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Sinemia Reviews (1602)

Sinemia has fraudulently terminated my account, claiming unspecified behavior in violation of the ToS. They recently required submission of photo ID.
Today, 14 March 2019, I received notice from Sinemia that they have terminated my Premium account, saying that there was
some unspecified behavior in violation of the Terms of Service. I believe they have done so fraudulently. They have provided no factual details to justify the decision.

Weeks prior to the cancellation of my account, Sinemia asked me to verify my identity in order for me to continue to use their service. They required my sending of a photo of my government issued ID card (without any obstructions) as well as a photo of me holding said ID card. On 01 March 2019, I received an email confirming my identity was verified.

Shortly thereafter, when I attempted to use the service again to purchase a movie ticket, I noticed that they were charging me both an internal and external service fee. (The external fees were usually waived because I am a rewards member with AMC Theatres and they waive the convenience fee). When I noticed that Sinemia was charging both fees, I sent an inquiry to them on 05 March 2019 via their online system; I have yet to receive an email response. The inquiry included my question around the complete depletion of a $50 Sinemia gift card (that I used to offset the Sinemia convenience fee) that should still have a balance of approximately $30. Here is the text of my 05 March email: "Today, I have had difficulty purchasing advanced tickets. First, it appears that your app did not give me the option of waiving the convenience fees; it asked me to ask what the fees are for the website I am using; even as an AMC Premiere member where my fees are waived, the Sinemia app appears to have charged me for the $1.75 fee (AMC, but waived) plus the $1.80 fee via Sinemia. Second, it appears that the balance of my Sinemia Gift Card is now $0.00, as verfied on your website using my gift card code. This is impossible. My $50 card was purchased on 08 December 2018. If I have only seen 9 movies since then and if Sinemia is correctly charging me only $1.80 per use, then I would have only spent $16.20 out of $50. I would like to speak with someone about both of these issues, considering that I have been following all of Sinemia's rules for use, and even have followed your request to verify my identity with my government ID and photos. Thank you very much."

I have already sent two separate inquiries into these errors by the company, and no one has responded. Sinemia does not offer a physical phone number to call and make a complaint.

I find this behavior gravely suspicious, and I intend to take legal action against Sinemia, if my account is not reinstated, if I am not properly reimbursed for the unused membership (five months remaining until 03 August 2019), if I am not reimbursed for the unused portion of my gift card they claim has been depleted and for which they have not provided a record of debits), or if the two photos of my ID and person are not immediately destroyed.

Desired Outcome

Based upon the information I have included above, I am expecting a refund of the remaining, unused portion of my Premium Plan. The plan was purchased for $167.88 on 25 July 2018. With the unjustified cancellation by Sinemia this month, I will have five (5) unused months of service, thus $69.95 of expected refund. I also expect an additional refund in the amount of $33.95 for the unused portion of the $50 Sinemia Gift card. Total of expected monetary refund: $103.99 I also expect Sinemia to provide record of the storage of the photos of my government-issued Colorado identification card, and that the photos contained on their storage service/device have been duly destroyed.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit www.*** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at www.

Customer Response • Apr 09, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I DO NOT accept the 01 April 2019 response from Sinemia regarding this matter.

Their boilerplate response does not specifically address the issue of termination of my account. With this generic response, they have offered no proof of fraud on my part (and I categorically deny there was ever any fraudulent activity), and they have offered no resolution in terms of reimbursement of unused membership fees nor the unused portion of a Sinemia gift card.

