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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

This company is a scam. I paid for a full year subscription on August 17 2018. Today March 07 2019 my account was "terminated" for no specified reason
This company is a scam. I paid for a full year subscription on August 17 2018. Today March 07 2019 my account was "terminated" for no specified reason. The full yearly payment was paid upfront at a cost of 179.98. The terms and conditions of the service was changed multiple times over the course of the year without any possibility of exiting the contract with a refund if you disagreed with the changes. Today March 07 2018, upon trying to use the service, my account was terminated, for no specific reason. The exact message is as follows:

"Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons:

Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases"

How can you ask your customers to determine for themselves what is the reason for termination? Where is the proof and evidence for these supposed "examples" of breaches of the terms of service?

This company is a complete fraud. I demand a pro rated refund in the amount of 89.99 for the remaining, unused period of my subscription payment.

Desired Outcome

I demand a pro rated refund in the amount of 89.99 for the remaining, unused period of my subscription payment.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 03, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is a completely unacceptable response.

"The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically" - Explain HOW.

"If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.***" - I did this and received no refund.

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.*** to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit www.*** for further information

Customer Response • Apr 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
You literally just copy and pasted the same response.
This is a completely unacceptable response.

"The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically" - Explain HOW.

"If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.***" - I did this and received no refund.

I prepaid for a full year of service and my account was terminated by Sinemia in less than 6 months claiming fraud.
I purchased and prepaid for Sinemia's 30 movies a month program at $29.99/month for a full year. The cost of the service was $360 for a year. The service terms were for 9/29/2018 thru 9/24/2019. On March 3, 2019, I attempted to purchase a ticket to a movie through their app and I was redirected to their website where a form letter was presented to me saying my account was terminated as they found fraudulent activity on my account. Since I have followed all of their procedures and policies to the letter since using the service, I attempted to reach out to them to find out what I did wrong. All I have received back was a canned response saying that they do not have the ability to tell me why I was terminated other than I violated their terms of service. This response was the same response, word for word, that many other Sinemia service users received. I replied to them asking them to be more specific as I believed that I have followed all rules pertaining to the service. The next response I received was the following:

*** Hello, unfortunately, we are not able to provide any further information. Please go to *** for more information."

That URL just takes me to the page that has the form letter stating my account has been terminated.

All I am asking is that the company tell me why they terminated me as I have followed all policies that they have laid out. I paid all fees they required me to pay and I checked into every movie that I purchased through their system. I have sent numerous emails and posts to them through all forms of communication they provide and they have not responded to any of them other than the two responses noted above.

The form letter that is on Sinemia's website provides a form that a person *** fill out to get their usage report. I filled that out on 3/3/2019 and still have not seen that yet.

Sinemia also has come out saying they refuse to tell anyone why they terminated their account. Per their public statement, they say this is because if they share the details of the termination, people will find ways around fraudulent activity in the future and still continue to do fraudulent activity against the company. I am looking at this that they need to tell me what I did wrong especially since I have followed every rule they laid out and if I didn't follow a rule, I need to know what that rule is that I didn't follow.

Desired Outcome

I am asking that they either reinstate my account as is for the remainder of the time that I paid for or they refund me my money for what I have been unable to use. Sinemia shows my subscription to their service started on 9/29/2018 and is up for renewal on 9/24/2019. I paid them $360 for that full term. My account was terminated on 3/3/2019. That leaves me with 205 days of service that I paid for that I am not able to use. The math shows that since it is roughly $1 a day, I am owed $205 back on the part of my subscription that I am not able to use.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
While I know the reason as to the termination of my account because I read the generic letter posted up on the website, I do not know why my account was terminated. I did not commit any fraud and if I did, the company needs to tell me what the fraud was. I followed all policies and procedures that Sinemia laid out and requested. The only thing that I did was use the service for exactly what I paid for, a movie a day for every day of the month.

I requested my usage and refund option already and my refund is $39 only and it is looking at the movies I saw vs. what I paid for and how much they cost. THey are not looking at the time of service that I was unable to use. If the math is done right, that is $205 because I paid $360 for a year and received less than 6 months of service.

The company either needs to turn my service back on or explain, specifically, what "fraud" I did to cause my account to be terminated. If they are unwilling to turn my account back on, then I need to be refunded for the time I was unable to use the service compared to what I paid for, not compared to what I saw and used of the account. That amount is $205 for the time I was unable to use.

