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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has assigned a specialist, who has attempted contact by phone and email on 11/The customer called and emailed on 11/6, however the specialist was not able to take their call at that time, so we attempted contact today, 11/9, but again we were only able to leave a voicemailWe will
continue to reach out to the customer each week until we come to a resolution that is within the terms and conditions of the agreement.

A Member of our Damage Resolutions department is currently working on a resolutionWe have contacted the customer and left messages asking they return our call.

We have reached out to the service department requesting them to reach out to the customer with the requested information We will continue to assist until the customer is provided with a confirmed date for their panel removal

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: The business states that I provided completed transfer documents however, I have stated each time I have spoken to a representative of Vivint Solar that I did not sign any documentsWhen the "documents" were provided I questioned why the signature on the document did not match mine and why the signature appeared to be altered with no response from VivintAdditionally, in it's response the company states that they are continuing to work with me for a resolution, but the last correspondence I have from MrJ***, the manager at Vivint that I was originally working with who attempted to intimidate and threaten me with his prior employment as a police officer, whose management refuses to respond to multiple inquiries even after I notify them that I no longer feel comfortable working with MrJ*** as he has attempted to intimidate and threaten me, was received less than hours ago and recommended I seek legal counsel as Vivint will not be attempting to resolve this matter any longer. "Rico J*** Oct (day ago) to me Mr***, We appreciate your response to our emailAfter conferring with our Legal department regarding your account, and given your current position regarding the resolution of your requests, it does not appear that we will be able to reach a resolution at this timeWe welcome you to consult with legal counsel for adviceOnce you have done so, please send us notification so that our legal department may be in contact with your attorney."Additionally, multiple executives at Vivint solar, including CEO David B***, Dan B*** Chief Legal Officer, EVP & Secretary, T*** White Senior VP, Human Capital, Dana R*** Chief Financial Officer, and Bryan C*** Chief Operating Officer have physically blocked my email address in response to my attempted communications regarding the conduct of MrJ*** and his attempts to intimidate and threaten me into accepting Vivint Solar's attempt to defraud me.The company did not address my questions when I called them for over a monthThey did not address my questions when I spoke to management in the "executive resolutions department"They have blocked my email address when I attempted to contact chief executive officers within the company regarding illegal activities being perpetrated by their management staff and refusal of senior management to investigateAnd ultimately, they failed to address the concerns of this complaint in their response
*** ***

After the customer signed the Power Purchase Agreement on 03/16/it was immediately emailed to the email address currently being used to communicate with the customer and verified as their active email addressInstallation was not completed until 8/26/2016, in which time the customer was able to to review and read the agreement in it's entirety to ensure acceptance and comfort with the terms and agreements thereinCancellation is permitted until installation of the customer's Solar System if the customer is not accepting of the terms. The Prospective Customer Consent form was signed 3/16/The Site Survey, or inspection, was not completed until 4/1/The customer could not have the knowledge that Vivint Solar had assessed the roof and determined it to be structurally sound prior to signing this document, in which they state their roof was in good repairVivint Solar is with in the terms and conditions of the signed Power Purchase Agreement.
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is NOT satisfactory to me As I stated from the beginning Contacting you The Utah and Boston, and Harvard Law Attorneys, What Vivint Solar has done and caused me nothing but distress and grief since the beginning with the lies, deception and all the 93A factors along with all I wrote, said and contacted all of the above, and also being on the television news and front page of news papers, there are no terms and conditions as far as I am concerned because I was deceived all along, while Greg H*** said I could read the contract for to just initial or sign before I went to lady's room and kitchen and could read it when I came out of the rooms because I told him I was feeling sick so..Greg H*** said I could SHRED IT if I did not agree to it and I read nothing nor received no hard copy as promised and Greg H*** took off and ran out of my home as I CHASED after him trying to get him before he got into his car and refused to give it to me, said I didn't need it as I was chasing him and Greg H*** floored his car going miles an hour on my residential street where children and elderly live and I called him several times and said I didn't need the copy or need to see it and said he would give it to me and never did so I never to this day have a original hard copy of it which is against the law, along with all else Vivint Solar has done to me, lied to me, high pressure sales tactics, saying I would get in trouble by the government if I didn't go solar etcetcetc Greg H*** ran with it before I read it as he promised I could and could SHRED it if I didn't agree to the terms and conditions after I came out of the lady's room in my home for I was not feeling well at that time which I stated that to him and he was well aware of thatIf I was feeling well, there is no way I would have agreed to anything and yes, the paperwork what ever it was would have been SHREDDED IMMEDIATELY! As stated, Harvard Law has sent a demand letter to Vivint and also to remove all the solar panels and equipment that belongs to Vivint, and again, Vivint Solar thinks they are above the law, which they are NOT
*** ***

