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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

I was wrongfully terminated from the service.
I bought a year of the 3 movie a month service in August. I have been using the service as advertised even after additional fees were added. Sinemia requested I verify my identity and I submitted the documents and they were approved. I followed the requirements for ticket purchasing each time and would check into the movies without fail. On Monday, March 11th 2019 I went to purchase a ticket through the app. I was then directed to an issue with my account. Upon checking I was notified that my account had been terminated for suspected fraudulent activity. I have been using the service as stated. The only recourse I was given was to apply for a refund, not based on the months of service I had left but on the amount of tickets I had used.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund based on the number of months of service I would have had left from when my account was terminated.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

I purchased Sinemia premium family plan in Nov 2018. I want to cancel the membership and ask for the refund for unused months. They refuse it !
I purchased the plan in Nov 2018 for 24.99 starting Nov 2019 . Billed annually. I want to cancel the membership in Feb 2019 and ask for a refund for remaining months March -Nov 2019. The merchant says you can go ahead cancel your membership but no refund at all ! When I purchase the service, there is no place saying this is non-refundable!!! I filed a dispute with Chase. And the merchant told Chase there is a term and conditions ( the typical little check box you need to check before you place the order) talking about the cancellation. I did go back and check the terms and conditions: NO WHERE states this is not refundable ! The Merchant said I would have to cancel the membership before the billing cycle? Because I canceled in the billing cycle, then I dont get a refund for the entire amount that they charged me. This is definitely FRAUD!!!
1. Genuine merchant will clearly state the service is cancelled or noncollectable , refundable or non-refundable. Not hiding in their little link says terms and conditions
2. Genuine merchant in the United States will refund the portion that they are not providing any service!
I can't believe such merchant exists in the United States. Customer is so vulnerable to protect our own right !

Desired Outcome

Refund me the money for the unused month.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms & Conditions. Also, since you provided the letter of withdrawal which provided by your bank, your account has been re-activated and you used one of your movie days on 03.21.2019.

Sinemia's service is poor, and customer service is completely non-existent.
Both service and customer service from Sinemia have been a total disaster.
After purchasing a yearlong membership for Sinemia in September 2018, we spent several weeks waiting for the app to work. I contacted their customer service via email (they don't offer any alternatives) and it look more than 6 weeks to get a response or a resolution. In the meantime, I could not use the service.

In January, a $22 charge appeared on our bill for "fraudulent use." Sinemia claims I didn't check into the theater for the movie; I did check in via the app and saw the confirmation screen. My account is being held hostage because they won't respond to my attempts to clear this up, and I cannot use the service without paying the fee (which I refuse to do).

Also, Sinemia claims they will not refund a partial membership, even though we paid one lump sum for 12 months of continuous service tickets which I cannot use because my account is suspended. I would happily accept a pro-rated refund for the remainder of my subscription and be done with them forever.

The service itself is mediocre and somewhat misleading. My plan offers me 6 tickets (3 pairs) for $22, but each time I use the app to buy tickets, I'm asked to pay an additional $5-8 in fees. This is on top of the fees charged by the mobile ticketing partner required to get tickets. At this point, I'm paying the same per ticket as I would at the theater, but with much more hassle.

I really want a refund.

They need an actual customer service department.

Desired Outcome

1. Removal of the $22 fee for "fraudulent service," which is not true. 2. Refund for the remaining 6 months of my subscription.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 01.21.2019. As stated in the terms & conditions, you should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. Also, as a managerial exception, the misuse fee you were charged has been waived and your ticketing feature got re-enabled. In addition to that, since you were not able to use your last period due to the misuse fee, your plan has been extended.

Account Terminated - Reason - since your ID could not be verified with the documentation you have uploaded
I had sent them my Driver's License copy. Also had sent them a mug shot of my photo. Their termination reason was a user name issue. They state that I need to keep the same user name as in my drivers license ( this was the reason for termination) . I am surprised that they never alerted to have a similar user name when we created the login. After paying for an year subscription, after a few months, without even giving a reason, they cancelled it. Their terms and conditions never talk about having to create a user ID. We never violated their terms of agreement. Every movie we watched, we did the right check in, paid the transaction fees ( which was never told before) , took the picture of the ticket stub, uploaded the same while we were in the theater. All these are their terms and we followed them to the "T" whenever we went for a movie.

