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PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

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Reviews PNC Financial Services Group, Inc.

PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. Reviews (1843)

Review: Tried to sell items on an online yard sale website. Person who was buying sent me a cashier's check for the amount I was asking. I received payment, deposited payment into my PNC checking account. Used my debit card as normal, while waiting for funds to clear, PNC made the funds available, posted transactions against the deposited check. Check came back as counterfeit. PNC made my acct negative in the amt of the transactions that were posted against bad check. PNC claims that I am responsible for the fraud, and says I need to make payback negative amt. Closed PNC acct, tried to open up a new acct, PNC put a check systems on my name, denying me to open up an acct at any other bank. PNC offered me a smartaccess card until situation is resolved. PNC failed to inform me that the card was only used for direct deposit for my paycheck, cannot use it to pay bills. Not to mention that the card was ordered on the 4/12/16 and I still have not received it. PNC customer service told me I could withdraw money from bank using my ID...not true. PNC cutstomer service had to activate the card and I had to wait 24hrs and go back to the branch and try again to withdraw. Tried to pay bills, each payment was rejected and now bills are late.Desired Settlement: Take responsibility for posting transactions against bad check

Remove "check systems" from my name so I can open up a checking account.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to Ms. [redacted] on June 14, 2016, in writing and considers this matter addressed.Thank You! Ann

Review: I am very concerned the way PNC has been poorly handling my Credit Card and Auto pay issues. This is not the first time I have had problems with Auto Pay. I also had the same problem with it working then stopping on my Auto loan about a year ago. That which was only properly rectify by going to a PNC Branch an involving a branch manager who was very willing to help and was able to salve my problem.

Day 3 and still no response from Jennifer B[redacted] (###-###-####-[redacted]:

Reference: [redacted] – I called credit card CustomerService on Sunday 02/07/16 when I received a letter stating my Credit Card was past due? Why would this be? I have everything set up on Auto Pay. How can this be? Must be another “GREAT PNC Mistake” as it was in the past…… So I called credit card services who directed me to contact your PNC Bank Retail Escalation Team; since the department was closed they set up a claim for me and told me someone would contact me within the next business day. Wow very impressive department name “I bet they will be on top of things and fix all of this for me” NOT…. I waited all day Monday; patently thinking will PNC [redacted] my 800 credit rating score? Will I lose my 0% introductory offer? How much in late fees and interest charges are they going to apply to my credit card? So Monday evening driving home from work I thought to call CustomerService again. I was told Jennifer B[redacted] was working on the case and needed to talk to me about some things she found. So we set up a 6:00 appointment to talk. She never called… I told them I had a 6:30 commitment in taking my 8 year old son to [redacted] that evening and she needed to call at 6:00. Guess what, after [redacted] I get a message from Jennifer left at 6:41???? Seriously? That’s just plain disrespectful of my time…. In the message she is asking if I still needed assistance I should call her back??? What does this mean?? I thought she was working on my case??? Of Corse I call back and the department was closed. Tuesday morning Day 2; I receive this absurd email from Jennifer say how she has been trying to contact me with no luck (almost sounding like it’s my entire fault she can’t call me???) So I call back at Tuesday 02/09/16 at 11:31am Jennifer B[redacted] was not available. The gentleman asked if he could help and I thought he could be a little more helpful then Jennifer. So I told him my problem. He put me on hold to look into the situation. He came back to say Jennifer couldn’t find anything wrong? HUH? I thought she was not available?? So I asked to speak with her; but he told me she was on the phone. Okay so now I’m thinking to myself this is now just a game PNC is playing…. So I asked to speak to the manager; he told me she was. Okay then I asked to speak to the person she reports to? He told me NO…… Before the discussion became more aggravation and I say something I don’t want to say I simply hung up…… Can you tell me my next step in resolving this problem? Should I go to the I did contact the same Branch Manager that helped me in the past who agreed that PNC has been having problems with Auto Pay and he would help me out.

I still expect a call from Jennifer B[redacted]’s manager to explain to me what she is doing and how she is helping me?

