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PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

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Reviews PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Reviews (1843)

Review: I signed up for virtual wallet in March and was told I would receive $200 if I had a direct deposit and utility bill paid within 30 days which I did. I didn't not receive the money and escalated this and when PNC did the research they immediately found that I in fact was qualified and would receive the $200 by June. I did not receive it in June and this was escalated again since I was qualified. I did not receive it in July and the escalation team did not respond to numerous emails. I then went back to my local contact who now says it was only for new PNC customers and you weren't but that is not what I was told and was guaranteed this money. She said she would escalate it. I still have not received a response from anyone.Desired Settlement: I would like $200 entered into my account immediately.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on September 13, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.

Review: I’ve been receiving direct deposits in excess of $1,000 into my Reserve account every month for almost 1 year, which as far as I understood complied with the no monthly service charge requirements listed under my preferences of my online account. Surprisingly as of June 2016 I began to have a calculated service charge of $15.00 withdrawn from my Spend account, which was also withdrawn from my account for the month of July 2016. I inquired about both charges on July 26, 2016 and was refunded the service charge for the month of July hassle free. However, I was told that I would need to talk to someone from Accounts Management, which was closed at the time, to receive the refund for the month of June because they were unable grant refunds for months prior to July.

After speaking to several people who refused to refund me the June fee but were unable to explain to me why my account did not comply with the no monthly service charge requirements, Richard from Accounts Management kindly informed me on July 29, 2016 around 10:30AM that the fee was being charged because the direct deposit was not being deposited into my Spend account. He also acknowledged that I had received a refund for the July charge and said that if I were to change the direct deposits to my Spend account my June fee would also be refunded. I immediately changed my direct deposit to my Spend account, which then received the direct deposit for the next billing cycle on August 10, 2016.

Having complied with what Richard told me, I called Accounts Management to receive my refund for June; however John C refused to honor the refund even though he acknowledged Richard’s notes. John C then proceeded to argue with me and state that I was refunded for the month of July and that was all that I would receive despite Richard’s previous comments. John C also refused to check the date my July fee was refunded and to listen to my explanation that I had received the refund for the July fee on July 26, which was days before speaking with Richard on July 29. Therefore, Richard's notes had to be specifying that I would be refunded the June, not only the July, fee. I next wrote to PNC’s message and was again denied the refund with no corresponding explanation.Desired Settlement: Because I complied with the stipulations proposed by Richard from Accounts Management I am requesting that I also receive a refund for the calculated service charge fee for June 2016 of $15.00. I have been a loyal customer with PNC for over 20 years but I have become increasingly disappointed with the poor customer service that has been my experience with PNC over these past few years. I hope that someone can help right this wrong quickly and with no further hassle.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on August 25, 2016, and considers this matter addressed



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Review: My home loan just got sold to this company. As soon as their system was able I signed up for my monthly payment to be taken out on the 1st of every month. Since then I have gotten collection call after call. I just got a letter from today saying they have not recieved my payment for May! They took the payment out of my account on May 1st! I want them to stop contacting me! This has really become harassment.Desired Settlement: I want them to get their system straight and STOP contacting me about payments they have recieved.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on June 7, 2016 and considers this matter addressed.

Review: I closed my PNC checking account on 4/28/2016 and received the final statement via mail. I was charged a $25 early closure fee without any prior notification. I'm asking a refund because:

1) When I called PNC on account closure, the representative did not mention any words on a hidden early closure fee. If I knew there's an early closure fee, I would wait a few more days so I would not be charged.

2) The early closure fee applies to PNC markets [redacted].) only. Link: [redacted]ServiceCharges.pdf

I'm in [redacted] which is not in PNC markets. That's also the main reason I'm closing the account.

3) Based on the terms, the early closure fee is assessed if the account is closed within 180 days of opening. I opened my account on 11/1/2015, and closed on 4/28/2015, which is exactly the 180th day from the opening date. If PNC properly notified me of this fee, I would wait one more day to close this account.Desired Settlement: refund $25 fee.