Desired Outcome

Either they should reinstate the subscription or offer us the refund.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing our system and your account, we see that the name on your Sinemia profile and on the ID you provided are different. Therefore, you have failed the ID verification process and your account has been terminated. However, as a managerial excepiton, partial refund of your plan has been issued on our end. Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

Customer Response • Apr 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Still have not received the refund. We waited for the period to get over. Can they tell us when they processed the refund , the amount or any detail so we can check the same from our end ?

Inability to use service and unresponsive to emails.
Sinemia is a service similar to moviepass where you pay a fee once a month and are able to see 3 films free.

After arriving at the theater you must use a check in feature, however I have never been able to do that successfully due to the app or (potentially) my incompetence. If the app or website explained how to do it correctly I may be able to correct this.

Due to my inability to check in I was suspended.

January 20th is my first complaint explaining the situation and they responded quickly, but after pleading my case in the response email they stopped answering.

January 21st I started a new complaint to which they never responded, besides the automated email saying they received my complaint.

January 25th I started a new complaint, only the automated response...

I sent a few more emails but I do not have them on record as I sent them through the online form on their website.

February I decided to pay the penalty fee for my check in failure as I had no other choice. I also ordered their physical card because I read online it works much better that way.

After paying the fee, I was not able to use the card because they now needed an I'd verification which I submitted and was accepted a week later.

After all this, I tried to use the card and it told me there was an error and to visit the website.

I did so, and there was no information to resolve the problem.

I complained again a week ago and I haven't gotten a response.

I like the idea of this service but it's worthless if I cannot use it and I don't want to unsubscribe after paying them for months worth of membership as well as paying for a physical card.

Thank you for the time

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund of the penalty fees, refund for the physical card, as well as credits so I *** use them to see the films I wasn't able to due to the terrible service.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia cancels accounts for no reason and then holds you hostage as they refuse to offer refund and will not respond to any emails.
I bought a yearly account for 2 people so it was 3 movies per month for 2 tickets for each movie. So basically 6 tickets per month for around $16 a month. I prepaid in advance in november and Used the service in and January and February . I followed the rules and paid the fees for the convenience fees when necessary, I feel they baited and switched all consumers on these additional fees for the non physical debit card. But I know they have been sued for this. Also made us do some ID verification process with our ID's after we had already used the service for a couple months. Causing even more delays on what we paid for as we couldn't use the service while they processed the ID. My issue is the system stopped working and the app would not work and I tried filling out support form on their website and received no response. So I tried Twitter and still no response. I found the *** email and finally they emailed me back. Then they fixed the app issue but then wouldn't process my creditcard for the fees saying I had to go to their member page. I went and they had a message my account was terminated with no specific reason given. I emailed support and initially received a response that "maybe I didn't check in for a movie and that I should have been warned and will probably get my account back." I have since emailed multiple times and they will not reply. My account is locked and I am unable to book a movie and they have given me no answer to what I did wrong. So I went back to their site and they still had the message up there and it said if I wanted to get a refund to submit my information and they would calculate my amount of use and refund my money. I filled out the form and waited for a response. I have received no response and so I have emailed multiple times and this company will not even tell me why my account is being cancelled and they will not refund my money. So not sure what I can do on my next step. Seems this company is a SCAM and should not be allowed to operate in this COUNTRY. I joined 11/23/18 for a year and it seems they want to get you to pay full in advance and then figure out a way to cancel your account for no reason to keep your money. I have checked in to all the movies with their app in the time frame that was required on the day of the movie and I went to and also paid all the fees that were needed for using the sinemia cardless feature. But they still cancelled my account for no reason. Please help get our money back and shut down this fraud of a business.

