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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Zero customer service and support; yet they charge you misuse fees with no warning.
I purchased a family plan membership on 2/15/19 as part of their Valentine's special. We used our first movie pass/ tickets Sunday 2/17/19 and I was notified on Monday of a misuse fee charge of $49.16 and being "locked" from my account until I pay my fees. I was charged the above mentioned fees due to not checking in at the movie theatre we attended on 2/17/18.
Since then, I have written numerous (6) emails to customer support with no reply (they send an auto reply stating the will contact you in 24hrs and never do). I even reached out on their social media app Twitter to see if I could get help. They immediately read my post and asked for me to send a DM to discuss the matter and I never heard anything more from them. But, fellow consumers stating they are dealing with the same problem!
In regard to my failure to "check in". It was my first time use and even though I utilized the App I was not prompted (I had to download Atom, and AMC to actually proceed with securing tickets and avoid all the extra fees they kept trying to charge me at that time)
Then when you try to read and or educate yourself on the "checking in process" it's only from other users I have learned about what I am to do. The company does not provide education on this step. Their FAQ- one question on having trouble checking in and their reply says "we are currently working on it" yet they will charge you a misuse fee with ZERO customer support. The terms and policy (which I read) speaks of the check in process as a part fees that can be accessed after "GROSS" misuse. I ask you, is My first time using the service deemed gross misuse, even after a month of trying to contact the company with no success? The option I was given when I purchased our family plan was to pre-pay for 1 year.
I feel trapped using this product due to the lack of customer service and the hundreds of complaints regarding check in problems and being accessed fees and locked accounts. At this time I am looking at paying $300 for a family of 4 for one movie due to their fees and HIDDEN fees (I.e to use you have to purchase a card-less feature (they don't even send cards out anymore so it should be free?!, processing fees, convenience fees, and mis use fees if appropriate). Only communication - NONE. They don't provide a phone number or fax. Only email with no follow up.

I have simply asked for them to forgive the misuse fee $49.16, as they didn't provide any education on checking in their steps for acquiring the tickets, in their FAQ, or policies. As a first time buyer/ user it's common curtesy and good business, however, it's also good business to actually respond to customers. I'm more upset at this time to have invested in a product that if I can't check in because as their sites says "we are working on it" I will be charged for their error with no way to communicate to them. You took my gift to my family and ruined it by being greedy and shady. By far the saddest part.

I know I'm not alone and this is a case of "buyer beware". Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Desired Outcome

I have simply asked for them to waive the misuse fee $49.16 as they didn't provide any education on checking in their steps for acquiring the tickets, in their FAQ, or policies. As a first time buyer/ user it's common curtesy and good business, however, it's also good business to actually respond to customers. I'm more upset at this time to have invested in a product that if I can't check in because as their sites says "we are working on it" I will be charged for their error with no way to communicate to them. You took my gift to my family and ruined it by being greedy and shady. By far the saddest part.

Sinemia Response • Mar 31, 2019

Hi. As stated on the terms & conditions, you should check-iin each time you use Sinemia service to avoid these charges or account termination. Also, upon checking our system, we see that the misuse fee you were charged has been waived as a gesture of goodwill and your ticketing feature got re-enabled.

Sinemia is now requiring two forms of government issued ID in order to continue using this service. This was not in the original agreement.
I joined Sinemia December 7 2018. I paid $191.88 to them for two people to see three movies per month for a year. Today, March 10 2019, I went in to my Sinemia account and I got a notice that I will not be able to use the service anymore unless I upload to forms of government ID plus a picture of myself holding the ID. This seems very unnecessary. No other business requires this and it seems an invasion of privacy. As well as possible identity theft.

Desired Outcome

I would ask the resolution to quit asking for ID in order to use this service. Otherwise a partial refund for March 2019 to December 2019.

Sinemia Response • Mar 31, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on.

Customer Response • Apr 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Have problem with application, customer service, terms and conditions, extra fees, and refund.
On Febuary 23, 2019 I went to see a movie and received and error said,"Check email". I checked email and there was no notification. I checked my sinemia account and it posted that government id is required to use the service. I emailed sinemia to ask for question and to resolve the problem.-Emailed due to no phone number given- I received no response from customer service. Four days later I emailed again and did not receive a response as a result I kept emailing them. Finally I got a response said,"Nonrefundable". At this point I just want my refund for the remaining months because Sinemia application is hard to use, customer service does not reply until I spam Sinemia, extra fees charged to my credit until I got a physical card, and frequently change of terms and conditions.
After a week later they somehow turned on ticketing feature. I started to go see a movie again. Then March 9, this government id requirement popped up again. So I could not use it when I went to see a movie. Again no email notification, I only found out as I was at the theater and about to see a movie. I do not agree with this government ID requirement because Sinemia did not require when I signed up. And it was not in my terms and conditions when I signed up. Sinemia posted and modified terms and conditions as they see fit. Also all these hidden fees was not in the terms and conditions. Sinemia is a scam, has unethical business practice, and pushes customers away because they use the service as it intended. I would not recommend Sinemia to my worst enemy.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking to refund of my remaining months because I am not using it as a result of government id requirement that I am not agreeing. Also if it is possible my physical purchased because I am not using it, just bought it within 2 or 3 weeks until this government id bs. Also my time and efforts, which is priceless. Sinemia you wasted too much of my time, even this report is wasting my time.