To Whom It May Concern:PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on May 26, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely, Andrea C[redacted] Executive Client Relations PNC Bank

Review: On Sept. 22, 2016 I received a phone call from an individual pretending to be a PNC representative. The "representative" and I spoke briefly, during which time he told me that there seemed to be a fraudulent charge to my account. Without giving him any of my personal information he was able to list three of my most recent purchases I felt no reason to question his claim. I informed him that I would need to get some cash from an ATM before I canceled my card so that I had funds to use until a new card arrived so I asked for his direct number to reach him for closing the card and filing a dispute. He provided his number and about and hour later when I had gotten money from the ATM I tried to call that number. This was when I found out he had been a fraud. The number he provided was for a Hobby Lobby and the number he called from showed up in a number of Google searches as having been used for similar PNC scams.

Immediately I tried to find a PNC number to address the situation. This was no easy task. Their phone tree is a mess. But once I finally got ahold of a real representative at PNC it was clear that he didn't know much about how to address the situation. He wrongly changed my billing address to my college dorm address, causing a delay in my getting a new card. And he provided false information which was later contradicted by the following 2 representatives that I spoke to.

PNC wasn't proactive at all in helping me address the fraudulent charge on my account, and they had an "oh bother" attitude about the fact that the fraud occurred in the first place. None of the representatives seemed to read the file which provided information about my situation in order to ease the number of times I had to repeat myself and after waiting 5 days just for them to finally start a dispute for the fraudulent charge and order my new card they are now informing me that it may take between 40-90s for this dispute to roll over.

One should feel safe putting their money in their bank, they should trust their bank to watch over their money. Not have to wait 40-90 days after their bank [redacted]ed up hoping their bank won't screw them over again.Desired Settlement: I'd like this dispute to be expedited and to know what PNC is doing to prevent similar fraud from occurring in the future, because this is ridiculous



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on September 27, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.



Review: Regarding acct# xxxxxx[redacted]......PNC bank has charged off my personal checking account for which I do want to resolve, however they charged my account with additional fee's of "total overdraft fees" of $288.00 and "continuous overdraft fees" of $98.00 for a total of $386.00 in additional fees. I am willing to work with PNC to get this account paid however I think of all the additional fees are too much and very difficult to work with.Desired Settlement: I want the $386.00 reversed so I can work with PNC to get the account paid.

Review: PNC Mortgage is play unfair, I am refinancing my home and they stop the refi process and said I did not sent in the paperwork they asked for and that they attempted to contact me but I did not respond. but this is faults, they never contacted me that I was suppose to send any other sheet, I have no email from them and no calls about refi. the home, the only call I get each and every day some times twice a day is to collect a bill and nothing about a refinancing of a home, when I do pick up the phone they say this is a attempt to collect a bill. they have my email address, but not once have they every emailed me, I know they know my email address because they sent an email to me each month I pay my Mortgage.

Product_Or_Service: homeDesired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Finish the job

finish the refinancing of my home. stop these trouble practices and do the right thing,



PNC Bank, N.A. contacted the customer on June 28, 2016 and was unsuccessful. Please have the customer contact Erika H[redacted] directly at ###-###-####, ext. ###-###-#### for assistance.

Review: On July 21 2016 I went to this PNC location to get two forms notarized. I was approached by the manager of the branch, Evan E[redacted], who told me to take a seat until he was able to assist. Mr. E[redacted] called me up to the high top table to notarize paperwork. I had to show him my drivers license and bank card to prove I was a customer of PNC (which I understood was procedure). At that time, he had a teller check to make sure my account was active and I was a customer. Mr. E[redacted] did the notary and at the end of signing/stamping the paperwork he stated "I noticed you have a [redacted] club credit card". I would like to talk to you about the credit card from us that you can receive 1.5% back on all purchases. He went on and on about how that is the preferred credit card that he uses and blah blah. He asked if this would be something I would be interested in and he could mail me some informationm about the credit card so I could review it. He asked the teller to check to make sure the address they have was updated and I simply replied with yes. He also asked what my income was which I did tell him. At that time, I even REPEATED back so I will be receiving some information about this in the mail in 7 to business day.....which he stated "YES". At no time, was I personally involved with the teller for banking purposes. I was there for Mr. E[redacted] to notarized the paperwork. On July 27 2016 I received mail from PNC stating my credit was ran with a RE: Consumer Credit Card Application. I contacted the main line to PNC on July 27 2016 to inguire about this credit card at 03:48 EST (thinking someone was using my identity). During this conversation with a CSR I found out a credit card was opened on July 21 2016 around 04:00 something by a ?Kelly?. I can assure you I never agreed to open a credit card NOR was I even at the bank when the application went thru. I left before 4pm. I would like video to be pulled for steps taken for me to supposedly agreed to have a credit card openedDesired Settlement: I want this to reach the highest level of discipline and possible fraud made on my behalf to Mr. E[redacted]. I never agreed/signed to apply for a credit card. This was NOT approved by me and want this to be mentioned to other possible consumers looking to proceed forward with this branch for banking needs. This is the second compliant with Mr.E[redacted] with me and this is uncalled for and not a good bank to bank with if this is how they are going to treat a long time customer like myself UNACCEPTABLE