I have looked over the transaction history the company has provided to me. Their calculation of the use of my Premium Membership Plan defies logic. Although they have offered a monthly subscription plan ($13.99 per month) that includes the purchase of three movie tickets (including one premium format ticket), their transaction history calculates my use of my account as a PRICE PER TICKET cost, adding up to an amount that far exceeds the cost of the subscription; they have purposefully calculated use of the plan at a higher cost than the monthly price offer, and I assume Sinemia has done this in bad faith to accuse me of fraudulent activity, when, in fact, I have operated fully under the parameters of the benefits of a monthly subscription. Their transaction history clearly shows that I properly used the electronic Sinemia card they provide within the app to purchase the maximum amount of movie tickets per month per agreement in the plan, and that I paid each time I also paid the appropriate transaction processing fee, as set by their company.
Moreover, the purchase (on 08 December 2018) of a $50 gift card from their company is a completely separate transaction from the monthly subscription plan (purchased on 25 July 2018). They cannot legally withhold unused funds from a gift card that should remain in my possession regardless of their unfounded accusation of fraud.

As stated in my original complaint, I am still expecting a refund of the remaining, unused portion of my Premium Plan. The plan was purchased for $167.88 on 25 July 2018. With the unjustified cancellation by Sinemia in March, I have five (5) unused months of service, thus $69.95 of expected refund. I also expect an additional refund in the amount of $33.95 for the unused portion of the $50 Sinemia Gift card. Total of expected monetary refund: $103.99. I also expect Sinemia to provide record of the storage of the photos of my government-issued Colorado identification card, and that the photos contained on their storage service/device have been duly destroyed.

Sinemia has failed to provide valid applications for their services. They have not responded to requests for help nor refunded fees for unused service
Sinemia has charged me for use of their service but I have not been able to use their service. I reached out for help on all available platforms and have waited over a week for a response. I continue to be charged and still can not use this service.

Desired Outcome

Refund and better customer service practices

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you have not fully used your previous plan's movie days. To compensate your loss, we added an extra month to your account. Also, our developers have been informed regarding the mentioned issue.

They terminated my account for no reason and did not refund my fee.
I paid for a year subscription that started on November 7th. The plan allowed for a movie a day, up to 30 movies a month. In four months, I only saw 17 movies. They terminate my membership saying that I violated their rules, but did not say how. I did not violate any of their rules. Not only that, but they didn't even notify me of the termination. I only found out when I went to the theater and tried to use it, so I had to pay out of pocket for that movie. Along with the year price, I also paid $15 for a physical card. I want them to fulfill their contract and reinstate my account. My account is u def my email address ***

Thank you.

Desired Outcome

I signed up for a one year plan and paid in full. The plan allowed for a movie a day up to 30 a month. I went to the theater on Monday and I found out that my account had been terminated. I hadn't even been informed. I had to pay for my ticket out of pocket. They said I had violated their usage policy. I have not. They did not specify how They think I had. They just terminated my membership and did not refund my membership fee. I also had some incidentals, like $15 for the credit card. I want my account reinstated and $50 for the four movies that I saw this week.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did not commit fraud. Your system made an error. I want my account reinstated or a full refund.

Sinemia has used an unsupported claim of fraud against me to deny me services I paid for and has not made an honest attempt to refund or resolve.
In November of 2018 I paid $215.88 for a 1 year membership with Sinemia which included 3 movie tickets a month for 2 people for 12 months.

In March of 2019 I received notice via Sinemia's website that my account had been terminated due to fraudulent use. Knowing that there has been no fraudulent use I immediately contacted Sinemia on March 11th asking that they provide details of this suspected fraud and reinstate my account or provide a full refund.

I received no response to that request. On March 12th I emailed Sinemia support directly asking the same as above. I did receive a response from a support rep named *** who informed me that they could not provide details of the fraud I've been accused of. I was then offered a refund minus the value of the tickets I'd purchased. This is literally an empty offer as I'd already purchased enough tickets to cover the entire cost of the membership. I suspect that fact and my account being terminated with no evidence of fraud are not unrelated.

I replied to *** letting him know that I was not satisfied with that explanation or offer. The response I got was what appeared to be a system generated email telling me my case would be automatically closed.

On March 13th I replied back to the system generated email telling them not to close the case as it has not been resolved. I also replied back to *** including Sinemia's Customer Experience Manager *** explaining by disatisfaction with their accusation of fraud, refusal to substantiate, my account termination, and a plainly dishonest offer of refund.

