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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and resolved all outstanding complaints to the customers satisfaction.

Complaint: ***
I am
rejecting this response because: we have provided Vivint with my cell number and my husbands cell number, as well as my email and my husbands email and there has been no contact made on any of the methods of communication. I want a call from Vivint by the end of business day with the detailed information of our case manager and the status of our compensation request
*** ***

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer via phone on 05/10/2018 and 05/11/2018, we left a voicemail each time We emailed the customer requesting a callbackVivint Solar is currently investigating the complaintVivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer to resolve
his concern.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** *** I am awaiting an overnight letter that addresses all three credit
agencies stating I did not authorize a credit checkI filed a police report due to the deceptive practices / statements of the field representativeI gave the police a copy from Equifax that my credit report was pulled without my authorizationI did not supply a social security number in order to pull a reportTheir vendor knocked on my door under the guise of working in concert with my electric company for a roof surveyWhen I told him my husband would not be home until 1/30/he left and said he would call meHe then rang the bell and stated " what is your date of birth " he was on the phone and said his office needed my DOB to " confirm " I owned the house in order to do a roof surveyI want the letter sent to me via fed ex stating I never authorized any credit checkI have given Tanner from the company the phone number to the Linwood police station to verify a police report was madeI was a victim of identity theft and that the police can confirm their employee pulled an unauthorized credit report

Vivint Solar has attempted to reach the customer to resolve their concerns but has not yet heard back

Vivint Solar has remained in constant communication with the customer and as of 8/has determined a mutually agreed upon plan of action to address the customer's concerns

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:The customer service person DID NOT take care of the auto paymentI DID! It would be nice for once if the truth was told instead of liesOnce again, this has been going on for months and all I get are empty apologiesEach time I talk to anyone at the so called "customer service" all I get is "reading of a script" How about trying to understand my frustration of having to deal with this same situation for months? There is no concern for the fact that it has taken this long to get this issue resolved for the moment until next month when their system won't be able to complete the transactionThe amount of time that I have to spend dealing with this substandard customer service is ridiculous considering the fact that all they do is ensure information is entered for an accountIt does not have to be correct information just informationOne of the so called customer service people entered my credit card numbers in wrong resulting in more of my time being wasted.I got a called from the manager in charge of the level customer service which was a complete waste of my time considering all she did was offer the same empty apologies and tell me that the service person took care of entering the credit card info and setting it up for autopay. ONCE AGAIN, I DID THAT MYSELF....JEREMY DID NOTIt bothers me when a person takes credit for something they did not doI don't want a person have they number of completed tickets or calls based on a lie.FYI...I have filed a complaint with the Maryland AG office against VIVINT solar, they like to know when businesses are not treating veterans properly.//signed//
*** ***

Vivint Solar is currently in communication with the customer regarding the complaint. Vivint Solar has approved an estimate for Akamai Roofing to complete roof repairs on the property where the roof leak is located. Vivint Solar is currently in communication with the contractor Akamai
Roofing to determine exactly what panels need to be uninstalled before the work can begin

Vivint Solar has spoken with the Customer, and we are working towards a resolution

Thank you for reaching out to Vivint Solar We are a sister company, having started under Vivint Smart Home, that provides solar energy solutions We recommend contacting them directly at [email protected] regarding your concerns.

Vivint Solar has provided options for the customer that are within the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase AgreementThese options are as follows; An awhich includes installing more solar panels under a Solar Purchase agreement OR a reduced buyout option to purchase the current system and close her account with Vivint SolarVivint Solar is unable to offer any other options that can meet the customer's requestVivint Solar has not broken any terms within the agreement signed by the customer. Vivint Solar will stand by their offer, should the customer decide to move forward with one of the options provided.

Vivint Solar will reach out to the customer to go over the billing and answer any question related to the systemAdditionally, we will be able to explain the benefits to the customer at that time

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: in my last rejection email I stated that I didn't want makayla contacting us because she politely rude and demanding that we have no choice but to take the solar and we don't want it anymore Seeing how this is June already and still have no solar WE DO NOT WANT THE PANELS OR VIVINT AOLAR DUE TO THEIR LACK OF CUSTOMER SERVICE AND COMMUNICATION We are so frustrated over this whole situation that I will take the solar panels down myself and they can pick it up We don't want it, they don't deserve our money seeing how they cannot communicate or give good customer service
Sonia G***

Vivint Solar called me and left a message on November 25, at 4:PM and I returned
the call at 5:Pm on November 25, and left a message saying that I was returning her call and to call me back. As of November30, at 6:Pm I have not heard back from them
Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
*** ***

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer to discuss their concerns and a specialist has been assigned to work with them directly through this processThe Specialist and the customer have spoken and have a plan of action set to come to a resolution within the terms and conditions of the

We have spoken to the consumer and the VSLR customer regarding the account in question We are working with VSLR customer at this time to resolve the complaint brought forward by the consumer This has yet to be resolved at this time and we will continue to work to find a amicable
resolution that remains within the terms of the signed agreement

Vivint Solar is working with the local Utility company to obtain Permission to OperateAdditionally, Vivint Solar has come to an agreement with the customer regarding compensation.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:How and when are they attempting to contact me? I called I think it was last week several times in one evening until I got too tired to
stay up any longer and that was around 10:PMJust ask them, pleaseHow is it they are trying to accomplish this "Contact" maneuver? I resent that and find it insultingI keep reaching out to them, only to be ignored with "I am away from my desk but I will get back to you"When? How? Not to mention I just got my usual professional notification of monies owedYes that was sarcasmIt could not get any less professionalThey are dragging this out until one of us, you or me, foldsThey just might make it, cause I grow weary of the same old lineWe are trying to contact the clientLawyers play that game, well Vivint isn't all that bad at it eitherI guess to years of bantering should do it!
*** ***

A member of our Management Team from the Billing department has spoken with the customerWe have re-enrolled the customer for automatic payments, with his updated Credit CardVivint Solar has resolved the payments issues with the customer

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer via phone on 6/8/2018, resulting in a voicemail and a follow up emailVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer toward a resolution within the terms and conditions of the Power Purchase Agreement

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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