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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Do Not Sign Up for Sinemia! First of all, I'm writing this review as a Canadian using Cineplex theaters. When I signed up in March 2018 they were in the process of switching to a cardless system. Thing is, they didn't tell me this so after waiting for a physical card for a month so that I could start using it, I had to contact them via twitter to find out that they weren't using cards and they would get me started on the cardless system. After that it was another couple of weeks before I could actually use the app to purchase tickets. Up until November I had no issues purchasing tickets via the app, but after that I have not successfully been able to purchase a ticket. Everytime I use the app now the Cineplex website says that there was an error purchasing the tickets and I am charged the transaction fee from Sinemia. I have tried reaching them for support via twitter and via the two e-mail addresses and have gotten no response from any of them. I recommend that you avoid this service until they better their customer support as you will have paid for a service you ***'t use.

SInemia is for movietickets. I have paid the amount for the subscription. The subscription is not working.
I have purchased sinemia in Oct 2018 for $65 for one year subscription. The sinemia is basically for one free movie ticket for one month. I have booked one movie ticket in OCT using sinemia but still I need to pay for the movie taxes. Later it showed in the application that I need to pay 15$ for the physical card. I have paid the amount for the physical card too. I got the card and I have activated the card. The issue is the card is not working. When I try to book the ticket it showed me that I cant book the ticket. I tried reaching the customer service multiple times. I have sent them the emails multiple times, But I havent got any reply from them. My question is They told me that, I can watch one movie every month which is not happening. They told me that the taxes will be waived which never happend. I have been emailing them multiple times and they are raising the tickets but I havent heared back from them.

Desired Outcome

I need a total refund of the amounts which i have paid.

Sinemia Response • Jan 16, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that you have attempted to purchase a movie ticket without creating the ticket from Sinemia application because your registered payment method is not available for the fee payments. Please be noted that if you would like to avoid from the online transaction fees, you need to purchase your ticket in theatres.
You may use your Sinemia card for online purchases but you will be paying the fees for online ticket.
Our support will be contacting about the issue as well. Thank you.

The contract for services has been modified without consent, and now charging additional fees as well as "fines" after annual fee paid in full.
I signed up for a bi-monthly movie membership with this company. I paid over $100 and requested a card for this transaction. No card was sent (from August 2018), and customer service help request more than 5x without responses. They added additional fees (despite our annual contract not including these) - so now there are 2 fees for getting movie tickets (a new "processing fee" and service fee) ... and now I received a fine of $16.20 for not "checking into the movie", which is a new rule that was never previously requested/mentioned in the contract. They are withholding services until I pay this fine - which never agreed upon. They also charged for a card to be sent to me ($14.99), despite having previously requesting it. I should not be charged a fine for something that was not agreed upon in a n annual contract!!

Desired Outcome

The company should not charge me a fine ... or if they are canceling my service, I need 6 months of service refunded, plus the $15 for the card refunded.

Sinemia Response • Jan 17, 2019

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. Everytime you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved.

Upon reviewing your account we see that you are a Sinemia Cardless member and Sinemia is a Cardless service by default. We are providing the physical cards as an alternative payment method so that our users may avoid online transaction fees with purchasing the movie tickets in theatres.

As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in, please contact our support at *** , our support will be more than happy to assist you.Thank you.

Customer Response • Jan 18, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This does not address the CHANGE in service. The "check in" feature has recently been added (post my contract with sinemia). They are changing the terms to the membership months after the start date. This change was not agreed upon - there was no meeting of the minds. There was no notification of the this change. This is deceptive practices. I want the fee removed immediately.

Sinemia Response • Jan 27, 2019

Sinemia always works in this way and it was always needed to complete check-ins for the movies. There is a not change about this term about Sinemia in order to prevent fraud and suspicious activities.
We would like to present this term to your attention as below;

27.13. If a user violates the following, Sinemia has the right to charge the registered payment method for a misuse fee (ticket price) or/and cancel membership:
(ii) In the event of fraudulent, persistent or serious misuse of the Sinemia service, including but not limited to 1). Failure to check-in at the theater for a regular or online ticket, and 2). Attempting to purchase a ticket at the box office for a show that is not on the same day.

