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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Due to recent changes in Terms of Service, I ***'t utilize a service I paid for without providing a photo copy of my government ID
I had signed up for 1 year of Sinemia's service in October 2018. They recently changed their Terms of Service to require I submit to them a photocopy of my government ID along with a picture of myself holding said ID. I currently can't utilize the service that I have paid for and they will not issue a refund for the remainder of the time left on my subscription.

I had emailed them this past weekend (2/9/19) to inquire about this recent change, how unsafe it is to ask people to share their government ID information (due to privacy and identity theft concerns), and asked if there were other methods of verification that could be provided that pose less of a risk to the consumer. They indicated that they will not provide a refund and that I will not be able to utilize their service (which I have already paid for) until I provide them with my government ID.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund from Sinemia for the months of February 2019-October 2019 at a rate of $9.99/month for a total of $89.91, which represents the remainder of my 1 year service that I paid for.

Sinemia Response • Feb 24, 2019

Hi, ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on.
Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. However we can refund your payment after deducting the movie ticket prices from your refund as of $64.84.
Upon your confirmation, we will be forward your refund request to our finance team. Please let us know.

Customer Response • Feb 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I will accept the refund offered in the amount of $64.84

Sinemia Response • Mar 07, 2019

Upon your confirmation, the partial refund of your plan has been issued on our end. It will be processed on Sinemia's end within 1-2 weeks.

Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

service I paid for isn't provided
I tried to use a movie pass I got from and app didn't work, saying that ID verification is required, I didn't get any prior warning that my account won't work (also, now they want me to upload a pic of my ID and full upper body shot with hands, why am I supposed to provide that? It wasn't a requirement when I was signing up), so I had to pay for the movie out of pocket despite not using any movie passes (I signed up for 3 movies/month) I had last period. I contacted the support and got no response, which is consistent with my past experience, I tried to cancel the membership but it's not clear how much I will get refunded and since I paid for a full year and only tried to use it for 2 months I would like to get my money back, again since I can't ask customer service, I would like to ask to assist with this issue and get full refund for the membership and the card they charged me for ($107 for membership and $15 for a card) since this business is clearly a scam.

Desired Outcome

full refund

Sinemia Response • Feb 24, 2019

Hi, Regarding your subscription which was purhased on 28th of November in 2018 you have redeemed 3 tickets so far. We would like to assist you with a refund however we see that you have disputed the payment so unfortunately our finance is not able to take any action on a disputed payments. In case you do not no longer dispute the payment, an official statement from the bank we will be able to refund the fee after contacting the finance as a gesture of goodwill. Thanks.

Customer Response • Feb 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Hi, thanks, you need me to call my bank and ask them to cancel the dispute? and when I do, you will refund the subscription? Partially or in full?
Sorry, I tried to contact you via email/other ways and didn't think i'll get a response.

Sinemia Response • Mar 18, 2019

Since you requested a chargeback, we are unable to refund your plan. Once you provide the letter of withdrawal, our financial team will be able to refund the promised partial amount.

Customer Response • Mar 06, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
And if I don't withdraw? You didn't provide the service promised and Im communicating with you via website cause that's the only way to reach you. I don't trust you.

Very difficult to use, now usage blocked until I provide copy of my government issued ID, this screams fraud!!
I signed up for service being told by Sinemia I could obtain card for ease of use. Then after becoming member no card available so now I must use online service and pay additional fees, those fees more than doubled a few months later. When finally told I could request card, had to pay additional $15 for the card!!! Card took weeks to come, when I arrived I activated. Went to use the card and was told I could not, tried online purchase was refused. Had to sign into account and go digging to find out why...........found out they want me to send a copy of my government ID before I can further use product???? This is because they want to sell my identity!!!

Desired Outcome

prorate and return my membership costs. I paid $191.88 on 7/31/18, I only used through December. Please return costs for remaining 7 months = $111.93

Sinemia Response • Feb 24, 2019

Hi, ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. Your documents will be immediately removed after the verification.
Please note that Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions.
Our support has contacted you to assist with the process. Thanks!

