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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

I am extremely upset with Sinemia being a fraud company. The major reason I am upset that they actually calling me a fraud for no reason. I have never abused Sinemia service and always followed the rules, paid insane unfair fees and was patient during outages. And now they actually acting like a fraud, making a false accusations about me to justify my account termination, just because I am actively using the service.

I am demanding a full refund, including all unfair fees they've charged me. I am demanding them to keep their fraud logic that they will refund me only the reminder from the total cost of movie tickets I've used. I've paid for a subscription service for a full 12 months, It has nothing to do with movie tickets purchase and I am expecting a full refund if Sinemia is not able/doesn't want to deliver a service to me.

Overall its a shame and Sinemia as company should be terminated as soon as possible. I'll be looking for the same people like me, hopefully I *** join a class action law suit against them to make them bankrupt and close their company as soon as possible, so that they could not take advantage of anyone else.

Please return me my money immediately.

Company fraudulently terminates accounts saying that there was some unspecified behavior in violation of the ToS. They provide no details to justify the decision.

Cancelled membership with no details or justification. Claim fraudulent activity with no evidence. Slow to address complaints.
Purchased yearly membership. Twice they charged me misuse fees due to not checking-in, which was actually a bug in their smartphone app. I paid this because it was easier to deal with that then their non-existent customer service which would sometime take weeks to respond to, if at all. Then they employed a shady practice to obtain "ID verification" and wouldn't let me access account until I did. I did this as well. Now today, they have cancelled my membership and terminated my service. They gave no answers, no justification, no warning. I just tried to use my service and then got notified I was terminated. Again - no justification. They are the one ones performing a fraudulent action - as they are not providing their end of our agreement for yearly service. I suspect they are doing this because I am a frequent user and their profit margins may be very small or negative on my account. Since the company only provides silence or canned email responses to my complaints, I have no way of knowing the exact reasons.

Desired Outcome

Restore my account immediately and live up to your end of the user agreement or fully refund my cc charges.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There was no fraudulent activity, and they will not show any. Wrongful termination of service, they will not provide any refund because they claim I used the service enough times to gain my money back. This is not the terms of service agrreed upon.

Customer Response • Apr 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
System automatically removed me, but there has been no fraud activity. No explanations. This is a canned response. Terms of use have changed from when I first joined.

Sinemia Response • Apr 16, 2019

Hi. Terminations are handled by the system automatically. For further information, you may visit our terms page or you *** check if you are eligible for an adjusted refund through your membership page.

Terminated my membership for no reason. I paid for an entire year. They don't respond to my correspondences and stole my money.
I joined Sinemia back in October 2018. I paid for a one year membership upfront for 3 movies a month for 12 months. After signing up I was told I needed to pay the fees from the movie theaters and a $1.80 fee from Sinemia each time I purchased a ticket online (the only way you were able to purchase a ticket). This was never mentioned when signing up. But I did it to use the membership. A few months later they offered a one time fee physical card for $15 to avoid the fees and pay at the theater, which I did. I was only able to use it maybe once or twice. Then when I went to purchase a ticket with the membership I was told I MUST supply my Drivers License and a photo of me holding the License so they could verify my identity, which I did again my better judgment. Then for no reason whatsoever my account was terminated stating that I violated the terms of service, which I did not. I have tired to reach out to them many times and they never respond. I have tried to reach out via email, social media, etc and nothing. There is no phone number to contact them either. This company is a fraud and a scam. They take peoples money and then don't let them use the service. 3 movie a month for 12 months would be 36 movies and according to their website I only got to see 10. I am now out the cost of the membership, the $15 for the physical card, a gift card I purchased for myself ($25 value) and my mother ($25 value) and the $20 in referrals I earned because it says I can never join again either. If you do a quick google search you will see that this is not just me but probably thousands of customers. They will not give anyone an explanation or refund their money. I feel bad because I referred family members to this service and they signed up too and I know it's just a matter of time till this happens to them as well. Please help!

Desired Outcome

Reinstate my membership and refund me for the ticket I had to purchase at the theater when my account was terminated without notice!

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is the same generic response everyone is getting. There was no fraud only on their end. You can just look online and see the thousands of other people they have done this to. I already requested my usage history and it shows I did nothing wrong, I used my membership as it was intended. I paid for an entire year and I want to be able to use my plan. If they are not going to reinstate my account then I want me money back for the unused months. Not the difference between the full price and what I paid. This company is a SCAM and a FRAUD>

Customer Response • Apr 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This just proves my point. I already got the report as stated in my previous response. They just keep giving the runaround.

Sinemia Response • Apr 16, 2019

Hi. Once you submit the form, you will receive your payment and spending details as soon as your report is ready. Please note that turnaround time depends on the length of your usage history.

