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Endurance Warranty Services

400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937

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Endurance Warranty Services Reviews (%countItem)

Ketrell *** - has been both product and service knowledgeable, responsive and attention to details. Many years in the customer service industry myself, I know good service.
When I was stranded because a car breakdown. Ketrell made sure he represented Endurance very well and go my car going again.
Thank you! I will certainly let everyone know about your company. My brother and co-workers said that I would be wasting my money. They were wrong.

I work at a dealership and call in claims quite frequently. The people that I have dealt with every time have got to be the most friendly and helpful group of people at a warranty company that I have dealt with in a very very long time!

I love that the representatives are very professional..... Excellent customer service!!!

Worst company ever as far as taking care of there customers and there coverage plans. This company is a straight up scam and there pricing for there packages do not justify the bill. Just recent I got an alignment on my vehicle at *** and they notified me that I need two parts that have failed replaced on my vehicle one was a water pump the other was a rack and pinion. *** attempted to call in the warranty claim and upon reaching them after several attempts they told *** that they would only cover the MSRP value of the parts based on the lowest value in the area I live in. The parts that *** uses are OEM parts and cost a little more and Endurance said they would not cover the expense. Endurance bases the price of components based on how much it would cost at places like *** in your area. Endurance advertises that you can take your vehicle to “any mechanic” for charges So if I’m suppose to have the top package through this company why am I still paying to have something fixed a*** with the deductible that Endurance charges as well. So after *** got done talking to endurance, *** reached out to me and told me the plan. I was responsible to pay $514 out of pocket due to Endurance not covering the cost EVEN THOUGH the repair was fully covered under my policy. So I agreed to the charge and once *** called to get a confirmation number Endurance all of a sudden change there mind on replacing my water pump and told *** they would only replace the gasket even thought the Part has failed. One representative said they can do it then the next time *** called they all a sudden they switch there mind very inconsistent on endurance’s behalf. There staff and custermor service was very rude to myself and *** throwing attitudes and being very unprofessional. I do not understand why they would not cover something if it is clearly in my policy to be covered under. I will refuse to do business with this again.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 03, 2018

On 11/30, a representative from *** in Columbia, SC contacted the Endurance Claims department to file a claim for auto repairs. The repair facility initially reported failures to the steering rack and the water pump gasket. Per the terms and conditions of the consumer's contract, page 4 (attached)

"In the event of a Breakdown of any Covered Part(s) listed below, the Administrator will provide for payment or reimbursement for pre-authorized expenses incurred for the repair or replacement of the part(s), less any Deductible, in accordance with the provisions contained within this Contract. Reasonable expenses are not to exceed the manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP) for parts, and the repair facility’s published hourly labor rate multiplied by the appropriate operation time, as published in a national labor time guide. Replacement of Covered Parts that have experienced a Breakdown may be made with original equipment manufacturer parts, non-original equipment manufacturer parts, re-manufactured parts, or used parts at the Administrator’s discretion."

Endurance authorized the MSRP of a new part from a non-original equipment manufacturer using the part number provided by the repair facility, in accordance with the consumer's contract. Unfortunately, Endurance could not participate in payment of the additional upcharge from the repair facility beyond MSRP.

On 12/1, Endurance contacted the repair facility to clarify whether the leak was simply to the gasket, or to the water pump itself. The repair facility confirmed that the failure was only to the gasket, and that the water pump itself was functioning properly. Endurance asked if this was normal seepage or an actual gasket leak, and the repair facility confirmed that there was a dripping leak from the gasket. This is an eligible failure under the consumer's contract. The repair facility stated that they would refuse to replace the failed gasket without replacing the non-failed water pump. Endurance was not able to issue authorization for a part with no verified failure.

At this time, payment has been issued for the authorized and repaired steering rack. No payment has been issued for the water pump gasket, as the repair facility stated that they would be refusing the repair. Should the consumer decide to move forward with repair of the failed water pump gasket, Endurance requests that the repair facility contact Claims to finalize authorization for the gasket repair.

Customer Response • Dec 03, 2018

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:

This is what I have explained to you before you necessarily cannot go off of the what *** is selling it for there is a diffrence between “remanufactured part” and “new parts” I am pretty sure for that price that *** got that Part for it was a “new part” which *** is known for using new parts so in others word you are basically telling me that Endurance advertises the use of re manufactured parts at its cheapest price to customers a*** with what local shops are selling that is what I’m getting from this conversation. Either way its still bad buisness I pay you a deductible to cover parts and cover my back in a tight squeeze that should be it no extra contingencies no nothing because the only person who gets hurt at the end is the consumer I cant control what type of parts or price these mechanic shops use they have there protocols too that’s not my lane what I can control is who I warrant my next vehicle which as it looks like I will not do buisness with Endurance anymore and also potential buyers through ratings and reviews that’s what I can control. I priced out that same exact part at an actual *** mechanic shop who uses OEM parts *** parts and it was roughly the same price imagine if I would of went to the actual dealership for this job so technically I cant go to any mechanic of my choice because there parts are too expense for what y’all want to cover so you are selling false advertising once again you are advertising me to go to a cheap mechanic who gets cheap parts for a low cost to save the company money once again bad buisness and unhappy customers... customer is hurt at the end.



