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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Sinemia has wrongfully terminated my yearly subscription account and will not give me a reason why.
On September 22nd, 2018 I had purchased a plan by Sinemia called the "Classic 30 movie days plan" a plan in which you could see a movie every single day of the month (at theaters their service supported) and paid a years subscription of $359.88 up front. Since purchasing the plan, I had seen around 20 movies and even purchased a physical card version of their service to purchase tickets at the theater and avoid online fees. On Saturday March 2nd, 2019 I had gone to the theater to see a movie and upon trying to check in and use the Sinemia app, it prompted me to visit their website for a message in the member center. When I logged in, I was greeted with this message: "Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons: Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity, the use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse, reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse, sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons, manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases."

I was caught off guard and confused as I did not engage in any of the above that would go against their terms and conditions. I reached out to them on March 2nd on social media and by email to challenge the termination and ask for an explanation. Their response was the following: "We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically. Unfortunately we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information. In certain cases you may be eligible for an adjusted refund based on the difference between what you've paid for your plan and the cost of the tickets you have received through your Sinemia membership. If you would like to find out if you are eligible for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area."

I replied once again, confused, asking for them to explain the termination and they closed the support ticket and did not respond. In all honesty, I am not interested in a refund, I just wanted to use their service. The refund would have been the *** subtracted the amount it cost of the tickets of the 20 movies I have seen (with an LA average of $17/ticket) and I would probably not get any back. With that being said, they did not provide a service they marketed back in September since my year subscription was cut short and my account was wrongfully terminated and I was not even given an explanation why.

I have contacted support multiple times during their duration of their service to work through problems such as the app not working or holds on my account, but this is the first instance where no explanation was given and the problem wasn't even addressed. They have also engaged in unethical practices in the months I have used them such as adding on $1.80 fees per ticket that were not in the terms and conditions during sign-up and recently have been having members send in their drivers licenses for "ID verification" which is an extremely reckless and unsafe business practice for a movie ticket selling service.

I as I said to them, I did not violate any terms or conditions and was not given a reason to why I was terminated. I have records of every conversation and issue I have communicated with their service if needed. Thank you.

Desired Outcome

An explanation of why my account has been terminated and a reinstatement to finish their yearly contract.

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This did not at all address my complaint of why my account was terminated and why it cannot be reinstated. They have offered no concrete proof of fraud nor will look into it. I refuse to request a refund via their website as it will subtract my use of their service and ticket purchases during that month which I do not agree to as the service I was subscribe to was a subscription based service. It would be like getting a refund for a monthly subscription to Netflix but your refund is subtracted by rental fees for everything you watched.

I would like concrete proof of fraud in my case because I know for a fact it was wrongly terminated. They aren't addressing the problem I am presenting and trying to lure an opt in of a refund service designed to not refund any money.

I demand a reinstatement of my account that was wrongfully terminated or a full refund of $359.88 with no fees taken out. I paid a full year subscription and they have not followed through with it. While they accuse my account of defrauding their company, they are the service defrauding their customer in this case as they will not address my issue, provide proof of their accusation, nor provide me with the full year of service that they guaranteed.

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I will no longer be handling this case through the and will be elevating it to the next level. Nothing was resolved nor has Sinemia corporated in any shape or form.

I discourage all to use their business as it is predatory and fraudulent to its users.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Terminations are handled by the system automatically. For further information, you may visit our terms page or you *** check if you are eligible for an adjusted refund through your membership page.

Sinemia app doesn't work and they charged me for miss use payment and they are not allowing me to use the app .
Their app wasn't working properly and they are charging me a misuse fee . I signed up for Sinemia a few months ago and have had issues with their app since the beginning. I used the app to purchase movie tickets ,last time when I went for movie they didn't give a chance to check in the sinmeia app . They app doesn't work at that time and it was unresponsive which doesn't allow me to chekin.the check in button did not show up in the app. After that they charged me $20.64.I emailed them about it and they just sent a standard response that I missed check in even though I told them the app wasnt working right. Out of all the times I used the app the check in button only appeared once. After my most recent movie when the check in app didnt appear they told me I have to pay a $20.64 misuse fee and I cant use the program until I pay it. I emailed them again telling them the check in button isn't appearing but they said I have to pay it.

Desired Outcome

I want them to remove the $20.64 misuse fee in my account and fix the app.

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. When we check your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 02.21.2019. You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. Also, since the fee payment is completed, your ticketing feature re-enabled.

Sinemia canceled 2 of my families year long accounts and said I violated the agreement. No refund. They will no show proof or explain how.

