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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar is investigating the complaint brought forth and is in contact to address and resolve their concernsAn appointment has been scheduled for 6/to install a new Envoy for the customerThe Damage Resolutions department is working to ensure that the mismatch paint on the side of the
home is addressedVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns are resolved.

Vivint Solar has spoken with the complainantWe are currently reviewing the claim, and have advised the complainant that we will follow up with them regarding their request by the end of business on 09/01/

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this
response because: They have the ability to look at all our bills, SDGE and their own and are refusing to collect that informationThey are not cooperative with their clientsI am still waiting for a response from them regarding our invoices
*** * *** ***

The consumer has received permission to operate the system and was provided this information via email on June 12th,

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer and has explained the billing process and how the customer is saving money

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
The company has contacted me but has yet to offer me a concrete resolutionLast contact was on Thursday, November 19thI am still waiting to hear back about my desired resolution.
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Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer and come a satisfactory resolution

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Vivint Solar has been "working on a resolution" for monthsUntil an acceptable "resolution" has been presented to me I do not want this dispute closed
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Vivint Solar has spoken with the customer to discuss their concerns, and will continue to work with them until all their issues are resolvedVivint Solar has scheduled an appointment for August 12th8-11amOnce the system is connected, the customer's billing will update to their actual
production, and the proper credits will be applied to the customer's account if necessary.

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer to discuss their complaint via telephone on 3/Vivint Solar is currently working with Fleet Performance to get the compensation amount sent through ACHVivint Solar and the customer will be in constant communication in regards to compensation.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Vivint Solar contract terms are explicit and exist to ensure customers are aware of all terms listed thereinThe customer previously acknowledged that he was aware of the % escalator, prior to signing the Power Purchase AgreementThe customer claims that there was not a misunderstanding however, this contradicts his previous statements as the customer knowingly signed the Power Purchase Agreement with the 2.9% escalatorVivint Solar does not intend on amending the contract terms, and cancellation is not approvedBased on the information herein Vivint Solar requests that the close this complaint, as the customer is requesting something that is not within the terms of the agreement

Vivint Solar is currently working to address our customers concerns A technician was at the home today 4/4/performing further diagnostic work, a follow up appointment has been scheduled for 4/12/ A consistent effort will continue to be put forward as we work to address all
customer concerns

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: According to their rep Phil, Vivint refused the redo as soon as the 2nd week in May said we just had to except what we got even if it wasn't what was contracted! After stringing us along for months believing a redo was gonna happened it never did! We were promised by Jason LEast Coast Rep there would be an uninstall date! An unnstall process was started according to a Cecilia B damage claims manager on the phone and by e-mail Then all communications stoppedWhat I still don't get Vivint didn't deliver what was written in the contract even admitted to you all and the work was not done by the time frame May written in the contract! So why are we still having these conversationsThe company went against what was agreed upon in a wriiten contract! It's taken me almost a year to get anything, but empty promises with this company until I contacted the Revdex.comAs I told one Jason L*** on Sept13th, when he asked what we want after all that we have been through? I told him I have no faith in the integrity of this company, the integrity of their people, integrity of thier product, and or integrity of thier workmanship! I would like for the solar system to be removed from our house, a new roof and new siding installed! This is the only acceptable option! Vivint along with the lawyers and you at the know this is not only the right thing' but the only thing that should be done for us at this point and time! Thank You for your time in this matter! Have a good day and better tomorrow!
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Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because it took my email to Vivint Solar directly with compliant listed for anyone to contact me Vivint Solar has contacted me to
work towards a satisfactory resolution but the work still need to be completed and a satisfactory compensation for my distress and frustration is still to be worked out This is still pending in my view
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Vivint Solar has reviewed the customers complaintThe customer was provided a timeline of 4-weeks from the time the system was installedVivint Solar is still within the provided timelineWe have already submitted the request for Permission to Operate to the customer utility companyOnce we
receive approval from the utility company, Vivint Solar will contact the customer and assist them in turning the system on.

At this time, our Damage Resolutions department is working with the customer to perform a damage assessment We will continue to work with customer to address all concerns and requests for resolution

Vivint Solar is unable to cancel the customer's account nor has Vivint Solar promised any sort of cancellation to the customerVivint Solar has offered to relocate the customer's conduit to be installed in the location that Vivint Solar told the customer it would be installedVivint Solar has tried to relocate the conduit but the customer has refused to allow Vivint Solar on the property to do so. In regards to the leak, Vivint Solar could not determine whether the damage to the customer's roof was caused by the installation of the solar panelsVivint Solar has spoken with the customer's attorney and is still working to address the customers' concernsVivint Solar is still willing to relocate the conduit so that it can meet the specifications that were provided to the customer

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I received a phone call and email on Decfrom Vivint I was told that they would "look into it" I have not heard back I feel like they have had ample time to look into this, as I made my complaint in Octand the fire happened a year agoI am still waiting for resolution
* ***
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution regarding Roofing repairs only is satisfactory to me
Other repairs (fence, stucco to Nside of home) are in progress
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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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