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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Want refund and some customer service for poor service delivery, my money was taken for the year but I cannot use the service.
I pre-paid for the year and in the month of December I was charged for a movie through the app that never funded. Now I get errors and cannot even get any tickets. I have tried to contact customer support through email which says someone will respond within 24 hours yet nobody ever does. I tweet on the sinemia wall and all I ever get is to please send a DM and then I do and nobody responds. They took my money and I cannot use the service and I want a refund.

Desired Outcome

A $169.91 refund for the amount of movies we have not used or where not able to charge. We did not see Venom in November but because of the charge issue in sinemia I had to check-in or my membership would have been revoked. If we go back to Fandango to see sinemia never paid the bill and I had to use my other credit card as per the DM in twitter i tried to send in November.

Sinemia's service does not work as advertised.
Sinemia advertises that after paying for a yearly subscription customers will be allowed to watch 3 movies a month. Sinemia requires a two week waiting period until they activate your account, however you can bypass this two week hold of you pay a $10 acceleration fee. Sinemia also fails to inform their future customers that Sinemia will not cover the cost of any "convenience" fee you may incur while purchasing online movie tickets, their default model. They only way to avoid paying these addition fees is by obtaining an physical MasterCard from Sinemia. This physical Masterscard from Sinemia can only be obtain by waiting an additional 30 days and paying Sinemia an additional $50. Additionally for nearly a week, their App has not been functioning correctly and reserving movie tickets has not been allowed. I have informed Sinemia of this issue via their official support twitter account *** however they have failed to respond. A twitter search of "Sinemia" will yield dozens of other individuals incurring the same issue(s) with Sinemia. Lastly Sinemia does not offer any refunds even after can cancellation, so many of their customers are locked in with their "services" for up to one year.

Desired Outcome

At the very least repair the app so they service can be used. However a full refund of all fees need to had as well.

The service has not been working for a while now. I believe this has been an issue for a lot of people. They do not respond to any complaints.
The service has not been working for a while now. I believe this has been an issue for a lot of people. They do not respond to any complaints and never follow up with any feedback on what is going on.

Desired Outcome

I want them to refund the mo new I have paid for the plan. I aid for their yearly plan, if they want they *** prorate the 2 months I have used and refund the other 10 months.

I joined SINEMIA as a customer with the certainty that I would see 3 movies a month, for one year. Rather, the system has repeatedly changed contract
Since the early weeks of activation of the contract with Sinemia, I was directed to use policies under Sinemia with and or Directions where not clear, or specific. And attempting to contact SINEMIA was diffult. Responses where inadequate for customers. I repeated my issue multiple times. How to use SINEMIA, and how to pay.
First two films worked, but soon afterwards, policies where changed. I was billed for the third film. 15 dollars. I was suppose to be able to watch 3 films a month. Rather, I only managed to watch 2 films, and the third charged to my account. They canceled contract with ATOM, and Canceled contract with MovieTickets. I was not notified of this. More, the guidance to use online service with either website was misleading and unclear. The point is, as a customer, I made my full year long purchase of $120 Sinemia pass. A full year movie pass. That is what I was lead to believe. Unfortunately, attempting to contact Sinemia and notify them that I paid for the full year movie pass with Sinemia continues to be avoided or ignored.
Since my last attempt to contact Sinemia with my issue, I have not received a single response.
There is no one to speak with, and I feel that SINEMIA either tries to cheat customers with the stealing of their deposits, or claiming that it must cancel their contracts.

Unfortunately, SINEMIA continues to cheat contracts. Customers who purchase their full year movie pass should be able to use them. Sinemia services have blocked my account, and claim that I owe them 15 dollars! That is absolutely absurd, and theft of customers in progress.

Desired Outcome

I want my year long movie pass with sinemia to be corrected and cleared. More, there must be means for customers to be able to watch films with certain common sense policies. Customer services are lowly treated.