My wife, daughter, and I all purchased year long memberships in Nov and Dec 2018 for about $100 each (online at via a Credit Card). Each membership provides 3 movies tickets per month (as the "Classic 12 month plan") to each of us at a number of theater chains.
ACCOUNTS are listed under our name and email.
1) *** - *** (about Dec 5, 2018)
2) *** - *** (about Dec 5, 2018)
3) *** - *** (about Nov 11, 2018)

***'s and ***'s accounts were just terminated (PROBLEM DATE = 3/2/2019) for violating there agreement. We asked why and they said "we are unable to give you the details". It is very odd that this is a rampant issue on the net ***

Their app gives this reason:
"accounts have been terminated due to possible fraud on my part due to one of the following:
-Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
-The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
-Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
-Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
-Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases"

I have no idea what this is about. We have never tried to use this service in any way inappropriately. We have complied the best we know:
- Last week (2/23/19)they even asked us to send in copies of our IDs to follow their "verification process". We did not feel comfortable sending in copies of our licenses but we did it anyway without a single complaint.
-The app does require us to check in (via the app) for all movies. And we have done this each time (though we may have missed 1 early on due to cellular issues and because we could not get to the theater in time).
-we even paid an extra $15each ($45) for 3 physical cards to use at the theater (the contract never mentioned that cost).
- The first red flag was that they never gave us a $10 credit for their referral program. I overlooked that and took the high road! They refused to help there.

I emailed them asking why we were canceled, and they responded and said "We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically. Unfortunately we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information."

Why can't they tell us more? We don't know why and can't dispute it. With tons of online users getting terminated, why can't they look to see if they are having computer errors?

The outcome we are hoping for is to simply get *** and *** membership reinstated. Or at minimum, a full refund for months unused and the physical cards purchased. (and hopefully *** membership does not get canceled during this dispute and stays OK). I feel used and taken advantage of.

Desired Outcome

The outcome we are hoping for is to simply get *** and *** membership reinstated. Or at minimum, a full refund for months unused and the physical cards purchased. (and hopefully *** membership does not get canceled during this dispute and stays OK).

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia is claming fraud has occurred on both accounts (*** and ***). They both, like many 100's of others, have had their accounts terminated and accused of fraud. Sinemia refuses to give reason for this. They can not accuse someone of fraud and not cite how or where it occurred. Proof should be submitted in order to cancel a persons contract and not sufficiently pay them. They are offering a refund, but it is an "adjusted refund" and it is NOT for unused months purchased (as part of an annual paid subscription). There offer will yield little to no refund. Until they can prove fraud and provide evidence accounts were terminate justly, I request they reinstate to 2 accounts OR provide a refund of the 9 months unused ($72 each account) + $15 for the physical Sinemia card purchased (per account). That equates to $87 for *** and $87 for ***.
Without proof that fraud was committed. I will not close this complaint until the above are met (reinstate accounts or pay $87 back to each accout).

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Terminations are handled by the system automatically. For further information, you may visit our terms page or you can check if you are eligible for an adjusted refund through your membership page.

Customer Response • Apr 23, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

This response is no different from their last. Recently the CEO said they would revise accounts. So I expect that to be done first. Second, Sinemia is claming fraud has occurred on both accounts (*** and ***). They both, like many 100's of others, have had their accounts terminated and accused of fraud. Sinemia refuses to give reason for this. They can not accuse someone of fraud and not cite how or where it occurred. Proof should be submitted in order to cancel a persons contract and not sufficiently pay them. They are offering a refund, but it is an "adjusted refund" and it is NOT for unused months purchased (as part of an annual paid subscription). There offer will yield little to no refund. Until they can prove fraud and provide evidence accounts were terminate justly, I request they reinstate to 2 accounts OR provide a refund of the 9 months unused ($72 each account) + $15 for the physical Sinemia card purchased (per account). That equates to $87 for *** and $87 for ***.
Without proof that fraud was committed. I will not close this complaint until the above are met (reinstate accounts or pay $87 back to each accout).

Deceiving customers, making significant changes to terms and conditions, poor and unresponsive customer service.
I paid $299.98 for my Sinemia subscription on Apr 4, 2018 and was issued a sinemia card. Few months after using it, the physical card stopped working on October 20th and when contacted them on twitter, they replied that there was a problem with my physical master card. Sinemia activated virtual cardless functionality for the time being and I was charged processing fees while using the virtual card (this was caused since the physical card was not working). A month later they sent an e-mail stating they were disabling the physical cards completely and virtual cardless is the way to go.

I used the cardless a few months bearing the processing fees and again in February 2019 I saw my account was blocked and I saw a request for ID proof (driving license or passport *** I submitted the required information and a week later (March 2, 2019) I see a message that my account had fallen under the fraudulent activity. I asked the customer service and they replied that Sinemia system has fraudulent checks in place and they would not be able to help me in resolving the issue or dont have any information why the system flagged my account as fraudulent.