Review: PNC Bank does not provide a 24 hour service such that I am able to use to report a lost/stolen Debit Credit Card. They are only capable of providing a phone number to call. Calling the number yeilds zero results. On Saturday night, 4/16/2016, my PNC Bank Debit Card has been stolen from constituents who work at [redacted] Saloon in downtown [redacted] Between 10pm and 10:30pm, I started researching and calling PNC Bank to report the card stolen. Searching online, using google and looking on PNC Bank's website, the only resource they provide is a 1-888 phone number to contact, which in the voice automation system provides a selection to report a stolen/lost card. However, after making the selection, I am placed on hold. I have been on hold for hours. I continued to contact PNC Bank by calling, submitting complaints on PNC Bank online in the customer service and on facebook, all of which are unsuccessful attempts. I gave up between 12:30am and 1am, such that I called the [redacted] Police Department and filed a report. The law officer on the other line also conducted research such that she provided the exact same phone number I have been calling for said hours. She also communicated nothing else is provided as a means to report the lost stolen debit card. PNC Bank has no means and no service put in place to report a lost stolen debit card. Other banks such as [redacted] Bank, [redacted] Bank, [redacted] Bank, [redacted] Bank and [redacted] Bank all have means/service to report a lost stolen debit card by calling a 1-800 number and going through the voice automation system to cancel a credit/debit card. PNC Bank is the first and worst bank ever that I have experienced, such that said service is NOT provided allowing consumer's to efficiently report lost stolen card.Desired Settlement: I would like the current credit debit card to be cancelled and a free replacement. I should not have to pay 7.50$ for a card stolen from me, such that it has taken over 15 hours at this time to report stolen. Also, as a result of the insignificant customer service received in addressing this matter, I would like to close out all bank accounts, such that I will use a different bank that provides the expected service.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on April 26, 2016 and considers this matter addressed.Melissa G[redacted]Executive Client Relations Office

Review: PNC Bank falsely advertises "fee free" checking (and other) accounts based on criteria met per "month". However, they actually assess criteria per "statement period" which, after enrolling, they could not tell me the actual dates of my statement period, nor could they change them to closer reflect the calendar month. After I noticed $100 in fees levied, a phone rep suggested I go into a branch and they could reverse some. They refused to reverse any, so it was an absolute waste of my time. When I consequently closed my account, they cut off access to electronic statements without informing me (literally this information is omitted from their printed "guide to closing your account"). They are now unwilling to provide me with any statements without paying $5 per copy.Desired Settlement: I would like my statements provided free of cost, electronically or otherwise. I would LOVE to have the fees incurred by my not meeting their deceptively advertised criteria (which I met monthly but not in every mysterious statement period) refunded.



To Whom It May Concern:PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on June 17, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely, Andrea C[redacted] Executive Client Relations PNC Bank



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. The business provided my requested bank statements. I still feel the advertising is deceptive and would discourage others from using this bank due to their descriptive practices resulting in unexpected fees which they will never refund.


Review: I have an auto loan with this company. They have reported a late payment on my credit report.

I paid this on time, and have proof of the money being debited by PNC through my online banking. My last option has been to dispute the charge so they can research where is the money PNC debited. The costumer service I received with PNC has been terrible no help or even have sympathy for me going trough this situation. Also they have negatively impact my credit and no one has tried to help me.Desired Settlement: I need my credit report to be corrected I have not miss any payments.