Desired Outcome

I want a full REFUND and not a partial one. I have been fair with this company and have tried to cooperate with them and resolve this matter but they continue to not tell me why my account is cancelled nor will they respond to my emails to get more information. this company is a Fraud and all of its staff are part of it. I want all of my money back. the $192 plus all my fees I paid for the movies I watched and any fee they made me pay at the beginning to activate my account. This company needs to refund all the money to all of the users who they have wrongfully cancelled as I am pretty sure I am not the only one. the company should go on the media and issue an apology and either close the business or they need to hire someone to fix this business and make sure they are following the law and not screwing over their customers with this bait and switch scheme and cancelling people for no reason and trying to keep their money.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have done everything that was required of me. this vague response just shows this business is a scam. They force you to pay a year up front and then look for loopholes to cancel your account and then can;t even tell you why? they list all kinds of vague reasons my account could have been cancelled for. But they will never respond to my emails to state "WHY" was my account cancelled. I have tried to email multiple times and only one reply which didn't answer anything other than it was more of a maybe as they said I might have missed an on line check in but should have received a warning. But I told them I followed all of their procedures and did all of my check ins on time. I even filled out their request of usage form before I filed this complaint and still had no response from them. So how is there response acceptable. they have some of the worst customer service people and their response times are slow and majority of the time they don't even respond. Like if you try and do their support form on their website they never responded. I had to try Twitter and other searches online just to get a proper email for them to respond to. If they were really serious about solving this claim they should have seen my my request for usage history for a refund which I sent at least 3 weeks ago. Yet they provide some lame form letter to respond instead of giving a personalized response. Because they are a scam business probably run by not many people who use this opportunity to steal peoples money. So far they seem to be getting away with it as I am sure I am not the only person who is going thru this. I followed all of their rules and terms of service. the least they should be able to do is refund me the months I didn't use and tell me 100% what I did. As if they cant tell you or I what I did then how can they say I violated terms of service when they can;t even tell you what rule I broke. total scam company that should not even be in business. Please refund my money and stop giving some phony form response as I am sure you do this same response on your many complaints as I know I am not the only one complaining about your poor business ethics. that still doesn't explain why you are not even following what your telling me to do. You say to fill out a refused usage request so I can get money back but when I have already done that and you still won't respond or even give me any money back. How is that not comply with what you say I should have done.

I paid for a year of the movie ticket service, it was terminated 6 months into it for no reason
In October I purchased Sinemia, 2 tickets fro 3 movies a month for a year in advance. At first they charged fees which were not mentioned then finally I had to purchase at extra cost a physical card to stop the fees. I have followed the Tos , bought the tickets , gone to the movie, checked into the movie as required. Today my account was terminated for no reason. 6 months into the year for no reason. I have upheld the tos ever since first used the company.
my Account information

Desired Outcome

Either the reinstallation of my account with extra months to cover lost movies for the time account is terminated. Or a full refund for the year and the cost of the physical card which was an extra charge and all fees paid on top of the subscription.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

They terminated my account for reasons that I never committed. Also I have requested a refund in which they state they will provide but have not.
I have paid for an annual subscription and after a month or two they terminated my account. My subscription allowed me to see 30 movies per month and I averaged about 12 per month. Then they terminated my account for the potential reasons below, which I never did.

Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons:

Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases

Desired Outcome

Full refund of my remaining years annual fee. They stated they would give me the difference between what I paid and the cost of the movies I watched, which is not fair. I want a refund for the remaining months of service I paid for.