Sinemia Response • Mar 31, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. Also, since you disputed the plan charge, we are unable to provide further assistance. In order for us to take the necessary actions, we need you to send us either the letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter. Thanks.

Customer Response • Apr 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
After so many emails and complaints Sinemia finally is writing a new response. I am not satisfying with Sinemia response because it does not answer or take action regarding my refund. Thank you.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you requested a chargeback. In order for us to take the necessary actions, we need you to send us either the letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter which provided by your bank. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 23, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

This company will end up facing a class action lawsuit. The laws are clear when it comes to false advertising and misleading emails about fees. They will charge you for the plan you want and then will tell you after you are charged that you have to wait 2 weeks to use the service, OR pay $10 to use it right away. Their claims would be legal if they have an "*" and explained in fine print their practices they would be good, but this is intentional deception. Start the lawsuit folks, there is a massive amount of people impacted here.

-I hate Sinemia. I signed up for a 1 year subscription and after four months, they allege I violated a term of the agreement without specifying what I did wrong (I haven't violated their terms) and unilaterally terminated my membership. I have repeatedly demanded to know what exactly I could have done wrong but they refuse to answer my simple question.
-I suspect they terminated my membership because I paid $8.99 a month in advanced for a one year membership and I go to the movies often and maybe I am costing them too much in comparison to a person who does't go to the movies so much.
-Another thing that is bothering me, after they terminated my membership. They didn't automatically offer me my money back for the unused 8 months of my subscription. I had to request my money back and to this day, I still have not stated they are returning my money.
-Sinemia's customer service sucks! They make it nearly impossible to talk to anyone or even find their service number. To this day, I have been unable to actually speak with anyone.
-The system that they have in place to buy tickets is really bad. There are so many steps that you have to follow and then they charge you $1.80 on their side for every ticket that you buy and then another $1.35 from the website that you purchased from.
-Please save yourself a lot of headaches and use another subscription service.
-PS. I would have given Sinemia a 0.0 star rating or maybe a half star rating but it was not possible.

Bait and switch after starting account and terminated for no reason, Zero customer service response to numerous emails with no explanation for termination and no offer to refund. This company is committing fraud on a large scale. This same thing is happening to a lot of people according to Facebook and Reddit posts.

Sinemia arbitrarily terminated account without being in violation of the ToC while not providing a fair refund for the annual subscription I purchased
I purchased a Sinemia movie a day plan and paid for it annually with my credit card. After less than 4 months of use Sinemia terminated my account that was in good standing, and without any ToC violations. This was agreed upon in the ToC when I subscribed to the service that they can do this.

What was not agreed upon was that they would retroactively force me to pay full price for the tickets I acquired using their service over the course of my plan. This was not outlined in the ToC or ever mentioned in any materials during subscription or use of the service. They have taken it upon themselves to add up the full price cost of every movie ticket I have used and take that amount out of the cost of the subscription and give back whatever is remaining. Essentially forcing me to pay full price for movies I would not have seen had I not had the Sinemia subscription.

Had they simply cancelled my account and refunded me the difference between the termination date and the end of my subscription like any reasonable company would have done there would be no problem.

My wifes account was also terminated in the same way, along with many others who have expressed their discontent online. Sinemia has essentially scammed my wife and I out of $719 by falsely advertising 'a movie a day for $29.99 a month' and then a few months down the road forcing us to pay full price for movies we would not have seen without the subscription.

The way they did this is nothing short of predatory in nature.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund retroactive to when i signed up for the service. I paid for my service on 10/25/2018, my service was terminated on 3/7/2019. My service cost me $377. I was able to use my service for 133 days of 365 days. Thats 36% of a year, so they owe me 64% of my remaining subscription or $241. These numbers are based on the real dates but they should fairly calculate the amount based on their own records of when my subscription started, should have ended, and was terminated.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. Sinemai provides refunds for the terminated accounts even though there is a fraud action and Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at ***

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I got an e-mail saying my ID was successfully verified. My account was in good standing. I have photographic proof of me checking in to all of my movies via a selphy with your own app. You have no grounds for anything to do with fraud.

