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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Sinemia app continues to lock up while at the theater making it impossible to check in.
I have on several occasions went to check in to the movie, only to have my app either not load or freeze. I have contacted them and told them the problem, which they completely ignored. I get charged a ridiculous fee, that is more than just paying for the movie in the first place. This past week after contacting them, they closed my ticket saying I didn't respond, when I had responded 2 times. Very poor communication, app and fees. Ny account is locked which is ridiculous!

Desired Outcome

I would like my account to be unlocked and fees waived. Also, the fee should never be more than the movie would have cost in the first place.

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 02.22.2019 You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. Also, as a managerial exception, the fee you were charged has been removed and your ticketing feature re-enabled.

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Sinemia Response • Mar 21, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 12, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
See Sinemia's response dated 3/11/19, this was never done. I did not ever see a fee or removal of a fee and my movie ticketing feature was never re-enabled. As I stated above, not only was it not re-enabled, I was permanently blocked from purchasing any tickets. This is ridiculous that they don't see this conversation history and do what they agreed to do on 3/11/19.Their app is flawed and freezes up, which makes it impossible to check into movies. I have applied for an adjusted refund and have heard nothing. This is going on 2 months.

Random fees being incorrectly charged
Sinemia is a company that advertises movie passes to watch 2 movies a month. I bought tickets using Sinemia went to the theater and did clearly check in. Not sure what is missing here. There is none on the phone. I did go to the check in feature when entering the movie hall and did check in for the movie.

They charged me a misuse fee. Not sure how the app did not register this. I was trying to book a movie today and this is blocking the advance registration. So basically I am stuck from using the service till I pay my fees, which means my monthly movie subscription is going waste. This is such a scam company I cannot believe it.

Desired Outcome

I want them to remove the fees and restore my membership or refund my entire 2 year contract amount. They are very frustrating and obtuse to work with.

Sinemia Response • Mar 10, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 02.07.2019. You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. However, as a managerial exception, the misuse fee you were charged has been waived and your ticketing feature re-enabled.

Membership services were not provided. Followed all instructions and it was impossible to see movies. Company woukdn't address issue orprovide refund.
December 18-purchased membership subscription to see 3 movies/month. Used membership to see one movie, ordered ticked and company provided a debit card number that was used at theatre to purchase ticket. Service was difficult to use so I ordered a physical card and authorized payment, card was supposed to be issued in 30 days. Jan 19-attempted to see a movie, followed instructions but didn't receive information to purchase ticket. Paid for movie without use of Sinemia. Waited for physical card for ease of use to see movies. Feb 19-physical card wasn't received. Attempted to see movie. Received message to upload ID (driver's license) and a photo of self holding ID, but no way to upload photo. Paid for movie without use of Sinemia. Contacted Sinemia and was provided instructions to upload ID. Uploaded ID and phot of self holding ID. Again ordered physical card for ease of use, was charged for physical card. Several days later attempted to see movie. Followed instructions to purchase a movie ticket, received a debit card number to purchase ticket. Tried to purchase ticket with debit card several times (made sure to use information and zip code provided by Sinemia. The card was declined every time. Went to movie theatre and clerk at theatre tried to enter debit card information. Clerk stated there was a message to check into movie. Attempted several times to check into movie; however there was no way to check into movie. Paid for movie without Sinemia. Emailed customer service several times to explain situation and ask for refund. Customer service said they do not provide refunds but would add 1 additional movie to my pass that I could use in the few days. Explained how to use service. I looked up the founder of Sinemia and found him on LinkedIn I, I sent a message to the founder but did not receive a response. My next email explained that I followed those instructions and service was. It provided by Sinemia as promised so a refund should be due. I requested to speak with management and provided my phone number. Sinemia never addressed the pertinent issue, I was unable to use the membership and see any movies as agreed. I requested to speak with someone in manangenent several times and provided my telephone number, that was never addressed. The email responses continues to come from ***. They assured me that the subscription would work the next time I use it. I paid 19.99 to sign up and 8.99 in December, January and February and 24.99 to purchase a physical card. I asked for a refund for all of that less the $10 for the 1 movie I was able to see in December. Unfortunately I did not look up reviews prior to making this purchase. Now that I have I see that others have had simple situations. I believe that I am due a refund since the company did not provide the service as promised. I believe that the company intentionally made the first use possible.

