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AT&T Reviews (3629)

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1AT&T is great Directv is great But ever since I got U-verse for the internet, they've messed up my bills SO BAD - since February Now they've added Directv to that U-Verse account, including activation and installation charges But I already HAVE Directv and have had it since I was supposed to get a $credit for U-verse internet for May Instead I'm being hit with a bill for $for the internet AND for a new Directv account(Note: I already paid my Directv May bill on my regular account I've had since 2006) And also a note on the U-Verse bill says I have to keep that account for years or if I cancel they'll charge me $a month! For an extra Directv account I never asked for??? The U-Verse customer service people on the phone just keep messing my account up till I'm so st

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: ***@ymail.comAccount: ***@ymail.comReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1So I would like to clarify my complaint is against Direct TV NOW, a streaming TV service provided by AT&TThe first thing with the app is there is no acct number to be found no identify information I can find in my appIt just has my name, phone and email as the profileNo account number to be found which is a little concerningMy specific probe started back in October when I purchased a new TVWhen I logged onto the Direct TV Now app there were a number of local channels FOX, ABC, NBC and CBS that does not provide sound particularly when I tried to watch footballDirect TV Now only provides a chat for customer serviceYou can not call on the phoneI "chatted" with someone and they assured me it was a problem with the app and the TV and they are working th

I called regarding a commercial that I heard on the radio regarding free internet for lifeI asked the rep what do I have to have she stated I had to have unlimited services which I had.She had me on the phone for over an hour to check on this promotion and to see if I qualifyShe even stated that she need to do a credit checkShe came back and stated that I should not get any bills for equpment , installation or anythingI get a bill in the mail for $I called to ask why only to be told that I do not qaulify for the promotion that was setup forI have called over and over again about this because it is not fair that I switched from comcast paying $a monthYou have violated my house it is like you rapped me butting new holes in my house only to say oh well you dont qualifyYou make millions of dollars a year and you are telling me that you cant honor little mistake

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement :
"I have been a loyal AT&T customer for over years for my wireless, land line, long-distance, and internet service My AT&T internet fee was raised from $per month to $per month on my 6/16/ statement, even though I was promised by AT&T Customer Service on 6/16/that my rate would be kept at a $promotional for another full yearOn 5/16/at 4:50pm I called AT&T Customer Service and spoke with a representative who said his name was ***He sounded like he was located at a call center in IndiaI told him that my 5/16/bill had an internet service fee of $instead of $and that I was not willing to pay more for internet service since I could switch to Time Warner Cable and get internet for $14.99."
He put me on hold and spoke with a supervisor

Att direct tv, and internet service plus a cell phone plan is horribleSince I moved to att I have been honored discounts due to there errors this entire yearThe month of September my att app showed a credit of dollars and att wouldn't accept my card to pay a balance of monthly bill due to the credit we have with themWhen we called the att representative to make sure we were IGood standing due to this credit, they in fact say there is not a credit and my bill now has jumped from for direct tv to and this is not including the internet or any cell phone eitherThe agent couldn't give me a clear answer how they made a error for the credit or how they just skyrocket our bill almost times the amount and not even make it a bundle package anymoreI've constantly am getting the run around and as we speak I'm on hold for over min including a representative phone call and now a supervisor call transfer I honestly don't know what solution would work besides ca

Order was placed online and promotions were left off the accountHave tried to resolve multiple times over the past week and no one will call me back
I placed an order online for TV/Internet for $each month with HBO and movie channels free for monthsMy bill for the first month is over $because the promotions were left offI have contacted AT&T *FOUR* times and keep being told that someone will call me back within ten minutes and that never happensI am not paying the bill that was due on February 22nd until the issue is resolved and I feel confident that I am close to having my service cut off due to non-payment, even thought AT&T refuses to correct the mistakeI have been told by three people now that the error was on AT&Ts end and that they had similar issues with other people regarding online ordersI don't understand why it would take over a week to resolve thisI cancelled my account with Comcast because of awful customer service and switched to AT&T but I now t

I switched my business phone to Comcast Business from ATT business This included ending ATT DSL service and switching to Comcast business internet The service had been in effect since The switchover occurred December 22, I have been receiving bills for the last two months for 12/19/2017-1/18/and 1/19/2018-2/18/I regrettably paid the bill for 12/19/2017-1/18/as I was told by an ATT agent that a prorated final bill and refund would be sent to me after the paymentI payed since I feel responsible for 12/19/2017-12/22/ Instead of proration and a refund, a new bill with $of new charges (1/19/2018-2/18/2018) has been sent to me I spoke with people today who were unable to resolve the issue, constantly forwarding me to the "correct department" I expressed my unhappiness with their service Previous to today I have spoken with more than ATT agents in regards to canceling this account, going back to November 2017, as I was preparing for