Customer Response • Mar 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is id is verified naturally by utilizing the Sinemia app, which has to be signed onto via my own phone, etc. These additional steps are a way for you to cease your "customers" from utilizing the product they paid for!! To provide a copy of our drivers license that has our address, our license number, is ridiculous. No other business does this. Your intention is that people won't do it because it is such and OUTRAGEOUS requirement and therefore you make money by people not utilizing the product. Also find it interesting that you waited months after my utilizing your product to request such outlandish requirement and thus put my usage on hold.
Again, my ID is naturally verified by having to sign into your app, each customer has their own specific sign on. No one is going to give someone else their phone to use your product, that is ridiculous.
If you refuse to honor my request (which is only for a refund for the portion of the product I have not utilized) I will work diligently to inform as many as possible of your fraudulent practices and your misleading product!!

Sinemia Response • Mar 09, 2019

Hi. We ask our members to prove that they are in fact the sole user of their Sinemia plan as stated in the terms they have agreed to. ID verification is required to prevent abuse and help us ensure you are the sole user of your membership. Your ticketing feature is currently turned off until we receive the necessary documents to start the ID verification process. Once you upload the wanted documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on.

Customer Response • Mar 12, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is ridiculous, they just keep citing their policy while it is their policy I am complaining about. When their policy stated they may verify identity they (which makes sense by verifying app on the phone) they did not state that would require providing documentation to the degree they are requiring. To require me to send in a picture of my government ID is fraud. THIS is what I am complaining about!! They just keep responding with their ridiculous policy, which was not spelled out up front!! There is no consideration for addressing my actual complaint!! Please refund me the unused portion of my membership as I originally requested. I am being fair I ask that you be fair in return!!

Bait and switch scheme. False advertising. Non existence customer service. Worst product.
Username: parthivkumarpatel. The best revenue for them is "misuse" fees. I bough the service on 1/6/2019. It was only the second ticket (2/10/19) I bought using their service when I was asked for government issued ID plus a picture of myself holding the ID. After providing all that 15 minutes before the movie start time the app was glitching up, but I was finally able to get an approval. After buying the tickets using Atom I was unable to check in through the app. Hence, I was charged a "misuse" fee of $22.24. So I guess I'm sorry that your app was not working, I will make sure I hire some software engineers next time. This way even though I'd spend $80/hour on them, but at least I'll be able to use your "great" service.
Sadly enough this is just the latest issue with them. I had problems right from the beginning with paying the extra $10 to use my service right away after being under the false pretense that I was able to use it right away. Then the company charges their own "processing" fees in addition to the convenience fees you pay to a 3rd party. Oh but don't worry your first ticket will not have the "processing" fee. Just like a drug dealer its the second time they'll get you. I wish I had not signed up for the yearly subscription. Definitely not renewing it as a lot of theater chains offer discounted tickets on certain weekday anyways.

Desired Outcome

I would like the "misuse" fees be waived because their app was not working. Also I want my account unlocked for the remaining miserable 10 months I have left with them.

Sinemia Response • Feb 24, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that our support has reached you about the issue and your misuse fee has been removed.
Your account is active and you may purchase a new movie ticket.
Also, your ID verification has been approved by our team successfully.
We have added +1 extra movie day to your account as a gesture of goodwill.

Customer Response • Feb 27, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Changing terms after subscription and holding account hostage want unnecessary personal id info and charging excessive processing fee
They are substantially changing the terms after subscription and not allowing use of the account unless the new terms are complied with. First, they added a $1.80 credit card processing fee per movie which was not in the original terms. That seems excessive especially because you are using a credit card number they give you. Now they are not allowing me to use my account unless I send them a photo of me holding my driver's license. They say this is to prevent fraud but it seems like an excuse to get additional personal data there already are sufficient safeguards to ensure no one else is using the account. I paid for a year long subscription but cannot use my card now. Customer service also has never responded to me except to send a pre-packaged and unresponsive email. There is no telephone number to contact them.

