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Waste Management

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Waste Management Reviews (3236)

June 2,
*** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint#
*** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management. We would
like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** or by phone at *** option
Nancy G***
WM cares-Corporate Office

February 28,
Hello ***,
Please accept our apologies for the frustration caused by this situationAfter reviewing the calls, I forwarded your concerns to the call center supervisors for additional training and or coaching of our customer service representative
Should you have additional questions or comments or if I may be of further assistance, you may reach me at 713-512-option
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Customer Experience Agent- WM Cares

October 21,
*** ***
*** ** *** ***
***, ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste
Management. We would like to provide you with our response
We are researching your account and will respond as quickly as possible
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** or by phone at *** *** **
*** ***
WM cares-Corporate Office

January 30,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned
complaint you filed against *** ***. We would like to provide you with our response
We are researching your account and will respond as quickly as possible
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** or by phone at 713-512-option
*** ***
WM cares-Corporate Office
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint
[Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.]
Please find enclosed my reply to Waste Management which outlines why I am dissatisfied with their response Foremost is that it does not address a single one of my complaints and secondly, offers no resolution! Dear Nancy,You said that when I spoke to "agent Michael" in May, that I wanted to cancel because a competitor was cheaper I actually wanted to cancel because of property damage and because of the experience with your customer service a week earlierSpecifically, when I called the week before regarding the property damage, I was on the phone for over an hour and couldn't be connected with anyone that could locate our account or assist meAfter being transferred around and around for over an hour, I finally left my name and number and requested a call back, which I never receivedThis experience onlyconfirmed that I did not want to do business with your company.After a week of waiting for a call back, I called again at which time I spoke with "agent Michael" At that point I told him I wanted to cancel service and he informed me of the 1-year contractSince I had not seen the contract, I asked for him to please resend itI also asked for him to send his contact information so that I could reach him directlyHe knew I wanted to cancel my service as soon as I could without penalty and yet he did not inform me of the proper way to do thatMost importantly he never sent the contract nor his information as he said he was going toHe even confirmed our correct email address before we got off the phoneI never said I was going to call him back, nor could I without his contact informationHe also failed to follow through on my complaint regarding our property damage. Your email says I did not read page of the contractHow can I read the contract when Michael didn't send it as requested? I requested a copy because we did not have one I explained this to the woman that I spoke with earlier this week ad nauseum but clearly it fell on deaf ears. You must have recordings of your customer service callsIf you review them you will find that you do not have the facts straight. Yes, the agent this week offered me a lower rate, which was a nice offer, but does not negate my desire to cancel doing business with your companyWe have not signed anything yet in regards to the new contract- she sent it, but we haven't agreed to itI am curious why we can enter into a contract with you electronically but can only cancel via certified mail? Basically, this isn't a contract of good faith and you can't possibly think this is good business ethics I asked months ago, in May, to cancel at the end of our 1-year contract Michael did not inform me of the cancellation policy, the deadlines, and did not give me a way to obtain this information because he did not resend the contract as he said he would There is still theunaddressed issue of the original problem, the property damage!I was willing to wait out the first year but after how your company has treated me and our property, I refuse to continue doing business with you I would like our contract cancelled at the end of the year contract (Feb 2016) as I requested months agoAt that time please have our dumpster removedWe will remit payment for services rendered to that point in time, but not after I find this situation egregious.Sincerely,Erin C***

September 3,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management.
We would like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option
Nancy ***
WM cares-Corporate Office

August 25,
*** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management. We
would like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] ** ** *** ** *** *** **
Nancy G***
WM cares-Corporate Office

July 10,
Re: Complaint # ***
Waste Management Account #***
Hello ***,
I apologize that you experienced issues with your billing and appreciate the opportunity address your concernsAt Waste Management, we are committed to providing
exceptional and reliable customer service and have taken the appropriate action to identify the cause and to prevent this experience from occurring in the future
On July 6, 2017, you contacted Waste Management regarding a snapshot charge for an overloaded container. Our agent, Kourtni, offered to remove the charge and explained the overage procedure, which you declined, asking to then cancel your account. She then explained that you are in a signed Sales Agreement with Waste Management, and explained the early termination charges that would occur if your choice is to cancel
*** signed a Service Agreement with Waste Management which took effect on June 1, 2009, for months. Pursuant to Section of the Term, the term of this Agreement is set forth on the service summary sheet. The initial term of the agreement is for months and the agreement automatically renews for each additional 36-month renewal term if *** does not notify Waste Management on a certified letter of termination at least days, but not more than days, per Section of the termination of the then-existing term. Please see attached Service agreement.
*** failed to give Waste Management any notice of termination within Section 2’s allotted time period. Therefore, the Agreement automatically renewed for an additional months
*** can still elect to cancel the Agreement; per section of the Agreement, will contractually owe liquidation damages for early termination. *** may still accept the offer to remove the overage charge and continue with the service
If ***, would like to continue with the cancellation, please email Account Manager Kourtni *** @ k*** or call 1-310-Ext
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Customer Experience Agent- WM Cares