I requested a refund through your link to see what offer you had. Through your companies own accounting you determined I am not eligible for any type of compensation. This was determined based on tickets I had purchased through the service in a PREVIOUS monthly subscriptions that had already ended. You then used those tickets from the ended and finalized service contracts and applied them to the annual service contract I had outstanding. This is illegal. You cannot go back to previous service contracts and penalize them once they are closed. Your company is committing fraud and I have hard evidence of this. This is on top of the fact you have no grounds to call my account fraudulent, especially since you sent me an e-mail stating that you had successfully verified my ID after the account was already terminated.

My next steps should we not be able to resolve this will be to take this information public. At my current accounting you have stolen over $700 from my wife and I. I don't know if you know this, but theft is not legal in Canada.

Customer Response • Apr 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did not request a refund from Sinemia, you terminated my account without cause. You then incorrectly added up the reimbursement you owe me based off a system that is not outlined in any terms or conditions that I agreed to. You also included closed contracts from previous plans that had already concluded in your calculation in an attempt to make it appear as if you owed me nothing. This is fraudulent, illegal, and against Canadian consumer laws.

It is not legal to sell me a service, take my money, and then refuse to refund the difference when you cancel said service on your own accord with no cause. What you did is illegal.

Had I not subscribed to your service I would have never gone and seen those movies, I only did it because I wanted to take advantage of the service you had sold me in goof faith.

It is obvious you know little about Canadian law, but selling your services here ties you to our court system. I trust you will brush up before your day in court.

A warning to everyone thinking of joining this service, it is nothing but a scam. They will offer you movie tickets at a discounted price, but as soon as the total retail amount of the movie tickets you consume come closed to the amount you paid for the service, they will terminate your account. They will then not refund you any money and claim their automated fraud detection terminated your account and there is nothing they can do. They have done this to hundreds of people. You will wind up seeing movies you otherwise would not have gone to see, pay full retail price for them, and Sinemia will keep the difference.

If you purchase their service but do not use it to its full potential, you could have saved more money by simply paying for your tickets retail. Sinemia also tacks on an additional $1.50 charge per movie that you do not have to pay if you simply buy the ticket retail.

This service is nothing but a ponzi scam, backed by a company that things because they are based overseas they are immune to the laws of the countries they sell their service.

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit for further information

Sinemia offered a service, charged an annual membership for it then later changed their ToS and eventually cancelled my account under false pretenses
I signed up for Sinemia in September of 2018, paying their annual membership fee of $119.88. Over the next few months they proceeded to change their terms of service; including requiring scans of a photo ID as well as adding extra fees.
As of today, March 7th 2019, Sinemia then went on to cancel my membership. I have reached out to try and find why my membership was terminated but they will not provide specific reasons or evidence as to why my account was terminated and they will not offer a refund. The generic message I received after finding out my account was closed said I may be eligible for a partial refund. But I have filled out the form they requested and have not heard anything from them.

Desired Outcome

I am looking for a full refund from this service of the full 119.99 fee I paid when I signed up.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. Sinemia provides refund for the terminated account even though there is a fraud action and Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at ***

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia claims my account was terminated due to fraud, yet they provide no specific examples. They only listed a few examples of what could cause an account to be terminated. They provided no proof of fraud because there was none. My account was working fine, I made sure to check my status before attempting to purchase a movie ticket. My account was only terminated once I tried to use their service.
Additionally, they claim users can get a refund but when I tried to get one, Sinemia responded saying I am ineligible for a refund, again, providing no reason as to why.
They claim I cannot get a refund because their service is non-refundable, as agreed to in their Terms of Service. However, they have violated their own Terms of Service with their numerous changes of pricing and fees within a subscription cycle, as well as cancelling accounts without any prior notice to infractions. Therefore, I should be eligible for a full refund and will not accept anything less.

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at *** to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit *** for further information

I subscribed to Sinemia's movie membership for one year with my plan starting in November and was illegitimately terminated from service.
I subscribed to Sinemia's 3 movie per month service in November and was terminated without notice (along with many others, it's popping up online) for vaguely terminated. I wasn't even notified that the account was being terminated or that I may have violated a term of the service, which I know that I did not. When I went to use the service on the app, I was directed a log online to see a notice, which in part said "Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated." And goes on to list some potential reasons. Both me and my girlfriend were terminated and not once did we violate a term of the service. They have no way of reaching someone other than sending an email. They couldn't reply and give me a reason why and were unwilling to do anything about this. The exchange of emails can be found here.

Desired Outcome

I want my service reinstated for the remaining period of my original subscription as well as for my girlfriend who was terminated as well, which I emailed them about very clearly.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. Sinemia provides refunds for the terminated account eventhough there is a fraud action and Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 30, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept their response because it is the same canned verbiage they've sent me. Me and my girlfriend never once committed any fraudulent activity on our accounts. We only ever used our Sinemia card numbers for our allotted movies per month and always checked in for the movies we saw. Sinemia was just kicking out people who were using their full 3 movies a month.