My account was canceled. Sinemia stated that I violated the terms of service. I did not. I contacted them and did not receive help.
My Sinemia plan start date was September 24, 2018 for a pre-paid one year plan. My account is under my email address *** Throughout the duration of the plan I have never violated the terms of service. I only saw movies permitted by the plan, I never shared my account benefits, I always checked in on the app within the required time frame, and I always paid any additional fees. On March 2 I tried to see a movie and received a message in the app to check my account via the website. I checked my account and saw a notice that my account was terminated for violating the terms of service. I contacted Sinemia via the option within the website as well as via Twitter and have not received any help to resolve this issue.

Desired Outcome

I would be willing to accept two resolutions. Either fully reinstate my account for the remainder of the one year plan. Or, a full refund for the amount paid to Sinemia for their violation of the terms, including the annual plan fee, all convenience and processing fees, and the $14.99 charged to order a physical debit card.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did not commit fraud or violate the terms of service. Even if the system incorrectly identified my account the company should review the transactions and see that I did not violate the terms and thus my account was wrongfully terminated.

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit for further information

Customer Response • Apr 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Again, the company is not addressing the substance of my complaint. I did not commit fraud; and clicking on the usage history link referenced in the company's response confirms that I did not commit fraud. The company has not yet reviewed my individual account, which would show that the automatic fraud detection incorrectly flagged my account. At this point only a full refund of the annual membership would be accepted. I am not longer interested in membership reactivation with this company.

Account terminated without reason
I purchased Sinemia Account on 11/24/2018 on black friday deal with 3 tickets for 2 people every month by advance payment of 12 months. I have been using the service per the terms of service but found out today that my account has been terminated without any information of why it has been. I *** only imagine that I am bleeding them money, because each ticket I purchase costs $15 and for the last 3 months, I have used 18 ticket which cost them approx $270. Turns out that I was a customer where they were losing money and therefore went ahead and closed my account. Very disappointed with the shady business practices

Desired Outcome

I want my account reinstated immediately. If they cannot afford to stay afloat with this business model, they should not commit to provide 12 months of service by prepayment.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is an absolutely generic response that does not answer any of the questions asked. The business has taken my money as a prepaid subscription for the whole year and then terminated my subscription without providing any reason. I want the service I have paid for.

If Sinemia deems that I violated their terms of service(TOS), there should be no hesitation on their part to share the specific instance where I have violated their TOS. I had purchased an annual plan for 2 people for 3 tickets per month for 12 months. It was not an agreement for a specific $ amount to buy movie tickets.In using the service per their TOS I have purchased the tickets from same 2 theaters near(within 10 miles) the billing address(my home). The app has been used on only one iphone since I purchased the subsription and prior to this, there have been no emails/warnings from them regarding any breach of any TOS save the one time many weeks ago when I failed to check in to the movie and had reached out to them via email.

The response to the case states that the account was terminated by systems which detected a potential fraudulent activity. If my account was not terminated due to the fact I was loosing them money by using the subscription to the fullest extent per the TOS, Sinemia should conduct a manual review of my transactions. Post that, they should either provide an answer as to which transactions breached which TOS due to which the account was terminated, or, reinstate my account and compensate me for denying me service for which I have paid for. The response from Sinemia does not answer the question which was asked, it just states the fact that the system automatically terminates account when it suspects fraud. I demand to help resolve this case in a fair manner based on facts, not on assumptions that the "perfect system" Sinemia uses for fraud detection is correct. I reject the response from Sinemia and request help from to decision out this case

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at *** to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit *** for further information

Sinemia suddenly stopped me to reserve tickets through their app even though my subscription has 2 more weeks of activation.
My Name is ***. I My current subscription was active from 2/8/2019 to 3/10/2019. I tried to reserve a ticket on 2/28/2019 without any success. The app didn't allowed me to book the ticket. I submitted few complaints through their customer service but never heard back from them. Now they suddenly displayed a message when I open the app saying that my subscription was not supported. And I have to select a new subscription. I have no idea why my subscription is not active even though it is still active till 3/10/2019.

Desired Outcome

I need the refund for the 2 payments I have made from 1/10/2019 to till date.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, upon reviewing your account we see that you were using 30 movie days Sinemia monthly plan. Since Sinemia does not provides 30 movie days plan anymore your account has not been renewed.
You latest period had been started on the 8th of February and ended on 10th of March. We are not able to see any failed ticket purchase attempt. If you can specify the issue, we would like to assist you about that. Thanks.

I am being charged a Convenience and Processing fee equal to $2.70 on every ticket even though there IS no Convenience through Facebook.
My original T&C had zero mention of Convenience and Processing fees attached to EVERY purchase on their subscriptions. It also does not give you the ability to refund if you cancel after they randomly keep changing their T&C to suit their own interests. First it was a "processing fee" associated with every ticket of $1.70... and now they have added another $1 Convenience fee to tickets on top of that (so $2.70 in total now on EVERY "free ticket") even though there IS no Convenience fee on Atom ticket purchases if made through Facebook (as I do). In other words, this was just another revenue raising scam. I have raised the issue with them via both email and twitter, and it has been ignored. The sheer amount of people talking about the dodgy practices and methods of this company on reddit boards is incredible. And it seems every day there's a new and inventive scam used to double dip their customers. I can't cancel and get refunded for my annual subscription. I can't get a charge back. People should be warned these people are running a giant con.