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at*** to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit*** for further information

Customer Response • Apr 24, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not think the business understands. I am asking what fraudulent activity I did to cause termination of my account. I have not received that answer yet. Also, I did go to your site and pulled my usage report and it shows me a $39 refund. I applied for it and have yet to see it. Not really shocked as this company takes the money and runs but doesn't provide the service. I paid for a year of 1 movie a day - 30 movies a month. I was terminated in less than 6 months. I demand to know exactly why I was terminated and I have the right to know. I don't want the excuse that the system found fraudulent activity, I want to know what fraudulent activity I did to cause the termination. Please provide me the answer and the proper refund of my money. I paid for a full year and had less than 6 months. I am owed more than $200 in a refund, not $39.

Charged extra fees not noted in Contract. Changed contract terms without offering refund if disagreeable.
In July of 2018 I signed up for a 1 year family subscription. This included 4 tickets to 2 movies each month for a set fee which was prepaid for the whole year on my credit card transaction in July of 2018. Without any contractual permission, Sinemia started ADDING FEES to what you pay for each movie! If you did not pay the extra fee, you could not use the money you had already paid to them to buy your movie ticket. Totally in breach of the contract that stated I would get 4 movies per month for a set fee. I went along and paid this. Now, they want me to give them my PERSONAL INFORMATION of my driver's license and photo ID. I do not share this type of information with anyone because of online fraud and security issues. I DISAGREE WITH THIS COMPLETE CHANGE IN THE AGREEMENT. Sinemia will not let me use the funds that they have in my account until I do this. But I do not agree, so I asked for a refund. They have not responded in any way since I asked for a refund. I am only asking to have refunded the part of my subscription which I have not been able to use due to this CHANGE IN CONTRACT to which I did not agree, and would never have agreed to in the first place.

Desired Outcome

I need to have the remainder of my subscription that Sinemia decided to block me from using refunded to my card on file ASAP and my subscription terminated. This would include the money I had pre-paid them to enjoy movies from February through June of 2019.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, Sinemia only covers the cost of your ticket and fees are not included. Everytime you purchase a ticket online using your Sinemia plan there are transaction fees imposed by the payment processors. Sinemia may reflect these processing fees to your payment method on file if such fees are involved.
On the other hand, ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on. You may obscure the sensitive information such as your SS or DL number as long as your name, surname, the date of birth and your photo are clearly visible.

We assure you that the documents you share with us get removed from our servers after your ID is verified.

You may also view our privacy policy by following this link; ***.

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
The stated fees have been ADDED BY SINEMIA. This is an ADDITIONAL cost that Sinemia added after the contract had been agreed to. Regards the ID, again I will state that this is a CHANGE IN POLICY to the original contract that I had agreed to. Due to security and privacy issues, I would NOT have agreed to this contract if this was part of the original agreement. I would like a refund of the money that Sinemia has not allowed me to use because of this sudden change in their contract revolving around these ID rules. This would include my ticket costs from February through June of this year. Sinemia has taken my money under one premise and then denied my being able to use it according to the original contract.

Sinemia Response • Apr 16, 2019

Hi. We ask our members to prove that they are in fact the sole user of their Sinemia plan as stated in the terms they have agreed to. ID verification is required to prevent abuse and help us ensure you are the sole user of your membership. Your ticketing feature is currently turned off until we receive the necessary documents to start the ID verification process. Once you upload the wanted documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on.

Customer Response • Apr 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia CHANGED THE CONTRACT after it had been agreed upon. They keep stating WHY they changed the contract, but that is not the issue. The issue is that they CHANGED THE CONTRACT after I had paid for it, and that is illegal. I want my money refunded from the date at which they changed the contract, through when the contract was supposed to end. I realized the change in contract and was RESTRICTED FROM USING MY PORTION OF FUNDS in February. I want my money refunded from February through June of the plan that I had purchased since they CHANGED THE CONTRACT and after it had already been agreed upon. I would NEVER agree to a contract that requested my personal information be given to a company that could sell it to other 3rd parties for fraudulent purposes.

