3 months, I now have to submit my driver's license and a picture of me holding my license for verification. Ridiculous! The site informs me that after submitting I'll be able to use the service while "pending approval." Not true. Still does not work. They do not respond to emails, other than the automated one.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for the remaining months of my plan.

Failure to deliver services after being paid-in-full.
I purchased an annual Sinemia membership and paid for the entire years service in advance. This cost me $107.88 ($8.99 x 12) plus the cost of a Sinemia card at $14.99. The service was to allow me to see three (3) movies per month for twelve (12) months. After three months, however, Sinemia terminated my account citing unspecified "fraud" on my part.

My understanding from reports in the media is that I am not alone in this. They have canceled thousands of account citing user fraud, and the only apparent link, is that every terminated user was a regular film goer. I.e., they used their memberships to the fullest.

I have contacted Sinemia repeatedly seeking specific information as to how they reached their conclusion. To date, I have not received a response.

The only recourse they have provided me is the opportunity to apply for a "refund." However, their idea of a refund is NOT to refund the remaining nine months of the service, rather, it is to bill me for the full retail price of the nine films I saw, and return any amount that may be "leftover." If I accept their terms, they would owe me NOTHING.

To be clear, I never committed any fraud. And Sinemia - despite repeated requests on my part - has never once provided me with any evidence to the contrary. I used the service as only as intended. Period.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund of the remaining nine months of my account - $8.99 x 9, or $80.91. Plus the $14.99 I had to pay for the Sinemia Physical card. This comes to a total of $95.90

For over a month now I am unable to generate their advance ticket pass *** it keeps giving error and my subscription is getting wasted because of it
I took a subscription from Sinemia of two movie passes for a couple for over an year. I already paid about 240$ upfront. In between the subscription they started adding service charge also whenever I generated movie ticket of 1.80$ / ticket without any information. For the past month now I am unable to book ticket on their mobile app which is the only source of booking tickets through them. Whenever I try to book the ticket, it says error and you need to update the app. The app is updated and have also tried uninstalling and reinstall, clear cache and data, use a seperate device but nothing works. I have mailed support desk which is the only source of contact with them but they are not helping. I just got one mail from them few weeks ago that they are looking into it but nothing after that. Meanwhile I couldnt use March tickets and they got expired and unable to use April one also. There is no customer support desk that I can talk to and they are not responding on emails. On google play store also many people are responding with the same complaint.

Desired Outcome

I want Sinemia to resolve this issue and refund me money for subscription of march and april which I am not able to use or if they can't resolve the problem refund me the entire subscription amount pending

Lost $80 dollars due to app being down
I had a Sinemia subscription and lost approx $80 dollars paying for movie tickets because the app did not work. Contacted customer support and they refused to compensate me for the loss due to issues on Sinemias app. Shortly after my account was canceled and no refund was given.

We used the service one or two times per month and had 4 credits saved on the system that were lost when my account was canceled.

Should a refund not be given I will be filing a small claims case to recover the funds.

Desired Outcome

I want a full refund for the last 2 months of service when the app didn't work AND a refund of the approx $80 I had to pay for movie tickets. I'm willing to consider a subscription credit if guarantees are made that my account won't be screwed with again.

Not able to purchase tickets through the app for almost 40 days now.I have reached out multiple times to support but did not hear anything back.
I was on a classic unlimited plan - 30 movie days per month before March 8th 2019 and 2 weeks before that they discontinued the service without any notice. I was not able to use the app for 15 days within that billing cycle. I was told that the classic plan has been discontinued and I then switched to a Yearly plan - 3 movies per month. Even after the switch to yearly plan, I was not able to purchase tickets through the app until now. I have reached out to support multiple times but haven't heard any response back. The last time I have reached out to support is April 4th 2019 and I am still awaiting resolution.

Desired Outcome

The resolution I am seeking from the business is to solve issue with my account/app moving forward and provide me a refund for past 45 days(15 days of classic unlimited plan and 30 days of 3 movies a month plan).

Service is unusable
My girlfriend and I each purchased, by credit card, a year's subscription to Sinemia on Sept 29th, 2018. The subscription is supposed to entitle us to 2 movie tickets each month for a monthly fee of $7.99, in addition to the hidden fees that were not disclosed to us when we signed up, amounting to approx. $3.00 per ticket. Despite the fees, we had little choice but to keep our subscriptions since Sinemia does not give refunds upon early cancellation. About three weeks ago, however, the Sinemia app started giving us both error messages whenever we attempted to use it to select a movie ticket. We each sent multiple emails to their customer support system about the problem on March 23rd and March 29th but have received no response whatsoever, and the app remains unusable. In short, this company has taken our money and is providing no service in return and has given no indication that it intends to remedy the situation in any way.