Please also check from here;

Thank you.

I purchased 2 memberships on 11/23/18 - the app never worked. I tried contacting customer service several times- on 11/23, 11/24, 11/27 -no response
I am disputing 2 charges for $95.88 each, totaling $191.76. The service NEVER worked, and customer service will NOT return my messages. I have made several attempts. I was able to cancel the membership on their website for myself and my husband and now they removed that option and are stating all memberships are non refundable. I think they are a scam. Not ONE person could get back to me. PLEASE refund this charge for a service that never worked.

Desired Outcome

A credit in the amount of $191.76 as your service never worked and your customer service is refusing to return my messages.

Sinemia Response • Jan 16, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing both of your accounts we see that you have not attempted to purchase any movie ticket. However, you had disputed the payments for these accounts. Due to the chargeback requests on your and ***'s account, you are not able to use your membership. If you could provide a letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter which provided by your bank, we will be able to re-activate your account. You may send us the letter at *** Thank you.

Customer Response • Jan 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They are calling me liars, even after I sent them screenshots of the error message their app had. I was not able to use it. I do not want to continue services with a company who was not able to provide any support when I was unable to use their service for 6 weeks. Ask them where the messages I sent through their online account Portal went- clearly fell on deaf ears and blind eyes. Please look this company up to see that they are a scam. MANY people have had the same issues. Their app is awful and there is no one to support you when you have issues. I should not have to pay for a service that never worked. They had 7 weeks to rectify this. After the first week, I gave up (I made more than 5 attempts to reach out to them). Please do the right thing and refund me!!

Sinemia Response • Jan 24, 2019

Since your bank is holding the payment, our finance is not able to refund the payment. Please provide a letter from your bank regarding your payment so that our finance *** take action. Thanks.

Sinemia has changed their terms mid-billing cycle and introduced a new fee, which was not what I originally agreed to. I want a refund.
My Sinemia account username is "***" and I purchased the service for a year starting on 06/17/2018 for $119.88. The email used for the account is ***.

When I bought the service, the Terms Of Service stated that Sinemia would not make any billing changes mid-cycle. Specifically, the wording was "Sinemia will not make any changes to your plan mid-cycle, all changes will be in affect at the start of your next billing cycle".

On October 22nd 2018, the company (without notice) started adding an additional processing fee to each ticket. They have also deleted the line in their online terms, which stated that they would not make mid-cycle billing: line of section 4.3.

I contacted Sinemia to cancel my membership and get a prorated refund since these are not the terms I agreed to, but they are refusing to provide a refund and are keeping my money hostage.

There are numerous other consumer claims and even a class action lawsuit of Sinemia doing exactly the same thing. Please see the following:


Please help me get a refund, as the value proposition is not what I originally agreed to when joining, and I am now caught in a "bait-and-switch" scam.


Desired Outcome

I want a prorated refund and the rest of my subscription canceled.

Sinemia Response • Jan 17, 2019

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge.verytime you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved. You may see the term 27.18 regarding this issue.
Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions.
However, you may order a physical card and purchase your movie ticket in theatres so that you may avoid paying online transaction fees. As a gesture of goodwill, you may order the physical card without paying the card fee. If you need further assistance, please contact us at *** Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 17, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I agree that when I signed up for Sinemia, I was aware that I would have to pay the $1.50 fee to pay for movies on 3rd party sites, such as Fandango and*** What Sinemia has done, however, is add an additional on top of this fee mid-way through my billing contract cycle. They should not be able to do this and force people who have already paid the original fee new fees. If they can, where does it stop? They will continue to add arbitrary fees and force people who have already paid in full for the service to now pay new fees. New fees (according to their terms and service) should not take effect until after the billing cycle has completed (one year in my case) or for new customers.

Additionally, I have seen Sinemia make multiple exceptions to the refund policy due to their bait-and-switch scam that many have posted about below. I want to be treated the same as them.


