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PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

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Reviews PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Reviews (1843)

Review: I have been a loyal customer of PNC Bank for over thirteen years. Over the many years we have held accounts at PNC, we have only ever needed assistance with overdraft fees once in 2014 due to a failed mobile deposit. This month, I started a new job, and my direct deposit was not made on the day I was expecting. With many bills being set for automatic pay we realized our account was in the negative on a Saturday. We immediately drove to the bank to deposit money to bring our account current the day it went negative, and rather than give us a day to balance the account we were hit with fees the DAY AFTER causing us to go negative again. The cycle continued until we had over $100 in overdraft fees charged. I called PNC for assistance with the fees because we were struggling to keep our account current until our pay was deposited. We were told we had a courtesy refund in 2014 and we were not eligible. I told the representative I DID NOT want PNC covering any purchases or bills we did not have funds in the account for. Today, I awoke to a negative account because again - even though I made a deposit yesterday - we were hit with more fees. As a customer who has only asked one other time in thirteen years for assistance I am disgusted. I contacted PNC via chat and a representative just told me that if something posts one to five days later they cannot help the overdraft charges. I am now nearing $200 in overdraft charges in one month. I feel 100% that I am not a person with an issue but just another bank account to PNC. Rather than refund some of these charges, on a month that financially difficult due to a job change, they have collected more and more of my hard earned money making it extremely difficult to keep my account current until my pay gets deposited. I have never felt like more of a number than I have this past month to PNC Bank, which saddens me because we have stayed with this bank through 4 moves and many life changes. We have many other banks that are much closer to access if we need to make cash deposits, and we are ready to end our relationship with PNC.Desired Settlement: I would like the first four overdraft charges, totaling $144 refunded. We brought our account current the day it went negative, and the day after charges by PNC caused us to go negative again, incurring even more charges. Furthermore, we were told two weeks ago when we called for assistance with this first overdraft issue by opting out of overdraft coverage we would not have these charges. Meanwhile we were hit with extra overdraft fees today and will most likely have more tomorrow as I wait for my deposit to clear. The way opting out of overdraft coverage was explained was that the bill or purchase would simply be declined. I don't feel this was explained to me correctly because when charges don't post immediately this is not the case.



July 15, 2016PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on July 15, 2016, and considers this matter addressed. Thank you,ACB



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. The gentleman who handled my complaint, Mr. B[redacted], was phenomenal. I very much appreciate his handling of my complaint and the manner in which the headquarters at PNC quickly responded to my concerns.

Review: I recently divorced and had to add a new external checking account from which to make my credit card payments to PNC Bank. My payment in May was reversed, and I did not know it until PNC's collection department contacted me. I made a payment immediately and then went on the PNC website in order to update my checking account information in case I accidentally mis-typed the account number or routing number. I did not. When I attempted to add a new checking account and typed in my information again, PNC's website said I could not add the new account because it was ALREADY added. So, I used my checking account to pay off the entire balance on my PNC Credit Card, $2263.99. Once again, the payment was reversed. On July 1, 2016, I called PNC to find out why and they insisted it is because the checking account number is wrong. They said I must go to a PNC local branch to fix this. I spent over an hour and 45 min at the branch with a banker who could do nothing for me except to call PNC credit card services again. They insist that the checking account number they have on file for me is wrong, and even read off some fictitious account number that is not mine. However, when I log into the PNC website, it shows my correct checking account number. I have attempted to re-enter the information 5 or 6 times now. I have been charged late fees, return check fees, and now I am being charged daily interest on the outstanding balance that should have been PAID IN FULL as of 6/22/2016. I returned home from the bank today, added my SAVINGS account to my PNC online banking, and made the same payment I attempted on 6/22/2016.Desired Settlement: I would like all late fees and return check fees removed. Furthermore, I want all interest that has accrued since 6/22/2016 to be removed, as my account should have been paid in full. I want all of these fees returned to me via check immediately, as I am closing my account with PNC. I also want to redeem all of my reward points immediately, and a check written for those rewards. Finally, I want any negative reports made to TransUnion, Experian, Equifax, etc, to be removed from my credit reports.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on July 19, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.

