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AT&T Reviews (3629)

My account with AT and T was hacked- a phone purchased on my account and other extra chargesI called Saturday 12/16/and was on hold with the fraud department for hoursI just let it hold on speakerSunday I got disconnected 3X, Wednesday I chatted with someone online (I saved the print out) and was disconnectedWhen I got home from work I called and actually got through to a helpful human who told me they were overwhelmed with fraud casesShe was helpful and promised when she transferred me to fraud I would not be on holdGuess what? I wasI waited another hour and finally hung upToday, now Th, the 21st still on holdThe charges are still on my bill and all I was told is to change my password and this happens a lot around the holidays

I have requested for service repair since June 19, and we are still without internet as June 24,We were scheduled for a repair tech to come out on June 24,for us to only receive a text that our appt has been pushed back with no reschedule date
Due to the fact that I work for home and rely on my internet that pay for timely and ha e been a AT&T customer for over 20+ years to get the service I'm gettingI would like a response of resolution by end of business day June
Thanks you

I requested new Internet service on the month of January The service and installation part went well Months after having the service, it is intermittent and never works for more than maybe a few minutes at a time My internet service is always a problem, it freezes up, switching screens takes forever, or it just stops working altogether I have spoken to technical support a couple of times The first time, it was suggested I upgrade my planThe second, I spoke with a young man that was trying to be helpful, but eventually suggested I purchase a Wifi Extender or I speak with Sales to see if there were other ongoing promotions or other packages available w/out paying extra that I may take advantage ofI have internet service that does not work for the most part, my college bound daughters have had to use internet service elsewhere because of the ongoing issues, and yet I pay for a service that does not work most of the time, and is limited, where I have to constantly be che

I recently switched to AT&T internet, phone and Direct TV After only months of constant issues and problems I had to cancel all services except Direct TV The issue was specifically the internet it did not work at all most of the time They came to the house twice even changing the modem The final week I called them daily to get someone out, but they kept wanting to charge me for online support Bottom line when I canceled service I immediately disputed $early termination fee stating I had done my diligence to resolve the matter to get the service I was paying for They said I had to wait until I got my final bill to dispute, which I didToday when I called they said there was nothing they could do it should have been waived when I disconnected Obvious run around
Account_Number: ***

I mistakenly said ok to an AT&T salesman's offer to switch to Uverse cable and internetNot only did AT&T not honor what I was told by the salesman, it took MANY hours on the phone with AT&T to establish my accountI had to get a family member that is an AT&T manager get involved to get the account establishedFast forward plan includes receiversWhen my room mate moved out, I called AT&T to see if I would get a discount if I turned in the receiverWhen I was told that my plan covered the unit and I would not get a discount for turning the equipment in, I chose to keep itUnbeknownst to me, the agent placed an order to remove the equipment from my planI get repeated hate mail from AT&T saying they will charge me $if I don't turn in the equipmentAnother several hours on the phone with AT&T, I am told that they have corrected the problemThe hate mail stoppedI thought it was resolved until I saw the $charged on this month's billI called AT&T yet again and was told over and over to turn in the equipmentIf I asked whether they would return equipment they are paying for when the company makes a mistake, there was no response other than the canned response of turn in the equipment if you want the $removedFirst off, I was with Comcast for over years when I switched to AT&T I have regretted it ever since Having worked in IT and Call Centers, I can tell you that they have subcontracted out their customer service, billing, tech support, etcto such an extent that there is NOTHING seamless about contacting them to have them solve a problem Can't tell you how many times I was shuffled from one dept to another because the agents in billing, tech support, and customer service were not sufficiently trained to provide answersInstead they switch you to another department so that you have to go through all of the details of the problem over and over and overAT&T does not seem to respect their customer's time or the fact that in order to pay their exuberant prices, we customers have jobs and cannot spend countless hours on the phone with them to get something resolvedTheir "system" is not flexible enough to fix the mistakes the agents makeI now have to return equipment that I am paying for every month because their system will not allow them to correct the mistakeI cannot and will not recommend AT&T Uverse to anyoneI saw a salesman in my neighborhood againIf he heads to my house or my neighbors ask how I like AT&T, I am prepared to tell them to get as far away from AT&T as possible I DO NOT RECOMMEND AT&TI never thought I would recommend Comcast but they treated me much better so I will be going back

