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AT&T Reviews (3629)

(Complaint entered by Cleveland, Ohio staff - LST) In October 2016, Consumer switched to DirectTV/AT&T for the "Ultimate" program Cost was $per month plus $for phone and included a 3-month promo of all free channels When the promo dropped off the bill increased for the "Premium" package and his phone bill went from $to $for no reasonHe also said the DirectTV/At&T bills were originally combined but were later separated He has made numerous unsuccessful attempts to get this resolved but has received past due notices and has been advised the service was being shut off

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1The reason for filing this complaint is because I am constantly having to call AT&T regarding over charges on my accounts I am complaining currently on account #XXXXXXX XX This is a recently new account activated on June 3, The monthly bill was agreed to be $ ($for the internet and a $charge for Tech Support A one time installation charge of $for the first month was added to the 1st billThe 1st and 2nd bill were correctThe 3rd bill came in with an additional $worth of charges for additional tech support added to the $agreed upon for a total of $in Tech Support charges Making the bill total $85.00!! No one requested the additional Tech support I wasted over an hour of my time talking with different customer service representatives t

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1I had AT&T internet service installed in May, Since day one, the service has been intermittentAT&T has had me on the fone for over hours and waiting at my home for service technicians for over hoursEach house tech has stated the problem is in AT&T Trunk line and needs to be replacedYet, because I continually am forced to go through their repair service call center that refuses to listen just read the AT&T script and because I have to continually call them, they sent a outside tech out Friday 11/whom had his manager on speaker fone and set up an alleged scenerio that I have a bad house ground wire and therefore AT&T will not come back until an electrcian comes to my homeI heard the entire conversation including the pint where the manger said on ce the notes contain I need an e

In recent years I have terminated service obtained through AT&T one at a time until I have only DSL internet The DSL internet has worked less than half the time for months I have had *** cell service for several years with no problem but my older iphone died and I wanted another ***'s only deal was bogo and I didn;t want an extra phone or line so, against my better judgement I took the AT&T deal at *** In the end, it will cost me FAR more than paying full price for the phone The monthly cost is $more than I was quotedI was told I could cancel within days but it turns out that that rule applies only when you dont have a financing agreement, which of course the "deal" isAT&T has NO customer service I have not been able to set up an online account in spite of spending more than hours online, in chat & on phone calls Every phone call is ultimately disconnected No one from AT&T has EVER called me back even though the phone number is obviously right in front of them(Even Walmart calls back if the customer service call drops which happens often when you have the misfortunate of having AT&T cellular) I went into an AT&T store today (2nd time, in addition to the hours on chat & phone) and after spending almost an hour there was told that I can't have an online account unless I download the app, I don't want the app no one has told me that in all the hours I have wasted on this Kendrick, the rep in the store rolled his eyes at me when I said I didn't want to down load the app another older couple was in the store and had waited a very long time because their account couldnt be activated My conclusion from all of this is that AT&T is intentionally trying to drive away older customers while taking advantage of them with these misleading "deals" for phones Apparently their new customer service training is to tell all their reps to say "I am xxx and I can help you with this" even when they can't and then to disconnect the call when they get tired of pretending

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1I received a welcome new order confirmation which included a bundle package of Internet and U-verse voice telephone from AT&T on July 16, for $per month excluding Tax and the installation fee $was waivedAn AT&T service technician installed the service on July 19, Now they are charging me a higher price of $My wife and I called AT&t several times and the AT&T representatives quoted different rates each timeThey refused to honor the July confirmation price

I had been a loyal customer to AT&T for several yearsI moved into a new home and I set the installation date for yesterday, June 27thThis was set up on June 13th and confirmed on Monday, June 25thI was told that a technician would be out to install my internet between 8:00am-12:00pmAt 11:30am nobody had called me or shown up to install so I contacted Customer ServiceThe representative that I spoke to did some digging and found out that they did not dispatch my order through to a technicianSince there was nothing on her end she could do, she submitted me to her ManagerThe Manager said he escalated my order and that someone would be there by the end of the dayThree hours later, I get a call from the Manager who states that nobody can come and that the earliest would be July 9thTotally unacceptableThey did offer to put me on a wait list to see if someone canceled their installationAfter speaking to about 7-people, I decided to eliminate my relationship with this businessThis was 100% their fault and the fact that they did not rectify the situation is a bad business practiceI wasted hours of my precious vacation time to sit at home and be transferred from person to person with no solutionI do not recommend AT&T to anyone

