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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

I have reached out to the company several times. Their service is not working for me. And they have charged me for the entire year already.
The service is not working for me. The "contact" info on their website is an online submission of the concern with no phone number to contact. I have submitted several (as in 3-4) online submissions for someone to contact me regarding this service that is NOT working.
I have received NO response at all.

Desired Outcome

I would like to get refunded for the months of service that the tickets were not used due to the service not working. ANd I would like someone to show me how to use the service so that this problem does not happen again.

Sinemia Response • Jan 29, 2019

Hi, we would like to apologize for the late response and we are sorry for the inconvenience this has caused. Due to the strong demand for Sinemia services, we are doing our best to reply with care and attention every single message received from customers.
Our support has contacted you promptly in order to obtain the details of your issue.
We will be also restoring your unused Sinemia period after the issue has been resolved. Thank you!

This company is completely fraudulent and charges multiple hidden fees on top of their annual subscription. The virtual card numbers they send do not work. Each time you attempt to use the virtual card, it charges another fee because it doesn't work. The company would not remove these fees even though it was their fault the charges were double billed.

My both accounts are terminated but money is not refunded yet.
I took 2 membership from Sinemia (one combined for me and my wife and other for only my daughter), I was using the service for some time and then one day I got an email for both account regarding the account terminated stating that I am using the same phone for both the account.

When I joined Sinemia memebership the never indiated that I ***'t use same phone for 2 accounts. Also when I used same phone to login there was no message that I am not allowed to use same phone for 2 accounts.

Now my account is terminated from Oct 2018 and I didn't received my money back

Desired Outcome

Now I am using different service I need my money back for the service "Senemia" terminated already.

Sinemia Response • Jan 28, 2019

Hi, according to the terms and conditions, one user cannot have more than one account. Please see the related term as below;
(iv) A Person can only purchase one membership. In the event of detecting the same person purchasing more than one membership using different credentials or social media accounts, Sinemia reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel the membership by terminating the contract.

Since you have created 2 different Sinemia account with the same user name and then login to the same device your account has been terminated. However, as you have stated that the other account is used by your daughter, we have activated your account as a managerial exception. Kindly do not login to the same device in order to prevent a second termination.
We hope that you enjoy your membership. Thank you!

Company would not unlock my account unless I paid $25.50. I contacted the company several times with no response. I tried to check in on app many time
Company would not unlock my account unless I paid $25.50 stating that I did not check in for a movie. I was at the Warwick mall showcase and tried 4 times to check in and the app did not allow me to. The movie I watched was the Mule.I contacted the company several times through Twitter and their app,with no response. I was forced to pay $25.50 to unlock my account for a problem resulting from the app.

Desired Outcome

I want the $25.50 refunded to my account.

Sinemia Response • Jan 28, 2019

Hi, We have checked your account and see that you have seen 10 movies with your Sinemia subscription but have completed only 7 check-ins for them. We see that you are using an older version of Sinemia application, please keep it updated in order to prevent errors.

As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in, please let us know so that we can provide assistance.

We have also enabled personal Cardless for your account. From now on, you will now receive single cardless information, generated only for your use. This will make purchasing your advance tickets easier. This new feature does not only make the ticket purchases much more easier, but you will now also be able to use the same saved card for advance tickets as well.

Thank you.

Customer Response • Jan 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I am glad they unfroze my account but I want my $25.50 refunded to my account. The app is the issue. When I check in at movies. I get error message. Customer service never gets back to me.

Sinemia Response • Feb 09, 2019

Hi again, our support has handled the issue and forwarded your refund request to our finance team. Your previous misuse fee will be refunded as soon as possible. If you need further information you may contact us again at *** Thank you.

They shouldn't be in business! This is the worst online experience I've ever had in my entire life.

I have nothing but non stop problems with this company and cannot seem to get anything but an automatic reply. Nothing has been resolved for several months in the even closed my ticket without anything being resolved. I then went online to cancel the subscription but I was still charged for January.
I have been contacted when I say something on social media, but then I email them are they are still not replying to my emails and following through on their promise to refund me. They then asked me to update a review and leave a nicer one, but they still have done nothing to resolve my issues- in which I wasn't able to see 2 movies(1 while standing at the movie theater trying to purchase for over an hour online but had technical difficulties) and they have the audacity to ask me to update my review.

