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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Sinemia cancelled my membership claiming I viloated their Terms of Service yet refuse to provide me with an exact example of how I did that.
I have been a meber for months and have endured many of their terrible practices. All of a sudden they cancel my memebrship with no warning and without a detailed reason why. They just say I violated Terms of Service. They will not tell me anything more than that and say they cannot access that information.

Desired Outcome

I would like them to explain the EXACT ways I violated their terms of service, give me full refund of all charges, or reinstate my service.

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

I bought a year long subscription for 3 movies a month for a year. I was suddenly terminated due to "violating terms" and my money not refunded.
I have not violated any terms of service. My account is linked my email ***. Large amounts of people on social media have had the same thing happen to them even though they too claim they have not violated Sinemia's terms.

Desired Outcome

I want to have the rest of my year subscription back or I want all my money back. I agreed to a year with the company and if they can't give me a year then they should pay me back fully.

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have done nothing wrong and I requested my usage history multiple times. Sinemia has ignored me when I asked them to substantiate their claims that I have broken the terms of my agreement. I and many others online have been wrongfully terminated and then ignored.

Customer Response • Mar 21, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Your explanation means nothing. Substantiate your claims by pinpointing exactly what I did in my history to get terminated.

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at *** to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit *** for further information

Sinemia canceled my account without warning and without explanation.
I signed up for the unlimited plan on 10/14/18 (1 movie a day/30 per month) and paid in full in advance (approx. $360). On 3/2/19, they wrongfully terminated my account. I didn't receive an email notification. I attempted to reserve a ticket through the app on my phone, and during the final step I received an error message advising me to check my account on their website. My online account stated that my account was terminated due to violating one of their terms, but they did not state which. In order to find out, I had to order my usage history but there was no timeframe provided in which I'd receive this information. I contacted them on Twitter on 3/2/19, but only received the same generic response; they would not disclose the reason I was terminated. I still have not received an explanation nor a refund for the unused months they are unwilling to provide. I did not violate any of their terms and was always careful to follow the rules. It appears they may have run out of funds to continue the company so they are erroneously canceling accounts.

Desired Outcome

I want them to reactivate my service through 10/14/19, or provide a prorated refund for the amount of service not used due to them being unwilling to render service (approx. $224).

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Mar 14, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have requested my usage history twice on the membership website and never received it. I've also requested details through customer service on Twitter and they redirect me to the general list of possible violations on your website. You're terminating accounts falsely and not providing refunds when due!

Sinemia Response • Mar 21, 2019

Hi. Once you submit the form, you will receive your payment and spending details as soon as your report is ready. Please note that turnaround time depends on the length of your usage history.

After signing up for a 1 year contract at a specified cost the company add fees hiking the cost without any recourse.
After signing up for a 1 year contract the company unilaterally implemented $1.80 per ticket processing fees. Then most recently they changed the app so that even if a third party ticketing service does not charge convenience fees they either require you to pay them $0.90 per ticket or use another service that costs $1.50 or more. All these fees add up to the point it is no longer cost effective and the ticketing process is so labored that it is ridiculous. I want them to stop charging fees and refund them or let me out of this stupid contract that they keep changing the terms.

Desired Outcome

Refund fees paid. Stop charging fees. Change the app back to the ability to use third parties without convenience fees.

Sinemia Response • Mar 12, 2019

Hi. As stated in the terms and conditions, The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets. However, if you would like to avoid online transaction fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through www.*** page.

Customer Response • Mar 12, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
there were no convenience fees when I joined. They added them later. This was only one of several issues including the recent change requiring that only services charging processing fees are usable on the app...all others give error messages so I can either pay fees or not use the app and lose the movies I have paid for. I have yet to receive an email response to any issues I am having with the app and I have sent several.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Mar 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They terminated my contract (which is great) but did it alleging I had fraudulent activity on my account which I clearly did not...they can't even be honest about why they are terminating the contract which is because I have complained and wanted out. Problem is when they went to refund the balance due they didn't pro-rate the months at $8.99 per month (I used 3 months). Instead they used the total I paid and then subtracted their cost of each movie and also every convenience fee I incurred EVEN THOUGH THEY HAD ALREADY CHARGED MY CREDIT CARD FOR EACH OF THE CONVENIENCE FEES AS THEY HAPPENED. More fraud on their part. They owe me more money on the refund but I am THRILLED to be out of their contract.