I have accounts with *** (TV ,Internet and recently added cell phone) I moved from *** *** ** to *** *** *** ** on Dec29th I put in a request to have all my services transferredI was told my internet service was not available in the area of my new house but I could get DSLI agreedI was told DSL was a self installation and I would receive the modem in the mail but they setup a request to have a tech come out and set up our outside phone lineAfter a week there was no tech that came out so I called AT&T on the 11th inquiring about the installationI was told that request was canceled because DSL is not available in my area that it was universeAt this point I'm beginning to get a little annoyed because I had this conversations prior to setting the installation for DSLThe repperceived to tell me that the DSL appointment was cancelled and that she would be setting an appointment for universe installation and that would be for the 18thDisgusted I hung up t

After an electricity outage on Aug28th our TV went on the fritzIt would sporadically pixelate and freezeThe sound would go haywireWe called the number and after a long wait learned that our modem had to be replacedThe soonest they could come was Sept8!
Highly frustrated, we called the Saturday after the outage and got bounced around from clerk to clerkOne promised to transfer us to the Tech deptwho could move up our dateWe figured they were lying, but we hoped they weren'tAfter waiting another half hour, the clerk came back and said the 8th was the earliest dateShe agreed that this was hardly good service(Hard to believe this is the level you get from a first world companyWhen I lived in Indonesia, a poor country by any standard cable was better and service was slow, but not this slow.)
I asked the operator if she considered this service to be good and she hung up on me
Eventually, Sept8th arrivesWe're to get service between and amNo one comesAt 11:am I call, which always means I wait a long time for an operator, and I'm told there was a delayNothing more specificSurely, they should call customers when they're going to miss the appointmentSurely, they should have a clear explanation of exactly what caused the delayNopeThey don't care
I was told at 12:pm that someone would come by the end of business, though they could not say what time business endedHuh??
At 4:pm no one's comeI call yet againWaste time waitingAm told my call matters (hah!)The woman slowly gets round to checking(They move like the Sloth in Zootopia)She can't find the service call which was mentioned by the robo-operator at the start of the call("Are you calling about your scheduled appointment?" "Yep, I am.") Finally a 5:pm, I must hang up to go to an engagementNo one calls back and leaves any message, though they verified the best number to call should we get disconnected
Today, Sept 9, I call customer "service" and wait and waitMy call is abandoned, but I'm not hung up on like I was the previous SatI hold the lineAfter minutes, a man picks up and says I must be transferred to another departmentHe proceeds to drop the callIt could be on purpose or in error, but since this is the PHONE company, you'd think these operators would know how to transfer a call!!!!
Our problem persists with this company that isn't affiliated with the according to the page I was onI have no idea how they have an A- unless the operators spend the day dropping calls and completing bogus positive reviews

At&t is the worst service provider in the householdEvery months they have raised the rates on our already exorbitant cable and internet pricesIn multiple occasions they have wasted days of my time transferring me from one customer service rep to another, each one often more rude than the lastEven the "supervisors" clearly couldn't care less about keeping customersThey've lied, misrepsented their services, and made unauthorized changes to my accountDO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THEM

At&t has the worst business services everour phone lines keep breaking down and we are with out service for hours which means our clients can not get in touch with us and we can not conduct business, The techs are often late or no show and there is no one to help on the week end

I would give ATT Digital Life half a star if I couldCommunication to resolve issues is difficult and leaves you feeling like you're dealing with smoke and mirrors at every turn...always paying the price without ever resolving the issueAvoid AutoPay with this company

I had cable/internet bundledI had a promotion that expired and my bill skyrocketedI called in to downgrade my servicesI wasn't allowed to
On October 3, 2017, my one year promotion expired with AT&TMy bill increased by $when I received it in the mailI called to see if AT&T would remove the chargesThey refused
I called back the following day to downgrade my service in general, to make it more affordable with just internet and basic cableI was told that I would not be able to make any changes to my package until I had paid the previous month's bill when I lost my promotion, which was $In the mean time, I incurred another $since AT&T would not allow me to downgrade my servicesI called in again only to speak with a manager who said that I could have downgraded my bill despite having the previous month's bill due
I asked if they could at least remove the latest month's charges since I was misinformedShe refused to do soI then told AT&T to cancel my