We were customers for over years When we purchased a bundle for phone, internet, and Direct TV, the price was reasonable The prices immediately rose significantly We tried to get better deals to no avail Then when we took action to change to a different vendor, they were argumentative, kept trying to sell us another plan, and threw up roadblocks We now have a bundled service, no two year contract, and almost $a month cheaper Our internet is faster, and our TV reception is excellent Also AT&T supports the NFL, another reason to cease doing business with this Company AT&T is not the Company it used to be Glad to be gone!

Not all installation techs seem qualifiedCustomer Service says all the right things, however the actual quality of service or help resolving issues is very poor Not recommended if you have any other options Don't understand how they have an "A+" rating Makes me question the rating system

Not receiving billing statement via U.Smail which resulted internet service interruption and reactivation fee of $Although customer svc rep excused that the reason for the no bill received was the billing system has been change to electronic billing system winch we have never signed up however they are unable to enplane and prove how the change was made by usFor the newly sighed up internet services in Sep of 'as of Jan of 'technicians have been sent several times for the not properly functioning internet serviceAfter the service reactivation malfunctioning occurred once again a technical support rep suggested to have another visit by a technicianAlthough an appointment was made over the phone for Sun 1/14'hours between noon to 4pm not only no technician showed up but also no phone call to inform the update of the situation the day We have spoke to a account receivable supervisor named Miss *** employee ID # *** 1/30/'1:pm to resolve the situatio

I have used AT&T for over years while living in TexasDuring that time I have had issues with them on and offyears ago I moved to a different house and had AT&T set up internet in the houseThey chose the location for the set up and modem stating it was the most ideal locationI have had nothing but issues with the internet service providedThey have been called over a half dozen times in the last years to have technicians come out and service the internetEach time someone has come out they state something else is wrong and requires a different fixThey have even told me that I needed new equipment that I would be responsible to pay forI argued that and was provided "new" equipment in the houseI was then told by another technician who came out at a later date that the equipment provided was refurbished and not newHe then provided me with a wifi extenderThis has not provided the service I am paying forNow years later I am still dealing with little to no intern

There was a commercial that ran around December of that stated something to the effect of; bundle your internet, tv, and wireless (phone) to get unlimited dataFrom the day I first saw this commercial I have called trying to bundle everything for this unlimited packageFirst I was told that I could not do it because the internet and tv were in my husband's nameTo fix this I put him on the phone and he gave the rep permission for me to take over as primary on his accountWe were then told that we had to close his account and open a new one in my name, so we did thisNext I was told we still could not combine our bills because of the wireless plan I was onThis is when the early cancellation fees stated coming on my husband's now closed accountAt this point I am frustrated asking for a copy of my notes because on multiple calls I was told that there were no notes in my account, I asked for supervisor after supervisor and never got oneA year later and multiple calls, after

I had an existing internet business with ATTI recently moved and requested the service be installedAfter several calls with no commitment, I finally got a commitment on 12/26/and a TICKET # *** for an order to installThey said someone would be contacting me within days to scheduleI never received a callI have called several times with no commitment of an installation or recognition of the ticket order they gave meI have a home business and no internet has affected me severelyIn addition, I have medical issues that require communication with medical professionalsIn todays world it is common practice to use the internet for most daily activitiesThis is affecting my family also as they have needs that use the internet to communicateNow, I'm forced to go to McDonalds every day to functionThey are currently charging me for services I am not receiving
Product_Or_Service: internet
Order_Number: ***
Account_Number: ***

I signed up for their new Fiber, Gigabit internet service that came bundled as a U-verse phone and TV deal I've never come close to the Gigabit speeds, indeed with wireless (it comes with a wireless router), it is not unusual to be stuck at 10Mbps download and 1MBps upload This means that streaming is not possible, and services like Skype simply to not workI'm working hard with them to cancel the contract (year), and currently (after weeks) have had no response to the customer complaint form I filled out requesting thisMy last recourse attempt is to file a complaint through the I recommend that you avoid ATT as they are dishonest (do not provide the service you pay for) and offer no customer support to ameliorate your situationEveryone is saying this How are they still in business and not fined by some [local] government based organization there to protect consumers?