Sinemia sells a movie subscribtion service. However, once one signs up- it is impossible to book a ticket - fraud
Website will not allow you to book tickets

Desired Outcome

Fix problem or full refund

I have prepaid a year subscription for a service that I could only use once and no longer works.
I prepaid for a year service that allows me access to see 3 movies a month with Sinemia. I have only been able to use the service one time. Since that first time, whenever I try to go through the process of buying an "advance" ticket, the app doesn't load. I have emailed their support team (as I was instructed to do by the app) and no one has answered me.

Desired Outcome

The contract the business has in place does not allow for refunds and makes you pay for a year in advance for the 12-month subscription. Given that the service they advertised and that I purchased does not work, I would like to receive a full refund for the remaining 11 months or for it to be fixed immediately, with full payment back for the fact that their service is down and they are unresponsive.

Account cancelled with no reason
My account was canceled with no reason I got a generic messages, I emailed customer service and they told me that they couldn't not give me more details it was terminated by the system and to read the terms and condition and then I got an email that they had closed the ticket. I had just paid an annual membership 3 months ago and they sent me a message that I had spent what I paid but they add last years spending to this years. I also had a lot of issues with app not working correctly or at all and I did email them but did not get a response.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund the remaining months

Not able to book tickets through app since last one month. Send email numerous times to support, no replies. They are not even issuing refund.
I signed up for sinemia 2 movies/month plan. They started charging extra fees after 2 months stating convenience fees and processing fees, otu of which processing is an unfair charge.
Then since march 2019 I am not able to book tickets through their app, so I did email their support team several times.
I got reply for only one email stating they are working on fix and will resolve it in an update, but I replied that it is an inconvenience for me, because they have already charged me for whole year, so either they refund my money or start their services back again. After that they again did not reply

I was unable to check-in to their app once because their app did not let me check-in, and they charged me a misuse fees for it, which is again unfair, I did email about this too, still no replies.

I have e-mailed them many times they do not reply and do not resolve the matter.

Desired Outcome

I want refund of all the wrong charges they charges me for i.e misuse fees of $7.39 which was for not checking-in into theatre which was due to thies app not working. I want to cancel future services as i am extremely unhappy by their services, and want a refund of remaining months since march 2019 i.e 6*6.99 = $41.94

I renewed services with Sinemia on 3/30/19. I paid for a full year upfront. The product hasn't worked since renewing.I'm unable to reserve any movies.
I have tried repeatedly to reserve tickets through the app since my subscription renewal. However, the booking page doesn't load after selecting a movie. It just times out. I renewed my subscription for one full year on 3/30/19. I paid approximately $83.88 ($6.99 x 12 months). By the way, my wife has her own 1 year subscription and she is experiencing the exact same problem. I have reached out to Sinemia Support (*** on 3 separate days; looking for them to provide a resolution. Unfortunately, they haven't responded yet. I paid for mine and my wife's 1 year subscription on 3/30/19 for a total of $167.76. I will add that we enjoy Sinemia's product when it is working; but hate it when it is not working. Also, they drastically need to improve their customer service. For example, when you send in a question or concern, their auto email response says they will get back to you in 24 hours. Unfortunately, that is not happening for me, my wife, and several others leaving reviews on Sinemia's app. I like the product so I just want Sinemia to fix my access. If they can't fix it, then I'll need a full refund.

Desired Outcome

I like the product so I just want Sinemia to fix mine and my wife's access. If they ***'t fix it, then I'll be seeking a full refund.

unable to use service. Keeps saying error
unable to use service when trying to purchase a movie ticket for 3 weeks comes up with Error. Have been trying to get it with sinemia no response

Desired Outcome

Trying to get my money back if they dont fix it

The debit card for their prepaid service keeps getting declined at the movie theater. I would like a full refund.
Debit card is not working, I prepaid for 12 months of movies. I have been paying out of pocket.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for the remaining months of the 12 that i prepaid.

Account was terminated b/c couldn't verify identity, but Military ID and picture of me holding was sent.
Account was terminated b/c couldn't verify identity, but Military ID and picture of me holding was sent. I believe this was done in retaliation for my blasting the companies business practices on twitter.