The physical card offer does NOT resolve this because it completely ruins the value proposition of why I bought the service in the first place. The physical card requires me to go to the theater and get a seat opposed to using an online service to book at seat in advance. Since I live in a highly populated city, it is not feasible for me to go to the theater, as the seat selection is generally sold out.

Furthermore, emailing Sinemia Support is a horrible experience. They took over 4 months to respond to my first email when their service had an issue, and still billed me.

I would like this entire experience to be over, and all I want is a prorated refund. Sinemia has 'tricked' many customers into paying much more than they originally thought by adding new fees mid-cycle, and I do not want to be one of them.

Sinemia Response • Jan 27, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that you do not want to continue. Sinemia is not adding these fees to the cost of the ticket. Everytime you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved. It is already stated in the terms and conditions.

Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and condition and you had used 7 months of your Sinemia membership. However we have forwarded your prorated refund request to our finance team for the unused 5 months as a gesture of goodwill.
If you need further assistance, you may contact us at

Customer Response • Jan 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Sinemia has agreed to give me a prorated refund, as requested. I will re-open if I do not receive the refund in several weeks.

I've tried numerous times to use the online movie and it never works. I requested a refund since I have never used it and was denied.
This product is not user friendly and I've tried several times to use it. Every time it does not work and I have been denied a refund even though I have never been able to use it. My boyfriend has also tried and not been able to get it to work. I feel that we should be able to be refunded rather than keep the subscription for a year when we will never use it since it does not work. The card number that they gave me was declined 3 times and then locked out so I had to pay full price for the movie. This has happened 3 times already. This company is a scam and should be held accountable for it's awful product.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund. I paid almost $100 for this movie pass and it has never worked and I will never use it. I don't want to continue the remainder of the subscription.

Sinemia Response • Jan 15, 2019

Hi, we are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Upon reviewing your account we see that there is not a problem. We have enabled personal Cardless for your account. From now on, you will now receive a single cardless information, generated only for your use. This will make purchasing your advance tickets easier. This new feature does not only make the ticket purchases much more easier, but you will now also be able to use the same saved card for advance tickets as well. This will be also eliminating ticket purchase issues.
Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions.
As a gesture of goodwill, we will be adjusting your membership as of starting today since you have not used yet so that you do not lose any time from your membership.
Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not wish to continue with this. I was already told once that my account was set up correctly and yet I still had the card number that was sent to me declined and then locked out. This is not a user friendly purchase method and I don't want it. I just want my money back. Non refundable is not acceptable to me since it was not the product sold to me in the first place. I was told that I would be getting a physical card and now I have to pay extra for a physical card. This is just not a reputable company.

Sinemia Response • Feb 04, 2019

We have disabled the card fee on your account or we may provide a full refund for your membership since there is not usage yet. We think that this is sufficient. Please let us know your decision. Thanks.

Customer Response • Jan 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I will reluctantly get the no charge card. If I have even one problem with this, I will continue with my claim. I am still extremely upset with Sinemia and would really rather just have a refund. I will not support this company and my boyfriend is still having the same issues. I would like a card at no charge for his account as well

Not activated account.
I purchased 2 memberships in November, 1 for me and 1 for my wife (a gift membership). My wife has not been able to log into her account. I started to reach out to Sinemia in November and they would reply and simply say, its activated. It's not, they have not responded in a month and a half. I purchased 1 year's worth of their services and have already missed 2 months worth of what I already paid for. At this point, it's theft. We will be pursuing compensation in small claims court.

Desired Outcome

Refund and fix the issue

Sinemia Response • Jan 16, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account registered as *** we see that you have already redeemed 4 movie days. On the other hand, the gifted account registered as ***.***, we see that the user have not downloaded or logged in her Sinemia account yet. Please inform her to download the application and provide us confirmation so that we *** set the membership dates as starting today, this is offered as a gesture of goodwill.
Also, our support has contacted you via e-mail, you may return to them after downloading the Sinemia application. Thank you!