At this point I've not received a response. I've searched online and apparently this is a trend with this company where they terminate those with long term memberships who tend to use them to the fullest extent. I believe they may not be able to financially support their business model and are using unethical business practices to cut their losses.

My preferred outcome is that my account me restated so that I can enjoy the full value of what I've already paid for. If that is not possible I would expect a full refund. If any partial refund is offered I would expect all of the fees I've made to Sinemia to be refunded to me as well.

Desired Outcome

I'm seeking to have my Sinemia account permanently reinstated.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I've sent over a doze messages to Sinemia requesting an explanation of their terminating my account and/or an honest offer of a prorated refund.

Their only response has been to claim they don't owe me a refund because I cost them too much money using their service as per the agreed upon terms.

my account being cancelled for no reason charges after a few months and lack of any customer service of any kind.
Worked fine off the start then started having issues with payment method on cineplex site but I had laready paid so had to only use other theatres(which sucked) and no response from customer service on this issue. then started being charged fees for every purchase which was not in the original deal.
I then had to submit my id and picture to unlock my account in order to use the service which I did then a week later they cancel my account for no reason no refund no response to my inquiry and a week after that I get a message my account tis now approved with my id image but still locked and no refund and no way to use the service and no response in regards to my issue. basically this company has zero credibility and zero customer service they are just taking peoples money !

Desired Outcome

i would like a 100 percent refund or it least some kind of recognition that this i basically a scam.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did nothing wrong and they have no proof or shown me how I committed any type of fraud...this is not a response just an auto reply from the system

My account was wrongfully terminated for allegedly violating the ToS of Sinemia. There has NOT been any ToS violation from my part.
I purchased a recurrent anual subscription from Sinemia, Inc on 08/20/2018 in the amount of $539.88. Currently there has been a mass of consumer complaints alleging Sinemia was cancelling subscriptions without cause and they, Sinemia, allege that the consumers has been violating the Terms of Service. I was also hit with their ToS violation cancellation even though I have always used this membership within the scope of the ToS and have never violated any ToS.

Sinemia can't provide any details of the ToS violation because its non existen on my part and I have not violated any terms and conditions.

This is a violation and a wrongful termination of the contract I as a consumer and Sinemia, Inc as a business have engaged in.

There has been hundreds if not thousands of wrongful terminations and hundreds of consumer complaints from consumers which can be seen here:


I seek a full restitution of $539.88 to satisfy my original contract which was wrongfully terminated by this unscrupulous company and which is engaging in a blatant scam to terminate subscriptions without cause.

I will also put a formal complain with the DA office in California and my state.

Desired Outcome

I seek a FULL refund in the amount of $539.88 for the wrongful termination and wrongful violation of the contract between I, the consumer, and Sinemia, the Business in question. I will also put a formal complain with the DA office in California and my state.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 11, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Absolutely unsatisfactory. I signed up for a recurrent subscription not a prepaid plan. Their refund policy says I am not eligible for a refund due that I already used what I spent when I signed up. Let me clarify: This was a recurrent subscription and not a prepaid subscription. I also sent Sinemia several emails asking for the specific reason of the ToS violation and they never responded.

This is a blatant scam.

I have 2 months left of the service left that I have paid for and Sinemia terminated my account without warning or explanation.
I have 2 months left of the service left that I have paid for and Sinemia terminated my account without warning or explanation. Their response is vague at best. They claim misuse of the service but cannot say what the misuse was or when it was. I have never misused the service ever.

Desired Outcome

I want my account reactivated or a full refund on the remaining months left on my plan.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 02, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
There was no fraud on my part. Sinemia cannot even tell me where the fraud was and admits that their system automatically terminates accounts without giving a reason. Thousands of accounts have been terminated in this manner without reason. Their "refund" is a joke. They will refund you based on the full cost of tickets, not the monthly price you had agreed to. This is the equivalent of going to a buffet restaurant, the server cutting you off and then charging you a la carte for each item.