The reason they gave for an account to fall under fraudulent category are

*Holding multiple accounts by the same person*
*- Sharing Sinemia membership with others*
*- Using same mobile device for multiple Sinemia memberships*
*- Use of Sinemia Card/Cardless for transactions other than movie ticket purchases*
*- Use of Sinemia Card/Cardless for a ticket purchase other than the one indicated in the app.*
*- Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse*
*- Use of manipulated location data*

Out of these the only one I can think is asking my wife to download the Sinemia app on my wifes phone and logging in from her account since Sinemia app has been un-responsive multiple times from my phone or threw different errors. I have screenshots to prove this. Also, I live in staten island which is (5 miles away from brooklyn, new york city) and 10 miles away from new jersey. I have the opportunity to go to any movie theatre since I am located in the geographical area. With the exception of these I dont see any reason why account got de-activated.

Desired Outcome

Reinstate my account

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia sends the same canned response in the twitter support or e-mail support. My resolution to this issue would be to issue a full refund. It's already more than a week and I haven't received any information on how my account was categorized as fraud. I've been with Seinmia for more than 10 months, paid upfront fee of $299 and them seeing that I am using all my allocated tickets, they cancelled the account. It's been happening to so many users.

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did not attempt any fraud. Me and my wife had two accounts and occasionally when my app didnt work I used to log into my wifes phone. This happened mutliple times and Sinemias system should have a device ID in place thereby validating it as not fraud. Other than that I dont see any fraud being done by me

I need a complete refund for my account to get a resolution for this.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Terminations are handled by the system automatically. For further information, you may visit our terms page or you can check if you are eligible for an adjusted refund through your membership page.

paid for one year membership which was terminated for "misuse." No misuse involved, in fact, followed all directives to the letter. Received no refund
Purchased one year membership approximately three months ago. Was advised a membership card was being mailed. Never received it and then paid an additional $20 fee to actually get a card later. The card is important because Sinemia had "add on" fees to book movies ($1.80 per ticket) but the card allows you to avoid that. The add-on fee was not disclosed when I paid for the initial membership. Multiple times my membership has been suspended/blocked which my identification was being "verified". I followed the verification process, which required a photo and uploaded ID, and was still blocked. I then posted a negative review on Trustpilot and was immediately reinstated. Today I learned my membership has been terminated due to misuse and fraud. I'm a 30-year law enforcement officer and have no desire to risk my job or reputation by defrauding someone for the price of a movie ticket. This experience is apparently quite common with Sinemia. I've sent a message to the company requesting a refund. This message is one of probably 12-15 messages I've sent in the past 90 days. The only time the company has responded was when I was contacted regarding my negative review of their services. I may not get my money back, but I certainly want people to be aware of this company and their practices so others won't experience what I have.

Desired Outcome

A refund would suffice

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The business has only advised that I was terminated for fraudulent use, and has not described what that violation entailed. I have requested a refund on three occasions, and have contacted customer service four times. Each time I've been advised that the details of the fraud cannot be provided and that there is no timetable or estimate on a refund. My first request for a refund was almost three weeks ago. I have since learned that several hundred others were defrauded in the same manner as I was, and there is an entire page dedicated to this on Facebook (Sinemia Chatter). One member actually captured on video his account being terminated as he tried to book tickets to a movie while following all usage rules during this process. I can tell you that I saw only approximately eight movies over a now five month period and followed all procedures to the letter. This is simply a case of both fraud and theft. I may not get my money back, but I wish I would have checked out this company a little closer. I hope my input can help others from falling into the same situation I find myself in. This company has a host of hidden costs and fees, and during one time period it two me almost two weeks to simply verify my identification. (This was after sending multiple copies of a government ID, with me holding the ID in the photo.) I think this company is simply corrupt and my guess is you will receive many complaints about Sinemia.

Customer Response • Mar 26, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Two weeks ago the business offered me a refund of approximately $100. I accepted the refund. The refund never showed up and today I received another email from the company advising my usage had been reassessed and my refund now was approximately $60. The message also advised that it would be at least 30 days before a decision would be made on the refund as it had to be evaluated again. This company is simply corrupt. Is there anything that can be done? Thank you.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. The refund amount of your plan is calculated by the system automatically. Once you accept the offer, the refund will be issued on our end in two weeks. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

Sinemia App is non-functioning. Could not comply with Sinemia check-in policy due to App's non-functionality. Now my account has been locked.
1) Sinemia app requires that I update the app EVERY time I go to a movie, often making me late for the movie.
2)Most recently, I was cited for "failure to check-in" using the app. I was informed because of my failure to check-in, I would have to pay for the ticket out-of-pocket. The "check-in" option was never offered until well past the window in which users are required to check-in.
3)The app has become so user unfriendly as to make it impossible to use.
4)I have paid for a year in advance. This smacks of a money grab from a struggling business before it folds.