I have erroneously been terminated from the platform. They won't tell me what I did. They won't discuss if and when I will get a refund.
I purchased a yearly plan back in November of 2018. The plan was for unlimited movies. I have used it lawfully exactly 6 times. When I went to go to a movie a few days ago, the app said there was a message waiting for me on the website. Turns out I'd been kicked off the platform, for reasons not limited to but could include various forms of fraud. It then said that I was of course allowed to submit a request for a partial refund (they would deduct the price of the 6 movie tickets I used).
I went to their Twitter support to find out more since I did not want to leave the platform. They told me that I had been disabled automatically by the system because it must have detected wrong doing on my part. They did not have access to the exact reason why I was terminated from the platform. But that I was welcome to apply for the partial refund mentioned above.
They then stopped answering me as I tried to confirm that there was indeed no way to confirm the 'system' made a mistake, no way for me to remain on the platform, or confirm how long it might take to get that refund. It has been 4 days of my trying to reach them every day. They continue to ignore me.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund. I do not think it is fair to charge me for the tickets I used when I had purchased an 'unlimited movie plan' and only used 6 of them over the course of 3 months.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia's app failed to let me check in. My account was placed under a 'misuse' flag, and required me to pay a $24.90 'misuse fee'
After several attempts to work with a support agent *** my ticket was closed without a resolution.
*** requested that I provide any type of 'proof' that it was me attending the movie. I provided him with screenshots of my google maps history, my car's GPS history, a picture of the movie ticket, and charges on my credit card at the movie theater. He refused to accept any of this as evidence and insisted to not lift the misuse flag.

Furthermore, I requested several times for him to refund a charge of $99 for the physical cards that had always been promised me to begin with. He failed to acknowledge my requests. I attempted to offer him options to find a peaceful resolution, he ignored them.
Even after threatening with a lawsuit, he still ignored my requests.
I also requested for him to escalate the case to his supervisors, he then proceeded to close the tickets.

Desired Outcome

- Provide the two physical cards as promised several times in the account history. - Remove the wrongful 'misuse flag' on the account. - Full refund of the $99 charge for the 'physical cards'

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in. You should always check-in each time you use Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges. As a managerial exception, the fee you were charged has been removed.
In addition to that, Sinemia is a cardless service. If members prefer to use a physical card, they may order one through page. Also, we see that you ordered a Sinemia card on 03.02.2019 and it will be shipped in 1-2 weeks.

I was charged a $16 "misuse fee" and my service was frozen until I paid it. It was tantamount to extortion.
Sinemia charges a misuse fee if you buy an advanced movie ticket through the app and then fail to show up for your showtime. On Saturday, 3/2, I purchased a ticket for a movie at the box office using my Sinemia card. Per the prompts on the app, I then "checked in" and went about watching the movie. The next day I was informed that I had been charged with a misuse fee for not checking in and that my services had been frozen. I tried to explain to customer support that I had not ordered an advanced ticket - I had bought my ticket at the box office. I also supplied pictures of my ticket stub to further verify that I had abided by the terms of service. AT no point during this process did I actually receive communication from a person; I just kept getting the same automated response about how I had to check in if I bought an advanced ticket through the app. Again, I did not buy an advanced ticket - I purchased my ticket at the box office.

Sinemia has no customer support phone number. My emails were ignored, as were my attempts to contact the company via twitter. I eventually paid the misuse fee just so that I could continue accessing the service that I had already paid for.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for the $16 I was charged as part of a misuse fee.

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Hi. Due to the missed check-in on 03.02.2019, you have been charged a misuse fee. You should check-in each time you purchase tickets with Sinemia service. Otherwise, you may face these charges or your account may get terminated. However, as a gesture of goodwill, the misuse fee you were charged has been refunded. Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

They canceled my account stating fraudulent activity. I have used the account 4 times and followed their rules. Including providing photos and photoID
Tried to use my account tonight. I found the account terminated, I contacted their customer service through Twitter. Was told the automated system flagged the account for fraud and there is no recourse. Also told they don't have access to the issue and can not provide me any details. According to my information there is no record of a problem and the account was used 4 times. I used it the 4 times and did see the movies listed. Additionally I was never notified of any issues with the service or account through e mail or other means.

Desired Outcome

I am looking to have the account reinstated in good standing. i want to use the service that I have paid for. I want the company to contact me - through other mean than Twitter.