Desired Outcome

I would like them to unlock my account without me having to give them addiitional id. I would like them to discontinue or at least significantly reduce the processing fee. I want them to stop changing the terms of my membership by adding additional fees and roadblocks. These are significant changes to the terms and their general language about being able to change the terms should not be construed to allow them to make significant changes at will. I want them to be available to respond to customer support issues.

Sinemia Response • Feb 24, 2019

Hi, ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. We have informed our team to complete your verification process with priority.
Sinemia covers the cost of the movie ticket and the other fees are not included. Please see the term 27.18.
If you would like to avoid online transaction fees you may order a Sinemia physical card and purchase your movie ticket in the theatres.

Customer Response • Feb 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I object to the fact that I was forced to provide id and my photo to them in order to be able to use my pre-paid membership. The reasoning they supply for needing id seems pat, and it still is not clear to me how it might prevent fraud since no time does the app (or theater) require you to put in any id to get a ticket. Their Customer Service never responded to my inquiries. As to the excessive $1.80 processing fee, Sinemia also imposed it unilaterally and without notice. They have not addressed how the fee is not excessive and why they do not disclose it when you sign up. The solution they offer of getting a card is something they charge additional money for - again, not disclosed when you sign up. I object to all their hidden fees, and all the changes they make after-the-fact to the agreement, unilaterally and without notice. I like having the card but the way they treat customers is really poor. The only time their customer service seems to be available is when they want to impose an additional fee on you. Beware their misuse fee too forgetting to check in costs you a monthly movie ticket, PLUS the cost of the movie ticket. Per the fine print, this is supposedly justified because it is significant fraud but they imposed it even when it was an simple customer oversight, and even when I proved to them that I actually went to the movie. No fraud there. But there is no one in customer service to talk to, and they simply lock your account until you pay. Meanwhile your ability to use a service you've already paid for is ticking away.

Sinemia Response • Mar 06, 2019

Hi, upon checking your case, we see that you have already uploaded the requested documents as requested. We have informed our team and your account has been approved with priority.

We would like to add an extra movie day to your current Sinemia month considering your suspension time, you may check from your account. Thanks!

Customer Response • Mar 07, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

A terrible service that looks more like a con job, not delivering the promise of 3 movies a month in exchange for a yearly membership
This is the WORST service ever!Forget it, it's exactly what throwing good money after bad means. My husband and I bought the yearly membership, and from the first time we tried to use it, we had problems. And the second time too. Almost every time, as a matter of fact. It got to the point where we would make it all the way to the theater and either decide to forget about it or else to fork out the full amount for the movie.And then fees were added, and then they said we owed money because the fees were not paid. We paid whatever extortionate amount they wanted from us to so-called release our account. And then we paid some more to buy the physical card so as not to incur fees. Altogether, since late September, I was able to purchase about a dozen movies, a third of which I had to pay for! I was able to purchase ONE movie ticket with the card, and when I tried again today, it told me ERROR and I had to pay whatever fees they wanted to release my stop. AND to make everything worse, NO customer service, only form emails.There are lawsuits already started and I'm looking to join them. I know I'm not the only one feeling being taken for a ride for a LOT of money!

Desired Outcome

We're hoping for the business to either refund us the amount we paid or else provide us with a service that delivers

Sinemia Response • Feb 24, 2019

Hi, as stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse.
However, as a managerial exception, our support has contacted you and removed the misuse fee from your account.
Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in, please let our support know so that we can provide assistance.
We have added +1 extra movie day to your account as a gesture of goodwill. Thanks.

Bait and switch. Fees never mentioned. Checkin applicatikn fails and they charge you for not checking in. No customer service response.
I purchased a movie ticket using the Sinemia app that I have paid for a years subscription. I get to see two movies a month for $10.99. They added and failed to mention that every time you book a movie ticket online, not only do they charge you the movie theatre processing fee, but they also sneak in a fee. When you are at the theatre they also want you to check in, and the app is not very good so it failed to check me in. They then proceeded to say I'm responsible for a misuse charge.. which means I have to pay for the mivie ticket at retail price out of pocket. No one ever calls you back, or emails you.. I've sent multiple emails with no reply. There is no account number that I can see. *** is the user name for me.