Sinemia has hidden fees, terrible customer service, and terminated my husband's subscription without merit, cause or warning.
I purchased a year long subscription to Sinemia for my husband for $347. Both myself and my husband were unaware of the hidden fees. Sinemia would charge a surcharge on top of the online ticketing fee when purchasing a ticket through their online access. To prevent these unnecessary fees, my husband paid extra $40 to get a physical card so that he could redeem his tickets at the theater without the surcharge. Then my husband used Sinemia to purchase a ticket in the afternoon for a midnight showing. The way midnight showings are listed on the movie theater schedule (example: Friday at midnight show listed on Thurs night schedule), the app indicated that my husband had missed a check in and was hit with a steep missed check in fee of close to $25, double the cost of an actual ticket. My husband took picture of himself in the theater and his ticket to report to customer service, but the only available customer service is on Twitter and they only give canned responses. After multiple attempts to reach customer service via email and Twitter, my husband reached out to the head of customer services for Sinemia on LinkedIn, and his surcharge was eventually removed. Then, last week, my husband's account with Sinemia was terminated for violation of account terms and conditions, without explanation or warning. When my husband contacted Sinemia to try to ask about whether this was done in error, the Twitter customer support basically said they could not get into details. My husband had only seen 12 movies with the subscription since his membership began in Nov.

Desired Outcome

I want to be refunded our membership fee, plus the cost of the physical card fee, and the hidden online ticketing fees. About $400.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms & Conditions. In addition to that, the system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. He may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If he would like to apply for an adjusted refund, he may click on "Request usage history" on his membership area at Also, as stated in the terms and conditions, "The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets." If you would like to avoid online transaction fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through page.

Customer Response • Mar 26, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The tranferability of the account is not at issue. I purchased the membership for my husband as a gift all within the guidelines of Sinemia. Sinemia unilaterally terminated my husband's account without cause, he did not violate any of the Sinemia T&Cs. When he reached out to Sinemia's terrible Twitter only customer service, they provided no meaningful response. Thu is pretty typical of Sinemia in general, make unilateral decisions and provide no meaningful outlet to customer support. There are tons of hidden fees. There is a fee to active your online account, which should be automatic when you purchase the membership. There is a Sinemia charged fee in addition to the online ticketing fee per movie. My husband order the physical card to reduce these fees, and there was a substantial charge for the physical card and it took weeks to received (once again, Twitter only customer service was no help). There is a steep fee charged by Sinemia for missed check ins due to problems within their own app. When my husband account was wrongfully terminated, he did apply for the refund through the Sinemia system, but his refund was denied. Sinemia's response to get a physical card to avoid the fees shows they didn't read my compliant because I clearly stated that we ordered the card. And since they terminated the account, we can't use the care we have. After taking the entire experience into account, we made the decision to report to the Sinemia is a total scam. Their website is misleading and their customer service is deceptive We deserve to get our money back, and Simeia needs to be shutdown before more consumers are taken advantage of.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit for further information

I pay for a year prescription up front but have a difficult time using the app so I upgrade to card and then they cancel my account but keep all my $$
I pay for a year prescription up front but have a difficult time using the app to purchase tickets. Most of the time the app won't let me buy a ticket so I end up having to purchase the tickets with cash. And the rare times the app works I end up having to pay tons of extra fees and service charges each time I use the app to buy a ticket. So I figure it will be cheaper if I upgrade to a card membership. So I pay for the plan that includes a sinemia credit card. But they don't give me a refund for the first year plan they charged me. So now I've paid for two years. I get the card but the first two times I try and use it, it doesn't work and I have to pay cash again. I finally get the card to work so I watch a couple movies. As soon as I think things are going to start going smoothly they cancel my account but keep all my money. I go to leave them a bad review and realize that almost all the hundreds of reviews they have are 1 star with people complaining about the same scam.

Desired Outcome

Full refund for the two plans I bought and force the company to make a customer service number available that actually works.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 26, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The company is a bunch of crocks. I haven't gotten any money back from this scam. Almost everyone who has used this company has left a 1 star review claiming this is a scam. Why have you not shut them down yet?

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Terminations are handled by the system automatically. For further information, you may visit our terms page or you *** check if you are eligible for an adjusted refund through your membership page.

Customer Response • Apr 23, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They took my money but didn't live up to their end of the agreement. The company is a bunch of crocks. I haven't gotten any money back from this scam. Almost everyone who has used this company has left a 1 star review claiming this is a scam. I thought stops these kinds of businesses.