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1I have had my internet with ATT&T since Since August my internet service with AT&T has been non-existent When I go use the internet service, I get no connectionI have been paying for a service since August which has be less then efficientOn my 2nd call to customer service the gentlemen informed me that if my connection drops again, I would probably need to purchase a new modemWell, no service again and I went to AT&T Store and purchased a new modemI utilized AT&T customer service to connect the new modem and establish connectivityIt worked fine until November, hit and miss connection December, hit and miss connectionI refuse to keep paying for a service in which it was not working The service went off in December Why is AT&T still billing me for Januar

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 0We entered into contract with Direct TV/ATT for a bundle for internet and tv service We signed a contract that promised us specific credits We have been overbilled and overcharged for 17+ months Each time we would call to complain we were lied to We were promised that someone would make the correction and apply the overpayment to the bill That has never happened
Finally, when the overpayment reached $1,we turned off auto pay, after spending countless hours on the phone trying to get it resolved Again, we were promised that corrective measures would be taken That has not happened We continue to have our service disconnected and Direct TV/ATT continues to have over $of our overpayment without crediting our account
We called multiple times, spoke to countless people, an

I signed up for internet service, was told by the associate over the phone that if canceled in the appropriate time then there would be no monetary penaltyWe did have to cancel due to movingI call and ask if there is a penalty just to make sure, I was told noA year later we get a call from collections that we owe money because we cancelled to earlyI called customer service, they took it off and said don't worry about itThis happened times and they said no matter what we say, since it wasn't documented that it's invalid
We then decide to switch to at&T for phone serviceWe were told we would get a discount if we had internet serviceWe did, received 20$ off a month, but the internet was so bad we decided to go to spectrumI call to cancel the internet, and was informed that I now owe 60$ for early terminationI call my wife to see if she knew we had a contractNeither of us were aware that we were in a contract
Account_Number: XXXXXXXXX

At&t, SPECIFICALLY their customer service in their Digital life department is DEPLORABLEI have never encountered such an incompetent, scamming, difficult company to deal with ever in my lifeWhen it comes to providing one with "customer service", they never provide you with what you need in addition to just transferring you and transferring you in hopes that you'll give up, they Lie!! I had a supervisor tell me she corrected and removed the incorrect charges on an account, but that She COULD NOT provide me with a statement showing that it was the case After this was my 19th attempt in a year to get a resolution, I recieved another new collection letter showing she DID NOT remove all charges and was still trying to report a defaulted to my creditI called back for call to get it resolved, in the middle of them finally "resolving it", I was transferred to a department without warning to someone that could not help me, didn't see my acct information, and couldn't transfer me to anyone else or give me a number to call after I was on the phone for minutes and secondsI believe they think if they do this, you'll just give up and let them ruin your credit or pay something you do not owe, I believe they are ripping people off! I WILL NEVER give them my business ever again and I am in the process of looking into getting rid of my mobile phones and other services because I can't deal with this type of horrible, unethical business practices and standardsTHEY WILL continue to hear from me until this is resolved, or I will get my attorney involved and she them for every second I waisted dealing with their incompetence

Why should I pay for the connection if AT&T is not given a sufficient Internet speed and their service to me was useless
When I moved into a new apartment I needed InternetThe management of my apartment recommended me to switch to AT&TI chose it because it was recommended by managementI asked for the equipment and connection to the InternetI was waiting for equipment one week and AT&T still charged me for connection fee in the amount of $
When the equipment came and I set up a connection to the Internet, I discovered that I have a very slow speedThe Internet speed was lower than promised by AT&T and I couldn't even go to the website of AT&T to check the supplied speedI called support to find out the reasons of low speedThe operator answered me that it is all they can do
To use the Internet it was impossible and I decided to find another provider and to switch off AT&T same timeWhen I asked the customer support's representative, "Do I have to pay something?", s

Hi Does anyone know how I can file a formal complain about AT&T's unfair practice? Does people go to FCC or Better Business? Are there other online site, I can get help for unfair business practice by AT&T
Here is situationI have been with ATT for years May 15, I decided to change to TMobile as ATT is getting too expensiveMy billing cycle starts at May I only used the ATT wireless services for daysThey forced me to pay a full month's services which is dollars They said that ATT does not prorated and it was in my contractTo me, this is robbing and stealing from commonersIf I am making minimal wage, I will have to work hours after tax to cover the bill This took me by surprise and it is ridiculous

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Address: 2159 W Nine Mile Rd, Pensacola, New Jersey, United States, 32534-9414


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