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Endurance Warranty Services

400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937

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Company keeps harrssing me sending me letters about a vehicle that I don't even own or know anything about and will not stop contacting me. I am to the point of filing charges if this continues.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Oct 31, 2018

Please be advised Endurance vehicle service contracts are offered in over 2,000 automobile dealerships as well as direct-to-consumers via the internet, television commercials and direct mail promotions.

Endurance is a certified member of the Vehicle Protection Association (VPA). As a certified member, Endurance follows the VPA’s Standards of Conduct. The Standards state that any vehicle service contract selling company must identify itself in the mail piece and Endurance abides by this standard.

We are sorry about any confusion Endurance’s mail piece caused the consumer, and as a result of the consumer’s complaint, our company placed the consumer on our internal “Do Not Mail” database to ensure he does not receive any future direct mail advertisements from our company. Please allow up to 10 business days to process this request. The consumer may still receive additional mail pieces sent during the processing time.

Beware!!! This business is extremely unethical and utilizes bait and switch, and scare tactics to persuade unaware vehicle owners to purchase extended warranty products. Upon receiving a notice in the mail containing only basic information about one of my vehicles that is approaching a threshold mileage limit on it’s dealer warranty, I called to explore what this offer was and who the company was making contact with me. The notice is littered with alarming vocabulary meant to create a sense of urgency, ie., immediate response requested, you may no longer be eligible after upcoming date, this will be the only attempt to contact you concerning expiring factory warranty, you will be at risk, and even included a sample repair invoice that includes a variety of major and minor repairs with recent dates listed for “account activity”. I listened to the representative explain the costs involved to purchase this warranty, which were pricey, then asked about the company. The rep stated that I would be given the opportunity to investigate the reputation of this well respected company and when I chose to do just that, I was then informed that leaving our conversation to complete that opportunity would result in a notation on my account that I declined the offer. That would result in the initial offer being void. Also, during my conversation I discovered that the rep did not have current information about me. The information that was being repeated about me was outdated and not concurrent with the notice I received in the mail. High pressure sales tactics, promises of products that become unattainable, the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing were just too many red flags for me. It is a shame that far too many people fall victim to these tactics, and though they may may take advantage of some loophole as not to be considered illegal, these are not legitimate practices of an upstanding well respected company.

A few years ago I purchased an extended warranty for my vehicle from Endurance. .
I cannot say enough good about this company.
So far, I have had several major repairs done to my vehicle, Endurance has assisted me every step of the way.
There is one thing you should be aware of, when using this warranty prior to any work being done on the vehicle the team from Endurance must authorize the repair.
You get to choose any licensed repair facility you are comfortable working with.
After several experiences with this company, I highly recommend them.

They keep sending letter by mail, so I called to ask them to stop. They transferred me to a Gilberto ***, who said to be a Manager at ***, that is a lie.
He indicated that the letter will continue until I sign up with them for my warranty paying $220 per month.
These people are fraud and I have already contacted *** who verified they are not with them and they are fraud.

Total Scammers. These people talked my husband into giving a credit card just to get information. When I called back to cancel it, I got a rude salesman named Ryan J. if that's even his real name. He asked personal questions that did not relate in anyway to the contract and repeatedly tried to resell the warranty. How these people have an A+ rating is unbelievable to me with all the negative reviews I am seeing here.

I told them I had a *** Hybrid with 83500 on the odometer. They called me 3 times (so far) and kept lowering the price. On the third call they got the price where I wanted and to the coverage I wanted. As soon as I provide the VIN number then they increased the price and LOWERED the coverage. NOPE.. Avoid..

I have the Supreme warranty from this company that supost to cover everything the manufacture would cover, but they refuse to cover a heater core on a car that has less than 70000 miles on it. They stated for lack of service on the manufacture service schudule on the car. The only service on anti freeze is to make sure it is toped off. They are saying that it is in the contract that they don't cover sludge. First it not sludge it clog from scaling up. Buyer beware of how this company they will not cover anything because they always have an excuse. This here is what the contract states and what they always use to deny the claims.