I paid About $50 (monthly, 1x non-annual fee and a card fee) on 1/27/19. As today 3/11/19 I am not able to use my movie subscription.
I paid almost $50 on 1/27/19. It taook about a week to use my movie subscription. Went on my day of on 2/18/19 to movies 3 cities away and was told by the sinemia app that I could t use it. I had to take a couple of pictures of my Texas drivers license and pictures of me holding my tax id submitted to sinemia and as of today 3/11/19 I still can't use my subscription. Oh yeah, I was charged another $8.99 monthly fee on 2/2719. So I've paid about $60 dollars and I haven't used my subscription once!!!!!! The same exact thing happened to my wife's subscription. Except that she got approved around 2/26/19.

Desired Outcome

Refund my money for the months I wasn't able to use my subscription and allow me to watch movies as advertised.

I pre-paid for a 2 years. My account was terminated for "abuse" but after 1st year, but I never abused. Kept my money for entire 2nd year, no refund!
I paid for two years in 2018, and my account was canceled last month. Email used was

Desired Outcome

I want a refund of my full 2nd year 299.80 or reinstatement of my account.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 26, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I pre-paid for two years and was terminated after 1 year. I had no explanation of what was considered fraud or abuse. They terminated 100s of accounts according to the internet. I wasn't a full round for my second year.

Sinemia has been the single worst experience I have had with a service. I signed up on October 31 and paid for their service for one year for myself and my wife.

I was not told that we would incur multiple fees in actually trying to see movies every month. In order to "avoid" these fees, we had to purchase a debit card, which took at least a month to get to us. After getting the card, the app did not function. There were times when I had to pay out of pocket for a movie because their "cardless" feature would not work.

No customer service representatives would respond to my emails or messages for weeks, sometimes not at all. I was charged a misuse fee when I had to use my physical card to get a ticket when I was not given a cardless card to get a movie ticket.

After all these issues, I was told to send in a ID verification, which I complied with, but prevented me from going to a movie and using the service. I was approved. Then my wife had to go through the ID verification process, which again prevented us from going to a movie and using the service.

After all these issues, never hearing back from customer services, being charged double with some fees, having to pay out of pocket for services I already paid for, and finding out that Sinemia's charges actually come from Istanbul and I was being charged foreign transaction fees every time I had a transaction, Sinemia decided to arbitrarily terminate my account almost SEVEN MONTHS early.

This service does not provide what it advertises that it does and Sinemia terminated my account and is threatening to keep my money that I paid a year for. They did not provide the correct service. I began using Sinemia in November. Therefore, the most money they should be able to keep would be $72 ( $36 for my membership for 4 months and $36 for my wife's membership for that same period).

I was also never notified via email when I was charged extra fees nor when my account was terminated. I had to find out by trying to USE the service I paid for.

I am making this complaint because I am entitled to my money back for this deceptive and terrible service. This company took my money.
I am making this complaint because I am entitled to my money back for this deceptive and terrible service. This company took my money.

Desired Outcome


Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia fraudulently terminated my membership without cause. They refused to provide "the" reason why and extorted my remaining subscription balance.
On 25 June 2018, I subscribed to a one year Sinemia Elite Plan for two people at the pre-billed cost of $360.00. The plan consists of paying for three movies a month each, including one Premium movie. The plan was set to expire on June 24 2019. Also, I was supposed to receive a debit card to be used for in theater purchases.

Over that period of time I would average less than the total of six tickets each month. Not once did I ever:
1. Use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity.
2. Use multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse.
3. Share my Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
4. Manipulate location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases (whatever that means).
5. Act suspiciously in a fraudulent or abusive manner.

I did not complain when Sinemia failed to provide me with a debit card and then began charging me usage fees for booking tickets online (my only option). On 28 December 2018, I paid an additional $29.98 for the debit card that was supposed to be included in my membership.

On 17 February 2019, I was blocked by Sinemia from viewing a movie and prompted to login to my account. Once I was finally able to login, I was prompted to provide Sinemia with a photo of my government issued ID and additionally a selfie of me holding it. After several minutes of struggling with the app, I was able to upload the photos and was allowed to purchase tickets. There was no warning of the requirement or explanation of the reason and we nearly missed the movie because of it.