I feel Sinemia has continually pushed the terms of service in their favor after the service was purchased. Upon buying I was told I could see 3 movies every month for a specific price paid in full for 1 year. I paid this price in full for 1 year. Then was told I would recieve a personal credit card to use that was never sent to this day. I have this in email and Twitter DM from their customer service. Nothing about we will charge you later, simply yes you will be receiving a card. Because of no card ever being sent I used their "cardless" service for which they initally made you pay the movie service like fandango or atom service fees with your credit card resulting in an addtional cost "per movie" you see. As this is a family plan this cost is mulitplied by 4. Then a few months later they added their own "service or processing" fee to this charge which again is multiplied by 4. Anyone is business that takes Credit cards understands that the person receiving payment incurs a service charge ususally 1.8-2.9%, I have never heard of a credit card issuer passing these fees to their users. This is obviously an attempt to increase revenue to pad their bottom line.
When I complained about these issues I got a "hold" placed on my account wanting me to verify my ID. I sent in a pic of my Military US Government ID and a photo of me holding it. I did this multiple times, each time being rejected. I sent this through email and through Twitter DM. Finally my account was terminated. I asked for a refund from the date of first "Hold" and was told I cannot receive a refund bc it is a prepaid service. This may be but if I am unable to use it then I should be refunded for the portion not used.

My desired resolution is refund from last time used.

Desired Outcome

Refund from last use of the service prorated for the 1 year of service that was pre paid.

Sinemia used to be great, but now they frequently disable my account to prevent me from using the service
Sinemia used to be great. Then a few weeks ago, they started disabling the app on weekends to prevent customers from buying any tickets, thus entirely undermining the point of being a Sinemia customer. Now, it's getting even worse, because I am still unable to use the service even on weekdays I get the same error message every time I try to do anything. I left a negative review on TrustPilot last week and as a result they "fixed" my app for a few days, but now they've disabled it again.

I have reached out to them on Twitter many times and have been ignored every time. They have also never responded to any of my emailed customer support messages. If they somehow fix this issue quickly, I'll probably give them another chance, because the service was great back when it actually worked. As is though, I'm probably one frustration away from getting my bank to do a chargeback so I can recoup the rest of my annual subscription fee.

Desired Outcome

I would rather have the service work like it used to than to receive a refund, so I am requesting that they simply fix my account so that I can use the service again. If this fails, I will need a refund that covers the rest of my annual subscription fee.

The company incorrectly added charges to my account which it has refused to remove. Also the service wasn't functional in March, but still charged.
I was incorrectly charged a "misuse" fee for not checking in at a movie on 3/21, despite cancelling the ticket immediately and receiving a refund from the ticketing vendor. Separately, the app would not work to purchase tickets in March, even after paying this wrongly applied charge. It was down for thousands of members, which the company failed to acknowledge or provide any refunds for. I have contacted them five times about these issues and never received a response.

They also added a number of new fees AFTER I signed up for a year subscription, but this issue is likely to be addressed in a class-action lawsuit, so I'm not including it in my complaint.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking a refund of the March subscription fee, and the ~$17 misuse fee, as well as an immediate cancellation of my membership.

non-functional app that charges YOU but provides no deliverable
Sinemia is a MoviePass knockoff. The app is very effective at charging your credit card. It has no ability to generate a movie ticket for the user, however. And there is no way to contact support other than unanswered email or contact form.

Desired Outcome

I want the company to do what it has charged me for: provide movie tickets. Otherwise, I want a refund of all fees accrued to date.

They cancelled my account without showing any proof of what I did
I bought sinemia for 2 and paid for the annual membership. I used the app obeying all the rules, when the price of the movies what I saw almost reached my annual money I paid, they cancelled my account saying I misused it. But, I haven't done anything to make my account cancelled.