Desired Outcome

I understand that the company does not provide refunds. If the service I purchased was provided by the company I would not request a refund. However since the company did not provide the service I would like a refund for the amount paid. I paid 19.99 to sign up 26.97 for monthly subscription fees (8.99 for each month in December, January and February) and 24.99 for the physical card that was ordered. The card was not received and I would like to cancel the membership once this is resolved. The total refund is 71.95. I did see one move and through Sinemia, the cost of the ticket for that move was 10. They can deduct that 10 from my refund; in that case the refund would amount to 61.95.

Sinemia Response • Mar 10, 2019

Hi. Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms & Conditions. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you tried to purchase tickets without creating advance tickets on January 5th 2019 and February 23rd 2019. In order to purcuhase your ticket through Sinemia service, you need to create an advance ticket first. In addition to that, we see that your previous monthly plan has not been used at all. As a gesture of goodwill, we added the plan back to your account. Once the current one expires, you will be able to use the gifted plan.

Customer Response • Mar 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did attempt to purchase advance tickets but it was impossible. The first time Sinemia required a photo of my license and of me holding it. However there was no way to provide the photos and there was no instruction. I cintacted Sinemia and received instructions to provide photos. That of course was after I paid for tickets as a result of no service provided by Sinemia. The second time I attempted to purchase an advance ticket Sinemia provided a debit card number; I followed the instructions to use the number provided, however the card number provided by Sinemia was declined repeatedly. I followed all instructions and Sinemia did not provide a service. I wish I had read reviews of Sinemia prior to my purchase because I read many reviews with the same problems.
I understand a "no refund policy-"when the company is providing the services that were agreed upon. Sinemai provided no service so the "no refund policy" should not apply.
If Sinemia actually stood behind their service they would apply a refund when they are not providing services. I did everything that I agreed to and followed all instructions properly.
At this point I have spent a lot of money for services that were not available.

Customer Response • Mar 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The required documents were uploaded a very long time ago and even after that I was unable to use the membership as the debit card information provided by Sinemia was declined. As explained previously, all instructions were followed, including advance ticket purchase. Sinemia charges many fees and makes it impossible to use the membership service. At this point even if I am finally able to use the service, the company charged me for many months that Sinemia did not provide the service. The fact that the company does not provide a refund for the many months they are not providing service is awful and deceitful!

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that there is not a usage on your current month. Therefore, our support has added another thirty days to your account without charge. Also, our developers have been informed regarding the issue you're having. Thank you.

Disrupted service and unwilling to refund subscription
Sinemia blocked my account without any misuse issues. Now they are infringing on my privacy by requiring a government issued ID be submitted to them in digital formats. On 2/25/19 I attempted to cancel my subscription. I was not allowed since I have pre payed for a year subscription. I contacted Support and was told refunds are not possible. I don't think they can block my account and then not provide a refund. They are not providing the services agreed to. (Even when the service worked as intended, it was cumbersome and complicated and fraught with additional fees). I want my fees refunded.

Desired Outcome

Refund of my subscription fees.

Sinemia Response • Mar 10, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. However, as requested, a pro-rated refund of your plan has been issued on Sinemia's end. It will be processed on Sinemia's end within 1-2 weeks. Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
refund was processed.

Sinemia's customer service is terrible. I purchased an annual plan, big mistake. My wifi signal wasn't strong enough at the theater, so I was unable to check in. I saw the movie and when I got home immediately emailed them about the situation. They replied right away, but the problem was they offered no solution. Basically telling me they would probably waive the fee. First offense, and they claim they won't penalize for the first offence. I went to my account, and there was the fee. I have reached out to them three times via email, and it still has not been resolved. I even bought a data package for my phone so I could check in properly. If I took all these steps to fix matters, you would think the fee would be waived.

App doesn't work
Even before I tried to use their service to buy discount movie tickets, I suspected it might not be on the up and up. But when I tried to cancel, they said i'd already agreed and that I ***'t have my $107 back. So, after a needless delay of two weeks, they finally activated the service (I could have avoided this delay by spending $10), I tried to use it. It's confusing, but I think I figured out how to buy a ticket with it. But then when I went through all the many steps to do that, their app just said "connection error" and made me start over. Despite that, it still charged me $1. This is clearly some kind of scam and I fell for it. I just want my money back. They haven't provided a service. Basic decency would dictate that they'd stand behind what they're supposedly selling.