Poor customer service and not customer friendly. They never fixed application bug issues in time, responding to our concerns immediately due to which I lost one movie option last month. This month the moment I forgot check-in option they immediately locked my account and looking for misuse payment instead of actually fixing buggy app or improving their services. There should have been way to capture mobile location details during movie time instead of pushing us for manual check-in.. Customer is paying for lack of services from Sinemia and doesn't give any reason to continue with them even though my account is active but locked down and okay to lose out balance amount

I've been charged a 'misuse fee' of $10.50 for not 'checking in' at the movie theatre but the app constantly shuts down when I try.
I purchased the '30 movies for 30 Days' for one year plan that costs $360.00 on September 20th, 2018. I was able to 'purchase' tickets through the app and see movies with no major issues for the first two weeks.

Then on the second week in October, I tried 'checking-in' on the app but it shut down on me. I immediately emailed and DMed on Twitter Sinemia about the issue. I did not get a response. I used the app to see two movies the next week, and once again, the app closed down on me during the 'check-in' and I got no response from customer service.

Finally after two weeks, customer service got back to me and instead of addressing the issue of the app shutting down when I tried to 'check-in', they just reminded me that I needed to 'check-in.'

For the next two months, the app shut down every time I tried to select the movie for the 'check-in' process. Every time I immediately contacted customer service by email and DM on Twitter and they often took several days to respond. Their response was often threats of a 'misuse fee' if I didn't 'check-in' despite me telling them that the app would not let me 'check-in.'

At the end of November, like every time before, the app shut down when I tried to 'check-in.' But this time, I received an email the next day telling me I violated the agreement by not 'checking-in' on the app. I discussed with them that I tried checking-in but they claimed their software shows that I never attempted to 'check-in' and there were no issues with their app.

They then again reminded me to 'check-in' to avoid a misuse fee and I reminded them that the app keeps shutting down on me but that every time I immediately contacted them via email and Twitter DM (in case they could do something manually).

The last time I used the app was for a movie in December. This time the app shut down again when I tried to 'check-in.' This time I was charged a misuse fee of $10.50 for not 'checking-in.' I talked with a customer service rep about how the app does not work for me and if I was going to be charged a misuse fee every time I failed to check-in that I'd need to cancel the service and get a refund for the remaining 9 months (the first three I was able to see the movies I wanted without a misuse fee) for $270.00. They claimed the terms of service said they offer no refunds but my argument was that I agreed on the understanding the app would work for me and my phone (it clearly does not).

I have emailed several times since about waiving the misuse fee or getting a refund on the remaining months. They have ignored all my requests, despite promising weeks ago that they would get back to me.

I have told them that I would be happy to try their service again when I can afford a new phone to see if the app would work. Again, they ignore me and don't address my concerns.

The 'check-in' feature has not worked since the second week of October and it is now clear they will charge me a misuse fee every time I fail to 'check-in', which is inevitably going to be every time.

Desired Outcome

The 'check-in' feature does not work for me, despite trying for the last three months. I want the misuse fee of $10.50 to be waived. If they can not correct the 'check-in' feature or at least promise me that I won't be charged anymore misuse fees then I'd like a refund for my remaining 9 months of the service, $270.00.

Sinemia Response • Jan 27, 2019

We have checked your account and see that you have seen 14 movies with your Sinemia subscription but have completed only 5 check-ins for them. We see that you are using an older version of Sinemia application. Since all of the issues have been resolved by the latest update, please keep your Sinemia app updated.

As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account. You will receive no more issues as long as you keep your app updated.

Also, we have extended your membership for 10 days as a gesture of goodwill. Please let our support know if you need further assistance.

Thank you!

Their customer service is very difficult to work with. They do not have a telephone option and they are very slow to respond to emails, and responses have little, if any helpful information. The service is complicated to initiate and use. I gifted the service to multiple family members of various ages and technical ability, and all were frustrated, and none were able to actually use the service. Luckily, my family was unable to even use the service, so they did not run into the numerous hidden fees I have read about in other postings on this site. They're marketing and product descriptions are misleading, at best. For example, when I purchased the memberships, the website stated that members received a card (in my understanding, similar a pre-paid Visa) to be used to purchase movie tickets. When the members attempted to initiate their accounts, they were not offered a card, only an app (again, not intuitive to use), and upon further, frustratingly difficult research, found that a simple card would cost an additional $30. Unfortunately, it is a non-refundable purchase, according to the "terms of use" so the only way to rectify the situation was to dispute the charge with my credit card company. When speaking with the call center assistant for my credit card company on the phone, I found that person was familiar with Simenia because she had multiple similar calls in the previous days!