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have gotten this response from them and I do not accept it. It provided no clear information. I have referred to my account and there is no fraud. I explained this to sinemia through text, because they have no customer service system and no phone number. When I questioned what the fraud was they could not provide me with an answer. When I asked for further information they could not provide me an answer. Stating that the system is automated and they have no access to it. When I asked to speak with a supervisor or manager they would not, stating there was no one to speak with. And when I asked for a phone number to actually talk to someone they said there is no number. I have carefully reviewed my account and there is no fraud. I have used the service 4 times and followed all their rules. I have verified all 4 movies I have seen - checking in through their application. No further information from sinemia has been provided, and no refund of the annual payment I have made. I have received no contact from this company. Currently I feel this is a scam and they are stealing my money because no refund has been sent. I want the actual fraud reasons for the termination of my account to be fully explained.

Sinemia Response • Mar 21, 2019

Hi. We are unable to provide further details regarding the matter. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 04, 2019

This case needs to be reviewed - Sinemia is not providing actual answers. there is no fraud on my account - there is no way to contact the business. The repeated automated message is NOT an answer. The address listed for the business is a *** spa. This company is committing fraud.

Poor customer service and lack of response. Constantly changing terms. Termination of annual membership without cause.
Registered for an annual Sinemia membership on April 9, 2018. Did not receive a physical card until May. Upon trying to activate the card for use, was unable to do so and therefore, could not use the service. Multiple Contacts to customer service via email (only option available) were unanswered. On May 26, was able to activate Sinemia's "cardless" feature. In September 2018, Sinemia began charging a "processing fee" which was not part of the original terms or agreed upon. In December 26, 2018, was unable to check-in to a movie that had been paid for as it did not appear as a option on the check-in page. Again, multiple contacts to Sinemia via e-mail went unanswered. On February 25, 2919, I was notified that I had to provide photo ID for member identification purposes, which I provided. On March 5, 2019, I was notified that my membership had been automatically terminated due to "examples" of use that terminated the terms of reference. No further explanation provided. Contacts to customer support via e-mail (again the only option available) were met with automated e-mail responses and no further correspondence.

Desired Outcome

I would like: 1) a refund for the remaining portion of my membership and refund of processing fees that were not part of the original agreement; 2) full cancellation of membership (the membership page of my account online Indicates that I have movie privileges remaining; and 3) for my credit card information to be removed from the account.

Sinemia Response • Mar 14, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Wrong amount charged and never corrected, membership cancelled for no reason, no contact has been made with me.
I purchased a monthly Sinemia membership on 11/6/2018. I was immediately charged for two annual subscriptions for $719.76. I wrote customer service about both issues. I did not hear back but they took away one of the annual subscriptions leaving me with just the one annual charge.

I continued to write back asking to be changed to the monthly. They never responded nor attended to my request.

Seeing how the service was working, after a while I gave up and just decided to live with the annual fee.

On 3/3/2019 I went to use my service and was met wit a new option to tip Sinemia, I declined and was directed to a page where I was told that I violated the TOS and my membership was terminated. There was a link to email them about this, which I did and have received no response. There was no description as to how I violated their TOS either.

I have done everything this company has asked. Sucked it up and paid the annual fee despite asking for the monthly. Paid $12 for a physical card. Sent them a picture of my drivers license. Paid them fees when I forgot to "check in". I have done nothing to violate their TOS. I didn't choose to tip them and I used their service 1-3 times a week and now my membership has been cancelled and no restitution has been made for the remaining 2/3 of my annual membership.

Desired Outcome

Optimally I would like my membership restored and to continue being a customer of this service. I would also like an actual explanation as to how I violated their TOS.

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Year Subscription was terminated on false bases
Currently own a Sinemia family plan for 3 movies a month. They canceled my subscription on a false basis. they are claiming "This is an important notice that requires your attention.

Our top priority is to provide our members with the best movie-going experience possible in the most affordable way. In order to achieve this goal, it is very important for our members to comply with the membership rules and abide by the terms of service.

Sinemia has put several systems and measures in place in order to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia's membership sustainable and affordable.

Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons:

Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases
You may review the usage terms of your account on our website if you would like to seek further information. Given the circumstances, please note that you will not be able to create further accounts with Sinemia." They made everyone pay upfront and now canceled 4 months in. I did not Fraudlate any of my tickets and they have an app the does not work. I have tried multiple time to contact their customer service but they do not employ and people talking calls nor do they have a phone number. also after my initial sign up they added in fees which were not mentioned previously and should not be occuring.

Desired Outcome

I would like 1 of 2 things. Either A they re-instate my membership and let me finish out my 1 year membership or B refund me the 154 dollars they still owe me. My initial membership was 265 dollars i've only been able to use 4 months worth. i would like 8 months of that back. Also they added "new fees" which i did not sign up for.