Desired Outcome

$16.19 misuse fee removed, or refund my entire account.

Sinemia Response • Feb 20, 2019

Hi, as stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be refunding your misuse fee to the original payment method. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in, please let us know so that we can provide assistance.
Thank you!

Ditto to most of the comments below. With all of the added fees and then having to pay a misuse fee for a movie I forgot to check in at, the tickets come out to almost $7 each, so I'm not saving all that much money. And the customer service is terrible - there is no phone number and they seem to respond only through Twitter, and then only when they feel like it.

Stay away. Hidden fees, useless application, and they do their best not to honor the tickets you are owed. The customer service is completely unresponsive, and they make their money by selling your personal information to third parties. They also try to require you to send them your personal identification information as well as images of your face (which they probably sell as well).

I am using Sinemia to purchase movie tickets and have paid over $250.00 for a subscription to their service. Each time I use the service They advise that I misused the service and charge me additional fees. They refuse to respond to my requests for explanation, and lock my account until the misuse fees are paid. I would like to cancel the service and receive a refund. The site has more than 50 pages of restrictions.

Desired Outcome

Full explanation as to why they are charging misuse fees or cancellation of membership and refund of monies paid.

Sinemia Response • Feb 18, 2019

Hi, we have checked your account and see that you have seen 10 movies with your Sinemia subscription but have completed only 3 check-ins for them. If you have an error with the check-in feature you need to contact with Sinemia Support for assistance with the screenshots of the error.

As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account. Please be noted that this is a one time exception.
Thank you.

Their app was malfunctioning and would not allow me to check in for the movie. I tried contacting them via email but they only sent me an automated response. They then charged me a fee that shouldn't have been made because of their app. I tried contact them via Facebook as well but they will not respond to me.

Desired Outcome

Refund of both mouse fees due to their app malfunction

Sinemia Response • Feb 19, 2019

Hi, as stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. Upon reviewing your account we see that your latest misuse fee had been already removed from your account.

Furthermore, a managerial exception, we will be refunding your previous misuse fee also. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in or you receive an error please contact our support with the screenshots of the error so that our team may investigate the issue. Thanks!

Customer Response • Mar 26, 2019

Sinemia never refunded the first misuse fee due to their app malfunctioning as they stated they would in their response. I only received the one refund for the second misuse fee.

I also found out the other day that they had terminated my account as well as several other users (as noted by multiple media stories on the Sinemia and their poor customer support). They terminated our accounts without cause and we have yet to see a refund of our membership, service, and physical card fees that we spent on their service that we are no longer able to use.

I've spent a total of $235.68 on their service that I can no longer use because they terminated my account. Charges are listed below. Their response is not acceptable. And only a full refund of all of these charges will be an acceptable response due to their constant changes in terms of service which was not agreed to upon purchase of the 12 month plan in September, termination of my account, no longer able to use the physical card purchased for 19.99, and the ridiculous fees that were not agreed to upon purchase of the 12 month plan.

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The suggested refund amount by going through the request usage form is unacceptable. Nothing less than a prorated refund for the time I was not able to use the serve is unacceptable.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

The very first issue I had with Sinemia, is it's iPhone App. I tried to check-in using the app to watch a movie at Century at Tanforan. While sitting at the theater trying to check-in, the app kept saying I was not in the location multiple times. Sinemia reached out and noted I didn't check-in. There was nothing I could do to check-in and I reached out to Sinemia regarding the situation. The second time, I was trying to purchase a movie ticket at the Kabuki Theater and a virtual card did not generate and I had to pay for a ticket out of my pocket, App did not work. This third instant, the same thing happened, I could not check into Century Park Lane 16 even though I was sitting at my seat.

The App kept saying I was not in the theater. Sinemia noted that and charged me for the whole movie ticket. I reached out to support team via email and Twitter Chat but I haven't heard back in weeks. I wasn't able to get any answer and I was wrongly charged on my account bc their app wasn't working so I reached out to my bank to get a resolution. My bank credited my account back. And now Sinemia suspended my account. It only took them a day to reach out regarding the suspension but I haven't received any response in my reply regarding that.