Great price, thorough coverage and customer service agents who are helpful and honest in answering all my questions and concerns.

I bought an extended warranty. My vehicle met the requirements to be serviced and they are denying it. On page 10 of the contract it states the first 30 days and 1000 miles OR first 90 days and 200 miles. I filed claim at 90 days and 200 miles and their saying that is not part of the contract.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 03, 2018

Please be advised, Endurance is the selling agent of this contract. This means that Endurance is responsible for the sale and financing of the contract. The administrator/obligor is United Car Care (UCC). This means that UCC is responsible for the administration (approval or denial) of claims and Endurance is not involved in this decision.

As the selling agent, Endurance will reach out on the consumer's behalf for information regarding claims and make the case, if any, for the consumer's claim to continue.

Please be advised, the consumer's contract has a 90 day and 200 mile waiting period. The contract was activated on 8/20 (see attached contract copy).

On 11/5, a representative from the consumer's repair facility contacted UCC to file a claim. Please note that, although the vehicle had traveled 200 miles, only 77 days had elapsed. As the vehicle was still within the waiting period, the claim was subsequently denied.

The consumer's waiting period ended on 11/17 and the vehicle is now eligible for repairs of future failures, although the failure that occurred during the waiting period cannot be authorized.

I have not had a car in more than 6 month, nor have I have been trying to find a car so how were they able to get my email address, phone number and new home address! These clearly fraudulent corporations that are focused on the lower income, disabled and elderly people throughout the country! And if this country will work on bringing down the fraudulence and wrong doing used to better the corporations in this country, that money can be used for to make many things better throughout this country such as the homelessness, health care, disability, social security, etc. Which is the focus of most of these fraudulent corporations which are getting money from the government and trying to take everything they can from the lower income, disabled and elderly people who are barely able to make it in life as it is going by the government's monthly payments and the actual cost of living!

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 12, 2018

Endurance is sorry for the frustration that these mail pieces have cause the consumer. As a result of the consumer's complaint, Endurance has added the consumer to our internal "DO NOT MAIL" database so that he will not receive any future mailings from Endurance. Please be advised, Endurance does not collect any information in relation to the consumer's gender, race, disability status, income, or age.

I purchase the policy from Endurance 2018 01 .10 My car broke down 11/22/2018 I tow the car the closest *** dealer service, My understanding it is the most qualified repair service who can diagnose or repair my *** Eos 2009 Lux vehicle. The shop is diagnose the transmission need to replace. And was contact Endurance to start the claim. This time was start the most painful and worst customer service experiences what ever I have. I paying monthly 200$ premium for Endurance and it is my first claim. I call approx 18 times each time was put me on hold 40-60 minutes. The *** service called several times and experienced the same. First want to know when was a Transmission service wasd perform on my car was take time to locate the service and get the info, next nobody called or request anything from me the shop was called me and told me I do have the other extended warranty on my car. I shocked I do have a hard time to cover the monthly 200$ so I cannot pay for the other warranty premium. Do not provided any info how resolve this issue I do some investigations and finally was able to provide the proof it is no other warranty on the car. So finally after 4 days send out the adjuster to the shop. who also Identified the transmission need to replaced. Than the shop called me and told me Endurance is want me to authorize to take out the transmission and payed the laber 650$ oer denied my claim. I already payed 350$ diagnostic and now the other 650$ so end up 1000$ out of the pocket It is I feel is very unprofessional and unethical to force the customer for this expenses beside the monthly premium. The customer service is very rude and unprofessional, refused to even called the shop I have to spends hours and days to communicate between the shop and Endurances.

Great service, very professional, super courteous.... very helpful with all my questions.. took the time and gave me a 100 effort !!
So far very happy !

After several attemps, I have asked this company to stop calling me and sending me mail. They call non stop from all sorts of phone numbers. I am on the "Do not call list." In addition, I have politely asked them to stop numerous times. I have filed a complaint withcthe FCC.

Please have them remove all my information from their Data Base.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 12, 2018

Endurance is sorry for the frustration that these mail pieces have caused the consumer. As a result of the consumer's complaint, Endurance has placed the consumer on our internal Do Not Mail database.

