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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

I prepaid annual membership, Sinemia did not provide the service. I want a refund for my and my husband's membership - for the two months remaining.
My husband and I have separate sinemia accounts. We paid for a one-year annual membership last May charged to our visa card. When we bought the prepaid annual membership in May 2018, there was no mention of the $1.80 processing fee per ticket. In November 2018, Sinemia added on a $1.80 processing fee for each ticket and they will not allow users to book advance ticket on their phone app going forward, if we do not pay that fee - Their bait and switch tactic to lure consumers is very sneaky. Being forced to pay the extra fee in order to continue our membership also decreases the value of having their plan.
Starting March 19, 2019, we were unable to book any advance tickets. Our accounts are in GOOD STANDING. Sinemia claims we could not book the tickets because we don't have the most up to date version of the app. I checked - we already do have the most up to date version. I sent Sinemia a few messages on twitter since then, asking them to fix the issue on their app, and they still have not responded! The month's cycle ends in one week! We have 3 remaining movies on each of our accounts this month, that we have not been allowed to use. We want to apply for an adjusted refund for the last 2 months of our membership. I checked the Sinemia website for the link to "Request usage history"; SINEMIA HAS REMOVED THAT LINK. I took screen shots of their webpage and no where on the page is there the link to "Request usage history". The link that is on there is "I would like to cancel my membership" and in their terms and conditions section, Sinemia said they WILL NOT REFUND if you cancel a prepaid membership, so all of the GENERIC response Sinemia wrote to members on here about having the option to request an adjusted refund on their "Request usage history" link, is TOTAL ***.
***, CEO of Sinemia, fix your app, and in the meantime, refund my money because your company did not provide the service you had promised.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund for my and my husband's membership - for the two months remaining. (account is connected to ***

After paying them a full year subscription in advance the company randomly cancelled and terminated my account for no reason other than cost to them
After paying them a full year subscription in advance the company randomly cancelled and terminated my account for no reason other than cost to them. They used unfair and unethical methods to collect personal data and ID verification. This company is a total fraud and clearly terminated accounts of thousands of customers because we cost the company money. They then promised a refund which was months ago and nothing has been returned.

Desired Outcome

My account restored or a FULL refund of $120

App doesn't work, can't use the product at all for the past month, and Sinemia won't reply to me.
Since the past month, the Sinemia app can't complete the process of advance purchase of tickets, so I can't enjoy my subscription. I already tried contact through twitter and e-mail, and nobody replies to me. This is a complete fraud, they charge you first and then don't deliver the service.

Desired Outcome

Since I can't make use of the subscription, I'd like to cancel this, and be refunded for the past month and the following months.

I purchase a year subscription and after one use, I *** no longer use it and I have some misuse charge for no apparent reason.
I purchase a one year subscription and today, I noticed that I could not purchase tickets. I also noticed that there is a misuse charge listed on my account. I have been unable to get a hold of the company and I have only used this subscription once last month with no problems, but into my second month of trying to use it, I can't. Please assist me with this matter considering I have paid for a full year for me and my three children and I'm a retired military service member trying either to get my money back, or get at least what I paid for in this service.

Desired Outcome

Request a refund for the additional 11 months I have not used, or at the very least provide me the service I purchased.

Paying for a service I am not able to use via the app.
They do not have a contact number to discuss my issue. I have sent multiple emails to their email contact info and the responses I am receiving are vague. I have followed the rules for service and yet my account has been locked out. I am basically paying for a service I ***'t use. They are charging me a fee for not checking in at the movie when I actually had the movie theater attendent scan the bar code I received via text. I even paid the fee which I was angry about and still can't use the app to reserve movies. I am very unhappy with Sinemia and would like everyone who checks here to be aware of their less than reliable service.

Desired Outcome

I want the app to work and be able to reserve movies. I have not been able to do so for over a month. I also got charged a fee even though I checked in at the theater using the text i was sent and scanned by the movie attendent. I want my credit back when I followed the correct procedure.

Product is unusable, app doesn't work for over a month.
The service is unusable. I prepaid for a year of service, and their app hasn't worked for over a month. I have reached out on Twitter, Instagram, and email and have received no response. I cannot use this service with I prepaid in full for. I want a full refund for the month of April as well as all months going forward. I have had multiple problems with the lack of response and the usability of this service. Feels like a scam to me. They have also added extra fees midway through my service that were not present when I signed up.

Desired Outcome

I'd like a full refund for April and the rest of the year. This service is useless and I feel like I got scammed.

They do not provide the service advertised, *** not get in touch with any customer service
They do not provide the service that you pay for, every time you go to use there is a mysterious error that does not allow you to get the service, then when you email customer support they do not get in touch with you for a long period until you just get a automatic email saying that your complaint has been resolved.

Desired Outcome

I would just like my money back form the time I can not use the service, maybe not all of it but at least some of it. Or I would like to be able to use the service again and finish my subscription time.