Desired Outcome

I want a pro-rated refunded of my annual subscription. It is clear that Sinemia does not intend to honor the contract.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in. However, the fee you were charged has been waived as a gesture of goodwill and your ticketing feature got re-enabled. Thanks.

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The response offers the bare minimum. I have missed a full month of movies because of the block, (and this is how I'm informed of the block being removed?), it does not address the built-in flaws in the app that make it more than inconvenient for users to take advantage of the contract. Therefore, the response is not acceptable.

Sinemia cancelled my subscription to their service without any explanation or warning. When questioned about the cancellation, they provided no answer
I subscribed to Sinemia on December 6, 2018. I paid $192 for a one year subscription that entitles me to view 3 movies per month. I also paid an additional $30 for a physical Sinemia credit card that enables me to purchase tickets at a theater. I paid for my subscription with a credit card.

I tried to use my subscription on Saturday, March 2, 2019 at the AMC Boston Common to purchase movie tickets and I got a cryptic message on the app that said there was an "important message" and directed me to go to their website. When I went to the site, there was a vague message that stated my account was cancelled. No reason or explanation was given for the cancellation.

I immediately searched for customer service. I discovered that the only way to get assistance from Sinemia support is to reach out through Twitter. I sent the following through Tweet and direct message:
I am not sure why my account was terminated. I did everything as asked, including paying for the card and uploading my ID and all check ins.

I got the following reply:
Hi, thank you for reaching out.
We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service.

Best regards

I replied back:
For what ? For following all of the rules? Please provide a reason. I have paid for my membership, my card, uploaded my ID and checked in to all movies.

I got no further reply, so I sent the following Tweet
I received a DM stating "your account has been terminated by the system automatically" and "we cannot provide a reason or help". Why can you not help? You are the support team. I paid for a full year.

I got no reply, so I tried to reach out again with the following:
The answer below is not an answer at all. I would appreciate a reply from someone with the authority to address my inquiry and reinstate my account.

I have not heard from Sinemia regarding my inquiry and I would like my account reinstated as soon as possible.

Desired Outcome

I would like my subscription reinstated or a full refund for the nine (9) months of my remaining pre-paid service fee that I am unable to use plus the cost of the card. The value of the pro-rated service fee is $144 plus $29.99 for the fee for the card, a total of $173.99.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

New requirement to send photo of government ID to use a service already prepaid for was added, and they won't unlock account or issue refund.
I sent them a redacted photo of my ID as a *** told me would be acceptable (showing only my picture, name, and DOB), they have since notified me they are missing documents. I will not send them anything else, and they have told me they will not give me a prorated refund. I want my account unlocked so I can use the service I paid for, or a refund, as they have obviously changed the terms of the service mid-contract.

Desired Outcome

Unlock account, or refund money.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you are required to verify your identity. In order for your ID to get verified, you are needed to upload a government-issued ID which contains your name, last name, date of birth, your photograph and a picture of you holding the ID next to your face. Once the process is completed, our team will revert to you and inform you.

Provider has failed to provide product with billing accepted due to inappropriate verification methods
Sinemia product purchased in November 2018. Product pricing is $15.99 per month for 3 movies a month (2 tickets per movie). Product frozen in February 2019. Four attempts to discuss matter with Sinemia have been made and utility bill document has been submitted for identification verification per policy. Requests have been made twice to speak to a *** and have been refused. Customer service representative has been ***. ***. Company has requested a copy of government issued photo ID for verification. The policy written by the company itself is unable to guarantee security of documents. It is unclear as to to what account actions would have caused a need for verification of this kind. The company has also failed to provide reasoning as to why utility documents, as noted in the policy, would not be accepted and why a *** is unable to respond. My account is currently being billed but no product is being received as I am unable to use my account currently. Sinemia. My account has been updated to show a cancellation of product (product end date of March 31, 2019). I have not received notification of this action.

Desired Outcome

Acceptance of utility bill document for verification. In the event that Sinemia refuses this acceptance, I would request a refund of enrollment fee, refund for February and March billing, proof that account information has been removed from Sinemia's servers and any partners.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. After your ID gets verified, the documents you shared will be removed from our servers immediately.

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
ID verification in the form of a utility bill as sstated in the terms was submitted in redacted form. Sinemia is an agency based outside of the U.S. that is requesting government issued photo identification as a required form of identification. The security of this i.d. cannot be guaranteed, is far overreaching for a company providing a product such as this, and other methods, such as credit card verification exist to confirm identity as well. This would be especially easy as billing my credit card has not been a problem.