Review: Why do you have sales rep in [redacted], NC market selling Clover POS system with no knowledge on how to operate the system? Your sales Rep sold me a POS system and I've had the system for 6 months and I don't know how to use the system and her response is," call clover support." When you call clover support you get a different answer which leaves you even more confused before you called. I wanted someone to come into my business and show us how to operate Clover POS. Sales Rep and her manager are very unprofessional they don't return phone calls. After getting a branch manager to speak with her, her response is," I don't know anything about the system call tech support." She called me for 3 months constant prior to me signing the contract and started if I need assistance she would be available. Why is she selling a product she has no knowledge of how to operate?

She never offered or mention to us we could have purchased the clover system straight out for $1000.00 verse a 27 month lease for $109.47 per month. I had to learned this offer from another bank trying to have someone come out to my business to show us how to operate the system. I contacted her manager on this issue again he never returned my phone call.

I reached out to PNC on facebook and explained the issue someone called me and he never called back to follow up. I'm paying a lease and monthly service for a service I'm not using and PNC customer service [redacted]on all levels. I've been getting the run around going on 4 months.Desired Settlement: Refund monies and release from contract



June 29, 2016PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on June 14 and 29, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Thank you,ACB



Review: Dear Mr. [redacted],

I am writing to file a formal complaint against your Ohio Call Center (specifically call center representative Andrew -#[redacted]) and provide a customer compliment to your employee Sabrina B[redacted] in the Florida call center. I am a call center manager for a very large water utility company and my experience last night with your representative Andrew was appalling. While I understand there are protocols and policies in place, a little customer service would go a long way since we are paying very large balances to your company for our mortgage.

To give you some history on my account, I am on the PNC Equity Accelerator program which I found out is actually a 3rd party vendor and not an actual entity of PNC. I’ve been having my mortgage payment drafted weekly and my April 2016 payment was made to PNC mortgage on 4/14/2016. Unbeknownst to me a bank draft (which should have been cancelled in March by your organization) took place on 4/15/2016 after you already received my Equity Accelerator payment. On Monday, 4/18/2016 I spoke to a wonderful young lady name Sabrina B[redacted] (employee #[redacted]) located in your Florida call center and who also reports to Berta W[redacted]. Sabrina was able to clearly see the error and resolve the matter and was willing to send me a check via FedEx for my overpayment but due to the policies surrounding refunds, a letter from my bank had to be received showing I would not collect a credit if a refund check from your company was sent. Sabrina told me it would take 24 hours turnaround time to start the process so I contacted her on Tuesday 4/19/2016 and we spent over 2 hours trying to obtain a “Letter of Guarantee” from my bank. What knocked my socks off about Sabrina is that she stayed on the line with me, made conference calls with my bank, and looked for every opportunity to assist me even when she had to have a callback made to me. Sabrina gave me her direct extension and even made explicit notes on my account so I could be transferred to her directly to make sure the matter was resolved. After going on 3 hours to no avail with my bank, we both discussed it would be better to dispute the charge through my bank. I filed the dispute through my bank and was given a full refund of $1301.36.

While I’m happy for my refund, I am very upset to receive the attached letter stating I failed to make my April 2016 payment, charged an NSF of $25, and show my account as being delinquent when in fact payment was made on 4/14/2016 and prior to the due date.