Desired Outcome

I'd personally like these non existent Convenience and Processing fees to be dropped altogether. Shy of that, I INSIST on getting the $1 Convenience fee refunded, and it's 100% bogus. ATOM does not CHARGE any Convenience fees. It's simply another way Sinemia tries to unethically make money off its customers.

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets. If you would like to avoid online transaction fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through *** page. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is a bold faced lie, something this company seems more adept at than actually delivering services paid for. As the company is well aware, until they mysteriously removed the option for "no convenience fee charged" during check out, there are no extra fees charged to them for online tickets when checking out through Facebook Movie. That $2 charge is refunded to them, but Sinemia still keeps it and then feeds back generalized spin about why they do. The concept of convince fees and processing fees is something Sinemia added to their T&C in November 2018, a month after I had signed up and paid for a year. Yet, offer no refunds for asking them to honor their original agreement with you, and if you bring it up in a public forum such as this they send an email accusing you of "fraud" and banning your account without so much as a reason or a refund. Try a charge back and they drag the process on as long as possible, replying exactly 45 days later and then bold face lying about what they've been accused of. There are now thousands of upset customers talking about this on Twitter and Reddit. But yet, this Ponzi Scheme business of theirs continues to go about unchecked. If I were to sign up for a "physical card" to avoid fees, as is being suggested here, it's an extra cost of $20 and a wait of several weeks on top of what you've already paid for an annual subscription. And on top of the $10 fee they charge to activate your online subscription. And it may circumvent processing fees (which again don't exist in Facebook movies anyway) but it will still charge you an extra $2 for convenience fees. Sinemia is well aware of their dodgy and misleading practices. And it is why they put more attention on fanning online complaints and hiding their highly illegal practices (ie. changing T&C during a contracted period without warning or written agreement between both parties) or just flat out lying. I have never in my life encountered a company I regret having given money to more in my life.

My account was suspended for not checking in to the app for a showing, but I checked in as directed. They want to charge me to reinstate my account.
I ordered Sinemia's yearly subscription on 12/20/18 for $107.88
I tried using the online ticketing on 2-3 different occasions and repeatedly received error messages in a foreign language. Emailed support on 1/5/19 for help. I direct messaged them via twitter on 1/4,1/5,1/7. I continued uninstalling/ reinstalling the app and I was eventually able to buy a movie ticket on 1/7. No email came but on 1/26 a they sent a Twitter message asking if I still required support.

On 1/8/19 I decided purchased a $15 physical card hoping to bypass the Sinemia's unreliable online ticketing system.
I purchased a ticket with the physical card and checked in for a film. On 3/3 I received an email that I had not checked, had violated terms of service and my account was suspended until I paid $12.40 to reactivate.
Their app is faulty and truly unreliable. Sinemia is not entirely transparent about the various processing fees, convenience fees + foreign transaction fees that come along with this subscription. You sign up and are saddled with penalties that mostly stem from their malfunctioning app. Isn't this fraud?

Desired Outcome

I want the remainder of my yearly subscription refunded.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have been charged a misuse fee on 03.02.2019 due to the missed check-in. You should check in at the theater for your advance ticket between 2 hours before and into the movie. Please make sure to check in at the theater for your advance ticket to avoid cost of the tickets being charged on your credit card. Also, since the fee payment is completed, your ticketing feature got re-enabled. Thanks.

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
This is the same boilerplate reply I've received from Sinemia before I contacted the The app is faulty and unreliable. I did check in for the film and have repeatedly explained to Sinemia that I did and that the app was malfunctioning. No one has replied to my various emails as to whether they would reverse the suspension charge since it was the first time it happened and because it was not my fault that the app is buggy. At this time, my position is unchanged. This company is fraudulent in the service they claim to provide and I would like to be refunded the remainder of my yearly subscription. Thank you.

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms & Conditions. Also, your account has been checked and it is seen that there is nothing holds you back from using your Sinemia membership. Thank you.

Customer Response • Apr 18, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Thank you for checking my account however what is holding me back from using the app is that your app is still not fundingfunc with any reliability. I tried to buy tickets to a movie on Thursday, Friday + Saturday(3.11-13) and only got error messages. My app was up to date + the location was enabled. I emailed your support team and no one has replied to me. Every day that your app malfunctions and every day your customer support team doesn't respond is another day that I can't use the service I've paid for. This is fraud. Please refund me the money for the remaining months of my subscription. Thank you.