Desired Outcome

Ideally, we would each like our subscriptions cancelled and to be refunded for the remaining months of April-September of 2019, which would amount to approximately $48. Failing that, we would at least like the service to work again.

Took Sinemia 12 Month Movie Plan for $407.88, it worked only for 2 months.
I have purchased Sinemia Premium Elite Membership for 12 months and paid $407.88. Plan start date 1/06/2019. Which allows us to book 3 couple movie tickets per month and Till now I have watched just 4 movies and used it for 2 months.After this the app stopped working and I could not able to book tickets any more. I have tried contacting the support team for number of times but there is no response. Please help me. Thank you.

Desired Outcome

Please refund the money I have spent. Thank you.

Sinemia app and service has not worked for me for months. Reported this to their support team many times and have been given runaround or ignored.
On October 2nd, 2018, I purchased a 1 year subscription to the Sinemia service totaling $119.88
Service is to basically receive 3 movie tickets per month for 1 year.

Since October, I have only received 4 tickets total (and none after December 2018).

The company's app to request tickets is now not working for many people, and they have been removing complaints about their service on their social media accounts. There are still many complaints on the internet (see many users complaining on https://www.*** for example). They have stopped responding to my requests for support. A few weeks ago, they told me privately that the issues I were having were due to "maintenance", but this is very odd because they did not announce this on their social media or reply to any of the many people complaining about their service. Later they contacted me to inform me the app should work for me again, but it did not in fact work properly. When I informed them this, they later stated they would look into it, but could not give me an ETA. When I followed up later to ask what the status was, I was ignored.

Desired Outcome

At he very least I should get a pro-rated refund for the 8 months I could not/did not use the service.

Customer Response • Apr 11, 2019

I'm going to put this complaint ON-HOLD as I finally had a support person seemingly resolve the issue (for now). If service stays consistent I will drop this complaint but considering I was without service that I paid for for quite awhile, I will be more than willing to re-file the complaint if any other issues occur.

They overcharged me.The apps doesnt work even when i'm in the theater.I emailed their support team twice listed in their app. no response since 3/5/19
4/2/19 charge $23.88 withdrwal
3/3/19 charge $63.86 withdrwal
3/5/19 emailed twice on why I wasnt able to use my membership and why my bank was charged $63.86

(no response from sinemia support)

I have been trying to use my membership since 3/5/19 and no sucess.

This is not fair that they are charging me for a service that dont have access too. I want a refund.

Desired Outcome

I've read that they are doing this to numerous clients. They are robbing people for a false service. I would like to get a refund and have them shut down.

Mobile app not working and Deducted the fund from account
I have 2 account with them one month to month basis and other one for yearly basis - their mobile app is not working for more than 20 days- they deducted money from my month to month basis and their service is not up yet - also they didnt refunded the money yet for 2 month neither their service is up - booking from the mobile app is not a possible at all. even try to reach visa twitter, email but no answer.

requesting to refund my 2 month membership fees and other half year membership fees on other account registered under ***

Desired Outcome

refund as their service is not up from last 2 month

App Not working and being unable to use my service
Ive contacted sinemia for over the last 2 months telling them my app isnt working and I am unable to purchase tickets. They did an investiagtion on my account and said everything was fine. That its a bug in there end. So I asked if I was getting reimbursted for the months I got charged for the service and for the movie tickets I had to buy out of my own money. They totally ignored my question and replied with its a techincal issue on there end. April 6th I got the app to work and purchaced tickets for Pet Sementary and the app was working fine. As soon as we got to the theatre and I tried to check in so I can get my ticket and error message came up. Like I said before the app worked in the morning till I got to the theatre. So I sent customer service an email again with proof the ticket was bought thru the app and proof that the app would not allow me to check in so I can recieve my movie ticket. I asked if they can send me a physical card since ive read online that those memenbers with physical cards are not having issues. Again I recieved a reply but ignoring my question. I am currently on a $9.99 for 3 movies a month. Ive had to pay for my own movie tickets for the last serval months which each movie ticket is 11.75 so for 3 visits tickets are $35.25. I have done nothing wrong and continues charged for a service which they are clearly not providing. Being dishonest to your loyal customers who obeid by your rules . And continuessly chargiing them for a serice you clearly are not providingg should not be allowed.