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia service is constantly unavailable for purchasing tickets, or for checking in and results in unable to use service or excessive fees
After having signed up, I have had nothing but problems with the service and the app, I frequenetly get an error message and cannot get a ticket, or am unable to "check-in" at location and get charges a significant fee (cost of the ticket). The cost has not come close to the service due to their unavailability and their excessive fee practices.

Desired Outcome

Want to be aware, contact government oversight for possible fraud and possibly get a refund for charges incurred.

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee due to the missed check-in on 03.11.2019. You should check in at the theater for your advance ticket between 2 hours before and into the movie. Please make sure to check in at the theater for your advance ticket to avoid cost of the tickets being charged on your credit card. However, as a gesture of goodwill, the fee you were charged has been removed and your ticketing feature re-enabled.

Customer Response • Mar 18, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Two reasons: First, the complaint was for access to the service and its issues and technical issues with the app making the service unavailable and completely unusable. The check-in fee was erroneous as I DID check in but the system did not recognize it. I appreciate the refund, but tried again today and got the "Unknown Error", and reading the boards, this is a common problem. Second, I have repeatedly sent email requests for help (though contact us on their web page) and most are unanswered which is why I contacted the When I have an issue, I have no way to reach anyone for assistance, like right now. My unknown error prevent me from using the service, yet there is no way for me to resolve this with the business. I plan on trying one more time tomorrow (3/19) and if the error persists than will cancel my service, even having paid for services never rendered which in my mind makes this a scam and should be brought to the attention of authorities. I stress that all of this could have and could be avoided with a legitimate way to communicate with Sinemia.

Sinemia Response • Mar 28, 2019

Hi. Since the misuse fee has been waived, your ticketing feature got re-enabled. You may use the Sinemia service for purchasing your tickets. Also, our support has contacted you regarding the error you received.

Customer Response • Mar 29, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
During this time the monthly fees increased nearly 100% without explanation. At $19.99 a month for three movies, and a $2.60 fee per movie that comes to $26.80...three movies in San Antonio cost $30 non matinee. If the system fails, which it did on me several times, the fee for non-check in is essentially the price of the movie meaning you get charged more for your movies than you are paying at box office...there is very little value here and with faulty systems you pay more that what you get consistently. This is a scam and marketing lie and should be reported as such to proper authorities.

I have tried on several occasions to contact the company and they will not respond to me. The service is not working for me to utilize to attend movie
The service is not working for me to utilize movies. I've had to pay out of pocket for movies because the service was not working.

Desired Outcome

I would like a full refund for the yearly membership. This has been the worse company to work with.

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you were not able to use the previous month's movie days. To make it up to your loss, your plan's has been extended another month. Also, the misuse fee you were charged on 01.19.2019 has been waived as a gesture of goodwill.

Customer Response • Mar 18, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I do not understand what a misuse fee is for. It is impossible to ask questions because no one is available to speak with. I've also since tried to use the service and it is not allowing me to complete the transaction.

Sinemia Response • Mar 28, 2019

Hi. In case of a missed check-in, Sinemia has the right to charge users misuse fee to prevent fraudulent activities such as selling tickets. Also, you are required to verify your identity. ID verification is required to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia sustainable and affordable. By verifying your ID, you help us ensure you are who you say you are and that you are the sole user of your Sinemia account. Also, once you upload the necessary documents, the ticketing feature will be automatically turned on.

Customer Response • Mar 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
It appears that I have paid $200 to a company that I can not use the service and can not speak with anyone directly. I've never misused the service. I've only been able to use the service a few times. I would greatly like a full refund. I've had to pay out of pocket for movie tickets due to the service not working. It would be good to have my money refunded.

We have used your service with integrity but you have canceled our account saying we have used it fraudulently. Your customer service is unavailable.
Your company was not clear about all the little fees associated with each transaction where we redeemed our movies. We were charged additional exuberant fees for not checking in months ago but never were told about the policy changes until we tried click to go to a movie the next month. There was another time where we were again checking in to go to the movie and were told that you needed a picture of me, holding my drivers license and then we had to wait for you to process it to be able to go to the movie multiple days later. I sent a customer service email about our disappointment regarding the way you communicate only when you're clicking the button to go to a movie which just leads to a LOT of disappointment with each use and a couple weeks later hadn't heard anything but this month were told our account is canceled due to fraudulent activity. We have NOT committed fraud. We have had a couple of times where we have made errors with your system but I am a person of integrity and offended by your accusation. We have NEVER, I repeat, NEVER misused your system intentionally but we have expressed dissatisfaction with your customer service, multiple undisclosed and unexpected fees and now with this completely UNFOUNDED ALLEGATION against us personally. I am absolutely dumbfounded. There is nothing we have done. Nothing! Your customer service availability and clunky system were something I was willing to work with but this accusation is offensive and really makes me want to shout your offensive business practices from the rooftops.