Desired Outcome

I just want my money back.

Sinemia Response • Mar 07, 2019

Hi. when we check your account, we see that you were able to purchase a movie ticket on 03.05.2019 with the Sinemia service. Also, please note that Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms & Conditions. However, upon your confirmation, we can issue a partial refund of your plan. The amount you will receive will be $96.13 after deducting the movie ticket price.

Customer Response • Mar 07, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Thank you for the response. I did buy a ticket with the service - for a movie I don't even really wan to see - because I'd given up hope on getting a refund. But if you refund me $96.13, I'd consider that a fair resolution to this.

I really appreciate your willingness to resolve this matter. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 16, 2019

I don't see that Sinemia ever paid me a refund.

The cardless APP only process *** be difficult to navigate. Also I purchased a gift card from Sinemia 2/15/19 when I attempted to use it I received a message stating I cannot use it until 3/1/19. An email was sent to customer service 2/15/19 as of 2/24/19 I have not received a response. Almost 6 months ago I sent a question by email, no response!!

False Penalty Fee & Terrible Customer Service
I have a Sinemia premium service that has been faulty both when I try to purchase tickets online and when it is time to check-in. During my last theater visit, I tried to check-in but could not as the app wouldn't let me. Sinemia then notified me that I had a $16.25 misuse fee that I needed to pay in order to continue to use the app, which I already paid for a year membership. I've contacted them 6 times now, 5 times via email and once through Facebook, and have not received a reply to my inquiry.
This happened to me previously when I first signed up for Sinemia Premium. At the time, Sinemia was sending out physical cards to members, but I never got one. I waited for 6 months, all the while contacting Sinemia. They did respond to me one time saying that sometimes, cards took a few weeks to reach customers. It is now ten months later and I never received a card. In fact, they now charge customers if they want a physical card, or customers are required to pay an additional online fee per movie ticket purchase. I gave up trying to resolve this matter because six months of follow-up is exhausting and frankly, just unnecessary.
I received an email from Sinemia a few months ago guaranteeing better customer service. I believe this was a generic email sent out to all users after the many complaints filed against Sinemia. But I have seen no change in the way they handle issues like these, and in fact, it seems to be getting worse.

Desired Outcome

I would like the $16.25 "misuse fee" lifted from my account, and my account unfrozen. I would also like a physical card delivered to my address free of charge, as I never got one to begin with.

Sinemia Response • Feb 28, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to not checking-in on 02.09.2019. You should always check-in eac htime you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. However, as a managerial exception, the fee you were charged has been waived. Also, you can order a physical card through page. Thanks.

Customer Response • Mar 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Although they have not addressed the fact that I have still not yet received a physical membership card from them after 6 months of waiting, Sinemia is the only option currently out there to watch movies at the Arclight for a far discounted rate. So because of the fact that they are the only option currently, I accept their response, though I am still unhappy with their customer service.

Hidden fees. The app does not work and customer service is non existent
I signed up for a year with the service. It works half the time and is extremely convoluted. They charged me LARGE MISUSE FEES. I looked for a way to contact the company an the email address is just loops back to the same help page. Not a valid email address. The first time I had a huge issue I was not contacted until left a scathing review on Trust Pilot. They overturned my 49 dollars of fees. I used the service again and it worked. The very next time I followed instructions. I said I had found the theater. I used the credit card and I tried to check in. It was saying that I was not near the theater. I emailed the company again and sent a picture of the screen and a screengrab of my phone while I was trying to check in. I angrily emailed over five times and didn't hear back... a WEEK later I got an email saying sorry for the delayed response and asked for my stubs. I don't have my stubs a week later. They charged me 29.40 again. The app doesn't work. The customer service is not present and accountable. I paid a ton of money and there was no indication of these fees to begin with unless they were hidden in legal jargon. That is slimy and sneaky. A company like this with so many complaints against it should face repercussions.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking either a full refund of my initial balance or I want the "Misuse Fees" taken off and a public acknowledgement that they are terribly ran organization with zero transparency.