August 4, 2016 PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on July 15, 21 August 2 and 4, 2016, and considers this matter addressed. Thank you,ACBPNC Bank

Review: I have overdraft protection setup with pnc bank and have money in another account in which if I over draft they are supposed to use the funds from my account with money in 5 days they charges me 180.00$ in overdraft fees and told me they couldn't do anything for me even though they told me I was enrolled in the overdraft protectionDesired Settlement: Refund of whole overdraft amount because I'm in rolled in OVERDRAFT PROTECTION AMOUNT OF 180.00$



---------- Forwarded message ----------From: [redacted]>Date: Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 4:20 PMSubject: RE: Open complaint form neededTo: <i[redacted]I opened a complaint against pnc bank and they have resolved the issue I'm not sure how to close the case

Review: The Bank is charging me interest charges even though the full amount was paid on the credit card. I paid the balance on the account in February and March of 2016, but both times, for some reason they did not accept the payment. I paid the balances through my [redacted] bank account and both times, the bank statement shows that the money was returned. It was not a mistake on my end in paying. They went ahead and reported on my credit report. I talked to them about it and closed the account and told them that I am sending by postal mail the full amount required to be paid and asked them to close the account. I paid the total amount required to be paid in Feb, March and also in April.

They have charged an interest rate of 21.19 cents in February, 25.92 cents in March and 27.42 cents in April even after explaining them and talking to them about my payment. I spoke with them today and they are acting like I am at fault, even though the mistake was on their end.Desired Settlement: Waive the interest on the account for a zero dollar balance.



On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 2:02 PM, <[redacted] wrote:[redacted] Regarding Case 1[redacted] NC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on June 6, 2016, and considers this matter addressed. Thanks so much! Kimberley C[redacted] Assistant Vice President Executive Client Relations



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Review: On 6/22/2016 I made a payment $507.36 2 [redacted] then [redacted] debited my account another $507.36 which put my account in the negative because PNC Bank payed the 2nd unauthorised amount of $507.36 as a result it put my account in the negative over $500 since that day I have accrued over $275 in overdraft fees not to mention I have had to separate deposit of $97 and $156 to hit my account that were made up by the negative balance with PNC Bank acting as a liaison [redacted] refunded the $507.36 however my account is still in the negative because of all the overdraft fees when I spoke to PNC Bank about the issue they told me that it was not their fault therefore the fees with stand I filed a dispute with PNC Bank about the unauthorized transaction and as a result the $507.36 was refunded to my account so clearly it was not my fault otherwise it would have not been refunded so why am I still being charged all of the overdraft fee I did have other transactions pending butt if not for the unauthorized transaction myaccount would have never been in the negative and the other pending transactions would have went throughDesired Settlement: My desired outcome is for my account to be refunded of all overdraft fees that my account obtained as a result of this unauthorized transaction.



July 14, 2016PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on July 13 and 14, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Thank you,ACB

Review: We have been loyal Pnc customers for almost 20 yrs. We have direct deposit, check cards, online banking, utilize all aspects of our account that earns the bank revenue. We have even had a loc in the past.Yet, due to a DEATH in our family which resulted in our temporarily losing track of our account, we overdrew our account. We have been charged over $200.00 in fees which further resulted in us being even more in the red. One would think if this is not typical financial behavior, at least extend a courtesy , show sympathy, based on history and loyalty to your customers. However, sadly no one at Pnc I spoke to seems to possess such!Desired Settlement: I would like a refund of at least some of the fees assessed on the account even if not all based on my loyalty and long history with their institution.



May 3, 2016Dear Ms. [redacted]PNC Bank, N.A. responded to Ms. [redacted] on May 3, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely,Lisa M[redacted]Executive Client Relations

Review: I have been with PNC for quite some time now. Over the past summer I was having some financial difficulty. While I was still trying and mostly able to pay my bills on time, there were a couple instances where I was not. I managed my account to make sure that funds were available when needed. PNC has robbed me of over $400 in overdraft fees, continuous overdraft fees, and returned item fees. Now mind you, funds were available for payments until overdraft fees hit, which lead to returned item fees, which lead to continuous overdraft fees. Just recently, a transfer of $250 was made to my account to cover upcoming bills. Well, 4 days later and the transfer is still not available and bills came out causing overdraft fees and returned item fees. How does a transfer from one PNC account made on a Thursday still not post to the receiving account 5 days later? If the transfer would have posted in a timely manner there would be no issues. However, since PNC is still holding that money, 3 bills have posted, been returned, and fees have been charged. I call "customer service" and explain to them my situation in hopes they can help. I am a single mother working and doing the best I can, and they are robbingn my blind to a point where I can't catch up. They did not offer to help of return any of the fees. Anytime this is happened, I pay the fees and bring my account current. I am now learning from researching the company more that they have very unfair practices and it seems that they with hold transfers and assess fees in there favor more often then they should. And as far as customer service goes, well they obviously have none.Desired Settlement: I would like for PNC to acknowledge that the money that they take from consumers accounts is unfair. In a struggling economy most people are trying to make ends meet. While I understand that some of this may be "my fault" in their eyes, robbing me of over $400 in 3 months is unjustified. They have no problem taking fees out right away, but I've been waiting for a transfer to post to my account for 5 days? I would like PNC to credit all fees since June 2016 back to my account to avoid further action.



