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AT&T Reviews (3629)

Worst company to work with, please advise people to not get ASAP!!!!! Over days and being transferred at least times, just to be hung up on, I find it amazing that AT&T is even a company stillI'm not even a current customer because I can't even get past all the crap to get service and have the employees of AT&T actually set it up properlyPlease, please do not get AT&T, honestly it is horrible customer service


Bogo offers are a scam the manager helped us get the new phones we got receipts to prove it we are receiving bills saying we have to pay for all phonesWe went to the store and that Manager left job we have been scammed with this dishonesty it's so disgusting I have called plus hours waiting on the phone for the customer service went to the store we bought it from no help they are unhelpful and want us to leave the store it's terrible horrible experience I have no words to describe the way they are stealing our hard earned money!! Internet is full of horrible things to say about AT&T
We have been with them since years sad

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount:***Account:***Reached: ***Ext: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: ***Accept Agreement : I had at&t uveres after cancelation product equipment was returned through ups in boxes provided by at&t , approximently two years later I recive billing for unreturned equipment and I returned all equipment, which I had no reason to keep any way, so I called the company gave them the shipping info and continued receiving bills and collection notices

I was promise 50% off services on the bill and it wasn't given
Product_Or_Service: Apple /IPhone XS mac/At&t unlimited & mire
Account_Number: XXX-XXX-XXXX

I subscribed to Direct Tv now last year 12/25/with new phone serviceI wasn't happy with the service so I canceledmonths after I noticed they were still charging me I called and it was fixedToday I'm realizing that I'm still being chargedI called tried to fix but got the run aroundI really need help fixing this problem
Account_Number: ***

Company unable to deliver internet speed they advertise and that I pay for
I subscribe to AT&T U-verse for cable TV, home phone and fibreoptic gigabyte internet service (I have a separate account for my mobile and aircard also through AT&T) Altogether Is spend about $per month with AT&T between my two accounts I chose AT&T for my home because they offer fibre internet and I pay for internet speeds of 600+ on the gigbyte plan While I do have GB upload speeds on ethernet, AT&T has never been able to deliver more than GB download speeds When I call, I get bounced around for hours, and when technicians come out, they tell me it must be my computer however, I travel for work and I am able to reach 4GB upload and download speeds on the same computer when I'm using Google Fibre in Kansas City - so the issue is not my computer The issue is that I'm paying AT&T for a service they cannot deliver or possibly are unable to deliver

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1Four times I have called att to straighten my bill out (on hold forever) without successThe different businesses of att cannot work together to resolve problems but they do use each other to dump customers onI cancelled the direct tv portion of my uverse account on March 1st I kept the internetAfter I cancelled I received a confirmation that I downgraded my direct tv(Instead of cancelling) I called to get this straightened outI was told it was correctThen a week later I get an incorrect billI called and was disconnected several timesI was finally told the direct tv was cancelled and I would receive a creditToday I get an email telling me my bill is past due.I called three times and talked with three people who could not resolve my billBottom line my bill reflects a direct

I have business internet with att in the building I live in but cannot stream through Netflix because the connection is too slowI called AT&T to verify the internet speed I am receivingI was unable to get into my account by phone because I did not have the pass code but I called back pretending to be a new customer and spoke to a guy named Billy using my rental address next doorBilly informed me fiber optic service was not available and in the area and that I could only get 45mgThis is significantly slower then what was quoted to me for my business next doorMy business address was quoted gb of data when I signed up a month agoWhen I told Billy that I had already purchased internet for my business address he immediately hung up

Worst customer service of any company I have ever dealt withLong hold times every timeAutomated service is annoying and not effectiveCustomer service reps are uneducated, rude, and not helpful

I am so beyond upset, mad and seriously *** off at AT&T right I called well over a month ago to have one of the lines into my home disconnected Was told it would be done at midnight that night Then I got my next month's bill and saw that it was still on there I figured it was just crossed in timing and it would all catch up and play out nicely Then on Tuesday this week, I got the next month bill and saw I was still being charged So I once again called to cancel the line Confirmed up and down with the tech which line was to be disconnectedEverything was confirmed He then ask how I would rate his service I said, let's see how this turns out first Within hours of this call, both of the phone lines to my house have been disconnected Does he want me to answer him now Anyway, called this morning, they confirmed that yep both lines are disconnected (and yes it was that matter of factly), they said the only way to reconnect the one main line, is to run a credit check on me and set up a who new account Are you kidding me? I have had this account for over years and this is how they treat their customers I asked to speak to a Manager The Manager came on the line and then hung up on me I call back and of course didn't reach the same Customer Service location (I've been on a U.Stour with AT&T trying to get this resolved) The new Manager comes on the line, I explain everything AGAINand still received the same reply We cannot restore your account without running a credit check I asked why if this was done in error and it is their fault, that I am being penalized for their mistake Her response was this is what we have to do My response was then, I do not agree to the credit check and I DO NOT and WILL NEVER do business with AT&T again This is really crap and disheartening Obviously AT&T does NOT care about it's reputation or it's customers Normally I wouldn't even give star but I am afraid they would take it as I just forgot and give themselve a very misdeserving

