Convergent Outsourcing Inc Reviews (1750)
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Address: 800 SW 39th St, Renton, Washington, United States, 98057-4975
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Convergent Outsourcing Inchas investigated Mr***'s complaintComcast placed this account in our office 12/31/to collect $on their behalf.Convergent Outsourcing only collects on balances placed in our office by our clientsWe do not attempt to scam consumers.In response to this
complaint, the account has been closed and returned to our client ComcastConvergent Outsourcing has placed the phone numbers we have on file for Mr*** on our do not call listIf Mr*** has any further inquiries, please have him contact Comcast as we are no longer handling the account
Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because:TThe company didn't answer to my complaint of them getting my credit multiple times, as shown on when I checked my credit report! Why are they pulling up my credit reports SEVERAL TIMES? They said they had a debit I owe, that I don't have on my report, and they say they have had no contact with meSo, why is the reason they are looking into my private information? If they are debit collectors, they are not legally able to get credit my or anyone's credit report.iSincerely,*** ***
Convergent Outsourcing, Inchas investigated this complaintConvergent Outsourcing has previously investigated a complaint received from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on01/27/2016.This appears to be the same complaint.In response to receiving this information our
position remains the same.Please see attached response to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.Convergent Outsourcing Inc .has Investigated your complaintPalisades Collection.LLC placed this account In our office 09/26/to collect a balance on their behalfConvergent Outsourcing only collects on balances placed In our office by our clientsWe do not attempt to scam consumers, nor do we attempt to steal consumer's Identities.To date this Is the first communication we have received from you the account is believed to be fraudulentIn response to this informationwe are sorry to hear you may have been a victim of fraud.The account has been closed in our office and returned to our client Palisades Collection, LLC.We do not own the account therefore we cannot guarantee resolution.We will forward a copy of this complaint and our response to our client tf you have any further Inquiries please contactPalisades Collection, LLC at (800) to ensure this matter Is resolved.We appreciate the opportunity to respond
To Whom It May Concern, Convergent Outsourcing, Inchas investigated Ms***'s complaintMidland Funding, LLCplaced this account in our office on 09/02/2016, to collect a balance on their behalf of $On 12/27/2016, Ms*** called our office and advised that she believed the
account to be fraudUpon investigation of Ms***'s complaint that our agent was not helpful and just wanted money the call on 12/27/was reviewedWe found that our agent did not ask Ms*** for a payment at any time during this callThe agent attempted to provide Ms*** with information pertaining to the account as well as aske her questions, so he may assist her with resolution in this matterMs*** stated she did not want the information or any other information from our company and disconnected the callThe agent placed the account in a cease communication status on 12/27/In response to Ms***'s complaint we have closed the account in our office and returned to our clientConvergent Outsourcing has not reported the above referenced account to the credit bureausWe will forward a copy of this communication and our response to our clientIf Ms*** has any further inquiries regarding this matter, please have her contact Midland Funding, LLC directly
Complaint: ***I am rejecting this response because: I don't believe this is a valid response I am following up with Comcast to get something in writing claiming that they passed this "debt" onto this company Simply claiming that it was from Comcast and just as quickly dismissing it after escalating to Comcast without a reasonable response just feeds into the appearance that this is fraudulent.Sincerely,*** ***
Dear *** *** Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further
information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, ***Convergent Outsourcing has received *** *** complaint This account was placed in our office by ** *** on 01/27/2016,to collect a balance on their behalf.Our company policy and our client's policy require specific verification for the protection of each consumer prior to disclosure of account informationIf a consumer declines to verify, our agents must treat them as a third party to avoid disclosing private consumer information.In response to receiving this information, Convergent Outsourcing has closed this account in our office and returned it to our client, ***.We can confirm that we have not reported our information for this account to the credit bureausWe will forward a copy of the information received from your office to our clientIf Mr*** has any further inquiries, please have him contact *** directly; as we are no longer handling the accountWe appreciate the opportunity to respond
Dear Mr***, Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further
information If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, Mattie G*** Compliance Representative