Desired Outcome

I would like to recieve a physsical card so I *** use my service. If not I want a full refund for the last 2 months for each ticket I have paided for.

I have contacted Sinemia NUMEROUS times with absolutley NO RESPONSE!!! We have not been able to get tickets or see a movie for several weeks.

Apr 6 at 8:44 AM

Forwarded Message
From: ***
To: ***
Sent: Saturday, April 6, 2019, 8:43:39 AM CDT

I don't even know what else to say or do...
I guess I will continue to email you until hopefully the problem is resolved and we *** go to the movies or I get a full complete refund.

Forwarded Message
From: ***
To: Sinemia Support
Sent: Friday, April 5, 2019, 2:18:24 PM CDT

This is beyond ridiculous at this point. I have sent multiple emails the past few weeks and still have not received one response. I am still unable to see movies. I have installed and uninstalled the app multiple times.

Why will nobody respond and help me resolve this issue? I prepaid a year in advance and have not been able to see a movie for nearly a month. This is extremely frustrating somebody please respond and help me correct this.

We want to go see a movie what am I supposed to do?


Forwarded Message
From: "***"
To: "Sinemia Support"
Sent: Sun, Mar 31, 2019 at 6:46 PM
I still ***'t buy tickets the app does not work at all *** somebody please respond and help?

Thank you

Forwarded Message
From: "***"
To: "Sinemia Support" , "SINEMIA Monthly Movie Ticket Subscription" , "Sinemia Support"
Sent: Thu, Mar 28, 2019 at 7:40 AM
- Are you still in business??? I have sent multiple emails with no response - What is going on?

Why don't you guys ever respond? Is there another way to contact you? I have sent messages to every Sinemia email I could find and still do not get a response.
As of this minute it is still not working - See attached pics.


Sent: Monday, March 25, 2019, 6:02:58 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Attn: *** .... HELP!!!!! ***'T BUY TICKETS AGAIN!

Hi ***,
I hope you receive this and will respond. I sent several requests for help and did not get a response except for a strange email stating my issue was resolved... Nobody contacted me and my app still does not work so I do not know how my issue could be resolved.

- See some of my messages and the one strange reply below.
Hopefully you or somebody can help me.

Thank you for your assistance,

Dear ***,

Your ticket - How do you update app? - has been closed.

We hope that the ticket was resolved to your satisfaction. If you feel that the ticket should not be closed or if the ticket has not been resolved, please reply to this email.

Sinemia Support Team

_______________________________________________________________________________<... />

My account is not working again! I am trying to get tickets. I have an android phone.
I do not have or want to take time to contact you but I have to because you will not respond to help us.

I have had numerous issues and it happens way to often. There have been several time we have tried to get tickets and the app was not working and it ruined our plans for the night and... it happened again last night.

You customer service is the absolute worst - possibly even worse than Movie Pass! It appears you are mirroring their strategy by taking peoples many (I paid a year in advance) and then not allowing them to see movies because of the repeated issues with your app not working properly.

I have contacted you so many times and rarely get a response and if I do it is several days later. We are never able to see a

Desired Outcome

I want my account to work and want my membership extended 6 months at no charge for all the time, effort, and frustration this has caused or a 100% refund for the full original purchase price. We are not able to go to the movies every week so it is frustrating and disappointing when we try to use it and it will not work. We have had several weekend plans ruined. It is even more frustrating there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY TO CONTACT THEM for immediate help and absolutely ridiculous that they will NOT EVER RESPOND, try to contact, correct or resolve the issue!!! This is STEALING! WE PAID FOR A PRODUCT WE ARE NOT ABLE TO USE WITH NO RESTITUTION.

SINEMIA in the beginning was great but the rules are hard to fallow, about 5 months in they have locked me out & I *** not get tickets for the remaining of the year, I'm still a good standings customer.
Sinemia app for the last 3 weeks as said I must update the app for better service but there is no update, they just have me locked out.
also I have a gift card with over $90 that Sinemia will not give me access to, says the gift number is not a good number.
The head office is in Turkey so good luck getting any help, they will not respond to emails, I have tried for 3 weeks with no luck.

Unable to book tickets/watch movies with Sinemia. No customer service. Paid huge amount for monthly one movie which not working for last 2 months
Bought sinemia services in Dec for a family movie day a month. Services worked for couple months & then onwards stopped for last 2 months. No customer service responses as well as no intention to fix services issues. I can see online and in social media that people are facing issues, raising complaints but no ack.