My first interaction with your Ohio call center came on 4/19/2016 with your employee Barb P[redacted] (her direct supervisor is Jessica S[redacted]). Barb was of no help as I tried to explain to her I needed to speak with Sabrina B[redacted] after she continued to tell me the error regarding the payment would have to go through the normal process of 4-6 weeks for a refund. She appeared to have no knowledge of how to assist a customer and the rude comments she made to me left me completely in shock. She did not have a drop of professional etiquette in her bones. I asked to speak to her supervisor who was not available and had to hang up on her to try to callback to get to Sabrina B[redacted]

Last night I called regarding the NSF and spoke with Andrew (Ohio Call Center) who wouldn’t try to obtain a supervisor on the line immediately, but told me several times he was going to disconnect the call and that he wasn’t going to repeat himself again by telling me a supervisor wasn’t available. I reached the Ohio call center Andrew is employed at approximately 8:39 PM EST. The call lasted 30 minutes and 25 seconds all because Andrew was unwilling to let me speak to a supervisor and wasn’t listening to my concerns surrounding my account history showing an NSF charge and negative credit rating when it was not my negligence. Since I am in call center management, the fact Andrew was unwilling to check and see if a supervisor was available left me utterly disgusted at how you treat your customers. It is clear your customers do not matter to you especially in your Ohio Call Center and you do not try to provide any type of excellence in providing top notch customer service. Andrew wasn’t willing to make any effort by placing me on hold to check to see if he could get someone to speak to me. He said his direct supervisor (Cheryl A[redacted]) was on vacation but the 3 supervisors (Jessica S[redacted] Dana M**, and Gary N[redacted] were all on the phone at the time of my call for the entire time Andrew and I was speaking. I find it very hard to believe there is no support to the floor for your Customer Service Representatives such as a Team Lead to assist your employees. If that is the case, then at least provide better training to the Customer Service Representatives to speak to a customer without telling the customer you’re going to disconnect the call because they want their concerns addressed immediately. The fact I’ve spent so much of my time on an error made by your company has led me to contact every government official I can think of to let them know about the poor service your company is providing to home owners who do business with you and your company. I’ve been a customer of PNC going on 16 years (through a refinance) and I’m very disappointed to know I am not valued at your company and you’re unwillingness to show better effort or concern regarding the errors your company makes. Andrew would not provide me with your direct address for the corporate office as I asked for this information several times and made it clear I wanted to write to your office directly not a complaint group. Andrew initially told me the Chief Executive Office name of the company was called Todd and also had to research the name lets me know you are not engaged with your employees and provides full indication as to why I was treated in this fashion. While Andrew said he was removing the NSF from my account and could not do anything to remove the NSF history, I am at a lost as to why my pay history has to be shown in a negative light due to no negligence on my part. With today’s technology I’m baffled you do not have software which can recognize when a customer is current or past due to avoid your customers receiving threatening and delinquent notices. Furthermore, I was not assured I wouldn’t receive a late fee. My concern is for my credit rating both with your company and with the credit bureaus.

Andrew stated he was going to place copious notes on my account and also have a supervisor call me regarding my concerns. At this point, I have no faith in anyone at your Ohio Call Center providing me any type of customer service.

I am very disappointed with the lack of customer service and I ask that you take the time to pull these phone conversations and provide etiquette training to both Andrew and Barb P[redacted] Both of these individuals lack tact, intelligence, professionalism, and empathy when dealing with customers.

I also want my account to have the NSF history removed, no late fees applied to my account, and compensation for all the time and hassle I’ve gone through for this error made by your company which has taken time from my work and family time.

I can be contacted at: ###-###-#### if you would like to discuss a resolution to my concerns.

Lastly, please recognize Sabrina B[redacted] in your Florida call center for her outstanding customer service and professionalism.

Very Disappointed & Dissatisfied[redacted]


Director, Office of [redacted]Desired Settlement: I also want my account to have the NSF history removed, no late fees applied to my account, and compensation for all the time and hassle I’ve gone through for this error made by your company which has taken time from my work and family time.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on June 1, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.