Endurance Auto warranty sold us a warranty on my 2011 *** Suburban. This warranty covered the engine and transmission. The transmission broke down and we took the truck to Rick *** in Duluth Georgia. The dealer service department told us the pump in the transmission went bad and broke the rest of the transmission. The warranty company agrees that the pump in the transmission is covered by my policy, but they say the dealer service department is lying in their diagnosis about what went wrong. I also had *** transmissions specialists diagnose the transmission, and they also determined the transmission pump was the cause of the transmission failure. Endurance then told us they agreed it was pump and would cover the transmission and diagnostic. When the mechanics called to get approval Endurance denied it. They told my wife they never said it was approved and insinuated she was lying by saying they had a recorded conversation. We also recorded the conversation and emailed them the audio file. The manager then told us he was a mechanic and he was the one who would decide what happened to my truck even though he has never seen it. He told us *** Transmissions was a preferred mechanic of Endurance but wouldn't accept there diagnostic sating the pump broke. I have both the diagnostics from Rick *** and *** plus all the recorded conversations of this company's continuous lies.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 12, 2018

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance performed an audit of the claim. It was determined that the front pump was the initial cause of failure, and not the torque converter as previous evidence had shown. Once this error had been corrected, Endurance's customer resolutions manager reached out to the consumer to advise them that Endurance would be paying for the claim. The work has since been completed and payment has been issued to the repair facility.

Endurance is committed to the highest level of transparency and customer service and appreciates the consumer's cooperation in remedying this situation.

I purchased a warranty and I asked if it cover certain things and was told yes. One of those things was power steering. Well upon being told the price I stated that I would call back but that sales rep said that he could get his manager to give a better price. After speaking with the manager and him coming down on the price I said that I would sign. Well upon going through figuring that the information that I was told was accurate, I start working again because I believed that the company would keep their word and give me what was initially agreed upon. Fast forward to November and I was told that my power steering went out I call the Endurance to find out what I need to do to get my situation handled informing the rep that it was my power steering because I knew that it was covered. The rep tells me take it to the shop and have them submit a diagnosis to Endurance. Well once I get a shop that they worked with I have my car sent over but when they submit the diagnosis for approval were told it wasn't covered. Endurance representative either just lied or essentially did a bait and switch with the warranty. They should have to pay for my service for power steering because this is deceptive business practices.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 21, 2018

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance performed an audit of the claim and account. This audit included reviewing all notation and documentation, as well as reviewing phone recordings from the time of purchase.

On 7/26/18, the consumer contacted Endurance to purchase a vehicle service contract for her 2010 ***. While speaking to the salesperson and the sales manager, the customer did make specific inquiries about the drive axle, maintenance items, and powertrain, there was no mention of the power steering. The sales manager confirmed the coverage categories to the consumer, as did a representative in Endurance’s verifications department prior to the completion of the sale. Additionally, a copy of the consumer’s contract was sent out via USPS Critical Mail for the consumer’s review.

On 11/28, a representative from *** Auto called Endurance’s claims department to file a claim for auto repairs. The representative reported failures to the power steering pump and power steering rack. As steering components are not eligible on the consumer’s contract, the repair was subsequently declined.

Endurance is sorry for any frustration this situation has caused the consumer. Endurance recognizes that situations may occur that can be confusing to the consumer, such as the difference between “power steering” and “powertrain”. Endurance will always try to help educate the consumer where possible to provide a more seamless experience.

At this time, the consumer’s contract is active and eligible for future claims.

Customer Response • Dec 26, 2018

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:



Everything was done quickly

purchased car warranty. transmission failed. Was told due it being the belt in the transmission that it was not covered. zero !! due to wear and tear. Was told today by James a supervisor that they have a policy that covers wear and tear but my car did not qualify for that. Why was I not told that prior to purchasing a warranty that has proved to be worth zero dollars. The customer service is less than average, way below actually. I have ask for help, escalation to upper mgmt, I get nothing. I have waiting three weeks plus for them to decide to even approve or disapprove, out of a call and they really don't care. Then they find a loop hole excuse knowing the mileage of the car when I purchased the warranty. Sorry excuse for a company and sorry customer service.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 06, 2018

Endurance's Customer Resolutions Manager reached out to the consumer to resolve. In the interest of customer service, Endurance has reimbursed the consumer the full amount paid for the contract, plus additional funds towards the repair.

*** Tracking indicates that the reimbursement check was delivered to the consumer's address on 12/3.

Customer Response • Dec 06, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



I purchased a Vehicle Warranty from Endurance Auto and they are trying to deny coverage stating that the claims they paid out are worth more than the vehicle itself. They are putting my vehicle worth at about $3,400. I have a 2011 *** Leaf with 43k miles on it. The average selling price on a leaf with this much is about $7000. I looked at KBB and they gave a private party value range of $5,397 to $7,537 with a private party value of $6,510 as the average.