Week #2 Now:

An Andrea M[redacted] (###-###-####) has called me on 02/10/16 who told me she would remove the $35 fee for the mistake but had to research more before she would remove the $25 fee. I have now called Andrea 11 times she never answers the phone and can only leave messages. She called me back 4 times hours after when I was not available to take the call. Finally she calls me on 02/18/16 and told me more lies. She told me the auto pay was shut off at my request “lie, Lie, Lie”. She also added that it is now back on? Well it should be I never shut it off. I asked to speaker to her manager Paul H[redacted] whom should call me back. But I’m just too frustrated with this cat and mouse game. I want resolution…..Desired Settlement: $25.00 credit and letters to ALL 3 credit agencies that I am in good standing.



n Thu, May 5, 2016 at 4:30 PM, <[redacted]> wrote:PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on May 5, 2016, and considers this matter addressedJeanette [redacted] Bank Officer Executive Client Relations



the people at PNC have not called me back to clean up their mistakes. Auto pay should have worked for the months in question but as I was tod by the PNC manager at the Lindhurst location the fees shold be reversed and a letter of good standing will need to be sent to all 3 credit beauros.... Still no call to resolve the problem. Another example of their poor customer support.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on May 5, 2016, and considers this matter addressed

Review: Overdraft fees. $36 x 20=-$720 fees in the last 45 days. As I just recently reviewed my bank account summary I have noticed these fees that do not have merit. I understand an overdraft fee and accept that if I "myself" is the cause. I have multiple incidents of 4 continuous transactions of -36 dollars from overdraft. In these instances I have spent money as PNC online account shows available balance.Within the next day or 2 when I do rightfully incur a overdraft fee, follows my previous small transactions of 1.50, $2.00, $1.75 etc. PNC system waits until I have overdraft my account, then will process previous transactions creating a continuous log of fees! For the past month half of my income has been taken by PNC Bank. I have always advocated for PNC and just recently opened my virtual wallet account because I recieved a bonus coupon of 300 dollars to open an account. I have not yet recieved my "new customer" bonus either. 720 dollars in fees is ridiculous. I have previously opted out of overdraft coverage and was under the impression I could not incur future fees. Most online banking service businesses do not charge more than $7 for an Overdraft fee. My virtual wallet account does not cost pnc employee labor time or any type of in person expense as I am a virtual wallet account holder. I understand 1-2 incidents when I was aware of low balance and had to make a transaction. Today I called at 4:48pm july 29th and the phone representative was not helpful one bit. She talked down to me as I am a dummy who doesn't watch his money. She told me don't rely on my "PNC" online account balances! Seriously this is an online bank account?? She would not transfer me to a manager and stated she is not willing to help me beyond a few fee reimbursements. PnC was not my only choice for a new bank account. I have considered [redacted] but I decided to use pnc and I expect the same loyalty back.Desired Settlement: Refund me my own money. I have had two paychecks completely stripped from me because of this overdraft processing system. I understand and accept 2-3 fees. I DO NOT AUTHORIZE 20! different fees. I am asking for $600 returned to my account ASAP. I will accept $120 in fees, which is still a lot of money within 45 days to be taken from me. Please contacty me 24/7 at [redacted]

Account number [redacted]

Review: I have been a PNC Bank customer for nearly 10 years. I have all my everyday banking and two credit cards with them. I have had numerous, relatively minor, issues with them in the past, but this most recent one has been the most suspicious. I have direct deposit for my paycheck for both my checking ("spend" account) and savings ("growth" account) accounts. I have most of it going into my savings as my own method of building up savings. Thanks to PNC's overdraft protection option, I am able to link my external bills (rent, checks, cable, etc.) to my checking account with my routing information, and if there is not enough funds in my checking account they automatically transfer from my savings account at no charge. I have been banking and paying my bills this way for a long time with no issue.

For my PNC credit cards specifically, I set a recurring payment for the last statement balance to be paid each month. This most recent month, I was confused by a late fee in my transaction detail, as the bill should have been paid automatically per my recurring payment. I check my scheduled list and sure enough the last statement balance is scheduled for next month, but for some reason has not been paid this month. I call PNC Card customer service to inquire about this. I am told that my checking account was $4 short on the day of the payment, so the payment failed. I tell them I have overdraft protection, and that I pay all my bills this way, as I do obviously in fact have enough funds in my accounts to cover this payment. They tell me they no longer do this for PNC Card accounts because customers were complaining they were getting an overdraft fee. I did not understand why this applied as an answer to my issue, as I had sufficient funds and would not be incurring an overdraft fee. I repeated that I have overdraft protection with my savings account, and was told, in a very hostile tone, "This is credit card customer service. I can't see that."