Sinemia Cardless charged to my credit card but one time payment cardless didn't work to book ticket
Sinemia cardless system does not work and customer service will not respond. The only contact information is via email, but emails remain unanswered.I also tried twitter, facebook but no answer. In order to use Sinemia, you need to get a temporary credit card number to purchase tickets. The last times I have done this, the card has been rejected.I wasnt able to book ticket online. Sinemia will not respond to the issue,either via email, facebook or twitter. thery also deducticted my 2nd movie option and I end up paying for movie at the therater- therefor the prepaid movies go unused and it is a waste of money. they also charge my credit card processing fees.

Desired Outcome

Refund for full membership

Sinemia Response • Jan 27, 2019

Hi, upon checking the user's account we see that there is not a cancelled or declined ticket record. We see that the user has purchased an annual plan and redeemed 16 tickets with Sinemia until now. The last ticket was purchased 12nd of January successfully.
Our support will be contacting also to provide assistance.
Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Yes you are right, It did work all the time in the past that have no correlation with the unsuccessful attempt or system error from your side this time. ( happen on 12 Jan)
I wouldn't have complain if I would have been allow to book ticket online this time as well. Moreover, rather than acknowledging the problem Sinemia stating that their system work perfectly fine. which is a complete lie.

I have try to reach you on the same day also I try to reach on on several other day after that day via various media, facebook, twitter, and email. I haven't receive any response at all. Finally after searching online that I am not the first one for this issue. I decided to raise the complain.

Moreover, on the email that I receive they are saying now that the problem is from Cineplex. I was able to book the ticker from all other credit card on their plateform other than the one sinemia generated for me to buy ticket that day.

They should stop lying and should reimbursed the customer and should be punished for false business practice.

Sinemia Response • Feb 09, 2019

We have revised the user's account again and see that there are successfully purchased ticket on 1st of February and 5th of February. There are only one unused movie ticket from last month. Nevertheless, we have added +1 extra movie day to the user's account as a gesture of goodwill. Our support will be contacting him as well. Thank you!

Customer Response • Feb 13, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

My membership has been incorrectly suspended. They do not answer any customer service complaints.
Sinemia suspended my membership 10 days ago alleging that I did not show up for a movie when I did do so. I have written to them multiple times over the last 10 days trying to resolve this issue but they do not respond at all. I have been unable to use my membership during this time.

Desired Outcome

I want them to reinstate my membership and compensate me for the time I have lost. If they are unable to do so, then refund me my money.

Sinemia Response • Jan 27, 2019

We have checked your account and see that you have seen 8 movies with your Sinemia subscription but have not completed any check-ins.

As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in, please let us know so that we can provide assistance.

Thank you!

Purchased gift subscription to Sinemia on website on 12/10/18. $104.70 was charged to my account and no subscription delivered.
Purchased 3 movie tickets/mo for a year subscription to Sinemia for my son *** in *** on 12/10/18. This was an Xmas gift. Sinemia charged my Bank of America account on the same day ($104.70). No confirmation of subscription sent to me or my son. No response to 12/22 or 1/10 email to Sinemia other than form email that complaint received. Would like a response from Siberia or return of funds. Have lodged a fraud complaint with Bank of America as well.

Desired Outcome

Would like receipt of subscription for my son *** at *** or return of fund to me (***

Sinemia Response • Jan 27, 2019

Hi, upon checking our system we see that you have provided a different e-mail account as th gift receiver. Our support will be contacting you to provide details via e-mail. Thank you.

Customer Response • Feb 01, 2019

We finally heard back from Sinemia but the link they provided did not work. We have since gotten that addressed. Crazy that it took so long to provide access to an online subscription.

Thank you for your assistance.

Invalid misuse fees.
I was charged misuse fees and blocked from using my acoount for not checking in to movies. I couldn't check in at the theatre because I didn't go to the movie. I cancelled the movies thru Atom but couldn't cancel with Sinemia because because they don't allow cancellations. I have contacted support at least six times with only one response from them asking for receipts from Atom to prove I cancelled which I sent TWICE! It's been a month and I still can't use my account. No cancellation policy is ludicrous. And Misuse fees are ludicrous. What a terrible company!

Desired Outcome

Reinstate my account and give me back the 2 months I have been unable to use the serices.

