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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

The companies app does not work anymore. Thus, I can no longer purchase movie tickets and am not getting what I paid for.
The companies app no longer works. I paid an annual fee for 3 movie tickets per month for 2 people. In February, the app stopped working and I can no longer purchase the movie tickets. I have emailed the company 3 times and never got a response from a human being. Only automated email receipt acknowledgement. I know there are many other people online with the same complaint.

Desired Outcome

1) Fix the APP 2) refund all the tickets I couldn't use

I have an annual subscription and I have been unable to use their service for the past 2.5 months or more. Unable to cancel nor use service.
I have an annual subscription and I have been unable to use their service for the past 2.5 months or more. Unable to cancel nor use service.

We were asked to upload verification and were blocked from booking tickets for a month. Once we uploaded and verified our information, still no progress. We even received verification successful, but app wont let us book advance tickets. they wont refund the money either.
Ticket has been raised, but no response from them either.

Desired Outcome

Just want a prorated refund on my account. paid for an entire year. was able to use only for 2 months. After that have been unable to book tickets.

App does not allow us to select or watch a movie. App does not function and company has not addressed the issue.

Account info ( 2 accounts) :

Apr 10, 2019 - Complaint that app does not work and we cannot get services. No Response.

Apr 8, 2019 - Complaint - stating app does not work and we cannot get the services. No response.

Feb 5, 2019 - Complaint - no response from company

Desired Outcome

Refund of both my account and my wife's. $96 for each account. 2 accounts

Sinemia did not live up to it's side of the bargain with membership. Is not giving enough of a refund & even that much they have yet to refund me for.
Sinemia at first seemed like a good deal, however upon the initial payment of $239.88 which was supposed to include a physical card I was not able to use the service for months. Then they offered to allow members to complete the transactions digitally, but what they failed to tell you is that in doing so you would incur a nick and dime method of charges where each transaction would cost you even more (making the price of tickets that you purchased outrageous). Then when we inquired about a physical copy they informed us that it would be another $25 to receive one that we had already paid for in our initial purchase. With that paid we finally got a physical copy (at this point only seen 4 movies of our year longs worth of 2 movies per month) and thought that we were in the clear. This then led to us going to a movie theater and not being able to buy movies because our account was on hold due to "needing to verify my identity." This required a huge ordeal of taking a picture of my self with my hands up like a criminal with my license visible so they could verify that I am a real person. This was then approved. Next a few weeks later (3/16/19) when we tried to see Captain Marvel I got informed that the account had been suspended for the following:

"Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons:

Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases"

However none of this had happened, in fact, we had hardly been able to use our account at all. Lastly, they tried to offer a paltry "refund" of $43.87 for what they say was left over of our account when we had only used 16 of our 24 tickets that we had available to us. Seems like a pirating scheme to me. It should not be my problem if what they offered they could not afford. If they are going to stop my membership early for their reasons that is their business, but I would then need a full refund for the 33.37% of my membership that is left. My agreement was not to be charged per ticket, but instead to pay an upfront fee for two tickets per month on a family plan (one regular ticket and one premier (IMAX, etc.)) for one year. I did not get this in the slightest.
Attempts to contact them through their customer service lines has been fruitless and even the tiny sum of a refund they offered me has still yet to be refunded.
Thank you for your time.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking the amount actually owed to me for the amount of my membership that is left. This total for one third of my membership left would come to $79.93.

Stole money from me. Advertised one thing and didn't deliver .
When I signed up this company offered two movie tickets every month for 12 month.they did not mention the processing fees and service fees that go along with every purchase which amount to almost a 100% increase to the advertised price.they never mentioned the fees, then after I paid for the year they told me I'd have to wait for 3 weeks to use this service unless I paid them another $10 so they were holding my account hostage for 3 weeks unless I paid them more money. then a few weeks into using the service they added another processing fee even though the terms of service when I signed up said any changes to my plan would happen at the next billing cycle which was one year from my sign up date. then three months later they added a new requirement for me to use their service that I paid for in full I had to submit a photo of my ID and a picture of myself holding my ID up next to my face and I had to email this to a bear company in Turkey I was not comfortable with this it was not a requirement when I signed out had it been a requirement I would have not signed up so they change the rules stole my money and now refuse to respond to any customer complaints that I have I'd like a partial refund for the seven months of the surface that I was unable to useand it would like for this company to be forced to be more transparent with their hidden fees and how they'll change the terms of service whenever