Review: I am a single mom struggling to make ends meet right now. I am required by my part time employers to have direct deposit. Lately it has been a struggle to get timing of bills and payroll on track. My issues with my employer paying timely have caused me to have over draft fees. Some of which are not justified. When I have $50 in my account and a check comes through for $15 then an ach debit for $62 I expect that the $15 will be covered. Instead I was told by a teller and customer service on many occasions that they process the largest amount first which to me is so they can collect $36 each in overdraft fees. This seems illegal. Almost like stealing. I have taken screen shots of my online account showing the order each charge has come in and it is always the smallest which should be covered. I want my money back. I work hard for the little I get. I take accountability and pay fees I believe are justified but when I am told this is the way they do business I no longer feel they are helping me. Instead they are stealing from me. These fees are outrageous especially when the charge is much less than the fee. When I told customer service I was recording the conversation she quickly hung up and did not finish helping me. I feel that this is a sign something is being done illegally. I beg you to please look into this. It's not ok for these bug businesses to continue taking advantage of us who work hard and still struggle. Please contact me for any further information.Desired Settlement: Reimburse my account the charges of all the fees.



To Whom It May Concern:PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on June 17, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely, Andrea C[redacted] Executive Client Relations PNC Bank

Review: I was charged a $36 NSF fee on 6/1/16 because my account was supposedly overdrawn on 5/31/16. However, I was able to make a debit card transaction on 5/31/16 with no problem. If my account was overdrawn on 5/31/16, how was I able to make a debit card transaction? The transaction shouldn't have gone through. It' like the transaction was allowed to go through so that I could be charged an NSF fee the next day. It's bad enough that, even though my account is set up with alerts to let me know when my account is overdrawn, I'm not alerted until the next day. By then, it's too late to make a deposit to cover the overdraft. It's a scam. PNC bank was a secondary account for me and I was going to switch all of my business to PNC because it was more convenient but I've changed my mind. I think that I am done with PNC.Desired Settlement: Reverse the NSF fee of $36.00 because if my account was overdrawn, I shouldn't have been able to make a debit card transaction. Then I would have truly known that my account was overdrawn.



June 10, 2016 PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on June 10, 2016, and considers this matter addressed. Thank you

Review: In January of 2016 my husband ordered something from an infomercial (company name- [redacted]). When ordering he told them he only wanted the sample (which he would be paying shipping for) and he did not want to do a subscription at that time. He informed the company that if he liked the product he would call back for a subscription. Our account was charged for the shipping at that time ($4.95 and $5.95). Approximately two weeks later we were charged for the subscription ($89.99 and $89.99) although he had said he did not want to subscribe. He also did not receive the subscription. We contacted PNC who said they would deal with it and to cancel our debit cards so it would not happen again. They refunded our money and investigated but said they found we should have been charged so they took the money back, causing several hundred in fees. I find this hard to believe since we did not receive a subscription. We asked that they re-investigate so they did. They let us know that they had 45 days for a finding and refunded our money in the meantime. Two months later we get a letter in the mail with no details again saying nothing was substantiated and they are taking the money again.Desired Settlement: I want the two charges of $89.99 (totaling $179.98) refunded and any other fees that will come up as a result.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on May 25, 2016, and considers this matter addressed

Review: I was not told I had a contract with my checking account. Was told the merchant account representative will follow up with us and he didn't, now the bank says I have a 6 mo period and we don't want to use pnc as our banking resource. Very unhappy with the branch located on [redacted]

Their service is very poor and their employees seem to do as they pleased not what's best for their guest.

Told the cashier to cash and deposit my check because I had to write off a check sa soon a next day and they charged the account a overdraft fee even when the deposit was made cash it is still pending.

Don't have my money in there because decided to go with a much trusted bank [redacted])Desired Settlement: We were given wrongful info at bank about merchant just to open a new business account and I will like to close this account with no penalties since is a brand new account, I should have a 30 trial period at least even cell phone services providers do that.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on May 11, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.