Wrongful account termination, unadvertised fees and charges.
My account was wrongfully terminated, I did not violate any of their policies. Paid for an annual membership thru January 2020, but after account termination the company will not refund the remaining amount for unused service. Additional fees throughout the process of using the service are not advertised. I purchased a gift card to pay for those fees, but they don't charge to it and it is non-refundable. Also I can no longer use the gift card for anything since they terminated my account.

Desired Outcome

Ideally I would like to see my account re-instated so that I can use the remainder of the service I paid for, but I would rather just get a full refund for the 10 months remaining on my annual membership.

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I did not use the Sinemia account fraudulently at any time. I used it for myself only, I went to see every movie myself and checked in using the app everytime. I do not know what activity their system is detecting. Not only am I out the money I spent for the annual membership since they are not refunding the remaining 9 months I have left, but I also paid $70 for a $100 gift certificate from them, that I can't use, since my account is terminated.
I would request that they refund me the remaining balance of the 9 months of membership that I paid for, and the $70 I paid for the gift card.

Company terminated the annual accounts of me and my daughter after 6 months claiming "fraudulent use." There was no fraudulent use.
I purchased 3 Sinemia accounts on 8/30/18 for $119.88 each (for me, my daughter, and my husband). These were 3 Movie Ticket(s) Per Month (Classic) accounts for which I pad for 1 year in advance. On 3/13/19, when I was trying to buy movie tickets for my daughter and myself through Sinemia, Sinemia informed us that it had terminated our accounts due to fraudulent use. We had no fraudulent use and followed their Terms of Service.

We paid for 12 months of service but received only 6 months of service prior to the cancellation. Sinemia has been terminating the accounts of many members who paid for 1 year up front: See: https://www.***.

Sinemia offers a "refund" to people who had their account terminated, but this refund will be $0 for most people. It's not a refund for the # of months the service wasn't provided. It's "the difference between 1) a user's membership payment & fees and 2) ticket purchases to the user's payment card." Because movie tickets are expensive in cities like Los Angeles, ticket purchases are likely to exceed membership payment for anyone that used the service on a regular basis. Many customers feel it is the members that used the service on a regular basis that had their accounts terminated. My daughter saw 12 movies in 6 months through Sinemia and I saw 11. My husband saw fewer (probably closer to 8), so it seems likely that's why his account was not flagged YET for termination.

Furthermore, over the months that we have had Sinemia accounts, their customer service has been completely lacking. They generally don't reply to email, direct messages, or other types of requests for customer service. Months ago we did receive a few canned form-letter responses that were in no way helpful, but we generally have not received any reply or customer assistance.

In addition, Sinemia keeps adding fees. We discovered last week that Sinemia started charging a minimum of $0.90 for an access fee, even when Sinemia was charged no access fee at all. The access fee is in addition to the $1.80 processing fee that Sinemia started charging per ticket order after we signed up for membership. One can avoid paying the processing fee and access fee by purchasing a physical debit card. My husband nearly bought one 2 days ago, but discovered the price increased from $14.99 to $24.99! Also, because we expect that his account also will be terminated, we won't have him invest more money into this company.

Desired Outcome

Please provide us with 3 Sinemia Limitless $100 cards (1 per account) and assurance that you won't cancel these cards. I've heard of a member that had his Sinemia account reinstatement after having an active presence on Twitter, but then his account was terminated again the next day! I want to be able to use Sinemia's service without having to worry about Sinemia terminating our accounts again!

Sinemia Response • Apr 01, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 01, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
We did not engage in any fraud. Therefore, there is no legitimate reason for Sinemia to have terminated 2 of our accounts. Because we used our accounts (in accordance with the terms of service), Sinemia terminated 2 of our accounts to improve their cash flow. Also, Sinemia's policy of calculating refunds based on the difference between 1) a user's membership payment & fees and 2) ticket purchases is not acceptable or legitimate in this country. If a member signs up for a 12-month plan, and the subscription is terminated after 12 months, Sinemia owes the member a refund in the amount of 6 months of the original subscription fee. Fortunately, Sinemia made an exception and did give us a full refund for the 2 accounts that they terminated.