Desired Outcome

I'd like a refund for the seven months of the service that I was locked out from using because sinemia change the rules and made me feel uncomfortable with sending my ID and a picture of myself holding my ID to their company in Turkey had that been in the terms of service when I signed up I would not have signed up.

I am paying a monthly fee and cannot use the service because the application does not work.
I purchase a monthly movie subscription from Sinemia. I cannot purchasevany movie tickets for the pass - 4 months because the application they've provide to purchase movie tickets does not work. I've contacted them numerous times and have yet to get any response. I've also sent a review to the application developer regarding this repeated issue . I want some form of monetary restitution for this frustrating and annoying events.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund for every single month I could not use the service and a refund for my rollover tickets.

1- False advertising on costs. Doesn't disclose service fee costs in advertisements.
2 - Unable to use service. Customer service unresponsive.
My first problem with the company is that they do not disclose the trust cost of the product during the sign up process. There are service fees for each film, these fees ad up and were not disclosed when purchasing the product.
My second problem is that for several weeks my account has not been working. They indicated that I did not follow the terms and conditions for using the service which are to check into a movie when you arrive. I have checked into every movie I have ever attended, and have witnesses of this. Nevertheless, I paid the $11 re-activation charge to have my service reinstated. The email I received indicated that as soon as I paid this fee my account would be reactivated. I have emailed the company three times regarding my account, and no response. There is no way to call them, and the only way to email them is through their website. I have even videoed myself sending the emails because you do not receive an email indicating it has been received by anyone after you submit through their website.

I have received no response from customer service, and my account has been inactive for almost one month now.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking reactivation of my account, contact from customer service or a refund of the service since I am unable to use it. I would also appreciate a refund on lost days of service.

I paid $107.88 on 12/8/18 to prepay for the full year. I am supposed to get 3 movies a months. I also paid $9.99 to activate the account.
I was last able to use the app on 3/8/19 for Captain Marvel. At the time I had 2 movies remaining for that month and 1 rollover not used in February. I get the message Error! An Unknown error occurred Please try again later. I have tried to uninstall & reinstall. Still same issues. I was hoping that a month later it would be resolved so I tried to take my daughter to see Shazam on 4/10/19. I tried to use their app. Once again same message. I filled out their online form of the issue. I've tweeted multiple times to them along with Direct Messages to @Sinemia and @Sinemia Support As of this day no response. I had to pay Atom $12.50 for my ticket that night, which should have been covered by this service that I've prepaid for a year in advance.

Desired Outcome

Option 1: Refund the $12.50 ticket from Atom from 4/10/19 along with giving me 5 additional movies to watch the rest of the year without charge since I was unable to use in March and now in April. 6 movies minus the Captain Marvel. Option 2: A refund of $130.37. That is the price of the $12.50 Atom ticket from 4/8/19, along with a refund of the annual plan of $107.88, and the $9.99 activation fee.

I have tried to cancel my account with the service after it failed to work and they will not cancel my account.
After the Sinemia service ceased to work in April (I, like several others, had been unable to purchase movie tickets through the app), I decided to cancel my account. I went through the "cancel account" steps with my Sinemia account on the website during the week of 3/25. I did not get a confirmation that my account had been cancelled. I checked up a couple weeks later on 4/7 and found that my account had not been cancelled and this time, the "cancel membership" button had been removed from the website. On 4/7, I sent a request to have the account cancelled, with verification. No response. I sent another on 4/10. No response. I sent a DM on Twitter on 4/11. No response. I sent another message to support on 4/15. No response.