Desired Outcome

I want fees back and I want you to acknowledge that we did not commit fraud regarding the use of your pass. My husband and I are the only two people who used the two passes each month. He went with me and this is ridiculous. Anything you're seeing was an accident and if you look at it in a reasonable way you should be able to tell that. It is horribly offensive when you try to be honest and get accused of fraud but cannot reach the company. Luckily I see you are responding on this site. I've contacted you multiple times requesting customer service but the most recent time was yesterday after we saw the accusation.

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia canceled one year contract five months early. Won't refund money in prorated rate.
Bought one year contract on 07/27/2018 for $167.88 with sinemia for two tickets two times a month. When I attempted to use service to buy tickets on 3/5/2019 I was notified my contract was canceled. I asked for a refund for the unused months and was denied. They responded that they could not tell me why my contract was terminated beyond some general violation of their ToS. They offered to refund the difference between what they paid for movie ticket and what I paid. Because of the way they would calculate the refund, I would receive nothing back.

Desired Outcome

I am looking for a refund for unused months. The contract was terminated on or before 3/5/19 leaving 5 months on the one year contract. At a prorated rate of $13.99 per month, I am looking for a refund of $69.95.

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 23, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia will not provide me with real reason they canceled my contract. I do not accept the response that I broke one of the terms of service but not listing which term or how I broke the ToS. I am left with the belief that my contract was canceled because it was not profitable for Sinemia. I still expect a prorated refund for the remainder of my contract.

Customer Response • Apr 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Repeating the same canned response is not a resolution to my complaint.

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit for further information

Client agreed that they are unable to provide the services that I paid for. Yet they refuse to provide a refund.
On Monday 3/4/19 I saw an advertisement for sinemia promoting movie ticket family plans. I went to their website and purchased the services for a full year. I paid $360.00 in total. When I went to purchase the tickets using the paid for services it did not work. I contacted sinemia via email to get a resolution and they confirmed that the services I paid for would not be available until July. They then asked me if I wanted to cancel the services. I confirmed that I wanted to cancel everything along with a full refund. I have not heard back from them and I have no idea what happened with this issue. I am now down $360, can't use the services and have no way of contacting these people.

Desired Outcome

I want a full refund of $360.00

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. The second plan you purchased will not be available for using until your current plan expires. Therefore, the plan has been cancelled and refunded as you requested. Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

Service paid for is not being provided. Customer service is not responding.
The app I purchase through this company is not providing the service I pay for. I am supposed to get 3 movie tickets per month so this is very time sensitive. The app has not been working so I contacted customer service 4 times.. no response.

Desired Outcome

I want to be contacted by the business. I want service restored. I want the month of March refunded to me.

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. When we check your account, we see that you were able to use one of your monthly movie days. Therefore, we are unable to fully refund the monthly plan. Upon your, approval, we will be able to issue a pro-rated refund of the plan. The amount which will be received will be 19.99.

Customer Response • Mar 18, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she ACCEPTED the response from the business.)
I want to be done with Sinemia. Please refund $19.99.

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

I have still not received payment.

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. The partial refund of your monthly plan has been issued on our end. Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

Sinemia upped my monthly fee from $18.99 to $35.88 without any reason or warning. I contacted customer service to no avail.
I've been a customer of Sinemia for several months with little to no issue. In Feb, I had left a movie before it started due to a personal emergency and forgot to check-in with the app even though I never watched the movie. They subsequently locked my account and charged me the full price of the tickets, $26.64, before unlocking my account. I contacted customer service as soon as they informed me of the misuse fee on Sun, Feb 10, but didn't receive a reply until Fri, Mar 1 informing me that they do no waive missed check-ins. This was the first time I had ever missed one. Then, today, Mar 6, I get a notification that they are changing my monthly fee from my original $18.99 a month to $35.88 a month. No reason, no explanation, nothing. I emailed customer services right after the notification asking why. A few hours after that notification from the app, I get billed the $35.88. This prompted me to come here and voice my concerns since I fear it will be another 20-30 days before I'm contacted by customer service with a one-sided answer, that, if I don't agree with, will take another 20-30 days to receive another reply.