Sinemia Response • Jan 24, 2019

Hi, upon checking the user's latest correspondence with our support, we see that the issue has been resolved and the misuse fee has been removed from user's Sinemia account.
Also we have added 1 Sinemia montht to the user's account as a gesture of goodwill.
If the user needs further assistance she may reply our latest e-mail. Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

They disable our account and ask us to pay penalty fee before reactivating it.we are still paying They did not disclose any reason of penalty.
I have purchase 1 year worth of membership ($110+) with sinemia. They have this advance ticketing feature that we used to watch movies. Even with member fee they ask 2$ extra fee per ticket when advance ticketing is being used, which is not disclosed in their website. After a while we notice that they disable our account and was asking for penalty fee that we have to pay before reactiviting the account. So we emailed them about whats the reason coz when they emailed us, they just mention about not checking in then pay 18.90 before reactivating. Its been a month and they havent respond to our email. While were wasting month pay of membership, they ignore our emails.( this company have no way of contact but email for costumer service).

Desired Outcome

We want refund for 1 month that they ignore us and explain the reason for the penalty. If not waive the penalty.

Sinemia Response • Jan 24, 2019


We have checked your account and see that you have seen 6 movies with your Sinemia subscription but have not completed any check-ins. If you have an error with the check-in feature you need to contact with Sinemia Support for assistance, kindly do not forget to take the screenshots of the error.

As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in, please let us know so that we can provide assistance.

Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Me and my wife want 2 months refund. we contacted you guys as soon as were deactivated. we sent numerous email but never get response other than automated email response. Can you please remove the misuse fee for my wife too. we didn't know about the check in. her account is ***

also in future have a faster costumer service. maybe a real person call center for costumer service. people like me and my wife have real time problem that needs solving right away. your costumer service have EMAIL as a contact. and never respond. we have to go to just to get your attention.

Sinemia Response • Feb 03, 2019

We have removed fee from the account *** also.
Upon checking your account we see that there are not any unused Sinemia month, however we have added +1 extra movie day to your account as a gesture of goodwill.

Thanks for your feedbacks, We are growing every day with our user's feedbacks and support, for providing better assistance and services. Your feedback has been passed *** our relevant team.

Customer Response • Feb 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Charging misuse fee for things I did check in to, and failing to respond to requests for help.
I was charged a misuse fee for supposedly failing to check into a movie twice, but I did check into all movies, and only received a notice for the second movie. I sent them evidence that I never received a notice on the first movie, but they refuse to accept it. They failed to respond to customer support requests for weeks, and when they do deny any fault on their part for their app error, even though I point out the app updates states it is fixing an error with the check in process. Their lack of response caused me to miss the second movie I am given for the last month per the terms of my subscription, which I did pay for a year long subscription. They have denied me access to the service I have paid for, taken weeks to respond to multiple requests for help and refused to help when they finally do respond. I even said if they won't let me use the service to just refund the rest of my subscription, but they said they were unable to issue any kind of refund, and would not acknowledge any wrong doing on their end. The app failed on their end. Sinemia changed the terms of use, even though none of this was stated when I paid for a yearly subscription, and was even told a physical card would be emailed to me when I initially signed up. The misuse fee they want me to pay would mean the movie ticket cost me even more than just buying it outright, meaning their service is costing me more money than just not using it. This is all on top of the multiple service fees they decided to start charging without any notice or forewarning. I waited weeks for any type of response, and their lack of timely response caused parts of their service to remain unusable for me. If they had responded earlier, I might still have been able to use the 2nd premium movie last month that my subscription entitles me to, and that I did already pay for my buying a year long subscription. They even told me if I did pay for the misuse fee, they would not return that second missed movie, even though I waited weeks just to hear back about the first issue. I could only get an answer after weeks of tweeting at them. They never responded to my emails requesting support.

Desired Outcome

I would like to not be charged the misuse fee, and should be given back my 2nd missed premium movie from last month, that I only missed because Sinemia took weeks to respond about my issue causing their service to be unusable. If none of this can happen, then I demand a refund for my yearly subscription for failing to provide the advertised and agreed upon service that I purchased.

Sinemia Response • Jan 27, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing the user's account we see that the issue has been resolved with our support team and the misuse fee has been removed from user's account.
We have added +1 extra movie day to the current Sinemia period regarding the unused movie day even if unused movie days do not roll over to the next Sinemia month.
If the user has issues again, he may contact our support at ***, they will be more than happy to assist you. Thank you.