November 23,
*** * ***
*** *** *** **
***, PA ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** * ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management. We
would like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option
Nancy G***
WM cares-Corporate Office

November 17,
Re: Complaint # ***
Waste Management Account #***
Hello ***,
On 5/24/2016, you called and requested to cancel your account due to the reactivation chargesOur agent agreed to waive the charges, however, we
failed to enter the appropriate adjustments, and it caused your account to be placed on a stop statuesThis then caused you to call in and cancel your account
At Waste Management, we are committed to providing exceptional and reliable customer service, and the experience you received does not reflect our standardsWe have taken the appropriate action to identify the cause of the error and to prevent this experience from occurring in the future
Because you were a valued customer, we adjusted the account to reflect a zero balance. Should you have additional questions or comments or if I may be of further assistance, you may reach me at 713-512-option
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Customer Experience Agent- WM Cares

August 12,
*** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
Waste Management Account# *** *** ***
Dear Mr***,
Reference is made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management.
Upon review of your account, I show the total payment received was $781.28; it includes $removal charge and liquidated damagesAn adjustment was entered on your account to adjust the May invoice to bring your account balance to zeroI apologize for any frustration this may have caused you
Should you have further questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option *
Nancy ***
WM cares-Corporate Office

*** *,
*** * ***
*** *** ***
*** *** *** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** * ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management. We would like to provide you with our response
We are researching your account and will respond as quickly as possible
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** or by phone at ###-###-#### option *
*** ***
** *** ***

October 25,
Re: Complaint #***
Hello ***,
I wanted to take this opportunity to most importantly, apologize for your recent service experienceWe take these concerns very seriously and will immediately take action to correct them
researching our internal records, we did not invoice you for the Bagster bag. However, we did invoice you for the trip charge for coming out and not being able to service the bagBecause you are a valued customer, we issued a reversal for the $trip charge back to your Visa card ending in ***
Should you have questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-option
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Customer Experience Agent- WM Cares

September 8,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account#***
*** *** Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management.
We would like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** or by phone at *** *** *
Nancy G***
WM cares-Corporate Office

*** 20,
*** * *** ***
*** * *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** * *** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed
against Waste Management. We would like to provide you with our response
We are researching your account and will respond as quickly as possible
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** or by phone at *** *** *
*** ***
** *** ***

December 18,
*** ***
*** *** ***
*** *** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** ***
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste Management.
We would like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** ** ** *** ** *** *** **
Nancy G***
WM Cares-Corporate Office

February 11,
*** *** ***
** *** ***
*** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** *** ***,
Reference made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste
Management. We would like to provide you with our response
We are in the process of reviewing our internal records and will provide resolution; we appreciate your time and patience
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at *** or by phone at *** *** **
*** ***
WM cares-Corporate Office

August 4,
Janice ***
*** ** *** *** *** ***
*** ** *** Complaint* ***
Re: Waste Management Account# ***
Janice ***,
Reference is made to the above-mentioned complaint you filed against Waste
We are in the process of reviewing our records and will provide you with a response; we appreciate your time and patience
Should you have questions or concerns regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at *** option
Very Respectfully,
Nancy ***
Waste Management Corporate - WM Cares

March 3,
Re: Complaint # ***
Waste Management Account #***
Hello ***
I apologize that you experienced issues with your billing and appreciate the opportunity address your concerns.
Upon reviewing your account, the removal charge
has been credited, and your account is at a zero balanceAgain, please accept our apologies for the frustration caused by this situation
Should you have additional questions or concerns or if I may be of further assistance, you may reach me at 713-512-option
Very Respectfully,
Nancy G***
Customer Experience Agent- WM Cares

July 10,
*** *** ***
*** *** *** ***
*** *** ** ***
Re: Complaint# ***
WM Account# ***
*** *** ***,
The has contacted us to let us know about the complaint you filed
against Waste ManagementI apologize that you experienced issues with your billing and appreciate the opportunity to address your concerns
After researching our internal records, the removal charge was adjusted and your account is at a zero balancePlease accept our apologies for the frustration caused by this situation
If you have questions or comments regarding this matter, please feel free to discuss it with me at [email protected] or by phone at 713-512-*** *
Nancy ***
WM Cares-Corporate Office

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Description: Rubbish & Garbage Removal

Address: 3279 N Coley Rd, Belden, Mississippi, United States, 38826-6201


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