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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: it seems like Viviant Solar does nothing unless the requests that they do something, and I feel that if I respond yes that Viviant Solar will continue to do nothing and my wife, my kids and I will be left with a leaky and moldy roof above our headsUntil this problem is 100% taken care of, I WILL pursue every course of action that I am legally allowedViviant has left me and my family to suffer for over a month with flooding issues and leaks in my roofThey have left my wife and I to suffer financially, and they have not lived up to the promises they have made, and they're employees a NOT helpfulViviant has wronged me and my family in every way conceivable
*** ***

Vivint Solar has requested an invoice from the customerOnce the invoice has been provided to Vivint Solar, we will be able to proceed with the next step

Vivint Solar removed the solar system on 7/for repairs to take place We will work diligently to schedule panel re-installation at the customers convenience once roof repairs have been completed

Vivint Solar has removed the customer's solar panels and is currently working with a third party contractor to make repairs to the customer's roofVivint Solar has spoken to the customer regarding their concerns, and will continue to work with the customer until their damage concerns are resolved
Once the repairs are completedVivint Solar will work with the customer to ensure the panels are reinstalled and the roof is sealed to a watertight condition
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Vivint Solar has been working with the customer to come to a resolution within the terms and conditions of the agreementA site survey has been scheduled to verify if the new home is capable of supporting the systemSeveral factors are considered when pricing of the relocation occurs, some of
these include distance from the original home, labor costs, new permits and inspections among other factors

Vivint Solar contacted the customer 7/14/to address their concernsAfter speaking with the customer, a plan was made to work out a resolution within the terms and conditions of the agreementVivint Solar and the customer will remain in constant communication regarding the complaint

Vivint Solar has addressed this concern with the customerThe customer was made aware that Vivint Solar can only send the necessary documentation required by the credit bureauVivint Solar can not personally remove the inquiryThe credit bureau is the one who will decide if the inquiry will be removed from the customer's credit reportThe customer will need to follow up with the credit bureau for further resolution.

Section 5.E of the customer's Power Purchase Agreement, signed 03/16/and solidified by installation and signing of the Installation Work Order on 08/27/states:"After the fifth (5th) anniversary of the In Service Date, if You provide Us with at least thirty (30) days’ prior written notice,
then We will temporarily remove and reinstall the System at Your request to allow for such repair or improvement (a “Customer Requested Temporary Shutdown”)You will be required to (1) pay to Us a fee equal to Four Hundred and Ninety-Nine Dollars ($499) before We remove the System; (2) securely store the System components during the Customer-Requested Temporary Shutdown; and (3) pay the Shutdown Payment if the System is not reinstalled within thirty (30) days of removalA Customer-Requested Temporary Shutdown during the first five (5) years of the Agreement will be done at Our sole discretion and at a cost mutually agreed before We remove the System"The customer signed a Prospective Customer Consent Form 03/16/which asks:Is Your roof in good condition, without defects, sufficient for Us to install and operate a solar system?To which the customer answered "Yes"Vivint Solar called the customer leaving a voicemail and sent a follow up email on 1/12/2018

Local office has reached out the the customer and made an appointment for September 30th to come and complete a service on his home.

Vivint Solar is fixing the issues that the customer brought upAll invoices that are incorrect will be corrected for the customer and any outstanding compensations will be sent out
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Vivint Solar is actively working with the Customer to come to a
resolution that does not violate the agreement Vivint Solar and the Customer
entered into but also positively helps the Customer in
this situation

Vivint Solar's specialist reached out to the customer to provide a progress reportWe are still attempting to have an appointment scheduled to address the system issue, and it has been labeled as a high priorityThe PPA agreement has been emailed to the customer as well, so they now have a copy on fileWe are in communication the customer's sales representative to get more information as to what happened, and what was discussed We are still pending the results, and Vivint Solar will be providing constant updates as we gain more information

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on January 22ndWe do not see cancellation as an option, however, Vivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns have been addressed

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 12/04/We informed the customer we are working on a resolutionThe customer was emailed direct contact information for the Specialist assigned to his account.

Vivint Solar has attempted to reach out to the customer, but we have not yet made contact with himWe hope to hear from him soon so that we can find the best solution to his concerns and will continue our attempts to make contact

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer to address the complaint but has been unable to speak with themA panel removal was scheduled for 5/15, and the appointment was completedVivint Solar will continue to reach the customer until the concerns are addressed and resolved.

Vivint Solar has reached out to the customer regarding the complaintWe have addressed the agreement and they years of the agreementWe have also explained to the customer his utility bills that the usage is trending the same as it originally wasHe is saving by not going into the higher tiersFleet Performance is currently working with the customer on any possible compensation for estimated billing,which is in the term of his contract, for two monthsVivint Solar is still working with the customer to come to a resolution within the terms of the signed agreement

I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
Dean M***

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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