I bought the annual unlimited plan and used the service appropriately, but was dropped and will now be charged for all movies purchased.
I bought the annual unlimited plan and used the service appropriately, but was dropped without a chance to defend myself. I believe that I was dropped because I used the service too much, but again, I bought the unlimited plan so I bought the right to use it as much as I wanted.

It is false advertisement to provide an unlimited movie plan, but then to drop people if they use the plan.

Additionally, I and will now be charged for all movies purchased. Again, this was not the agreed upon conditions of purchase. If I will be unfairly dropped, then I would like a refund of the remaining months of my annual plan.

Also, many people are reporting the same issues. Indicating that this company is targeting certain users and dropping them. I believe they are doing this to people who are using the plan the most, even though the conditions of purchase allow people to see unlimited number of movies.

I would like a full refund of my annual membership, or at least a refund of the remainder months of the membership.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund of my annual membership, or at least a refund of the remainder months of my the membership.

Sinemia Response • Mar 12, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 12, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
That is not a satisfactory response at all. They claim fraud, but have offered no proof. I paid for a year's subscription that entitled me to one movie ticket per day, and I actually utilized far less than that. My assumption is that I used it too often for their taste since their entire business model is built on the "gym membership" premise, whereby they assume more people will sign up, then actually use the service. I, on the other hand, am an avid movie buff and also fiscally responsible, so I jumped at the chance to get discount on movie tickets. I always found going to the theater to be one of life's simple pleasures. All I am guilty of is liking movies and attempting to use the service they promised me. If they can tell me what terms I violated,or in what way I committed fraud, then sure, I'll go away. But until then, I would like a refund of the 9 months of service that I already paid for, and was abruptly denied. This company is fraudulent and I hope no other users get scammed in the way I have.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Terminations are handled by the system automatically. For further information, you may visit our terms page or you can check if you are eligible for an adjusted refund through your membership page.

Customer Response • Apr 23, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They still have not given any explanation. Just that it is handled automatically. I will refuse to accept their response unless they get an actual person to talk to me. If you look at their last two responses it is the same automated message with slightly different wording. This is no way to treat paying customers and I hope this complaint will help others from being defrauded the way I have. All I wanted was to get a refund for the 9 months of service I payed for, and they denied me that, somehow offering $40 as a refund? Which is some pretty fuzzy math. So I'm not sure what else they want from me. If they want to continue to hide behind automated responses and computer algorithms, then there is no way I will accept that.

Company advertised one price and required full 12 month payment upfront. Then charged unannounced fees.Later cancelled membership without just cause.
Many issues with this company.
1- Agreed to a card based service offering a total of 8 movie tickets per month for 12 months for $31 a month.
Cards were never sent, forcing me to book online and incur two sets of service fees per useage, causing me to pay roughly $34 per month in addition to the agreed upon and advertised plan purchased. This more than doubled my costs. Eventually physical cards were made available, but for a $60 fee. In original sales agreement cards were to be provided for free.

2- Company did not provide service as agreed- often having payment methods that faild and resulted in failure to view movies that were pre-purcahsed.

3- Customer service is 100% unresponsive to Email. Attempts to contact them often result in auto-reject of Emails due to full inboxes at the company.

4.- My plans required me to "check in" when at the theatre using my plan. I did not check into one movie. There was record breaking snow in Seattle and my car was stuck in the snow, I couldn't get to the movie. I tried to reach the company to let them know in advance, but again, 0 customer service availability.

I was informed that I needed to pay a $48 misuse fee for not checking in or else I 'd have my membership canceled. I paid the fee within hours of receiving the communication. Vendor canceled my contract despite this. I now have 6 months worth of prepaid movie tickets that I won't be able to use.

Company remains non-responsive to my multiple attempts at customer service resolution on this and many other issues over the past six months.

Desired Outcome

I'd like a refund of the $48 misuse fee, since I was promised that paying it would result in ongoing service, and my account was canceled despite payment. I'd also like a refund of $148.50 for the six months of plan that I will be unable to use. I'd also like a refund of all service fees and charges that I was billed that were outside of my agreed upon contract at time of purchase. There was no way to avoid paying fees in this contract- and those fees were never disclosed prior to purchase. It is my belief that there should be an appeals process so that this doesn't happen to others. Acts of nature that prevent attending a movie should not be cause for termination.