I have been assessed an $11.83 misuse charge, with no explanation, and I noticed that this is is occurring often with other sinemia customers, and I assume it's because they claim that I didn't check in. I always check in when I use their app, this is an unfair practice, and I cant use my account which I paid for 1 year in advance. my *** with

Desired Outcome

I would like to have the misuse fee removed and my account restored to service

Sinemia Response • Feb 28, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the mischeck-in on 02.08.2019. You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. OTherwise, you may face these kinds of charges or your account may get terminated. However, as a managerial exception, the fee which was charged has been removed. Therefore your ticketing feature got re-enabled.

I had an issue with the Sinemia app where it did not recognize that I was in the movie theater when I attempted to check in. Because of this, the app did not check me in and my account was disabled. After contacting the support area to explain my problem, the final resolution per the company was that I had to pay a fee to reactivate my account for an error on their app. I attempted to contact them again about this issue, but they did not respond. I am displease on how my issues was handled, and cancelled my membership as a result.

I bought a Sinemia account a month ago and the first time I used it with my physical card, I was unable to check in and they are now charging me a "misuse" fee in the amount of the ticket. I contacted them right away with my ticket stub attached as proof, and to let them know the app wouldn't let me check in, but they will not reverse the fee and I *** not use my account. This is very fraudulent on their part and the customer service is horrible with their template responses that resolve nothing. I paid for an unlimited plan up front for a year and they took my money without providing the service I signed up for.

I wish I could give 0 stars. So many issue and hidden fee but no support. my accounts have been locked up and haven't been able to purchase the ticket for a few months. I've written to them many times for support but no reply what so ever. They just took my yearly subscription fee and decided not to support. This could be their business tactic and a company like this should not be in business. This is a scam.

I put the wrong theater in the Sinemia app so couldn't check in to my movie. Contacted customer service 6+ times to no helpful reply.
I purchased a movie ticket for Bohemian Rhapsody at the Century Cinema 20 Great Mall location using my Sinemia Premium digital credit card, but in the Sinemia app I wrote that the movie was at Century at Pacific Commons by mistake. This movie was January 25, 2019. I immediately took action AT THE THEATER when I realized the mistake - I emailed and tweeted at Sinemia (to *** from *** - but without response, my account was put on hold and accrued fees totaling $31.40.

The movie ticket numbers are XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXX for Cinemark theater Century 20 Great Mall. I bought them through my Fandango account under my email, *** The confirmation number of this order is XXXXXXXXXXXXX

I received notification of this hold and was told that if I got a refund for the ticket for not going, I could upload relevant documentation showing that to work things out. Although that wasn't my issue, I did contact them with my specific issue On January 25th and 26th.

I have since contacted them nearly a dozen times (via Twitter tweets & direct messages, email to ***, and through the online help form) on the issue but have received no helpful solutions. They seem to have a bot named "***" that auto-replies that I should check-in at the correct theater next time. He also said "if you just forgot, we'll let the team know to see if anything can be done."

So, I explained to "***" that Bohemian Rhapsody at Pacific Commons at 7:25pm January 25 2019 never existed. Bohemian Rhapsody at Century 20 Great mall DID exist at 7:25pm January 25 2019. There was no "going to the right theater," I bought the correct ticket and entered a different theater on the app. Then I went to the movie I paid for with Sinemia. I took pictures for proof instead of checking-in because I couldn't check in. I knew I'd have to prove it later.

*** did not reply to this so I forwarded these emails a few more times asking for help. I used the online Sinemia help page at least twice which I believe are what prompted replies from ***.

I direct-messaged Sinemia on Twitter *** and got another generic reply. I replied to that reply explaining my situation again. Twitter notified me that Sinemia read this - the checkmark on the timestamp proves that - and yet, no reply.

I continue to seek help for my specific issue with you because Sinemia's customer service hasn't actually read and replied to my problem. I seem to have hit a dead-end with them and they will only send generic replies. Worse, I still cannot use Sinemia to buy a movie ticket because of the hold on my account preventing me from using the service I'm still paying for.

