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Convergent Outsourcing Inc

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Reviews Convergent Outsourcing Inc

Convergent Outsourcing Inc Reviews (1750)
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** *** have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meSincerely, *** ***

Dear Mr***, Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further
information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, Mattie G***Compliance Representative

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***

Dear Ms***, Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further
information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, Sarah K***Lead Compliance Rep

Convergent Outsourcing, Inchas received Mr***'s dispute with Comcast placed this accountin our office on 10120/2016, to collect a balance of $on their behalf.On 01/24/2017, Mr*** spoke with an agent on our office, he advised that us that he disputedthe balanceThe account was
placed in a disputed status and collection activity was suspendedOn02/09/2016, we mailed Mr*** a letter requesting additional information in order to assist himwith his stated dispute.On 03/06/2017, Mr*** emailed our office with additional information pertaining to his dispute.On 03/07/2017, we obtained validation of the balance owed from ComcastThe documentation of thebalance was mailed to Mr***.03/2112017, Mr*** emailed our office requesting that we cease communicationThe accountwas placed in a cease communication status.This account has been closed in our office and returned to our client, ComcastWe did not report theabove referenced account to the credit bureausWe do not own this account and therefore cannotguarantee resolutionShould Mr*** have any further inquiries regarding this matter, he maycontact Comcast directly.We appreciate the opportunity to respond

Dear Ms*** Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document
for further information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response

Dear Ms*** Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further
information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, Sarah K***Lead Compliance Rep

: ***, ***Case#:***Convergent account#:S- *** *** *** *** account#:***Original Creditor: ** *** ***To whom this may concern,Convergent
Outsourcing Inchas investigated Mr***'s complaint*** *** *** *** placed this account in our office 8/16/13,to collect on their behalfConvergent Outsourcing, Incis a collections agency that only collects on accounts placed in our office by our clientsWe do not attempt to scam consumers.In response to your complaint, we have suspended collection activityWe will provide a copy of your complaint and our response to our clientWe have not placed our information regarding the above account on your credit reportWe suggest contacting *** *** *** *** to ensure this matter is resolved.We appreciate the opportunity to respond

Re: *** *** Case #:*** Convergentaccount#: T-*** *** *** *** ***#:*** Debt description: ** * * *** To whom it may concern, Convergent Outsourcing, Inchas investigated the complaintThis account was placed in our office on 11/29/by ***
*** *** to collect $on their behalfWe are sorry to hear that Ms*** has been unable to reach us and apologize for any inconvenienceIn the complaint it references that the web address provided on our notice, is for medical debt collection onlyThis site services companies owned by Convergent; *** Center Solutions, Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management, Receivables Management and Commercial SolutionsOn the website, when you access the home field in the top right hand side, there is a box that is for consumer assistanceConsumer assistance lists the phone number for Convergent Outsourcing, a calling in error field to stop calls to a specific number and a field to make a paymentI have enclosed a screen print for reference of our websiteIn response to Ms*** complaint Convergent has closed the above mentioned account in our officeConvergent has not reported the above mentioned account to the credit bureausWe will forward a copy of Ms*** complaint and our response to our clientIf Ms*** has any further inquiries, please have her *** *** *** at***, Convergent is no longer handling the accountWe appreciate the opportunity to respond

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Good afternoon my name is *** *** and this is not handled they wont send me any type of letter this is cleared and I did find out this debt is not mine was also from they have also sent this to a new collection agency named lvnv funding llc this is harassment and shouldn't be happening what else can I do
*** ***

Convergent Outsourcing has received Mr***'s request that we cease communicationconcerning the above referenced accountJefferson Capital Systems, LLC placed thisaccount in our office on 12/19/2016, to collect a balance of $2,025.35.Mr*** stated that this account is past statute and that
Convergent is violating the FairCredit Reporting Act by attempting to collect this debtThe statute of limitations sets forththe maximum period of time, after certain events, that legal proceedings based on thoseevents may be initiatedIt is not unlawful to request payment on a past statute account.Convergent Outsourcing has ceased communication on the above referenced accountIn aneffort to help Mr*** find resolution we have forwarded his complaint to our client.Our client has also notified us that, in order to resolve Mr***'s stated dispute, they toohave terminated collection efforts.Thank you for the opportunity to respond

To Whom It May Concern, Convergent Outsourcing, Inchas received Ms*** complaintOn 08/04/PayPal, Incplaced this account in our office to collect a balance on their behalfOn 08/08/2016, a validation notice was mailed to Ms***This notice included Ms*** right to dispute
the balance and is the only notice Convergent Outsourcing has mailedTo date, this is the first communication we have received on this account notifying us that Ms*** disputes owing a balanceIn response to receiving this communication, Convergent Outsourcing has closed the account in our office and returned it to PayPal, Inc.We have not reported this account to the credit bureausWe do not own the account therefore we cannot guarantee resolutionIf Ms*** has any further inquiries regarding this matter, she may contact PayPal's customer support at 1-877-380-6578, referencing the client account number aboveWe appreciate the opportunity to respond

Dear Mr***, Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further
information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, Mattie ***-H*** Compliance Representative

I am pleased to find out that you have ceased actionI will be contracting all three bureaus to confirm that you’ve reported this information so that you’re removed from my credit
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***

Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: the account was report after you received the dispute , please remove it or request a removal from Verizon ASAPSincerely,*** * ***

Dear Ms***, Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further
information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted,Sarah K***Lead Compliance Rep

Dear Mr***, Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further
information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, Sarah K***Lead Compliance Rep

To Whom It May Concern,Convergent Outsourcing, Inchas received Mr***'s complaint ConvergentOutsourcing investigated and responded to this identical complaint through the ConsumerFinancial Protection Bureau on 02/23/2017.Our position in this matter remains the sameAttached is a copy
of the response provided to theConsumer Financial Protection Bureau on 2/23/for referenceIn addition the statementcopies provided to Mr*** on behalf of the above mentioned T-Mobile account havealso been included for your reference.We appreciate the opportunity to respond.Respectfully,Mattie G***Compliance Representative ***SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS REDACTED BY***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me as long as they remove it from my credit report immediately. I will notify Cox Communication regarding the fraudulent charge. Thank you
*** ***

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Address: 800 SW 39th St, Renton, Washington, United States, 98057-4975


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