Sinemia Response • Mar 12, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 02.12.2019. You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges. Also, the system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 12, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
As mentioned in my original complaint- I attempted to let Sinemia know in advance of my missed check-in that I would not be able to attend the movie. However, they're 100% unresponsive to their customers.

I would not have missed the checkin or been accused of fraud OR misuse if they had been responsive. If they had provided any form of customer service, either on the day of the event or in the month since, I would not have violated ANY rules, I would not have had my account terminated, and I would NOT have been charged a misuse fee at all.

An act of God such as the worst snowstorm in 70 years shouldn't cost someone a membership.

Additionally, I was told that paying the misuse fee would result in my account remaining open. It was closed anyway. So Sinemia first lied to me, and is continuing to lie in this complaint form.

Finally, I have submitted 4 customer service requests to Sinemia on this matter, including the request usage that they mention in their reply already. These requests have spanned the last MONTH.

NONE of these attempts at communication have been acknowledged. None of these requests for service have been responded to. I have received no refund and my account remains terminated, despite my doing EVERYTHING and more that the vendor demanded.

I still want my membership fee back, or my membership reinstated with an additional month of credit added, since your failure to communicate caused me to miss a month of usage.
I still want the misuse fee refunded, as I do not believe I should have ever been charged it in the first place.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. We are unable to provide further details regarding the matter. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
My position has been and continues to be that this is unacceptable.

The ONLY reason your automated system detected fraud is because you fail to respond to customers.

I actively tried to let you know that I needed to cancel due to an Act of God (worst snow storm in 70 years) and there is no way to do this.

The exchange here with notates that there was, indeed, no fraud. It is bad business practices to realize that your system made a mistake and refuse to correct it.

You could simply reactivate my account for the remaining 6 months of my contract, refund the misuse fee that I shouldn't have been charged, and we'd be fine here.

I was terminated due to a false alarm on the part of your automated system, and even then, only AFTER you charged me a "blackmail" fee. The notice from Sinemia literally said if I didn't pay the misuse fee that you'd terminate my account. I paid it, even though I shouldnt have had to, and you terminated my account anyway.

If misuse AUTOMATICALLY terminates a membership, then why was I lied to and charged a fee in the first place? I should have been terminated and not given the opportunity to "save my account" through extortion.

What you did was extortion. It's fraud, and it's a scam.

I have indeed requested a refund, which was also denied. I purchased 12 months of discounted movie tickets, and your accounting department charged me at full price (PLUS all of those fees that you never disclosed before I became a member) to say that I had exhausted my paid balance. I never agreed to those fees and my account was never intended to pay full price for tickets. This is, again, skewing the truth to lie and misleed customers.

I would still like a refund for the 6 months of plan that I purcahsed and you are refusing to rpovide me with. I would also like a refund of the extortion "misuse fee" that you lied about. I would also like a refund of all of those fees that were never disclosed prior to my joining in the first place - but I'm also part of the class action lawsuit against you to recover those fees.

I will settle for having my account turned back on for the remaining 6 months of my contract.

I did NOTHING wrong here. A blip in YOUR automated system, paired with YOUR non-existant customer service are to blame, and that should not impact me financially.

Sinemia terminated my account without any warning me and by accusing me being a fraud without any valid evidence.
My membership account which was paid with full price for yearly has been terminated today for the possible following reasons.

-Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity

-The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse

-Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse

-Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases

I contacted them several times explaining I did not do any of those and they have to show me a valid evidence since they are accusing me with being a fraud. They replied me it is their automated system doing that and since they do not have any control over their own system they cannot provide any further details as they do not have access to such information.

I did not commit any of the actions and so my account terminated wrongfully.

Desired Outcome

I request immediate re-activation of my account unless they can prove any of their accusations with valid evidence.

Sinemia Response • Mar 12, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Money charging every month even after paid full for Year
I have been paid total full amount for annual plan for sinemai one movie day per two people. First month plan renew date shown as FEB -2020. Then all of sudden this changed to month to month renewal for the amount of $11.88. Feb-2019 month amount already charged. Which mean charging again after paying total annual amount. I have been sent couple emails and contacted in facebook as well but I didn't get any response from sinemia. Sinemia has very poor customer service.

Details about my Account


Desired Outcome

Expecting reinstate my annual plan as it is. Stop charging month to month renew and charging $11.88. Expecting refund as you charged extra as of now

Sinemia Response • Mar 12, 2019

Hi. When we check your account, we see that you have purchased two Sinemia plans and both of the plans are monthly. If you would like, you may purchase an annual plan through www.***.