Once again, with no prior notice I was blocked from purchasing movie tickets last Saturday, 9 March 2019. I was prompted to login into the website where I was notified that my membership was terminated. There was no explanation of why my account was suspended just examples of what a violation could be. To add insult to injury, Sinemia did not provide a link to review the alleged violation but a very deceptive link was made available to "Request My Usage History & Refund." This is very deceptive because it forces you to accept the wrongful termination in order to view you usage. Also, Sinemia will do the math on how much you usage I cost their company with each ticket and only repay the difference of remaining $360.00. It's obvious that difference would be $0.00. Furthermore they blocked me from ever enrolling with them in the future. I have signed up family and referred friends to Sinemia and am concerned they too will get the same treatment as soon as they attempt to use there account in the future.

Sinemia does not have any way to speak with their customer support (if they even exist) I have emailed them repeatedly for clarification of the violation they are accusing me of and the right to appeal my termination. Sinemia's response to me as well as many others in the same situation has been a canned-robotic response:

"We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically.

Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service.

You are eligible for an adjusted refund based on the difference between what you've paid to Sinemia and your spending which also includes the cost of the tickets you have received through your Sinemia membership. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at ***

Once you submit the form, you will receive your payment and spending details as soon as your report is ready. Please note that turnaround time depends on the length of your usage history.

Please be ensured that we can't share more than what you have been shared via your Sinemia Membership page. For more info, please check rules at *** page."

Desired Outcome

I request Sinemia reinstate my account for the remaining three months of our contract? Sooner than later since I have only used it once this cycling period which resets on the 19th of each month.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia took my annual payment but only provides two months service. NO refund no explanation.
We paid $191 on Nov 26th 2018 to purchase Sinemia annual movie pass *** family plan which allows two people to see three movies monthly for 12 months. Since then me and my husband have seen 7 movies total and then sinemia terminated our account in the beginning of March,2019 for no reason. I have contacted them several times through emails, twitter and got no answers. There is no refund no explanation from Sinemia.
Before they terminated our account, they requested my driver license and my photo for security purpose. Now they have collected all my personal inoformation and disappeared

Desired Outcome

Please stop the robbery of innocent people.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Locked me out of my account until I provide government-issued photo ID; this was not in the terms of service when I signed up - it was added later.
I signed up for a year membership with a company called Sinemia, through which users *** buy access to a certain number of movie viewings in theaters per year. I purchased a two movie per month plan for $120 using my debit card. After my purchase, Sinemia changed their terms of service to require users to send in a picture of a government-issued ID card. Sinemia has locked me out of my account until I provide them with this ID. I am concerned that this company would sell the picture of my face coupled with birthday and address information to third parties, so I refused - but more to the point, this was not a requirement when I signed up for the service. I have contacted Sinemia's support, but in response they refer to the current terms of service. I have pointed out that these are not the same terms of service when I signed up, but I have been unable to get them to acknowledge this.

I tried to start a chargeback with my debit card company, but I was told that 120 days had passed, so there was nothing they could do.

In sum, the issue is that this company, Sinemia, is locking users out of their accounts until they upload information which may be used for identity theft.

Here is an article about this in Business Insider: ***

Here is the terms of service from when I signed up: ***

Here is the terms of service with the ID verification requirement added: *** (see in particular 27.15 - this paragraph is not present in the terms when I signed up)

They have locked me out of my account with eight months to go in the year, and they are refusing to provide any kind of refund, even though they changed the terms of service.

Desired Outcome

I would like a pro-rated refund. I am four months into my year contract with Sinemia, and I would like to be refunded for the eight months I will not be able to user their service because they changed the terms of service.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on.

I could literally pick every "issue" listed. This company has falsely advertised their services, which are hard to use and full of penalties. I recently explained that I updated my app an hour or two before going to the movies, and yet it still malfunctioned. Then I provided proof that I was there via ticket stubs, yet, this company STILL charged me penaltiesnot to mention all the hidden fees! When I reach out for support, they either don't respond or take weeks to FINALLY respond.