Desired Outcome

I want to delete my account and I want a refund for my hardship and for the failure to deliver the product it advertised.

I am unable to purchase an advanced ticket thru the app. I get an "unknown" error when I try to choose a service to purchase the ticket thru.
On 04/13/2019, I tried to purchase an advance movie ticket thru the app. I was able to choose the movie, movie theatre, and movie time, but when it came to the screen where I choose which "service" I planned to purchase the ticket thru (i.e. Atom, Movietickets, etc.), I received an Error! message saying "An Unknown error occurred. Please try again later!"). I restarted the app and my cellphone multiple times. I tried over a span of 2 hours to purchase a ticket thru the app, but I received the same error message each time. I contacted the business thru Twitter, which they've been responsive to in the past. I noticed them tweeting other customers, but they never addressed my issue. My messages to them still show as unread. I contacted them on 4/13/19 and 4/14/19.

Desired Outcome

I want them to fix this error so that I may purchase advanced tickets thru the app.

I was given a subscription to Sinemia for one year as a gift.
When I try to activate the subscription I was told it was no longer valid.
I was given a subscription to Sinemia for one year as a gift.
When I try to activate the subscription I was told it was no longer was only one month after being given the gift. I have repeatedly written to Sinemia about this problem but receive no response at all.

Desired Outcome

All I want is to use the subscription. It is now April and it was supposed to begin in January for one year. So, I would like to have a subscription that lasts one year.

The company changes material terms of contracts without notice, charges hidden fees, prevents use of the product and does not respond to customers.
I purchased the Sinemia annual subscription service in September 2018. According to the terms of service at the time, Sinemia would not make any changes to the the plan mid-cycle. Since September they have changed their terms to require ID verification checks using the mobile app. They again changed their terms and forced me to send in a photo of my Drivers license with all of my biographical data to continue using the service - I initially sent a redacted photo but they required a photo with all information (date of birth/license number etc.) They also have charged hidden fees to use their product (service fees for their website partners like atom tickets) along with a per use "processing fee" that was not mentioned in their original terms of service. When I have attempted to contact the company I receive an automatic response (sometimes) stating that a representative will follow up - the last time I did this was over 10 days ago (4/4/19) and there has been no follow up. I was told on 4/4/19 I had failed to check in (due to their mobile app not working) and that my account would be suspended until I paid a "misuse" fee. The check-ins violate their original terms of service. Whats more, their app didn't work after I paid the misuse fee. I have also not been able to use the application in expensive markets (like NYC) whenever I am there the application fails to load or malfunctions. And on multiple other occasions the application will not work. The company hides contact information (such as a contact phone number) and they will not respond to messages sent to their email account. I was never given an opportunity to cancel my subscription when the company changed their terms of service without my consent. I believe this company is conducting itself in an intentionally fraudulent manner.

Desired Outcome

I purchased a one year subscription and want a refund for the percentage of the yearly contract remaining since they froze my account at the beginning of April 2019.

Initiated subscription and service will not work. I have contacted support multiple times, and have not received a response from them.
I reinitiated my subscription to the service after they did not offer my plan any longer. I signed up and paid for the new plan. I received an email saying thank you for your payment. Then I went to the movie theater to use the service but the app would not let me buy a ticket. This has happened to me twice already, so I am paying for a service I can not even use. I see an error message every time I try to buy a ticket. The app wont let me buy an in person ticket or an advanced ticket. I have contacted Sinemia multiple times and get an automated response saying they will help only to have them never respond to the actual issue. This is the second time I have paid for an entire month in advance only to not be able to use it all. They took my money but won't let me use the service. Please help!

Desired Outcome

I want my app and service to work properly so I can use the app as I intended to when I paid for it. I'd like to get what I am paying for. Please let me use the service again. I have a Sinemia credit card already, let me use it again. I love the service when it works but they never contact me about my support issues.

Company is a fraud. It sells annual movie subscriptions, but then cancels them after a short time and will not refund money.

The app constantly failed, showing unknown error to prevent you from purchasing tickets. The customer service is never existed. Obvious scam.