Seeing that I was not going to get the help, or level of professionalism I was seeking, I asked to speak to the representative's manager. After a five minute hold the supervisor introduces themselves. I repeat my issue, and the supervisor tells me that overdraft protection does not apply unless the payment was pending vs. scheduled. Still confused, I ask why this is and why I was not emailed that the payment was not going through, as I would have manually transferred the funds if necessary. This always works for my external payments, and has never been an issue with my PNC cards. The supervisor keeps repeating themselves saying the policy changed because customers were upset payments were going through and they were getting overdraft fees, getting more and more agitated each time. I did not feel like I had an answer to my question, as there is no overdraft fee involved in any of this. They proceed to tell me that I did not opt in for the right kind of notifications, even though I frequently receive emails from PNC Bank, and that there is nothing they can do to help me.

I come away from this experience extremely frustrated. I feel scammed by my bank. I do not have the time to look over my shoulder every month to make sure my bank of 10 years is not taking advantage of me. Unfortunately, only a few months ago a similar issue occurred. Only in this situation, they stopped my automatic payments without notification and I got a late fee. They resolved it by refunding my late fee, but still it seems like a lot of shady business to need to jump through the ringer to, at the very least, be communicated with about my accounts. I was under the impression my bank was there to provide a service for my banking needs. Not cause more issues and headaches. I will no longer choose to do my business with a place that abides by these practices with unprofessional employees.

For reference, below is the overdraft protection policy from their website (I also have screen shots if necessary):

"Overdraft Protection is a service that links your checking account to an eligible protecting account(s). Virtual Wallet accounts automatically come with Overdraft Protection. When there are insufficient funds in your Spend account to pay for any items, funds are automatically transferred from the Reserve and Growth accounts to cover transactions."Desired Settlement: At the very least, I would like a refund of the $25 late fee I was charged. My hope is that this complaint can help other people in the future.



August 15, 2016PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on August 5, 12 and 15, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Thank you,ACBPNC Bank



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Review: Several months ago I opened a business checking account for a side business I was starting in my LLCs name. I have been a long time customer of PNC, and have had car loans and student loans, as well as do my personal banking there. I did not use my debit card much and didn't keep much money in my account. I specifically asked to opt out of overdraft protection when I signed up for my account. However, the guy signing me up did not. I had 6 charges for $5.50 and two others in the $30 range that went through as credit card processing site through an online vendor. I was charged with over $400 in overdraft charges this month - $37 for each one and several days late. PNC bank did not send letters to my actual mailing address I gave them in [redacted]. I received my debit card to the correct mailing address in [redacted], but they did not send statements there. Instead, they sent it to my register office in [redacted]. I have never been personally overdrawn on my personal account. I absolutely refuse to pay $400 in overdraft fees for $100 in charges. I called customer service, they told me go to the bank. The bank manager refused to even speak with me, so I was left with someone who had no authority and they removed one lousy $37 charge.

I would rather dissolve my LLC, take all my personal accounts out of PNC, never get a loan again, then share this ridiculous event with my decent size social media following over 15,000 people - mostly based out of Western PA and Ohio. Then fight this in court, rather than pay this money. I am sorry but $400 is insane. I had $500 in physical cash on me and thousands in my personal checking to cover it, but there is no freaking way after I was basically told "tough luck" by the branch.Desired Settlement: I am ok with paying one of the $37 overdraft fees. But I absolutely refuse to pay $400 for $100 in charges that should have NEVER went through.