Service rarely works, feeds added frequently despite terms stating they would not be.
I prepaid $95.88 on 8/27/2018 for a 1-year, two movie per month membership which amounts to about $4 per per movie. At the time the terms stated:

"You will be notified of any changes made to the terms of service prior to your next billing cycle. Sinemia will not make any changes to your plan mid-cycle, all changes will be in affect at the start of your next billing cycle."

As I prepaid for a year, the next billing cycle would be in August 2019.

Shortly after this, Sinemia added a $1.80 fee per ticket. I buy my tickets through my theater's site and do not pay a convenience fee. Until recently, I was able to enter a fee of $0 in the app but now the minimum convenience fee is $0.90. Since I do not pay a fee, this amounts to another fee with no explanation.

The fees that were added after I pre-paid for my membership raise the ticket price from the $4 that I agreed to the $6.70, a 68% increase over the price I agreed to and was guaranteed would not be raised during the period I had paid for.

Lately, the service has not been working at all. When I attempt to purchase a ticket using the credit card number generated by the app, I am told that the payment has been declined by the bank. Most of the time I am not able to use the service that I prepaid for at all.

Desired Outcome

I would like a pro-rated refund of the remaining 6 months of my membership, amounting to $47.84.

Sinemia Response • Apr 04, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I referred to and I did not violate any rules that would trigger a fraud detection. My account was terminated for no reason. Please provide a prorated refund for the services I pre-paid for but was not provided. Thank you.

I would rate them less if I could. I purchased an years subscription back in September 2018. Ever since it has been one hoop after another to use the service. Between hidden fees, the requirement of me to send photo documentation of my ID, and poor service, I have now had my membership cancelled without any warning. Supports response is for me to read the very vague letter that has been posted to my account, stating that I broke some rule, though they won't tell me what. I ***'t think of anything I did wrong or against their terms. They are offering the small possibility of a partial refund, based on ticket sales, but ther is a problem with that option. The service I paid for was not based on ticket sales, it was based on monthly service, that I paid upfront for a year. If they were to give a refund it should be based on months left. I don't seem to have any recourse and they don't give any other way of contacting them. No phone #, no one to talk to. I guess my next step is to call my credit card and see if they *** help.

Complete scam. This company charged for a full year at the start then constantly came up with ne ways to prevent you from using the service or to have you pay more. New fees like an extra $1.80 per movie, a physical card which did not work after I paid for it, but instead of fixing the issue they suspended my account for a month then explained that I wasn't supposed to have gotten that card (and I never got a refund for that time). They recently asked everyone to submit photos of their IDs with personal information which *** be used for identity theft. They suspended my account after I sent them the photos as requested (but with my license number hidden). Why would a business from Europe require photos of a Canadian's social insurance card or driver's license other than to steal their identity or sell of the information? They don't have access to the Canadian government's database to compare the info to so this is a complete scam. After making you unable to use their service, without any reason provided, they do not reply to any communications submitted through their website or Facebook page. There are thousands of complaints about this on Reddit,, Twitter, Facebook and there is a class-action lawsuit against the company in the US (

I watched a movie yesterday and tried to check in just AFTER 5 MINS ONCE THE MOVIE ENDED..IS IT A VERY BIG CRIME ? for which hey are charging a misue Fee of 26$?..If I had all the Money , I would SUE SINEMIA for these atrocities..Totally dissatisfied..They never respond to my emails. as well..

Non responsive customer service. Have not received a real reply in over two months to resolve "misuse fee"
My account has been locked for over two months. I was unable to check in at a theater due to poor connectivity to the app. I received an email saying my account was suspended to and to go to to pay a "misuse" fee. I attempted to log on and pay it, but the fee was nowhere to be found on my account. I have attempted to reach customer service twice over the past two months and have not received any response at all.

Desired Outcome

I would like the fee removed and a refund for the past two months of service that I was unable to use. My account email is ***

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 01.12.2019. You should check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. Since the fee payment is completed, your ticketing feature got re-enabled. However, as a managerial exception, the fee payment has been refunded. It will be processed on Sinemia's end within 1-2 weeks. Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

Corrupt business practices by Sinemia on changing the membership rules after charging full membership fees.

I am Member of Sinemia and I joined one of the yearly plans in Sept 2018

I have some concerns regarding the evolving practices of Sinemia around additional Credit card fees being charged and ID Verification.
When I joined the membership (money was taken in advance for the full year) both of them were not there and I feel cheated when the rules are being changed and membership is blocked till additional ID documents are submitted.