Sinemia Movie Subscriptions Service cancelled my annual account with them due to "suspected fraudulent" activity on my part.
I have a complaint regarding Sinemia Movie Subscription Service. On November 26, 2018 I paid via my Capital One credit card $335.88 for a movie plan that consisted of movie tickets on the "Family Plan" for 4 adults to see one move three times a month. I also paid a fee of $9.99 on 11/26/18 in order to use the plan via on-line ticketing agencies (Fandango, Atom movie tickets, etc.). On 12/1/18 I paid a fee of $59.96 to obtain a debit card from Sinemia which would enable me to purchase tickets directly at theatres via the Sinemia subcription service which would add the cost of the tickets on the debit card after I requested them via the app. Having the card enabled subscribers to avoid paying the on-line convenience fees charged by Sinemia for each ticket. I did not get the card in the mail until almost mid February however. Sinemia claimed the card had been returned to them in the mail, yet I was never contacted. My account with Sinemia showed my correct address. It took many attempts at contacting Sinemia via Twitter. The company has no customer service phone number. Finally, I got the card in February.
I belong to a Facebook Group that follows Sinemia as well as MoviePass members who write in to review films, mention problems that they may have with Sinemia or MoviePass apps or the companies themselves. For a week now, members have been posting about being cancelled by Sinemia due to "fraudulent activity" on the part of the member. Sinemia members have been very irate and posting that the company is a scam for cancelling member left and right, especially members who have paid for annual subscriptions. The is being copied on this as well. The is, I'm sure, familiar with the company and it's shady, to say the least, business dealings.
Today, 3/7/19, I attempted to use the service via the app and was advised that my account was terminated due to "suspected fraudulent activity." I committed no fraudulent activity. I simply used the service as intended according to the company Terms of Service Agreement. I filled out a form on-line with Sinemia to get a report of my usage history and for Sinemia to advise me what "fraudulent activity" I'm suspected of having performed. Apparently I will get an email from them when they determine my "fraud."
By my calculations I should get in refund $27.00 a month fee x 9 months= $243.00 and the pro rate of the card fee $59.96 of something, seeing as I only was able to use the card twice! The company scams individuals in to paying for annual subscriptions, then charging for the debit card, then cancels subscribers who dare to actually utilize their service. By all accounts this cancelation of accounts has been happening to many, many subscribers. The company is apparently based in Turkey, so I'm not sure how the laws apply, but if they are doing business in the United States I would hope that the company must be accountable for it's fraud and the acts that it has committed against it's subscribers who have acted in good faith in purchasing a service which the company has not honored.
The notice I received on the company website noted, "Please fill in the form to get detailed usage history and apply for a refund. The refund amount will be based on the difference between your payments to Sinemia and the cost of your ticket purchases. Once calculated, you'll receive a full refund for the remaining amount."
Others in my Facebook group have commented that this is absolute fraud on the part of Sinemia and I concur. If the company is not going to honor their agreements with individual subscribers, the individual subscribers should be reimbursed for the remaining period on the annual subscription that they paid for... the monthly charge that we already paid to Sinemia with our fee. Not the "cost" of the theatre tickets at the box office. This make no sense other than the defrauding of consumers on a widespread basis that Sinemia is attempting.

Desired Outcome

By my calculations I should get in refund $27.00 a month fee x 9 months= $243.00 and the pro rate of the card fee $59.96 of something, seeing as I only was able to use the card twice! The company scams individuals in to paying for annual subscriptions, then charging for the debit card, then cancels subscribers who dare to actually utilize their service. By all accounts this cancelation of accounts has been happening to many, many subscribers. The company is apparently based in Turkey, so I'm not sure how the laws apply, but if they are doing business in the United States I would hope that the company must be accountable for it's fraud and the acts that it has committed against it's subscribers who have acted in good faith in purchasing a service which the company has not honored.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

My annual account was terminated without cause and no notification was provided.
In August of 2018 both my husband and I purchased a yearly account with Sinemia for 179.88 each. Over the past 6 months we have put up with constantly changing processes in how the service works as well as times it just has not worked at all. Recently we were told we had to go through additional identification steps and upload a picture of our drivers license and a picture of us holding our drivers license which we did although it felt a bit invasive. Today when logging into purchase tickets, we were both greeted with a note on our individual accounts letting us know our accounts had been cancelled, claiming violation of TOS. It did not specify how we violated the TOS but instead listed a few of them - none of which we have violated. No notification was sent to our email even though our emails are tied to our accounts, nor was any information shared through the phone app which is usually how we interact with their systems.

My account does not have a number that I *** find but it is aligned with my email.

In addition to the 179.88 paid for the yearly membership upfront, I have also had to pay over $20 in fees which were introduced a few months ago. Although that was annoying, I still went along with it at the time.