August 2, 2016PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on August 2, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Thank you,ACB

Review: I check my bank account religiously online and I had a certain amount of money in the account and I thought it safe to go make a purchase, I kept checking my account throughout the day to keep an eye on things. The last time I checked was on 12:22am Teuesday morning before going to bed. There was no sign of any transaction. I wake up around 8:30 teusday morning and see that I am overdrawn and they had already asessed an overdraft fee. I know that I have until 10:00pm to get this fixed. My husband has it fixed by 5:00pm, He goes ino the bank and even the teller thought it was unsusal they assessed an overdraft fee. I make a complaint and they claim a transaction was posted on Monday and it ioverdrew the account costing me the fee. If the transaction went through on Monday, how come they never posted it till Teusday. Does them doing it this way not count as taking the overdraft fee fraudulently. Why was I not immediately informed so I could make corrections then? This is not right, unfair and downright shady.Desired Settlement: I want that overdraft fee re-imbursed to my account.



August 1, 2016Dear Ms. [redacted]PNC Bank, N.A. responded to Ms[redacted] on August 1, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely,Lisa M[redacted]Executive Client Relations

Review: I went to go use my debit card and it has gotten declined I contacted the pnc bank franchise number to get a reason as to why and I was stated that there does not have to be a reason for us to cancel your accounts we don't have to have you a client if we don't want to. I spoke with a manager and they stated to me specifically they don't have to give me a reason I have been a customer with them for years and with my new virtual wallet account I have had it for almost a year I opened up another account with my child name on it aswell as mine and they stated it has something to do with that account but they have the right to not disclose any information to me about it. But if I was told it was an issue with one of my accounts and I have the managers number and contact number they why don't have any reason as to what is wrong with the account? I comply with all of pnc rules and regulations and for them to close my account due to one of them and then say they don't have to explain if by far wrong.Desired Settlement: explanation as to why me and my daughters acct ending in [redacted] was closed with out any reason given.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on July 19, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.

Review: On April 23, 2016 my wife and I deposited our federal tax return in the local PNC branch ([redacted]) via the ATM. After a couple days we noticed that the check was not cashed because we were not aware that both my wife and I needed to endorse the check and deposit it into our joint account. Once this was discovered the general customer service number was called to determine the corrective actions that would need to be taken. Based on this initial call, PNC said they would be reissuing a check within two weeks, and then my wife and I would simply need to endorse the check and deposit it into an account which listed both of our names.

Shortly after the two weeks had past, my wife ([redacted] went to the branch to update her name on her accounts (to [redacted]) and to determine where the funds were. The branch teller was unable to locate where this check was, and if any remittance actions had been taken by PNC. He said if the check was not received within a week to call a customer escalation contact since he could not resole this matter himself.

After waiting an additional week, the check had still not been remitted to my wife and I, thus the escalation number was called (May 23, 2016). The representative that I was put into contact with was unable to address my concerns because it was after normal business hours however they assured me that this would be escalated and resolved the next day by a manager when normal business hours resumed. This call was not returned until two days later on May 26, 2016. Since then I have left numerous messages requesting that the assigned manager (Jesse [redacted]. J[redacted]) for this dispute call me between the hours of 1:00 and 2:00PM EST so that this can be properly resolved or asked that they call my wife directly since she has a much more open schedule. The assigned manager only called during this timeframe once and never reached out to my wife. Finally, after numerous days of phone tag, the assigned manager informed me that this could be resolved if I called the general number on Saturday.

After speaking with a representative today (June 4), no additional information was disclosed to me. The representative was unable to identify where these funds are, why there is such a delay on reissuing the check, or what internal actions have been taken to resolve this matter (besides that a voicemail was left yesterday). She kept stating that there were a whole lot of comments regarding the actions that the assigned manager had taken but would not disclose these to me via phone or in writing. Ultimately she deferred this back to the assigned manager and stated that no actions could be taken or updates could be provided until they returned to the office on Monday.

PNC Case Number: [redacted]Desired Settlement: At this time I would like the necessary funds to be re-issued to my wife and I so that we can properly sign and deposit our Federal tax return.