Subscribed for 3 movies a month, and they cancelled me after just a few months for no apparent reason. Multiple attempts to contact them got me no responses. Do NOT do business with this company.

I signed up for the annual plan and 3 months in, my account was terminated with no notice and no information as to why. I asked. They said they didn't have access to that information. They said I could request a partial refund based on my usage and tickets I've purchased. Waiting to hear about that but I doubt I'll be getting anything back. Their company is broke and they don't have a way of contacting customer support except through email where they respond in general and vague ways with no helps whatsoever.

Its a #scam and #fraud company.
Both movie goers and #b2b should stay away from Sinemia and should not encourage such cheating company

I have been wrongfully terminated from a membership for which I have paid for and for which I did not violate their contract.
I tried to go to the movies on 3/9/2019 When I could not book my ticket on Sinemia. They stated I have to log onto my account online to see a message. The message online read as follows,

"Dear Sinemia member,

This is an important notice that requires your attention.

Our top priority is to provide our members with the best movie-going experience possible in the most affordable way. In order to achieve this goal, it is very important for our members to comply with the membership rules and abide by the terms of service.

Sinemia has put several systems and measures in place in order to prevent fraud and keep Sinemia's membership sustainable and affordable.

Upon reviewing your account, we regret to inform you that the system has detected examples of your membership use that violates the terms of service. As a result, your account has been terminated. An account may be terminated, but not limited to, for the following reasons:

Unauthorized use of the Sinemia card/cardless outside of its intended purposes, resulting in fraudulent financial activity
The use of multiple Sinemia accounts in the same device resulting in financial abuse
Reasonable suspicion of fraud and/or abuse
Sharing one's Sinemia membership information to purchase tickets for other persons.
Manipulation of location data resulting in deceptive ticket purchases

You may review the usage terms of your account on our website if you would like to seek further information. Given the circumstances, please note that you will not be able to create further accounts with Sinemia.

Best regards,

Sinemia issues a full refund for the difference between a user's membership payment & fees and ticket purchases to the user`s payment card. Please fill in the form to get detailed usage history and request refund."

I have not done any of those listed above! I purchase a year membership on 11/26/2018 for 3 2D movies a month. I even paid additional to get a physical card shipped so I can use that card to purchase the movies. It cost me $95.88 dollars. when it withdrew that money on the 11/27/2018. I used a chase visa card to make this payment.

They even made me go through a ID verification method that came back and said I was verified. I have only every bought a ticket for myself and nobody else.
I tried contacting them directly through support email, for which they said someone will contact you in 24 hours for which they give an automatic response for saying someone will look at it. Never coming back to me within that 24 hours.

Desired Outcome

All I want is access to the membership i paid for. I got the membership on a discount during a promotion. I expect to be able to see my 3 movies a month for the last amount of months left on the membership.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

This company wrongfully terminated my account which I paid in full for the year, only after 6 months of use.
Sinemia was working great till they suddenly terminated my account stating fraud which they have no proof of. First they had me verify my account by photo ID, which they approved. Then suddenly they terminated my account which I already paid for for the whole year. They still owe me 6 months worth of service. They are the ones committing fraud. Also they started charging that 1.80 per ticket processing fee a few months ago. Bad business practice. Stay away!

Desired Outcome

Reinstate my account.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Termination of Membership
My membership was cancelled for no reason and Sinemia has not provided me details for their action. Based on my understanding, this is because I have utilized close to or slightly more than the initial membership fees paid to Sinemia. However, the services were to be provided for a period of one year and have not broken any of their terms to my knowledge.

I feel disgruntled about the cancellation of my service with no wrongful action on my end.