At&T has ruined my businessI mean that 100%I have been in business for years and have had the same phone number for that longWe moved our location about a month ago and our phone number were supposed to be ported from them to a new company as they did not provide services to our new buildingWe've been calling back & forth with them for a month trying to get our numbers transferredI've just called them to see if this has been completed and they just informed me that our account has been closed (without my consent) and my number are lostMy phone numbers for 30+ years!!!!! I work with doctor's offices & we receive all our referrals via fax & phone numbersNow they do not know how to contact meThey have been awfulI am in the works of speaking to my lawyer regarding this issue, as they have cost me money, time & effortDo NOT use this company!!!

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: ***Account: ***Reached: ***Ext: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: ***Accept Agreement : We ordered a self install U-verse Internet package from AT&T When it arrived we attempted to install our self, but could not get connectivityWe called for a service technician, who came and installed a new port which we promptly paid $for We were warned on that day after installation, by the service technician that we were far from the signal and may have slow service connection but we should be fine as long as we were not streaming things Almost immediately after we started having drops in service each night We had several subsequent technicians come out to check the signal and were warned by the last one to start looking for a new carrierThey all agreed that AT&T should have never told us they serviced our area When the final technician told us to start looking for a new ser

My internet bill jumped from $to $76- almost double for the same exact service I had beforePromotional price is not being honored by ATT UVERSE
I currently have Direct TV & ATT UVERSE I caught ATT over-charging me from the first date of service They charged $for eight days Direct TV and UVERSE were combined into one bill ATT had two different billing cycles and service dates for each company; as well as different phone numbers for technical support I contacted Direct TV- they explained how their billing- cycle works and it made complete sense They are paid by ATT Service was sfor both Direct TV & UVERSE on the same date, but ATT wouldn't reflect that on their bill They mislead people and make it confusing purposefully I decombined my bill, for obvious reasons, after I caught them The next day, I get an email stating that my bill was now $52.00, instead of the $promototional price I was told it was because I 'decombined' the bill Th

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1We signed up with at&t online before we moved into our apartment, we had arranged for installation to be done the day we moved inNo body came to install anything even though we had spoken to someone and they had promised that somebody was going to come out to install everything so I waited in while trying to move everything in for someone to arriveAgain, no one cameWe managed to speak to a manager who was very unhappy with the treatment we were receiving and he arranged for someone to come out the next morningSomeone did come to install our services but when we checked our account for what was installed we realized that we didn't have things that we had ordered and even worse there were things on our account that we didn't order and were going to be charged forI have now phoned AT&T multi

AT&T has tried very hard to not repay me money that I payed to order new service that was canceled on their behave for not having the phones in inventory, and every time I called they gave the wrong date I would receive the money back on my cardfirst they told me 3-business days, then business days, then business days, and now they want me to wait another 3-days after I have already waited over business daysi feel like as a loyal customer I am getting the run around and I am considering canceling my other services with them and suing them in small claims courtI have been shown very poor customer service and all I want is my money refundedThe last time I called, I asked to speak to a supervisor and after a min wait the same guy posed as a supervisor and thought that I wouldn't recognize his voice! poor customer servicedo NOT GET AT&T!!! AND I STILL HAVE NOT RECEIVED MY REFUND!!!