To Whom It May Concern:PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] and [redacted] on June 14, 2016 and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely, Andrea C[redacted] Executive Client Relations PNC Bank

Review: On 8/5/16, I called to check my Checking Account with PNC Bank to make sure I didn't get any more direct deposits from my employer. I left only $4.00 on my checking account. I have been on a unpaid FMLA since 6/21/16 and the last direct deposit I had was on 6/30/16. The automated system stated that I had an overdraft of $4.98. I held on to speak to a CSR . I asked her why is there a sudden overdraft on my account that say's $4.98. The CSR stated something about fees. I asked, "what fees?" As far as I knew I had a basic checking account, and I was unemployed before and only left change or less than $4.00 on my account and never paid any overdraft fees. The CSR stated that something went out to me in the mail when I first opened the account about overdraft fees on my checking account and she asked me how long was I going to be on an unpaid FMLA. She also stated that there wasn't any direct deposit made lately and that's why my account is stating an overdraft of $4.98. I told the CSR first that I opened this account several years ago and the only fees I knew about at that time was an over the limit fee, I also found her asking when I was going to return to work from an FMLA very inappropriate just to satisfy my checking account. She apologized and stated that she will be filing a complaint on my behalf and someone would call me in 24-48 hours. On 8/8/16 I received a call from a Keith T[redacted] at ###-###-####. I called him back but instead, I got Lauren B[redacted] who said she would assist me. I asked Lauren why my account stated that I have an overdraft of $4.98 because I have been on a unpaid FMLA since 6/21/16 and the last direct deposit I received from my employer was on 6/30/16 in which I left $4.00 on my account to keep it open. I also explained to Lauren that I left $4.00 or less for months or even years on my checking account just to keep it open and never received anything in the mail or called and heard anything about an overdraft on my account. I made no other purchases that would give me an over the limit fee. Lauren stated that I should have received something in the mail stating that PNC was getting rid of the standard checking account that I currently have or I should have saw something that states this on my bank statements. I explained to her that I never received anything in the mail from PNC Bank stating anything about PNC getting rid of the old standard checking account and starting a new checking account that would now involve fees. Also, when I received my bank statements, I just put them away. I asked Lauren when this new checking account with fees took place with PNC Bank. She said in November 2014. I explained to her that I had less than $4.00 on my PNC checking account for years before and never had any overdraft fees to keep my account open. Lauren apologized and explained PNC's new checking account with fees policy, this was something I didn't know. She stated that I needed at a least $500.00 balance or I could pay $9.00 per month, $5.00 to keep the account open and the $2.00 covers the monthly bank statements. She also stated that I had overdraft protection. I stated that I didn't know that I had overdraft protection because I remembered opting out years ago with PNC and just monitoring my own account so I wouldn't have to pay any over the limit fees. She also stated that $54.00 was subtracted from my PNC credit card for the overdraft fees, this is something else I had no knowledge of. I told her that I wasn't going to file a complaint with the but I changed my mind and feel that I should. When I hung up after talking to Lauren, I reviewed my bank statements (bank statements from 2012), and saw that the overdraft protection was coming from my credit card that I got back in November 2014. I never new about overdraft protectionDesired Settlement: I feel that this $54.00 that was charged to my credit card should be waived for the simple fact that I was never notified of any fees and I had a balance of $4.00 or less for years and never paid any overdraft fees to keep my account open and I didn't find out about these new fees until Lauren explained everything about this new checking account with fees that I didn't know about. If I was not on an unpaid FMLA I would have never new about this new checking account with PNC that includes fees to maintain your account. I have been a customer more than several years and now that I know, I would leave the $9.00 on my account to cover the fees every month. I am currently still on an unpaid FMLA and haven't return to work yet.

Review: I travel with my job. I move a lot due to my work. They can't get the address change. I moved in July called them changed the address. Got a letter saying it was changed. Here it is the 8 of September no payment statement. I have called 5 times since July and they say they have it fixed but they don't. They told me my mail come back. It did it was sent to an address for someone else. PNC Bank needs to get there stuff together. They want there money but don't do there job. Can you do something about this. Maybe a lawyer would help. If they can't change an address what have they done to the loan I have with them. Thank You [redacted]Desired Settlement: get it fixed no 2 people tell you the same thing I don't think they care about fixing it. I will not tell anyone to use this bank. you cannot trust them.



JME 9-30-16 PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on September 29, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.