They fraudulently overcharged me and then suspended my account when I attempted to get my overcharged amount returned.
The overcharged my account $19.99. I wrote to them and they agreed they had overcharged me and said they would issue a refund that would show up in 1-2 weeks. Over a month went by and I had still not received a refund and they had not responded to my emails about where my refund was. I ended up charging it back with my CC company to get the money THEY OWED me back. When Sinemia saw I have charged back my CC for the money they were suppose to refund me but never did, they suspended my account. They told me in order to get my account turned back on, I need to cancel my charge back (even though it was money they had admitted they owed me and have overcharged me). I called my bank and cancelled my charge back request so that my account would be turned back on. It has been over a month and have contacted them MULTIPLE times and they have yet to reactivate my account. I've done everything they asked and have not in good faith held up their end. This is fraud and a scam.

Desired Outcome

I want them to reactivate my account and refund me the money they agreed that they owe me.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. When you dispute a payment your account gets suspended due to the preventive reasons.
Kindly provide the letter stating your bank's final decision about your chargeback request so that we can activate your account with our finance's approval. Thanks.

Company has misleading business practices such as hidden fees and false advertising. On top of the monthly fee, there is a hidden per use fee.
I had a monthly family plan for $19.99 that entitles me and my partner to 2 movies/month, one of them being a 3D/IMAX. They however, charge a hidden fee every time you book a movie, $3.60/use. That brings that actual monthly fee to almost $28, a 40% price difference than what was advertised. Furthermore, their 3D/IMAX limitation was advertised as once a month. However, instead of it going by your bill cycle or calendar month, the 30 day "monthly" timer only begins after you view a 3D/IMAX movie. Therefore, it is not truly what is advertised. On top all that, they require customers to "check-in" when they're at the theaters. If customer fails to do so, the full price of the ticket is charged to the customer and the customer is barred from using it further without first paying the penalty. All this happens while the customer has to continue paying the monthly subscription fee. Hidden fees and penalties coupled with a non-responsive customer service makes this company impossible to deal with. *** from customer service is non-responsive and utterly useless.

Desired Outcome

I want a refund of all of my unused credits that were already paid for in the subscription plan.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. As stated in the terms and conditions, "The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets." Also, if you would like, you may order a physical card through*** page to avoid online booking fees.

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Ordering physical card costs money as well. In either option, hidden fees cannot be avoided. This is an unethical business practice. Furthermore, your current app does not allow user to even book tickets. Once you click on the movie you want to book, it just stalls, even with latest app version. Hidden fees, false advertisement, and broken product.

Sinemia Response • Apr 11, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that your last monthly plan has not been used. As a gesture of goodwill, your last plan hs been refunded by our support. Please note that refunds issued to the original payment method are normally processed by your payment provider and/or issuing bank within 5 to 10 business days. However, some payment providers may hold the funds for a full billing cycle or longer. For further information regarding refund processing time frames, or if you require assistance locating a refund submitted back to your original payment method, please direct your inquiry to your financial institution.

Sinemia terminated my annual account after four months of service. They claimed fraudulent activity and refuse to give any details.
It should be noted that there is no telephone number to call and they only respond to messages on twitter.
I purchased a Sinema Classic Membership - 30 movie days/per month for $360 dollars upfront. The plan start date of 10/31/2018 and an end date of 10/26/2019. On March 6,2019 while attempting to use my Sinemia card I was informed that my service had been terminated for fraudulent activity. I have not done anything fraudulent, I save my movie ticket stubs and take the use of the service seriously. My service happened to be canceled after my 23rd film which would very closely equal the cost I paid upfront - 23 x $16 (per ticket) = $368. When inquiring about the termination and asking for my service to be reinstated, the response was that they could not access any of the information and that they may provide a refund of the difference of what they paid for tickets and what I paid for the fees. This means I would not receive any refund. I paid for a 12 month membership at $30 per month upfront. If they are refusing to reinstate my membership because they are unwilling, I have committed no fraud, then the refund should be for the remaining months on the contract times the monthly cost of $30.
I had also recently been asked to provide a copy of my ID and a photo of me holding my ID next to my face. I promptly complied with a copy of my US Passport and the photo of me holding in next to my head. This was approved. Shortly after, my account was terminated. They provided what seems like an automated response twice after Twitter direct messaging . They refused to provide any information on why they considered fraudulent activity on my account.

Desired Outcome

I would like my account to be reinstated and to receive the service that I paid for, upfront in good faith. If they are unwilling to do this, I would like a refund of the remaining months on my contract times the cost per month that I had paid upfront. 8 months x $30 = $240. And a detailed explanation as to why my account is being terminated.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I was unable to discuss the situation with anybody from the company. They provided no detail and sent the same precomposed response to all my requests for information. It's the same precomposed response they post to all all the complaints. There is no phone number. To accuse me of fraud and then terminate my account without giving any reason why I was accused and no platform to appeal with evidence seems to be an unethical business practice. They essentially stole $240 worth of monthly fees, 8 months remaining on my contract that I paid upfront. In an interview with the CEO of the company, he stated that they were a privately owned company and they didn't have to disclose any details about how many people were terminated and for what reason. I worry that this company is still operating and that all the hidden costs and unfair, fraudulent, terminations are the foundation of their profit making capabilities. In my years alive, I have never complained about a business like this, but I do feel that I have been taken advantage of. I have requested a chargeback for the remaining 8 months worth of service from my bank.