Customer Response • Mar 12, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia not providing my transaction details. They are simply telling generic answer. I have a proof for purchase of annual plan subscription. Please check below transaction to prove my annual plan subscription

01/10/2019 Debit Purchase -visa 01/08 card *** Www.*** $47.97.

Then again charged for monthly bases, Please check below transaction

02/25/2019 Debit Purchase -visa 02/21 card *** Www.*** $11.88

Expecting explanation of above transactions.

Initially my account shown as annual renew date then all of suddenly they changed to monthly and started charing.

Why they are not keeping all this transactions information on their website and why they are not responding when contacted through their customer service

Expecting full information about my sinemia account with all transactions.

Again they are suggesting me to buy a new annual plan. I am completely dissatisfied with this sinemia service.

I have all proof to show and prove my transactions.

Note: I bought only one plan i.e 1 movie days/per month (for two).
Even for the above plan rate is $4.99 but they are charging me for $11.88.

I need justice on these. Please look forward help to escalate this case to another level

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. The reason of the charge is that if a person purchase a monthly plan for the first time, they get charged initiation fee. This is a one time charge as long as you renew your plan in 30 days. Thanks.

Customer Response • Mar 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia people are intentional making me as fool. I have posted the transactions which have been deducted for sinemia subscription and expecting information about that transactions not a simple answers.

Then, explain the below transaction

01/10/2019 Debit Purchase -visa 01/08 card *** Www.*** $47.97

why you deducted $47.97 on 01/10 instead of $11.88?

Give the proper reason. Why you are not talking about above transaction amount.

Why your organization not provide customer support?

Every time just sending same message as your's is monthly plan. Do you think am I mad.

I am not going to leave you until I get justice.

The Sinemia app gave me information which would not process for ticket payment, and I'm seeking reimbursement for tickets I had to buy.
Sinemia's product is to pay them a fee, and then be able to buy greatly discounted movie tickets. I have a plan which allows for 3 movies a month, as does my girlfriend, *** (*** in Sinemia's records). On 12/16/18, we both tried to use our accounts to purchase tickets, but neither account's payment information was accepted as valid. Sinemia's customer service is only accessible via email at ***, so I immediately emailed for assistance but got no response. I then purchased both of our tickets and emailed evidence of that to Sinemia in order to receive reimbursement for their app's failure. Neither *** nor I were over our alloted movie limit, and we had both paid for the month of December, so the service should have worked. Sinemia has not responded to my initial email from 12/16/18, nor have they responded to follow up emails on 12/26/18 and 2/2/19. I would like reimbursement for the two tickets we had to buy.

Desired Outcome

Repayment for the $36 we had to spend because their system did not work.

Sinemia Response • Mar 12, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your and *** account, we see that both of you created an advance ticket on 16.12.2018 but since there were not purchasing attempts, both of the advance tickets have been cancelled. However, as a gesture of goodwill, +1 movie days have been added to both of your accounts. The movie days can be used until the end of your current monthly plan.

Customer Response • Mar 12, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not accept because there were in fact multiple purchase attempts with each card, and after each attempt we were told that the payment could not be validated. Also, the offer of an extra movie on this month's cycle is at most a $4 total value, when the total cost was $36. I have also responded to Sinemia's customer service that I do not find this reimbursement to be acceptable. They have claimed that they are unable to reimburse out of pocket expenses, which I find extremely suspect, given that they have digital evidence of the purchase attempt as well as photos of the tickets themselves, verifying the purchase.

To, I sincerely appreciate your help in this matter, as I had been met with three months of silence previous to filing a complaint.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. As stated previously, Sinemia does not refund out of pocket purchases. Also, as a reimbursement, we added +1 movie day to your account. However, since you have not used it, it got expired. Thanks.

Customer Response • Mar 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The reason there was no purchase attempt was that Fandango was not accepting the payment information as valid, and so I was unable to progress to that point on either my account or *** Knowing that it was across two accounts would point to the issue being on your end, since neither account was defaulting on payment. If you cannot reimburse fully in cash, then you can offer access to your service of a similar worth. An additional film this month is not of a similar worth, and if your service had worked as it was supposed to, then I would not have had to spend $36. This is not a matter of a gesture of "goodwill". This is a situation in which a service I purchased did not work, that service's customer service was unresponsive for 3 months, and I had to take on an additional cost.

