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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
I am writing to ask you please reopen the Complaint ID referenced above the company and myself had a mutual agreement that the company would install the critter guards with no cost to meThe company Vivian Solar sent me a check for the cost $which I placed into my personal accountI made the appointment with the installer and the installer came to add the guards to solar panelsThe company withdrew from my account the entire $for the install but the install was not completed this has been over weeksThe installer added the guards to of the panels and when asked why the job was not completed the answer was there was a squirrel under the panels and the installer did not feel safeI am now dealing with Joshua Turner at Vivint Solar and I e-mail him every week for the past weeks and my response is always upper management has not gotten back to him yet He also stated that upper management meets weekly to discuss such issues so I am not sure why I have to wait weeks and countingI would like Vivint Solar to complete the job as I currently have a family of squirrels damaging my homeI also would like to add I already paid $to remove one family of squirrels from my home the company I used was All About Bats and Wildlife but Vivint Solar took so long to agree to pay for the panels the squirrels returned before the guards were installed I do not feel I should have to pay again for the removal of the squirrelsSincerely,
*** * *** ***

A letter requesting reversal of the credit check has been sent to Mosaic the 3rd party loan company, Vivint Solar sent this letter this past week This request may take several weeks to be processed, this time will give Mosaic time to review the request and take proper actions

The complainants spouse, who is also on the deed to the home is the one that signed the contractWe only require that one of the homeowners sign the contractThe customer was provided a copy of the signed contractThe customer has a right to cancel anytime prior to the panels being installedThe
contract was signed 08/The Solar Panels were not installed until 11/What the customer is requesting does not fall within the terms of the agreement.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: it is still pending final resolution The company is working with us
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:I am not sure what communications MrScott D*** is referring to, but our last response is the same as todays responseNo one has answered my question as to whether or not I can be FORCED to subscribe to an "Auto-Pay" scenario through my bank or credit card company.As I have stated, I do not now nor do I intend to have any of my debts paid through such a p rogram. Furthermore, I demand that I receive a proper Billing Statementin a timely fashion, so that I can pay my debts by personal check. The Vivint Company is absolutely not responding to these basic requestsThey continue to insist thatI subscribe to their "Auto-Pay" program before I can have access to a monthly billing statementThis seems absurd and possibly illegal to meIs there anyone at the Revdex.comwho can advise me about my rights as a consumer? As far as I am concerned, if they cannot bill me in a fashion, they (Vivint) can come and remove their equipment from my homeThe sooner, the better
*** ***

Vivint Solar apologizes for the misunderstanding that occurred between the customer and the sales representativeOur contract terms are explicit and exist to ensure customers are aware of all terms listed thereinIn the event there are miscommunications during the oral presentation between the sales representative and the customer, the contract is in place to ensure the customer is properly informed of the agreement they are entering into. It is the customers responsibility to read the contract in its entirety before signing the agreement. Section 3(e) of the signed Solar Purchase Agreement states: " WE DO NOT WARRANT OR GUARANTEE (i) THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY PRODUCED BY THE SYSTEM FOR ANY PERIOD, (ii) ANY COST SAVINGS, OR (iii) THE EXISTENCE OF OR PRICING ASSOCIATED WITH ANY NET METERING PROGRAM, OR UTILITY OR GOVERNMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAMUTILITY RATES AND UTILITY RATE STRUCTURES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGETHESE CHANGES CANNOT BE ACCURATELY PREDICTED "We have attempted to contact the customer to help them set up their online account center for monitoring purposes.The customer is also welcome to call into request assistance with the online account center at 877-404-Option As previously stated to the customer we are more than happy to look into the referral bonus inquiries given the customer can provide documented proof of the alleged promises.

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer via email on 12/18/to schedule a callDue to the time difference Vivint Solar wants to make sure the customer is available to go over their accountVivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a
resolution within the terms of the agreement

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 4/via email in regards to the complaint. Vivint Solar will remain in communication with the customer regarding the complaint to come to an agreed upon resolution.

Vivint Solar has been working with the customer within the terms and conditions of the agreementCustomer has requested that we communicate through the Attorney Generals officeVivint Solar has sent a response to the AGs office and is currently waiting for a response

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer by 10/and will work toward a solution that is beneficial for both parties

Vivint Solar spoke with the customer on 12/05/regarding the complaintDuring the discussion Vivint Solar made an offer to the customer to resolve the complaintThe customer declined that offer and it was decided we would speak again the following dayVivint Solar attempted to contact the
customer again on 12/06/17, and a voicemail was leftVivint Solar will try and contact the customer again on 12/08/to further discuss a resolution.

Vivint Solar does not guarantee Federal tax credit amountsInformation regarding the tax credit and where to obtain information regarding the tax credit was included in the Solar Purchase Agreement (SPA) as well as the loan documents sent to the customer by Mosaic.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:Please do not close this caseThis company has worst customer services I never seeAbout one week I summit my complaint to your organizationI got the following email from Vivint SolarI called this person five time, there is nobody picking up phone and can not leaving voice messageI also sent three emails to the person without any responseThen I called the customer service again last TuesdayThe representative said that my case has send to leadership teamThere will be some one from the team call me by Friday, if not he will call me by himselfhe only give me his badge number #***. Friday has passed, there is nobody contact me at all.Please help me resolve the problem. Sincerely,*** ***

Vivint Solar is currently in communication with the customer regarding the complaintWe have mutually agreed upon a resolution within the terms of the agreement

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: Iam still awaiting them to review my bills and system to see what the
problem isI have not heard back since they contacted me on Tuesday so I need more time to see what they are actually going to say and do
*** ***

Vivint Solar reached out to the customer on 2/to discuss the customer's concernsVivint Solar requested the customer send in recent utility bills, to review the customer's concerns regarding the performance of his systemVivint Solar has also made the customer aware that we will continue to
enforce the Power Purchase Agreement signed by both parties and will not be removing the system installed at the customer's propertyVivint Solar will continue to work to resolve the customer's concerns

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer to discuss their concerns with production and billingThere is no compensation due for the customer as we find the system is operating normallyThe customer is receiving energy credits from their utility provider for the production of the solar panel system,
thus also confirming normality of the solar panelsThe customer's utility provider, APS, has an On-Peak and Off-Peak period, as the rates are different during both timesMost of the production occurs during the On-Peak period, and APS restrictions do not permit the customer to utilize their credits in their On-Peak bank for their Off-Peak periodThis is not something that Vivint Solar has control over, and the customer has been advised to speak with their utility provider to settle their credits with them.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: I have not received anything in writing from vivantI have requested numerous timesThey won't show me any billsOr any credit information that they state I haveThey refuse to provide any documentation that my system is even workingI continue to call and they still continue to deny my requestI am asking for the or anyone to assist me in thus matter.
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:
It was never resolved. As usual they have not come back to put the panels back. It is now going on months
*** ***

The specialist assigned to ***'s case attempted to reach the customer by phone and email on 8/15, and by phone again on 8/16, with no responseWe are still awaiting the completion of the appointment scheduled for 8/in order to advance toward a resolutionAt the current time, we need to have the system communicating so we can accurately evaluate its performanceAt that point, we will be able to determine the best course of action to take, as the results of the evaluation are pertinent to moving forwardVivint Solar's specialist will continue to reach out by phone and email to work with the customer to come to a resolution

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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