Tell us why hereDear *** *** Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document
for further information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***
Dear Ms***, Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further
information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, Mattie G***Compliance Representative
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
** ***
Dear Mr***, Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further information
If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, Sarah K*** Lead Compliance Rep
Dear Mr.P***, Because responses are publicly posted on the website, Convergent Outsourcing Inchas drafted a detailed response that has been uploaded on the website to address your concerns provided in the complaint. Please review the uploaded document for further information. If we can be of further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at the contact information provided on the uploaded response Respectfully submitted, Sarah K***Compliance Supervisor
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: what you provided was an incomplete billing statement that did not show that this account belongs to meMy request was very specific and you violating the FCRA Section which is seperate for the FDCPAThe law states a person bring a claim must provide the evidenceYou are stating I owe for this account but want me to take the liberty of doing the research to see if this is accurate? Surely you cannot think that makes sense! I did in fact reach out to Sprint and they were not able to locate an account and redirected me to your companyI will not go back and forth between you and SprintIf you refuse to address and resolve this matter diligently, I wil file a lawsuit and request that you provide the documentation in a courtroom as I have every legal right to do soIf you are not able to provide the requested documentation not only will you be forced to delete this inaccurate account but I will then seek monetary damanges for your gross negligence!
*** ***
To Whom It May Concern,Convergent Outsourcing, Inchas investigated Ms*** complaint *** Bank placed thisaccount in our office 10/30/13, to collect $on their behalf.On 02/07/14, we received a settlement payment of $by mailOn 02/10/2014, the account wasclosed as settled in
full in our office and returned to Sun Trust Bank.In response to receiving this information, we are sorry to hear Ms*** is being contacted byanother agencyThe account has been closed, since 02/10/We do not own the accounttherefore we cannot guarantee resolutionWe will forward a copy of this complaint and our responseto our clientIf Ms*** has any further inquiries, please have her contact Sun Trust directly as weare no longer handling the account.We appreciate the opportunity to respond have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to meThank you for your assistance with this matter.Sincerely, *** ***
Please view the attached PDF file
ConvergentAugust 18,2016Revdex.comP.OBox DuPont, WA 98327*** *** ** *** *** *** To Whom It May Concern,Convergent Outsourcing, Inchas received *** complaintWe believe we may have located the account in question; however it
is listed with a different last name.With the information provided in this complaint the account we have identified does have an address matching *** *** as well as the dollar amount described, however our system reflects that the information was not reported to the credit bureaus.On 08/11/2016, a letter was mailed to the address provided in this complaint.To further investigate this matter, please have *** provide a copy of the information appearing from Convergent Outsourcing to the credit bureaus.In addition,please have *** *** confirm if she had a different last name prior to *** and what that last name was.We look forward to assisting Ms*** in finding a resolution
Convergent Outsourcing, Inchas received Ms*** disputeT-Mobile placed this account in our office on10/17/2016, to collect a balance on their behalf
On 11/2812016, we received an email from Ms*** requesting a lower settlement amount than wasoffered on the letter she received
11/30/2016, Ms*** spoke to one of our agents and she was offered a settlement of $Ms.*** stated she wanted to receive a new settlement letter first
On 11/30/2016, Ms*** called our office again requesting a settlement letter be emailed to her
On 11/30/2016, an email was sent to Ms*** with the settlement offer
On 11/30/2016, we received Ms*** credit card payment via our website for the amount of $
The recording of the telephone call from 12101/was reviewedMs*** phoned our office requestinga receipt showing account was settledHer email address was verified and the call dropped in the middle ofthe agent speaking with Ms***We were unable to substantiate Ms*** statement that the agenthung up the phone on her
This account has been settled with Convergent Outsourcing and we will request our information be updatedwith the credit bureausIf Ms*** has any further inquiries, please have her contact T-Mobile directly
We appreciate the opportunity to respond
Complaint: ***
I disputed it times and both the company and the CBs never provided me with a signed contract with my signatureA collection bill is not a validation and I have a right to be provided with proof or it needed to be removed!!!!!
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***