For any part that a repair facility or manufacturer recommends or requires that it be replaced or repaired, updated, and is not a covered mechanical Breakdown, is Your responsibility and expense. For any Breakdown caused by misuse, abuse, negligence, LACK OF NORMAL MAINTENANCE REQUIRED BY THE MANUFACTURER’S MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FOR YOUR VEHICLE OR IMPROPER SERVICING OR REPAIRS SUBSEQUENT TO PURCHASE. FOR ANY BREAKDOWN CAUSED BY SLUDGE BUILD-UP RESULTING FROM YOUR FAILURE TO PERFORM RECOMMENDED MAINTENANCE SERVICES, OR FAILURE TO MAINTAIN PROPER LEVELS OF LUBRICANTS AND/OR COOLANTS, OR FAILURE TO PROTECT YOUR VEHICLE from further damage when a Breakdown has occurred or failure to have Your Vehicle towed to the service facility when continued operation may result in further damage. Continued operation includes Your failure to observe warning lights, gauges, or any other signs of overheating or component failure, such as fluid leakage, slipping, knocking, or smoking, and not protecting Your Vehicle by continuing to drive creating damage beyond the initial failure. Lack of mechanical knowledge is not an excuse for continued operation.

I cancelled our coverage and removed authorization for Endurance to access my bank account/auto pay in July 2018. Initially they offered me a deal to stay with them or transfer the warranty. We thought about it but ultimately called Endurance back and cancelled the next day.

After speaking with Tony *** from Endurance he received approval to credit 1 illegal draft but his bosses refused to refund the 2nd because the policy was active.

I pleaded my case once again:
I cancelled the policy & auto pay in July. We were always current on our payments. No payment was taken in August. Then September & October *** is withdrawing money from my account without authorization, as Tony *** confirmed authorization was removed.

Its been a week since the credit was issued and we haven't seen it. I have also been leaving messages for Tony *** in regard to the 1st credit and possible 2nd for 2 days to no avail.

I have no complaints about the service. Actually Tony *** was great and the process seem to be working, until it wasn't. Now I may incur bank overdraft fees due to their mistake.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Oct 29, 2018

The September and October payments were credited back to the consumer from ***, the payment processor, on 10/19. There was a processing time of 5 business days. Endurance has confirmed the refund with *** and, as 5 business days have elapsed, the consumer should see the payments posted in their account.

Endurance is sorry for any frustration that this has caused the customer and is committed to the highest level of customer service.

Customer Response • Oct 30, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me. The credits are pending, if there is any further issue I will follow up. Thanks



Unsolicited phone calls 10 times a day from local phone numbers to my area for the past three months. Also letters are sent to my house and when I ask them to stop contacting me, they continue to call. I picked up once and talked to them because I thought it was legit and ended up denying their services because it did not seem to fit my needs. They told me that I would not be able to call back to change my mind and that my decision was final. I suppose it is not final because I continue to get those calls and letters that attempt to solicite my business despite denying the services. This company does not seem trustworthy. What business gives you an ultimatum, then continues to solicite business from you?

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Oct 29, 2018

Please be advised, Endurance does not make unsolicited outbound sales calls, or "cold calls". Endurance does not make any outbound sales calls unless specifically requested by the consumer via our online portal. Endurance does not believe that these calls originated from Endurance. As there are many companies in the industry marketing vehicle service contracts, Endurance recommends that the consumer determine from where the calls originated and contact that company to get the calls to stop.

Endurance vehicle service contracts are offered in over 2,000 automobile dealerships as well as direct-to-consumers via the internet, television commercials and direct mail promotions. Endurance is a certified member of the Vehicle Protection Association (VPA). As a certified member, Endurance follows the VPA’s Standards of Conduct. The Standards state that any vehicle service contract selling company must identify itself in the mail piece and Endurance abides by this standard.

Endurance is sorry for any frustration that the mail piece has caused the consumer, and as a result of the complaint, Endurance has added the consumer to our internal "Do Not Mail" list to ensure that the consumer will not receive any future mailings from Endurance.

Customer Response • Oct 30, 2018

Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because: I got a letter specifically from endurance and that is why I know that it is Endurancr who is contacting me. I have asked to be put on the do not call list multiple times and have continued to receive letters from this business. Please make sure that my phone number *** is not contacted again by this company.



Overall, I had a very pleasant experience with the representative that assisted me on my concerns. Not only was he pleasant, he was very understanding and judgement free. He suggested aswell as persuaded me to attempt an alternative to the issue at hand, willing to help try and resolve the problem no matter what.
Thank you for having employees like him

Reported to the US Postal inspection Service.
For almost 5 years I have been receiving persistent, unwanted solicitation from this fraudulent company. They are attempting to sell vehicle extended warranty coverage. I never I have never been directly or indirectly affiliated with this company. I have no idea how they collected my information, but it was not with my permission.
Each "Urgent notice" they have sent states that, if I don't reply within 30 days, they will delete my file by the end of the month...