Customer Response • Jan 30, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
It took too long for someone to finally acknowledge the issue, and rectify the error that I was being charged for. It shouldn't take me weeks between responses, but as long as I'll be able to use the missed movie I will be satisfied. It makes it difficult having less than a week to watch my 2 movies from this month, but I guess better late than never. Hopefully, I'll never have this issue again. I've started screenshotting my check in to ensure I'm never falsely accused of misusing the service.

Company provide a web based service but is severely fllawed and does not function properly. They use these errors to extort money to restore service.
Charged up front fee of $107 to subscribe. Company provide a web based service but is severely fllawed and does not function properly. They use these errors to extort money to restore service. They claim a misuse fee must be paid to restore service for a situation their system created. They will not waive fee nor will they cancel subscription or provide refund.

They are therefore a scam business and cannot be trusted. Their customer servive typically will not respond and they provide no phone support. It's not clear they even comprehend english when they do respond.

Desired Outcome

FUll refund of payment made for service

Sinemia Response • Jan 24, 2019

Hi, regarding your subscription which was purchased on 19th of November in 2018 you have redeemed 2 tickets so far. We would like to assist you about purchasing ticket or ordering a Sinemia physical card however our finance has approved that there is ongoing dispute on your transaction. In case you do not no longer dispute the payment, an official statement from the bank we will be able to reinstate your account and assist you about using your own personal payment info and also about your misuse fee pending.
You may share the letter with us at *** Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
As I previously explained Sinemia is an organization that operates on the basis of deceptive business practices and uses those practices to extort fees from its users.

Their software does not function properly and is used that as a means to charge additional fees.

Attempts to solve this problem directly with Sinemia fell upon deaf ears thus forcing us to take the only remedy available and dispute the charges as referenced in their response. They could have chosen to solve the complaint directly but either are incapable or under instructions not to do so since it appears to me their customer service apparatus is based overseas as you might suspect from the poor sentence structure they used in their response.

Sinemia Response • Feb 03, 2019

We are sorry to hear that you think in this way.
We would like to assist you with a solution on this matter. Our finance is not able to refund the payment since your bank is holding payment.
If you do not want to continue to the service we *** assist you with a refund. Kindly provide us the letter of withdrawal stating that you do not continue to your dispute so that we can start your refund process. Our support will be contacting you so that you may send us the letter at ***
Thank you.

Misuse fee improperly applied to account, and service is "frozen" until the fee is paid. Sinemia support is not responding to requests for help.
On 11/30/2018 I used *** to purchase and watch a movie. One in the movie, per to TOS of the service, I checked into the movie using the Sinemia app. Later that day, I received a "warning" eMail from ***, incorrectly stating that I had not checked into the movie, as required by the TOS.

On 12/15/2018, I again used *** to purchase and watch another movie, and again checked in with their app, according to the rules. On 12/16/2018, I received another eMail incorrectly stating "Your membership is still active however the online/on-site ticketing feature has been disabled due to the outstanding misuse fees. You can make the payment for your *** card misuse fee at ***. The online/on-site ticketing feature will be activated right after the misuse fee is charged. Please note that failure to check in may lead to account termination per terms of service." The fee assessed was $10.46.

On 12/17/2018 I submitted a support request from their support request form on their website to dispute that charge.

On 12/22/2018, I submitted an eMail to *** reporting an issue with their card activation process in the Simemia app. As I side note, I mentioned the support request I made on 12/17/2018, informing them I had still not received a response about the misuse fee. I received an automated response stating my message had been received. I have not received any other responses related to this particular communication.

On 12/29/2018, I sent a private message to *** on Facebook asking for help, but never received a response.

Also on 12/29/2019, began attempting to contact *** on Twitter through tweets and DMs attempting to get support responses, as I could see *** reply to other user Tweets directed to these two accounts. I continued to attempt to communicate to Sinemia through these two accounts through Twitter, with no response received from either.

On 12/31/2018, I submitted a new eMail to *** specifically outlining my dispute of the misuse fee, and request for the fee to be removed, so that I could begin using the service again. I immediately received a responce, which appeared to be signed by a support representative with the name of "***". This response came before an automated response stating my message had been received, and contained generic FAQ type information related to check-ins. This appeared to be a pre-written, canned response, which I suspect to be automated, and made to look like it was from a live person. I have seen mention from other users on social media that they have received similar messages from "***", which they also suspected to be automated.

On 1/2/2019, I replied back to the eMail received from "***" stating the response was inadequate, as I was already familiar with the information provided, and asked for more support. I have not received any further corresponance through eMail, despite sending followup eMails requesting help every couple of days.