Desired Outcome

I would like my membership reinstated or my complete purchase of the membership returned to my account.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Mar 27, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
I have read the message that was displayed in my account. However, I am standing by my case and would like to make it clear that I have not committed any transaction that is against Sinemia's terms. I have been wrongfully terminated by the system.

Please let me know what the system has flagged as fraudulent use so that I can prove my case and proceed further.

Sinemia Response • Apr 25, 2019

Hi. The system detects fraudulent actions automatically. You may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at to apply for an adjusted refund or you may visit for further information

I would like to be refunded for a service I have never used. I am unable to reach customer service to inquire about said refund.
I purchased an annual subscription to Sinemia in late January/early February. My particular plan was for 3 movies a month for 2 people. The total came out to be somewhere around $180 (on promotion).

After looking further into Sinemia, I realized the "convenience" fees would be more than I was willing to pay. I decided to purchase Sinemia's card, which was supposed to be $30 (the card is $14.99, I assumed I would need two since I was on a 2-person family plan). The total for the cards ended up being $50. I emailed Sinemia for the first time at this point to inquire why I was being charged $50 instead of $30 for the card(s). I decided to wait on the card purchase until I could obtain clarification.

Around 2 weeks passed without any communication from Sinemia. I took this as a sign and decided it would be in my best interest to cancel the service altogether and get a full refund. I should mention that my service had yet to be activated at this time. Sinemia makes new members wait a number of weeks in hopes that they'll pay the additional $9.99 to expedite the "activation process" for immediate access to their service.

I sent a second email at this time expressing my wishes to cancel and receive a full refund given that I had not yet used the service (and couldn't if I wanted to due to not being activated yet). Another 2 or 3 weeks went by without a word from Sinemia. I sent a third email expressing my wishes to cancel for a full refund, waited a few days, and still have not received any communication from Sinemia. I worried that their emails might not be coming through to me (I use an encrypted email service), but realized I was receiving advertisements and promotional emails from them with no problem.

I believe Sinemia is, at worst, in the business of scamming its members via ridiculous fees and the practice of ignoring customer complaints. At the very least, Sinemia has vastly inferior customer service that is severely antiquated and out of touch with what has come to be expected even at the basest level today.

Desired Outcome

I would like for my membership (that is now active, but I have still never used) to be canceled immediately. I expect a FULL refund. Immediately.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms & Conditions. Also, the advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets. Therefore, you may be charged online transaction fees each time you use advance ticketing feature. If you would like to avoid these fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through page.

Customer Response • Apr 19, 2019

This is not a satisfactory solution as it is no solution at all. Sinemia makes their customers wait 14-30 days before they get access to their service this is after their customers already pay. I tried to get in contact with Sinemia numerous times during this period, before I ever had access to their service, in order to cancel it and be refunded before it ever got started. I have STILL not used their service because I STILL expect to be refunded. Sinemia seems to care more about their legal Terms and Conditions than customer service, which seems to me to be a telltale sign of a scamming business.

My point to Sinemia, as it has always been, is I have never been able to get in touch with them. If I was able to, I could have expressed my desires to cancel their service and be refunded immediately, while I was still waiting for access, instead of months after the fact. This is not a fault of mine; this is the fault of a terrible, terrible business. The fact that Sinemia has over a hundred other complaints, should tell you something.

Sinemia, I demand my money back. Now.