Desired Outcome

I have Sinemia for two which gives me two movies a month (not 3D) for me and a plus-one. I've already paid for a year of this service (May 24 2018 to May 19 2019) which cost over $150 so I want to keep the membership until it expires in May. I do not want to pay the $31.40 fee because I believe I am innocent of the charges against me. I did everything in my power to rectify the issue the day-of the movie and received no reply. I took pictures as proof that I went to the movie I paid for with Sinemia because the whole point of check-ins are to prove you actually go to the movie. I provided that proof. I emailed *** over 6 times and contacted them at least twice through their online portal and twice through Twitter. I broke no rules by entering the wrong theater in the app. I had no way to change that theater after the fact, either. I bought a movie ticket with Sinemia, went to the movie, and tried to check-in. I want my account fees cleared and for Sinemia to cancel the hold on my account preventing me from using the services I'm still paying for. I even had to buy a movie ticket out of pocket during this hold-and-fee period because I can't get ahold of Sinemia. So, I want Sinemia to reimburse me for those 2 tickets which cost $36.40 as well (Lego Movie 2, Century at Pacific Commons on February 9 2019 at 8:10pm confirmation number XXXXXXXXXXXXXX).

Sinemia Response • Feb 28, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to not checking-in on 25.01.2019. However, as a gesture of goodwill, the misuse fee removed from your account. Also, Sinemia does not refund the out of pocket purchases but as a managerial exception, one more movie day has been added to your current period. In addition to that, one of your two movie days has been rolled over to the next period since you were unable to use it.

Customer Response • Mar 08, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The response begins with, "upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to not checking-in on 25.01.2019. However, as a gesture of goodwill, the misuse fee removed from your account." This response bothers me because, once again, Sinemia has NOT actually read and considered my complaint. When I email them directly, when I tweet at them, when I email them through the website, and when I contact them through the I continue to hear that it is my fault that I did not check in to the theater. This isn't that hard of an issue to resolve: Sinemia itself says that IF there has been a mistake on your account, let us know and we *** resolve it. If you have issues, contact us. My issue was that the theater I bought a ticket for and the theater I selected in the app were different by mistake, and there was NO WAY FOR ME TO CHANGE IT. I tried tweeting, emailing, and calling immediately. Unfortunately Sinemia doesn't have a phone number to call. I had no immediate response. When I finally did hear back the next day, they told me the fee is on my account because I didn't check in so "don't do that again." I knew this already but I COULDN'T check in. That is the whole issue! Instead, I proved that I went to the movie that I paid for with Sinemia through photos, screenshots, and movie ticket stubs.

In their response, I want them to ADMIT they have a faulty system that doesn't allow the consumer to correct mistakes. I understand that I did not check in - because I couldn't check in. I want them to tell me that they did indeed read my complaint and realize that once the wrong theater was in the app, there was no way for me to fix things but since I used the app correctly otherwise and went to see the movie, I shouldn't accrue fees and they should fix their business model so it doesn't happen again. I want them to read my account of what happened and tell me that I did the right thing by proving that I went to the movie because that's the WHOLE POINT OF CHECKING IN. I provided PROOF that their product is being used correctly. I mistakenly entered the wrong theater in the app, yes, but I used the service honestly and as it is intended to be used. So I accept the fee waiver, I accept the extra movie, but I require an apology for myself and for the consumers you are ignoring by not having an adequate customer service division.

Sinemia Response • Mar 19, 2019

Hi, the reason you were not able to check-in is that you created the advance ticket for Century at Pacific Commons and XD but watched the movie at Century 20 Great Mall & XD. Therefore, the app did not allow you to check-in. While creating advance ticket, we suggest our members to take tjheir time to aviod such issues or you may reach our support team before the movie starts. That way, you will be able to avoid the misuse fee.

Classic bait and switch
I purchased an annual subscription on 07/27/2018 that is to see 2 movies per month. In October 2018, Sinemia added a new fee that made the plan worthless. Now I was forced to pay $1.80 each time I saw a movie. This was not in the agreement I agreed to when I purchased the service. I asked Sinemia for a pro-rated refund and they refused.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking a pro-rated refund.

Sinemia Response • Mar 02, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the mischeck-in on 02.02.2019. You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. If not, you may get charged a misuse fee or your account may get terminated. In addition to that, Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms & Conditions. However, as a managerial exception, the fee you were charged has been refunded. It will be issued on our end in 1-2 weeks. Thanks.