I'd like to point out that I cancelled my MoviePass subscription for similar runaround tactics, but had heard better things about Sinemia. I hope I was not misinformed.

Service was not as advertised, changed the terms of service with out notice or consent.
I contacted customer service multiple times about issues with their app and then was charged fees for misues that I didn't have. I then had my account suspended without notice even though I verified my identification as they asked and it was accepted. I have contacted them about getting a refund for my prepaid membership that they cancelled without my consent and that they couldn't provide me an exact reason for.

Desired Outcome

I want my membership refunded. They completely abused the preagreed membership terms, changed terms and then cancelled my service without giving me a reason why when it was their app that wouldn't allow me to check in. I want an immediate refund.

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 14, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There was no account fraud if you look into this,there are multiple complaints of the same termination. I asked for customer service to respond to me when by other sI had app issues and received no response I have multiple emails that went unanswered by your company and I want a refund immediately I have also issued a complaint with my credit card company

Customer Response • Mar 21, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
No response was given. Still waiting for refund.

Sinemia Response • Mar 21, 2019

Hi. We are unable to provide further details regarding the matter.

If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia has refused my ID verification documents and have charged me over $50 in the last two months even though I haven't been able to use it.
In early February, Sinemia indicated they would need me to verify my identity before I could continue to use Sinemia. Specifically, Sinemia asked for a government issued picture ID and a selfie of me holding the ID. I first submitted a copy of my employee badge, which was issued by a government entity and had my picture on it. This was denied. I next went to the driver's license division and obtained a temporary driver's license (because my wallet had recently been stolen) and submitted that as well. Again, this was a government issued ID with my picture on it, but this too was rejected by Sinemia (My actual driver license would not come in the mail for 6-8 weeks, I was told). I also discovered that Sinemia had charged me over $52 for each of my last two monthly bills - this is almost 3 times the monthly rate that I had signed up for. Sinemia has not responded to any of my emails or direct messages since 2/25th, which was eight days ago.
Account: ***
name: ***
email: ***

2/14/19 - $54.30
1/14/19 - $52.99
12/13/18 - $17.99

Desired Outcome

I would like my account enabled since I've now submitted two forms of identification, each comporting with Sinemia's stated requirements. Furthermore, I would like credit for being overbilled the last two months. Please also make sure that all future months are billed at the agreed upon $17.99. Thanks. -

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, upon reviewing your account, we see that your ID has been verified. Thanks.

Bait and Switch. Service requires full year contract paid upfront. They then add more fees every few months. They refuse to respond to CS inquiries.
When I signed up for the service, the marketing material indicated a set amount paid for the year will get you 2 movies per month for any showing, including IMAX, 3D, etc.

I paid the full annual cost. Then found out that they require you to book online. They then pass the convenience fee on to the buyer. A few weeks later, they started charging a processing fee for each booking. Then you could only do one of your tickets per month as a special showing (IMAX, Dolby, 3D, etc)

On Feb 14th, I had booked a ticket and showded to the theater early to purchase food. Because of the early arrival, the prompt to check in was not there. Unfortunately, I didn't remember about the checkin until after the movie was over. I immediately pulled up my phone, but it was too late to check in. I emailed them immediately about the error and I have yet to receive a response. They did email later that day saying they locked my account until I paid for my tickets in full due to the failed checkin.

I have sent follow up emails which continue to be ignored.

Desired Outcome

Prorated refund of service remaining and cancel my contract.

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Hi, It is clearly stated on the plan page that the annual plans are billed annually. With the plan you purchased, you may go to two movies a period. Also, in every thirty days, one of the movies *** be IMAX 2D, IMAX 3D, XD, Dolby Atmos, ScreenX, Dbox, or 4DX.
Sinemia has two options for purchasing tickets, 1- advance ticket, 2-in-theatre ticket. You may purchase your tickets online with the provided virtual card information or you may refer to order a physical card through *** page and purchase your tickets at the box office.
Also, you should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face misuse fee charges or your account may get terminated. However, as a managerial exception, the misuse fee you were charged has been waived. Thanks.

Customer Response • Mar 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This does not address the fact of the increasing amount of undisclosed fees. (Convenience fee repayment and processing fee) These fees got added later, after the program was underway and paid for. Due to the annual payment, we have no recourse to vote with our wallets about this unfair treatment.