Desired Outcome

I would like to be credited back the amount, which my bank had already done and have my account not be suspended to allow continual use of the Sinemia app.

Sinemia Response • Feb 18, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that you are a monthly Sinemia subscriber with 2 movie days/month.

We would like to assist you with a refund however we see that you have disputed the payment and you have used all of your movie days already. In case you would like to continue your membership, you may withdraw your dispute and share the letter of withdrawal with our support team. Thank you!

My husband and I signed up for (and paid for) the 1-year membership to Sinemia's movie ticket app. We have tried to use the app at Cineplex theatres three times now and have been declined, the theatre saying it has no record of our payment (despite being charged through the app each time.) We have tried contacting their customer support team multiple times, have done all the things they suggested we do and now that we've asked for a refund, have received no response after a month of repeated inquiries. This business seems like a scam and should be providing refunds when their service is not what it claims to be.

Desired Outcome

We simply would like a refund for the money we have paid to the service, since no product was delivered.

Sinemia Response • Feb 19, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account and the latest contact in our system, we see that our support had assisted you to purchase a ticket so that you have purchased a movie ticket just 15th of February.
Regarding your unused Sinemia months, we will be adjusting your Sinemia annual plan as of starting on 9th of February. If you need further assistance please let our support know, they will be more than happy to assist you. Thank you!

Signed up and first time used charged a $40 misuse fee and customer support does NOT repond
I recently signed up for sinemia as it seemed like a great way to save money on movies. After signing up I'm told I need to pay $10 more to use right away (no big deal, but off putting). The following day I get an email charging me a misuse fee.

Since then I have reached out via email and received one response. I have asked for a follow up and phone call numerous times and no one responds. The only contact method is via email which is in responsive.

I wish I had found this page prior to signing up as it appears I am not the only one who is having the issue. I think it is despicable that the only way to get a response (wishful thinking) is by posting on and seems to be a very shady business tactic.

Desired Outcome

My first choice would be to cancel my membership and be refunded the full amount I paid. You *** keep the misuse fee I paid which was full ticket price. I hate supporting businesses with terrible service. Reading the other resolutions it appears this is not something sinemia can do (if a company can't refund a subscription based on poor service, HUGE RED FLAG). If they are UNWILLING to refund my subscription, I would expect a refund of the misuse fee. I would also forgo either of these if Sinemia were to hire a customer service/experience department and take a serious look at their customer retention strategies.

Sinemia Response • Feb 19, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that your issue has been resolved by our support team and your misuse fee had been forwarded to our finance team to be refunded.
Unfortunately we do not have phone support, you may reach our support at ***
Please note that Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions.
If you need further assistance, you may kindly reply our support's latest e-mail. Thank you!

Customer Response • Feb 21, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
They refunded the fee. Still not happy with them having no phone support and their support options are limited to email that do not get responses.

Misuse Fee Charged 4 not being able 2 Check In. Check in feature via the app was not functioning. Additionally, found an unexplained charge billed.
1/18/19 I was not able to check in for a movie. Not because I had forgotten but because the feature to check in was not available. Due to this, Sinemia placed a freeze on my account. Forced to pay a misuse fee. I inquired via email 1/25 twice. I received automated messages that did not answer my questions. Waited again since they sent an email stating they received it and a response would be given. Unfortunately, I ended up paying the misuse fee so I *** use my product for the feature. However, when I looked up my credit card account, I also found an unauthorized charge of $14.99 12/29. This is not cool. I already paid for a misuse charge that I should not have to have paid when their app was misfunctioning but this extra charge needs to be explained.

Desired Outcome

I woudl like a response from the business what had occurred. i would like them to resolve fairly. I would gladly take on anything that I cuased but something like misfunction of the app to check in is not something I should be charged for. I would like an explanation of the $14.99 charge as well.

Sinemia Response • Feb 19, 2019

Hi, as stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be refunding your misuse fee to the original payment method since you have reported an issue. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is an issue again with the check-in feature please contact our support with the screenshots of the error so that our team can assist and resolve the issue.