Specifically following are more details on my concerns:
1. Fees - I am asked to pay a $5.40 (for 3 tickets) every time I use my monthly tickets , this was never part of the original plan and I would not have signed up if I had know about these charges upfront.
2. ID Verification - My account is suddenly blocked asking me to submit government ID, why was this not done while collecting the yearly advance from me? I can submit the Govt ID but I do not trust Sinemia to handle my personal information related to Govt. identification. How can I be sure that the private details won't be misused ? Their website does not say how they handle my Id related private information.

In light of above, I ask for immediately stopping the card fees and refunding my past fees paid and also unblocking my account so that I can use the service as I have already paid for it in advance.

I reached out to the company's customer service about these issues and they closed my complaint without resolving my concerns.

Desired Outcome

1. Stop charging card fees for every transaction. AND 2. Unblock my Sinemia account , which is blocked asking me to submit ID, without telling me how this information would be handled, how long would it be saved and how do I trust that it won't be misused. OR 3. Refund full amount that I paid in advance for the membership.

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. Also, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie ticket. Everytime you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved. Currently the processing fee for online purchases is USD/ AUD/ CAD/ GBP 1.80. Processing fees still may apply even ticket selling websites don't charge convenience fees as processing fees are paid to the payment processors by Sinemia. However, if payment processors don't charge processing fees for your tickets, you will not be charged for processing fees. If you would like to waive these fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through *** page.

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)

1) I understand that id verification is important, my question is how do you ensure that my id verification information would be treated safely and would be deleted immediately ? *** you please respond to this point ?

2) Regarding transaction fees, can you please confirm why was transaction fees not mentioned as part of the initial membership flow , in fact it was not applied to my first 2 tickets and then introduced after a few months without any notice.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that your ID got verified and the documents you shared removed from our servers. In addition to that, the advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets.

I opened an account for my fiancee and one for myself using the same credit card they canceled both accounts and refuse to issue a refund 1 yr prepaid
In September I purchased an annual membership for 3 movies a month with Sinemia for my fiancée using her email address but my credit card since it was a gift for her. On October 20th, 2018 I decided to get a plan for myself as well and prepaid for a full year of unlimited movies. About 2 weeks later I got an email that they canceled both accounts via email. When I responded they noted their terms of service which I responded that One account was for my Fiancée and One was for me and both apps were on separate phones and email accounts. They responded back with their terms of service which I then asked for a refund since I did not get to use the service and prepaid a full year both my fiancée and I. After that point I never heard back and received an email that the case is was considered closed on their end. I follow a group on social media, and they have done this to numerous customers. Please make sure my money is refunded in full for both transactions. They are a very shady company with little to no customer service.
I never received an email with the purchase confirmation. It does not make sense that I purchased a 3 movie a month pass for my fiancée in September that I prepaid a year for and in October I prepaid for 1 year of unlimited movies for myself. You can see by the emails that I tried to resolve the issue. The only thing that the two accounts shared is the same credit card was used. I had a membership with my own email and login credentials and my fiancée had her own membership with her own email and login credentials plus the app was tied to my account on my cell phone *** and my fiancees account tied to her account on her cell phone

Desired Outcome

Full Refund 475.00

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. When we check your account, we see that you requested a chargeback. Therefore, you are unable to log into your account. If you could provide a letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter which provided by your bank, our team will be able to take the necessary action regarding the circumstance. Also, on our system you have two accounts. A Person can only purchase one membership. In the event of detecting the same person purchasing more than one membership using different credentials or social media accounts, Sinemia reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel the membership by terminating the contract.

Customer Response • Mar 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Two accounts were opened and terminated by sinemia. *** which is my wifes email and mine *** Please refund my money as you terminated 2 accounts 10 days after I opened mine.

Sinemia Response • Apr 08, 2019

Hi. Although you stated that the accounts belonged to you and your girlfriend, when we check the account, we see that both accounts is created by your name and last name. As stated in the terms and conditions, "A Person can only purchase one membership. In the event of detecting the same person purchasing more than one membership using different credentials or social media accounts, Sinemia reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel the membership by terminating the contract." Thanks.

Customer Response • Mar 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Two people different people opened the accounts myself and my wife we used the SAME charge card because we share a credit card. Please refund me my 359.88 for the service you did not provide and canceled after 10 days!!!!