September 8, 2016PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on September 8, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Thank you,ACBPNC Bank

I went to my local branch because it is 5 minutes up the road instead of my CU that is out of state. I have never had such a horrible banking experience!! First they literally wasted no less then 4 hours or so of my time over 3 different days to get the accounts set up and then "teach" me how to utilize the online banking. The entire system is overly complicated to perform the same tasks any other online banking service provide. Then they run through the laundry list of fees associated with absolutely everything such as a monthly fee for a "platform" to be able to send wires etc .... again just overly complicated and unnecessary. The worst of it happened AFTER I put money into their bank, of course once they have their hands on your money. I believe this is just another ploy to make money on your money. I was told checks deposited would be a 2 - 4 day holding pending if it were out of state or not etc. I faithfully deposited my customers money into this account to find out 2 days later they decided to put a hold on my accounts and not allow me to withdraw any of this money for 10 days. I operate a business with contracts and am held to a time frame for each and every contract and do not allocate 10 day holds when not told at the time of deposit. I waited until the 4th business day had passed, went to the branch and was not allowed to withdraw the money for the order. I explained that this money is contractually obligated for orders etc and of course no one was remotely helpful. I was turned away. This is CRIMINAL and I would highly suggest anyone thinking about banking with these crooks, go elsewhere. I wish I had read more reviews before trying to transfer my business operating to this horrible institution that claims to look out for its customers. All monies deposited and currently being held have cleared the other banks and PNC is actually in possession of that money so it is not as if they are worried the checks were no good .... they are literally financially raping myself and my business. Please if you have had a similar experience, share your story. These big corporate banks should not be allowed to bully consumers like this when we are putting our hard earned dollars in their bank and providing them jobs!

Review: We recently recieved a mortgage loan from PNC bank and besides the whole processes being completely horrible and unprofesional we were over charged by PNC at closing. We have email from loan officers stating we were over charged and one from a loan officer saying we will be refuned however now we are being told a refund will not be possible. The amount to be refuned is $545 and this whole process has not only been exhausting but completely inaccurate at times and misleading by many. PNC is impossible to get a call back from.Desired Settlement: We would like the amount that was told to be refunded back and something to be done so no more customers get treated this way.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on June 23, 2016 and considers this matter addressed.

Review: in February I walked into this PNC branch to apply for a secured credit card. The application for the credit card required a $250 deposit out of my own account in order for the card to be considered for approval. I signed a $250 check to the lady at the bank that helped me and she soon deposited it and made it into a cashiers check in order to send it with my application for the card. I was told that in a few days I should be getting my letter of acceptance and my new credit card. a few days did go by and I did receive a letter saying my application for a secured credit card was being denied because my security deposit was not received. I checked my bank account and saw the bank cashed my $250 check on March 1st. I've called the branch multiple times asking for an explanation as to what happened with my money and to refund my money so I can go somewhere else and all I get is people telling me someone will call me back while they "investigate". I even went to the branch and I still get the same runaround. Till this day I still get told someone will call me and so far it's just me calling for an update but no one will tell me if they even have a suspicion as to what happened with my money. At this point it's just annoying and very irresponsible that no one knows where the money went and why it didn't make it with the application with the card.Desired Settlement: at this point I just want my money back so I can go to a more qualified and responsible place. The people at this branch do not take good care of their customers or at least they don't care about the ones that aren't making them thousands and thousands of dollars.



To Whom It May Concern:PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] a on June 17, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely,Joseph L[redacted] Bank Officer Executive Client Relations

Review: Went into PNC Brank at [redacted] in person with some questions related to my personal bank account and two staff members of management were not able to answer my questions. I then wrote a letter to the Branch Manager Michelle G[redacted] and never received a follow up telephone call regarding my unanswered questions. Just totally frustrated with the Customer Service and overall treatment by PNC BankDesired Settlement: Resolve



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on September 2, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.

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Address: 4300 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States, 27612-4508


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