Account was permanently closed. Regards,

Review: We tried to start a loan process with PNC bank in April 2016. Sara L[redacted] the banker never put our loan in until May 25, 2016 knowing we had a closing date of the first week in June. Do to numerous delays by Sara we were forced to seek a loan elsewhere and cancel the loan at PNC. We wrote a check to PNC for $520.00 on June 6, 2016. To this day we have not gotten our check returned to us. This check was for the appraisal that she said was done when in fact the underwriters informed us that no appraisal was ever ordered. I want my check returned to me ASAP.Desired Settlement: Return my check and do something about your loan officer to force her to do the process correctly for all future clients.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on August 19, 2016, and considers this matter addressed



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.


[redacted]From: [redacted]>Date: Sat, Aug 20, 2016 at 9:14 AMSubject: Re: Your complaint has been receivedTo: <i[redacted]I have heard from PNC bank and they have informed me that my check was destroyed and will never be cashed. I still want a copy of the appraisal because they are saying the check was for my son's loan on [redacted]. According to what I was originally told by Sara is that the check was for the appraisal fees on [redacted] I want to see the appraisal before I close this complaint out. They can e-mail the appraisal to me.

Review: I have a closed auto loan through pnc bank. They received my last payment by a physical check the dealership sent them. It was cashed. A couple days later my debit card was charged through automatic payment with drawl in July and again in August. I have still yet to see July's refund check and now they are saying they can't give me the refund for August because the account has been closed. I need refunded my July and August payment. The account has been paid in full and they keep charging me.Desired Settlement: I want to be refunded the money I was charged for July and August wrongfully.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on August 25, 2016, and considers this matter addressed

Review: I purchased plane tickets on a Thursday and it was debited and posted to my account on Friday. The following Thursday, the balance in my account is the same amount that I was debited for the plane tickets. Looking through my statement, I no longer see the once posted charge from the airline. I called the airline and they verified that I was paid and that it was an issue with my bank and I should contact them. Nonetheless, I paid for my bills because I got paid on Friday. PNC debited my account first for the bills I paid, then reapplied the airline charges before applying the direct deposit into my account. Friday I was hit with 4 overdraft charges of $36 each, although my account had a positive balance (even after the overdraft charges).

When I called PNC I was notified that I will be called back within a few days. The gentleman I spoke with would not refund my overdraft charges, although they are clearly the result of an issue on PNC's end, not mine.Desired Settlement: I would like to be refunded for these 4 overdraft charges of $36 ($144 total) as this issue is not due to my negligence but rather an issue with PNC. I don't feel that it is fair to be hit with these overdraft charges as I was very prudent in paying attention to my account and contacted the proper people to try to resolve this in a timely manner.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on August 25, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Review: On January 26th, 2016 I walked into a PNC bank branch at 8th and [redacted] street in [redacted]. Upon entering the branch I had no interest in closing my account but after numerous bouts with bad customer service throughout the last year I had finally had my fill and asked to close my account. The process was very brief as I was taken into a back room, gave one of the bankers my information, she withdrew all of the money in my account, approx. $8,599.89 in cash and told me that my account had been closed. I left that night thinking that it felt odd that they didn't give me any paperwork stating that my account was now closed. The next day I had a voicemail from PNC telling me that there was a problem with my account and that overnight there was a payment made into my account from one of my clients for $250. I asked them how this was possible if the account was closed? They told me that the account had not been closed and was scheduled to be closed the next day. I told them to withdraw the money from the account and close the account immediately as it is a business account and a lot of money goes in and out very quickly. They told me that I needed to come into a branch to get the money. By the time our phone call was over monthly charges started hitting the account for $1,000's of dollars. I called them back and told them that I would call and get all of the charges reversed but they told me that they already reversed all the charges. With each charge that they were reversing they were charging me negative account balance fees. I can no longer talk to anyone at PNC as they've sold my account to a credit reporting agency that's been calling me for weeks trying to get payment for $256 in fees. All of this happened on an account that I thought had been closed and now my business is in negative standing with the credit bureaus AND they kept $250 from a client that never should have went through.Desired Settlement: I would like my $250 refunded, All fees associated with my account deleted and for this account to be reported in good standing with all credit bureaus.