Desired Outcome

i want my account to be reinstated till the expiry date that i bought for

I would leave a zero if I could. They take your money for a year in advance then shut down movie app after about a month or two so it will not work for you. One of the biggest scam's I've seen. Movie Pass *** not working anymore for people that used the app but at least it was month to month so you could cancel the ripoff. I switched to Siniema because it actually still worked but after about 2 months they shut me down with server errors. the worst part is I paid for a year in advance. I've tried everything from upgrades, logging in and out and different computers. Then I read a lot of people were having my same problem. Moral of the story is if you don't use app it works but if you do it doesn't. What a scam. Please read up on app before purchasing it and at minimum don't by annual subscription. What a scam. There is no phone number to contact for support and there web support is a simple apology email where they claim to contact you back, but a course they don't.

Due to the inability to submit my ID verrification I have not been able to use my account. Sinemia has only responded once in 6 weeks.
I cannot use my account as Sinemia is requiring I upload ID verification before proceeding. I have been trying to upload the required documents since early-mid February 2019 and have gotten errors saying the images could not be uploaded. I have tried every image format they suggest and made sure the size of the images was not too large. On February 20th 2019 I sent their customer support an email saying that I could not upload the photos and requested assistance in getting this issue resolved. I waited nearly a month before attempting to contact the company on Twitter, which they finally responded to. On March 22nd a member from their support team emailed me back and suggested trying again with some different file types and to check the size. I emailed back and forth with them several times that evening, but have not heard back from them since with no resolution. It has now been 2 weeks since I last heard from them and still no resolution and I am still without my service that I paid for in advance. I mentioned them again on Twitter today (4/4/19) and they asked me to send them a direct message, but again I have heard nothing.
At this point I am so upset with how poorly their customer support treats and prioritizes their customers, and I am so frustrated that I haven't been able to use my service for almost 2 months.

Desired Outcome

I would like to see my ID verification accepted and either my service canceled and pro-rated for the time remaining, or Sinemia extending my service to make up for the lost time.

Subscription renewed, but service is non-functional and no resolution from support.
My annual subscription renewed on 03/27/2019 for $179.88, but I had previously contacted Sinemia on 03/26/2019 @ 21:22 (*** to advise that the iOS app was not functioning.

On 03/27/2019 @ 09:39, I received an automated response that the message sent on 03/26/2019 message had been received and was being reviewed.

On 03/29/2019 @ 13:45, I sent another email (*** to Sinemia with the same concerns.

On 03/31/2019, ***, part of the Support Team, indicated that they were looking into the matter and it will be resolved.

On 04/01/2019 @ 17:19, I responded back (*** that the service was still not functioning.

On 04/01/2019 @ 11:12, I received the same automated response as on 03/27/2019.

On 04/03/2019 @ 11:12, I sent an additional email (***; ***; ***; ***; ***; ***; ***; *** - the only email that was rejected and bounced back was *** advising that there was no functionality and no resolution.

On 04/04/2019 @ 02:09, I received two emails from Sinemia. The first was from ***, with the exact same verbiage as the message on 03/31/2019. The second was from Sinemia Support saying that since the rep (***) had responded, that the issue was resolved.

On 04/04/2019 @ 07:48, I sent an email advising that the issue has not been resolved and functionality has not been restored as promised.

Desired Outcome

Sinemia has not provided any services since my subscription renewed on 03/227/2019; therefore, I am requesting a full refund.

Paid a full year for the service and have not been able to use it
I purchased a 12 month subscription to Sinemia back in December. The subscription includes 3 movie tickets per month. I downloaded the app where you reserve your tickets but whenever I try to select the movie I want to see but I just get an endless loading screen. Many of my friends who have Sinemia too have faced the same issue. Dozens of emails to their customer service (this is the only way to contact them) have resulted in no response. So I've had this service for over 3 months (a quarter of my subscription) and paid for it upfront but have not been able to use it all. I can't even ask for a refund because their customer service does not respond to emails.

Desired Outcome

I would like the business to fix the issue so I can actually use the service as well as refund me for the time I haven't been able to use the service.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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