Customer Response • Mar 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia's response was irrelevant to my complaint. They did not address my complaint about having to pay a fee every time I see a movie. They also did not address their bait and switch tactic that went against the agreed terms of service.

Sinemia Response • Mar 09, 2019

Hi. Sinemia covers the cost of your movie ticket. Every time you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved. Currently the processing fee for online purchases is USD 1.80. Processing fees still may apply even ticket selling websites don't charge convenience fees as processing fees are paid to the payment processors by Sinemia. However, if payment processors don't charge processing fees for your tickets, you will not be charged for processing fees. If you would like to waive these online transaction fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through page

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Do customers pay processing fees and/or transaction fees when they shop at Walmart, Best Buy, Amazon, etc? Of course, customers do not. Who pays for the payment processors? The retailer. That's the cost of doing business.

Anyway, the bait and switch tactic still has not been addressed. The terms of service I agreed to says fees do not change until the end of my billing cycle. However, fees were changed in the middle of current subscription. Sinemia broke the terms so I am requesting a refund.

They do no provide the service promised. They are unethical and thieves. This business should be immediately shut down.
they charge extra fees than advertised. They lock accounts and charge random meaningless penalties to unlock the account. Once unlocked they add layer and layers of extra steps to activate the account. In short they try to make their service as expensive and difficult to use as possible to deter people from using it. Thieves. Complete violation of customer service and trust.

Desired Outcome

I need the business to return my $8.99 plus tax for 10 months of remaining service. And the extra $20 i was charged as "misuse" fee.

Sinemia Response • Mar 02, 2019

Hi. We checked your account and saw that you have been charged a misuse fee due to not checking-in on 01.21.2019. As stated in the terms & conditions, you should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these kinds of fees or your account may get terminated. However, as a mangerial exception, thee fee you were charged has been refunded. IT will be issued on our end in 1-2 weeks. Thank you.

Customer Response • Mar 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
1) the app is clunky and often doesn't work making it impossible to check in. the customer shouldn't have to be inconvenienced and penalized for that.
2) the added complain is about the new ID verification step.

Sinemia Response • Mar 12, 2019

Hi. While checking-in, if the mobile device does not receive enough service, these kinds of issues may occur. Therefore, we advise Sinemia members to make sure that their phones have a healthy connection. Also, ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on.

Service altered to no longer allow me to use the Movie Tickets I paid for until I provide Government ID which I do not wish to provide to an online co
I cannot use my 3 movie tickets this month until I send my photo ID to this company. I have 3 more months and at least 7 more movie tickets to use before my annual plan is up. They switched their policy with no notification to me and blocked me from using my service until I provided more sensitive information.

Desired Outcome

Either unlock my account or refund me and remove my credit card from your database.

Sinemia Response • Mar 02, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. However, as requested, pro rated refund has been issued on our end. It will be completed in 1-2 weeks.

Customer Response • Mar 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is unacceptable. I shouldn't have to provide this information in the middle of my subscription. Maybe if I wish to renew. This is not an acceptable response. Please refund me. The fact the fact that you blocked out my subscription in the middle of it and changed it after I have paid the full price already. You shouldn't lock me out of the service I have paid for. And an extra 2 weeks is not acceptable either since this service is time based.

Sinemia Response • Mar 09, 2019

Hi. We ask our members to prove that they are in fact the sole user of their Sinemia plan as stated in the terms they have agreed to. ID verification is required to prevent abuse and help us ensure you are the sole user of your membership. Your ticketing feature is currently turned off until we receive the necessary documents to start the ID verification process. Once you upload the wanted documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on.

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Since I have ALREADY paid for the service and have been using it and participating as specified then I should not be getting this mid subscription. I will not send you Government Documents to use a service I have already paid for and have been using. This is highly unethical and I should not be suspended mid service when I paid for it and should be able to use my tickets.

I will not send you my drivers license this could affect my identity. Either refund me for my unused tickets or reinstate my subscription. This has caused me to lose time on a TIMED SUBSCRIPTION. If you do reinstate me or refund me I should be compensated for February too as I should not have been blocked out.