To Whom It May Concern:PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] of [redacted] on June 14 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely, Andrea C[redacted] Executive Client Relations PNC Bank



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. The representative from PNC handled matters in a professional way which was refreshing. I would consider using PNC for my future banking needs.


I switched all of my business from PNC to chase. PNC is more concerned with fees than customer service.

Business account and all personal accounts.

Review: My husband and I have been receiving harassing phone calls from PNC on a daily basis for a payment that has not accrued a late fee. Furthermore when I answered the call from a service rep named MATTHEW...he told me not only did I owe my June 2016 payment but that I owed my July..(notice that it is only June 20th 2016) payment as well. I did not know that I could be harassed for a FUTURE payment, but I was. I have never had to pay a late fee on this vehicle and yet I get harassed by them. I made my payment and because they can't see it on their end, I'm somehow at fault. I bank with them so that's something they might want to look into. I am not the only person who has a loan through PNC that has had these issues with them. I WILL NEVER EVER DEAL WITH PNC FINANCIAL AGAIN.Desired Settlement: To never ever call me until my payment is in some kind of default, which it never has been. Instead of harassing a good standing customer, put their focus on those in real trouble.



July 7, 2016 PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on July 7, 2016, and considers this matter addressed. Thank you,ACB

Review: My checking account had a positive balance, the bank then charged me a new fee that I was not aware of which caused my account to be overdrawn. Two previous charges that had already posted to my account were then reapplied after the bank fee causing me to be charged overdraft fees in the amount of $72. This is a dishonest misapplication of transactions of to benefit the bank and to charge consumers excessive overdraft feesDesired Settlement: I would like my $72 refunded to my account



From: [redacted]Date: Wed, Jun 29, 2016 at 1:14 PMSubject: Case for [redacted] / Case [redacted]To: [redacted] Regarding Case [redacted] PNC Bank, N.A. responded directly to [redacted] on June 29, 2016, and considers this matter addressed. Thanks so much! [redacted] Assistant Vice President Executive Client Relations

Review: March 8th 2016

From: [redacted]

We are filling a complaint about PNC Mortgage.

We have been trying to get our PMI cancelled for about 2 years.

I believe that PNC is in violation of the The Homeowners Protection Act of 1998.

The value of our house has reached the 78% threshold for automatic termination a long time ago.

PNC refuses to do so. We have never received a schedule for our PMI to be cancelled.

I have written numerous letters to them, most with no response at all.

However the final straw was last month (February 2016) when we had our house appraised. Our appraisal was done by a certified [redacted] State appraiser (I can send a copy). Our house was appraised at $219,000. We owe $120,000. PNC will not accept this appraisal and again refuses to cancel our PMI. I believe this is a violation of the The Homeowners Protection Act of 1998.

Our Loan number with PNC is No. xxxxxx[redacted]

We request that our PMI insurance be cancelled according to the The Homeowners Protection Act

of 1998 (included).

If you can help in any way it would be greatly appreciated.

Please let us know how we can proceed to have our PMI cancelled.

Thank you

[redacted] Laver [redacted]Desired Settlement: We request that our PMI insurance be cancelled according to the The Homeowners Protection Act

of 1998



PNC Bank N.A. responsed to [redacted] on April 4, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.



PNC Bank N.A. responsed to [redacted] on April 4, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and have determined that this does not resolve my complaint. For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below.I don't understand what PNC is saying here. My wife got a very brief phone call weeks ago and they said they were going to look into the matter further. We have not heard anything from PNC since.I have also filed a complaint with The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau because I believe PNC is in violation of the The Homeowners Protection Act of 1998. I reject what ever PNC is saying because nothing has changed and we have not heard from them.


