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Vivint Solar

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Vivint Solar Reviews (2526)

Vivint Solar has investigated the claims made by the customer and has determined that the roof leak was not caused by Vivint SolarWe are still in the process of coordinating an appointment for the panel reinstall, and will contact the customer by 3/to have one scheduledVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns have been addressed

Vivint Solar is in communication with the customer, and is in the process of completing a saving's analysis for themVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until their concerns have been resolved.

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: there will be no resolution within daysVivint solar will "review" my electric bills to "see" if I have benefited from having solar panels as promised by vivint solar I pay my bills and know that I have never received what was promised in my contract related to having lower nstar electric bills So looking into my bills does not help me have lower electric bills from my primary electric company .Also I was told on a recorded line when today when speaking with the representative that she cannot "guarantee" that I will receive the referral bonusWhen I told her that when I am placed on hold with vivint solar the automatic message clearly states that vivint solar offers a referral bonus of $250, she admitted to viewing enteries about me calling asking about the bonus and the woman I refereed works in my office and I can have her get on the phone and confirm that I referred her, the representative then stated she would "look into it"I will be satisfied when vivint solar produces actual results and adheres to their end of the agreement not continues to promise me things! I entered into a legal written agreement and I've held up my end, its time for vivint to be held to theirs.
*** ***

We have refunded the customer for the billing mistake, and have sent additional compensation. The Supervisor from the Solar Workout Team is in contact with the customer, and is continuing to work with the customer to finalize a satisfactory resolution, that is within the terms of the Power
Purchase Agreement

Vivint Solar has contacted the customer on 5/8/and agreed upon a plan of action to resolve the customer's concernsVivint Solar has also ensured contact with the customer no less than every seven business days to update the customer on the progress of the resolution

Vivint Solar has attempted to contact the customer via telephone and via email on 4/30/with no responseVivint Solar will continue to contact the customer regarding their complaint to discuss a resolution within the terms of the agreement
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Vivint Solar was able to schedule a Service appointment for 06/29/We have confirmed that the
system is online and producingWe are still working with the customer regarding compensationVivint Solar has requested a copy of the customers current utility bill, so we may determine an appropriate compensation amountThe customer has agreed to send a copy of his new bill once he has received it

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because: it seems like Viviant Solar does nothing unless the requests that they do something, and I feel that if I respond yes that Viviant Solar will continue to do nothing and my wife, my kids and I will be left with a leaky and moldy roof above our headsUntil this problem is 100% taken care of, I WILL pursue every course of action that I am legally allowedViviant has left me and my family to suffer for over a month with flooding issues and leaks in my roofThey have left my wife and I to suffer financially, and they have not lived up to the promises they have made, and they're employees a NOT helpfulViviant has wronged me and my family in every way conceivable
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Vivint Solar coordinated with a 3rd party contractor to go to the customer's home on 5/17/and are currently awaiting the contractor's submitted bid for repairsOnce received, Vivint Solar will review the scope of work needed and reach out to the customer to confirm the next steps in the
process for repairsVivint Solar attempted contact for follow up to the customer on 5/18/

Vivint Solar has been in communication with the customerWe have come to an agreement with the customer to resolve the concernsThe customer is satisfied with the resolution.

Vivint Solar contacted the customer on 12/to inform him of his panel reinstall dateVivint Solar specialist will continue to monitor the account and ensure the panels are installed in a timely manner.

We went and examined the concern of the customer, discovered that the real issue was the ground fault interrupter and that our solar did not have any bearing on the electrical issueWe discussed the issue with the customer and then identified to him what the electrical issue was that was causing
his concernHe now understands that Vivint Solar is not at fault and now has an indication of what needs to be done to fix the issue.

Vivint Solar has scheduled a visit for 1/to resolve the system issueThe assigned specialist has taken steps to make sure the appointment goes through smoothly, and the customer has been informed of the appointmentUntil the scheduled date, Vivint Solar will be attempting to schedule for a sooner date, and we will notify the customer if we are able to do so

Vivint Solar is currently in communication with the customer regarding the complaintVivint Solar and the customer are working towards an agreement regarding the animal guards within the terms of the customer's current contract.

Vivint Solar is currently working with the customer to address all damages allegedly caused by the Vivint Solar InstallationThe customer has conducted a mold test so that further details can be provided to usVivint Solar will continue to work with the customer until all concerns with the
customer have been addressed
I have reviewed the response made by the business in reference to complaint ID ***, and find that this resolution is satisfactory to me
*** ***

Complaint: ***
I am rejecting this response because:until the technicians
show up on the scheduled date of Dec14, as guaranteed by Vivint and complete all necessary work to my satisfaction and adjust my bill which means during the summer months my breaker was off and I paid in full to my electric company without the discount of my solar service every and all aspects I demand reimbursement in full from Vivint for all my five months of payments which means Vivint must track The prior years Of summer months when my electric bill would be the highest Until this entire fiasco on Vivints part is resolved to my COMPLETE satisfaction I will not pay a dime nor will I consider this complete If need be I will hire an attorney to collect what is due to me and the stress and aggravation this has caused for five months This company should be embarrassed by their lack of customer service which unfortunately I have found out I am not the only one which once they contract you they don't give a damn what happens afterwards My advice would be if they call or show up at your house run as fast as you can away from these people they are no good I am so sorry I got involved with them this was the worst decision ever !!!
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Vivint Solar spoke with the customer via phone on 5/4/We were able to address all billing concerns with the customer, and will continue to work with the customer to ensure they are satisfied

Vivint Solar attempted to contact the customer to discuss their complaint via telephone on 5/24/The customer was unavailable and we were unable to leave a voicemailAdditionally, we emailed the customer on 5/24/Vivint Solar will continue to reach out to the customer regarding the

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Address: 2510 Dean Lesher Dr, Concord, California, United States, 94520


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