Each notice.
For almost 5 years.

Promises, promises.

Absolute waste of time and money - this company will find any reason to not cover even a listed warranted part - they are a huge SCAM and I advise strongly against using this company - I am out close to $3500 to repair a part that is listed as a covered part due to its failure - the part has failed and this bogus company chalks it up to normal wear and tear - if it were something of normal wear and tear the part would be on recall because all of this vehicle type would have the same major problem with the same part at the same mileage! The dealership is completely baffled as to wy this would not be covered and I had even taken it up to the top mechanics and management... I hope this company crashes and burns! DO NOT BUY THIS POLICY you will regret it!
Not only will they do nothing for you - the level of customer service in 5 out of the 6 people/adjusters I spoke to was completely miserable, talking over me and even said "I am going to put you on hold so you can calm down" ?! To my wife
Each person has told me they are in charge when in fact, they are not - I do not know if I was ever truly speaking to a manager or just another ***... Christopher *** was completely rude and acting as if the dealerships and mechanics were all oblivious - Endurance denied denied denied and would not send another adjuster/Inspector out to get the proper diagnostic from the dealership! I am outraged, I never received my report from endurance on the claim or inspection information and I never heard back from any of my emails to any adjuster regarding the claim. The only responses were "let me get this over to the manager and I will let you know the outcome" never did I get any answers or any "outcomes"- These guys are hustlers and it truly feels like I’ve been robbed!
The fact that they have any good reviews AT ALL is beyond me, probably all fake reviews or solicited from employee connections. I will be taking them to small claims to get this issue resolved

I put in a quote request online, and got a call back the next day to talk about what coverage they could offer me for the vehicle I am buying. The conversation was friendly, but it was not focused on actually helping me. If the representative that called me is any reflection of the company’s mission and purpose, helping me was not part of it. In a situation like this I would expect the rep to ask me the questions he did to begin with, “Is this a car you currently own?, Do you know the VIN? etc.” What I didn’t expect is how quickly he jumped to a price. He never explained to me the level of coverage, what makes them better or any of that. He didn’t even inquire to see if I was interested in a certain level of coverage. There was no interest in me, my level of knowledge of the produce nor my needs for variations within the products offered.
After he asked me those short cursory questions, he dropped the price on me. I was shopping around for quotes and knew what prices the dealerships had offered when I had looked at a couple of dealer vehicles and this price tag was right up there with the outrageous prices charged at the dealerships. After he dropped the price on me, I told him that I had gotten a quote from my credit union and the quote was half the price...before I could even inquire as to the difference, he hung up. I shop around and like a good deal, but I also know that in plenty of instances, you get what you pay for. I wanted to know if there was more coverage being offered at the higher price, if it was a better product, or if I was going to get better service, all of which I will pay more for. This representative’s actions, however, gave me a complete answer to the questions I was about to ask. No you will not be getting more or better coverage than your credit union...No you will not get better service than with your credit union...I know it isn’t better then the credit union’s therefore it is not even worth me staying on the phone to sell you on it, nor to offer a cordial close to the conversation. Click...

I have been paying all this month's for extended warranty since August and when I have a break down on my *** from start notthing but excuses after excuses and my vehicle got damaged while using there tow truck and now I have been paying out of pocket for towing and now repairs that are covered but they giving another excuse of declined repair because my vehicle supposely being used for commercial purposes for having a logo on the back window. I'm a fire fighter and they have had my truck run around for the last 2 weeks and no repairs done.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Oct 31, 2018

Please be advised, Endurance is the selling agent for this contract. The administrator on the contract is ***. This means that *** is responsible for the administration (approval or denial) of claims. Endurance is not involved in the claims decision.

Upon receipt of this complaint, Endurance reached out to the administrator on the consumer's behalf in regards to the claim denial. *** advised Endurance that the failed components reported by the repair facility, the shift cable and electronic transmission control solenoids, were not listed for coverage on the consumer's contract. The consumer has a stated component contract, meaning that any eligible item is specifically listed.

At this time, the consumer has charged back all monies paid for the contract, effecting a de facto full refund.