I agree they have the right to terminate my account if I violated TOS but in this case, I am confident I did not and skeptical that they are not even able to tell me what I did that apparently was in violation.

The fact that both my husband and I were terminated, as well as a number of others based on what I am reading online, this seems like some sort of scam where Sinemia is trying to cover up for some other ulterior motive.

Sinemia is offering a refund although the language implies that they will refund the different between what I paid them for the service and the actual cost of the movies I saw which likely means I will get none of my money back, even to accommodate for the next 6 months of service which I had already paid for!

Desired Outcome

I expect a full refund of my premium account annual subscription ($179.88) plus all of the fees that I have paid over the last 6 months ($20.60). Additionally, I expect a full refund as well for my husband's account which was also cancelled. The total requested refund is $400

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They have still not provided any details on what violation resulted in the termination of my account. They mention fraud detection specifically which is frustrating since I had just completed a very complicated and invasive proof of identity process for Sinemia.

Sinemia Response • Apr 19, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit for further information

I paid for a one year premium service. After 2 months of service they canceled my service and made of false claims about me.
I purchase a one year of premium service (I paid a total of $374.87). This service was supposed to let me see one movie per day (30 movies a month) for a year. After two months of service, the company claimed I violated the terms of their service and they cancelled my service. I have not violated their terms of service. Now they say I will be charged the cost of each movie I saw. I paid for their service to let me see more movies at a savings. They have gone back on their promise to me and are trying to charge me the actual cost of movies I saw. Their claim of fraud and violation of service is merely a tactic to try to go back on the promises they made to me. There are numerous reports on the internet that they are doing this to many of their customers.

Desired Outcome

I paid for a year of service. I want the remaining 10 months of service I paid for. They agreed to let me see movies at a discount in exchange for the money I paid them. I would never had signed up if I had thought they were going to turn this into a situation they felt I should pay full price for the movies I saw. Also, it is disturbing they think they can make up false allegations about me to attempt to justify their actions. I watched each movie and checked in at the theater like I was told to do. If there was any problem or misunderstanding then that should have been communicated to me to remedy or clarify. For them to make up vague, false allegations and then change the terms of my one year of service into a 2-month deal where I pay the cost of each movie, I saw is not acceptable. I expect them to honor the terms of my agreement with them.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. Sinemia provides refund for the terminated accounts eventhough there is a fraud action and Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There was no fraud on my part. I paid for 12 months of service. You provided only 2 months. I want a refund for 10 months of service. The only fraud that occurred was Sinemia not keeping up their end of our agreement. There are over 50 reports in the news of Sinemia closing accounts and claiming fraud without providing any details or proof of Fraud. I followed the terms of the service. It upsets me that Sinemia is falsly accusing me of fraud so that they can avoid providing the service I paid for.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Terminations are handled by the system automatically. For further information, you may visit our terms page or you can check if you are eligible for an adjusted refund through your membership page.

Did not deliver service as promised when purchased.
Purchased service in late September 2018, waited for debit card to arrive, which it never did. After purchase, Sinemia had changed the method to purchase movie tickets to an online service instead of the debit card. Online movie tickets purchase include extra fees through a 3rd party provided (i.e Fandango or such) which would not have been charged with the debit card. Began dispute with our credit card company who reached out to Sinemia for a response. Sinemia responded on the LAST possible day, leaving us 0 days to react to their response. Consequently, the charge is back on our credit card for the full year subscription. We have emailed Sinemia customer service about rectifying this issue, as since our complaint (and MANY others against this company), they have re-instituted the debit card, but with another fee attached. We requested that debit card be issued to us free of charge and reset our annual subscription date to the date of issue of the debit card. That request was made February 11, 2019 and we have not received a response. We have never used this service and now based on their abhorrent customer service, will never be able to use this service. I would like a refund for the annual subscription price I paid and have not been able to use.

Desired Outcome

This has gone on long enough, more than five months as this point, and we just want our money back. Sinemia will not respond to our emails so we would like assistance from the to get a refund.

Sinemia Response • Mar 25, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you requested a chargeback. Therefore, you are unable to log into your Sinemia account. Also, you stated that the dispute has concluded and your bank denied your request. In order for our support to re-instate your account, you need to send the conclusion letter as e-mail in PDF format. After you did, your account will be re-activated and the beginning date will be updated. However, since Sinemia is a cardless service, we are not able to provide a physical card without extra charge. The cardd may be ordered through page.

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
When I contacted Sinemia on Monday February 11, I asked for a resolution by February 25. I did not hear back from them until today, March 25, one month after my requested response time. I filed this complaint with and our state AG office on March 8 when I did not hear from Sinemia. Sinemia did not address all my concerns and still request I pay the additional fee to receive a card, the same card that was supposed to be issued for free when I signed up in September. I find their lack of response and their one month delay offer unacceptable. I will not use their service as it was not as advertised when I enrolled and paid. I want my full fee refunded.