Thank you for waiving the 'misuse' fee. I still wish to cancel my remaining service and receive prorated refund.

Customer Response • Mar 21, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The "About" section of Sinemia's Facebook page confirms that consumers will
only pay once for the service: it states that "Sinemia is a social platform for moviegoers and a
monthly subscription-based service that provides movie tickets for one low monthly fee.
The only mention of any additional fees in Sinemia's Terms and Conditions, a
link to which is buried at the bottom of its website:
The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia.
Sinemia only covers the cost ofthe movie tickets.

The language "and/or processing fee" was only added to the Terms and Conditions on September 20, 2018.

I subscribed to the Sinemia plan and paid for
an entire year prior to Sinemia's unilateral imposition of the processing fee in the middle of
my subscription period. I am stuck with the remainder of several hundred dollar movie plans that now incur an additional $1.80 charge for every movie ticket I thought I already paid for.

Sinemia's unilateral addition of and subsequent failure to disclose the processing fee means that I now pay significantly more to see the allotted number of movies each month.

Had Sinemia been honest and revealed the fees to when I subscribed, I would not have subscribed.

Due to this abusive marketing, I still request to cancel my service prorated and be refunded the remaining amount (4 months, March-June 2019) Total of $79.92 USD.

Sinemia Response • Mar 21, 2019

Hi. Sinemia covers the cost of your movie ticket. Everytime you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved. Currently the processing fee for online purchases is USD/ AUD/ CAD/ GBP 1.80. Processing fees still may apply even ticket selling websites don't charge convenience fees as processing fees are paid to the payment processors by Sinemia. However, if payment processors don't charge processing fees for your tickets, you will not be charged for processing fees. Also, If your would like to waive the booking fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through *** page.

Sinemia is the most dishonest business I have ever come across. No customer service. The website doesnt give you all the details. Rules becom evident after the fact. No way to fix things. no response to email inquiries. I do not recommend.

Got the annual unlimited plan, and used it a lot. They just dropped me and now will be charging me per ticket I bought....which was not the agreed upon terms of this contract.

Should be illegal, terrible service. DO NOT USE

This company is a total scam paid for 1 year subscription was only able to use for 4 months than they terminated it they only want people that pay and don't go to the movies if you use it they cancel your subscription will not respond to emails to tell me why they cancelled it will not offer refund for 8 months that I didn't use

Like so many others, I also wish I could give 0 stars. The customer service is awful and leaves you feeling frustrated and cheated. Here's the deal I spent $84 on a yearly subscription. I used it once with no issues, although it took me longer than I liked to complete the transaction because of all the tedious manual steps you need to take in order to actually buy movie tickets. The second time I went to use it, I tried using the mobile app. The app told me that I needed to log into their website and upload photo id, plus a photo of myself holding that id next to my face. This process felt totally sketchy, but I was already $84 in the hole and on the way to the movie theater, so I did it. It took me about 45 minutes to actually give them this info using my phone, because their website was so buggy. After this, it took me another 15-20 minutes to actually purchase movie tickets using a combination of their app and the Regal app. After this trying experience, I finally went to the theater and enjoyed the movie. Right after the movie ended, I remembered I had forgotten to check in. I had never gotten a push notification or any kind of reminder from the app to check in. At that point, their check-in window had already expired. I emailed them straightaway with a screenshot of my ticket, but did not receive a reply from their customer service until after I'd already received a "misuse fee" charge from Sinemia. I had several more exchanges with their customer service, where I even sent them a screenshot of my Google Maps location to prove I was there at the theater at that day and time. They maintain it's their policy to never remove a misuse fee if the user never attempted a check-in. I ***'t believe any reputable company would not give a new customer a pass *** this sort of situation. On top of all of this, it costs $45 to order a physical card, and if you don't have a physical card, you have to pay the processing fees every time you buy tickets. None of this is worth the frustration. Please learn from all of our experiences and do NOT sign up for Sinemia.

Sinemia charged me a "misuse" fee when the issues was their fault and now have terminated my membership due to "fraud" when none occurred.
I purchased a year long movie membership to Sinemia in August 2018 for $191.88 In December Sinemia charged me a $40 "misuse" fee for not checking into a movie on their app when it was impossible to check in because their app was not working. I could not use my membership until I paid this fee. I emailed customer service multiple times and they repeatedly denied my explanation and enforced this fee. If you google this issue they did this same thing to many other customers and it has been written about on the news website Business Insider.