Through Twitter, and a couple of Reddit threads, I can see other users are complaining of similar problems with misuse fees, and also not getting responses from support. In fact, it would appear that Sinemia Support is actively ignoring users seeking help with this issue, and only responding to users seeking support for easier issues to resolve.

Desired Outcome

I am seeking Sinemia to reverse the fee applied to my account, and since I had 2/3 of my alotted movies still remaining on my currently billing cycle (and was unable to use them before my billing cycle ended), I am also asking for a an additional free month of service be applied to the end of my annual plan, which I have already paid. If sinemia refuses to reverse the misuse fee on my account, then I request that the unused portion of my annual plan be refunded. This unusued portion would begin 12/16/18 and extend through the last *** of my annual service date of 9/11/19. This is 74% of my service remaining. I paid $119.88 for the annual service, so 74% of that is $88.71. In addition, I purchased a debit card on 11/30/18, but did not receive it until 12/22/18, and have therefore been unable to use. I would also request a refund for the card purchase, as well. So the total refund I would seek is $103.70, if Sinemia refuses to reverse the misuse fee. The company should cease the practice of tacking on misuse fees until such time that it *** validate full proper functionality of it's check-in system, as validated by a third party tester, and not until it has put into place a policy and procedure for reversing such fees when receiving customer complaints of non-recorded check-ins. These policies and procedures should be clearly detailed in their Terms of Service. Customers should not be held responsible for Sinemia's inability to debug and/or ensure all of their back-end systems are operating as intended. Furthermore, I want assurances from the company that ALL future requests, from any of it's customers, for support be answered in a reasonable amount of time, and to pledge to not disguise auto-reply messages to look they have have come from a real person.

Sinemia Response • Jan 24, 2019

Hi, upon checking our system we see that your Sinemia account has been cancelled and refunded accordingly. Because of that you do not need to pay for the misuse fee. Your refund amount is 79.92 since there are 5 tickets redeemed and 4 months used from your Sinemia account and your remaining 8 months have been refunded.
Please let our support know if you need further assitance. Thanks.

Customer Response • Jan 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do see the refund of $79.92 has been applied to my CC, but this amount is in insufficient. Please refer to the calculations in the original complaint.

This unusued portion would begin 12/16/18 and extend through the last day of my annual service date of 9/11/19. This is 74% of my service remaining. I paid $119.88 for the annual service, so 74% of that is $88.71. In addition, I purchased a debit card on 11/30/18, but did not receive it until 12/22/18, and have therefore been unable to use. I would also request a refund for the card purchase, as well. So the total refund be $103.70.

Any refund amount less than $103.70 will not be considered an acceptable resolution.

Also, it's worth noting that issuing a refund is the cowardly thing to do, rather than reach out to customers directly. It's extremely disappointing and telling that the only way I *** communicate with Sinemia is through a third party.

Sinemia Response • Feb 10, 2019

Sinemia plan months are not calender months and contains 30 days of time period. Therefore our refund system is not working as you have explained. As a result your refund amount 14.99 for the card fee + 79.92 unused period of your Sinemia plan, is 94.91 in total. Please be noted that the refund has been completed already, you may check with your bank. Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 30, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I appreciate that you will be refunding me an additional $14.99 for the purchase of the debit, that I was not able to use. I will be watching for the refund to post. As of this writing, I am not seeing it, but trust I will see it in the next day or two.

However, the math you used to calculate 4 months of service was used is flawed! I signed up and paid for the Sinemia annual plan on 8/29/2018. However, you did not activate my service until 9/12/2018. My account was put on "hold" for the invalid misuse fee on 12/15/2018. This is a span of exactly 95 days, or 3 months and 4 days. 95 days is 26% of 365 days. Leaving 74% of my service unused. Again, 74% of $119.88 is $88.71. You've already refunded me $79.92, leaving a difference of $8.79 that you still owe. As previously stated, this issue will not be considered resolved until the full $88.71 + $14.99 (A total of $103.70) is fully refunded to me.

I again feel compelled to express my disappointment in you choosing to take the cowardly way out. All you had to do was answer my support requests in a timely manner, and remove the misuse fee, and we would have maintained a good relationship. Instead, you've opted to basically attempt to buy me off (not very well, I might add), and make me go away. I don't understand this tactic from a customer service standpoint, unless you have something to hide. In which case, I'm sure that will come out in the future.

I look forward to your next response, indicating that you are also refunding me that additional $8.79. Let me know if you need help with any math problems.