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Again, I will not provide Sinemia with any documents again. I initiated a chargeback with my bank late last year, my card issued a provisional credit pending a reply from Sinemia. According to my credit card customer service, Sinemia waited until the LAST POSSIBLE DAY to respond. I received a letter from the credit card company giving me one week to respond. Unfortunately, I had one week to respond. I was out of the country for 20 days and it was too late when I got back. According to my credit card company rep, he has seen this multiple times with Sinemia. But since I did not (could not) respond in the time allotted, this rep suggested trying to resolve it through the and our state AG. I have not used Sinemia's service, will not ever use it, and will not log onto their website or my account. I just want the money refunded that I paid over 6 months ago for a service I have not/will not use. Do the right thing Sinemia and give me back my money.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Since you did not agree to provide the necessary documents, we will be waiting for your bank to send us the conclusion letter. After that, the necessary steps will be taken. Thank you.

Terminated my account and my mother's account claiming that are accounts were fraudulent. This is incorrect.
Both my mother and I (same address, accounts under different email addresses and names - my account is under *** and her account is under *** - Name ***) had our accounts terminated "by the system automatically."

We purchased a year in advance, 30 tickets a month, on 9/18/18. Cost for each account was $359.88 PLUS an undisclosed $2.88 per person "ATM" fee as is stated on our bill which we did not authorize. Charge went through 9/20/18.

Paid $9.99 for instant activation for both accounts. Plus another ATM fee of $.08, also undisclosed.

At the time of purchase it was understood that we could get physical cards. Contact Sinemia support via Facebook on 9/22/18. They replied on 9/25/18 and said that cardless was the only option for new customers.

11/24/18 unable to check into movie. Had to get tickets ourselves. Contact support via facebook and email on 11/24/18. Never heard anything, Sinemia never read it either. Contacted them again on 12/03/18, still nothing. Send email saying disregard previous emails on 12/08/18 as issue had been resolved. Was without service for over two weeks, that is half of a month.

Continuing to get ATM charges of $.01 during each transaction, all undisclosed, all not authorized.

All payments were made via card attached to our Sinemia account.

Contacted Sinemia for resolution on account via email, facebook, and twitter. Heard back via facebook and email. Informed that

"We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically. Unfortunately we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service.You are eligible for an adjusted refund based on the difference between what you've paid to Sinemia and your spending which also includes the cost of the tickets you have received through your Sinemia membership. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at you submit the form, you will receive your payment and spending details as soon as your report is ready. Please note that turnaround time depends on the length of your usage history."

I replied, "I submitted it Sunday and was expected to hear back within 48hours. I also want it noted that the termination was unfair, I did nothing fraudulent with my account, and expecting me to get a prorated refund based on the cost of the tickets because the system terminated my account unfairly instead of providing me a refund of the service I am unable to use (March-August) is loathsome.

Thank you for your time and I'm aware there's not much that you can do. Have a wonderful rest of your day"

Desired Outcome

I expect a full refund of March-August as we are unable to use the service to do an "automatic termination" of our account and a partial refund for the month of November/December as we were unable to use the service from 11/24/18 until 12/08/18. 12/08/18 we were finally able to get a ticket. 2 weeks equates to half a month so I would like a refund for both my mother and my accounts for those two weeks. We were only able to use the 1 year we paid for from the first movie we saw in 09/28/18 and the last movie we saw in 03/01/19. I expect a refund be 224.93 for each of our accounts for a total refund of 449.86 as well as a refund of all of the ATM fees: Break down: 359.88/12=29.99 per month. 29.99/2=15 for half of a month 29.99*7=209.93 (was only able to use service for 5 months) 209.93 + 15 (service for half a month we were unable to use)=224.93. 224.93*2(for my account and my mother's account)=449.86.

Sinemia Response • Mar 25, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 26, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The system detected incorrectly. As I have stated before, both my mother and I never did anything fraudulent on our accounts. We even complied with the request that we send in a picture of our driver's license as well as a picture of us holding our drivers licenses. I do not accept the response you provided as we have never done anything fraudulent on our accounts. You will be unable to provide documentation of the fraudulent activity because there was none. I demand a full refund of the services not used as you fraudulently terminated my account under false grounds.

Sinemia Response • Apr 16, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit for further information

Application is preventing me from booking movie tickets by telling me I need to update. I already use the latest version of the app.
Since I've updated the application with the latest version this week, when I try to book a movie ticket, I get an error message telling me I need to update the application in order to be able to use the service that I've paid for.

I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling from the Google Play Store. I'm using v.3.5.5 which is the latest version of the application, and still get this error message.