Review: My wife stop at pnc bank to withdraw $200.00 from our checking account she went inside the bank because their was a back up at the atm line. She told the attendant that she wanted to withdraw $200.00 from our checking account and gave her our debt card she was told that she had to use her pnc charge card. So my wife gave her our charge card thinking the money would be come from our checking account. When we got our bank statement we saw where they had charge $10.00 for the service at that they had taking the $200.00 and added this to our charge card account. With a 22% interested charge on the $200.00 I called to get this problem taken care of with no sad that a bank would do there custom this way I know that I am not the only one that has been done this way.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on May 10, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.

Review: I applied for business services with this ban, And they used my SSN to run a credit check without my authorization! I only gave them permission to use my EIN numbers not my SSN!my personal information should not be used for my business services!!Desired Settlement: I also want the $300 advertised to me if I switched to PNC bank!



September 30, 2016PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on September 30, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Thank you,ACBPNC Bank



Review: It really upsets me to know because I have a smartacess debit card with PNC Bank, I'm not treated as a regular customer. Yet I compliment your business all the time, by telling other's how great the customer service. That is until today. All I asked if a payment could be stopped; that I simply did not authorize. What is the reason for having text banking? If it can't be utilize.I shoundn't have to wait too dispute a transaction I'm trying to stop before the money is released. It upsets me that I choosed to bank with PNC.Desired Settlement: To stop the payment.



To Whom It May Concern:PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on May 6, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely, Andrea C[redacted] Executive Client Relations PNC Bank

Review: I initiated the process to get a new home loan with PNC Mortgage in early June. At that time, I discussed the timing of the loan process with the Loan Officer, Travis S[redacted]. We planned on closing on the new home in mid- to late-July. My apartment lease ended 8 August.

Now, 65 days later, I am sitting in a hotel, still waiting for the loan to be processed. At some point during the beginning of July, Travis and the loan processor from Florida's PNC branch (Dana D[redacted]) stopped working on the loan package. I didn't realize this until it came close to the closing time, when they lied about contacting the builders (the builders have no records of this conversation). Since then, they have stopped returning phone calls, only return occasional emails, and have yet to give me a revised closing date. They did give a closing date to the lawyers doing the title work, which they forwarded to me, but when I tried to confirm that date, the loan processor just said "That's not how it works" and didn't provide an updated estimate for closing.

The hotel stay and disruption of moving my possessions into storage is incurring costs and time off work. PNC's help desk and manager at the [redacted] branch has not returned a single email or phone call in over a week.Desired Settlement: I would like to close on the house ASAP (i.e., finish doing their job I am paying them to do), and for PNC to reimburse me for my hotel bills.



PNC Bank, N.A. contacted the borrower on 8-26-2016 and was unsuccessful. Please have the customer call Lynn H[redacted] directly at ###-###-#### for assistance.

Review: I tried making an ATM deposit on May 22, 2016 and received the message "Account has been deactivated. Please contact your financial institution."

I tried making an ATM deposit on Aug 21, 2016 and received the message "Account has been deactivated. Please contact your financial institution."

I contacted customer service at ###-###-#### on Aug 25, 2016 and spoke to Jade F[redacted]. F[redacted] told me that my account was placed into inactive status after six months of inactivity. Last transaction April 2015 and account placed into inactive status October 2015. F[redacted] said I needed to made a deposit in person at a PNC branch to remove the inactive status on my account. I told F[redacted] I never received notification of my account being placed into inactive status. I requested a letter be mailed to me stating when my account was put into inactive status. F[redacted] said that notification was not given because of security reasons. F[redacted] said a local PNC branch could provide some printed verification of when my account was deactivated.

I made a deposit at a PNC branch on Aug 26, 2016 with PNC bank teller Kelly B[redacted]. I explained to B[redacted] what PNC customer service told me on Aug 25, 2016. I asked B[redacted] for something printed that verified when my account was put into inactive status. B[redacted] said she couldn't provide anything. B[redacted] said that I should have received a letter in the mail notifying my that my account was put into inactive status October 2015.

I have not received any notification via mail that my account was put into inactive status October 2015.Desired Settlement: I am requesting notification via mail that my account was put into inactive status October 2015.