Desired Outcome

I want my misuse fee of $26.64 to be refunded, the monthly charged fee of $35.88 refunded, and my monthly charge to go back to $18.99 a month and I will continue to use their service.

Sinemia Response • Mar 16, 2019

Hi. When we check your account, we see that you have been notified regarding the price change on 03.05.2019. Upon your approval your plan has been extended with the new price. Also, since you missed check-in on 02.09.2019, you have been charged a misuse fee. Since the fee payment is completed, your ticketing feature got re-enabled. In addition to that, as stated in the terms & conditions; "4.3. Sinemia may make changes to any products or services offered on the Site, or to the applicable prices for any such products or services, at any time, without prior notice."

I have tried to change my plan on their website and have been unable. I have submitted multiple unanswered support requests via email and the website.
When I initially signed up, I bought a plan that granted me two individual tickets per month, but it was not made clear that I couldn't use those two tickets to the same movie. Sinemia has an option on their website called "Change your premium membership plan to Sinemia Family Plan". I attempted to change my plan to the Sinemia for Two plan by using the "Change your Premium membership plan to Sinemia for Two" button. When I selected the plan, it said I had to pay 12x$7.99 even though I have already prepaid for a year. I'm just looking to convert my current plan so I can buy two tickets at a time instead of one.

I have emailed Sinemia support six times and submitted two support requests via the website and I have never gotten a response, starting on December 27th. There is no phone number I can call either.

Desired Outcome

I would like my plan converted to Sinemia for Two, or (preferably) I would like the ability to use my current plan to purchase two tickets to the same movie. Also, I would like an assurance that Sinemia support will stop ignoring all my support requests and emails.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. Upon your request, our support has reached you and provide a possible outcome regarding the plan upgrade.

Customer Response • Mar 27, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
They are requiring me to make another purchase to change my plan. I'm not requesting a plan upgrade. The other plan cost the same as my plan when I made the request three months ago. The other plan simply allows me to purchase two tickets to the same movie instead of two tickets to two different movies.

Additionally, asking me to make a purchase and then promising to issue a partial refund after the fact is unfair for two reasons. 1) When I initially made my request 3 months ago, the website said I could simply change plans. 2) They have given me no reason to trust that they will honor their word and issue any refund. Case in point, I did reply to the one and only email they sent and they still have not replied back.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi, on our system, it is not possible to convert plans to single plan or family plan. Our support contacted you regarding your request and offered a solution.

Company often changes the contract in a way that forces customer's hand into paying extra or getting account terminated without refund.
Many problems in only six months.
The interface is very complicated to use, doesn't make experience easy at all.
Had problems the first few times I tried to use the service, which made me not be able to use it on the expected day.
Tried to contact them only to realize there is no customer service - no phone number, no Facebook / Instagram, no email. Twitter seemed to work for a while, but still didn't solve the problem.
Throughout the months, they either didn't reply or replied many months after a problem came up.
After a few times using the service, fees that didn't exist previously in the contract and weren't disclosed anywhere in advertising suddenly began being mandatory. If the customer didn't agree to those fees, they'd get their account cancelled without a refund, which forced customer into paying those fees.
In order to not pay the fees, customers had to order a credit card, which was not provided with the membership as it should have been. If having a membership didn't include the fees at first and the only way to not pay the fees was the card, card should have been included in membership cost. Card doubled after customers started noticing this.
Next fraudulent move was instate a misuse fee that was to pay the whole ticket price and lose one of the tickets you were given. If customer is paying for their own ticket, why should one of the tickets they had with Sinemia count as used? They are losing twice. That misuse fee was given in case the customer forgot to check in. Not only is this a very severe penalty, but the app also glitched quite often, preventing customers from checking in.
Suddenly, many people got terminated, myself included. They alleged misuse, but refused to give the reason why - and denied a refund.