Took annual subscription money amounting to $212.87 and suspended account after one month with no money refund for remaining 11 months of service.
This is my second complain against Sinemia. Below is history of events:
02/14/19: 1. Received promotion from sinemia that offered four tickets per month, in a set of two tickets, to watch two movies per month for $203.88/year subscription.
02/16/19: 2. I signed up for promotion and paid them $203.88.
02/16/19: 3. We wanted to watch a movie on the first day of signup. They asked another $9.99 for accelarated account actiation, which I paid.
02/16/19: 4. When I tried to use Sinemia mobile app it gave a temporary CC with to book two tickets plus an additional online booking charge of $3.40. I paid this charge as well.
02/16/19: 5. When I tried to book my first two tickets using Sinemia provided temporary CC it got declined twice by (which was Sinemia approved vendor for online selling tickets), anyway another vendor accepted the CC and gave me two e-tickets.
02/16/19: 6. We went to watch movie and followed Sinemia provided instructions to open their app and also do an additional checkin via their app (this was besides the theater checkin), which I did.
02/17/19: 7. Next morning Sinemia sent me an email telling me that they have suspeneded my account because I didn't finish their online checkin process completly and must pay $43 to lift the suspension
02/17/19: 8. They do not have any customer support phone number or real time chat. The only way to contact them is via an email *** I sent email to them and asked them to waive penalty and re-activate my account. Their customer service represenattive acknowledged there was some error in their application that prevented the checkin. Anyway it was not my fault so I asked them to waive $43 and re-activate my account. They refused doing that and stopped responding to my emails.
02/20/19: 9. I filed complain (Case # XXXXXX) and also filed disputed charges with my credit card bank for ($9.99 + $203.88)
02/23/19: 10. Few days later they sent email and said they will waive $43 charges. I was now able to use their app for another two movie tickets and again paid them $3.40 for online booking.
02/28/19: 11. Next day they sent another email that they received notification from my CC bank because I disputed charges, and so they are going to suspend my account unless I followup with my bank and resolve the dispute,
02/28/19: 12. Same day, I resolved dispute with my bank and send them email. No reply from Sinemia
03/01/19: 13. Sent email again and again No reply
03/05/19: 14. Sent email again and again No reply
03/08/19: 15. Sent email again and again No reply
03/09/19: 16. Roll forward few days and my account as still suspened and their customer service no longer responds to my emails
03/10/19: 17. I again approached my bank to re-dispute charges, but this time bank refuse saying as per Federal guideline a resolved dispute cannot be re-disputed. I was dumb stuck as clearly Sinemia took advantage of this Federal rule
03/12/19: 18. Now I feel like being cheated by Sinemia who probably knew that I won't be able to re-dispute charges and so they can get away. Out of twelve months of service I only used their service for one month, If I prorate it for one month then they owe me ($203.88+$9.99) - (($203.88+$9.99)/12) = $196.05 for suspending my account.
03/14/19: 19. Since they no longer respond to my emails which is why I have no option but to file this complain and am also planning to file a small court claim against them for all the anguish, pain, and cheating.

Desired Outcome

Your Desired Resolution: Either refund my remaining membership $196.05 or re-activate my account with an apology that it won't happen again. Such dubious practice need to step. They should cleanup their act to deliver service that they promise during signup.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. Upon reviewing your account, we see that you tried to purchase your ticket without creating an advance ticket. In order to complete the purchase, you need to create an advance ticket and use the given virtual card information. Also, since you requested a chargeback, you are unable to log into your account. In order for us to take the necessary actions, we need you to send us either the letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter. Thanks.

Customer Response • Mar 27, 2019

(The consumer indicated he/she DID NOT accept the response from the business.)
Here is a proof that when I withdrew dispute on Feb 22, 2019 temporary disputed credit was reversed:
Bank Info:: Citi Bank VISA Card
Credit Card:: Card ending in ***

Posted: Feb 16, 2019
Amount: $203.88
Transaction Type: Purchases
Category: Entertainment - MOTION PICTURE THEATERS
Reference Number: ***
Merchant Country: Turkey

Posted: Feb 16, 2019
Amount: $9.99
Transaction Type: Purchases
Category: Entertainment - MOTION PICTURE THEATERS
Reference Number: ***
Merchant Country: Turkey

Posted: Feb 18, 2019
Amount: -$203.88
Transaction Type: Credit
Category: Entertainment - MOTION PICTURE THEATERS
Reference Number: TXXXXXXX

Posted: Feb 18, 2019
Amount: -$9.99
Transaction Type: Credit
Category: Entertainment - MOTION PICTURE THEATERS
Reference Number: TXXXXXXX

Posted: Feb 22, 2019
Amount: $203.88
Transaction Type: Purchases
Category: Entertainment - MOTION PICTURE THEATERS
Reference Number: BXXXXXXX

Posted: Feb 22, 2019
Amount: $9.99
Transaction Type: Purchases
Category: Entertainment - MOTION PICTURE THEATERS
Reference Number: BXXXXXXX

Account was wrongfully terminated
I joined Sinemia on Aug 17 2018 and paid 179.99 for a year's membership. My plan was supposed to include 3 movies a month.