On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 9:57 AM, [redacted]> wrote:Ms. [redacted] Good morning. PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on October 3, 2016, and considers this matter addressed. Thank you very much, Aaron B[redacted] Executive Client Relations Lead Representative

Review: PNC finds anyway possible to scam you out of money. I have a positive balance on my checking account with several items pending for withdrawal and deposit. When I check my online banking account I see 2 NSF charges which has now caused a negative balance when nothing prior has yet to go through giving me a negative balance before the NSF charge were applied. I called PNC and was told because the charges pending have been approved to pay they are technically taken off my balance even though they haven't actually gone through my account yet and been deducted. I told them I thought it wasn't right to charge me for something that hasn't cleared my account even if they approved it to pay. Until it actually comes out of my account you can't take it off my balance. I was advised that any charges pending are technically taken off my balance and I can incur charges even though they haven't gone through my account. As I checked my account today it shows my ACH deposit going in my account first which again puts my balance in the positive after their NSF charges made it negative and then two withdrawals going through and my account is still in the positive and then again 2 MORE NSF CHARGES, that again puts the balance in a negative,that is I'm guessing because of withdrawals pending but there is also a large ACH payroll deposit that covers everything. This absolutely makes no sense to be charged against something that hasn't happened yet and it won't because of the deposits covering everything. So absolutely nothing happened on my account to throw it into a negative balance except for the nsf charges by PNC. All my charges are covered by my deposits and my accounts reflects nothing that would warrant overdraft charges. I want my $144.00 NSF charges refunded backDesired Settlement: I want my $144.00 NSF charges refunded back



From: [redacted]Date: Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 7:10 PMSubject: You have a new message from the serving Western Pennsylvania regarding complaint #[redacted]To: [redacted]PNC has refunded the NSF charges in full.Thanks

Review: Good Morning. I was previously told by PNC that if I deposit a check, I have to wait 24 hours for the check to clear before the money is made available. Being aware of this, I deposited a check on a Saturday around 11 am, so therefore the check should have cleared by Sunday around 11 am. However, Sunday is a weird day (not a business day), so to be safe I wanted to wait until Monday. I made two payments Sunday evening around 6 pm using an online service ([redacted]), knowing that these transactions do not go through until the next day, so my thinking was the check will definitely clear by around 11 am on Monday (that was 48 hours after depositing the check), so the [redacted] payments going in around 6 pm ish on Monday would not be a problem.

I received two overdraft fees from PNC of $36, resulting in $72 worth of fees because according to PNC, my withdraws were before my check deposited. I went into a PNC in Virgina to see what went wrong, and the banker who helped me said that according to his computer, the check went through before the withdraws on Monday, which did not make sense to him. He said I would most likely be refunded but he needed two business days to "look into it."

I received a call from him two business days later saying that it is PNC's policy that if you deposit a check on a Saturday, it does not go through until Monday at MIDNIGHT and therefore he could not refund me the overdraft fees.

So, I am angry because I was informed that a check takes 24 hours to clear, and even when being cautious in the situation, the check still took over 48 hours to clear, which I was never told could be a possibility. I am also upset because the PNC banker said that according to his computer, the check DID go through before my withdraws, not at midnight.Desired Settlement: I personally would like to be refunded the $72.

Even if this is their policy, I was never informed of it and I had an overdraft issue once in the beginning of 2016 due to being naive in not knowing that a check takes 24 hours to clear, where I was informed of this rule. Not that on a weekend I have to wait until midnight on the following Monday.



On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 9:52 AM, [redacted]> wrote:[redacted] PNC Bank, N.A. responded to the above named customers on September 21, 2016, and considers the matters addressed

Review: I' was late with July payment.The bank went into my account on August 22,2016 and remove $208.97 to get there money for the late payment. because of this I had no money in the account for a bill that is taken direct out of my account. So they pay the bill,but charge me overdraft fee this wouldn't have happen if they hadn't taken the money for for this car payment. they claim that this was in the contract that they have the right after so many days to do this. I have never in life seen where they can make a contract about going into your account and take a payment.This was never told during the signing of that contract over three years ago.I have been late with payments before never call them to

ask for an extension except maybe one or two time.I don't feel I owe overdraft fee because this was something they done.I also was told they mail me a letter on the seven of July regarding next payment.