Vivint Solar made contact with the customer on 8/and 9/and scheduled a service appointment to address the production issue and animal guard clipsVivint Solar will maintain consistent communication with the customer going forward to resolution
I have
reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, they advised that they will set up a time with me to make the repairs to date I have only heard from they with regard to them wanting to set up a time, they have not set a time or day that they will return and make the repairs if they follow through and make the repairs then I will be satisfied, as of now I am still waiting on a resolution
*** ***

Vivint Solar has confirmed the brackets are installed correctly within our own Standard of Procedure & city codeThe issues the customer is experiencing stem from the way the roof was builtVivint Solar has confirmed this through multiple different assessments, several of them being done by licensed roofersThe root cause of the leak is from the first rows of tiles below the ridge cap along the entire home. Vivint Solar completed an assessment, and our report shows significant issues with the way the roof was built by the customers contractor, when originally installed. Vivint Solar provided the customer with a copy of the assessment, which included photos and an explanation as to why Vivint Solar is not at fault for the reported roof leak. We found along the roof ridge a lot of the first row of tile were slipping, sliding down and leaving an opening for possible water to enter. We pulled a few tiles above the array and found water spots, which indicates the water leak is above the Solar Array.We also found the same issues on roof sections that do not have Solar installedThis would also explain why there are roof leaks on the front of the home where there is no Solar installed

Vivint Solar has contacted this individual and informed them that we will be sending formal requests to the credit bureaus to remove any credit inquiries that have been made.

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer on 5/5/and created a plan of action agreed on by both parties to address the customers concernsVivint Solar provided contact information and a guarantee of follow up minimum of every business days until the customer's concerns have been resolved

Vivint Solar has contacted this customerWhen the customer's solar system was given the permission to operate by the local utility company, we contacted him to turn the solar system on, which he confirmed he would doOur monitoring portal was showing that the solar system was in stamode,
which cannot be changed unless the solar system is physically turned on by the homeownerSince he did not turn the solar equipment on, he was billed on an estimated basis for the months in questionThe solar agreement that he signed indicates that we will still charge him on an estimated basis if the solar system is not turned onHowever, we still agreed to reimburse him for those months and even add an extra $*** for goodwillEven though these issues have been addressed and resolved, the customer is still refusing to turn his solar system on and pay Vivint Solar for the energy production

At this time, we have been reaching out to the customer via phone and working with the town inspector to get the inspection closed out with the customer's utility company We will continue to reach out to keep the customer informed

All terms to which the customer is disputing are found on the first page of the customer's Power Purchase Agreement prior to the section requiring signatureIn the section just above where the customer signs, the section requiring the customer to agree to reading all of it's pages residesRegardless of the location of additional terms, it is imperative consumers read the entirety of any contract prior to signingThe customer signed their Power Purchase Agreement on 8/9/and was not installed until months later on 11/26/In this time the customer was able to read the contract in it's entirety and dispute the terms and decide not to proceed with installationVivint Solar is with in the terms of the Power Purchase Agreement and will not be cancelling the customer at this timeVivint Solar emailed the customer on 2/21/and offered to conduct an analysis to look into the customer's utility costs since receiving Permission to Operate, however Vivint Solar has not received response to date

Vivint solar contacted the customer on 5/30/and re-emailed a copy of their signed Lease Agreement and Lease Disclosures signed and dated by the customer on 1/18/and 2/2/respectivelyVivint solar previously compensated the customer regarding the internet service dispute, which was the
agreed upon resolutionDuring phone communication on 5/30/the customer was adamant in their demand for cancellation and was not open to other negotiations with regards to resolution. At this time the customer is requesting a resolution that is not with in the terms of the agreement entered into on 1/18/2016.