Sinemia cancelled my service without stating why. They advised that they would issue a partial refund, though this refund has yet to be provided.
I signed up for this service on 11/9/18. I paid $359.88 for a year subscription where I could go to one movie a day in theaters (this breaks down to $29.99 a month). After using the service as intended for 4 months, my account was terminated without warning on 3/9/19. I reached out to the business on that date and they gave a generic answer regarding why the service was cancelled and would not provide specific details of the cancellation, nor would they reinstate the account. On 3/17/19, they agreed to issue a partial refund of $129.89 within 30 days, though this refund has yet to be issued. In addition, on 4/1/19 they opened a form on their site where you could request to have the cancellation looked at again. They were supposed to respond to that request within 1-3 business days, though they haven't responded to that request yet.

Desired Outcome

I would like for my service to be reinstated, as I used it as intended. In addition, I would like a more detailed list of why my account was cancelled. If Sinemia thinks I am not using my account as intended, I would like the opportunity to clear up any potential misunderstandings and ensure I am not unintentionally using the account inappropriately. If Sinemia will not reinstate my account, I would like a prorated refund for the service I could not use. At $29.99 a month for 4 months of service used, I would like the difference not used to be credited: $239.92.

Customer service never responds and the services I pay for are not working and therefore I am unable to use. I am wasting money!
Over the last few months there services have not worked for multiple different reasons. I have had to pay out of pocket if I want to go see a movie, even though I already paid for a year subscription with Sinemia. My current issue is that I cannot use the services I pay for because it says I need to update the app, but there is no update available... I have emailed their customer support multiple times but nothing has been fixed and they have not responded. I am extremely dissatisfied with their services and at this point need my money back. I am paying for services that do not work.

Desired Outcome

Give me my money back for the remainder of my subscription or fix the problem. I have had to spend extra money if I want to go to the movies because this service does not work. They owe me money but I just want the remainder of my money back.

Sinemia is unable to provide service for which they charge customers.
Sinemia is unable to provide service for which they charge customers.

Desired Outcome


Total waste of money. Same day "Michael" sends me an email telling me my account is now working I end up opening a support ticket as the only thing the app wants me to do is pay for another plan. Support ticket was close in two days with zero comments and nothing done. Tried support thru Twitter and Facebook with no luck.

Complaint filed with requesting to either provide the service paid for or a refund.
Now that a class action lawsuit has been filed I'm not holding out my hope for either option.

I like the part that they send you and email to rate them on Trustpilot and get $10 Wallet Credits.
My guess is that will not work either but at least you have the option of providing a one star review there also to help other out...

Undisclosed Fees, Wrongful Membership Termination, Incorrect Refund
I signed up for the movies-for-two plan last year on 2018/06/10. When I first signed up, I thought the annual subscription would pay for all movies. And there was no limitation on the number of 3D / iMax / 4DX movies I could watch. But then later on, they limited me to only one 3D/4DX movie ticket per month. Also, they never mailed me the physical card that they promised when I first signed up. And then I was forced to choose the pre-book in-app option which incurred a one-dollar "convenience fee" to buy tickets on top of the 3rd party online services fees. Then, it got worst, Sinemia started charging a "processing fee" themselves in the November of 2018. All these extra fees were never disclosed and agreed upon on in the beginning.

Last month, I was immediately terminated because of "violations of terms of services" as soon as I tried to purchase tickets for Captain Marvel. I got a generic message accusing me of a.) Sharing my account, b.) Unauthorized use of the card, c.) Fraudulent activities. But there's no basis to such claim as I have NEVER: 1). shared my account, 2). bought anything else with the card, 3). only missed one checkin months ago which I got a soft reminder email for. Additionally, I'd even submitted my photo and driver license as requested to verify my identify (and the verification was approved).

When pressed for further details, I was only presented with those generic accusations. And I was notified that I'm terminated and I will be given a refund based on the annual membership payment and the cost that I've incurred on movie tickets. To add to that note, that is NOT a correct way to issue refund as I was subscribing to an annual membership. The costs of the movie tickets have nothing to do with my membership. If anything, I should be refunded the prorate amount of the remaining months of membership. And finally when the refund amount was available to see, it told me that I have incurred a total movie ticket costs more than my membership and that I would be getting no money back.

Desired Outcome

Reinstatement of membership or refund of the prorated membership fee based on the number of months left.

Renewed on 3/23/19 for 1 year. Since then the app doesn't allow purchasing of tickets. Sent to emails with no response. One requesting a refund.
I had a year membership for 2018 that worked well. I since renewed for a year on 3/23/19 for $227.88. Since then the app has not worked and I have not been able to purchase any tickets. I have also sent two emails to support with no response. The second email asked for a refund since I am not getting what I paid for.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund for $227.88 covering the renewal that started on 3/23/19.

Not able to order tckets on app for the past 2 months.
I have not been able to use the service since february. I contacted the company 3 or 4 times with no response.

Desired Outcome

give my 2 extra months of service. for the time I could not use.