Desired Outcome

I have already disputed the transaction with my bank because Sinemia refused to give me a refund for 6 months of unused and already paid for service. However, if they refunded me themselves, plus the cost of the card, which I didn't get to use to full extent intended, I would drop the claim.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 28, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Hello. I'm not a fool to believe this, since I am part of a Facebook group that gathers members of Sinemia and the overwhelming majority has been terminated - so has basically everyone committed fraud? No. We're onto this company.
I, for one, have not committed any fraud - remember that it's the company's responsibility to notify customers of any changes, not the customer's to check for updates to the ToS. Also, user error is not equal to fraud, much less system errors (which are often with this company). Furthermore, if those supposed frauds are being atoned for (such as having to pay for your own ticket and STILL being penalized with one less ticket on your plan), the customer already complied with whatever punitive measures implemented.
Finally, this refund completely invalids the service altogether. The point of being a member of Sinemia is having discounted movie tickets. This "adjusted refund" offers the difference between what you paid for Sinemia minus the full price of every ticket you bought - so what DID Sinemia do? If you're still having to pay full price for those tickets? The refund should be based on how many months of service one used and how many they paid for.
This is still all illegal and disrespectful to the customer. I'm not backing down.

Sinemia Response • Apr 09, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent activitions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit for further information

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia copied and pasted exactly the same response - which clearly means there isn't even a person reading anything, they are just using an automated message. Gives you a hint of what type of company this is.

Company canceled my pre-paid membership without justification twice.
I previously had a membership with this company, and paid approximately $360 in advance for a one year membership. This was in October 2018. After about one month of service, they canceled my account, claiming that they did so because they were unable to collect a miss use fee they had tried to charge me. This misuse fee was based on a missed check in, which I did miss by one minute and emailed them promptly to explain. However, I had two separate working credit cards on file with them, and if they had tried to charge me the miss use fee, they would have succeeded I believe. Further, they made no attempt to contact me about this issue until they told me my account was canceled. I believe they canceled me for no reason other than I was a frequent user of their service. They had no response to several emails I sent them attempting to resolve the issue over the course of about three weeks. Further, they had contacted me at an email they knew was not and email are used, rather than the updated one I had provided them shortly after signing up.

However, after receiving a credit for my membership fee from my credit card company (apparently at the card's expense rather than Sinemia's), I decided to give them another try, foolishly it appears, because they had sent me emails claiming that they had improved the check in process and were once again implementing a physical card, which alleviated a problem where they were charging a fee per use for the previously required online purchases, a fee which was not disclosed at sign up or in their terms as they existed at that time. I decided that trying to use their service again was a calculated risk that I was willing to take, since they seemed to have taken a more reasonable approach to customer service, at least on the surface.

However, after using the service for a month or two again, they once again canceled my account for what they claim vaguely are violations of the terms of service, but they only alleged that in the most general fashion, and it is categorically false that I ever violated those terms. They did not inform me of this decision until I tried to check into a movie after driving an hour out of my way to go to a theater after work in the southwest part of the state. This has been an incredible inconvenience, even aside from the totally inappropriate cancellation. I have done absolutely everything right, except, again, I used the service frequently, which doesn't fit their business model. However, it is entirely in keeping with the agreement between us, and they are refusing to honor it now for a second time.

Desired Outcome

I am asking them to reinstate my account and give me a credit card refund for the cost of the ticket I am now going to have to buy due to their sudden cancellation ($11.65, I think). Alternatively, I would accept a free 2-week extension of my subscription in lieu of that credit. Further, I would ask that the company agree not to cancel my account for no reason again, and that if they have a suspicion about violations of the terms of use, they contact me to resolve the issue prior to suddenly canceling me. It appears to me that they are engaged in fraud by canceling their heavy users for no reason in order not to incur the liability they have bargained for, while still enjoying the membership fees of the users who don't take full advantage of their subscriptions. I should note that this time (but not last time) they have offered to refund the difference between my membership fee and Leigh actual usage of my account. This is not an adequate remedy. Even if my membership will not be reinstated, I should be entitled to a prorated refund of the subscription fee irrespective of the amount of tickets I actually used, since the monthly usage anywhere between zero and 30 tickets per month was supposed to be the deal. So essentially, they are making me responsible for the cost of my own tickets, which is defeating the entire purpose of their service. The correct resolution is to reinstate me and refund any tickets I have to buy before they do so, and an unsatisfactory but otherwise reasonable resolution would be to refund me the fees for the months of the deal they refused to honor. Also, the $15 charge for the physical card, since that was sold to me in bad faith. .

Sinemia Response • Mar 18, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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