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1My internet was out about two weeks,they sent some one out to check itThe tech had to run a new line,two weeks later I called to see when the line would be buriedThe tech did not put in a work order to have the line buriedThe work was completed on or about March and I was told it will not be buried until April 2018.It needs to be buried sooner so I can do maintain my yard before the HOA start complaining
Product_Or_Service: TV and internet
Order_Number: XXXXXXX
Account_Number: XXXXXXXXX

I have been a longtime AT&T customer - they have literally always been our service provider going back to the late 90's This fall I was looking to upgrade phones for myself and my teenagers, and considering changing providers in order to get iPhones at a reasonable cost I reached out to AT&T for one last opportunity to keep my business After some really uninteresting offers, they eventually put together a package that was strong enough to keep my business HOWEVER, getting them to follow through with their promises has been a complete nightmare I have placed at least calls to retention/customer loyalty, and spent well over hours on the phone While the individual representatives have been pleasant, there were long pauses and problems with having to have their computers "refresh", which frankly I believe were strategies designed to have me give up In the end, they never honored all of the things they said they would do to retain my business And the bills for the last few months have been incorrect, requiring MORE calls to get them sorted out I still have no faith that I will have a correct bill moving forward, and now I am locked in for another two years Of course I plan to get out as soon as I can possibly do so AT&T's handling of this situation is unacceptable, and I believe, disingenuous as they have tried to keep me on the phone until I would give up, moving from different departments and levels of authority I would file a complaint with, but I don't know what further resolution I can hope for, and I am completely exhausted by all that I have had to do so far I have stayed with AT& T for so long because I had never had any problems Now I see I was just lucky because I never had to ask for anything before

I am having serious issues @ at&t in their bein very careless about service interruptions and/or connectivity issues no a single hour passes by and our internet is not interrupted so I have to rest, test and restart my modem the same unit that they shoved it to me at a cost of $a month, which was NEVER disclosed to me at the sign up stage.several days ago, I received my replacement credit card in the mail so attempted to activate it online, as so directed I was having connection issues and could not go online at the same time I had to go to s.f.oto escort my mom and assist her with her luggage and most likely pay an over-weight luggage, so having an active credit card was a must I took me more than hours to accomplish this but at a cost of burning my right quite seriously this was prompted and so provoked by being so frustrated that I could not accomplish a simple task by going online I have a photo of the injury and also the fact that I had to o to emergency the ne

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1I subscribe to AT&T U-verse internet service I pay for a mbps download speed, but my speed constantly drops to far below that I have run internet speeds test and have screen captured the results which are: mpbs, mbps, and mbps
Product_Or_Service: January
Account_Number: XXXXXXXXX

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1We signed up for Direct TV and high speed internet service at a promotional rate of $per month for a contractional period of monthsEvery month when the bill has arrived it has been higher than the stated amount agreed upon, bill has actually been significantly higherWe have contacted customer service each month to discuss why the bill was so much more only to be given multiple excusesContacted them yet again and was told that they would NOT honor their promotion to us and that we had to deal with the price of the billCustomer service representatives have been excessively rude in their dealings with this matter

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: ***Account: ***Reached: ***2Ext: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: ***Accept Agreement : 0Existing customer being charged a new service fee

I am contacting you on behalf of my father & brother in law They both have home phone service with this company & are paying around $a month However, they are not able to use their home phone service at all due to the static in the line They have been told the main line needs to be repaired but nothing ever gets done There is a splice in the main line at *** N *** *** *** ** XXXXXIt's almost spliced in half Neither my father or brother in law have internet, so I'm submitting on their behalf If they can't fix the problem, the customers need some discount on the service This has been ongoing for yrs

They refuse to credit restoral charge that the answering service message states if balance paid on same day will not be charged
The company is charging for something they are telling customers they wont if payment is made on the same day
I just got off with the customer service at ***I tried to explain to the first person I spoke to what the answering recording says and why I shouldn't have to pay for the second restoral charge because for both times I called in as soon as the service was turned offThe answering recording stated that if payment is received today a restoral charge will not be addedThe first charge I didn't know until I called in after the service was turned off the second timeThis was on the same day less than an hour both timesThe representative today refused to listen to me and said that the charge wouldn't be removedI asked to speak to her supervisor and she was even worseIt seems there's a huge lack of training or accountability for their

We called AT&T to inquire about getting home service for my elderly parents but decided not to use AT&T service A month later my parents received a bill (service was never used and since we didn't ask them to set service up didn't know they had until we received the bill) We called them and informed them of the situation to which they said whomever we had spoken with had set up the service We told them we had never agreed but we're just calling to inquire and that they should go back to their recorded messages to find out what's going on They then told us that they would take care of situation Forward a year my husband and I apply for Direct TV and they inform us the bill is still there We again explain situation and they again assure us it will be taken care of We get Direct tv and now once again get a bill from a collection agency for the unauthorized service they illegally set us up for!

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Address: 2159 W Nine Mile Rd, Pensacola, New Jersey, United States, 32534-9414


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