Regarding the charge 14.99, we see that you have order a Sinemia physical card and the card fee is 14.99. Please be noted that Sinemia is a Cardless service by default and our memberships do not contain a physical card.
Thank you!

Customer Response • Feb 23, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Thank you for the response and exception. In the future, I think it would be great to review how customer serivice is handled. Especially, in a case like this, it would have been more appreciated if an apology was given for the app experience/issue that I had instead of stating that an exception will be given this time. Let's not place the blame on the customer when a through investigation was not given or conclusion on what had occurred determined. Unfortunately, something simple as this could have been resolved without the involvement of I truly do want your buisness to succeed compared to your competitor, Movie Pass, but I am concerned as I have experienced and read many reviews about how poorly customer service is handled. Lastly,I have not yet seen the refund that was written in the response. When will that transaction take effect? I would like to hear how you will be addressing the customer service issue.

Sinemia app does not always allow you to check in at the movies or thier system does not recognize that you check in. When this happens they charge you back the cost of the ticket. I have contacted thier customer support about the issue many times but they have never responded. I always use the card at the theater. They have now stolen about $100 from me because theit system is broken.

After selling me a membership, my account was locked for their not upfront fee disclosures, and they want more fees to unlock it
After using Sinemia app to activate your card for use, you have to check on on the app. You cannot just load the app and check in. You have to wait until they send you an app notification to do so. By the time they sent me this notification the movie had started, and being a long movie, by the time it let out my window of time to check in had expired. So my account was locked until I pay additional fees to unlock it. This is very deceptive. If they really cared about checking in, they would just allow you to check in on the app when you are at the theatre anytime you load the app, not wait until they send you a notification knowing that most people have silenced their cell phones and have them put away.

Desired Outcome

I would like to have my account cancelled and my membership fees refunded, after being pro rated of course. I paid for a 1 year membership in advance, and an additional fee to get a card so I could actually use the service. I've had it less than 2 months.

Sinemia Response • Feb 14, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that you have redeemed 5 tickets from your Sinemia subscription until now.
As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. You have not completed you have not completed your check-in for the movie on 2nd of February. However, as a managerial exception, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in, please let our support know so that we can provide assistance.
On the other hand, please be noted that Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in terms and conditions.
We will be adding +1 extra movie day to your Sinemia month as a gesture of goodwill. Thank you!

Company changes fees and forces payments for errors in their own software.
The company has added fees without warning in the past 6 months. The company removed access to physical debit cards, then a few months later offered them again but charged for them. The company uses software for ticket purchase purposes, and the software requires you to check in at the theater when you are seeing a movie. Sometimes the software does not allow you to check in, despite multiple attempts. Now they are charging me $10.95 for failing to check in when it was there software that failed, and I immediately emailed them when the failure happened. They ignore the majority of my emails to their support department, no replies. They have locked out my access to my year paid account, so I can no longer purchase tickets with the paid access I paid 4 months ago. They have also altered the date structure by which a premium movie can be seen, instead of one premium movie per month, each premium movie can only be seen one month after the last premium movie, which is different than once per month.

Desired Outcome

My account needs to be unlocked and the days I have lost need to be added to the end of my subscription.

Sinemia Response • Feb 14, 2019

Hi, we have checked your account and see that you have not completed your check-in for the movie on 30th of January.
If you have an error with the check-in feature you need to contact with Sinemia Support for assistance, kindly do not forget to take the screenshots of the error.

As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception and considering the error you have informed, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account.
Also, we have added 15 days of Sinemia days to the end of your Sinemia annual plan as a gesture of goodwill. Thank you!

The service I was charged for has failed to work on 5 separate occasions and the company refuses to answer customer service emails. It's fraud.
I have been trying to use Sinemia for never works (on 5 separate occasions it's been declined),I have paid for a membership AND a $15 physical card. With each failed attempt mouse the service, I would email their customer service email (there is no number to call), and only got a reply once to say "We're sorry" with no attempt to return my money or solve the issue. Going onto their facebook wall, I saw tons of comments from similarly dissatisfied customers who also complained of no one returning customer service emails. I want my money back...I paid for a service that never works as it was advertised, this company just took my money and now refuses to handle their tech issues, return customer emails, or refund my money. It's a scam, they're taking money without providing a working service, and I'm sick of it. I don't care what their "refund policy can't advertise a service, have it never work, and then ignore customers when they complain. Sinemia has already faced legal action about their third party vendor practice and refusing to allow physical cards, now they're just ripping off customers without any intention of providing the service they claim to.