Have had the same phone number since Yesterday evening I called customer service to find out why my bill had increased for months in a rowLast month, I lost a discountThis month I had a late fee which they waived, however, the technician also deleted my home phone off my uverse serviceHave tried for days to get it reactivatedWhen they turned it back on, the bill went from $to $which I refuse to pay because of their mistake and in order to recover the phone number I have had since 1992, I have to wait days Everytime I call customer service, something like this happensI wish there were alternatives

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccount: XXX-XXX-XXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1We have had exceptional difficulty with our U-verse installation
We were initially misled about DirectTV's capabilities: namely, that DirectTV is no longer affected by foul weather (microwave frequency reception)However, we later learned that's not true DirectTV can still be interrupted by lightning, etcWe thus installed U-verse in place of DirectTV on our scheduled installation date, and had serviceFor a few hours
Apparently, our installation date got rescheduled for days later, and service was abruptly discontinuedYes, despite physical installation having already occurred, AT&T's computers refused to accept that installation had already happened, and that service should be provided
Despite numerous calls to technical support, and visits by technicians to our residen

I moved out of state 03/12/17, called several days after to cancel service/for to return routerWas told didnt hve In Nov, rcvd collect notice
I moved out of state March 2017, called several days after to cancel service and for me to return routerCustomer service rep informed me I did not have to returne the routerThere was no charge of lease rental, I was hesitant, but the att rep assured meI did not return itemI received a bill from collectionsI called and explained, requested and investigation of call recordingDidnt get a callbackI called again, another rep responded that I have to pay and returnHow is it fair that an att rep is telling customers they do not have to return Itemcosting me 165.39, do you think I want to have to pay, I would have returned the router if I was properly informed, because I ASKEDI should not be responsible for the poor knowledge of the att rep

I'm ATT wireless customer for last years and recently ordered Internet serviceTechnician was scheduled to come on Tuesday 02/27/No one showed up on 27th and when I called ATT the said technician will come on 28thI took off from work and waited whole day but no one showed upI called ATT again on 28th and I was told that technician will come on 29thWhen I called on 29th they told me that I need to reschedule and next available schedule is on Next thursday March 8thI had never experienced this kind of service in pastIn the process I not only lost more than days of holidays but also have to live without internet for daysI just wanted to let you all know that be carefull when you are signing up with ATT for Internet serviceThere is no reliability and no one is ready to take responsiblyAlso customer service call goes to some offshore locationThey don't try to understand your problem and don't care about customer

AT&T is the worst cable network service Consumer beware they tell you one thing and do another on your bill My advice is to not use AT&T!!!!!

Advertised "High Speed internet" which is 25MBPS or greater per US standards, but only offered 6MBPS
I took my time to request their package based on advertisingI believe they should provide to me a bundle as advertised, and withdraw their ads publicly

First off-this complaint was recommended to us by an ATT senior tech who told us that unless we do this, no one from ATT will pay attention to our issues or requestsSo here we are!
I started service with ATT wifi on 10/(and what a mistake that was)! The first incompetent tech who came out was probably on his first day on the job, tried to install internet and failedHe had no idea why he could not install internet and told us it was the apartment company's issue and we needed to get the apartment maintenance out ASAP as he claimed it was their issueWe made a big fuss with the apartment company who cut a hole in our wall (which we had to pay to repair), to let us know there were no issues and the ATT guy didn't know what he was doingWe then spent countless hours on hold with outsourced ATT who also had no solutions but to have us wait for another hour window, to yet again send an incompetent tech out (all this time without having any internet connection).Again we waited at h

AT&T promises one thing over the phone but bills something differentDon't trust their promotions and make sure they send something in writingI was told my internet service would decrease from $to $for adding a third bundle (Direct)Never happenedCalled and was told there was no record of the decrease in internet cost but offered to reduce it with slower speedsI asked for a supervisor, was promised would get back to me, but never didPitiful customer serviceTakes forever to get to the appropriate department

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Address: 2159 W Nine Mile Rd, Pensacola, New Jersey, United States, 32534-9414


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