In approximately 5 months, I have seen 9 movies using my sienmia membership. Less screenings than I actually paid for.

I have had multiple issues being unable to checkin on the app even when I was sitting inside my local theater. The issues are well documented on my twitter feed @***

When I attempted to use the service on 3/10/19 I discovered Sinemia had terminated my account without explanation. I received only a canned form letter alleging that I committed "fraud."

How is using the service I paid for to see movies, exactly the way I was supposed to, fraud?

Sinemia refuses to explain the termination aside form their canned letter. They are offering only a scant refund of my original purchase price minus the full cost of any tickets I obtained with their service.

This is unacceptable. I paid for a monthly service. I am being denied 7 months worth of use. At $14.99 a month the refund should be at least 104.93 plus the $15 extra they charged to obtain a debit card for a total of $119.93.

to be honest I really feel like Sinemia should refund my entire membership fee in it's entirety. I have never had to literally fight with a company just to use the service they promised to provide me.

I do not recommend Sinemia to anyone and I hope your site reflects a negative rating for them as well. No one should pay this company money in advance for anything.

Desired Outcome

I desire a full and complete refund of all money and fees I have paid to Sinemia. They failed to deliver on the terms they promised.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit *** for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Customer Response • Apr 22, 2019

I have not received any kind of refund or resolution from this company. Only empty promises.

I paid in advance for a year's subscription. My account was terminated for "fraud" even though there has been absolutely no fraud.
I purchased a one year membership for my husband and myself in July 2018 and paid in advance for the entire year. Sinemia abruptly terminated my account for "fraud". There was absolutely no fraudulent activity on our cards and Sinemia would not elaborate on what activity they mean. I believe this was either a hopefully honest mistake or a deliberate attempt to keep my money. In either case, my account, which has been paid for, has been wrongfully terminated.

Desired Outcome


Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. The system terminates the accounts in case of a fraud detection automatically. You may refer to the message you see on your membership area for further information or visit for the terms of service. If you would like to apply for an adjusted refund, you may click on "Request usage history" on your membership area at

Sinemia lied to me when enrolling in their annual plan. They advertised that they DID NOT pay for convienence fees for the tickets. Now they add fees.
I paid 191.88 for a 12 month subscription. I was then told that it would be $3.20 every time I wanted to use my paid subscription. I feel that this lie entitles me to a refund. If Sam's club started charging $35 36 times a year when you need a gallon of milk, that would be the equivalent. A company advertising something should NOT be able to change what they are offering after a purchase has been made. I have used the service only 1 time and it did NOT have any convienence or service fees. Sinemia is a fradulent company. Please do NOT trust them.

Desired Outcome

I need a refund of $180. Sinemia *** have $11.88 to cover the one purchase I made.

Sinemia Response • Mar 26, 2019

Hi. Sinemia is non-refundable and non-transferable as it is stated in the Terms & Conditions. Also, as stated in the terms & conditions, "The advance ticket online convenience fee and/or processing fee are not covered by Sinemia. Sinemia only covers the cost of the movie tickets." However, If you would like to avoid online transaction fees, you may consider ordering a physical card through page. In addition to that, upon reviewing your account, we see that you requested a chargeback. Therefore, you are unable to log into your account. Once you provide the letter of withdrawal or the conclusion letter which provided by your bank, our support teamm will be able to take the necessary actions.

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Address: 925 N La Brea Ave Fl 4, West Hollywood, California, United States, 90038-2321


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