Desired Outcome

Would like my prorated money back for last 10 months as services not working after first 2 months

Unusable service for extended amount of time. Requested prorated refund and getting no response for the request.
I am a subscriber of with username *** and email address *** I bought an annual subscription of 2 movies per month plan at using a credit card on 12/23/2018 for $203.88. After I used the service for exactly 3 months, I have not been able to use it due to an app error since 03/23/2019. The way the service works is that I use the app to get an authorization for a virtual credit card which Sinemia provided and go to a ticket selling website to buy a ticket online. To get an authorization, I need to select a theater, a movie, a ticket selling website, and a screening date. After I select a theater and a movie, the app gives an error message of "An unknown error occurred. Please try again later!" when I try to select a ticket selling website. On 03/23/2019 which is the first day I started experiencing this, I contacted customer service reporting this issue by sending an email to *** and sending a twitter direct message (DM) to *** Sinemia does not have any other customer service channel. I waited for a week, and I did not get any response. On 03/30/2019, I requested immediate termination of my subscription and prorated refund of $203.88x3/12=$152.91 considering 3 month of usage by using the aforementioned email and twitter DM. I did not get any response via email, and got one via twitter DM on the same day. Sinemia tells me that the issue was fixed and asked me to try again. I tried and got the same error. I let sinemia know of this, and they told me to try again. I tried again and got the same error, and I requested the aforementioned prorated refund. Sinemia stopped responding after that, and there has been no additional response since then until now. Since 03/23/2019, I was not able to use the service as promised at all. At this point, I claim that the service is unusable with extremely unreliable and untrustworthy customer service. I would like to ask to help me receiving the immediate termination of subscription and the aforementioned prorated refund of $152.91 since it looks like sinemia has no intention of fulfilling my request.

Desired Outcome

I request immediate termination of my annual subscription and prorated refund of $203.88x3/12=$152.91 considering 3 month of usage.

Purchased an annual membership for a service that is not being delivered and has also changed without notice.
On 8/20/18 I purchased an annual membership with Sinemia for 1 movie per month for 4 people for $203.88. I saw the first movie on 9/23/18 using the app and had no issues. A few days later I saw an advertisement for a better priced plan. I was given the option to "upgrade" to 3 movies per month for 4 people and paid $635.88. It turned out to be an additional year plus the difference for the remainder of the first year.

I contacted the company to see what happened and have the portion I paid for the second year refunded. I was able to use the service on 10/20/18, but was charged $7.20 ($1.40 per ticket) for service fees and an additional $4 ($1/ticket) for "convenience fees" to use the cardless feature. Shortly after I got a partial refund of $150.88 on 10/27/18 for the second year.

On 12/8/18 I used the service to see another movie and was charged $7.20 in additional fees. I saw another movie on 12/26/18 and paid an additional $7.20 and $3.60 in convenience fees. On 12/26/18 I purchased their credit card for $59.96 which was stated to remove the convenience fees and additional charges, yet I was still charged fees. I was charged $7.20 (each) on 1/5/19, 2/10/19, and 3/2/19.

In addition, I was asked to send a copy of my ID and a photo of myself holding my ID for verification purposes. I did so on 2/10/19 and got an email confirmation from Sinemia that it was verified.

On 3/10/19 I attempted to purchase another ticket but was directed to the website as there was a "problem" with my account. The problem was that my account was terminated for fraudulent activity. I did not engage in any fraudulent activity and made many attempts to contact Sinemia using the support options available on the app and the website. I emailed (as directed) and it bounced back. I tried *** and that got bounced back as well. I was unable to use the support option on the website and looked up other ways to contact them. I eventually went on the website and used the "request a refund" option.

A week later (3/17/19) I was given the option to get a refund of a few hundred dollars (what they say is the amount I paid for the membership minus any costs I incurred them, i.e., the cost of the movies). As I paid for a membership, I did not accept the refund. On 3/26/19 I got another email from Sinemia stating that my account was wrongfully terminated and that it has been reinstated. However, I have not been able to make a purchase. Any time I select the option on the app I am redirected to my "profile". There is an option to contact support that only brings up an error telling me to contact support via email. I emailed and got an auto response on 3/31/19 that they received my email and would get back to me.

After several days and no response, I emailed again (4/3/19) with no response. I emailed again today (4/6/19) and again have no response. This company is engaging in unethical business practices and I want to cancel my membership for a prorated refund (including a refund of the fees I paid). In all, I paid almost $800 for an annual membership that I used for about 5 months. Since I would like a refund of at least $466.46 for the remaining 7 months.

Desired Outcome


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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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