u-Verse internet service drops frequently, charged incorrectly for technician dispatch even though customer has not requested
U-verse internet connections drops very frequentlyCitrix gets disconnected very oftenComplained technical department, they could not fix over the phonethey choose to send technicianThe technician has visited and could not make any repairsI have logs to show but he is not willing to look at logsThe problem is intermittent and how could it repeat while the technician is at home for to minutesHe does not listen.I still have the same problem
Also, I am charged for technician visitingI did not ask for technician dispatch, they choose to send
After my chat, att agreed to remove the chargebut after a week, the charge was not removed, my service suspendedI am being made to pay the technician incorrect charges, restoration fee
My chat reference number # XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Account_Number: XXXXXXXXX

AT&T does not follow through with their promotionsI signed up for one in December and never received the gift card the promotion claimed I'd getThe promotion was to receive a $gift card to after signing up for autopayIt claimed I would get it after months of good standing, it's been well over months
I posted on the community forum and got a response but no follow up with what the person found outI've gone back and fourth on Twitter with AT&T Cares and no one could answer my simple questions of where is the gift card and I have called only to get a run around
I've been an AT&T customer for a lone time, I've never had such issuesI am very unhappy with the customer service lately and have debated looking elsewhere for other providersCustomer service is a big part of their service
If they aren't going to follow through or honor their promotions they shouldn't advertise them

AT&T- beyond the worst company I bet a year toddler could run the company better than who ever is running it now Maybe no one is running the company and that would be the reason you get no where with their "Customer We Don't Give a SH_T Care Department" To ATT, if your agents are not able to see orders that were placed on the web under ATT, or orders that were placed by your associate companies, I would suggest that your stop using those methods to take ordersWhy do customers have to beg for new installation dates after your installers run into problems with a initial install Why can not your installers help your customers by setting up next day installation after the initial installations fails due to your faulty lines? You think you are the only game in town? Do you ever listen and learn from your customer complaints? Are you aware that when an installer is not able to install, your customer goes to the bottom of the install list? I was given a new install date of weeks later after AT/T failed to install due to faulty AT/T lines We are a group of Cardiologist who deal with peoples lives Do you think weeks without phone lines is any solution for a Cardiologist I spent hours on the phone with your customer service line and got no where

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: XXXXXXXXXXXXAccount: XXXXXXXXXXXXReached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1My cable tv stopped not working and I was not able yon perform the trouble shot cable box per CSR
Account_Number: XXXXXXXXXXXX

AT&T completely ROBBED us and BROKE THE LAWmonths ago, I got added onto my fiancé's plan for $At the same time, we were given a deal for buy get free phones through a promotion with their tv serviceI got the free phone, and my fiancé, ***, just had to upgrade his phone for about $50, which we paid for completely in our first billSo, no installments or anything, and the AT&T guy laid out our plan for us in writing of a monthly payment of about $for EVERYTHING--every month (except for January), without changeFor the last months, we have been getting charged $180/monthThat's almost DOUBLE what we signed a contract to pay--a total of $unwillingly "donated" to AT&T! We called customer service and they tried to get us to continue to pay the $that was not in our contract and they would "generously" upgrade our plan from 3GB to 10GBWe of course said "no, we want the plan we signed for"So, they told us we had to go to the store we got the phones from and get the contractWell, that store was in a mall in Madison, WI and is conveniently closed, meaning we were unable to acquire a copy of the contractAfter working our way up management with customer service (one of which who RAISED HER VOICE at us), everyone told us the same thing: "Well, our computers say $Since the store is closed it is unlikely that we will obtain the contractSo, there is nothing we can do at this point." It is intriguing that they are a fortune company and they do not have a copy of the contract in their systemAfter dreadful hours on the phone with them, they "so kindly" said they would "let" us out of our contract for free, and we would just have to send back the phonesWhile, I am happy to leave AT&T and tell all my friends to leave/not join AT&T, they have yet to give us our money backThey lost/do not have a contract that they are basing our obligatory payments on, and yet are claiming we still owe money for the phones received by signing said contractAfter hours on the phone with them being rude to us, they wore us down to the point that they actually made us feel like WE were in the wrong and that "letting us out of our contract" was a good dealWe have yet to get our $backWhat they are doing is COMPLETELY ILLEGALThe obligation is on them to show us a contractWithout one, how can they prove that we owe them anything at all?