Account was closed under the fault of the company with no effort on their part to make adjustments.
The company cancelled my account after a supposed failed check in, and said I would be able to keep it if only my credit card on file could be processed.

They said they were unable to charge, which was a blatant lie as they charged me a month after for a physical card.

The company has a class action lawsuit filed against them for similar grounds:


There are countless disgruntled customers who also had their accounts suddenly banned under untruthful circumstances.

Even after months of back and forth only through email and Twitter (only contact source) they have not answered my question as to how my credit card was charged for a physical card but not for the supposed failed check in.

I have tried to resolve this with them but they have not answered my questions or tried to help.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for the remaining months left on my cancelled account.

Sinemia Response • Jan 15, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that your account has been terminated due to violation of Sinemia's terms and conditions. Please see the related term as below;
27.13. If a user violates the following, Sinemia has the right to charge the registered payment method for a misuse fee (ticket price) or/and cancel membership:
(ii) In the event of fraudulent, persistent or serious misuse of the Sinemia service, including but not limited to 1). Failure to check-in at the theater for a regular or online ticket, and 2). Attempting to purchase a ticket at the box office for a show that is not on the same day.

However, as a gesture of goodwill we have forwarded your prorated refund request to our finance. The refund will be completed within 1-2 weeks on Sinemia's end.
Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Customer Response • Feb 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Sinemia Response • Feb 19, 2019

Our finance team has completed the refund, you may follow with your bank. Thank you!

Charged fees wrongfully. No response from customer service to resolve issue. App not functioning to fulfill obligation of terms of agreement.
Good afternoon,

I have been charged a misuse fee on two seperate occasions. I believe this is not a valid charge. I have contacted Sinimia on several occasions to advise that my app gets stuck and I cant check in. This last movie I did not attend because I did not want to get a misuse fee. I contacted support that same night. I did not get a response. I have emailed, sent direct messages on twitter and facebook with no response. I continue to be charged fees above my already yearly paid membership when Im having issues and no one will address this issue. I wish to talk to someone regarding this matter. I have paid 1 misuse fee and missed out on 2 of my movies included in my membership. They refuse to respond to my emails. They do not provide a phone number to talk to a real person.

Desired Outcome

I am hoping can contact Sinemia and get them to refund or credit my account for the misuse fees that I have paid $14.99 and the current one on my account $16.99 so that I can continue to use my membership. They should reinstate my account because as of this moment it is disabled.

Sinemia Response • Jan 15, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account and the latest contact, we see that your misuse fee has been removed as an exception.
Also we see that you have purchased your in theatre ticket on 9th of January successfully.
We have added +1 extra movie day to your current Sinemia month as a gesture of goodwill.
If you need further assistance please contact our *** Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
My account was credited for an additional movie and the missue fee has been removed.

Multiple issues with the Sinemia Cardless
Like others, I had multiple issues with this company. Here is a summary of my complaints:
I have several major complaints:
1. When I signed up for Sinemia's plan, I thought the monthly fee covers 3 movies per month as they advertised it. But I later found out--after I paid the expedite processing fee (about 10 dollars) as well as the annual plan--that for each film I want to see I have to add an extra fee. Also, some of the art film theaters (e.g. Film Forum) in NYC do not sell tickets on the two ticket websites on their app, that is, on ATOM and Movieticket. So I had to pay extra fees to the theatres in addition to the $1.80 fee Sinemia charges me.

2. The most frustrating part of my experience with Sinemia is their lack of custom support. When I first signed up for their service, I could not figure out how to navigate their system and didn't realize that the so called purchase did not give me the ticket, instead they sent you an image with numbers, which I realized later it was a kind of virtual credit-card and I need to use it to purchase tickets online through another venue. Sinemia does not offer clear instructions on their app about how to use their service nor provide any custom service through phone to provide immediate help. I tried to contact them through email and didn't get anyone to respond to me until much later. Their response was useless anyway since I could not talk to them on the phone when I had the problem.