Sinemia charged a 20 dollar misuse fee because there app doesn't let me check in and I have yet to watch a movie this cycle because of ID verification
I was charged a 20 dollar misuse fee last month which wasn't my fault if the app didn't suck and actually let me check in so I paid it. My bill cycle resets every month on the 4th I contacted them on waving the fee which they said they couldn't because it was my fault so I paid it because what else am I suppose to do. So then the second week into February I wanted to watch a movie just to be hit with I have to ID verify my account before I can use it. But never in the contract that I signe did it say I would have to send them a picture of my ID which is absurd but I went ahead and did and sent it to them. But now it's the 28th of February I still can't watch a movie because my verification hasn't went through customer service sucks because they never reply to any of my emails so I don't know how to get a hold of them. My membership renews on the 4th and I have yet to watch a movie this cycle and it upsets me

Desired Outcome

I want a refund of the misuse fee that you charged me because it wasn't my fault it was your apps fault and a refund from this month cycle because I have yet to watch a film yet because my account is locked on your app

Sinemia Response • Mar 10, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 01.19.2019. Also, ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. Since you provided the necessary documents, your ticketing feature has been re-enabled. In addition to that, you have been notified regarding the price change and you agreed to renew your plan with the new price. However, as a managerial exception, your plan has been cancelled and refunded. It will be processed on Sinemia's end within 1-2 weeks. Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

Customer Response • Mar 13, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I want my refund from the misuse fee and the for the month I wasn't able to use their service because I was locked out from seeing anything. All they say they are gonna refund me are the 35.88 the fraudulently charged me

Losing monthly fees due to deficient application and unresponsive customer service, no response from anyone at Sinemia.
I signed up for Sinemia movie subscription services in June 2018. I paid ~ $170 CAD for annual membership for 2 couples movie tickets every month. Everything worked fine till Oct 2018. I have been facing issues since Nov 2018, have sought help from Sinemia customer support several times (via email, the only option), they haven't responded even once!

List of issues
In Nov 2018, the payment information from the Sinemia app stopped working on Cineplex website, I emailed to customer support about the issue and started using Landmark Cinemas instead.

In Dec 2018, the app started giving trouble, it won't let me complete the check-in process, I tried few times before/in-between/after the movie and it won't work. I emailed again, again no response.

In Jan 2019, I got a $27 misuse fees as the check-in process wasn't completed (I did get a warning, but couldn't do anything as the app won't work and customer support won't respond). I emailed few times to contest and ended up paying the misuse fees, so as to get the maximum out of the annual membership I already paid.

In Feb 2019, the payment info stopped working all together for any cinemas.

Totally frustrated I decided to reach out to Sinemia in any way possible. They only have a support email, which never responds. Its a Los Angeles based firm, however all their employees are based in Turkey (from Linkedin), except for 3-4 executives in US. I tried calling their corporate headquarters and the phone number turned out to be someone's personal phone in California who hasn't even heard of Sinemia. Then I emailed all the email addresses mentioned on their website hoping someone would respond, but nada. Finally I wrote emails, Facebook and Linkedin messages to Sinemia, all its executives and employees, no one responded!

Last week (Feb 20-22, 2019), I tried to use the app again to see if it works, only to find they have blocked all access unless I submit 2 IDs.

Additional Info: I was okay paying the $1.80 per ticket additional for online tickets starting Oct 2018, even though it wasn't mentioned in the contract and some US customers have filed a lawsuit for the same. Point to note here is that the only option to book tickets to me was online, so I ended up paying $3.60 (couples ticket) additional everytime I used their services.

I've given up any hope of getting response from Sinemia, and is my last resort to see if I can get a recourse from this fraudulent company. I'd like to get my subscription fees refunded since Nov 2018 plus the $27 misuse fees and online transaction fees that I was forced to pay (Total ~$160 CAD).

My subscription ID is my email: ***

Desired Outcome

Refund subscription fees since Nov 2018 ( 7 months unused) plus the forced misuse fees ($27) and online transaction fees. Total amount is around $160.

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. Sinemia covers the cost of your movie ticket. Everytime you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved. Currently the processing fee for online purchases is USD/ AUD/ CAD/ GBP 1.80. Processing fees still may apply even ticket selling websites don't charge convenience fees as processing fees are paid to the payment processors by Sinemia. However, if payment processors don't charge processing fees for your tickets, you will not be charged for processing fees. Also, ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. Once your Id is verfied, the documents you sent will be removed from our servers immediately. In addition to that, we see that due to the missed check-in on 01.05.2019. You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated.

Customer Response • Mar 12, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
It feels so embarrasing for me that I even trusted Sinemia for a minute. After I spent 30 minutes writing and explaining the issues, they didn't even bother to read it properly!

- $ 1.80 is not an issue, as mentioned in my initial writeup
- not being able to check in due to app issues was the reason of misuse fees, I had reported it before you guys blocked my access and held me ransom for $27 misuse fees (your customer support never responded, check the logs if you have one)

Please go back and read the complain in its entireity before responding.