Desired Outcome

I want 1/2 my money back since I have only BEEN ABLE to use half of the service!

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 02.08.2019. You should check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. However, the fee you were charged got waived as a gesture of goodwill and your ticketing feature re-enabled. Thanks.

Customer Response • Apr 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
While I appreciate them finally responding, I have missed the opportunity to use the services for some time. The movie tickets that I would have had available to me for the remainder of February, along with March April and soon May, are all of those still available?

Canceled my account (pre-paid for one year) even though I did not violate the agreement, and will not discuss why they did so.
Sinemia canceled my account without notice. I have more than half of the term left and pre-paid in advance for the year service. When I asked why, the response from customer service was that it was done automatically and that they do not know and cannot access the reason. I did not commit fraud. I did not violate the terms of the agreement. Sinemia says it will issue me a refund but proposes to calculate it based on the full theater ticket price of movies I have seen with Sinemia, instead of based on the monthly amount I paid Sinemia for all the unused months that still remain on the agreement. Note that the calculation of the amount of refund is not covered by the contract terms.

Desired Outcome

I want Sinemia to re-activate my account, and to give me credit for all the days my account has been down and I thus have not been able to use the service.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did not commit any fraud. The three friends of mine who also had Sinemia accounts also had their accounts canceled. They also did not commit fraud. I applied for a refund months ago but have not received any money. In any event, the refund offered is completely inadequate. Sinemia's Customer Service does not respond, but only gives canned electronic answers saying that the system acted 'automatically' and that they do not have access to information about the fraudulent actions they are asserting the customer committed. There is no means of speaking with an actual person in Customer Support. Sinemia's response to this complaint is similarly worthless it offer no facts to support its action. This company defrauded me and my friends. I find it outrageous that it purports to conduct business this way.
Based on my and my friends' experiences, I believe that Sinemia likely is automatically canceling the accounts of all people who forgot even once to check into a movie. It is calling this fraud but a simple review Sinemia's own contract terms shows that it does not meet their definition of fraud and is not a basis for cancelation. Sinemia is violating its own contract terms. The customer's failure to check in most often is a simple oversight by the customer or is due to a technical glitch. In fact, when it happens, Sinemia locks the customer's account and then charges them the full movie price to unlock their account. Unless the customer pays, they cannot hope to use all the other months left on their pre-paid year agreement. Sinemia also counts that movie against their monthly allotment. Thus, Sinemia knew of the conduct and allowed the account to remain open after charging a penalty. But now, even after collecting the penalty, Sinemia is going back and using that same conduct to cancel the customer's account.

My prepaid account was shut down prematurely without explanation. There has also been no offer of refund for unused services.
On October 31st, 2018 I paid Sinemia $251.88 for one year of services. On March 8th I discovered that my account had been shut down for "...examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service." Upon contacting a representative to explain that I had not knowingly violated any terms, and to find out what terms were violated, the representative told me "we do not have the authorization to access that information." I requested usage history and information regarding the possibility of refund via a form on the Sinemia website, but have yet to hear anything from the company. I maintain that I in no way violated any terms of services, and yet my account has been unjustly closed with no offer of refund for the 8 months of prepaid, unused services.

Desired Outcome

Because my account was unjustly terminated, I would like a full refund of $251.88.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
No information has been offered by Sinemia to explain how I violated their terms of service, or what fraudulent activity there was on my account. Because of this, the termination of my prepaid service is therefore illegal. I demand a full refund and reject any offer of Sinemia that is less than $251.88.

Change subscription rules in between the contract without communication. Also cancel subscription for no reason
they keep changing subscription rules (many a time that means adding cost to user) without any communication and when you ask questions, you do not get any good response except that this is the new rule and deal with it. No phone number for customer service so have to rely on email back and forth and try to decipher their lousy response. finally, they *** cancel your subscription whenever they want without any specific reason or communication and you cannot do anything since this was somewhere in their 20 page long "USER AGREEMENT"

Desired Outcome

refund the entire subscription amount since you terminated the subscription for no reason.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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