3. I also had several check-in incident. Once I could not find the film title when I tried to check in. Recently I encountered another problem with Sinemia. I received an email from them saying that I had broken their rule and policy of not checking in on December 17 and must pay a $16 fee to reactivate my account.The first time I didn't check in using their app was because I thought that scanning the e-ticket I purchased would count as checking in. The second time I realized I forgot to check in, I immediately emailed them notifying them of the problem. I explained to them that not checking in with their app was not intentional. The Sinemia system is set up in such a confusing and counterintuitive way that I am sure most new users, without help from them and from others, would definitely make multiple mistakes. It is like selling a faulty product.

Yet the company not only failed to help me when I had the problem using their service, they turned around accusing me of breaking their policy and rules. After paying for two months' fees, I was only able to get to see 4 films. How did I misuse their system? This is already the third month. I was only able to see 4 movies because of all these problems. Now they are charging me a "misuse" fee and holding my account hostage? I can't believe this.

4. All this probably would probably not have happened --I imagine--if I had the physical membership card. So I have paid for the membership card in December 2018 yet still I have not received the card. I emailed them asking for my membership card, they refused to address that question.

Desired Outcome

1. I request that they waive the "misuse" fee and reactivate my account immediately and extend the time to compensate for the lost time during the deactivation. 2. I request that they send me the physical card I purchased. 3. I request that they do not charge a double extra fee when I have to purchase tickets from theaters that are not listed on ATOM or

Sinemia Response • Jan 15, 2019

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. This is also stated in the terms and conditions, please see 27.18. Sinemia account activation completes within 1-2 weeks and you may accelerate the process with paying $9.99 if you do not want to wait.
You may visit our website, there is a section which guides you to use the application. Please find the link here also; ***

Our support has reached you on the check-in issue and your misuse fee had been removed as a one-time exception. Please see the related term as below;
27.13. If a user violates the following, Sinemia has the right to charge the registered payment method for a misuse fee (ticket price) or/and cancel membership:
(ii) In the event of fraudulent, persistent or serious misuse of the Sinemia service, including but not limited to 1). Failure to check-in at the theater for a regular or online ticket, and 2). Attempting to purchase a ticket at the box office for a show that is not on the same day.

Lastly, we see that you have received your Sinemia physical card and registered it to your Sinemia account. So that you will not be paying the online transaction fees purchasing your ticket in theatres.

Our support has reached you regarding these issues and provided assistance with all of these. We hope that you are happy with our services now. Thank you!

Nobody answer my service request and I'm out of service for more than 5 months
My account was suspended because of charge dispute and they charged me anyway,when I ask them to resume the service to continue the remaining service to the end of my subscription,nobody answers my email or request.

Desired Outcome

I either need my account *** be resumed service or refund me the remaining credit of the subscription.

Sinemia Response • Jan 16, 2019

Hi, regarding your subscription which was purhased on 21st of July in 2018 we would like to assist you with the activation however we see that you have disputed the payment so unfortunately our finance is not able to take any action on a disputed payments. In case you do not dispute the payment any longer, with an official statement from the bank we will be able to activate your account and also restore your one of your unused Sinemia months as a gesture of goodwill. You may send us the letter at ***. Thanks.

Customer Response • Jan 18, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I didn't get any response from their website or support email address. I resort to resolve the issue with my credit card company.

Sinemia Response • Jan 27, 2019

We understand the user's action about the issue. Our support will be contacted with user about the dispute in order to provide a settlement as satifactory. If the user provide a letter of withdrawal we can refund the payment and cancel the account. Thank you.

Customer Response • Jan 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
Please do not continue to your dispute anymore,I have some result from my bank and don't want to get the charge again.

physical card not received and asking for money for renew when I was already a member
I ordered the physical card for 14.99 and I did not recieve it, the payment went through, and I got an email saying that my card could not be processed for auto-renew, now they are making me pay for the service again, when I paid the initiation fee already

Desired Outcome

I would like to be re-instated to my original pricing and refund for the card as when I signed up for the service, i was promised a physical card

Sinemia Response • Jan 15, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account, we see that your Sinemia physical card order was placed on 18th of December successfully. You will be receiving an e-mail about the shipment of your card.
On the other hand, your account has been renewed on the same price again as of $9.99 as desired. If you need further assistance please contact us at ***. Thank you!