I've tried contacting Sinemia customer support on Twitter. They told me to download the original version of the app via Google Play Store, which I've already done. After that, they told me they've forwarded this issue to their tech team and I didn't had any news since then.

I am totally unable to use the service for which I've paid more than 200$ only a few weeks ago.

A lot of users are reporting on Reddit and other social media platforms that they are also unable to use the app, either because of this error message or because the list of theatres or movies simply won't load. Hundreds of users on annual plan like mine also reported that their accounts were abruptly terminated with no valid reasons. It seems Sinemia is preventing people on annual plans like me to be able to use the service they paid for.

Desired Outcome

Unblock my account so that I'm able to book tickets again and guarantee that my account will not be terminated so I could use the service that I've paid for.

Sinemia Response • Mar 25, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you were able to book a ticket on 03.20.2019. Also, our support has contacted you regarding other request of yours through e-mail.

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
As of today, April 4th, when trying to book a ticket, once again, I have the error message asking me to update the app, even if the app is already running version 3.5.13.

Once again, just before a week-end, I am unable to book a ticket.

It is the same error message that appeared one month ago and which prevented me from booking tickets.

These "bugs" seem to always happen before a busy weekend, preventing customers to be able to use the service.

I want to be able to use the service I paid for on any day, like it is supposed to be.

Sinemia Response • Apr 16, 2019

Hi. Our developing team have been informed regarding your complaint and the issue has been resolved. Thank you.

My account was canceled due to negligence on their end.
I paid the membership for the year. The company started doing a verification process on all members recently. When I was asked to confirm my identity I did by providing Sinemia with my license and another picture with me holding my license. After a short time I got an email stating that they couldn't verify my identity so I re-uploaded my picture with my license and even went a step further. I put the same picture of me without my license as my profile picture and updated all my information to make sure I was doing my part even though it wasn't a requirement. I reached out to them however they have no phone number and have horrible costumer reviews on reply's. I had informed them that my name used to be *** and is now *** due to marriage. I updated all my information so this isn't something I needed to inform them on because it's visible for them to see on my profile and that my picture matched the information I sent them. They however terminated my account and said it was due to lack of confirmation and verification. I did nothing wrong and have followed their terms respect fully.

Desired Outcome

I would like my account reactivated so I can finish out the year I paid for and no further problems with my account. My husband has had Sinemia and had enjoyed them. I had no complaints until all of this occurred. If no reinstatement will be given then I will like a refund to my remaining months. I did pay for my full year upfront.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Senimia cancel my annual membership, want to refund the amount minus ticket cost
Begin date of membership: 8/14/2018
Date terminated: 3/7/2019
Cost: $191.88 annual membership (see two movies per month for 2 people-Family plan)
Months remaining on plan: 4 months on annual membership
Amount should be refunded: $63.96
$191.88/12= 15.99 per month, 15.99 x 4= $63.96
*Sinemia notes they'll refund the balance on the subscription less the cost of tickets bought.
*I should receive prorated amount of the annual membership
*Never had a misuse fee, always checked-in, terminated for 24 hours due to not refusal to provide my driver license info but finally just submitted against my better judgement and account was activated again

Desired Outcome

Amount should be refunded: $63.96 $191.88/12= 15.99 per month, 15.99 x 4= $63.96 *Sinemia notes they'll refund the balance on the subscription less the cost of tickets bought. *I should receive prorated amount of the annual membership *Never had a misuse fee, always checked-in, terminated for 24 hours due to not refusal to provide my driver license info but finally just submitted against my better judgement and account was activated again

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Company cancelled service without warning and for no discernible reason after history of delays and inconsistent practices, making service unusable.
I purchased a year-long subscription to Sinemia's service ($9.99/month, or $119.98), which advertised that uses would be able to purchase a ticket for three regular-priced movies each month for a flat monthly fee. From the very beginning, the company began to up-charge me, first with a one-time fee to accelerate the starting process ($9.99).

A few weeks later, they began adding a fee, also never mentioned in the original agreement, of $1.80 per ticket. The poor design of their mobile app made it difficult if not impossible to "check in" to a film (theater not showing up on a list even when you were standing at its ticket counter, the film you were seeing not showing up in their app even though you'd just bought a ticket for it, so obviously, it was showing), which then incurred their "misuse fee," which was the cost of the ticket itself, billed to your credit card.