False Advertising and Zero Customer Service
I subscribed to this movie service on August 25, 2018. I was supposed to receive a credit card that would allow me to charge two movies a month to my subscription. I never received the card and was instead expected to use this services terrible iPhone application to purchase my movie tickets through a 3rd party site.
I was charged fees each time I used this service that almost equaled the ticket price. The app was nearly impossible to use requiring me to enter a generated credit card number into the 3rd party site each time and search for the address of Sinemia online to be able to confirm the card number.
When I decided to cancel this horrible service on December 5, 2018, I could not get through to this company by phone. My online request to cancel was ignored, so I sent an email asking to cancel and requesting a refund. This company never responded to my email.
After I contested the charge with my credit card company I finally received a email from Sinemia stating my account was suspended. No refund was ever offered and Sinemia was successful at keeping my subscription fee of $95.88 through the credit card dispute process.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund of $95.88, and to warn others about this business's false claims.

Sinemia Response • Jan 24, 2019

Hi, We would like to inform you that you are a Sinemia Cardless member and your membership does not contain a physical card.

Regarding your subscription which was purchased on 24th of August in 2018 you have redeemed 6 tickets so far. We would like to assist you about purchasing ticket or ordering a Sinemia physical card however our finance has approved that there is ongoing dispute on your transaction. In case you do not no longer dispute the payment, an official statement from the bank we will be able to reinstate your account and assist you about the usage. Or we *** refund your payment after deducting the used ticket prices as a gesture of goodwill. You may contact our support at *** about and provide the letter. Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
My bank found in Sinemia's favor for the dispute I filed since they had any iron clad no refund policy. I requested a refund from Sinemia directly also and it was denied/not responded to.
I am still requesting a refund, but would be satisfied with a partial refund for after I canceled the service in December.

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Please note that our finance is not able action for the disputed payment. Please provide the letter of withdrawal so that our team *** start your refund process.

Customer Response • Feb 05, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This company did not provide the service they promised. Their business model seems to be based upon the customers inability to obtain a refund after they realize that they've been scammed by this companies false advertising.
I still want a refund and will not be satisfied until it is provided.

they provide you a temp credit card to pay your movie tickets only through paypal.However the card details don't work and Paypal charges to your bank
Transaction amount: $90.50 AUD
Dispute amount: $90.50 AUD
Your transaction ID: ***
Transaction date: 1 January 2019
Transaction amount: $90.50 AUD
Dispute amount: $90.50 AUD
Your transaction ID: ***
Transaction date: 12 January 2019

Desired Outcome

i would like $181 Aud to be refunded in my Pay Pay account immediately. My paypal account is ***

Sinemia Response • Jan 23, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that there are no such charges as you have mentioned. It seems that your credit card has been charged for your ticket purchases. Please be noted that Sinemia does not cover the out of pocket purchases.
Nevertheless, we have cancelled your account and forwarded a prorated refung request to our finance which will be completed within 1-2 weeks. If you need further assistance please contact us at *** Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I followed all the rules and guidelines and did nor make any mistake. Therefore the movie tickets if your card worked my credit card would not have been charged. I need a refund.
I never asked for account cancellation. However I would like my account statement so I know what I used so far and what else I am entitled t to use. I want my refund and account statement please

Sinemia Response • Mar 07, 2019

There are 10 tickets redeemed with your Sinemia account therefore your used months have been deducted from your refund amount. Thanks.

Customer Response • Feb 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
my refund did not come through yet
I never intended to buy movie tickets out of pocket. you told me to use paypal only and when your temp card did not work paypal charged it to my credit card as a back up
any membership based business should provide account statements and I have every right to know where I stand with my account with me
I don't want to cancel my account. I want it work!

Customer service does not respond. Account stays locked so I can't use it unless I pay the erroneous fee. Fees/fines are predatory
I signed up for Sinemia in October. The pass is supposed to be good for 3 movies per month. I have not been able to get my 3 movies per month. The first month, the app listed me as seeing a movie (A Beautiful Boy) that I didn't see because I never got the ticket (missed the movie because there was no support available for the app). Still charged me as seeing the movie. The next month, I forgot to sign in. I emailed support but didn't get a response. Had to pay the $12.00 and it still counted as one of my 3 movies. On Saturday 1/13/19, I checked in within 2 hours of the movie ending. The app said check in was successful. My account is locked again with an unjustified $12 charge.

Desired Outcome

Remove the $12 "misuse fee" currently locking the account. I checked in within 2 hours of the movie start.