For 2 weeks I have been blocked from getting tickets that are clearly available to me in my account from the Advanced Planning service.
The only way that I can access tickets that I have paid for is through Sinemia's Advance Ticket service. For 2 weeks I have tried to order a ticket and I constantly get an error message with no explanation or direction on what to do. I have had to purchase tickets out of my pocket. My account clearly states I have 3 tickets available. I have sent numerous emails to their customer support with no response or resolution. Then 2 days ago they had the audacity to automatically renew my subscription for a year and automatically charge my Bank of America $95.00. This is after I had placed a do not renew stop at Bank of America prior to that. I now have to go through a dispute process at Bank of America. In the meantime I keep writing Sinemia because they do not have a call center. Only automatic replies they received my email. No response or resolution.

I want my $95.00 refunded immediately.
This is simply fraud. This company should not be allowed to operate in the US.

For a year I used Sinemia services and was able to get my tickets. I paid the extra fees. I responded to their identity verification request a few months ago immediately when asked. They responded I was verified and I even ordered tickets after that.

This development of not being able to order Advance Tickets came out of nowhere with no warning prior to going to a movie with family. And there has been no way to resolve the issues which is unacceptable.

If you can help me and keep this company from cheating other people I would greatly appreciate it.


Desired Outcome

I would like to have access to the 3 tickets in my account. I would like to have the $95.00 subscription renewal fee refunded. I no longer want to do business with Sinemia.

Paid in advance and account doesn't work.
4/2/19 Received email from *** from Sinemia support team that my account has been activated and my plan start now (4/2). I go into the app and all it wants me to do is pay again. Support ticket opened the same day (4/2/19) advising not working. On 4/5/19 my ticket is closed with absolutely no notes on it, just closed. I open another ticket thru the web app and nothing. I tried Facebook messenger for response. I tried Sinemia support on Twitter again with no response.

So all this company has done is taken my money and provided no service. With one closed support ticket and all the rest unanswered.

What a way to run a business.
How about you actually provide the service that I paid for or refund my money.

Desired Outcome

1) Provide the service paid for with a start date of when it actually works. 2) Refund my money

SCAM SCAM SCAM. Services are not rendered properly. I was sent a card number to purchase a movie and it did not work. There was no number to call so I had to pay for the ticket put of pocket. I then emailed them immediately when I got home and asked to cancel my contract because they were in breach of it and I asked to be prorated for the time I had left. This was my first month and I was able to use the service twice before. I was going to use my third ticket I was allowed in that month. I never got a response from them. I then contacted my bank and my bank and Sinemia told my bank that I never contacted them and that my service was active and ready to go, however they emailed me after my bank contacted them and said they suspended my service until this matter is resolved. It did not matter, I was not using the service. I faxed my bank the email I sent to Sinemia asking for a refund. I emailed them the email they sent me saying they suspended my account and I emailed them screenshots of their play store reviews calling them a scam. I was finally refunded by my bank. I wish I saw this page before I purchased.

First of all, the app did not let me purchase advanced tickets for the entire month of March, even though I was paying for the service. After a number of Twitter DMs, support emails, public Tweets and finally writing a review here on Trustpilot, my advanced ticketing suddenly worked again... with a caveat. I couldn't get tickets through third party services. So I tested this out and bought a ticket last week. Once I got to the theater, the app did not let me "check in." So I immediately wrote another support email giving them a head's up about this so I wouldn't get penalized. No response, per usual. Fast forward to a week later, suddenly I'm getting a bunch of alerts telling me it's almost time for my movie and that I need to check in ASAP. This is for a movie I saw LAST WEEK, so I was obviously not at the theater and could not "check in." Again I wrote to support reporting this error (no response). Now I wake up the next day to messages saying my account has been frozen until I pay a $16 misuse fee for not checking in. Sinemia is a straight up scam. Avoid this company at all costs. They have the worst customer service, and I plan on cancelling. I've asked several times for a refund, and of course, they have not responded to those messages either. If you want to see proof of how clueless the CEO/founder is about all of these issues I would suggest reading thie recent interview with *** on IndieWire.

Terms and conditions change frequently throughout service. Asked for PII in order to continue service, risking identity theft.
Sinemia is a movie subscription service that allows you to buy plans to see a certain number of movies per month for a set price.

I purchased an annual plan on 7/29/2018 for $83.88 ($6.99 per month) to watch 2 movies per month. At the time, there was a $1.80 processing fee that was avoidable.

Throughout the year, more and more fees were added in order to use the service. Then, the app stopped working. Every time I try to select a movie to purchase for an advanced showing, the app errored out and I was unable to buy a ticket.

The worst change was when accounts were frozen until customers sent a picture of their drivers license and a picture of them holding said license.

This was incredibly alarming for a movie subscription service to ask for PII. Censored versions of the license were not allowed so many accounts were terminated at this point.

I contacted customer service for a refund since the service I paid for was terminated without compensation for the 6 months I was unable to use the service.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund of $83.88 from the business for deceptive advertising. I have no desire to use their service anymore.

I have annual subscription with Sinemia,however they are not allowing me to book movie tickets.Sent emails to customer service but no response.
Sinemia App is not allowing to book movie tickets from past month.I have paid for annual membership and still have more than 6 months left on the contract. I have sent multiple emails to Sinemia but received no response.They don't have any customer support phone as well.

Desired Outcome

I want the service restored or they *** issue a refund.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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