The heater went out on my leaf and should be covered per the warranty, but they are claiming that they already paid out more than the vehicle worth, so they will not cover any repairs. The *** Dealership wants to charge $2800 for the repair.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 07, 2018

Please be advised, the consumer's contract has met its limit of liability. The limit of liability per the consumer's contract (attached), pg. 3 is as follows:

"VII. LIMIT OF LIABILITY: The aggregate limit of liability shall be the lesser of, the average trade-in value of the Vehicle as provided by the NADA Guides or the purchase price of the Vehicle as provided by a Bill of Sale. Our liability for incidental and consequential damages including, but not limited to, personal injury, physical damage, property damage, loss of use of Your Vehicle, loss of time, loss of wages, inconvenience, and commercial loss resulting from the operation, maintenance, or use of Your Vehicle is expressly excluded."

Please note that Endurance uses the trade-in value as posted by the National Automobile Dealers Association. The average trade-in value of this vehicle, with its current mileage, is $3200. For reference, the listing can be seen online at

To date, nearly $3900 in claims have been paid on this contract. As this amount exceeds the limit of liability, the contract has paid its maximum.

Please be advised, the consumer's vehicle is eligible for a new contract with a new limit of liability, if the consumer chooses. Although any current failure will not be covered under the new contract, future failures would be eligible.

Customer Response • Dec 07, 2018

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:

It is a 2011 *** Leaf with 40k miles. I have looked online on KBB and CarGurus, which has cars for sale. They are all above 7k. The car cost 40k when new as well, and the cost of repair is made to reflect that. That trade in value that you provided is a very low calculation and you are using that value to skimp on not paying for the claim.



Tony *** has great customer service skills!!

It was my first time every using a warranty company for my 2002 ***, and I have to say the customer serverice has been great I’m in the middle of getting my *** repaired and it feels good to have someone on your side to help you along the way, And thank you to Johnny everyone at Endurance

I had purchased a plan and was not fully sold on my decision. After speaking with Michael today in Chicago . I was very pleased with how he was willing to go above and beyond in making and keeping me as a satisfied customer. He did a great ! He was knowledgeable , well spoken and willing to share several options until I was happy with my decision.

Great work Michael from Northbrook via Atlanta....

Hi I contacted endurance car warranty a few months ago to get an extended warranty for my car *** GL 450 2012 for $168 a month, today 11/26/2018 I went to the dealer for repair because I was hearing noisy sounds coming from the front suspension. after diagnostics, the dealer told me that I need to change the front axle left and right, the dealer contact the warranty company (claim department) at , but the representative of the claim department rejected the claim because the grease of the both for the front axle came out and it might affected the axles, which I think its a scam to not pay for the repair, I contacted them myself and they were very disrespectful, specially someone called Ashley who hang up on me. they are scam and they have their way to not pay for the repair.

please open the file attached with PDF

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 06, 2018

Please be advised, Endurance is the selling agent of this contract. The administrator is United Car Care (UCC). This means that UCC is responsible for the administration (approval or denial) of claims and Endurance is not involved in this decision.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance reviewed the details of the claim from UCC. The diagnosis provided to UCC's Claims Department was an initial failure of the CV axle boots. The boots tore, leaking out lubricant. Subsequent to this failure, the axles failed due to lack of lubrication. As the axles boots are not listed for coverage and the axles failed to due the failure of the boots, the axles repair was declined by UCC.

At this time, Endurance would like to pursue other means of assistance with the consumer. Endurance's Customer Resolutions Manager reached out to the consumer on 12/6 and left a voicemail to this effect.

Customer Response • Dec 06, 2018

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: Endurance is the middle man between me and UCC, they represent them and UCC is using the loophole to not repair the Axle! I spoke with *** and their Mechanice assured me that the problem is the axle and that affected the boot and made it leak . I want UCC to send me to one of their repair facility in NJ for a second opinion and free of charge , because the issue is the axle .



Endurance Warranty Services Response • Dec 17, 2018

Please be advised, Endurance is the selling agent of this contract. The administrator is United Car Care (UCC). This means that UCC is responsible for the administration (approval or denial) of claims and Endurance is not involved in this decision.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance reached out to UCC to make the best case for the consumer's claim to continue. At this time, UCC has upheld the denial and as no additional evidence has been presented of a different cause of failure, UCC has declined to send an additional inspector.

If the consumer wishes to move the vehicle to a different repair facility for a second opinion, the consumer is able to do so. Endurance recommends that, if the consumer does move the vehicle, that the consumer use their complimentary Roadside Assistance to tow the vehicle, as this will be provided at no cost and will help prevent further damage to the vehicle.

Constant Harassment. Despite telling them no multiple times they will not leave you alone.

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Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937


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