Sinemia Response • Jan 23, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we do not see a cancelled ticket, anyway we have added +1 extra movie day to your current period as a gesture of goodwill.
We see that you have seen 8 movies with your Sinemia subscription but have completed only 3 check-in for them. If you have an error with the check-in feature you need to contact with Sinemia Support for assistance, kindly do not forget to take the screenshots of the error.

As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in, please let our support know, they will be more than happy to assist you. Besides, please keep your Sinemia application to the latest version in order to eliminate any errors may occur.
Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 27, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have missed several weeks during the last paid month and this paid month because I was blocked from seeing a movie until I paid the "misuse" fee. I paid one of the misuse fees even though it was not justified because that was the only way to reopen my account. It has been at least 2 weeks since I first sent a message to Sinemia Support about the second incorrect misuse fee. During that time, my paid month got used up without me being able to see a movie. I was given an extra movie as a gesture of good will but there are only a few days left in the month to use it. I don't want an extra movie that I can't use. What I would accept is for Sinemia to credit me for the incorrect misuse fee ($12) and give me 1 free month to make up for the month I lost because of the misuse fees. Also, it seems that there is some kind of a problem with my check-in going through (my phone says check in competed but Sinemia says I didn't check in). I need someone from Sinemia Support to contact me directly so we can figure this out so that I don't get yet another unjustified misuse fee and go through this whole process again.

Sinemia Response • Mar 09, 2019

Hi. Due to the chargeback request, you are unable to log into your Sinemia account. In order for us to re-activate your account, you need to send either the letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter which provided by your bank. You can send the required document to *** e-mail address.

Customer Response • Feb 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I am still unable to use my Sinemia membership. When I went on-line, I found that Sinemia has now locked my account for "Identification verification." They requested a picture of my drivers license and a picture of me holding my drivers license. I don't understand why they need this personal information but I sent in the pictures they requested. It has been 48 hours since I sent it in photos but the account is still blocked. I keep paying for my membership but Sinemia isn't allowing me to use it. I will be satisfied if they refund the last month fee and this months fee (I was charged automatically on Feb 12) and I will gladly cancel my membership in this horrible company. I submitted a request to their customer service but it always takes a week or more to get a response.

As with the other 250 complaints, I am encountering the same multiple issues with this company. They basically quote the same rhetoric about being a no refund policy, which is a trap. They have yet to respond to any one of my multiple emails regarding the issues I am having with their business practices, NOT being able to use the services promised, and their absolute lack of response to the customer, which I am curious is listed in their policies since this is what they like to do, quote them back to people. I want my money back. I was also promised a physical card when I thought I was signing up for a month to month payment plan and ZING, my credit card is hit with an annual payment. I immediately wrote their customer service about this and never received a response dating back to 10/18/18.
Initiated service on 10/18/18 for $265 charged to my AMEX, which was incorrect as I was trying to complete the month to month payment plan, it was an absolute shock to see the amount get charged to my card so I immediately emailed their customer service stating I wanted to move to the monthly plan as I had intended. I didn't wait to do this, I immediately tried contacting them. Wrote them again twice on 11/2/18 with no response. Contacted my CC company and started a charge back which after several weeks, they refused it based off this companies supposed policies. Is there a policy for what happens when they never respond to customer issues. Once we realized we were not getting our money back we decided to simply use the service so we could get what we paid for AT LEAST. Tonight, 1/11/19, we attempted to use it the CC# they supplied didn't work therefore we could not use the service we are now stuck with.

Desired Outcome


Sinemia Response • Jan 20, 2019

Hi, Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. Also, upon reviewing your account we see that you are a Sinemia Cardless user and your contact does not include a physical card.
On the Sinemia plans page and the check out page you may see if you are purchasing an annual plan or a monthly plan. There are statements on the every plan price as "Billed Annually".

We have enabled personal Cardless for your account. From now on, you will now receive a single cardless information, generated only for your use. This will make purchasing your advance tickets easier. This new feature does not only make the ticket purchases much more easier, but you will now also be able to use the same saved card for advance tickets as well. If you would like to continue our services, you will no longer receive decline errors.

There are 4 tickets redeemed from your Sinemia account, as a gesture of goodwill we can refund your payment after deducting the used ticket prices as a gesture of goodwill. Our support also will be contacting you, if you confirm please let us know. Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 23, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
We would appreciate the refund minus the 4 tickets we used but would like to know what that refund amount would be before accepting these terms. I did respond back to customer service today stating the same fact that we would prefer a refund, so please advise.

Thank you

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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