On Sunday, Sinemia terminated my membership saying due to "fraud". Again, if you google it they did this to a lot of members this weekend and it was again written up on Business Insider. I have not done any fraud, I am a guy that goes with his wife to the movies and uses the Sinemia service. I have not done anything wrong and abided by their rules. Their website said they will evaluate a refund and while they don't owe anything because of the fraud, they will review the remaining unused membership again "the actual costs of the tickets purchased" and issue a refund for any difference. That is no way to issue a refund like any other membership it should be for the remaining unused months.

I have emailed customer service with no response. They do not have a phone number.

Desired Outcome

$79.88 for the 5 unused months of membership $40 for the "misuse" fee paid when the issue was no fault of my own and was due to their app not working.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

They charged me for a plan extension that I did not agree too twice $155.19.
My wife *** purchased me a free 1 year trial version of Sinemia. During the registration process the asked for my credit card number and advised it would not be charged. They then charged me twice now for a plan extension for $155.19 CAD. I have attempted to contact them on several occasions, with no response. I have never used their site to book anything. They did not respond and refused the dispute my bank attempted as I was out of the country when the sent me a letter to contact them back.

Desired Outcome

I want them to cancel my membership as there terms and conditions say you can do it online however there is not option on line to physically cancel the membership I tried in September and again in February when they charged me again. I have no means to contact these fraudsters and my bank is proving useless as well.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. Sinemia does not have a free trial feature. Upon reviewing your and your wife's accounts, we see that both of you purchased two annual plans each. However, one of the plans have been cancelled by our support and the 155.88 charge has been refunded. Therefore, currently both of you own one annual plan. Please note that our support is not able to issue fully refund of your subscription since Sinemia is not a refundable service. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I am satisfied with the refund processed by Sinemia in the amount of $155.88.

The rest of their own explanation only further supports how they erroneously charged both myself and my wife.

Paid annaul service fee but my account got deactivated
Sinemia is a scam! So many issue and hidden fee but no support. I was charged "misuse fee" because I couldn't do "check-in" process while I was at theater (the "check-in" date is 3 days after the movie ticket date). Contacted Sinemia and they said I might just got a warning flag since it was the first time missed check-in happened. 3 weeks later, I realized I was charged ""misuse" fee in the amount of the ticket on my credit card. I contacted Sinemia but received no support. When contested with credit card, Sinemia cancelled my service that I paid up front for a full year. Sinemia said the only way to reinstate my account is to pay for the misuse fee. I gave in since annual payment I paid up front is larger than misuse fee. However, even after I agreed to pay for misuse fee that I shouldn't be responsible for, my account is still deactivated thus far. They purposely try to prolong "deactivated" status so the member ***'t use the service after taking my annual payment. Terrible!

Desired Outcome

Seeking to get my unused pre-paid annual payment back since I have no way to access Sinemia app and couldn't use the service. It is wrong that they just took my money and then deactivated my account for ridiculous reason.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

they charge hidden fees, and misuse fees when their app malfunctions and then terminate membership for false reasons
At first the company charged hidden fees to use their service that boasted you could see on movie per day with the business model. Then charged you a another fee to ACTIVATE your membership above and beyond the annual membership fee. THEN they would charge a processing fee every time you used their card less feature. Sometimes you would get charged two fees for the same transaction. then their app would require you to check in to prove you were at the theater, but the app would not work right and would say you are several thousand miles away from the theater when you were actually in the lobby of said theater. so then they would charge a "misuse Fee" saying that you failed to check in. this happened to me SEVERAL times. Now they have say that I have misuesed their service, which I have not, and they closed my account more than 8 and a half months early. and they NEVER respond to any emails that you send them through their app or their website, and they provide no phone numbers so that you can talk to a live individual. at best you get an automated response from them.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for my entire years membership plus all fees that have been charged on my account, or I would like my account reinstated along with the added on fees that I should not have been charged.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
An adjusted refund should be a refund based on unused linths of a plan that I paid for a full year in advance on. 29.99 per month for "a movie a day" no terms of service were broken. Your system full if errors that you penalized the consumer for. Your service doesn't state 29.99 per month for a movie a day until you reach a certain number of movies for the year. You have even had to change your new terms of service to try and prevent people from Suing you when you breach your own contracts.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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