And they send me a letter on August 23rd.Payment taken out on August 22nd.also stated that the loan dept telephone and sent letters, but couldn't tell me when they called.What type of government allow banks to put in writing that they can take their money if you owe them regardless of how late you may be.Not sure if I still have my contract since the car was wrecked total out.So on Friday August 26 they will go into my account and take money from my account again.Desired Settlement: Even after that I will no longer bank will this company I have brought three cars from them and have never try to cheat them been will this bank since the 90's.To remove overdraft fees.



August 26, 2016Dear Ms. [redacted]PNC Bank, N.A. responded to Ms[redacted] on August 26, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely,Lisa M[redacted]Executive Client Relations

Review: I had an issue where both [redacted] and [redacted] charged my bank account in error. BOTH companies realized their mistake and refunded my money (without me having to contact them). However, because the funds weren't available PNC charged me two over draft fees totaling $72. I called and advised a representative that the funds were credited back to my account, so I shouldn't be charged those fees. The representative explained that even though the money was credited back the same day, PNC purposely waits until 10:00pm to process the credits (10:00pm is considered a new day) and that's how they're still able to charge me those fees. They are purposely processing credits late, to charge consumers unnecessarily- and that's not good/fair business practice!Desired Settlement: I would like to warn other consumers about the banks practices, so they can avoid errors like this in the future. I also would like my full $72 reimbursed.



PNC Bank, N.A. responded to [redacted] on July 21, 2016, and considers this matter addressed



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

Review: I paid my mortgage payment in May, the payment I thought was supposed to come out on May 13th and it came out on May 12th instead. I called PNC to ask about having the NSF refunded to me since it had been 2 years since I had one. I was informed by Alisha J[redacted] at PNC customer service line that they do not refund NSF fees after the first one no matter how many years you've been with them. She offered to refund the $36 NSF fee back to my account but told me that they would mail me a form to sign and send back. She said that if it was found to be a bank error I could keep the $36 and if it was not a bank error they would take the NSF fee back. Well today 6/3 I checked my account with PNC and noticed an unusually large amount. I logged into the account and noticed that my Mortgage payment had been reversed into my account. I called PNC and was told that the they denied the dispute and reversed all of my payments back to my account. I told them I was not aware that is what would happen that I was told that I would just have the NSF reversed. I then ask for a copy of the form that was signed and was told they don't have it so I am not sure they ever even received anything from me. She told me there was nothing I could do about it. That I could try calling the local branch for a copy of the form. I called the local [redacted] branch and spoke to Christy. She was very confused about being told to call for the copy of the form when I was dealing with the customer service line. She said that they do not have anything there except notes on the account. I would really like to get a copy of the signed form if they have it because no where on the form does it say they would reverse $947. I then told her the whole story and ask if it were true that you can only have 1 NSF per the life of the account and she said NO! she said they can generally refund 1 - 2 per year. So all of this could have been avoided. Had I known they would have reversed the loan they could have kept the NSF there was plenty of money on the 13th when I called to cover it. Christy from the local branch was very nice. The customer service reps were very nasty to deal with and I still want to know what the decision was based off of since no signed form can be found from me that I can have a copy of. I called [redacted] who I have my mortgage account with and was told that I would have to pay May's payment again, along with the $20 returned mortgage fee and the $38 late fee that was added to the reversal at PNC.Desired Settlement: I mostly would like to have the $58 dollar fees that were added to my mortgage covered. The customer service representatives need better training dealing with customers because had they explained to me that my payment would be reversed I would have said ok never mind keep the NSF fee. I have been a customer with PNC for 8 years now and have never heard that NSF fees could only be waived once per lifetime so that is the only reason I called in the first place. I had been told years ago that it was once per year so I called since it had been several years. Documents that are signed should be scanned into the account and kept for future reference because now that I want to see the form I sent in no one can find it.



July 1, 2016Dear Ms. [redacted],PNC Bank, N.A. responded to Ms. [redacted] on July 1, 2016, and considers this matter addressed.Sincerely,Lisa M[redacted]Executive Client Relations



I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted], and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.

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