Desired Outcome

I want every penny I paid to sinemia (the yearly fee plus the amount for the physical card) paid back to me immediately

Sinemia Response • Feb 14, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that you had tried to purchase a ticket with your Sinemia card without creating your ticket with Sinemia application. Please be noted that you need to create your ticket through the application to authorize your Sinemia card for the payment using "Watch" tab.
Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions.
On the other hand, you have already redeemed 4 movie tickets with your Sinemia subscription and then you have not attempted to purchase a movie ticket for the last 2 months. However, we will be added +1 extra Sinemia month to your plan as a gesture of goodwill.
Our support keeps providing assistance to you with the ticket purchase process. Thank you!

Customer Response • Feb 14, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
One extra day of a service that hasn't worked the 5 times I tried to use it is not a resolution. This service is charging customers and not providing what they claim to. They rarely if ever respond to customer complaints, and are based in Istanbul with no phone number for the credit card companies to call and resolve any customer issues. Addiing an "extra day" is a joke when i've spent over $100 on a service that has never worked. I don't care if they don't usually offer refunds...this service does not work! When you go to check in to a theater the films are not listed! That's fraud. On the rare occasions they do respond to customer emails weeks after the issue, they say "we're working on it" with no help or resolution for the customer. How are they allowed to do this??? There are over 350 other complaints submitted to the about this fraudulent company and nothing is being done because they're based in Istanbul. Their extra day offer is a joke. This is not a satisfactory resolution whatsoever.

Sinemia Response • Feb 25, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that your Sinemia account is already cancelled and a prorated refund was forwarded to our support team by our support. Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.Thanks.

Sinemia want to charge me a misuse fee and has my account locked when their system literally would not let me check in for a movie.
I went to check into a movie, Dragon Ball Super, at Century 16, 2:45PM 1/20/2019 in Mountain View, CA. Sinemia's system literally would not let me check in for this movie. I am now being charged a misuse fee and my account is locked. I documented the whole process because this is not the first time this has happened. I would cancel this service if I could but I paid for a year in advance. The fine print says it is not refundable. I'll admit that I am half at fault here. Their system takes about 8min to check in and they have multiple check in screens. Their first screen says check in. When you do it loads for about 8 min. At this point I assumed I was being checked it and left it to load. The first misuse fee was for the movie 'Glass' I saw at the ICON theater in Mountain View on Jan. 17th 7pm. Apparently after the 8min another check in another screen pops up. At this point I thought I had checked into Glass. If you don't click the 2nd check in screen it's a fail. I was able to get another ticket on the service before it noticed failed check in. because of the first failed check in I was locked out to of checking for the 2nd movie. I will gladly pay the first fee but not the second. I have provided Sinemia with ticket stubs and pictures but I am being ignored.

Desired Outcome

I'd just like one misues fee removed from my account.

Sinemia Response • Feb 14, 2019

Hi, we have checked your account and see that you have not completed your check-in for the movie on 20th of January.

As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be refunding your misuse fee to the original payment method.
Thank you!

Customer Response • Feb 14, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did not complete my check in on Jan. 20th because their system had locked me out and would not allow me to check in. I have photo documentation of my attempt to check in. I took pictures of the theater, movie ticket, marquee at the entrance of the actual theater the movie was showing. I also screen grabbed my attempt to check in which took roughly 8 min. Then I got a another check in screen which I attempted to check in again. Then an error screen saying that I was not able to check in. if you would like to see it. I submitted all this to their customer support and I never received a reply other then their canned response of failing to check in.

Customer Response • Feb 14, 2019

My apologies. I didn't read their full reply. They have initiated a the refund. I no longer have a complaint.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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