Sinemia is a complete "Bait and switch" scam stay away from it , no proper customer support and make money out of the customer with processing and illegitimate misuse fee.

Fraudulent Misuse Fee with no response to my 10 emails asking for help.

I tied to check in to the movie but for a You're too far away from the theater" error message. I was INSIDE THE THEATER trying to check in. I tried many many times before during and after the movie with no success.

Sinemia has now fraudulently charged at $24 misuse fee and locked me out of my account until I pay it. I did not misuse the account in any way! Their App failed! 10 emails sent since Dec 2p with no response except for the same auto reply that does not address my issue!

Extorting money fraudulently from me for an error on YOUR part is borderline criminal! REVERSE this bogus fine Sinemia! Reply to your customer service emails!

Too many hidden fees, and they never sent my initial Card to book tickets.
I signed on for the service over 8 months ago. and instantly regretted it. They double charged my card and refused to refund me as all sales were final. I continued to explain to them I didn't sign up for two services and only had one but was double charged. notice: I would reply almost immediately or within 3 minutes of getting a reply as I set my phone to notify me. This entire conversation took 3 months to get this far!

I just went to my bank and dispute the transaction and they two agreed Sinemia was looking like a scam.

as I was finishing up with that first issue I realized I had never received my card to book movie tickets, I had been using the virtual card which Sinemia was actually charging me an extra fee to use on top of my Early Planning fee that I was forced to use since I NEVER received my CARD!!!

They changed their Business terms and conditions during the 5th month and the company just went south. The app never worked I kept trying to use the virtual card and it was declined. I would reach out to support via email, call, twitter, instagram, and nothing..

Desired Outcome

They stole my money and I want a complete refund of every single cent they have robbed me

Sinemia Response • Jan 19, 2019

Hi, Upon reviewing your account we see that you are purchasing your ticket without problems. Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge.You may see the regarding the fees 27.18.
On the other hand, there is not a extra charge in your account, you had paid only the Sinemia plan price as of 119.88 on 15th of May, 2018.
In order to avoid the online transaction fee, you may order a Sinemia physical card and purchase your ticket in theatres. As a gesture of goodwill we have disabled your card fee so that you may order your card without paying.
We have also enabled personal Cardless for your account. From now on, you will now receive a single cardless information, generated only for your use. This will make purchasing your advance tickets easier. This new feature does not only make the ticket purchases much more easier, but you will now also be able to use the same saved card for advance tickets as well.
We do not see a ticket send by you waiting for support in our system. If you need assistance please send us an e-mail at *** Thank you!

They erroneous assessed me a "misuse" fee and will not remove the charge from my account.
On December 21st, I used Sinemia to purchase a ticket to Aquaman ad CGV Cinemas in LA. I checked-in and went to the film. This can be verified by the Instagram post I made inside the theater before the movie started:


I tried to buy a ticket a few days later and the app said my account had been assessed a "misuse fee" for over $20 and I can't use the app until I pay this fee. I did not misuse the app in any way, which is obvious from the Instagram post.

I contacted customer support, which took 10 days to respond--and when they did, they accused me of misuse and refused to remove this fee from my account.

Desired Outcome

They need to remove the "misuse fee" and allow me to use my account again. I have not been able to use my Sinemia account for weeks because of this. If they will not do this they need to refund me the balance of the pre-paid subscription I bought because I cannot use the service because my account is erroneously flagged for "misuse"

Sinemia Response • Jan 19, 2019

Hi, our support had reached you regarding the issue and removed your misuse fee as a gesture of goodwill. If you need further assistance you may contact them again. Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 23, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Not getting the service which I paid for.
Bought a year membership with Sinemia to see two movies a month for two people. In October they changed the way the membership system worked, which were not informed about after two month of trying to figure out how their app worked they are now using a card again. They want to charge us to issue a new card which I fell like they should send us a new one since they changed their system(the original card did not cost nothing). The other problem is they blocked us from using the app because we did not use it correctly. They have imposed a fee on our membership because we did not use the system correctly. We followed the instructions for obtaining the tickets but evidently they said we did not check in on the app at the time of the show.There was no instructions saying that we needed to check in because we did get the tickets for that night. Now they want us to pay a misuse fee in order to use the app. They either need to send us a new card free of charge or waive that fee so we can use the app. We have lost almost two months of our membership because of customer no service.