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Nov 09, 2018

At this time the consumer has charged back all monies paid into the contract, effecting a de facto full refund. As the consumer opted to charge back all payments, the consumer's contract consequently cancelled for non-payment. The consumer has received back 100% of monies paid for the contract and does not currently have an active contract.

Customer Response • Nov 12, 2018

How do you expect customer to pay for services that you can't provide just a waste of time , I just spent $6,987 out of pocket for the repairs my self thanks to the scam this company runs, there easy way out is to break contract for none payment ridiculous and a rip-off . Still didn't resolve the issue that was supposed to be handled since day one, and on top damaged my truck by tow truck that they sent out to pick up .
Complaint: ***

I am rejecting this response because:



I would like to file a complaint against endurance warranty my car is been in the shop for 2 months now they're waiting for me to put miles on it so they can void the warranty please contact me and let me know what to do I have a contract number with endurance e v p h 205 2995. My phone number is my home address is *** Avenue Manorville 11949

Endurance Warranty Services Response • Oct 15, 2018

On 8/14/18, a representative from *** Automotive contacted the Endurance Claims Department to file a claim for repair of the consumer’s vehicle. The representative reported that the engine was misfiring and knocking.

At this time, the specific cause of failure and extent of damages is unknown. On 8/23/18, Endurance requested that the repair facility get authorization from the customer for additional diagnosis (“teardown”) to determine the specific cause of failure and extent of damages, per step 5 of “Filing a Breakdown Claim”, on page 4 of the customer’s contract. A copy has been attached to this response. Please be advised that Endurance cannot give this authorization. Only the customer can authorize the teardown.

Endurance has not heard from the repair facility since requesting customer authorization for teardown on 8/23/18.

Endurance’s Customer Service Manager has attempted to reach the customer multiple times with no answer. The manager receives a message that the customer’s voicemail is full and cannot accept any more messages.

At this time, Endurance requests that the repair facility contact Endurance’s Claims Department to provide the specific cause of failure and extent of damages.

Customer Response • Oct 15, 2018

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me.



Great service! Vernetta was very informative and insightful. She made the process very easy to make a great decision. I recommend this service to any and all looking for a outta market product.

If a large amount is to be paid they will find something not to pay. First, they told me that I did not keep up with the oil change so drove to my dealership for a print out and I emailed it to them. The email shows that I've always been early with my oil changes so they temporarily reversed the denial. Now, they say that I have aftermarket parts on the vehicle which for them is a change of tire from when I had a flat. So, they denied my claim because I did not have 1 out of 4 factory tire on the car. I was having engine problems which amounted to over $2,000 on a 2013 *** and they did not want to take that lose.

I was originally sold on Endurance after buying a used *** by their insistence that repairs at the dealership would be covered. I knew that dealership repairs, especially for luxury brands, could be expensive, so this was the most important selling feature. I've had my car in 3 times. The first 2, the process for getting Endurance to cover expected items was without issue (not sure what my service advisor has to go through, but it didn't filter down to me). On this last visit, the 2 repairs recommended were indeed expensive, and Endurance required an inspector to be sent--a delay, but fair enough. This inspector flatly denied both claims saying that no proof of failure had been produced. I spent quite a bit of time on the phone with them (the reason for 1 star deduction). My interaction with Steven *** in customer service was very pleasant. He seemed genuinely interested in helping resolve the problem, and spent the time to do so, and followed up with me after. I had to escalate my claim in order to get a re-inspection. In the end, both claims were approved. It was a bit of a hassle, but ultimately, the warranty is providing good value.

Endurance Customer service support team rocks! I had a major issue with my car, the director(Ryan W.) takes my call, tells me rest assured called ***, rented me a car and was extremely proffessional the entire time. No other warraty service will ever get my money. Thank you Endurance!

The few time times I have contacted Endurance Warranty have been no less than gratifying, to say the least. The representatives I have had the pleasure of working with have all been knowledgeable and beyond courteous and helpful in assisting me in any way they could. They definitely proved why Endurance Warranty holds the torch in customer service. I have to say I am incredibly happy with my choice to purchase my extended auto warranty through this company, especially after being a former customer of some of its unnamed competitors - my experience, thus far, has been nothing short of outstanding.

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Address: 400 Skokie Blvd Ste 105, Northbrook, Illinois, United States, 60062-7937


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