When they decided to reinstate the physical credit card system, I opted for that, as their single-use credit card number advance ticket purchase system was always unwieldy and buggy; that's another $14.99, but it came with the promise of never having to pay another $1.80 fee. Little did we know that shortly after delivering your credit card to you, Sinemia would then freeze your account until you sent in a scan of your driver's license and a photo of you holding it, to "verify your identity." After two weeks of back and forth with customer service representatives who didn't seem to be aware of what their own company was asking for, I was finally "approved" and the hold was lifted on my account. The next day, I went to purchase a ticket with my card, which I hoped would be the first of many over the next few months, as I could not imagine any more hurdles the company could think of placing in the way of successfully and legally using their product, which I had long ago paid for. Aside from the fact that their app did not let me choose a film to see, and suggested that somehow I was seeing "Teen Titans Go! To the Movies," a film that came out in 2018 and is not, to my knowledge, in any theaters, I was ready to purchase my ticket to "Fighting with My Family" when I was informed that I needed to visit the company's website for an important message. That message turned out to be that my account had been terminated.

I have never engaged in fraudulent activity, never shared my card or number with anyone else, never used it to purchase something other than a movie ticket. The only mistake I made was forgetting to check in (as the app is totally counterintuitive and for a long time had a very short check-in window, which they have since fixed, an admission that they weren't giving customers long enough to check in), but for this mistake I paid my misuse fee. I've never violated Sinemia's terms in any way, and in fact have gone out of my way to comply with a service that is capricious, poorly designed, ever-changing, and in violation of its own user agreements.

Desired Outcome

My first choice would be to reinstate my membership and let me continue to use the service as I have paid for it through the end of August, 2019. Short of that, I ask for a refund the six months (March through August) that I am being prevented from using, for $59.94.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia states in their response to my complaint that membership is terminated automatically "in case of a fraud detection," which, besides being tortured, ungrammatical English, is an excuse that gives the company unlimited leeway with zero accountability.

They do not define what type of transactions might trigger this automatic termination, and, having followed their response and downloaded my transaction history, I can see that it confirms my assertion that no fraud was committed through my account. I followed their rules to the letter, even when their process, mobile app, and website made doing this a Kafkaesque struggleyou could buy a ticket, but the credit card number they gave you wouldn't work, or they'd allow you to buy a ticket for a movie the app then claimed wasn't showing at the theater you were physically standing inand committed no fraud. The idea of committing fraud through a $9.99/month movie-watching app is so dumb it didn't even occur to me. Maybe Sinemia considers it a form of fraud to actually use the app as they advertised it, by buying three tickets a month to movies you want to see. The only fraud I experienced was in Sinemia's false advertising, endless up-charges and surprise fees, and the capper: cancelling my membership just after I paid them another $15 for the right to use a physical credit card to finally get around the unannounced $1.80 fee they dishonestly tacked on to every purchase. I can't wait for the class-action lawsuit against these fraudsters.

Customer Response • Apr 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is the same response the company provided, and I rejected, once before.

As is made clear in this (***) lengthy interview with the company's CEO, Sinemia is routinely and without cause terminating the memberships of its subscribers under the false pretext of "fraud," and it sounds like everyone at the company, from the CEO down, is doing their best to avoid admitting what's happening. The customer service representatives, and those answering these complaints, have obviously learned the party line from ***, who demonstrates himself to be a champion denier of reality.

I do not accept this response from the company, and I look forward to the inevitable investigations into Sinemia's practices. I guess I agree with the company on one thing: my membership, and those of thousands of others, was terminated, and fraud was involved. We just disagree on who committed it.

Sinemia Response • Apr 16, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at *** to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit *** for further information

Unable to use the service as promised. Now they say I have violated their terms.
I have not been able to access and use the 3 sets of tickets per month that is promised in the contract. There is always some issue that prevents me from using the full service, typically, their CC will not work to purchase the tickets. Now they have canceled my account without any explanation except to say that I have violated their terms.

Desired Outcome

Reinstate my account and allow me full access each month as peer the terms.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

They state that the member can waive convenience fees if the site we use to does not collect; but their app doesn't permit entering zero conf. fees
Sinemia is involved in fraudulent and non-transparent biz practices. They state that the member can book tickets waiving convenience fees if the site we are permitted to go to does not collect such fees. But the Sinemia app doesn't let the member enter a fee less than $0.90. In effect, even though there is no convenience fee I need to pay, Sinemia collect 90 cents per person additionally. As an technical person, I know such inputs can be validated to conform to what is agreed upon, but this practice looks intentional on part of Sinemia.

Desired Outcome

Fix the practice and refund the monies to all customers who incurred such fees

Sinemia Response • Mar 25, 2019

Hi. As stated in the terms and conditions, the advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets. The online transaction fees can be waived by purchasing ticket with a Sinemia physical card. Also, the can be ordered through page.

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Please read the question and concern properly before responding with a stock answer. I said that the online site DID NOT charge processing fee and waived it due to a promotion. But you still charged $0.90 per ticket. your system did not accept a zero dollar fee. If you cannot address this question properly, it will be proof that you do not intend to and want to continue with a unfair business practice - a good case for a lawsuit.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Our support has reached you regarding the mentioned issue. We will be waiting for your response. Thank you.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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