After 6 months on the annal plan the service shows an error message. No response from support, other than they are working on it. In the meantime, the tickets don't role over. So far I lost twi months and issued ad spite through discover.

I paid for 12 month membership. They falsely accused me of violating their term of service and terminated my membership with 4 months to go.
I was denied service on Feb. 11, 2019 by Sinemia. They required me to provide proof of membership by submitting image of me holding my ID, which I did on Feb. 22, 2019. I already provided similar proof on Nov. 6, 2018 so I was surprised that they ask for proof again. On Mar. 22, 2019 I was given notice that they terminated my membership. They accused me of violating their term of service. I asked them to provide specific proof to justify their decision but they never reply back to me. During the 8 months that I was a member, Sinemia have implemented additional rules to make it difficult for me to use their service. I followed their convoluted usage policy word by word so I do not accept their claim that I violate their policy. I am sure many of their members had the same experience. They only target members that have used their service to a point where their total expense in movie tickets excessed membership fee paid. They are employing this unethical business practice to retain only member that use less than the value the membership fee.

Imagined that I purchased a season pass to a theme park for $75 which allow me admission to the park every day during the season/year. If the regular admission is $25, then the cost saving benefit of purchasing a season pass starts to kick in after 3 visits. Now imagine the theme park terminate visitor membership after 3 visits by implementing additional requirements in their usage policy to target high usage members, everyone would cry foul. Sinemia is employing the same unethical practice to scam their customer.

Desired Outcome

Full refund of the membership fee of $278.25.

The Sinemia app does not work and I am unable to use the service I paid 200 for.
My husband purchase a years worth of Sinemia services for 200. We used the app once, it worked. Were trying to use it again as we have 3 movies in our count to use and the app will not allow us to use the service we paid hundreds of dollars for. We've sent emails to customer service and our messages go unanswered. There's no explanation or even an eta as to when this issue will be fixed. This company is scamming hard working Americans out of their money for a service that does not deliver and a customer service team that does not care. This company should be flagged so no one else wastes their money on this service that does not work.

Desired Outcome

I wish to receive a refund of the funds paid if the issue with the app is not resolved with haste.

In September 2018 I purchased a monthly service with Sinemia and they charged me entire year without letting me know. After this I wrote them but did not receive an answer for weeks, then I decided to close the account. After I did that they replied with a non sense response about cardless service and constantly ignore my comment of cancellation. After several several attempts and emails I disputed the charge thru my bank, but the bank did not accepted my dispute after several back and forth and my lack of proof of cancellation that I forgot to print. After this dispute, Sinemia blocked my account, so im unable to use it at all since then.
They dont have phone numbers, just email that is never answered and tweeter that I dont use. Im frustrated because y want my money back and they are denying my right to stop using their services, which is totally a fraud.
I never used their service because by the time I tried never worked. I wrote letter to Florida and California Departments of business and their reply was that Sinemia could not be contacted.
I cant believe a merchant *** play and force their clients to be with them and without providing service blocking your access if you complain. Bank system back them up and we are hand tied and ripped off. Please do not ever try to use this service is a completely fraud with legal structure.

Fail to adhere to terms and conditions of featured plans.
Purchased unlimited plan and subsequently purchased family plan. Prior to purchase of subsequent plan I read through limitless plan terms and conditions concerning the purchase of another plan. Terms do not prohibit the subsequent purchase. Attempted to utilize unlimited but informed due to the purchase of family plan I am not eligible for unlimited plan. Asked for refund or alternative method of utilizing unlimited plan. Informed a refund was not possible and alternatives method would not be provided. Additionally informed unlimited plan would once again be active upon expiration of family plan, approximately 1 years time. Again, Asked for assistance to resolve in order to utilize what was purchased in a timely manner or provide an alternative method to utilize unlimited plan. Again denied refund or alternative.

Asked Sinemia to follow outlines within their own terms. Again denied services purchased.

Desired Outcome

Only that which I paid, $70usd.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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