My 1 year prepaid membership was unilaterally terminated stating Unauthorized use of the Sinemia & suspicious of fraud which is totally false.
Good afternoon
I had a message stating my account was terminated ! When I follow all the rules of Sinemia
Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity. I don't use your card for nothing bu buy the movie tickets
The use of multiple Cinema accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse. I have just seen one account
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons. I don share the account with anyone
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases. How I can change the location . I never do that I just go to different teaters

Please clarify your decision and in what base you take he decision
And please let me if you review it accordly to avoid the need to reach the business borough about this issue

Thanks in advance

Desired Outcome

1. On 11/27/2018 i bought a SINEMIA*12 Month membership (Transaction XXXXXXXXXXX ) on the amount of $359.88, with plan " 2 movie days with 3 tickets each one "including fees. 2. After waiting until December 9/2018 my membership was actived and i was able to purchase movie tickets with a credit card actived and authorized by Sinemia jut to make the purchase of movie tickets, but the credit was rejected several times making very difficult to use the membership, also additional fees were charged even when the initial agreement stated that they will cover the full amount of the tickets. 3. During 3 months i was able to buy just the following 5 movie days/ 3 tickets each one: *Ralph Breaks the Internet (PG) Showtime:6:30 PM Saturday, December 15, 2018 BUMBLEBEE 6:30 PM Saturday, January 12, 2019 Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse 5:45 PM 1/27/2019 Glass Rating 6:30 PM 2/9/2019 *Alita: Battle Angel 7:10 PM 2/23/2019. 4. On feb 21/19 i tried to buy a movie day but Sinemia asked me to upload copy of my drivers license and a picture of myself holding the document to verify my identity which i did teh same day. On March 1/19 received an email informing me that my Id verification was successful 5. On March 1/2019 y tried to buy other movie day but i was asked to go to my account online where a found a message message stating my account was terminated ! When I follow all the rules of Sinemia. Sinemia stated : . Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity( false, I don't use your the preloaded credit card for nothing but to buy the movie tickets especially when each transaction must be preapproved by Sinemia) .The use of multiple Cinema accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse (FALSE. I have just one account and i am able to buy tickets just thru their app ) .Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons. ( FALSE , I do not share the account with anyone / The 3 tickets included on my membership are for myself and my husband and daughter!! nobody else, has used the tickets) . Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases. How I can change the location. ( I never did something like that, also the app allows to buy tickets for any theater and i just went to 2 different movie theaters close to my home) . 6. I tried to contact Sinemia the same date thru email and again in March 3/19 but even when they confirm the receipt of my email no answer has been received. Also my access online to my account was locked . I am asking to reverse decision of termination of my membership as it was totally unfair and based in false statements and refund the payment of my membership as it was preapid for a whole year in advance and i barely used it 3 months making it a scam to defraud my agreement /payment. Please note that it is public knowledge that Sinemia is terminating and changing agreements unilaterally to many members. Thanks in advance

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

I had been a Sinemia customers since 07/18/2018 where I was aware of their terms of service (ToS) and agreed on them. I knew about the convenience fee (if charged by the movie theater) and that only cardless feature was working at the time. Still, I purchased an annual "Elite Membership - 2 movie days/per month for two". Since then Sinemia has broken my agreed ToS. First it was the introduction of a $1.80 p/p processing fee and then requesting government ID verification. I should have never been subject to any of this due to the terms I agreed back then, where it stated "You will be notified of any changes made to the terms of service prior to your next billing cycle. Sinemia will not make any changes to your plan mid-cycle, all changes will be in affect at the start of your next billing cycle", and yet still I paid them requested processing fees and my ID verification was approved. On 03/05/2019 I have received a noticed that my account was terminated and have contacted Sinemia about this with their reply being: "We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically. Unfortunately we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information.". As many others ( I was wrongfully terminated. I have never violated their ever-changing terms of service and have used their services appropriately and honestly. As per their response, they cannot even tell me why I was terminated. I have requested my account to be evaluated and reinstated as I have not committed fraud or violated their ToS. I have also requested refunds for my unused membership time (4.5 months) in case they will not reinstate my account. So far I have not received any reply from them. This is a very frustrating and unfair. I feel I have been robbed and scammed by this company. This is a dishonest business practice and I do not recommend anyone to use their services.