I have been charged a misuse fee incorrectly. I booked a ticket to watch Lego and when I arrived at the theater I was not given an option on the app to check in. I tried before, during and after the movie to check in but was never given an option. Then, a few days later I am charged a misuse fee of $8.39 and I *** no longer use my account. This is just extortion and completely fraudulent. I did everything I was suppose to and then charged unfairly. The customer service is non-existent. I have prepaid for a year and this company is a complete scam. In addition to the above issue, it seems like every time I use the app they charge more fees. They had no fees earlier now they started charging convenience fee .
Product_Or_Service: Sinemia movie Plan

Desired Outcome

Billing Adjustment I expect the customer to remove the misuse fee and unlock my account. It was their application that was not working. I tried to check in prior to the movie and at the end of the movie and was not able to do so.

Sinemia Response • Mar 02, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the mischeck-in on 02.10.2019. However, as a gesture of goodwill, the fee you were charged has been removed. You are able to use the ticketing feature.

I signed up and have been billed for 1 year of a movie a day. I have been locked out of my account.
I have paid for a 1 year subscription for a movie a day. I've been locked out of my account because now they want a copy of my government issued ID and a photo of me holding the ID. I don't think this is the smartest thing in the world to do and I told them. Since their service is non refundable and this was not in their original terms and conditions. A) they can refund what I haven't used and cancel my subscription or B) just let me use the *** card. They already charge me fees that I wasn't aware of until I started booking tickets and I went along with it. (Additional $2.80 per ticket)
Sinemia needs to be held accountable for putting peoples identities at risk. It isn't right and it should be addressed. Especially since their parent company is in Turkey. And the only way to get a hold of somebody it to mention them on Twitter. Then they ask that you send then a direct message. Which they told me I could black out all my personal information but I still have a problem with that.
Please look into these practices.

Desired Outcome

If they insist on having a copy of my Government issued ID i want my account cancelled and whatever I haven't used reimbursed to my credit card.

Sinemia Response • Mar 02, 2019

Hi, As stated in the terms & conditions a member *** only hav eone account. To ensure that, we ask our members to prove that they are in fact the sole user of their Sinemia plan. ID verification is required to prevent abuse and help us ensure you are the sole user of your membership. Your ticketing feature is currently turned off until we receive the necessary documents to start the ID verification process. Once you upload the wanted documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. Thanks.

This company does not let me use their service and does not respond to my messages.
I ordered this service, 2 movies per month for $83 over a year back in July 2018. I ordered it because it said I would get a card to use at the movies and have the option to book my movie online. I like to go last second to the movie theatre. When I completed my order in July 29, I received a message that I would receive my card in 30 days mailed to my address. A few weeks later, I received a message that my account had been activated even though no card had been received. I initially sent a message about it and finally got a minor resolution when they agreed to restart my service in October but would not send me a card. I had another issue when I tried to see a movie for the first time in January 2019, but the order failed to go through and custom per service was of no help and kept denying that I could get a card but I'd have to pay for it even though I only ordered it to get the card. Now, today I tried to see a movie again and they are trying make me send pictures of my drivers license and other ID on the internet and won't let me schedule a movie. This is ***. I ordered a service to see 24 movies and in 7 months, I have not seen a single movie.

Desired Outcome

I expect to get my money back. This service does not work and I have not seen a single movie in 7 months after a few failed attempts in the app and all I wanted was a service with a physical card I could use at the theatre. I may consider getting a physical card and a new year of service fresh.

Sinemia Response • Feb 28, 2019

Hi. Our support has reached you regarding the issue. Your membership beginning date has been updated to 27.02.2019 and your shipping address is asked through e-mail. Thanks.

Customer Response • Mar 08, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have received a minimal response from the business that my service has been restarted which is fine and also requesting my mailing address but not stating why. I responded by asking if it to mail me the card, and still Have not received a response. A big issue with Sinemia is the poor customer service and response time to messages. I have 10 days to respond to this and just asked a simple question, I should get a response within a couple days at most. This company needs to work a lot on their customer service.

Customer Response • Apr 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is a false statement and I want to leave an extremely negative review with the on this and know if there are any other steps to deal with in this situation. This company is clearly a scam company. I have responded to them numerous times and sent them numerous messages and emails. They have also blocked me on Facebook Messenger and a lawsuit has been filed against them.

Sinemia Response • Apr 16, 2019

Hi. Our support reached you through e-mail. However, since you do not provide the information we require, we are unable to help you further. Please check your mailbox and reach our support. Thank you.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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