Vivint Solar is still working on a solution to this issueDelays are expected during the holidays, but prompt attention to this customer's concerns will continue until a solution is found

This customer was contact on on 7/31/and was given permission to operate her systemThe system has been fully functioning and the customer's concern has been fully addressed

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:#- The material (animal guard) has yet to be installed Based on past experiences, it is very likely that the
material will not be installed on the date promised.#- The poor customer service, poor treatment, broken promises and repeated lies by Vivint employees has not been addressed.I can and will provide a log I've been keeping to prove my claims
*** ***

If I could, I would leave them a negative number of stars for review
In a nutshell: THEIR SERVICE IS SO BAD THEY REFUSE TO GIVE OUT THE FULL NAMES OF THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES OR THE SUPERVISORS IN CHARGEThey will bend over backwards to get you to sign with them but once you do, good luck Every time you call customer service, it's at least an hour (only a few seconds to get to the salesperson trying to sell you their BS though)They flat out lie about taking care of your roofThe savings they promise are not nearly as good as what they claimTheir contract also comes with an ARBITRATION CLAUSE like most companies do nowadays so be aware
Long story: We got their solar panels about a year or so ago since we wanted to have some energy savings and did not want the hassle of installing solar panels that we own No hassle and supposedly a significant energy savings, right? Well, the energy savings has been less than what was promised but at least having the panels has not been a headacheOr so we thought
Let me just say that when the pitched their services, they made it seem like any and all issues that might arise from having the panels installed would be covered and fixed by them and any damage to our roof would be taken care of by them no problem Total crock of lies and advertising
They have the worst customer service It's so bad they won't even give out the names of the people we spoke with or their supervisors I have NEVER encountered a company that was that blatant about not owning up to their problems
We called them several weeks ago because we noticed that pigeons were roosting under one of the panels they installed They sent a technician to look at it finally He climbed our roof and took pictures and said "I'll show this to my boss and they should contact you about what they are going to do about it." Of course, here we are thinking that they would honor their part of the contract which states that they will take care of any problem that arises from their solar panel including the protection of the integrity of our roof So we wait to hear from them and a week goes by, another week goes by so we finally called them to find out what they were going to do about the problem
After claiming that their company does not fix the problem and me insisting on talking to the supervisor that the guy they sent out to look at our roof supposedly showed the pictures to, I get to this guy named Fosita from "sweeps (sp?) assistance" who looked into it and said their mysterious supervisor never got the pictures This after over a month of waiting for their response He promises to send an email to his supervisor and that we would hear from them in hours A week goes by We call again and after being placed on hold for nearly an hour, another guy, Brad, profusely apologizes and says it will get taken care of and makes it seem like they will actually take care of the problem and that they will e-mail us paper work for us to sign We get it a few days later and the e-mail contains a quote for $from a pest control companyNowhere on it does it say that Vivint will actually pay for it like they made it sound like they would on the phone So we called again Got the run around claiming it would have to go through their mysterious supervisor and that we would get a call back No call We call again a week later and basically after all this time and runaround, if we want to have anything done about the pigeon problem on our roof, we would have to pay for it ourselves
So whatever you do, don't sign up with them They not only won't own up to all the things they claim they will do, they aren't even brave enough to put their names out there and claim ownership of their decisions

Derek, a Vivint Solar technician is scheduled to be at the home tomorrow 4/12/with an afternoon arrival window Both the production issue and the vibration concern will be investigated further With further information provided regarding the referral, we can investigate further into this concern also Once the results from the visit have been gathered, discussion of further resolution will be had with our customer.

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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