Sinemia terminated my account improperly, refused to provide any explanation for the termination, and are refusing to provide a refund.
In early November 2018, I purchased a 12-month unlimited plan from Sinemia and paid $359.88. Since then, I have used that plan regularly and have complied with every single condition Sinemia has imposed, including convenience fees, check-in, and identity verification. I have not once violated the terms of service by, for example missing a check-in or letting someone else use my account, and, until yesterday, did not have any problems using the account.

Yesterday, when I tried to use the app to purchase a ticket at the theatre, it directed me to Sinemia's website where I found a termination message. In that message Sinemia alleged that I had violated the terms of service, but did not specify how. I sought clarification from Sinemia by email, but the support team refused to provide any clarification, indicating that my account had been "terminated by the system automatically."

Concerned about what was happening, I looked online to see if other Sinemia users were having the same issue. I learned that I was not the only unlimited-plan user whose account had been terminated simply for being used. In addition to checking online, I also tallied up how much Sinemia had spent on tickets during my less than 4 months of usage. I was able to do this because, due to the offerings in my area, I only go to Regal theaters and all my ticket purchases were recorded on my Regal Crown Club account. My tally revealed that Sinemia had spent exactly $360.12 on my tickets by the time they terminated my account, which is just over the amount that I paid for my 12-month membership. In other words, we had just crossed the threshold where Sinemia was losing money from the deal I had signed up for when it terminated my account.

Other Sinemia users online report that Sinemia has done the exact same thing to them. Sinemia appears to be automatically cancelling accounts once they cost Sinemia more than the purchase price. In short, Sinemia is not terminating accounts for fraud; it is terminating accounts for being used. In the meantime, Sinemia is collecting "convenience fees" from its users, thereby ensuring that it makes money off of them. Sinemia's actions appear to go beyond just a simple breach of contract and appear to involve a deliberate scheme to defraud users, which would be a violation of federal and state criminal law. See 18 U.S.C. 1343.

Desired Outcome

I would like Sinemia to correct this issue, by reinstating my account and extending the term of my 12-month membership by the number of days missed due to Sinemia's improper termination.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. Please be noted that we are not dividing our users like using the subscription and the not using members.
The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. Sinemia provides refunds for the terminated accounts even though there is fraud actions. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at ***

Customer Response • Mar 27, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Sinemia's response is not accurate. Sinemia has not terminated my account for fraud because I did not engage in any fraud. Also Sinemia has not offered me an actual refund for the services that they have refused to provide. I pre-paid for 12 months of service. Sinemia only provided me with 4 of those 12 months. They owe me a refund for the 8 months of service they did not provide. They have not offered me a refund for those 8 months and, in fact, have expressly refused to provide me one. The real fraud here has been committed by Sinemia. They sold me 12 months of service and refused to deliver 8 of them simply because I actually used their service on a regular basis for 4 months. Sinemia's claim that it has offered me a refund is false as are the promises they made me when I signed up for their service.

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at *** to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit for further information

My husband and I have separate sinemia accounts. We were both terminated without any cause only after a couple of months of service. No refund
I bought a membership ( connected to account with ***) to sinemia in October 2018. My husband bought his membership ( connected to ***)in November of 2018. We both paid full price on our visa charge card and it cost us 108 each for a year membership. I went to use the membership the same day and found out I had to pay an additional ten dollars to activate my account which was unknown when I paid in full. After my husband and I missed one check in we were both alerted on the account we missed a check in and had to pay the full price of the movie plus all of theirs fees !! We paid the original 1.80 fees for the movie in the first place so that day they charged us 1.80 four times . Two for the movie we went to and two times for the missed check in. We couldn't find this policy in their terms of service. Then on 3/3/2019 we tried to complete an advance ticket and it alerted us that both of our accounts were terminated. We both send a usage request and refund request and ended up with some genaric response. I have since emailed their support everyday since and have only received a generated response stating that our accounts we system generated and the service reps can't check into it. They won't answer any questions about a refund . We paid in full for the year up front and my husband was able to use the membership for two months!!!!!!! I used it for 3!! We want our full refunds back plus all the fees we had no idea about. For instance thier1.80 additional fee!!!!

Desired Outcome

We want a full refund (216)dollars for both accounts and additional 27.00 for the movie we had to pay for because we didn't check in on time and also 1.80 times the amount of movies we both watched for their hidden convienince fee they charged us for every movie.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, Sinemia covers the cost of your movie ticket and the fees are not included. We see that you have been paying processing fees+convenience fees, which are out of our contact since we do not charge them because these fees are passed *** the vendors directly.
The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at ***

Customer Response • Mar 26, 2019

Sinemia response is NOT satisfactory.. it's the same generalized response that 1000 of people have received that all had their accounts terminated. Both my husband and I paid s yearly membership fee if 108 each and they are not rendering the service we paid for so now we want a full refund . Sinemia wrote me back and offered a two dollar refund which is unacceptable... what their company is doing is ILLEGAL . They took our money for the year and cancelled our membership within months. We want our full refund back