Desired Outcome

New card issued or fee waived.

Sinemia Response • Jan 19, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that you have completed your check for the movie on 15th of December. As stated in the terms and conditions you need to complete your check-in for the movies in order to prevent misuse. However, as a managerial exception, we will be removing your misuse fee from your account. Please be noted that this is a one time exception therefore if there is a misknowledge about completing a check-in, please let our support know so that we can provide assistance.

On the other hand, we have provided our old physical card users two option after the deactivation of the existing physical cards;
They may continue to Cardless
Or they may wait for the new Sinemia physical card.
As we can see from your account you had chosen to continue as Sinemia Cardless and the online transaction fees are covered by Sinemia. That is why you are seeing a Sinemia physical card fee.
Even though, we have disabled your physical card fee and now you may order a Sinemia Card.
Thank you!

Customer Response • Feb 03, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
The request was fulfilled. Though I should have not had to go thru the to get results. Thanks for the help.

Signed up for service, said $9.99/month, inclusive. Charged for full year up front, and then after the fact they added a $1.80 per use fee on top.
I signed up for Sinemia in August of 2018. On the website, it repeatedly stated it was $9.99/month, billed annually, which included 2 movie passes per month to a wide variety of movie theaters.

It also said that was an all inclusive fee, with no other hidden or added fees.

I took the "billed annually" as meaning I would be contractually obligated to pay $9.99/month. As even on the final payment screen it said $9.99/month.

Immediately following the registration, I noticed on my credit card statement I had been charged for a full 12 months of $9.99/month, upfront. I was unhappy with this, as I was expecting $9.99/month. I contacted Sinemia within hours of registering and asked for a cancellation / refund, however they refused. Stating they have a no cancellation policy. There was no getting around it.

I then realized they have a very poor customer service strategy, so I was not going to get anywhere with them.

I decided to try and use the service, to at least get some benefit from it.

The service itself is very difficult to use, and often does not work.

I have emailed them on 6 occasions about issues.

The most recent time, was when I attempted to purchase tickets for a movie, and their payment system would not work, and I also noted they were now charging a $1.80 "processing fee" per movie ticket, despite the all inclusive price they originally advertised.

I couldn't get a response from them in time to purchase my movie tickets, and was required to pay regular price for the movie I was seeing, as I was unable to use their service.

They responded the following day, and explained a complicated and inconvenient manner in which you can make their payment method work. I asked if there was any sort of compensation they could offer, as I was now out of pocket for the full price of the movie, plus the service with them I was already paying form. They simply did not even respond to my message.

I then used their service again last week, and noticed the $1.80 charge on my credit card (after successfully using the service this time). I did some research and noticed that several people have complained about this new fee being added onto the service, even though it was not in their original terms and conditions for the service. I emailed Sinemia and asked for them to cancel my account and simply refund me for the remaining 7 months of my contract, and explained it was due to constant technical issues, horribly customer service, and now this added fee which I never agreed to.

They simply responded with "Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms and Conditions". I found that to be a very frustrating answer, as they cited their Terms and Conditions, after blatantly breaching the terms of deal which I had signed up for in August.

Desired Outcome

I wish to have my service cancelled with Sinemia, and to have the remaining 7 months of my contract refunded back to me. (Roughly $70).

Sinemia Response • Jan 17, 2019

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie tickets. Convenience fees and/ or transaction fees are not covered and this is not a surcharge. Everytime you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved. You may see the related term 27.18 about the fees also.

We have two types of billing system; one of the is monthly which is billed monthly and the other one is annual plan which billed annually and these are stated on the Sinemia plans page.

Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. All our rules are published in the FAQs as well as the terms and we are glad you've read them as every customer should.

However, as a gesture of goodwill we will be restored your 30 days of Sinemia plan as a gesture of goodwill. Please contact our support if you need assistance about purchasing a ticket. Thank you!

Customer Response • Jan 24, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I am not happy with the response from Sinemia, as they have not addressed their poor customer service / lack of response issues, or the change of terms.

They also ignored the fact that the initial terms when I signed up was a flat fee with no additional fees. Since then have added a transaction fee, with no ability to get around that.

I also do not appreciate the technical issues I have encountered, with respect to their online cineplex booking. Particularly the situation where I was forced to pay out of pocket because their payment system did not work correctly.

With all of these issues, Sinemia still gives a generic response to my complaint and offers "We will be restored your 30 days of Sinemia plan as a gesture of goodwill". I'm not even sure what they mean by that... if they mean they will cancel my service and refund me for the remaining months of my plan, I do accept. Otherwise I do not think their offer is acceptable.

Sinemia Response • Feb 02, 2019

Hi, we have offered you a extra Sinemia month. However, since you do not want to service we have forwarded your refund request to our finance even though Sinemia is a non-refundable service as stated in the terms and conditions. Thank you.

Customer Response • Feb 06, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I appreciate the company finally cancelling my account and refunding the remainder of my contract. I was not happy with the service from day one, but I am happy it is finally resolved.
I wish I did not have to involve the, but I appreciate the outcome.

Sinemia is not activating my subscription
I signup for sinemia on October 5th for annual subscription for $119, they didn't provide any services even after repeated emails to the customer service. It has been 3 months I didn't use sinemia services.

Desired Outcome

i want a full refund or provide new subscription from current date without any changes in the plan

Sinemia Response • Jan 17, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account, we see that your chargeback is still ongoing. If your dispute has been resulted by your bank, please provide an official conclusion letter about the final decision of your bank so that we can activate your account promptly. You may send us the letter at *** Thank you.

Customer Response • Jan 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I gave update on Jan 17th 2019 but I didn't get any update from sinemia.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. With the document you provided, our support has re-activated your account. Also, the two months you lost have been re-added to your account. Thank you.

Customer Response • Mar 19, 2019

Hello, this case was not resolved. I don't see any update from merchant since February 3rd. Merchant requested to send back letter and I sent it on February 3rd after that I don't see any update.

Could you please check and provide update on this, I paid 6 months ago still I didn't get services to use or no refund of my amount.

This company made an additional unauthorized charge on my card after I was refunded for the on I cancelled by my bank.
I subscribed to their movie service. They did not disclose there were additional fees each time you use it. I tried to cancel. They would not let me. finally my bank issued a back charge then this dishonest company went ahead and charged an additional 359.88 without my knowledge or consent I have tried writing them many times and they refuse to even tell me why they did that. I am retired and my husband has Alzheimers. I can not afford there extra fee. There is a class action suit against them in New Jersey. Something needs to be done about them here. My banks says they can't back charge this as I don't have proof of cancelation. How can I cancel a charge I didn't make and didn't know about. This is fraudulent Please help me.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund for the 359.88 that I did not charge not did I authorized.

Sinemia Response • Jan 17, 2019

Upon reviewing the user's account we see that user has purchased 2 Sinemia plans on 29th of July and 21st of September, prices are $359.88 and $95.88 and disputed both of these payments.

We would like to assist with a refund for one of them as a gesture of goodwill, however, user since the user has disputed the payments, unfortunately, our finance is not able to take any action on the payments.
In case the user would like to stop the dispute and provide a letter of withdrawal, we can provide a refund of 359.88.
The Sinemia memberships have been suspended for preventive reasons due to the objection to payment.

If the appeal is accepted by the account holder's bank, the membership will be canceled and the refund of your payment will be made to user's registered card.

If the appeal is not accepted by the account holder's bank, the user will need to contact our support to re-activate the membership.
The user *** may contact our support in order inform us of her final decision.

User may share the letter with us at ***. Thank you.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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