List of issues

- payment info not working on movie websites
- app issues (it didn't allow me to check in when I booked movie through it leading to misuse fees) Moreover, it prompted me to check-in when I didn't book the movie through Sinemia coz the payment info didn't work!
- I haven't been able to use the app for 5 months due to these issues.
- why do need IDs? You're providing deficient services even when paid in advance, you have my credit card number, name, phone data, address info already!
- now you want sensitive personal information, you're responses are not enough for me to believe you're legit. Please point me to your privacy policy or a privacy officer.

I got emails as well from Kate from your customer service team, asking to submit IDs and wait for you to resolve other issues. Why shouldn't I wait for you guys to resolve my complain and then submit my IDs, it'll prove your willingness to help customers and legitimacy. Moreover, you already have a year's worth of subscription fees from me!


Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you do not have a booked ticket in the previous month of your suchscription. Therefore, our support added another month to your account and your plan has been extended. Also, the issue with your account has been delivered to our developers and resolved as quickly as possible. Thank you.

Customer Response • Mar 22, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Hi, Thanks for refunding the misuse fees as a much awaited customer gesture. However, the other issues that have been reported have neither been responded to nor have been resolved. How do you expect me to accept your response?

Secondly, Sinemia hasn't provided any information on their privacy policy or contact of their privacy office? Do you guys have one? How can you force me to provide my sensitive personal information (SPI) without answering or providing any information? I'm ready to upload my ID's as soon as you provide sufficient information and intent as to why do you want to collect my information when you already have the subscription fees and credit card information. If after spending thousands on Amazon and Ebay, they never asked for my SPI. Why do you guys need it?

Moreover, due to your non-responsiveness. I contacted my bank to report Sinemai and on their advice I cancelled my credit card used for Sinemia payment purposes, to restrain Sinemia from fraudulently using my payment information. So, the refund won't be processed to original payment method. Please provide a credit into my account instead.

I'm willing to work out a solution as long as Sinemia is open to share information and honest about their policy and intent. Please provide me the answers to question above and I'll upload my sensitive personal information (IDs).


Requires Gov Issued Photo ID
I tried to purchase tickets through the sinemia app and they are now requiring a "government issued photo ID" to continue using their service. This was not the contract I signed up for and wasn't a requirement when I started the service. Never has any other business used this practice that wasn't a government entity. I believe this to be a fraud and this practice should be removed for people to continue their service.

Desired Outcome

I want a full refund for what I was charged for membership and all charges made from Sinemia.

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. Also, once your ID is verified, the documents you send will be removed from our servers immediately.

Charged a misuse fee when I was unable to go to theater because the app malfunctioned
My wife and I both have pre-paid year-long Sinemia accounts (colossal mistake). On January 24, 2019, we attempted to purchase tickets through each of our accounts for a movie. My app stated it needed to verify my ID, redirected me to their website, and demanded I provide a picture of my driver's license. I did so and proceeded to successfully purchase my ticket. My wife's app had the same notification and when I went to her account profile on their website, the webpage would not allow her to provide a picure of her ID . We searched all over the website and were unable to provide the picture but also could not purchase a ticket from her app because the app was blocked and demanded that we provide a picture of her ID. Accordingly, we decided not to go to the movies and resolve the issue with Sinemia. A few hours later, I was told I had to a pay a "misuse fee" to unlock my account even though it was entirely Sinemia's fault that I was not able to use my ticket in the first place. Additionally, it is outrageous that I have to pay "convenience fees" on top of the annual fee I have already paid for this service. When I signed up, I was told I would receive a card but could pay to have the cardless option. I chose that option, paid for it, and never received the card. Now, I am charged additional fees every time I try to book a ticket online. This company is awful.

Desired Outcome

Restore my account and waive the "misuse fee." Additionally, send me and my wife actual cards so we don't have to deal with this nonsense all the time.

Sinemia Response • Mar 11, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 02.22.2019. You should check in at the theater for your advance ticket between 2 hours before and into the movie. Please make sure to check in at the theater for your advance ticket to avoid cost of the tickets being charged on your credit card. However, as a managerial exception, the fee has been removed and your ticketing feature re-enabled.

Customer Response • Mar 18, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
On March 16, 2019, and again on March 17, 2019, I attempted to use my Sinemia account to purchase tickets and on both dates Sinemia charged me ~$3 in fees to generate a credit card number but when I tried to use the credit card number to purchase a ticket on Fandango, I received an error message saying the information was incorrect. Thus, in addition to paying Sinemia their subscription fee, I also paid them their fraudulent and never-previously-disclosed "convenience fees" and STILL was not able to purchase my tickets and had to pay separate to buy them. This company honestly is just the worst.

Sinemia Response • Mar 28, 2019

Hi. When we check your account, we see that you created two advance tickets on 03.15.2019 and 03.16.2019. Since both advance tickets could not be used, the fees you were charged has been refunded automatically.

Customer Response • Mar 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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