Sinemia Response • Apr 15, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at *** to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit *** for further information

I paid for a 1 year membership allowing me to see 3 movies a month. Less than halfway through the membership they cancelled my account
I paid to see 3 movies/month for 12 months. After 5 months I received a message stating I violated 1 of any number of there rules and they were canceling my account. I always followed the instructions 100% and never violated their rules. Of course, when I asked for any specifics I wasnt given one. In fact, their support staff has never answered any of my many messages. They are refusing any refunds

Desired Outcome

I would like them the explain what rule I broke and to provide a refund or reinstate my account

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at ***

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I want to see proof of fraud that you claim allows you to breach our contract. Just because I actually use the service you provide is no reason terminate my account

Customer Response • Apr 16, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
AGAIN - "Stop passing *** blame on your system. Again, provide the specific example of how I committed fraud or reinstate my account."

Sinemia Response • Apr 16, 2019

Hi. Terminations are handled by the system automatically. For further information, you may visit our terms page or you *** check if you are eligible for an adjusted refund through your membership page.

My account was terminated. I used their service for a few months but pre-paid for 1 year of service. I'm demanding a full refund.
Dear Sinemia member,

This is an important notice that requires your attention.

Our top priority is to provide our members with the best movie-going experience possible in the most affordable way. In order to achieve this goal, it is very important for our members to comply with the membership rules and abide by the terms of service.

Sinemia has put several systems and measures in place in order to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia's membership sustainable and affordable.

Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons:

Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases
You may review the usage terms of your account on our website if you would like to seek further information. Given the circumstances, please note that you will not be able to create further accounts with Sinemia.

Best regards,

Desired Outcome

I am not the only person filing a complaint and am doing so to receive my refund. The company did not provide the service i paid for and now they terminated my account.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, we are sorry to hear that. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 25, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I pre-paid $359.88 for a 12-month access to see a movie per day. I started using this service on October 5, 2018 when they activated my card-less feature. It allowed me to purchase movie tickets via their app giving me a virtual credit card number in which I could buy movie tickets online. They advertised a physical debit card to purchase movie tickets, which would avoid any type of online merchants' fees, but they didn't support this at that time. I tried to use their card-less feature with online ticket vendors that didn't charge fees, but it didn't work. I was charged a $1.80 fee from Sinemia per movie ticket purchased online starting on October 17, 2018.

A week later, I realized this fee wasn't in the terms & conditions agreed upon the initial sign up. I immediately called Chase and filed a dispute and stopped using Sinemia on November 14, 2018.

I received an email on November 30, 2018 from Sinemia, that they received the dispute and my account was suspended pending outcome of the dispute. According to the e-mail, if the dispute was in my favor, Sinemia would cancel my account/membership and provide a refund. If the dispute was in Sinemia's favor, then I would have to contact them and re-activate my membership.

Upon re-activation of my account, they charged a one-time fee for the physical debit card of $14.99. The card arrived end of January 2019. On February 7, 2019, Sinemia requested verification of my identity. They asked for my state driver license along with a picture of me holding the ID. At this point, I was given no choice but to comply as my account was in jeopardy.

Again, this request was nowhere in the terms & conditions to use this service. After my successful verification, I was able to purchase and watch movies again until the beginning of March 2019 when they terminated my account. Their reason didn't provide any details as to what I did to violate their terms & conditions. I requested a transaction history. Their information provided was riddled with errors and inconsistencies. I was wrongfully terminated and just wish for my money back. As you can see, this has been an exhausting, unsatisfying customer experience with Sinemia. I was only able to use their service for about two months out of the 12 months I pre-paid for because most of the time I was having issues with Sinemia and their lack of response to customer service. They never responded in a timely manner and they do not have a phone number to reach them. It has been a terrible experience with this company called Sinemia based in Istanbul, Turkey.

Sinemia Response • Apr 22, 2019

Hi. Terminations are handled by the system automatically. For further information, you may visit our terms page or you can check if you are eligible for an adjusted refund through your membership page.

Customer Response • Apr 15, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I paid for 1 year of service, not when your system automatically detects fraud in which you provide no proof other than me buying movie tickets. I did not violate any terms and your transaction history is full of errors. There are charges that doesn't match the price of the ticket and the $1.80 fees weren't in the original terms I agreed to. Here's the list you provided. Please tell me what the fraud your system detected because you cannot prove other than hiding behind your canned response.

Below, you can find payment (membership payment, convenience and processing fees combined) and spending (ticket purchases) history.