[redacted] Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Review: I use PNC for personal banking and usually they are quite professional and pleasant to deal with. However, on Oct. 19th and 20th I was hit with five overdraft fees for transactions. It is not the policy of charging an overdraft fee, but the fact that their online banking system did not accurately reflect my balance. I check my balance before I use my debit card religiously....but the balance did not reflect the fact that I was overdrafting my account. All of a sudden the funds to cover the transactions weren't reflected in my mobile app. The manager at customer service told me I should I carry a pen and paper and keep track of my transactions physically. That is absurd, what is the app for then? It doesn't work. The associate said they were doing maintenance on the system this weekend to more quickly and accurately reflect transactions.Desired Settlement: reverse some of all of the fees levied on my account.



October 24, 2016 PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on 10-24-16, and considers this matter addressed. Thank you, CJ



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Review: I am extremely disappointed with the lack of service provided by this particular PNC Bank. As a loyal customer with PNC, I have numerous services with them including an interest checking and credit card accounts. At the time of opening the second account, I was advised that they will link my accounts so my credit card account will cover the interest checking account so I can NOT have an overdraft occur in my accounts. Well, recently I noticed an overdraft fee associated with my account and went to my local branch. They stated that they made a mistake and that the accounts had not been linked at the time of the incident. The associate just gave me usual excuse that he could not refund the overdraft fee but a regional manager will contact me within 24 hours to rectify the situation. I never received the phone call and after calling the bank numerous times with the week, I finally got a call from a 1-877 number associated with PNC bank, the caller pretended not to hear me quickly hanged up. I never got another call from them and the number they called me from could not be called back. I am amazed by the incompetence of PNC and quiet frankly disgusted by the scamming ways PNC Bank in particular try to charge various fee from their clients. I am looking to move my services to a better bank that care about their clients.Desired Settlement: I would like a direct contact from the bank and full refund for the overdraft fee. I want a competent and reputable representative to contact me and apologize for wasting my precious time.



To Whom It May Concern:PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on June 15, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely, Andrea C[redacted] Executive Client Relations PNC Bank



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Review: I had a bank account with PNC 2013-2014. I have called the 800 # numerous times to obtain my statements for a court case. they told me I had to go to the actual branch to obtain them. Well I live in [redacted] and they are not in [redacted]. Then I called and they said they would escalate it to a supervisor, that was almost 2 months ago, no response.Desired Settlement: I need my bank statements from July 2013 through when the account closed for my court case.



May 23, 2016 “PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on May 23, 2016, and considers this matter addressed” Thank you,CJ



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Review: on June 1 I went to my pnc bank to see how I could obtain a secured credit card...My representative Chris said to me all things looked good I proceeded to give $500 over to the bank in the form of a cashiers check..I was then told it would take 2 to 3 wks.. to get the card..On the 12th of june I was told that I would not get the card and that a cashiers ck would be mailed to my physical address..I bank at this bank and all my correspondence goes to my po box which is on record for the last few years..I was told they would not do this. I then asked for the check to be mailed to the branch ..I was told not also...I receive no personal mail at my physical address..that is why I have a po box..which all my statements get mailed to..It is PO Box [redacted]...

I asked to speak to someone at corporate..they called me but the number I had to get to them was bogus...

Also Pnc checked my credit 2x once they approved the card and then they didn't ..I am trying to establish some credit and by them checking my scores 2x (which was not needed) they helped to lower my score..actually in my attempt to get help, it only proceeded to get worse..Desired Settlement: DesiredSettlementID: Contact by the Business

Give me a secured CC or mail the cashiers check back to my PO box, or electronically put back in the acct they took it out of..or mail it to the bank NOW ..I am leaving the country shortly and cannot check my street address ..



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to Ms. [redacted] on 6/28/2016, and considers this matter addressed - JT

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Address: 4300 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States, 27612-4508


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