Service Type: Residential ServiceAccount: e-statement Account: e-statement Reached: XXX-XXX-XXXXExt: Day Phone: Impacted Phone: XXX-XXX-XXXXAccept Agreement : 1billing spiked to $without noticereceive e-statements account # is not listedpls have uverse contact me to discuss so we can discuss current promotions to keep me as a customerthxs
Product_Or_Service: August 26,

I have multiple issues with AT&T, starting but not ending with customer service, actual service, exchanges, and charges made to my accountAdditional to their inability to spell my first name correct (and then inability to FIX it so it is correct), I received my modem a full week later than was initially toldIt did not come with the necessary (and supposedly provided) cables to set it upI had to go out and buy themThe modem didn't workI was told that a serviceman would need to visit, and was given a date two days later at which time I would be at workNo other service dates were providedI dropped their services, and I was told I would need to return the modem to a UPS storeActual store, not an outletThe closest of which is minutes awayI wasn't told this until I tried to drop the modem off at the outletFor compensation, they told me they would email me a return label, which I cannot printI have now been charged for two months worth of service, even after I

I am so frustrated at this point with AT&TI have moved out and am simply trying to cancel serviceFirst, I went into an AT&T store to drop off my equipment and process the account closure in personThey refused to perform these simple tasks in a store and mandated that I call and then drop off the equipment for shipment at a UPS locationAnnoying, but fine - whatever I have to do to stop paying $150/month for basic internet and local TV channels (way overpriced, don't buy into their advertised prices btw...everything gets jacked up!)Then, I called their customer service on a Sunday (when one has time to handle these kinds of tedious time consuming things), they don't staff this line on SundaysOk, fineI'm sure if I wanted to start or upgrade service someone would be there in a flashFinally it's Monday morning, I'm at work so I can call during their business hoursI call, use the phone number associated with my account and they ask for some passcode I can't rememberAt that point they use the primary number associated with the account - one might think that would be the phone number that comes up on my online account as my primary number associated with the account, correct? NoIt's the home phone number for the landline service I never even wanted but you're forced to have to 'bundle' the already overpriced servicesWhich, since I never use it, I don't even knowSo, I say, please use the number on my account to verifyNopeThey won'tI ask for a manager, she informs me that they can't even access my account without these thingsThen she tells me, get this, to GO TO THE STORE to verify my identity...right...the store I was just at trying to cancel this in person to avoid these headaches? AbsurdSo now, I'm essentially paying about $pre day it takes me to get through all their ridiculous red tape to shut down this 'service'Buyer BEWARE, this is a horrible company to work with and if I were you I would look for ANY OTHER option before signing on to this madnessI should be able to login to my secure account, click a button and my service is doneThis is 2018, this shouldn't be anywhere near this hard

I wish to file a complaint against AT&T/Direct TV I set up direct tv in Feb with the Choice (all included) and was receiving a off disco
I wish to file a complaint against AT&T/Direct TV I set up direct tv in Feb with the Choice (all included) and was receiving a off discount for months I decided to call AT&T about their internet service in Dec and this is where the lies began and I have been being overcharged for the last months
1st Lie I call about AT&T internet I asked if the Fiber service was in my area and the rep that I spoke to that day in Dec advised that it was and stated that since I already had direct tv service that I would have unlimited internet When the installer came to my house he stated that Fiber was not yet in my area, I still went through with the install
2nd Lie I looked at my bill the first month and it was not unlimited I called and asked and the rep stated that I needed to combine the billing for my internet and tv to

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Address: 2159 W Nine Mile Rd, Pensacola, New Jersey, United States, 32534-9414


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