Type Amount Refund Amount Net Amount
Sinemia Plan Payment + 359.88 - 0.00 + 359.88
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Fee Payment + 1.80 - 0.00 + 1.80
Ticket Purchase - 18.50 + 0.00 - 18.50
Ticket Purchase - 17.00 + 0.00 - 17.00
Ticket Purchase - 17.04 + 0.00 - 17.04
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 16.55 + 0.00 - 16.55
Ticket Purchase - 16.55 + 0.00 - 16.55
Ticket Purchase - 17.69 + 0.00 - 17.69
Ticket Purchase - 17.69 + 0.00 - 17.69
Ticket Purchase - 17.95 + 0.00 - 17.95
Ticket Purchase - 18.32 + 0.00 - 18.32
Ticket Purchase - 18.60 + 0.00 - 18.60
Ticket Purchase - 16.55 + 0.00 - 16.55
Ticket Purchase - 16.52 + 0.00 - 16.52
Ticket Purchase - 16.54 + 0.00 - 16.54
Ticket Purchase - 16.54 + 0.00 - 16.54
Ticket Purchase - 16.35 + 0.00 - 16.35
Ticket Purchase - 16.58 + 0.00 - 16.58
Ticket Purchase - 17.16 + 0.00 - 17.16
Ticket Purchase - 17.25 + 0.00 - 17.25
Ticket Purchase - 16.94 + 0.00 - 16.94
Ticket Purchase - 16.55 + 0.00 - 16.55
Ticket Purchase - 16.55 + 0.00 - 16.55
Ticket Purchase - 16.55 + 0.00 - 16.55
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 16.40 + 0.00 - 16.40
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 17.15 + 0.00 - 17.15
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Ticket Purchase - 15.20 + 0.00 - 15.20
Total Payment: + 381.48
Total Expense: - 978.56
Your plan's spending exceeds what has been paid for the plan. There is no remaining amount after the difference between your spending and what you have paid during your membership (membership payment, convenience and processing fees combined) is calculated.

In order for me to access the benefit they were providing me, Sinemia charged me for something that doesn't exist and won't refund.
I went onto Sinemia's phone application yesterday, March 5th, to purchase a movie ticket. After selecting my show, Happy Death Day 2U, I was asked to state how much I was spending on the convenience fee, as Sinemia requires that the customer pay the convenience fee if there is one. I booked my ticket through the Facebook application, which allowed me to book the movie without a convenience fee. The Sinemia phone application did not let me select $0.00 for the fee, and in fact told me that it cannot be zero in a popup that would not let me continue. I therefore had to pay a minimum of $0.90 to be able to see my movie, even though that $0.90 isn't going anywhere but to the company.

I then went onto the support page for the company, and they would not immediately respond. 24 hours later, I sent another message to them, asking if they could refund my credit card or give me a giftcard, which was responded to with: "Hi, we regret to inform you that it is not possible for us to manually create a gift card. Unfortunately, we will not be able to issue refund for the fees. You may consider this Sinemia's final decision. Best regards,"

Ultimately, I'm upset that they are stealing from me in order for me to use the service that I already paid for. The service that they are providing to me, is 2 movie tickets every month for the entire year. I purchased this year-long membership on May 5th, 2018.

I cannot continue to use my membership without paying this extra money, either. And they claim it's a "glitch" in their system, when the prompt literally says "Fee value cannot be zero."

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for the purchase on 3/5/2019, and an understanding that if the application forces me to spend unnecessary money to access the service I purchased in May 2018, I will get another again. I want to use the service that I paid for, and if you're willing to fix the problem, then I want it in writing that you will refund me $0.90 every time you force me to give you $0.90.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi, we are sorry for the inconvenience caused. Our team is working on the issue. In the meanwhile we will be refunding the $0.90 for your ticket purchase on 3rd of March. Furthermore, we have disabled the fee payments for your account and you will not be paying the processing and the convenience fees anymore since your Sinemia contract does not include them.

My account was terminated with no clear explanation or documentation of any violation. Request for explanation and refund were ignored.
My 12 Month plan initiated on 8/9/18 was terminated without cause. On 8/9/18 I paid for a 12-month Sinemia plan for $179.88. I received service under this plan for 7 months, however, on 3/2/19, I received an automated notice stating:

"...Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated..."

In response I requested evidence of a violation in addition to a refund for services owed. To calculate services owed I divided my 12-month plan by 12 and multiplied that amount by the 5 remaining months of my service plan that I have already paid for. This came to $74.95. I added this to the cost of the physical card, $30, that paid for but was never able to use because of the termination of my service without cause. This total came to $104.95. The response that I received when I requested refund and explanation for my termination via email was:

"We see that your account's been terminated by the system automatically. Unfortunately we cannot provide any further details as we do not have access to such information..."

I cannot comprehend how a business can cancel someone's service that they have already paid for without cause and then claim that they cannot provide cause because the account has been canceled. This is the kind of explanation that belongs in a Kafka novel.

Desired Outcome

I would like a refund for services owed. This amount comes to $104.95. I came to the amount by dividing the amount of my 12-month plan by 12 and multiplying that amount by the 5 remaining months of my service plan that I paid in full for. This came to $74.95. I added this to the cost of the physical card, $30, that paid for but was never able to use because of the termination of my service.

Sinemia Response • Mar 24, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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